Aşk Laftan Anlamaz 8.Bölüm
0:00 - 0:03Translation and adaptation:
Ask Laftan Anlamaz -
0:03 - 0:06Episode 8
0:07 - 0:08Tidak Masalah!
0:10 - 0:13Anda mengusulkan dia untuk menikah dengan Anda di sini, Anda sangat baik.
0:14 - 0:19Bukan? Saya suka tempat ini. Sangat bagus!
0:19 - 0:26Kebetulan! Ini kebetulan!
2:34 - 2:37Selamat datang!
Nona muda bukan? -
2:39 - 2:40Kamu. . . .
2:40 - 2:47Saya memiliki sebuah restoran. Anda adalah tamu kami.
Saat Anda membuat makanan, mintalah untuk menilai. -
2:49 - 2:52Itu salah satu yang terindah
hari-hari yang saya habiskan dalam hidup saya. -
2:52 - 2:55Tapi pacarmu tidak?
Siapa namanya? -
2:55 - 2:56Hayat!
2:57 - 2:59Gadis yang berpengaruh. Orang yang menyenangkan!
3:00 - 3:01Itu dia!
3:02 - 3:05Kemudian kami sepakat satu sama lain.
Semoga Tuhan memberi Anda tidak berpisah! -
3:07 - 3:10Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda,
tapi kita putus. -
3:10 - 3:11Oh ayolah!
3:11 - 3:16Biarkan saja! Akan terpecahkan!
Anda akan mengurusnya. -
3:16 - 3:21Tidak ada lagi yang harus diperbaiki.
Itu berakhir sebelum dimulai.. -
3:23 - 3:25Permisi!
3:25 - 3:27Anda dapat berbicara dengan.
Saya tidak ingin mengganggu. -
3:29 - 3:30Yaa!
3:30 - 3:35Sekarang saya melihat pesan Anda. Kamu memanggilku!
Anda mengatakan untuk bertemu dan berbicara. -
3:36 - 3:38Ya! Saya punya tawaran untuk Anda.
3:40 - 3:44Jika Anda akan memberi tahu saya tentang aborsi,
Saya memutuskan untuk tahu. Saya memiliki bayi ini. -
3:44 - 3:48Tidak! Saya tidak akan mengatakan itu.
Hal lain yang akan saya bicarakan. -
3:49 - 3:53-Lalu apa yang ingin Anda tawarkan kepada saya?
-Malam ini kita akan bicara, Didem. -
3:54 - 3:58Tapi aku tidak sabar menunggu malam ini. Untuk
bayi tidak sehat kegembiraan semacam ini. -
3:59 - 4:02Katakan di mana Anda berada dan kami
bertemu segera dan saya datang kepada Anda. -
4:02 - 4:04Aku tidak bisa!
4:06 - 4:10Atau aku bisa! Apa bedanya.
Ayo! -
4:10 - 4:12Okeh!
4:27 - 4:35Apa yang sedang terjadi? Biarkan Hayat tinggal bersama kami.
Kami akan bersulang bersama acara besar ini. -
4:36 - 4:38Kau tahu aku tidak bisa minum!
4:40 - 4:46Saya tidak ingin repot! Anda melanjutkan dengan perayaan.
Pokoknya aku akan pergi! Mereka menungguku di rumah. -
4:47 - 4:48Bagaimanapun, kita tidak akan tinggal lama.
4:50 - 4:52Mengapa, hidup saya?
Kami belum selesai makan. -
4:59 - 5:01Semoga sukses untuk Anda!
5:03 - 5:06Saya berharap yang terbaik untukmu!
5:53 - 5:56Kami akan terus makan, sayang?
6:04 - 6:06Sepertinya kamu lupa
bahwa pernikahan kami hanyalah formalitas. -
6:08 - 6:11Aku hanya akan merawat anak itu dan memberinya nama.
6:13 - 6:19Saya di sini bukan untuk menjadi seorang suami, melainkan seorang ayah. Bagaimanapun,
kita akan bercerai ketika saatnya tiba. -
6:32 - 6:36Ah Hayat!
Apa yang terjadi lagi, gadis? -
6:44 - 6:45Hayat!
6:46 - 6:50Hayat, apa yang terjadi lagi?
6:52 - 6:53Hayat!
6:57 - 7:02Mereka akan menikah, Asli.
Menikah! -
7:10 - 7:16Hayat! Hayat! Hayat!
Tolong aku! Tolong aku! -
7:19 - 7:24Hayat, domba kecilku!
Bawa tempat duduk! Hayat! -
7:36 - 7:40Jika Anda membutuhkan sesuatu, Anda tahu di mana saya berada.
Sekali lagi, cepat pulih! -
7:40 - 7:43Terima kasih profesor!
7:46 - 7:48Cobalah untuk sedikit rileks!
7:51 - 7:55Ah, adikku yang cantik!
Teman-teman! -
7:56 - 8:04Betapa baiknya Anda datang kepada saya. Bagaimana jika
kamu sakit di jalan? Tuhan melestarikan! -
8:08 - 8:12Saya tidak bisa lupa, Asli. Aku tidak bisa melupakan!
8:13 - 8:19Saya tidak bisa lupa ketika Didem menyatakan bahwa mereka
akan menikah. Dan itu di pantai. -
8:20 - 8:22Di tempat yang penuh dengan momen Murat dan aku.
8:23 - 8:28Apakah tidak ada tempat lain?
Aku tidak percaya! -
8:30 - 8:32Di dalamnya ada sesuatu yang aneh.
8:33 - 8:41Saya mendengar dengan telinga saya sendiri.
Saat Didem berkata, Murat tidak membantah. -
8:44 - 8:48Cukup! Hatiku semakin sakit.
Cukup! -
9:17 - 9:20Di mana Anda, Pak. Membersihkan?
Sejak pagi itu yang saya coba dapatkan. -
9:21 - 9:22Aku sedang memikirkan!
9:23 - 9:26Apa yang Anda pikirkan sehingga Anda bolos kerja?
Ada apa denganmu? -
9:30 - 9:33Saya harus membuat keputusan yang penting yang berkaitan dengan hidup saya.
9:34 - 9:39-Bagus! Apakah Anda setidaknya bisa membawa?
-Ya! Saya membuat keputusan. -
9:39 - 9:41Nah, lalu apa masalahnya?
9:44 - 9:49Untuk pertama kalinya, saya tidak setuju
dengan pikiran dan perasaan, Kerem. -
9:50 - 9:52Apa artinya sekarang?
9:53 - 9:55Untuk minum sesuatu?
9:57 - 10:01Ketika situasi begitu penting,
apa yang kita lakukan jika kita tidak minum. -
10:12 - 10:15Fadik, tidak ada yang mengikuti. Apa kamu yakin?
10:16 - 10:20Tidak, kakak. Gadis-gadis itu sudah bekerja.
