Lisa Frank's Side of the Story - Glamour Dolls Makeup x Lisa Frank PART 2| Behind the Controversy
0:00 - 0:05Glamour Dolls failed to comply with
those obligations when it engaged in a -
0:05 - 0:10failed online advertising campaign on
Kickstarter, using LFI, Lisa Frank's brand -
Not Syncedwithout LFI's approval and then refused to
pay royalties due when LFI properly -
Not Syncedterminated the party's contracts as a
result of Glamour Dolls' misconduct. -
Not SyncedWait a minute. She didn't know about the
Kickstarter? Hello my friend, I will -
Not Syncedhonestly tell you that until late last
night, I did not think that I was filming -
Not Synceda video about Lisa Frank and Glamour
Dolls today. I actually had a full video -
Not Syncedplanned about preservative-free cosmetics
and how freaking ridiculous and dangerous -
Not Syncedpreservative-free cosmetics are. But then
I got a very interesting comment from a -
Not Syncedperson named "Fake Goth Girl." Okay. I get
a link. The link is to a court document -
Not Syncedthat I had not previously had access to.
This document is Lisa Frank's point of -
Not Syncedview. It is her counter suit. This is Lisa
Frank saying "Glamour Dolls is the bad -
Not Syncedguy, not me. I didn't do anything wrong -
they're the ones that did something -
Not Syncedwrong." So in today's video, I want to go
over Lisa's side of things - what she says -
Not Syncedin the court documents is the reason why
she pulled out of her contract with -
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls that left backers of the
Kickstarter out all of their money - over -
Not Synced$400,000 of their money, including my
money. My $75? Gone. If you have no idea -
Not Syncedwhat I'm talking about, that's because
this is Part 2. I strongly strongly -
Not Syncedsuggest you please watch Part 1 of this.
It will be linked below. It will be up in -
Not Synceda card. It is the background for this
video - this video might not make sense -
Not Syncedif you don't watch that one first. If you
don't feel like you have time for an hour -
Not Syncedand a half long video, what you can do is
you can scrub through the timestamps, kind -
Not Syncedof get the idea of what it is. You can
also play it on 1.5 speed if you want to. -
Not SyncedAnd I will tell you that the average
Not Syncedamount of watch time on that video for a
Not Syncedsingle view is about 40 minutes. That has
Not Syncedliterally never happened on my channel.
Not SyncedThis is a story that I think you want to
Not Syncedhear and and that I think that you are
Not Syncedgoing to be engaged in if you choose to.
Not SyncedThat being said, we are starting at Part
Not Synced2. I'm assuming at this point that you
Not Syncedhave seen that video and that you have
Not Syncedthat background knowledge. And also,
Not Syncedside note, I mentioned this at the end of
Not Syncedthe video, but there's probably about 40
Not Syncedcomments mentioning Bailey Sarian's video
Not Syncedon Lisa Frank, based on the Jezebel
Not Syncedarticle that we talked about in the first
Not Syncedpart of this. Yes, I am fully aware of
Not SyncedBailey's video. I have met Bailey. I have
Not Syncedcollaborated with Bailey. Bailey did a
Not Syncedfantastic job on that video. That video is
Not Syncedmore about Lisa Frank as a person, so if
Not Syncedyou want even more context for the story,
Not SyncedI highly recommend you go watch Bailey's
Not Syncedvideo as well. What we're gonna do with
Not Syncedthis part is I'm actually gonna put Lisa
Not SyncedFrank's lawsuit on the side of me so if
Not Syncedyou are fluent in Legalese, you can follow
Not Syncedalong and see the match up of what I'm
Not Syncedsaying. Surprisingly, a lot of is is
Not Syncedpretty clear cut and there isn't a ton of
Not Syncedlawyer language in this that was difficult
Not Syncedto understand. So if you would like to
Not Syncedread along, it is going to be next to me
Not Syncedover here. Here we go. So this is what
Not SyncedLisa says. This is her side of things.
