0:00 - 0:09I changed virtually everything in my
0:06 - 0:12life from my emotions to my finances
0:09 - 0:14from my confidence to my physical health
0:12 - 0:17how do they do it well I use what I call
0:14 - 0:20the ultimate success formula and here's
0:17 - 0:21what it is it has four steps if you want
0:20 - 0:23to create the success in your life it
0:21 - 0:25always comes back to this you can use
0:23 - 0:26whatever technology you want to
0:25 - 0:29reprogram yourself but these are the
0:26 - 0:32four steps for success step number one
0:29 - 0:34you've got to know your outcome in any
0:32 - 0:35situation in life you've got to decide
0:34 - 0:38right now what do I want out of this
0:35 - 0:40situation in my life the more clear you
0:38 - 0:41are on what you want the more you
0:40 - 0:43empower your brain to come up with
0:41 - 0:44answers there's an old phrase that may
0:43 - 0:45have been overused but I think it's
0:44 - 0:49pretty accurate
0:45 - 0:51it says clarity is power you must get
0:49 - 0:53focused on what you want and in this
0:51 - 0:55tape program we have a goal-setting
0:53 - 0:57workshop it's going to help you to get
0:55 - 0:59precisely clear and what you want in
0:57 - 1:01your life mentally emotionally socially
0:59 - 1:03spiritually intellectually so that you
1:01 - 1:05have something that's the driving force
1:03 - 1:07behind your behavior how can you use
1:05 - 1:09this first formula to make a difference
1:07 - 1:10in your life right now how could just
1:09 - 1:11getting clear and knowing your outcome
1:10 - 1:13help you well I believe when you know
1:11 - 1:15your outcome you've empowered yourself I
1:13 - 1:17mean let's say for example you're in the
1:15 - 1:18middle of an argument and have you ever
1:17 - 1:20gotten caught up in an argument we're so
1:18 - 1:22caught up in it that you forgot what
1:20 - 1:25you're even arguing for but you knew you
1:22 - 1:26had to win I know I've been there see if
1:25 - 1:28in the middle of that argument you would
1:26 - 1:30ask the question hey what's my outcome
1:28 - 1:32in this situation you're going to
1:30 - 1:34probably find out your outcome is not to
1:32 - 1:36argue the outcome you want is to resolve
1:34 - 1:37something when you get focused on what
1:36 - 1:39you really want out of a situation you
1:37 - 1:42empower your brain to use its resources
1:39 - 1:44to produce results right now so get into
1:42 - 1:46that habit the habit of asking yourself
1:44 - 1:48what's my outcome and throughout these
1:46 - 1:5030 days I'm going to constantly ask you
1:48 - 1:52how can you use this what I just said
1:50 - 1:54what's useful about that for your life
1:52 - 1:56what is your outcome and applying this
1:54 - 1:58in your own life it's critical to
1:56 - 1:59continually focus on your target even if
1:58 - 2:01you're just going to buy to visit with a
1:59 - 2:03friend on the way over to see a friend
2:01 - 2:05ask yourself what's my outcome maybe the
2:03 - 2:07answer is we'll just have fun or to make
2:05 - 2:10my friend feel really appreciated and
2:07 - 2:11loved now if you know that your outcome
2:10 - 2:12your chances of having more fun or
2:11 - 2:14making
2:12 - 2:16friends feel love go up a thousand
2:14 - 2:18percent versus if you just go over and
2:16 - 2:19hang out and wonder why you're bored now
2:18 - 2:21I'm not saying you have to be so
2:19 - 2:23goal-oriented that every minute you're
2:21 - 2:24trying to achieve something I'm just
2:23 - 2:26saying it's useful to let your brain
2:24 - 2:29know the direction that you're heading
2:26 - 2:31and everyone I know who succeeded had to
2:29 - 2:33start with getting clear on exactly what
2:31 - 2:35they wanted your step to the ultimate
2:33 - 2:37success form by the way step one I did I
2:35 - 2:40decided what I wanted physically
2:37 - 2:43financially emotionally in my business I