Kami datang ke sini tanpa keraguan. -
10:21 - 10:28Bagus! Tidak aman jika Anda mencari
untuk takdir atau seseorang untuk disalahkan. -
10:46 - 10:48Bu Emine, bukan?
10:51 - 10:53Aku Ran! Kamuran!
Penata rambut. -
10:54 - 10:58Seorang ahli di bidang real estate, apapun majikannya.
Penting anggota asosiasi burung beo. -
10:58 - 11:01Kapten yang berani. Bu Duran menyebutkannya.
11:02 - 11:07Ya! Anda adalah ayah
dari putra mr. Nevzat. bukan? -
11:07 - 11:11Tidak! saya sama
waktu ayah dan ibunya. -
11:11 - 11:17Teman dan orang kepercayaan. Kami banyak
lebih dari ayah dan anak. -
11:18 - 11:20Bagus sekali, Pak! Bagusnya?
11:20 - 11:26Ini sama sekali tidak bagus. Tidak peduli apa jenisnya. Itu sangat sulit.
Tanggung jawab ini selama bertahun-tahun di pundak. -
11:26 - 11:29Saya ingin anak saya duduk di rumahnya.
11:29 - 11:32-Kau benar, tentu saja!
-Tidak, aku tidak benar! -
11:33 - 11:37Apakah anak saya bodoh? Ini bukan!
Dia adalah direktur hubungan masyarakat. -
11:37 - 11:39Dia cerdas, muda, mampu.
Pahlawan sejati. -
11:40 - 11:43Mengapa Anda akan menikah?
Biarkan dia menikmati kesenangannya. -
11:45 - 11:49Tapi ketika dia ingin...
11:50 - 11:54Tidak! Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi? Bagaimana saya bisa menghabiskan hidup saya?
Dia menyatakan bahwa dia tidak akan menikah. -
11:54 - 11:58Dia keras kepala seperti keledai.
Dia harus menikah, dia tidak punya siapa-siapa. -
11:58 - 12:05Bagaimana saya tidak tahu, Pak?
Milik saya sama dengan milik Anda, Pak. -
12:05 - 12:10Ini tidak mungkin! Tidak boleh sama!
Anakku berbeda. Dia adalah satu-satunya milikku. -
12:11 - 12:17Dia pikir hidup akan menjadi omong kosong. Bagaimana
berkali-kali dia bilang kesepian itu sulit. -
12:18 - 12:22Cukup! Cukup,
tidak ada objek lagi. Saya katakan itu sama. -
12:22 - 12:27Dan milikku hanya keras kepala seperti milikmu!
aku tidak mau! Dia tidak ingin menikah! -
12:27 - 12:30Saya selesai! saya lelah!
12:32 - 12:39Tidak, aku sudah selesai! Selama bertahun-tahun, saya untuk ayah putra saya
dan ibu. Kesepian sangat sulit. Aku tahu! -
12:40 - 12:42Tidak! Aku tahu!
12:48 - 12:51Tuhan melindungi Anda, atau suami Anda meninggal?
12:52 - 12:55Tidak pak. Saya bebas!
12:59 - 13:02Dari sana, saya tahu kesepian.
13:11 - 13:12Don't move!
13:16 - 13:18That's so much better!
13:33 - 13:35Can a man marry someone that he don't like?
Have you lost your mind? -
13:35 - 13:39I wish I was crazy, so let's all put on it.
13:45 - 13:50Don't talk and disturb me. I said it in the sense
that we together think about it aand find a solution. -
13:50 - 13:54For that, there is no other solution, Kerem.
I have to get married with Didem. -
13:54 - 13:58Wouldn't that be man with woman because needs?
You will destroy yourself. -
13:58 - 14:00I'm already destroyed, Kerem!
14:00 - 14:04My life has been doing things that I don't want
and paying punished for what I didn't commit. -
14:05 - 14:07For you may be hard,
but for me it's a normal thing. -
14:08 - 14:09Oh, my god!
14:10 - 14:12I don't know what to tell you.
14:12 - 14:16There's nothing to say.
Let's keep it that way! -
14:18 - 14:20Is a class that fitting man like you?
14:22 - 14:27I am not giving up. I accept the condition.
There's a difference in it. -
14:28 - 14:30You say you'll deal with it if it's in fate .
14:31 - 14:35And what about unborn, innocent child?
What is his fault? -
14:42 - 14:44My baby!
14:59 - 15:06Dear Ipek, Ipek, don't get more spin, enough!
What is done is done! You need to get over! -
15:07 - 15:11-Shut up! I'm thinking.
-What do you think? -
15:12 - 15:16I think about how Hayat would not
have to work in the company of that one. -
15:16 - 15:21Tomorrow you're leaving that job.
Go to company, saying you're not Suna Pektas. -
15:21 - 15:24Let the gentleman Murat realizes
what it means cheating people. -
15:26 - 15:30Well it turns out, dear!
Freshen up we were! -
15:30 - 15:32So if he asks me for an advance that I took?
15:34 - 15:37Exactly!
There is also an advance. -
15:37 - 15:41Yes! We have to take the money who's in the house.
15:47 - 15:51It was a very bad joke. I'm laughing because
I'm under the influence of the drug, you know. -
15:51 - 15:55I noticed! Because I said so.
Otherwise there would be no chance. -
15:58 - 16:05Good! Beautiful friends, we make jokes and
think about how we'll pay back that advance? -
16:05 - 16:07I have to go on that job.
16:08 - 16:13We Know, Hayat. You have to go because really you
have to repay the advance. Now think about how I would go. -
16:14 - 16:18-I have to go to that job because . . .
-Ah my self-sacrifice sister. -
16:19 - 16:22You think you have to go to work
because you're promised the Suna, isn't it? -
16:23 - 16:30What Suna? Why our friend need to suffer
Murat torture as she watched the birds and crows? -
16:30 - 16:35Girls! I have to go to work because...
16:39 - 16:42It's the only way to see Murat.
16:45 - 16:52Because I love him and he loves me.
I know! Tell me I'm naive and stupid, tell me all. -
16:53 - 16:57I tell myself that every day.
Every day is torture. -
16:58 - 17:06But I can't order yourself. Understand me! You realize
that I no longer have my mind. Understand me! -
17:16 - 17:20Isn't this wasn't the goal?
If it isn't failed, Fadik? -
17:20 - 17:26Destiny! If the father is like a hidden diamond,
who knows how it was the son. -
17:26 - 17:30I think he ran away.
A guy like a treasures escaped. -
17:31 - 17:37God does not kill! You don't even have
a bit of bite, Fadik. Don't say I didn't tell. -
17:37 - 17:39What are you laughing?
What have I said now? -
17:39 - 17:41Who is at this hour?
17:43 - 17:44Hello!
17:45 - 17:50Mr. Kamuran! Yes, sir!