Not SyncedThis is all about the deal in 2016, the
Not Syncedoriginal deal that she had. Lisa says they
Not Syncedstruck the deal in June of 2016 that would
Not Syncedend on December 31st of 2017 - that
Not Syncedmatches up with Glamour Dolls' side, so
Not SyncedI'm assuming there's legal contracts, so
Not Syncedthere's evidence of this. So Glamour Dolls
Not Syncedin that original contract, agreed to pay
Not SyncedLisa Frank 15% royalty on the net sales
Not Syncedof the products made under the deal, with
Not Synceda minimum payment of $100,000 for the
Not Syncedduration of the agreement, including a
Not Synced$25,000 advance. Glamour Dolls promised to
Not Synceddo their best, to make, sell, promote, and
Not Syncedmarket the products to get as many sales
Not Syncedas possible, always focusing on high
Not Syncedquality. Now this part is very very
Not Syncedimportant because this is really the root
Not Syncedof why everything went wrong. They had to
Not Syncedget Lisa Frank's approval on literally
Not Syncedeverything, from the design concepts to
Not Syncedthe artwork, to the molds for production,
Not Syncedto the final product samples before going
Not Syncedinto production. Lisa Frank had the right
Not Syncedto approve or reject the elements and
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls had to follow Lisa Frank's
Not Synceddirections on quality standards. Now
Not Syncedlisten to this because this is part of the
Not Syncedreason why things were taking so long. So,
Not Syncedfor designs, Glamour Dolls had to wait up
Not Syncedto 10 business days - that's about two
Not Syncedweeks or so - for Lisa Frank to approve
Not Syncedor reject anything that they submitted to
Not Syncedher. If Lisa didn't respond in time,
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls was allowed to ask after
Not Syncedthose 10 business days, "Hey, what's going
Not Syncedon? I need a full description of why you
Not Syncedreject this or I need an approval." But
Not Syncedthis is the kicker! Because even after
Not Syncedapproval, and remember, this is according
Not Syncedto Lisa herself, Lisa could stop the
Not Syncedproduction and distribution of the
Not Syncedproducts if they didn't meet her quality
Not Syncedstandards. That's a subjective thing -
Not Syncedthat is not something that can be
Not Syncedmeasured. Lisa can just for any reason,
Not Syncedjust say "This doesn't meet my quality
Not Syncedstandards" and stop production at any
Not Syncedpoint. And it wasn't just for production
Not Syncedof product. It also had to do with
Not Syncedadvertising, packaging, display methods,
Not Syncedpress releases - anything using Lisa Frank
Not Syncedartwork - Glamour Dolls had to run this by
Not SyncedLisa. They had to wait for those 10
Not Syncedbusiness days and then if she didn't
Not Syncedrespond in 10 business days, then they had
Not Syncedto poke her about it and be like "Dude,
Not Syncedwhat's going on?" They had to keep poking
Not Syncedher if she didn't respond after those 10
Not Syncedbusiness days. So remember this original
Not Syncedcontract that I personally believe was to
Not Syncedcreate the blush, the highlighter, and the
Not Syncedtwo brushes - that contract was ending
Not Syncedin December. But remember the Kickstarter
Not Syncedhad started in February. We're now in
Not SyncedDecember. February - they promised backers
Not Synced10 additional products beyond these four
Not Syncedthat had already been funded. Lisa's
Not Syncedcontract is about to end, so they need to
Not Syncedstart a new contract. This is what Lisa
Not Syncedsays was in the new contract: same 15%
Not Syncedroyalty on the net sales of the products
Not Syncedplus 20% royalty on sales made directly to
Not Syncedretail customers. So this would be if
Not Syncedpeople bought it off of Ipsy's marketplace
Not Syncedor if people bought it from Hot Topic,
Not Syncedor at one point they were talking to
Not SyncedWalmart - any of those, Lisa would get a
Not Synced20% royalty off of. Beyond that, in the
Not Syncedfirst contract, Lisa asked for at least
Not Synced$100,000 for her fees. In the new
Not Syncedcontract, Lisa upped that to $500,000.
Not SyncedThat included an up front payment of
Not Synced$125,000 that needed to be paid when the
Not Syncedcontract was signed. Three more payments
Not Syncedwould be paid throughout the year to total
Not Syncedthat $500,000. The rules for making the
Not Syncedproducts were pretty much the same as the
Not Syncedfirst contract. All of the levels of "you
Not Syncedneed to send it to Lisa and she needs to
Not Syncedapprove it" and then the 10 business days
Not Synced- all of that was pretty much the same.