2:40 - 2:45looked at everything spiritually once I
2:43 - 2:45knew I had the first stage of my
2:45 - 2:48personal power
2:45 - 2:50step two - tapping your power is you've
2:48 - 2:52got to use it that is you've got to get
2:50 - 2:54yourself to take action and move towards
2:52 - 2:55the achievement of your goals now what
2:54 - 2:59most people tell me is but I don't know
2:55 - 3:02what to do I don't know I'd never ever
2:59 - 3:04what if I try and it doesn't work all I
3:02 - 3:06can say Dee is this if you try it it
3:04 - 3:07doesn't work you got an education you're
3:06 - 3:09better off than where you were before
3:07 - 3:10because you now know what doesn't work
3:09 - 3:11and you'll probably make a distinction
3:10 - 3:14or two that'll help you succeed even
3:11 - 3:16more most people life have no idea what
3:14 - 3:17they want but worse a few people know
3:16 - 3:18what they want but they don't do
3:17 - 3:20anything about it
3:18 - 3:23they just sit around and hope or say
3:20 - 3:26someday honey we'll do this someday is
3:23 - 3:28now some day is here I remember hearing
3:26 - 3:31a phrase years ago that said the road to
3:28 - 3:33someday leads to a town of nowhere it's
3:31 - 3:34a place you don't want to end up in so
3:33 - 3:36you got to get yourself to take action
3:34 - 3:38how do you do that you decide
3:36 - 3:40I hear people all the time saying well
3:38 - 3:42gosh how do I change my life and my
3:40 - 3:44answer is decide to make a decision
3:42 - 3:46right now you're not willing to settle
3:44 - 3:47for anything less than you can be that
3:46 - 3:49you're not willing to live the way
3:47 - 3:51you're living right now no matter how
3:49 - 3:52good it may seem but you're going to
3:51 - 3:54push yourself to the next level
3:52 - 3:56demanding more from yourself than
3:54 - 4:00anybody else could possibly expect is
3:56 - 4:01true power and all it takes is deciding
4:00 - 4:04remember the word decision in its
4:01 - 4:06original Latin root means to cut off
4:04 - 4:09from when you decide you cut off from
4:06 - 4:11any other possibility the biggest trap
4:09 - 4:14that keeps people from taking action is
4:11 - 4:16their fear their fear of failure their
4:14 - 4:18fear of success their fear of rejection
4:16 - 4:20their fear of pain if you're the unknown
4:18 - 4:23the only way to deal with fear is face
4:20 - 4:24it look at I - I and take action in
4:23 - 4:25spite of it I'm sure you've probably
4:24 - 4:27heard of some of the seminar
4:25 - 4:28I do in which we teach people how to
4:27 - 4:30break through their fears and take
4:28 - 4:32action and at the end of the seminar
4:30 - 4:33they get a chance to use what they've
4:32 - 4:36learned to overcome a major fear and
4:33 - 4:39literally walk through fire between 800
4:36 - 4:40and 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit now a lot
4:39 - 4:42of people think it's crazy but why would
4:40 - 4:45you do a thing like that well it's not
4:42 - 4:47to teach people new picnic skills and if
4:45 - 4:49not mind over matter right now you could
4:47 - 4:50walk through fire I'm not encouraging
4:49 - 4:53you to make sure you hear me but you
4:50 - 4:55could it's absolutely possible you don't
4:53 - 4:57need me to do it you could also be up at
4:55 - 4:596 o'clock a.m. with total passion for
4:57 - 5:01living you could also have the person of
4:59 - 5:03your dreams be in your life right now
5:01 - 5:04you could also be earning what you're
5:03 - 5:06worth you could also have more influence
5:04 - 5:10on your children than virtually anyone
5:06 - 5:11else but few people do it's not what we
5:10 - 5:14can do in life that makes the difference
5:11 - 5:15it's what we will do and we don't follow
5:14 - 5:17through because we don't know what we
5:15 - 5:20want oftentimes and when we know we're
5:17 - 5:23afraid to take action listen fear can