17:52 - 18:00Did you talk with your son?
And are you coming? With your son, good? -
18:01 - 18:07Agreed, sir! Of course!
Yes, of course! Respect! -
18:08 - 18:12-What's going on? What did he say?
-They come, Fadik. They're coming. -
18:12 - 18:16And he convinced the son, talked with him.
And tomorrow night, come to know each other better. -
18:16 - 18:19Don't tell me! Mr. Kamuran comes!
Mr. Kamuran comes! -
18:19 - 18:23I mean, mr. Kamuran coming together with my son.
18:39 - 18:43-Who's standing in front of you? Guess.
-Wait a minute! -
18:45 - 18:48-Is somehow the devil woman?
-No, you didn't hit. -
18:49 - 18:54It's standing future wife of Murat.
Murat asked me to marry him. -
18:55 - 19:01Anyway what else could it be? Was forced!
I told you, don't you? I told you that Murat will be mine. -
19:02 - 19:07Didem one, Hayat zero!
Didem one, Murat zero! -
19:09 - 19:15So you caught the Murat in your trap.
Bravo! -
19:16 - 19:23For you, it's all a game, isn't it? The only
thing that matters is that you're the winner. -
19:24 - 19:29Yes! Of course it is. Well!
Aren't you gonna congratulate me? -
19:40 - 19:42That hurt!
19:43 - 19:47To congratulate you on the lies that you spoke?
19:47 - 19:54For being two-faced?
You put a medal for greed? -
19:54 - 19:57To be glad that you have no shame? What to do?
19:58 - 20:01You are kidding with serious things, Tuval.
Are you aware of? -
20:01 - 20:06If you were my daughter, the truth would
have come out. I put you on my knee and beat. -
20:06 - 20:10-You crossed the line!
-Girl, actually, you crossed the line. Every measure. -
20:11 - 20:18You don't want that child, you want Murat.
What mother can be so selfish? -
20:19 - 20:26Is a child born for greed?
Isn't it a pity for your lives? -
20:27 - 20:32-Murat doesn't love you! You know it!
-No, he will gonna love me! -
20:33 - 20:37Murat will love me with this baby.
Everything's gonna change. -
20:39 - 20:46Nothing will change, Didem.
But here has changed. -
20:47 - 20:56Don't mind me , baby! My heart is spacious,
but your greed is too great. Don't forcing my door. -
20:57 - 20:59Don't stop!
21:00 - 21:01What do you want to say?
21:03 - 21:12In my house, and my heart can't be a place
for someone who deliberately hurts others. -
21:13 - 21:16How? You throw me out, right?
21:17 - 21:21What you're doing is very wrong, Tuval.
You'll regret it, you know. -
21:22 - 21:28I did it already! Because I didn't protect
Murat from you, I regret very much. -
21:29 - 21:35When you got out,
close the door to avoid drafts rule. -
21:36 - 21:41Farewell! Good-bye!
21:53 - 21:56My son with a good heart.
21:59 - 22:01God increase the conversations.
22:01 - 22:04Don't be jealous, mr. Murat.
Don't be jealous! -
22:06 - 22:13In my arms there's place for both of us.
My children smell like milk. And still smell like milk. -
22:13 - 22:15Don't be the evil eye!
22:15 - 22:20Then I change this perfume.
The girls will think I work in the dairy. -
22:21 - 22:24Derya mom and dad are not?
22:24 - 22:26They are at dinner?
22:27 - 22:32-I wish I called before I came.
-Why, my grandmother's? -
22:32 - 22:37I take an important decisions related to their lives.
I wanted to communicate it. -
22:48 - 22:51Whoever was in my place,
would have reacted the same . -
22:52 - 22:57Don't mind me, but mrs. Azime
sometimes crossed the border, Nejat. -
22:57 - 23:01I don't want you coming
back again on the same topic. -
23:03 - 23:07That's my mom. Accept her like that.
Don't will not abuse with it. -
23:08 - 23:11Do not allow over me?
It's enought to remain silent . -
23:12 - 23:18Well, Derya, good! I promise that I'll do
everything that stands in my power. I promise! -
23:20 - 23:23Let that discomfort doesn't last long. Please!
23:25 - 23:29Only this time you won't be so easy to redeem.
23:29 - 23:35Soon we will have grandchildren.
It is appropriate to argue? -
23:36 - 23:42Talk in your name, Nejat Sarsilmaz.
I'm not gonna be grandma. You'll be a grandfather. -
23:43 - 23:47-You're kidding, right?
-Is the kidding with that, child? -
23:48 - 23:51-Brother, from where appeared now and this wedding?
-So it has to be! -
23:52 - 23:56-People probably don't marry because you have to.
-I have no other choice, Doruk. -
23:56 - 24:00Why don't you have a choice, son? Does that girl asked
you when she was decided to have the baby? -
24:00 - 24:05Grandma, I've been for a long time over this.
All I can think about now is the child and his future. -
24:08 - 24:15I wish I didn't pushed it so much that I want a grandchild.
I wish they burned those hands that I prayed to God. -
24:15 - 24:21I begged him to I want a grandchild. How could
I know that it will happen something like this? -
24:21 - 24:24Grandma, what does this
have to do with your prayers? -
24:24 - 24:26I will be so careful to pray next time.
24:27 - 24:31Now Murat is getting married, grandchild
on the way and look at the state we're in. -
24:39 - 24:45Ipek! Ipek! Ipek! Ipek!
Come on two minutes to help us. -
24:45 - 24:49Ipek! Ipek! Ipek! Ipek!
24:55 - 25:02Tell, ladies! It looks like you have something
urgent to ask me this on night and at speed. -
25:02 - 25:05Only I can't cut tomatoes and peppers.
What do you want? -
25:06 - 25:13You want, daughter. I mean,
you will be looking for. You're wanted. -
25:16 - 25:20I became popular. I'm wanted.
What de hell is going on here? -
25:27 - 25:31Look at my beautiful daughter.
My baby! We know you love Hayat. -
25:31 - 25:36-It's like you do everything for her, isn't it?
-I'm going to do! -
25:36 - 25:39-Would you eat raw potato?
-Maybe! -
25:40 - 25:42-Even if they have peel?
-If they are wash well, why not? -
25:43 - 25:45But what's happening here?
25:47 - 25:51Now girl, they come to ask for Hayat.
25:52 - 25:56We could not tell her. You know that
these days her head is not in order. -
25:56 - 26:03That's why we get along! We say we will come
to beg Ipek. That is, you. You're gonna help us, right? -
26:07 - 26:13We thought that here they cook the moussaka
and everything here is a lot of intrigue and games. -
26:14 - 26:15I respect that!
26:16 - 26:18I give you my answer.
26:21 - 26:24I accept, auntie Fadik!
I accept, auntie Emine! -
26:26 - 26:29This is an important task.