Not SyncedThe only thing that changed, which we'll
Not Syncedfind out more about in just a minute, is
Not Syncedthat they did not have to get pre-shipment
Not Syncedapproval. So Lisa has already approved
Not Syncedthe final draft of the product, they have
Not Syncedput that into production, they now have
Not Syncedthe products - they've got thousands and
Not Syncedthousands of these products - they don't
Not Syncedhave to send those products to Lisa for
Not Syncedapproval anymore. But there is a clause -
Not Syncedbecause of course there is - if there were
Not Syncedany production problems, if after all of
Not Syncedthese things were sent out and Lisa
Not Synceddecided that there was a production
Not Syncedproblem, there was something she didn't
Not Syncedlike, Glamour Dolls would have to pay
Not Synceddamages for that. What would those
Not Synceddamages be? I have no idea, it's not in
Not Syncedhere. Another thing that's very important
Not Syncedin Lisa's side of the story is that they
Not Syncedsaid that Lisa could end the deal
Not Syncedimmediately if Glamour Dolls broke certain
Not Syncedrules, like not following the approval
Not Syncedprocess or having production issues 3
Not Syncedtimes. If Lisa decided that she was
Not Syncedgoing to terminate the agreement, Glamour
Not SyncedDolls had to not only stop making
Not Syncedproducts, they had to stop selling their
Not Syncedexisting products. Then they had to turn
Not Syncedover the rights to the artwork. Anything
Not Syncedthat Lisa had created for Glamour Dolls
Not Syncedwould now be owned by Lisa. And you might
Not Syncedbe seeing where this might be going -
Not Syncedmaybe if you watched part 1. Because she
Not Synceddid that. That happened. In context. you
Not Syncedhave to remember that this is 3 months
Not Syncedpast the date that Glamour Dolls had
Not Syncedpromised products would be done and
Not Syncedshipped to backers. So they are deep deep
Not Syncedin it now. They are sending out that
Not Synceddigital Christmas card, where people can
Not Syncedsend it to their families, saying "Hey,
Not Syncedyou know, you might be getting some Lisa
Not SyncedFrank products that I bought for you at
Not Syncedsome point. This is what's coming." That's
Not Syncedwhere we're at. A lot of the backers are
Not Syncedalready irritated by this point. From
Not SyncedLisa's side, she says in her court
Not Synceddocuments that LFI, or Lisa Frank
Not SyncedIncorporated, fully performed its
Not Syncedobligations under the license agreements -
Not SyncedI do believe Glamour Dolls would argue
Not Syncedagainst that. They say specifically
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls repeatedly failed to meet
Not Syncedtheir responsibilities under the agreemnts
Not Syncedthey had with Lisa Frank. This is how Lisa
Not Syncedsays Glamour Dolls messed up. And
Not Syncedremember, she's going to have to prove
Not Syncedthis for her counter suit. This is what
Not Syncedshe says - she says they didn't put in
Not Syncedenough effort to produce, distribute,
Not Syncedpromote, and sell the products that they
Not Syncedwere supposed to. She says that they
Not Synceddidn't aim to sell as many high quality
Not Syncedproducts as they could, that they had
Not Syncedsigned off in their contract. She says
that -
Not Syncedthey use Lisa Frank artwork in ads and
Not Syncedpackaging without getting approval first,
Not Syncedwhich was against their rules of the
Not Syncedcontract. She says Glamour Dolls was late
Not Syncedin making and delivering the products,
Not Syncedwhich they were. She says that Glamour
Not SyncedDolls didn't follow the agreed upon
Not Syncedprocess for getting products inspected
Not Syncedand approved, that they didn't pay the
Not Syncedroyalties and the minimum amounts that
Not Syncedthey were supposed to, and that they used
Not Syncedthe Kickstarter to sell products without
Not Syncedgetting the okay from Lisa Frank
Not SyncedIncorporated, which was of course not
Not Syncedallowed. Finally, they say that Glamour
Not SyncedDolls promised products to backers and
Not Syncedthen never shipped them out, which is
Not Syncedtrue. But the question is: why didn't they
Not Syncedship them out? What was stopping them
Not Syncedfrom doing it? Was it a fault of Glamour
Not SyncedDolls or was it a fault of Lisa? We're
Not Syncedstill in Lisa's perspective, so let's
Not Syncedfollow that. Lisa says that even through
Not Syncedall of the things that I just listed - the
Not Syncedthings that are in Lisa's filing - she
Not Syncedcontinued to try to work with Glamour
Not SyncedDolls to make things work. She says she
Not Synceddid this only because she felt like, if
Not Syncedshe didn't continue with Glamour Dolls and
Not Syncedsee this through and get the backers what
Not Syncedthey ordered, that it would damage Lisa
Not SyncedFrank. It would damage her and her brand.
Not SyncedIt wasn't about making sure that people
Not Syncedgot what they paid for, it was about the
Not Synceddamage it would cause to her reputation
Not Syncedand her brand's reputation. She says in
Not Syncedher statement that, you know, that Glamour
Not SyncedDolls had made all these promises and
Not Syncedthey failed to go through on them, that
Not Syncedthey even said that they were shipping
Not Syncedthings to people that they never shipped
Not Syncedto them, which I don't know if it's
Not Syncedactually true. Because from what I've
Not Syncedseen, anybody that was supposed to get
Not Syncedthe eyeshadow and the bronzer and the
Not Syncedpostcard did get those things. There is
Not Syncedsome question, at least in the comments
Not Syncedunderneath my last video of whether people
Not Syncedwho ordered the brush separately, whether
Not Syncedthey actually got their brush. So maybe
Not Syncedthat's what Lisa is talking about. Lisa
Not Syncedsays that Glamour Dolls ignored rules
Not Syncedthat they had to follow to get Lisa's
Not Syncedapproval before making anything. She says
Not Syncedthat they attempted to make or change
Not Syncedproducts without talking to her first.