5:20 - 5:25service fear isn't all bad it'll make us
5:23 - 5:27pay attention as long as fear is a
5:25 - 5:29counselor and not a jailer make sure
5:27 - 5:31that you listen to your fear make some
5:29 - 5:32more distinctions and get yourself to
5:31 - 5:34take action in spite of it and I got to
5:32 - 5:36tell you breaking through fear is like
5:34 - 5:37anything else it's like a muscle in the
5:36 - 5:39beginning if you try and lift a heavy
5:37 - 5:42weight boy you might say gosh I can't do
5:39 - 5:45this but if you start small and you
5:42 - 5:47build every single day for like 30 days
5:45 - 5:48for example and what's going to happen
5:47 - 5:50is every day you get a little stronger
5:48 - 5:52and pretty soon it becomes effortless to
5:50 - 5:54do what used to feel like it was
5:52 - 5:56impossible it's time for you to develop
5:54 - 5:58the muscle of making decisions quickly
5:56 - 6:01and easily and following through on them
5:58 - 6:03here's the third key element to the
6:01 - 6:05ultimate success formula once you know
6:03 - 6:07what you want and you get yourself to
6:05 - 6:08take action do your actions always work
6:07 - 6:11of course not
6:08 - 6:13most people might fail much more often
6:11 - 6:15they succeed in fact the most successful
6:13 - 6:16people are the most successful people
6:15 - 6:17because they failed more than anybody
6:16 - 6:20else I mean think about it
6:17 - 6:23think about any baseball in baseball a
6:20 - 6:25Hall of Famer someone who's the best in
6:23 - 6:29the world at what they do in the area of
6:25 - 6:31baseball they fail 7 times out of 10
6:29 - 6:33how'd you like to have a life like that
6:31 - 6:35bottom line is to get in the Hall of
6:33 - 6:37Fame they only succeed about 30% of the
6:35 - 6:38time they failed more than 70% of the
6:37 - 6:41time and you know
6:38 - 6:43that's how life is - he listened and
6:41 - 6:45doing this taping with you and talking
6:43 - 6:46you personally I may not sound elegant
6:45 - 6:48all the time because I don't care what I
6:46 - 6:50want to do is get across you I want you
6:48 - 6:51to get the message in your gut that's
6:50 - 6:53what matters me if I say something
6:51 - 6:53doesn't work I just move on to something
6:53 - 6:56else
6:53 - 6:58and I ask you to try the same thing in
6:56 - 6:59life most people life has a fear of
6:58 - 7:02failure don't try anything at all that's
6:59 - 7:03ultimate failure you got to get yourself
7:02 - 7:06to take action you got to get yourself
7:03 - 7:07to follow through and you've got to be
7:06 - 7:10willing to notice whether it's working
7:07 - 7:11or not that's step three notice what
7:10 - 7:13you're getting from your actions in
7:11 - 7:15other words you know what you want you
7:13 - 7:17got yourself to take action now notice
7:15 - 7:20is it working am I getting closer to my
7:17 - 7:22goal or further away don't kid yourself
7:20 - 7:24or just keep taking action because after
7:22 - 7:25all you work so hard to do it this way I
7:24 - 7:27might as well keep on doing it so you
7:25 - 7:27don't want to get locked in a tunnel
7:27 - 7:31vision
7:27 - 7:32remember flexibility is power what
7:31 - 7:34you've got to do those know what you're
7:32 - 7:35getting I mean a standard example is
7:34 - 7:38have you ever had somebody come up and
7:35 - 7:40talk to you and they're going on and on
7:38 - 7:42and on and you're trying to be very
7:40 - 7:44polite and they mistake you're being
7:42 - 7:48polite there's a way to speed up this
7:44 - 7:49formula and that way is this instead of
7:48 - 7:51just knowing what you want and taking
7:49 - 7:54random actions you can use what I call
7:51 - 7:57role modeling to accelerate the pace of
7:54 - 7:59your success what I did is I said okay
7:57 - 8:01what do I want I'm 38 pounds overweight
7:59 - 8:02I want to lose this weight I want to be
