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Mi Havas Konfeson ...

  • 0:00 - 0:03
    Hello everyone, here's Evildea, your God!
  • 0:03 - 0:06
    And tonight, I want to discuss something
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    which I've been thinking about for a long time
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    and discussed with my wife, but haven't said on this channel.
  • 0:13 - 0:15
    But first I simply want to say that it is
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    now after midnight. My wife is in bed.
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    My parents-in-law are in bed.
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    And I'm on the sofa thinking about the future
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    And in fact lately I can't not think about it
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    because it really is extremely important for my future.
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    Probably if you've watched my channel for a while
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    you probably know that I intend to have a child
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    in the coming year. Or not have, but to make born
  • 0:44 - 0:46
    a child in the coming year
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    I have to be somewhat careful about my use of verbs
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    So the plan is that in January, I'll begin
  • 1:00 - 1:03
    to start a family. I don't know how to say that
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    without seeming very strange, but that is the plan
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    But during several months, my and my wife
  • 1:12 - 1:15
    discussed the matter a lot and we both
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    want to have a child.
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    But we both don't want to have a child.
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    It is an extremely hard problem for us
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    because we don't want a child just now,
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    because for example I want to travel around the world
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    My wife wants the same
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    We want to develop our careers
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    and so on
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    There are a lot of things that we want
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    to do first, but there is another problem.
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    I more and more am getting older.
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    And we know that the easiest years
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    for giving birth, little by little, are disappearing
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    And of course that greatly occupies our minds
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    lately. And even raises the matter
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    of whether we should have a child later.
  • 2:20 - 2:23
    and I discuss it a lot with her,
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    and for some reason really want to have a child
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    since I was a child myself.
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    One moment, I have to change the position
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    of the camera, because it is a bit strange at the moment.
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    So since I was a child, I always imagined a family
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    as a father, a mother and a child.
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    If a family doesn't have a child, it isn't
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    really a family.
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    And I don't know why I think that way,
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    my parents definitely didn't educate me that way
  • 2:58 - 3:02
    I simply grew up that way and started that way
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    and of course in the Chinese culture,
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    to have a child is one of the most important things
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    so you can imagine that her mother and father
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    say "When is the child coming? When is the child coming?"
  • 3:14 - 3:18
    And mine even say "Do you intend to have a child?"
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    "Soon? Soonish?"
  • 3:24 - 3:26
    And we always say "Yes, yes we intend
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    We intend to, simply wait a little."
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    But lately we discussed the matter a lot
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    probably you saw the videoblog where we visited
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    our friends' house,
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    and when we were there that didn't really help
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    because the father of that young girl Ling Ling
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    He in fact said to me that if you want to develop
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    your career, have anything or do anything at all,
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    do it fucking now!
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    Because you won't be able to do it after the child
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    and of course that massively scared me
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    and even scared my wife
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    and there are lots of other things but,
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    Ne definitely, not definitely I'm lying when I say that
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    I don't want a child now,
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    but I'm afraid that if we wait too long
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    we won't be able to have it in the future.
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    That's a real fear.
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    I'm still young enough, my wife
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    is still young enough, in fact I didn't say
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    this before on this channel and I hope
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    that you all won't say this on Facebook.
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    At least not in English.
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    But my wife is a little older than me
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    Not that much, just a little.
  • 5:00 - 5:03
    So she understandably has real fears about
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    whether to have a child now or in the future?
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    And yes, that's the most important problem currently
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    And I know that I have to make a choice
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    And she has to make a choice
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    and you all, you can't choose for me.
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    But it really occupies my thoughts lately.
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    And I simply want to share that with you
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    it's what I'm thinking about
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    In other news, this weekend
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    will be a great weekend because on Saturday,
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    I'll go to a Youtube meeting and I'll film that
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    On Sunday I'll go to Zamenhof Day and
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    the Zamenhof Day will happen on Sunday because
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    the real Zamenhof Day will happen during the week
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    and we don't want to meet during the week
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    so we intend to have it on Sunday.
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    So in fact, you will be able to experience Zamenhof Day
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    before the real Zamenhof Day
  • 6:15 - 6:19
    And Friday night I intend to go to
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    a blog group, maybe I can find someone who
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    wants to collaborate with me.
  • 6:25 - 6:27
    Yes that is everything!
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    Forgive me if this video bored you
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    but here is the end, so if you like it,
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    like it, share it, subscribe to my channel
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    if you still haven't subscribed
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    and I'll see everyone in the next video
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    and if you're not there, I'll find you and
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    I'll put something into your arse
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    And as always I want to thank my
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    donators at Patreon, but before I
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    do that, I just want to say that every
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    dollar that you can donate to my channel
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    every month really helps develop it.
  • 6:55 - 6:56
    And those are . . .
  • 7:10 - 7:12
    And I'll see you all in the next video.
Mi Havas Konfeson ...

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Video Language:
Robert Nielsen edited English subtitles for Mi Havas Konfeson ...

English subtitles