Not SyncedAnd also that they didn't give her the
Not Syncedsamples required that she needed to
Not Syncedreview. The perspective here is that
Not Syncedbecause of those failures, people started
Not Syncedblaming Lisa Frank and not Glamour Dolls,
Not Syncedwhere she's saying it wasn't her fault,
Not Syncedit was Glamour Dolls' fault. She said that
Not Syncedpeople began to think that Lisa Frank was
Not Syncedscamming them, leaving negative comments
Not Syncedand complaints online that damaged LFI's
Not Syncedreputation. It was only because Glamour
Not SyncedDolls broke their side of the contract
Not Syncedso many times that she ended the contract
Not Syncedformally in July of 2018, which is what
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls had said, that she abruptly
Not Syncedjust ended the contract. What Glamour
Not SyncedDolls had said was before she ended the
Not Syncedcontract, she required them to pay that
Not Syncedfinal $125,000 to her and then once she
Not Syncedgot the money, she terminated the contract
Not Syncedand that they didn't know she was going to
Not Synceddo that when she took the money.
Not SyncedSupposedly, LFI reminded Glamour Dolls
Not Syncedthat they needed to do the things that
Not Syncedwere in the contract, that if she ended
Not Syncedit, that they needed to do - things like
Not Syncedreturning all the artwork and paying any
Not Syncedroyalties owed. However, she says Glamour
Not SyncedDolls didn't pay what they owed or follow
Not Syncedthrough on other responsibilities after
Not Syncedthe termination, leading to more problems
Not Syncedand losses for LFI. So at the final part
Not Syncedof the complaint, Lisa says "This is what
Not SyncedI want the court to give me." She says she
Not Syncedwants to be paid damages, which means all
Not Syncedof the money that they should have
Not Syncedreceived under the agreements with Glamour
Not SyncedDolls - the exact amount of how much she
Not Syncedshould be paid would be decided at trial.
Not SyncedThen she wants to be paid back for all of
Not Syncedthe costs and all of the expenses and the
Not Syncedlawyer's fees as allowed by law. She also
Not Syncedwants to receive interest on any money
Not Syncedawarded to them, both before and after the
Not Syncedcourt's decision at 18% per year and it
Not Syncedlooks like, you know, this happened in
Not Synced2018, it's now 2024, so that's a lot of
Not Syncedfreakin' interest. I'm not going to do the
Not Syncedmath in my brain right now because it's
Not Syncedphysically and mentally impossible for me
Not Syncedbut that's a lot of money. And finally,
Not Syncedshe's like "And if the court wants to
Not Syncedgive me something else, if you think
Not Syncedthere's something else that's fair, feel
Not Syncedfree. You can give me that too." So that
Not Syncedis Lisa's filing. I have lots of thoughts
Not Syncedmy friend. Do you have thoughts? Because
Not Syncedif you have thoughts, put 'em in the
Not Syncedcomment section because I'm wondering if
Not Syncedwe have the exact same thoughts. That's
Not Syncedwhat the collective brain is all about, is
Not Syncedus bouning ideas off of each other and in
Not Synceda recorded video, it's a little harder. So
Not Syncedif you have thoughts, definitely leave
Not Syncedthem in the comments. I'm gonna tell you
Not Syncedmine. Okay, so I have questions. [laughs]
Not SyncedI have 3 major questions. The first one is
Not Synced"What was the timeline for approving the
Not SyncedKickstarter?" Because eventually, Lisa was
Not Syncedparticipating in the Kickstarter, at least
Not Syncedit looks like she was participating in the
Not SyncedKickstarter. So I am curious what Glamour
Not SyncedDolls' side of this is, in that do they
Not Syncedsay that they did the Kickstarter without
Not Syncedtalking to Lisa? Because I noticed
Not Syncedsomething that was in their paperwork that
Not Syncedthey filed. They label Kickstarter as a
Not Syncedbusiness that they were trying to get to
Not Syncedwork with, right? So it's listed in with
Not SyncedIpsy and Hot Topic; they also list
Not SyncedKickstarter. So it was seen by them - it
Not Syncedlooks like - as just another way to sell
Not Syncedproducts and I don't know if that was in
Not Syncedthe contract, that they had to clear what
Not Syncedretailers they were gonna work with with
Not SyncedLisa. Where I think that Lisa may have
Not Syncedthem on this is that they had to use Lisa
Not SyncedFrank artwork and they had to promote this
Not Syncedusing Lisa Frank branded stuff for the
Not SyncedKickstarter before it even started.
Not SyncedRemember Candy's video. I wish I could
Not Syncedshow you the video - it is killing me that
Not Syncedthis video is private and I can't show
Not Syncedyou the full video. But Candy clearly
Not Synceduses Lisa Frank artwork in the video to
Not Syncedpromote this Kickstarter. If Lisa didn't
Not Syncedknow about the Kickstarter, then she
Not Synceddidn't approve the artwork to be used in
Not SyncedCandy's video or any other promotional
Not Syncedthings that they did for the Kickstarter.
Not SyncedSo then Lisa would have them on that.
