0:00 - 0:08I would you like some help Jane that one
0:03 - 0:13oh I'll show you what you could do if we
0:08 - 0:13turn the camera around there you go
0:19 - 0:41who's that do that okay Oh where would
0:36 - 1:02you like to go next Arthur the boots
0:41 - 1:04good idea okay where are they yeah can
1:02 - 1:10you tell me which ones they are
1:04 - 1:17these are my new boots these ones these
1:10 - 1:21ones yeah Wow yes yeah that really good
1:17 - 1:27don't they did you want to take photo of
1:21 - 1:27them everyone's coming inside
1:31 - 1:42hey Kovac there's a voice recorder at
1:38 - 1:49that oh we do pictures that's right big
1:42 - 1:52lucky is it hi all right spit buckle is
1:49 - 1:59no yeah bumper dish didn't get scratchy
1:52 - 2:07it's a bit scrunch a bit scratch blobby
1:59 - 2:17mm-hmm that's a good word you want to
2:07 - 2:25take a photo of your wellies they have
2:17 - 2:28they look a bit like yours just look
2:25 - 2:28nice for my project
2:29 - 2:34hey guys every now you can take
2:42 - 2:59there we go what should we do with your
2:45 - 3:02welly boots now well those are the
2:59 - 3:07grown-ups toilets aren't they so what do
3:02 - 3:10you think's important in there why don't
3:07 - 3:16we go and find the children's toilets
3:10 - 3:19yeah yeah go for pee
3:16 - 3:25absolutely I always the big boy yeah
3:19 - 3:28like you can we come with mummy or daddy
3:25 - 3:32can't you yeah but when you're at
3:28 - 3:32nursery is the children's toy this
4:25 - 4:31they say did you take picture of the
4:28 - 4:37toilet yeah why don't you take it from
4:31 - 4:37him oh there we go
4:48 - 4:54can you think of anything else Arthur
4:50 - 4:55that's really important to you well can
4:54 - 4:57you think of anything else that you
4:55 - 4:57really like
5:05 - 5:08that's cool
5:06 - 5:22and how about at nursery what you know
5:08 - 5:47think nursery mmm which bug she can have
5:22 - 5:47a look at it do you like that one boy
5:51 - 5:58that's right baby they are the same did
5:56 - 6:01you want to take a picture of them yeah
5:58 - 6:01good idea
6:14 - 6:32you show Alice Wow
6:23 - 6:36that's really good did you say if you
6:32 - 6:37wanted to go to see the trees should we
6:36 - 6:44go and get your coats on and then we're
6:37 - 6:45gonna have a look it is I can't wait to
6:44 - 6:49see it again
6:45 - 6:50can we get my shoes as well my shoes are
6:49 - 6:54in the office
6:50 - 6:58should we get there first come on there
6:54 - 7:21was a voice recorder let me show you in
6:58 - 7:26a little bit occasion yes one like it
7:21 - 7:29hey Bobby bet it on one night bye Wendy
7:26 - 7:29really you've got a red seat
7:33 - 7:38mm-hmm and what's Marius carseat got
7:38 - 7:51baby scrap to baby straps excellent but
7:43 - 7:54he's happy so you've got a black wooden
7:51 - 8:02puppies car and then a red one and
7:54 - 8:04mummys car is we gave that's the baby
8:02 - 8:08room yesterday yeah would you like to go
8:04 - 8:10and see it next come on then let's
8:08 - 8:14should we get your coat and then go
8:10 - 8:26outside and see the trees it will be so
8:14 - 8:26many truths I will not Gladys hold it
8:28 - 8:34my can always snap we yeah
8:31 - 8:38it's called new inside
8:34 - 8:43yeah well and look at your zip as well
8:38 - 8:50my my
8:43 - 8:54I think some home yes some no that's a
8:50 - 8:54really good idea he I like them oh me
8:54 - 8:59too
8:54 - 9:00they're coming very useful just like
8:59 - 9:09Superman
9:00 - 9:13you can you pull up your zip they
9:09 - 9:17boyfriend oh yeah absolutely of such a
9:13 - 9:30big boy now come on then let's go and
9:17 - 9:40see what we can find outside the trees
9:30 - 9:42now summon the NASA absolutely that's
9:40 - 9:46okay we don't need wellies for this do
9:42 - 9:48we hold it that way lovely no again you
9:46 - 9:57come on then we'll see everyone else in
9:48 - 10:00a minute you take your picture of your
9:57 - 10:00feet when they're walking
10:04 - 10:16mm that's a good picture
10:08 - 10:16I do depletable me you said that was you
10:16 - 10:39let's see what you'd like to take a
10:19 - 10:42picture of let's do they favorite food
10:39 - 10:58bamboos their favorite food yeah lucky
10:42 - 10:58pandas then you can jump over absolutely
11:03 - 11:06that's a good picture
11:09 - 11:28Wow that's cool isn't it that's really
11:21 - 11:38good what is it they are funny it looks
11:28 - 11:38a bit like a mushroom growing have you
11:39 - 11:50lovely I love mushrooms what else do you
11:44 - 11:59quite like out here let's take a picture
11:50 - 12:02of those things growing out there I
11:59 - 12:02wonder what it is
12:10 - 12:24oh wow you can see it'll growing my
12:18 - 12:27slide or minor lie over my nose fly yeah
12:24 - 12:27goodness me
12:38 - 12:46love ya they are it looks like they've
12:42 - 12:55been put there to support this doesn't
12:46 - 13:05an did you want stick photo of that wow
12:55 - 13:06that's really interesting isn't it no I
13:05 - 13:09don't think anything's grown in there
13:06 - 13:09just yet
13:14 - 13:22it made it interesting so good I did
13:27 - 13:33Wow that's a good picture look at all
13:31 - 13:41these they're a really interesting color
13:33 - 13:45aren't they do you know that flowers
13:41 - 13:55cold what is it no one's actually a
13:45 - 13:55daffodil yeah good guess though mouth
13:55 - 13:58now
13:55 - 14:01were the cone like a daffodil look
13:58 - 14:20absolutely don't take a picture of the
14:01 - 14:23time to do my first you painted them wow
14:20 - 14:25that's good
14:23 - 14:41was that it nursery that you painted
14:25 - 14:43daffodils did you like it I can hear
14:41 - 14:43some noise
14:48 - 14:53yeah they're over there aren't they well
14:51 - 14:56look I can see some trees you can see
14:53 - 14:56some in the middle of the sandpit
- Title:
- Sandbox
- Description:
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- Video Language:
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- Duration:
- 01:46:39
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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koma edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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koma edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox |
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course