For Hayat, I'll do anything. -
26:29 - 26:35Well done, my girl! Well done!
Well done! My strong girl. -
26:36 - 26:38You grew up in my eyes!
26:39 - 26:44Well, it doesn't matter! I'm going to go now.
I have to say that it will come a suitor for her. -
26:44 - 26:48Joyous, I'll tell her all about his fate.
Give me some information how I could tell her. -
26:48 - 26:51Talking will convince her.
The girl will be excited. -
26:53 - 26:59See Ipek! We believe in you.
Don't Hayat suspects something, please! -
26:59 - 27:03Please! It's in my hands.
She will not even guess . -
27:04 - 27:05It's in your hands!
27:08 - 27:11-What is this guy?
-See now.... -
27:12 - 27:17I told them to be quiet, it's in my hands.
I told that Hayat will not know anything . -
27:17 - 27:22Only work don't do them in the kitchen.
They are the real kitchen gang. -
27:23 - 27:25The organization!
To not believe this! -
27:27 - 27:29To not believe, my friends.
27:30 - 27:33But girls, I don't turn myself in.
They will marry me. -
27:34 - 27:38My life started to show the error.
And I'll start all over again. -
27:38 - 27:41Friends, let me tell you something?
27:42 - 27:47One day you'll be a mom, waking up in bed
and you will have three children. -
27:47 - 27:49I won't be at all surprised!
Watch out! -
27:49 - 27:56What I'm worrying about what she said.
Here my soul is burning. -
27:56 - 28:02What to do, lamb? And she strives to make you happy in
her own way. If she would know what you have lived. -
28:06 - 28:09Great events!
See you destiny! -
28:10 - 28:14And Murat is on the way to the wedding, and I do.
28:15 - 28:18But in someone else's arms.
Super! -
28:20 - 28:26Ipek, and if she's not accept it?
Now we will experience some really stupid things. -
28:27 - 28:30I'm sorry, honey! Excuse me!
I had to say that she fell in love with the boss... -
28:30 - 28:36I had to say that she fell in love with the boss and
he made a baby, so now is not free for the wedding? -
28:37 - 28:41You weren't supposed to tell. Good is what
you haven't said so. Don't talk like that. -
28:41 - 28:42Well there you go!
28:44 - 28:49Girls, we'll have some fun.
Anyway, we are much depressed. -
28:49 - 28:55Hayat will play the incompetent,
stupidest and incompetent girl in the world. -
28:55 - 28:59The man will take the son-in-law and will run away.
Done deal! And we'll have a little laugh, aren't you, girl? -
29:00 - 29:05Of course girl! A lot! Anyway I've sunk,
how much more deeper can? -
29:06 - 29:11Let's go ahead and come! Let's gather together
and come! Let them come from the right and left. -
29:11 - 29:16Asli, I'll kill you after I pass
the effect of these tranquilizers. -
30:00 - 30:02Mommy, are not you put?
30:03 - 30:04How do I lie, son?
30:07 - 30:12God forbid any evil against this woman. I know it and now I'm saying.
30:12 - 30:15This blonde deceived our son.
30:18 - 30:23What happened is done. Now we must look to the future.
30:24 - 30:29I can not stand, Nedzat. And especially when I see Murata such an innocent.
30:31 - 30:34Mommy, Murat as always acted as a conscientious man.
30:35 - 30:46Come on, do not fret any longer that your sweet souls. It's late. You should lie down. Come.
31:01 - 31:04It seems to me that it should be introduced here after the marriage of Dido, brother.
31:04 - 31:08When a child is born, we will again as the Italian familia.
31:09 - 31:11For God's sake, I think it's a great idea.
31:14 - 31:17I'm not kidding when I said that marriage is just a formality.
31:18 - 31:21What's that supposed to mean? How marriage can only be a formality?
31:22 - 31:24It was not my decision, Mom Derya.
31:24 - 31:27The wedding will be just representation?
31:28 - 31:32No, of course not. I want this whole process looked real from the outside.
31:33 - 31:38In the end, the family Didem not know what you do. I do not want to hurt anybody.
31:38 - 31:40And especially I do not want the media to have something to write about.
31:41 - 31:44We should not give them the subject to rumors that he might harm our children.
31:45 - 31:49In that case, it's time to get acquainted with the family of the girl.
31:49 - 31:54Looking at the genes Didem awaits us laugh front.
31:55 - 31:56We have to endure.
31:57 - 31:59You do not have to endure anything, child.
32:00 - 32:04Thank God, I, as a mother of a family will do everything in my power.
32:06 - 32:10Murat, before you go out, leave me a phone number to these people, talk to them.
32:10 - 32:11Well, Grandma.
32:12 - 32:13It will be good if we hurry.
32:14 - 32:18Otherwise, congratulations on the occasion of the wedding and the birth will be taken at the same time.
32:50 - 32:52Everywhere I recognize the sound of high heels of strong women.
32:52 - 32:55Well well,
32:56 - 32:59Here Hayat full of life. Bravo. How are you?
33:00 - 33:03Excellently. Perfectly. Perfectly.
33:03 - 33:05It's not like bird.
33:06 - 33:14This disguise can deceive someone, but not me, never. Look here, what is it?
33:14 - 33:15Looking straight into the eyes.
33:15 - 33:26No. Radar. It is the emotional radar. The device to ultraviolet rays, X-ray human body. I do not move out of raspberries.
33:26 - 33:35I look for a taste when I like, fall in love. This is me woman. I do not buy it.
33:36 - 33:38Well. It's all true.
33:39 - 33:45I want to die. Murat and Didem get married. I suffer. I am hurt. I breathe in vain.
33:45 - 33:49I will not allow it. Literally drama played out before my eyes. Mad.
33:50 - 33:52But I blurted out everything to you again.
33:54 - 33:58I ask you to. I beg you. Do not say anything Murat.
33:58 - 34:01Please do not let him find out. And I have some pride.
34:02 - 34:07But the bird, I love gossip. I can not hold myself back.
34:08 - 34:09But I beg you.
34:10 - 34:14But it is. I tweet like a bird.
34:16 - 34:20But I know who I can not say anything.
34:21 - 34:22You're przesłodka.
34:23 - 34:29Yes. I'm like a strongbox. Certain information does not bring out until you break the code.
34:29 - 34:34I have a skin like silk. But I prefer to have the steel.
34:36 - 34:38I confess to you something else.
34:38 - 34:39Yes.
34:39 - 34:40I love you.
34:41 - 34:42Oh, me too.
34:43 - 34:46Every day himself falling in love.
34:48 - 34:49Will you give me całuska?
34:51 - 34:54You want. Come here.
35:06 - 35:09Hello, Mr. Murat. The program is a little tight because of the Lord's absence yesterday.
35:09 - 35:11This will take you to it today or put it off until next week?