Not SyncedThat's what I'm thinking most likely
Not Syncedhappened - I mean of course it's possible
Not Syncedthat Glamour Dolls did talk to Lisa and
Not Syncedtell her about the Kickstarter beforehand
Not Syncedand did get all of the artwork approved
Not Syncedand all of that, but it sounds like Lisa
Not Syncedis saying "No, that didn't happen." So
Not Syncedmy next question associated with that -
Not Syncedit's kind of a sub question to question
Not Syncednumber 1 - is "When did Lisa find out
Not Syncedabout the 10 products that they promised
Not Syncedto the Kickstarter backers? When did she
Not Syncedagree to that?" Because it seems like that
Not Syncedfirst contract from 2016 was really for
Not Syncedthose 4 products that they actually did
Not Syncedproduce and put out there - the blush
Not Syncedbrush, the crease brush, the bronzer, and
Not Syncedthe eyeshadows. Single eyeshadows, not
Not Syncedeyeshadow palettes, the single eyeshadows.
Not SyncedThe ones that were sold at Hot Topic. It
Not Syncedis very very likely that Lisa was on board
Not Syncedwith the Kickstarter about a month after
Not Syncedthe Kickstarter started because in March,
Not Syncedthey show posts that are specifically from
Not SyncedLisa, participating in encouraging people
Not Syncedto enter these contests, to perform these
Not Syncedtasks, to show their nail looks and things
Not Syncedlike that. Lisa is posting there. So if
Not Syncedthis is really Lisa posting - which it
Not Synceddoesn't really make any sense to me that
Not Syncedit wouldn't be Lisa because Glamour Dolls
Not Syncedwouldn't be able to, like, hide that from
Not SyncedLisa - they would have to explain that
Not Syncedso it doesn't really make sense to me
Not Syncedthat that wasn't actually Lisa posting.
Not SyncedBut she was clearly participating and
Not Syncedon board in March. Another clue that Lisa
Not Syncedwas involved in the Kickstarter from the
Not Syncedlaunch of the Kickstarter was that just
Not Synceda few days after the launch, Glamour
Not SyncedDolls posted that Lisa was going to go
Not Syncedinto her vault and the first 1,000 backers
Not Syncedwere going to get a very special gift
Not Syncedfrom Lisa in their box when they got their
Not Syncedstuff. They would get a second - what they
Not Syncedcalled a treat - if they hit 2,000 backers
Not Syncedand that Lisa had something really special
Not Syncedplanned if they made it to 10,000 backers.
Not SyncedSo I'm very curious to see if this piece
Not Syncedcomes out in court. My second question is
Not Synced"Why the hell did Glamour Dolls sign this
Not Syncedterrible ass contract?" This is the most
Not Syncedbull**** contract I think I have ever
Not Syncedread. It is absolutely nuts. The part that
Not Syncedis the most unbelievable for me is that
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls signed this is the whole
Not Syncedapproval process. It is absolutely
Not Syncedridiculous. Both sides agree that this was
Not Syncedthe process. So they have an idea, right?
Not SyncedThey start with the idea. Let's use the
Not SyncedTrapper Keeper palettes as an example.
Not SyncedSo they have an idea that they want to
Not Syncedcreate a palette that looks like a Trapper
Not SyncedKeeper. So they get this plain white
Not SyncedTrapper Keeper palette made by the
Not Syncedfactory. Glamour Dolls then takes this
Not Syncedwhite packaging, this plain plastic
Not Syncedpackaging that's the mock-up, send it to
Not SyncedLisa, wait 10 business days. If she
Not Synceddoesn't answer, they have to poke her and
Not Syncedget her to give feedback. If she does
Not Syncedapprove of it, Glamour Dolls then takes
Not Syncedher ideas, whatever she wants changed, and
Not Syncedlets the manufacturing facility know. Then
Not Syncedthey get another mock-up. Then they send
Not Syncedthat to Lisa. They wait 10 days, they wait
Not Syncedfor the feedback. All of that happens all
Not Syncedover again until Lisa's happy. I didn't
Not Syncedsee anything on either said that said Lisa
Not Syncedhad a limit to how many changes she could
Not Syncedmake. So let's assume she's now approved
Not Syncedthe mold. Now they have to wait for Lisa
Not Syncedto make the artwork. Once the artwork
Not Syncedcomes in, again, they send it over to the
Not Syncedmanufacturer. The manufacturer puts it on
Not Syncedthe product. Then Glamour Dolls has to
Not Syncedhave two samples of it that they then send
Not Syncedover to Lisa and wait those 10 business
Not Synceddays again. If she doesn't respond, then
Not Syncedthey poke her - same process all over
Not Syncedagain, where she can either reject it or
Not Syncedaccept it. Do you see how this is so
Not Syncedfreaking ridiculous? Because it's not even
Not Syncedover then! Even after Lisa has approved
Not Syncedthe final designed product, when they
Not Syncedmanufacture it - let's say they make
Not Synced10,000 of them, because this did happen -
Not Syncedthey make 10,000 of them, they have to
Not Syncedsend 2 of the 10,000 to Lisa for final
Not Syncedapproval before they can ship those out
Not Syncedto customers. And I will tell you my
Not Syncedfriend, this actually happened -
Not Syncedaccording to Glamour Dolls - with the
Not Syncedvegan leather makeup bag. This is the
