0:05 - 0:08welcome to the National Commission
0:08 - 0:11crane operators tower crane operator
0:11 - 0:15practical exam if there is anything in
0:15 - 0:17this video you do not understand please
0:17 - 0:19request clarification from the practical
0:19 - 0:21examiner
0:21 - 0:24the NCCC Oh tower crane operator
0:24 - 0:27practical exam consists of the following
0:27 - 0:29tasks
0:36 - 0:39there is also a pretest briefing a
0:39 - 0:42pretest familiarization period and pre
0:42 - 0:44task familiarization period prior to
0:44 - 0:47task two
0:47 - 0:49before taking the exam you will be
0:49 - 0:51informed of the make and model of the
0:51 - 0:54crane the jib length and the weight of
0:54 - 0:57the test weight while you wait for your
0:57 - 1:00opportunity to test you will be provided
1:00 - 1:02sufficient time to read the descriptions
1:02 - 1:04of the tasks you need to perform and to
1:04 - 1:06review the operator's manual and load
1:06 - 1:08charts for the crane you will be
1:08 - 1:10operating
1:10 - 1:13if the crane is equipped with an LM I it
1:13 - 1:14has been programmed in accordance with
1:14 - 1:17the manufacturer's instructions and is
1:17 - 1:20functioning properly
1:20 - 1:22the crane you will operate has been set
1:22 - 1:26up and leveled prior to testing no part
1:26 - 1:28of the course has been placed at a
1:28 - 1:30radius that exceeds the cranes rated
1:30 - 1:32capacity
1:32 - 1:35for self-erecting tower cranes the jib
1:35 - 1:39length has been preset the test site
1:39 - 1:41coordinator is responsible for setting
1:41 - 1:45the test schedule for the day once
1:45 - 1:47you've completed all your tests you must
1:47 - 1:51leave the test area if you wish to
1:51 - 1:53retest you will be required to re
1:53 - 1:57register and pay the test fees again
1:57 - 1:59the only personnel allowed in the test
1:59 - 2:01area are those who are actively involved
2:01 - 2:03in the administration of the practical
2:03 - 2:07exam you are under the supervision of
2:07 - 2:09the practical examiner and must follow
2:09 - 2:11their instructions and signals at all
2:11 - 2:15times the examiner has the authority to
2:15 - 2:17stop the tests if you operate in an
2:17 - 2:21unsafe manner note that all hand signals
2:21 - 2:23used during the exam will be in
2:23 - 2:25accordance with OSHA's standard method
2:25 - 2:28hand signals
2:29 - 2:33pre-operational shift inspection
2:34 - 2:37the first part of the practical exam
2:37 - 2:39will be an evaluation of your ability to
2:39 - 2:41identify elements critical to a Crane's
2:41 - 2:46pre-operational shift inspection the
2:46 - 2:48examiner will ask you to describe how
2:48 - 2:49you would inspect five different areas
2:49 - 2:52related to the machine
2:52 - 2:55you will have approximately one minute
2:55 - 2:57per item
3:00 - 3:04pretest familiarization period
3:05 - 3:08you will be allowed 15 minutes to
3:08 - 3:09familiarize yourself with the crane and
3:09 - 3:12to examine anything on it that you feel
3:12 - 3:14as necessary to operate it comfortably
3:14 - 3:17you are allowed to get the feel of the
3:17 - 3:19controls and are permitted to run the
3:19 - 3:22crane through its functions the brakes
3:22 - 3:24and other devices have been set
3:24 - 3:25according to the crane manufacturer's
3:25 - 3:28recommendations
3:28 - 3:30you may not interfere with the test
3:30 - 3:33course attempt to lift the test weight
3:33 - 3:37or shadow the corridor
3:38 - 3:40you must finish the pretest
3:40 - 3:42familiarization period with a hook under
3:42 - 3:44control in the start circle in
3:44 - 3:48preparation for task 1
3:48 - 3:50the examiner will notify you when there
3:50 - 3:55are 10 5 and 1 minutes remaining if you
3:55 - 3:57are ready before the full 15 minutes
3:57 - 4:00have passed you may indicate this to the
4:00 - 4:03examiner if at the end of the pretest
4:03 - 4:05familiarize ation period you feel you
4:05 - 4:07are not ready to take the exam you
4:07 - 4:10should notify the examiner you will have
4:10 - 4:11disqualified yourself from taking the
4:11 - 4:14exam at this time and you will be
4:14 - 4:16required to sign to that effect on the
4:16 - 4:18candidate score sheet
4:18 - 4:21if you are using a remote control you
4:21 - 4:23are required to stay inside the
4:23 - 4:25designated area while operating the
4:25 - 4:29crane during the exam at no time during