35:12 - 35:13Nothing will put off Cagla.
35:13 - 35:15Today we'll take care of everything. If need be, we will be after hours.
35:16 - 35:17Do not put it off. Solve.
35:20 - 35:21There is your assistant?
35:21 - 35:24It is here, sir. You wish coffee?
35:25 - 35:27No no. Today I have a problem with the stomach. Today, I will not drink.
35:28 - 35:30Stomach problems. Without coffee.
35:32 - 35:33What did it go?
35:44 - 35:48Ms. Tuval, here are the designs of wedding dresses, I want you to prepare.
35:49 - 35:53I think about three different dresses. I want to have a fitting for fifteen days.
35:53 - 35:54Let the work begin immediately, please.
35:56 - 36:01Excuse me. From somewhere they come some murmurs, but ...
36:01 - 36:05Friends, a fly fell into my office?
36:07 - 36:08She fell.
36:18 - 36:21It would be good if you return your attention to these noises, Mrs. Tuval.
36:22 - 36:24Before you is you come Sarte.
36:25 - 36:29I say this as a boss. I am his future wife Murata.
36:32 - 36:36I well know who you are, duszyczko.
36:37 - 36:44I know you from the days when you had no silicone breasts and mouth.
36:45 - 36:49When you were twenty kilos more. When your nose was two times greater than what you have now.
36:50 - 36:50Regarding...
36:50 - 36:57Yes. Skakałaś around me like a chicken that you enter into this world.
36:58 - 37:00You cried bitter tears would have helped you.
37:02 - 37:08You have forgotten what wyprawiałaś to be a model, baby?
37:09 - 37:19I did not forget. I know you from the inside. Therefore, you can not forgive himself, in front of you Tuval Yanıkoğlu.
37:20 - 37:23You can not in this way to talk to me. Do you understand?
37:26 - 37:29Tune your ears and listen to me well.
37:30 - 37:39Murata you managed to cheat, but I will fill you with rice and eat like dolmas [dish with rice and meat].
37:41 - 37:45I'll force you to be regretted those words. You prepare these wedding dresses! Do you understand?
37:48 - 37:49Enter.
38:02 - 38:03What is this?
38:04 - 38:05On your stomach.
38:06 - 38:11Cagla said that bad you feel. Before you help if you remember.
38:12 - 38:14I think you should let me feel worse.
38:14 - 38:15No.
38:16 - 38:17You'll feel better.
38:18 - 38:20If you will be sick, I will not have a chance to argue with you.
38:23 - 38:26Well. Thank you very much. I'll eat it.
38:27 - 38:28I'll be glad.
38:30 - 38:33I listened to your advice. By the way.
38:34 - 38:35In what regard?
38:39 - 38:41In terms of Didem. You told me.
38:46 - 38:53My talent and name are not for sale. Find yourself another designer.
38:53 - 39:00Or you cut it into pieces and design the over.
39:02 - 39:13I will tear the skin and you do it the pillow into a corner. I'll destroy you. Get out or I'll cut you.
39:13 - 39:14Wynocha.
39:14 - 39:17How can you be so sweet despite the nervousness?
39:18 - 39:19Wynocha.
39:19 - 39:19Ah ...
39:29 - 39:31I'm so sweet.
39:38 - 39:41So sweet.
39:42 - 39:43Can you całuska?
39:46 - 39:47Again, we did a test.
39:50 - 39:51It really was pregnant.
39:53 - 39:56But one and a half month. This is not a fresh thing.
39:58 - 39:59You do not need me to explain.
40:00 - 40:01But I felt such a need.
40:02 - 40:03Why?
40:04 - 40:05Why are you so good against me?
40:07 - 40:07This is my job.
40:08 - 40:10Hayat, those conversation it was a complete coincidence.
40:12 - 40:15I told him he did not need me to explain anything.
40:20 - 40:22Since yesterday are any other.
40:24 - 40:27You told me something reminded himself. What?
40:31 - 40:34Perhaps it would be better if you yourself do not know.
40:52 - 40:54Sweetie, you leave us alone, please?
40:56 - 40:57With your permission.
41:03 - 41:05Immediately miscarry with frustration.
41:14 - 41:16What happened again, Didem?
41:16 - 41:19Tuval said that it will design my wedding dresses.
41:19 - 41:21You imagine that? She rejected me.
41:22 - 41:25If you do not want to have such a right. We can not force her to do anything in this matter.
41:25 - 41:26How so?
41:27 - 41:30With the designer in Sarte, I have to go and look for someone else, so I designed the wedding dress?
41:31 - 41:32Is she not here by accident worker?
41:34 - 41:35Command her that it must run.
41:35 - 41:39As long as Tuval working here so long he is our friend. It is a true artist.
41:40 - 41:44This wedding is not the additional duty among other orders.
41:45 - 41:48That is why I am very sorry, but I can not do anything in this case.
41:49 - 41:50And now, with permission.
41:55 - 41:57Bon Appetit.
42:06 - 42:08We will eat together in the evening heart, sweet girl? [Kerem whatever you have in mind]
42:09 - 42:11As soon as I give you heart. Why are you here?
42:12 - 42:17Besides, if you eat yours, why not. I am too.
42:17 - 42:25You already przypiekłaś them on low heat. But you look me something bledziuśko.
42:25 - 42:29I want you to come back colors. Increased levels of iron.
42:31 - 42:34I do not know what you mean. With you I rise, but the level of anxiety.
42:35 - 42:40I want to say that our love will explode over the stove.
42:41 - 42:44Lamb, veal. Let's spend some time together.
42:44 - 42:46Do not say such things.
42:47 - 42:51I prefer them to stroke and cuddle instead of eating them.
42:53 - 43:00Well, it may as we have them eat rub his belly.
43:00 - 43:04Get rid of these prejudices, Ipek. S break a little.
43:04 - 43:07So in general, I can not. In the evening, they come to me Matchmaking.
43:08 - 43:09What?!
43:12 - 43:14What did you say? What?
43:16 - 43:17I said, I can not.
43:17 - 43:18Immediately after.
43:21 - 43:22I said, that comes suitor.
43:24 - 43:25Publishers.
43:28 - 43:32Ipek, what are you talking about? Can not you take me. Anyone you do not give.
43:39 - 43:44I told him that comes to me? Suitor comes to Asli. Until it comes.
43:44 - 43:49God, God. And why is the swastika me about anything not mentioned? Ipek, tell the truth.
43:50 - 43:51After all, it does not come to you, right?
43:51 - 43:54How could he come to me? Who would come to me?
44:06 - 44:07There is no Cagli?
44:08 - 44:13Cagla left. For a long time you asked for permission to this day.
44:14 - 44:16Aj is today?
44:19 - 44:20Can you help?
44:20 - 44:24It's not that. Yesterday I could not come, because nazbierało a little work.