Not Synceddraft picture of the vegan leather makeup
Not Syncedbag that was not designed, that people
Not Syncedreally excited about. This is the final
Not Synceddesign that was supposedly "The One," the
Not Syncedmakeup bag. Well it turns out, according
Not Syncedto Glamour Dolls, Lisa didn't like this
Not Syncedand after they had printed 10,000 of
Not Syncedthese, Lisa said she didn't want it to be
Not Syncedvegan leather anymore; she wanted it to
Not Syncedbe glitter plastic. And because of the
Not Syncedsh**** ass contract that they signed,
Not Syncedthey couldn't sell those 10,000 bags that
Not Syncedthey had already made because she had
Not Syncedapproved the sample. They had to start all
Not Syncedover again with a glitter bag design. I
Not Syncedmean how f***ing ridiculous is this? The
Not Syncedfact that Glamour Dolls signed this
Not Syncedcontract, did they not have a lawyer
Not Syncedread it? Like what happened? How did this
Not Syncedget through? From the very jump, this
Not Syncedshould have just never happened and I'm
Not Syncedsure Glamour Dolls in hindsight is
Not Syncedthinking the exact same thing. And my
Not Syncedthird question is "Why would they start a
Not SyncedKickstarter in February, knowing that
Not SyncedLisa's contract was ending in December?"
Not SyncedBecause that's where they really got
Not Syncedscrewed. This is what I'm thinking: I'm
Not Syncedthinking Lisa designed all of the products
Not Syncedand got everything going for those first
Not Syncedfour products before the Kickstarter
Not Syncedeven started. And that was why Glamour
Not SyncedDolls wanted to do more work with her.
Not SyncedThey were like "Yes, this was so smooth,
Not Syncedthis was so easy. Let's keep this going a
Not Syncedlittle longer. We have until December,
Not Syncedit's only February. We have all this time.
Not SyncedWe pushed out those four products pretty
Not Syncedquickly as far as getting through this
Not Syncedprocess, so let's do 10 more! We've got
Not Syncedthis." Glamour Dolls said publicly that
Not Syncedthey didn't start having problems with
Not SyncedLisa slowing down the process until June
Not Syncedof 2017. So that was after the Kickstarter
Not Syncedhad already started, but before the
Not Syncedestimated ship date that they told the
Not Syncedbackers of September. And it makes sense
Not Syncedbecause if they started signing the
Not Syncedcontract in June of 2016, by February,
Not Syncedthey had made and designed 4 products.
Not SyncedAssuming that Lisa was done with all of
Not Syncedthe designs and all of the things and all
Not Syncedof the approvals by the time that the
Not SyncedKickstarter started so that's about 8
Not Syncedmonths. So they're thinking "Well yeah
Not Syncedthis was so easy, we should be able to
Not Syncedpush out more products by December, by
Not Syncedthe time Lisa's contract ends." So now I
Not Syncedshall present to you the worst case
Not Syncedscenario of Lisa's a raging b****.
Not Synced[laughter] That's where we're gonna go
Not Syncedwith this. This is worst case scenario
Not Syncedwhat happened, in that Lisa knew her
Not Syncedcontract was ending in December, she knew
Not Syncedthat she could slow down this process in
Not Syncedorder to get a new contract in December
Not Syncedand price gauge the hell out of Glamour
Not SyncedDolls. She knew that they had already
Not Syncedpromised all of these products to the
Not Syncedbackers. She knew that they probably
Not Syncedgiven her $125,000 of the backers' money.
Not SyncedShe knew that Glamour Dolls was already
Not Syncedusing the backer money in order to get
Not Syncedthese samples and ship them to her. The
Not Synced$370,000 that the backers had paid,
Not Syncedprobably a lot of it was already spent
Not Syncedbecause that's why they started wanting -
Not Syncedneeding more money. They started selling
Not Syncedthe products on BackerKit, they started
Not Syncedselling the crease brush on their website,
Not Syncedthey really started courting Hot Topic to
Not Syncedtry to sell products over there because
Not SyncedLisa was taking all of the Kickstarter
Not Syncedbackers' money for herself and they were
Not Syncedusing it for the manufacturing of these
Not Syncedproducts and they knew it wasn't enough to
Not Syncedsee this whole project through because
Not Syncedremember they've got 10 products they're
Not Syncedtrying to make by December. So time
Not Syncedpasses, Lisa drags this out, drags this
Not Syncedout, and then drops the bomb on Glamour
Not SyncedDolls: "If you want this to continue,
Not Syncedafter all this money that you spent,
Not Syncedyou're gonna have to pay me $500,000, not
Not Synced$100,000 anymore. It's $500,000 and you
Not Syncedknow when you sell to Hot Topic? You're
Not Syncednot gonna give me 15%, you're gonna give
Not Syncedme 20%." But at that point, they were so
Not Syncedfar deep in it that they couldn't get out
Not Syncedof it. They absolutely couldn't get out
Not Syncedof it. Another place that they probably
Not Syncedspent the backers' money was on Wengie
Not Syncedbecause remember the call that Peter did
Not Syncedwith the backers? He mentions very
Not Syncedbriefly paying for a video. I'll play that
Not Syncedfor you.