4:29 - 4:31the familiarization period or test
4:31 - 4:34should you walk or stand underneath the
4:34 - 4:36test wait
4:36 - 4:38walking or standing underneath the test
4:38 - 4:41weight is considered an unsafe act and
4:41 - 4:43the examiner is required to stop the
4:43 - 4:45test
4:45 - 4:47if your time during any of the tasks
4:47 - 4:50exceeds more than twice the optimum time
4:50 - 4:52the examiner may ask you to stop and
4:52 - 4:55move on to the next task
4:55 - 4:59tasks one load hook and chain and stop
4:59 - 5:03circle optimum time for this task
5:03 - 5:06is one minute 30 seconds
5:06 - 5:09at the examiner's indication to start at
5:09 - 5:11which point timing will begin raise the
5:11 - 5:13chain at least ten feet off the ground
5:13 - 5:17to clear all obstacles and personnel
5:17 - 5:19bring the chain from its starting
5:19 - 5:21position at the start circle over to the
5:21 - 5:24stop circle and land the chain fully
5:24 - 5:26inside the circle
5:26 - 5:29once the chain makes contact with the
5:29 - 5:31ground inside the circle do not lift the
5:31 - 5:35chain off the ground avoid contacting
5:35 - 5:37anything but the ground inside the stop
5:37 - 5:40circle once the chain is under control
5:40 - 5:43inside the circle the examiner will give
5:43 - 5:46you a stop signal and timing will end
5:46 - 5:48points will be deducted for the
5:48 - 5:50following
5:50 - 5:53dragging more contacted the chain
5:53 - 5:57outside of the circle hook or block
5:57 - 6:00touching the ground either inside or
6:00 - 6:02outside of the circle
6:03 - 6:05hook block or chain contacting any part
6:05 - 6:10of the course or crane lifting the chain
6:10 - 6:12off the ground after initial contact
6:12 - 6:15with the ground inside the circle
6:15 - 6:19exceeding optimum time
6:24 - 6:27pre-task familiarization period with
6:27 - 6:31test weight at the examiner's indication
6:31 - 6:33bring the load hook over to the test
6:33 - 6:35weight
6:35 - 6:38the examiner or Proctor will remove the
6:38 - 6:43chain and attach the test weight you are
6:43 - 6:44allowed to bring the test weight to the
6:44 - 6:46designated area where you can get the
6:46 - 6:48feel of the load test the brakes and so
6:48 - 6:52on before beginning the next task
6:52 - 6:54do not swing the load outside of the
6:54 - 6:57designated area or shadow the load
6:57 - 7:00circle or zigzag corridor you will be
7:00 - 7:02allowed 5 minutes for this pre task
7:02 - 7:05familiarization period
7:05 - 7:07at the end of this period you must have
7:07 - 7:09placed the test weight on the ground in
7:09 - 7:11the test weight circle with the rigging
7:11 - 7:15taught the examiner will notify you when
7:15 - 7:17there is one minute remaining
7:17 - 7:19if you are ready before the full five
7:19 - 7:21minutes have passed you may indicate
7:21 - 7:25this to the examiner
7:26 - 7:30task to test weight in load circle
7:30 - 7:34optimum time four minutes
7:34 - 7:37at the examiner's indication to start at
7:37 - 7:40which point timing will begin bring the
7:40 - 7:42test weight from the test weight circle
7:42 - 7:46to the load circle place the test weight
7:46 - 7:48on the ground completely within the load
7:48 - 7:51circle
7:52 - 7:54once the test weight is on the ground
7:54 - 7:56completely inside the circle the
7:56 - 7:58examiner will give you a stop
7:58 - 8:02hoist and swing signal
8:02 - 8:04this will indicate that you should then
8:04 - 8:06pick the test weight up and move it over
8:06 - 8:08to the start circle
8:08 - 8:10timing will end when you have placed the
8:10 - 8:11test weight on the ground completely
8:11 - 8:15inside the start circle and the examiner
8:15 - 8:18has given you a stop signal if the
8:18 - 8:20examiner has not given you a stop signal
8:20 - 8:21this will indicate that the test weight
8:21 - 8:24is not fully within the circle and the
8:24 - 8:27task continues to be timed
8:27 - 8:30avoid touching or knocking over any part
8:30 - 8:32of the PVC barriers or touching the
8:32 - 8:34ground outside of the circle with the
8:34 - 8:38test weight points will be deducted for
8:38 - 8:41the following
8:41 - 8:46knocking ball off pole knocking pole
8:46 - 8:50over test wait touching the ground
8:50 - 8:55outside of the circle exceeding optimum
8:55 - 9:05time task three zigzag corridor
9:07 - 9:10this task is divided into two separate