44:24 - 44:26I told her not to alter the schedule.
44:28 - 44:29We'll stay after hours.
44:31 - 44:33No problem. I'll stay.
44:41 - 44:42Original.
44:43 - 44:45Ah, Kerem. How are you?
44:45 - 44:46Nothing interesting. And how are you?
44:46 - 44:48Still nothing. And what happened? This is something?
44:49 - 44:50Oh no. I came to control.
44:52 - 44:56In fact, it would be nice if I would do a review of some questions in my head.
44:57 - 44:58What do you mean?
44:58 - 45:01Exactly. Congratulations, girl! Come here.
45:02 - 45:03Why?
45:03 - 45:04Getting married.
45:04 - 45:07I'm getting married? When I getting married? How so?
45:07 - 45:08There is nothing like that?
45:09 - 45:10By God, from what I understand it's not.
45:11 - 45:14But if you have any information from a trusted source, I will be very pleased.
45:15 - 45:17What are you talking about, girl? You do not have time boyfriend?
45:17 - 45:17I do not have.
45:18 - 45:20How is it you do not have? You do not have someone in mind?
45:20 - 45:22From what I know, I do not.
45:23 - 45:24How is it you do not have one?
45:24 - 45:29I do not have one. If I had, I would have told you, after all, is not it, Kerem? Would I be able to hide anything from you?
45:30 - 45:32Who comes to you tomorrow night?
45:34 - 45:35Guest.
45:36 - 45:37What guy?
45:37 - 45:38Publishers.
45:38 - 45:43That's what I'm saying. In the evening comes suitor. If you do not come to you, to whom?
45:43 - 45:47He comes to Ipek? To the owner of my blood, right? For my soul, is not it?
45:48 - 45:53No, for God's sake! It does not come to it! You do not know her. He comes to our other roommate, the daughter of his aunt Emine.
45:55 - 45:55You swear?
45:56 - 45:58For God's sake. I promise you. I swear on your red tie.
45:59 - 46:02I had a right to be upset, thinking that comes to Ipek.
46:02 - 46:04Could such a thing be possible?
46:04 - 46:05Of course not.
46:06 - 46:09Does not matter. I'm going to x-ray head. See, Asli.
46:11 - 46:14Go to the doctor. How does God have mercy, it can give you some medicine.
46:15 - 46:19Whatever you have with this head, may God heal you.
46:23 - 46:26For God's sake, do not worry so much, Grandma. You made it happen.
46:27 - 46:30Nakłaniałaś brother's wedding. And so we have the finale.
46:31 - 46:35If I knew zasznurowałabym his mouth. I promise you.
46:36 - 46:41So you beat your breast. In that case, I am also no longer will push more. I swear to God.
46:42 - 46:48So you think. Now, you were alone. As soon as you find a girl and marry you.
46:48 - 46:50I will not let you ate and wolves.
46:50 - 46:53Oh, brother. You destroyed me, phew.
46:53 - 47:00In fact, he himself destroyed. Since it started, I need to meet their responsibilities
47:00 - 47:05Nedzat, my son, find the number to the family of the girl to immediately call them.
47:05 - 47:07Here comes the day of the execution of my grandson ...
47:07 - 47:11Ah, let's set a date immediately ask for the hand of the girl.
47:11 - 47:15You just talked to them, Mommy. Tomorrow night come.
47:15 - 47:18How so? Could this be? Where is it done?
47:19 - 47:23I do not know. Her father had said on the phone. And so in Bodrum.
47:23 - 47:27He said to see and hung up.
47:28 - 47:36Well, not duszyczko. He is a man. He does not know. Give me the number to his wife. I have a talk.
47:38 - 47:38Take.
47:45 - 47:45Halo.
47:46 - 47:49Hello. Can I speak with Mrs. Asuman?
47:49 - 47:55As soon as your eat this 'lady', girl. Suzos, is that you? Girl, you talking to me like I was an old woman?
47:56 - 48:01No, it's not Suzos. I Azime Sarsilmaz. Murata grandmother.
48:02 - 48:08Oh no. Murata grandmother. This lady is still alive?
48:09 - 48:13Przesłodko. I kiss your hands, babuniu.
48:15 - 48:19Thank God I'm still alive, ma'am. In spite of everything.
48:19 - 48:25As you already know, if you have time, we want you to come one day to ask for the hand of your daughter.
48:26 - 48:31The girl is now yours. Do not come. Lady is already old. Yet you will die in the middle of the road.
48:32 - 48:37And then we'll have to wander around the hospital, right? Who will be the guests occupied.
48:38 - 48:43Listen. We'll do this. This time we come, and the next time you.
48:44 - 48:45Is it at all fitting?
48:45 - 48:48Fitting. In addition, I have to do some shopping in Istanbul.
48:48 - 48:51Already we bought the tickets, Azos.
48:51 - 48:52Courage?
48:52 - 48:57I send a huge kiss. We see at you. Bye Bye.
49:02 - 49:07In fact, this young is still nothing.
49:08 - 49:11The real disaster is only just approaching.
49:22 - 49:23Pektas life.
49:27 - 49:28Here, in his own person.
49:29 - 49:34I can trust, because you are honest, responsible and sensible girl.
49:35 - 49:39Thank you Kerem, but if something happened?
49:41 - 49:41Come on, come on.
49:45 - 49:51Ipek Asli and have a roommate. You know her? Daughter of Mrs. Emine.
49:51 - 49:52No.
49:53 - 49:55No no no. I do not know her.
49:56 - 50:00I know her. But only a little. We're not close.
50:01 - 50:07I understand. Let me now her phone number. I have to talk to her. What's the name?
50:07 - 50:11No, I can not give it to you. I do not have her phone number.
50:12 - 50:17I still do not like too much for the girl. I do not even know. How would I have her phone number.
50:18 - 50:25God, God. You can see that and Asli, and Ipek also do not like her, because I never saw her with them.
50:27 - 50:30These two always go together, but the third never has.
50:31 - 50:34The girl is a little unpredictable. Jealous. Suspicious.
50:34 - 50:38It is behaving strangely. He does not like any of us. And so it is no longer here.
50:38 - 50:42The girl went to his hometown. There will be for an extended period of time.
50:43 - 50:47Hayat, are you sure that the girl went to his home? Because the girl is not here?
50:47 - 50:51She went, Kerem. Will not return for a long time. She's gone. She's not here.
51:08 - 51:11Yes, we are ready, Mashallah.
51:12 - 51:18Yes. Just minutes before we were suitor enters this world.
51:18 - 51:21Let's call at least Hayat, so as not to be late.
51:27 - 51:32Hello, darling. My Hayat, my beautiful daughter. Child, where are you? You come home, right?
51:32 - 51:35You see, baby, do not be late.
51:35 - 51:38Mommy, I still can not go home. We overtime.