8:01 - 8:0438 pounds lighter and I want to have
8:02 - 8:07more energy I want to feel more vibrant
8:04 - 8:08in my life you can tell by my energy
8:07 - 8:10level that I'm real low energy person
8:08 - 8:12now compared to I was then seriously I
8:10 - 8:14decided what I wanted and then what I
8:12 - 8:16did is I said okay I got to take action
8:14 - 8:18but what action should I take I didn't
8:16 - 8:20know I tried dieting a zillion times and
8:18 - 8:21you know what it would work I would lose
8:20 - 8:23weight then I gained it right back again
8:21 - 8:25and I'd lose weight and gain it back
8:23 - 8:27again so what I decided to do is instead
8:25 - 8:29of just taking some actions and sooner
8:27 - 8:31or later figuring it out I decided to
8:29 - 8:33use a role model I said let me find
8:31 - 8:36someone who's already getting the
8:33 - 8:37results that I want let me find out what
8:36 - 8:39that person is doing and do the same
8:37 - 8:43things not as I believe that success
8:39 - 8:44leaves clues that if people succeed it's
8:43 - 8:47because they're doing certain things
8:44 - 8:49over and over and over again and if we
8:47 - 8:50do the same kinds of things if we plant
8:49 - 8:52the same kinds of seeds we're going to
8:50 - 8:54reap the same kind
8:52 - 8:56regardless of our age or a background or
8:54 - 8:58religion or color or a gender none of
8:56 - 9:00that matters what matters is the law
8:58 - 9:02works for everyone and if you apply it
9:00 - 9:05it'll work but you got to know what to
9:02 - 9:07do and so this program is the result of
9:05 - 9:08me going out and modeling people that
9:07 - 9:10are successful that is instead of
9:08 - 9:11reinventing the wheel and having you and
9:10 - 9:13I keep doing trial and error on
9:11 - 9:14everything I said hey let me find some
9:13 - 9:15he's already in the results find out
9:14 - 9:18what they do do the same thing get the
9:15 - 9:19same results speed up time you gotta
9:18 - 9:22remember knowledge is not power
9:19 - 9:24knowledge is potential power I mean
9:22 - 9:25don't you know someone who knows what
9:24 - 9:27they should do with their life knows
9:25 - 9:28they should change your life knows how
9:27 - 9:30they can change the life and they still
9:28 - 9:34don't do it you know somebody like that
9:30 - 9:36may be intimately like maybe you for
9:34 - 9:38example at times then the bottom line is
9:36 - 9:41knowledge is not enough we got to get
9:38 - 9:41ourselves to follow through so what did
9:41 - 9:44I do
9:41 - 9:47I found somebody who had been overweight
9:44 - 9:49like me had become thin and stayed thin
9:47 - 9:50for years I found out what this person
9:49 - 9:52did and I did the same things I'm going
9:50 - 9:54to teach you in this program what to do
9:52 - 9:56to do that it wasn't just dieting that's
9:54 - 9:58not enough that's a result of following
9:56 - 10:00through and taking the same actions I
9:58 - 10:03lost 30 pounds in 30 days
10:00 - 10:05I lost all 38 pounds in about 7 weeks
10:03 - 10:07and I haven't gone back and the reason
10:05 - 10:10is I didn't just change my diet I
10:07 - 10:12learned to mentally conditioned myself
10:10 - 10:14to feel differently about certain foods
10:12 - 10:15I was addicted to so I no longer had a
10:14 - 10:18desire for them the things that used to
10:15 - 10:19push me over the edge I did the same
10:18 - 10:22thing in the area of relationships I
10:19 - 10:24found a man who had the woman of my
10:22 - 10:26dreams and I talked to her today
10:24 - 10:27how did you attract this woman and I
10:26 - 10:28talked to her and said why do you like
10:27 - 10:30this guy you know why are you in a
10:28 - 10:32relationship with him and I began to
10:30 - 10:34find out certain things he did that made
10:32 - 10:35that relationship work and I start
10:34 - 10:38applying some of the same things and I