9:10 - 9:17subtasks 3a and 3b task 3a requires you
9:17 - 9:20to negotiate the corridor in a forward
9:20 - 9:24direction task 3b requires you to
9:24 - 9:26negotiate the corridor in a reverse
9:26 - 9:28direction
9:28 - 9:31the optimum time for each individual sub
9:31 - 9:35task is three minutes
9:38 - 9:41at the examiner's indication to start at
9:41 - 9:43which point timing will begin lift the
9:43 - 9:45test weight and guide it through the
9:45 - 9:47corridor
9:47 - 9:50avoid touching or knocking over any part
9:50 - 9:52of the PVC barriers touching the ground
9:52 - 9:55with a test weight or raising it so high
9:55 - 9:58that the chain leaves the ground
9:58 - 10:01timing will end when you have placed the
10:01 - 10:03test weight on the ground inside the
10:03 - 10:05stop circle and the examiner has given
10:05 - 10:08you a stop signal
10:08 - 10:10if the examiner has not given you a stop
10:10 - 10:12signal this will indicate that the test
10:12 - 10:14weight is not fully within the circle
10:14 - 10:18and the task continues to be timed
10:18 - 10:21for this task the chains do not need to
10:21 - 10:24be fully inside the circle
10:24 - 10:29poins will be deducted for the following
10:29 - 10:34keen ball off pole moving pole base off
10:34 - 10:36the line
10:37 - 10:40knocking pull over
10:40 - 10:44chains leaving the ground
10:45 - 10:48passing polls with the chains off the
10:48 - 10:50ground
10:53 - 10:56test weight touching the ground
10:57 - 11:00circumventing the course
11:05 - 11:09exceeding optimum time
11:10 - 11:13once task 3a is complete the practical
11:13 - 11:15examiner will provide you an opportunity
11:15 - 11:17to reposition the block over the test
11:17 - 11:19weight but you will not be permitted to
11:19 - 11:21pick the test weight back up prior to
11:21 - 11:26the start of task 3b for task 3 be at
11:26 - 11:28the examiner's indication to start at
11:28 - 11:31which point timing will begin lift the
11:31 - 11:33test weight from the stop circle and
11:33 - 11:35travel back through the corridor in a
11:35 - 11:37reverse direction
11:38 - 11:40remember to avoid touching or knocking
11:40 - 11:42over any part of the PVC barriers
11:42 - 11:44touching the ground with the test weight
11:44 - 11:47or raising it so high that the chain
11:47 - 11:49leaves the ground
11:49 - 11:52remember also that all point deductions
11:52 - 11:55listed in task 3 a will apply during
11:55 - 11:57task 3b
11:57 - 12:00timing will end when you have placed the
12:00 - 12:02test weight completely inside the test
12:02 - 12:04weight circle and the examiner has given
12:04 - 12:07you a stop signal
12:08 - 12:14tasks for safe securing procedures this
12:14 - 12:16task is intended to evaluate your
12:16 - 12:18knowledge of the proper procedures
12:18 - 12:22required to safely secure the crane
12:22 - 12:24the examiner will ask you to describe
12:24 - 12:26the procedures you would apply to the
12:26 - 12:30crane in preparation to leave the crane
12:33 - 12:36after the exam please do not ask the
12:36 - 12:38examiner to review your score sheet or
12:38 - 12:40discuss your performance because they
12:40 - 12:43are not permitted to do so
12:43 - 12:45your results will be sent to you within
12:45 - 12:4712 business days after receiving your
12:47 - 12:49score sheet
12:49 - 12:52if you have completed all your tests you
12:52 - 12:56must leave the test site otherwise you
12:56 - 12:58should return to the pretest briefing
12:58 - 13:02area thank you for participating in the
13:02 - 13:04NCCC o tower crane operator
13:04 - 13:08certification program
13:13 - 0:00you
- Title:
- Sandbox
- Description:
You can use this Sandbox to try out things with the Amara tool.
The video that is primarily streaming here is , which is completely blank. But you can go to the URLs tab to add the URL of another video and make it primary.
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- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
Captions Requested
- Duration:
- 01:46:39
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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koma edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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koma edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox |
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course