51:38 - 51:40Sorry, I have to stay in the company.
51:40 - 51:46What? Daughter like this? Today suitor comes to Ipek. She is like your sister.
51:47 - 51:52How so? No way. That can not be. Daughter ...
51:53 - 51:56Your father will get mad. It will be furious.
51:57 - 52:01Mom, I'm sorry. I can not do anything about it. The command came from a higher position.
52:02 - 52:03No longer kisses.
52:04 - 52:09God, she hung up. She hung up. We are dishonored. Ravished.
52:09 - 52:13Good God, just faint. This is not really happening.
52:13 - 52:15What now? We're finished.
52:16 - 52:19Uh oh. We are disgraced, dishonored.
52:21 - 52:25What's going on here? The war broke out? Ai, lace everywhere.
52:25 - 52:29Daughter, Hayat is after hours at work. A candidate already on the way.
52:29 - 52:32Such a shame no one has ever seen! Good God, what now?
52:33 - 52:38Calm down. Both to calm down. Do they still do not come to see me?
52:38 - 52:43They'll see me and go away. No problem. What's the panic?
52:44 - 52:50Okay. What else we can do. We will do it this way. Go now change.
52:50 - 52:52Be like a lady. Wear something decent.
52:53 - 52:55Do not wear anything tight-fitting. Erotic and so on.
52:57 - 52:59Prepare yourself for some styling suitor.
53:01 - 53:02Okay.
53:02 - 53:03Go.
53:03 - 53:04Fadik, give, give.
53:05 - 53:06Why?
53:06 - 53:11Okay, enough. Come. Go create something, I'll come too. So we greet them?
53:29 - 53:34Lion trapped. It's about money or family? Or maybe the girl?
53:34 - 53:36Not really about the girl. At stake is love.
53:37 - 53:40In fact, you have a big problem. Waiting for a brother?
53:41 - 53:44I waited for him to speak, but it is after hours.
53:44 - 53:46Already a long time working, and I'm still here.
53:46 - 53:49Do not beat yourself up like that. I'm here. Can you tell me.
53:50 - 53:55What should I tell you? How can I tell you? It is possible that my soul dug a knife in my back.
53:56 - 53:59It is possible that betrays me that I was lying.
53:59 - 54:01Has someone else?
54:02 - 54:06The name of this someone begins on the, Doruk. Suitor.
54:07 - 54:13Maybe now underway in amorous embraces. I can not stand, Doruk. For God's sake, I can not stand it.
54:13 - 54:18Not putting up. We solve it. Come on, we'll go somewhere to sit and eat.
54:19 - 54:19Come.
54:19 - 54:20Let's go, then.
54:31 - 54:31Silk.
54:32 - 54:37Lamb, you know, that for years concealed candidate for the bride finally emerged from the shadows?
54:38 - 54:42You're it. I swear to God, it's you, friend.
54:42 - 54:43Thank you.
54:43 - 54:48Girl, my eyes filled with tears. But you're śliczniutka.
54:48 - 54:53Very wydoroślałaś. Why are you always like that?
54:54 - 54:58Girl, maybe we will give you that boy? You're a good girl.
55:01 - 55:07Aunt Emine, well how so? I do not know. So will never happen.
55:08 - 55:10Why do not you, darling? This is destiny.
55:11 - 55:17Yes, it's destiny. How can you know? Unscrewed and you will find. Purpose does not understand the words.
55:19 - 55:20God will not punish, daughter.
55:20 - 55:21Yes I said.
55:22 - 55:25He already understand the words duszyczko. Let them head on it does not hurt. Good?
55:26 - 55:31Already I had to dress so that the matchmakers can ask for the hand of a girl that is not home.
55:32 - 55:33Do not get excited me.
55:35 - 55:39God came. They came! Come on, girls. Run, run.
55:47 - 55:51Who is to come. Who is to come. Please feel free state.
55:51 - 55:52Hello.
55:52 - 55:53Please.
55:53 - 55:54Good evening.
55:54 - 55:55Please please.
55:55 - 55:56Good evening.
55:56 - 55:57Welcome, sir.
56:12 - 56:15Brother, do not hold it against me, but they acted towards you very unfair.
56:15 - 56:18It's indirectly about the wedding. They left you on the ice.
56:18 - 56:20Truth? How can you do such a man like me?
56:20 - 56:26Leave it, brother. Today, someone would give your girlfriend. And you, it will only be able to set up gold.
56:26 - 56:29Of course, if you mean something to her, then maybe you will be a witness at her wedding.
56:30 - 56:33For many years you put chocolates on the site of the wedding of the girl.
56:35 - 56:40I want to die, then. I throw out of here. That I am. Doruk, let me go, for God's sake.
56:40 - 56:44Kerem, wait, brother. What have you lost?
56:44 - 56:48As what? All. I lost my soul. What's more I have to lose?
56:48 - 56:53And I'm telling you this. Since Ipek is everything to you, what you have more to lose?
56:56 - 56:58To share.
57:01 - 57:03So we have to take matters into their own hands.
57:03 - 57:09You say that we have to fight. Time to fight. God, God, well prawisz.
57:10 - 57:13But they have me as her cousin. The girl will suffer.
57:14 - 57:15Brother, and is not that even better?
57:16 - 57:21Since you're her cousin, you do not have the right to be with her on this special day?
57:22 - 57:24Does a man has no right to go to the home of his cousin?
57:24 - 57:25He has the right.
57:26 - 57:31Maybe. Can go. He even has the right to put the stone in front of the groom as he does not like.
57:32 - 57:34No one can stop me now. I'm coming, Ipek.
57:39 - 57:44Wait. Wait, wait for me. And I'm going. Together for good and bad.
57:52 - 57:53You also heard it, right?
57:54 - 57:55Probably the window is not closed.
58:05 - 58:07But the noise from the inside.
58:09 - 58:13The building is to protect. Maybe one of them hit something. How do I know.
58:16 - 58:18Something ran through the door.
58:19 - 58:23Okay, let's check for your own peace.
58:26 - 58:27Come.
58:45 - 58:47What's happening?!
58:50 - 58:53I do not know about you, but if even tighter squeeze my hand, I stop circulation.
58:54 - 58:56Excuse me. I did it because I was frightened, but ...
58:57 - 59:00Blackouts. Why blackouts in such a large company?
59:01 - 59:03Soon they will join generator.
59:08 - 59:12Something went. Something went. There, a little on the back. Murat, what was it? What?
59:13 - 59:16If you let go of my hand, it'll do. Przyczepiłaś so that I can not move.
59:17 - 59:21Do not look. Or see, but do not let go. Do not let me. I'm very afraid.
59:21 - 59:23I can see you're scared.
59:25 - 59:28I will not let you go. Do not be afraid. Follow me.
59:30 - 59:31I will not let you go.
59:33 - 59:34You swear?
