Hello everyone, here's Evildea, your God!
And tonight, I want to discuss something
which I've been thinking about for a long time
and discussed with my wife, but haven't said on this channel.
But first I simply want to say that it is
now after midnight. My wife is in bed.
My parents-in-law are in bed.
And I'm on the sofa thinking about the future
And in fact lately I can't not think about it
because it really is extremely important for my future.
Probably if you've watched my channel for a while
you probably know that I intend to have a child
in the coming year. Or not have, but to make born
a child in the coming year
I have to be somewhat careful about my use of verbs
So the plan is that in January, I'll begin
to start a family. I don't know how to say that
without seeming very strange, but that is the plan
But during several months, my and my wife
discussed the matter a lot and we both
want to have a child.
But we both don't want to have a child.
It is an extremely hard problem for us
because we don't want a child just now,
because for example I want to travel around the world
My wife wants the same
We want to develop our careers
and so on
There are a lot of things that we want
to do first, but there is another problem.
I more and more am getting older.
And we know that the easiest years
for giving birth, little by little, are disappearing
And of course that greatly occupies our minds
lately. And even raises the matter
of whether we should have a child later.
and I discuss it a lot with her,
and for some reason really want to have a child
since I was a child myself.
One moment, I have to change the position
of the camera, because it is a bit strange at the moment.
So since I was a child, I always imagined a family
as a father, a mother and a child.
If a family doesn't have a child, it isn't
really a family.
And I don't know why I think that way,
my parents definitely didn't educate me that way
I simply grew up that way and started that way
and of course in the Chinese culture,
to have a child is one of the most important things
so you can imagine that her mother and father
say "When is the child coming? When is the child coming?"
And mine even say "Do you intend to have a child?"
"Soon? Soonish?"
And we always say "Yes, yes we intend
We intend to, simply wait a little."
But lately we discussed the matter a lot
probably you saw the videoblog where we visited
our friends' house,
and when we were there that didn't really help
because the father of that young girl Ling Ling
He in fact said to me that if you want to develop
your career, have anything or do anything at all,
do it fucking now!
Because you won't be able to do it after the child
and of course that massively scared me
and even scared my wife
and there are lots of other things but,
Ne definitely, not definitely I'm lying when I say that
I don't want a child now,
but I'm afraid that if we wait too long
we won't be able to have it in the future.
That's a real fear.
I'm still young enough, my wife
is still young enough, in fact I didn't say
this before on this channel and I hope
that you all won't say this on Facebook.
At least not in English.
But my wife is a little older than me
Not that much, just a little.
So she understandably has real fears about
whether to have a child now or in the future?
And yes, that's the most important problem currently
And I know that I have to make a choice
And she has to make a choice
and you all, you can't choose for me.
But it really occupies my thoughts lately.
And I simply want to share that with you
it's what I'm thinking about
In other news, this weekend
will be a great weekend because on Saturday,
I'll go to a Youtube meeting and I'll film that
On Sunday I'll go to Zamenhof Day and
the Zamenhof Day will happen on Sunday because
the real Zamenhof Day will happen during the week
and we don't want to meet during the week
so we intend to have it on Sunday.
So in fact, you will be able to experience Zamenhof Day
before the real Zamenhof Day
And Friday night I intend to go to
a blog group, maybe I can find someone who
wants to collaborate with me.
Yes that is everything!
Forgive me if this video bored you
but here is the end, so if you like it,
like it, share it, subscribe to my channel
if you still haven't subscribed
and I'll see everyone in the next video
and if you're not there, I'll find you and
I'll put something into your arse
And as always I want to thank my
donators at Patreon, but before I
do that, I just want to say that every
dollar that you can donate to my channel
every month really helps develop it.
And those are . . .
And I'll see you all in the next video.