0:00 - 0:05Oh Arthur I thought the maybe we could
0:02 - 0:08go on a little adventure around nursery
0:05 - 0:12and you could use this special iPad for
0:08 - 0:13me and you could take some photos of the
0:12 - 0:17things that you find are really
0:13 - 0:19important and that's right that is
0:17 - 0:25indeed yeah do you know where to find
0:19 - 0:26the camera yeah excellent good idea yeah
0:25 - 0:28that'd be great
0:26 - 0:30so I thought that maybe we could go on a
0:28 - 0:32little tour of the nursery and you could
0:30 - 0:34show me all the things that are really
0:32 - 0:37special to you and you could take photos
0:34 - 0:38of them would you like to do that yeah
0:37 - 0:42excellent
0:38 - 0:45come on them like about three trees
0:42 - 0:48definitely yeah trees be brilliant
0:45 - 0:50always big they are very big so we're
0:48 - 0:53gonna find them yeah let's go dance a
0:50 - 0:55month so this is for you so you've got
0:53 - 0:57the iPad here and you've got the camera
0:55 - 0:59so anything that you think is really
0:57 - 1:04important or that you've really loved
0:59 - 1:06you could take photos of look oh yeah
1:04 - 1:07that was a picture of see here we go
1:06 - 1:09there sweetheart see you hold this one
1:07 - 1:11and Alice will hold the voice recorder
1:09 - 1:14and then let's go on a little adventure
1:11 - 1:15shall we let's go on a toy and you can
1:14 - 1:20show me all the things that are really
1:15 - 1:26important okay
1:20 - 1:36oh yeah they important we definitely
1:26 - 1:37need shoes don't we yeah and if we go
1:36 - 1:45outside I might have a moment to get my
1:37 - 1:47shoes okay come on then let's go is
1:45 - 1:50there anything in here that you think's
1:47 - 1:50really important
1:56 - 2:14there's a stick mm-hmm you know how to
2:10 - 2:14take a photo show show you
2:17 - 2:49there we go you press that white button
2:19 - 3:04there the job you do and what does it
2:49 - 3:04say yeah that one's very fun isn't it
3:06 - 3:10did you take photo of the bottles yeah
3:14 - 3:37you can go a bit closer if you like wow
3:24 - 3:37I like all the colors of man hmm how
3:37 - 3:49about yours
3:37 - 3:51she noses like it's a white tiger then
3:49 - 3:59can you see it anywhere
3:51 - 3:59ah there we go
4:03 - 4:09lovely
4:05 - 4:20your water bottles really good isn't it
4:09 - 4:30my dad why is he right why'd you like
4:20 - 4:32the bin is always absolutely oh there it
4:30 - 4:32is
4:38 - 4:44it does yes it means you can view all
4:42 - 4:46the pictures doesn't it let's say that
4:44 - 4:50we go back to the camera that way where
4:46 - 4:55should we go next into the big preschool
4:50 - 5:14room wow they're very colorful aren't
4:55 - 5:24they which one okay very good you like
5:14 - 5:26that one then when then where should we
5:24 - 5:26go next
5:30 - 5:37it's a really big tower who made that
5:33 - 5:37that's amazing
5:37 - 5:54well uh you look I can see a person in
5:41 - 5:57that it's very fun yes isn't it that bad
5:54 - 6:26good save you been doing painting yeah
5:57 - 6:26oh say that white one man
6:37 - 6:40[Music]
6:48 - 6:52that's very colorful Arthur
6:58 - 7:01[Music]
7:11 - 7:25the one who studies there - that's my
7:17 - 7:27dad want my jump is yours yeah nevermind
7:25 - 7:29we can keep it safe can't wait so we're
7:27 - 7:32gonna put it on your peg come on then
7:29 - 7:32you can bring that with you if you like
7:51 - 7:58what's in here I was right
7:56 - 8:01everyone's peg I wonder if you can find
7:58 - 8:01yours
8:13 - 8:16soft
8:18 - 8:22I'll keep you nice and warm outside
8:24 - 8:34they've all my fans haha Alison I would
8:30 - 8:34appear to my diable good idea
8:40 - 8:44should we see the eyes yeah
8:47 - 8:49yeah
8:55 - 9:04see that's really good dinosaurs bite
9:03 - 9:08yes good idea
9:04 - 9:08good to see those as well
9:13 - 9:16there you go sweetie
9:28 - 9:36good job look at those big spikes
9:34 - 9:36yeah
9:39 - 9:51I mean I've seen that before is this
9:47 - 9:51your bag over here Wow
9:54 - 9:58that's nice isn't it
10:02 - 10:05[Music]
10:06 - 10:13you can you see on that but bye-bye
10:16 - 10:21remember if you want to take a photo is
10:18 - 10:21that one at the white
10:24 - 10:28and step back a bit
10:29 - 10:32who thinks that
10:32 - 10:40but you like the pictures mm-hmm was it
10:38 - 10:47[Music]
10:40 - 10:50like pizza likes pizza yeah no that very
10:47 - 10:50funny
11:00 - 11:03where would you like to go next
11:17 - 11:20hmm
11:21 - 11:33here I can't dress the blue but the blue
11:27 - 11:33bottom the blue but you see where it is
11:42 - 11:46what do you like about your coat
11:50 - 11:54look if you stand back a little bit
11:55 - 12:18oh yes wow you've got two coats with you
11:57 - 12:23today you could yes yeah very nice
12:18 - 12:25that'll really keep you warm on set the
12:23 - 12:29joint photo of your coat if you really
12:25 - 12:29like it we gave him
12:34 - 12:56hi sweetie okay but maybe you can take
12:52 - 12:56pictures of people if you like
12:56 - 13:03[Music]
12:58 - 13:04I think the travelers are coming to see
13:03 - 13:06you
13:04 - 13:19[Music]
13:06 - 13:22hello Fred I'm charlie remember if you
13:19 - 13:25take pictures the big white circle where
13:22 - 13:25would you like to go next
13:28 - 13:37you get photo of India yeah oh no where
13:36 - 13:41does your coat live
13:37 - 13:46did we leave it on the floor no where
13:41 - 13:46should we put it go and then Hey
13:53 - 13:56[Music]
14:00 - 14:06Hey done somehow babe dang it oh there
14:03 - 14:06we go
14:12 - 14:57lovely nice and bright isn't it what are
14:39 - 14:57you taking a vote of no it's recording
- Title:
- Sandbox
- Description:
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- Video Language:
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- Duration:
- 01:46:39
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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koma edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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koma edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox |
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course