Not Synced(Peter): We actually didn't make a profit
Not Syncedoff of this Kickstarter campaign. I know
Not Syncedthat's, um, it's a hard thing for people
Not Syncedto, um, to kind of believe with the size
Not Syncedof it. But, um, we have to manufacture all
Not Syncedthose goods, uh, we have licensing fees
Not Syncedto pay to Lisa, um, we had to pay for, you
Not Syncedknow, uh, for production of the video and
Not Syncedfor all these different things.
Not Synced(Jen) I don't know this for a fact but
Not SyncedI think he took the money from the backers
Not Syncedand paid Wengie to make that video.
Not SyncedWho knows how much he paid her because
Not Syncedinfluencer rates back then, you know, it
Not Syncedwas brand new, you know, influencers
Not Syncedgetting paid for sponsored videos and
Not Syncedthings like that. I have no idea how much
Not Syncedthey paid Wengie but I would imagine that
Not Syncedwas part of where the money was going and
Not Syncedwhy they needed to raise more money.
Not SyncedBecause now in December, they not only
Not Syncedhave to get all of these 10 products
Not Syncedmanufactured but they also have to pay
Not SyncedLisa this $500,000. Lisa officially had
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls by the unicorn balls. I mean
Not Syncedlike, she was-she had them. They had no
Not Syncedchoice, in my opinion, if this is the way
Not Syncedit played out, other than to sign that
Not Syncedcontract and just hope for the best. If
Not Syncedall of this is true - let's say they say
Not Synced"Screw you Lisa, we're not paying you
Not Synced$500,000, we're cutting off the contract
Not Syncednow." How do they pay back the backers?
Not SyncedThey can't. They don't have the money
Not Syncedanymore. It's gone. They don't have the
Not Syncedmoney to pay back the backers so they are
Not Syncedabsolutely screwed. Some other things
Not Syncedthat I found in the Glamour Dolls part of
Not Syncedthe lawsuit that I didn't see when I made
Not Syncedthe last video that I want to let you know
Not Syncedbecause now, I imagine at some point,
Not Syncedthere'll be a part 3 [laughter] of this
Not Syncedvideo is that they were saying more
Not Syncedthings about how Lisa interfered with the
Not Syncedproduction of the product. So in the court
Not Syncedfiling, it says "Lisa Frank frequently and
Not Syncedunreasonably rejected already manufactured
Not Syncedsamples without being specific as to the
Not Syncedreason for disapproval." In their filing,
Not Syncedthey said that there was a problem with
Not Syncedthe Ipsy products. They said "in one
Not Syncedinstance, due to Lisa Frank's failure to
Not Syncedtimely provide artwork for the Ipsy sales
Not Syncedorder, Glamour Dolls missed the artwork
Not Synceddeadline and was forced to pay a fine in
Not Syncedthe amount of $50,500." The filing
Not Syncedcontinued on and said that Glamour Dolls
Not Syncedwas shipping her out samples and then
Not Syncedshe'd be like - 10 business days later -
Not Synced"Oh I lost them, can you send more of
Not Syncedthem?" It's like, "wait what? What?" And
Not Syncedin this case, they may not have more
Not Syncedsamples because they requested a certain
Not Syncednumber of samples from the lab and then
Not Syncedthey mail the samples to Lisa Frank and
Not Syncedthen Lisa loses them so then they have to
Not Syncedask the lab for more samples and they have
Not Syncedto pay for that and then get those
Not Syncedsamples and then send those - wait for
Not Syncedthose to come in - then send those to Lisa
Not Syncedand then they have to wait for Lisa to
Not Syncedapprove those. Do you see how it's just
Not Synceddragging everything out? And you remember
Not Syncedhow I said as part of the contract - this
Not Syncedwas so, so if this is how it happened -
Not Syncedthat part of the contract was that Lisa
Not Syncedwould get her artwork back and that's
Not Syncedwhat she did. She used that artwork on the
Not SyncedMorphe products. The artwork she made for
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls. You can see it on the
Not SyncedTrapper Keeper-style palette that Morphe
Not Syncedhad made. But to be true to the title of
Not Syncedthis video, Lisa says that "Glamour Dolls
Not Syncedfailed to comply with the inspection and
Not Syncedapproval process. Lisa's gonna have to
Not Syncedprove this in court. She's gonna have to
Not Syncedshow them the evidence that Glamour Dolls
Not Synceddidn't go through the proper approval
Not Syncedprocess because even if it's unfair -
Not Syncedthis is the thing about the law - even if
Not Syncedit's unfair, even if it's unreasonable, if
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls signed that contract and