10:35 - 10:39did the same thing financially I went
10:38 - 10:42from a place where I had no confidence
10:39 - 10:43in myself emotionally feeling depressed
10:42 - 10:46to a place of total strength and
10:43 - 10:48financially I mean a measurable change
10:46 - 10:49to say the least I was broke living in
10:48 - 10:51my for mid square-foot bachelor
10:49 - 10:53apartment what happened in less than 12
10:51 - 10:55months I moved my 1,200 square foot
10:53 - 10:56apartment major progress at the time 3
10:55 - 10:58times bigger
10:56 - 11:01to about 4 months later I moved to a
10:58 - 11:0310,000 square foot castle literally a
11:01 - 11:05castle built in 1925 with a big
11:03 - 11:07three-story turret
11:05 - 11:09we're looking the crashing waves of Del
11:07 - 11:10Mar California I don't tell you this to
11:09 - 11:13impress you I tell it to impress upon
11:10 - 11:15you how quickly you can make changes in
11:13 - 11:17your life if you learn to master this
11:15 - 11:19incredible computer between your ears
11:17 - 11:21called your brain that's we're going to
11:19 - 11:24study we're going to study neurosciences
11:21 - 11:25the sciences of success conditioning
11:24 - 11:27that's what this whole program is about
11:25 - 11:29we're going to do it a little piece at a
11:27 - 11:32time so it's simple if you will do that
11:29 - 11:34the culmination of the 30 days you will
11:32 - 11:36find you've gone on a mental diet that
11:34 - 11:38will change your life forever if success
11:36 - 11:41is really this simple if you could go
11:38 - 11:42from being where I was years ago broken
11:41 - 11:44every sense of the word
11:42 - 11:47emotionally broke physically broke
11:44 - 11:49socially broke and financially broke to
11:47 - 11:51wealthy in all those areas meeting my
11:49 - 11:53dreams becoming a millionaire in less
11:51 - 11:55than 12 months that's really possible if
11:53 - 11:57it's really as simple as using your
11:55 - 11:58personal power and being flexible in
11:57 - 12:00your approach and modeling those
11:58 - 12:01successful people if it's really that
12:00 - 12:04simple how come everybody doesn't do
12:01 - 12:06this that's a good question a lot of
12:04 - 12:07things in life are really simple that
12:06 - 12:10people don't apply them because they get
12:07 - 12:13caught up in day to day stuff like well
12:10 - 12:15you know I've got to pay my dues I get
12:13 - 12:17caught up in making that living it's
12:15 - 12:18better designing the life and they come
12:17 - 12:20to the end of their life and find out
12:18 - 12:22they lived only 1/10 of it not because
12:20 - 12:23they weren't intelligent simply because
12:22 - 12:25they didn't get clear about what they
12:23 - 12:27wanted they didn't get themselves to
12:25 - 12:30consistently take action and develop
12:27 - 12:33that decision-making massive action
12:30 - 12:35muscle in an emotional body they didn't
12:33 - 12:37vary their behaviors and now they're
12:35 - 12:39stuck it's not a place I think you want
12:37 - 12:40to be otherwise you wouldn't invested in
12:39 - 12:42this program and you wouldn't be taking
12:40 - 12:43the time to listen now so what I'm
12:42 - 12:45asking to do is break through those
12:43 - 12:46fears that stop you and you know the
12:45 - 12:48biggest one that comes up again and
12:46 - 12:50again we've already mentioned is failure
12:48 - 12:52I want you to know that failure can be
12:50 - 12:54your best friend I mean think about it
12:52 - 12:56the greatest successes in the world are
12:54 - 12:58people who often have so much pain from
12:56 - 13:00a failure that drove them to much
12:58 - 13:02greater success did you know those
13:00 - 13:04little 3m stickers for example those
13:02 - 13:05ones that you see that you can put there
13:04 - 13:07I think they're called post-it notes you