Not Syncedsaid that they were gonna follow a certain
Not Syncedprocess, they had to follow that process,
Not Syncedeven if it's bull****. And if Lisa can
Not Syncedprove that they did things that were
Not Syncedagainst the process, then she had a right
Not Syncedto terminate the contract and get her
Not Syncedartwork and then sell it to Morphe. It's
Not Syncedjust so fu***d up! [laughter] It's just
Not Syncedso messed up! But we definitely need to
Not Syncedend this video the same way we ended the
Not Syncedlast one in that the most current ruling
Not Syncedby the judge for the 9 claims that Glamour
Not SyncedDolls has against Lisa Frank - the judge
Not Syncedonly dismissed part of claim 1. That was
Not Syncedthe breach of contract; they partially
Not Synceddismissed that but the judge says that
Not SyncedGlamour Dolls can go forward on part of
Not Syncedthe breach of contract and everything
Not Syncedelse - including unjust enrichment, fraud,
Not Synceddefamation, and all of those things -
Not Syncedthat they're moving forward with those
Not Syncedclaims, which means that the judge thinks
Not Syncedthat Glamour Dolls has enough evidence to
Not Syncedsupport that these things happened. Not
Not Syncedthat Lisa isn't going to counter with
Not Syncedsomething else but Glamour Dolls does
Not Syncedhave a case to present. And also like I
Not Syncedmentioned in the last video, the last
Not Syncedcourt filing for this was January 24th,
Not Synced2024, so this is going to be ongoing, so I
Not Syncedimagine at some point, there will be a
Not Syncedpart 3. I don't imagine it will be soon
Not Syncedbut I said that last time, so [laughter]
Not Syncedwho knows? At this point my friend, it is
Not Syncedyour turn in the collective brain of
Not Syncedmakeup awesomeness. I would love to know
Not Syncedyour thoughts on this new information that
Not Syncedwas sent to me and thank you again so much
Not Syncedto the person who calls themself "Fake
Not SyncedGothic Girl," thank you for sending me the
Not Syncedlink to this court document that I
Not Syncedpreviously didn't have access to. It
Not Syncedreally opened my eyes to a lot of things
Not Syncedand hopefully it added some context to you
Not Synced- if you watch the first piece - to what
Not SyncedLisa was saying about what was happening
Not Syncedand what her counter suit is all about.
Not SyncedLet me know any and all thoughts down in
Not Syncedthe comment section down below. Thank you
Not Syncedso so much for watching, I hope you enjoy.
Not SyncedIf you would like to hang out just a
Not Syncedlittle bit longer, YouTube should be
Not Syncedrecommending a couple of videos over here
Not Syncedto watch. I'm gonna put a previous episode
Not Syncedof "Behind the Controversy" down there.
Not SyncedIn case you didn't see it, that's a
Not Syncedreally good one. If you would like to
Not Syncedwatch the top one, that one YouTube's
Not Syncedpicking for you based on your viewing
Not Syncedhistory, which video they think that
Not Syncedyou're gonna like. But if you gotta go
Not Syncedcuz you have things that you gotta do,
Not SyncedI get it. Thank you for hanging out as
Not Syncedlong as you did and mad love to you and I
Not Syncedwill see you in a video very very soon.
Not SyncedBye!
- Title:
- Lisa Frank's Side of the Story - Glamour Dolls Makeup x Lisa Frank PART 2| Behind the Controversy
- Description:
This is a story of deception, greed, lies, manipulation, and .... unicorns. Today on PART 2 of Behind the Controversy Lisa Frank x Glamour Dolls Makeup, we take a look at Lisa Frank's side of the story through her COUNTERSUIT against Glamour Dolls. What does SHE say Glamour Dolls did to make her back out of their contract and what she STILL thinks Glamour Dolls owes her! Let's talk about it!
PLEASE watch Part 1 first or this video might be confusing:
@BaileySarian 's Dark History episode on Lisa Frank. She focuses more on Lisa herself, the Jezebel article, and her business practices -
Another video you might like, Unearthing My Kaboodle from the 90's (yes it still has makeup in it) -
*Time Stamps*
0:00 Intro
3:02 Lisa's Side of the Story
14:15 Question 1: When did Lisa “approve” the Kickstarter?
17:59 Question 2: Why did Glamour Dolls sign this awful contract?
21:07 Question 3: Why did the kickstarter happen knowing Lisa's contract was ending?*Relevant Links*
The Kickstarter -
Allure article about the launch -
The Kick Further - Jezebel Article -
Lawsuit Press Release - or
The Insider Article -
Insider Update -
Formal Complaint -
Court Documents -
Available Court Filing - BuzzFeed Article
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