13:05 - 13:09can write on and put them on something
13:07 - 13:10and take it right off instantly do you
13:09 - 13:12know that was a result of a massive
13:10 - 13:15failure by the chemist he was working at
13:12 - 13:17the time to create and he civ that would
13:15 - 13:18last forever something that you could
13:17 - 13:20never pry things apart
13:18 - 13:22and as a result he came up with a stuff
13:20 - 13:23that didn't work at all but he was smart
13:22 - 13:25enough to say hey what can I use this
13:23 - 13:26for how could I use the supposed failure
13:25 - 13:28and he turned it into a
13:26 - 13:31multimillion-dollar business
13:28 - 13:32Lee Iacocca most people would agree with
13:31 - 13:34one of the more successful role models
13:32 - 13:35in our country now I got a question for
13:34 - 13:38you how come he so successful because
13:35 - 13:39he's a wonder kid well yeah you could
13:38 - 13:41say that he worked for a company called
13:39 - 13:42Ford Motor Company and he worked his way
13:41 - 13:45through the ranks right up to the top
13:42 - 13:46worked his tail off was driven what
13:45 - 13:48really marked him his ability to get
13:46 - 13:51people to take action his personal power
13:48 - 13:52he develops skill because he's one to
13:51 - 13:55try almost anything he wouldn't accept
13:52 - 13:56no for an answer but you know what he
13:55 - 13:59had a little run-in with a guy by the
13:56 - 14:02name of Ford and he fired him and burned
13:59 - 14:03him pretty good now I got a question for
14:02 - 14:05you do you think when this company named
14:03 - 14:07Chrysler came by and they look like for
14:05 - 14:08sure there was no way they could have
14:07 - 14:10turned around do you think if he hadn't
14:08 - 14:12been fired by Ford that he would have
14:10 - 14:14taken it you might say oh of course he
14:12 - 14:17would that's the way Lee is well I don't
14:14 - 14:18know according to his wife she said at
14:17 - 14:20the time he said honey I don't think
14:18 - 14:22anybody could turn this thing around she
14:20 - 14:24said boy well I bet mr. Ford will be
14:22 - 14:27real happy to hear that that's all it
14:24 - 14:29took he was so angry from the pain and
14:27 - 14:30failure of his past quote unquote
14:29 - 14:33failure that he was going to show him it
14:30 - 14:35wasn't his failure that mr. Ford made
14:33 - 14:37the mistake another company to mention
14:35 - 14:40IBM it all started he's a guy by the
14:37 - 14:42name of Tom Watson who worked for a
14:40 - 14:45competing company called NCR got fired
14:42 - 14:47by the CEO there also he got so mad he
14:45 - 14:50said I'm going to develop a company that
14:47 - 14:53will dwarf your someday see welcome
14:50 - 14:54frustration I got to tell you something
14:53 - 14:55when I get frustrated I've learned to
14:54 - 14:57get excited I learned to literally
14:55 - 14:59condition myself so that frustration
14:57 - 15:00great excitement you know why because
14:59 - 15:02I'm frustrated I know I'm about to have
15:00 - 15:04a breakthrough it means my brain is
15:02 - 15:06searching if I get confused about some
15:04 - 15:08things that are going I'll never learn
15:06 - 15:10this my response to that is hey I'm
15:08 - 15:12about to learn something because my
15:10 - 15:13brain is searching for a new answer and
15:12 - 15:13if it keeps searching it's going to come
15:13 - 15:15up with one
15:13 - 15:17I believe the emotions that many of us
15:15 - 15:20consider negative like frustration and
15:17 - 15:22rejection and pain can be our greatest
15:20 - 15:24friends because they can drive us to
15:22 - 15:25success you know what I think one of the
15:24 - 15:26things that happens for a lot of people
15:25 - 15:28make it successful is it gets
15:26 - 15:29superstitious it's like they work so
15:28 - 15:30hard for the success they now finally
15:29 - 15:31haven't so all of a sudden they don't
15:30 - 15:33change they don't vary
15:31 - 15:35maybe they kind of like want to stay the
15:33 - 15:36way things are they get incredibly
15:35 - 15:39conservative and they miss out on the
15:36 - 15:41juice of life stay out of the trap
15:39 - 15:44listen when people succeed they tend to
15:41 - 15:47party when they fail they tend to ponder
15:44 - 15:50now the pondering many times we create
15:47 - 15:52our greatest successes in life just
15:50 - 15:54remember it's impossible to fail if you
15:52 - 15:56try something it doesn't work just try
15:54 - 15:58something else and learn something from
15:56 - 16:00what you just did as long as you learn
15:58 - 16:02something you've succeeded something
16:00 - 16:04else I want to remind you of as well and
16:02 - 16:05that is sometimes people say well gosh
16:04 - 16:06I'm gonna do these exercises I know I'm
16:05 - 16:08going to be better physically and
16:06 - 16:09emotionally and psychologically and I'll
16:08 - 16:11feel more confident but I want to work
16:09 - 16:14on my career I want to take my business
16:11 - 16:15next level I want a business program let
16:14 - 16:17me tell you what personal power is one
16:15 - 16:19of the most powerful business programs
16:17 - 16:21because it deals with the source of all
16:19 - 16:23your business which is you when you're
16:21 - 16:24in better shape suddenly you negotiate
16:23 - 16:26more effectively when you're in better
16:24 - 16:27shape your creativity flows when you're
16:26 - 16:29in better shape you're a better manager
16:27 - 16:31of people that's why if you saw the
16:29 - 16:33infomercial which is how I assume you
16:31 - 16:36got to this program then you saw people
16:33 - 16:38like for example Bill Farley of Farley
16:36 - 16:39industries endorsing this program saying
16:38 - 16:40is one of the best business programs
16:39 - 16:42they ever went through
16:40 - 16:45well that's because bill became a
16:42 - 16:46billionaire before the age of 40 all by
16:45 - 16:48using these personal power type of
16:46 - 16:50techniques so I want you know this is
16:48 - 16:52very business oriented or a Bill
16:50 - 16:54Nicholson it was a turn around expert
16:52 - 16:56from major corporations you know in the
16:54 - 16:59early 80s he took on a major corporation
16:56 - 17:01losing a million dollars a day and
16:59 - 17:03turned it around so within four years it
17:01 - 17:05was doing more than four billion dollars
17:03 - 17:07in revenue in the highest net returns of
17:05 - 17:08the history of the company so I want you
17:07 - 17:09to know that these people endorses
17:08 - 17:12because it works so if you're a little
17:09 - 17:14bit skeptical I understand that but
17:12 - 17:16understand changing yourself is the
17:14 - 17:19first place to change in your career and
17:16 - 17:21changing your business right now as this
17:19 - 17:23tape ends I want you to do your first
17:21 - 17:25assignment really simple remember I told
17:23 - 17:26you the way to build a muscle so that
17:25 - 17:28you're really strong it starts small and
17:26 - 17:30build so we're gonna start with
17:28 - 17:32something really simple I want you to
17:30 - 17:35think of two actions you've been putting
17:32 - 17:36off two things that you should do two
17:35 - 17:38things that you need to do but you keep
17:36 - 17:40putting it off maybe it's a phone call
17:38 - 17:42or two maybe it's somebody you've had
17:40 - 17:43some poor communication with and you
17:42 - 17:45need to clean it up but you're not
17:43 - 17:47it may be it's just going in the house
17:45 - 17:49and cleaning it up right now maybe it's
17:47 - 17:52some kind of report you need to do I
17:49 - 17:53don't know what it is but right now I
17:52 - 17:55want you to think of what are two
17:53 - 17:57actions you've been putting off that if
17:55 - 17:58you were to take them now it would
17:57 - 18:00increase the quality of your life either
17:58 - 18:01simply would just increase the quality
18:00 - 18:02of your self-esteem because you feel
18:01 - 18:05good because you actually follow through
18:02 - 18:07or maybe even more powerfully what are
18:05 - 18:09two decisions or two actions you could
18:07 - 18:12take right now that would immediately
18:09 - 18:14change the quality of your life maybe
18:12 - 18:16it's to stop smoking maybe it's to
18:14 - 18:17eliminate certain kinds of food but if
18:16 - 18:18you were going to do something right now
18:17 - 18:20there's going to change your life what
18:18 - 18:22are those two actions and what I want
18:20 - 18:24you to do is decide
18:22 - 18:26remember to decide means to cut off any
18:24 - 18:28of the possibility to resolve once and
18:26 - 18:31for all this is it there's tremendous
18:28 - 18:33power in that start with something small
18:31 - 18:35if you want and then build but right now
18:33 - 18:37right down to decisions you've made and
18:35 - 18:39then take action on them immediately I
18:37 - 18:41mean right now I mean even before I
18:39 - 18:43finish talking here stop the day pick up
18:41 - 18:44the phone and make that call you've been
18:43 - 18:46waiting for do not put it off another
18:44 - 18:49minute I don't care what it takes
18:46 - 18:50there's power and momentum I'm a big
18:49 - 18:52believer that once you set a goal once
18:50 - 18:54you make a decision you should
18:52 - 18:57immediately in that moment do something
18:54 - 18:58to start making progress towards it that
18:57 - 19:01way you can't cop out later on or get
18:58 - 19:02caught up or lose your momentum so
19:01 - 19:04please do it now I know not all things
19:02 - 19:05can be done right now so maybe it's
19:04 - 19:07something that to do tomorrow morning
19:05 - 19:08but whatever you're going to do make the
19:07 - 19:10decision and then commit to
19:08 - 19:12follow-through and then check in
19:10 - 19:14tomorrow because this is the first step
19:12 - 19:16to grabbing your personal power and
19:14 - 19:17remember there's no way to fail you
19:16 - 19:19might simple gosh what if I do this and
19:17 - 19:21it doesn't work what if I try this and
19:19 - 19:25it doesn't happen hey what if I screw up
19:21 - 19:26then screw up big go for do a big screw
19:25 - 19:29up because then you'll learn something
19:26 - 19:30hey remember success in life is the
19:29 - 19:33result of good judgment
19:30 - 19:36good judgment is usually the result of
19:33 - 19:39experience experience is usually the
19:36 - 19:41result of bad judgment so if you got
19:39 - 19:42some bad judgment it doesn't work out
19:41 - 19:44you'll learn something it'll make you
19:42 - 19:46more successful in the future just go
19:44 - 19:48for it don't be afraid make it happen
19:46 - 19:50you may say wow that's such a little
19:48 - 19:50thing to do I'll do it later if it's
19:50 - 19:54little then do it now
19:50 - 19:56don't put it off okay I'm on your side
19:54 - 19:57hey what I'm trying to be here for you
19:56 - 19:59is a good
19:57 - 20:02you know I don't care how successful you
19:59 - 20:02are we all need a coach
20:08 - 20:10you
20:19 - 20:30[Music]
- Title:
- Sandbox
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- Video Language:
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- Duration:
- 01:46:39
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | ||
Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | ||
Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | ||
Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | ||
koma edited English subtitles for Sandbox | ||
koma edited English subtitles for Sandbox | ||
Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox |
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course