59:36 - 59:36I swear.
59:44 - 59:44Come.
60:01 - 60:02What's your name?
60:02 - 60:03Houzan.
60:04 - 60:05Well, what's your name?
60:05 - 60:06I do not know.
60:08 - 60:11Well, how did you get here?
60:12 - 60:13On foot.
60:14 - 60:17Of course, we question the answer.
60:17 - 60:20God, God, you ask, then.
60:20 - 60:21See, in that case.
60:22 - 60:25OUZ, you have a mom and dad?
60:25 - 60:28Children can not exist without mom and dad.
60:30 - 60:34Good answer. Bravo, OUZ. I like you. Piąteczka.
60:35 - 60:37He even knows how high five.
60:37 - 60:43I do not doubt about it. But it would be better to teach children their name and address than nailing Fridays.
60:44 - 60:47OUZ, what are you doing here at this hour?
60:48 - 60:49I'm having fun.
60:50 - 60:56But here there is no playground. Besides, it's too late time for a child to shoot down the street.
60:56 - 60:58We're not on the street.
61:00 - 61:03Forward, OUZ. Bravo.
61:08 - 61:13You see what you've done? Scared child. It's okay. Calm down. Calm down.
61:14 - 61:18Maybe my cry is not the reason for his tears. Maybe he's hungry.
61:19 - 61:20Possible.
61:20 - 61:22OUZ, are you hungry?
61:24 - 61:25Well, it is not.
61:26 - 61:28It may zsiusiał.
61:29 - 61:31This child is about four years.
61:31 - 61:33And that four-year child can not zsiusiać?
61:35 - 61:40Come on, baby, in my arms. Come. Do not cry any more.
61:40 - 61:41I'll call someone.
61:43 - 61:46It's okay, it's okay. I am with you.
61:52 - 61:59But it came out beautifully. Really wonderful that we gather today on this beautiful day here, right?
61:59 - 62:02No, ma'am. It did not work out beautifully. It came out great.
62:02 - 62:08If your girls are here, since my son is with me, since you're here, everything is great. Great.
62:08 - 62:11And your son is a very handsome young man. Mashallah. Like a lion.
62:12 - 62:15No, ma'am, not the lion. Aries. My son is like a ram.
62:15 - 62:19As a father, running around as things go his way. Bow down, son.
62:21 - 62:22Wow...
62:24 - 62:25So time together when I was little.
62:26 - 62:28Przesłodko.
62:31 - 62:33You can see that fool.
62:33 - 62:34Definitely. Certainly.
62:35 - 62:37Dad, maybe that's enough?
62:37 - 62:39How is it enough? Bow down that we saw. No tilt up.
62:45 - 62:48Masalah, masalah with your son a real ram.
62:48 - 62:53Precisely for this reason we met. Is not it?
62:54 - 62:55Oh yes.
62:55 - 63:02Durdan told us that the boy is different than everyone else. Solid. Valuable. Honest.
63:02 - 63:09What she did not say. And our girls are like flowers. And so we met.
63:10 - 63:12Son, maybe a cookie?
63:13 - 63:14Of course, ma'am.
63:14 - 63:15Thank you.
63:15 - 63:17Bon Appetit.
63:18 - 63:23I swear that this is. Beautifully work out. The girl is pretty. How are you young.
63:31 - 63:32So you're saying?
63:33 - 63:37Yes of course. I have some cake you.
63:37 - 63:39Oh, no, thank you. I'm counting calories.
63:39 - 63:40Well. Fine.
63:42 - 63:45Miss Fadik, where you come from?
63:48 - 63:54I? I am from Giresun. We came here because of his father's work, and so have we.
63:54 - 63:57Miss Fadik, wear lenses?
63:57 - 63:59No, these are my eyes.
64:02 - 64:03Brown.
64:04 - 64:08That can not be. I do not agree. As the eyes can be so beautiful?
64:10 - 64:11Wait, look.
64:18 - 64:23Okay. Good they are. Well shaped. Girl, Mashallah.
64:24 - 64:25Eye.
64:25 - 64:26It's my eyes.
64:31 - 64:35Please do not take it against me, I had to take it today with you tonight, because I did not have anyone to leave him.
64:35 - 64:37No problem. Just we worried.
64:38 - 64:42It's a little exuberant. Quickly disappears from sight.
64:45 - 64:46And what about his mother?
64:47 - 64:49She died six months ago.
64:51 - 64:52I'm very sorry.
64:54 - 64:55My condolences.
64:56 - 65:01Thank you. Usually guarded by his grandmother, but this evening she got sick ...
65:07 - 65:09If anything we can do ...
65:09 - 65:12May God reward you what you can still do it, Mr. Murat.
65:12 - 65:13Already you gave me a job.
65:14 - 65:14God, watch.
65:15 - 65:19A neighbor watches next to my mother, and his Ouza took with me.
65:25 - 65:26He is aware of?
65:26 - 65:27What, sorry?
65:28 - 65:30Losses mother.
65:32 - 65:39Maybe he does not know that she was dead, but wakes up at night crying and calling her mother. It is hard, very hard.
65:46 - 65:47I know it.
65:48 - 65:53Sorry again. Please do not take this as a bad thing. It will be with me and will not be hanging around.
65:53 - 65:54Not bored him here?
65:55 - 66:01What should I do. I have to work. Play here even some cars, eat something. And then go to sleep.
66:02 - 66:07Let's do that. We still have a break. Let us be. We'll eat together, do not you, Hayat?
66:08 - 66:11According to your wishes, Mr. Murat. Lord knows best.
66:11 - 66:12Let it be with us.
66:19 - 66:25Gentlemen, please help yourself. Our girls have prepared it myself. Please take a little while.
66:25 - 66:27No, ma'am. Please do not give.
66:29 - 66:32It is not enough to give. Please fill. I love cake.
66:46 - 66:54I swear I just deform my face from this giggling. It's hard to be a sweet girl.
66:54 - 67:01With me so much, my friend. Same. Grit your teeth until she go.
67:03 - 67:08Ma'am, I do not like to brag. But I'm a great father, you can see it from the example.
67:11 - 67:16It's hard to disagree, son Nevzat. Mashallah. It is like a statue.
67:16 - 67:18What statue? It is like a portrait.
67:21 - 67:23But someone you finely drawn.
67:23 - 67:26I swear to you that this person has a personality disorder.
67:26 - 67:30I think he would rather die than stand up to someone. Surely that is a madman.
67:30 - 67:34Mamisynek. The type that wasted life.
67:37 - 67:44I will tell you something. But that was fun, though Kerem see you in such a situation.
67:50 - 67:55Who's come? Girls, pobiegnijcie see.
67:55 - 67:56Immediately open.
67:58 - 67:59I'll help her.
68:10 - 68:14Why are you here? Asli, not faith, wykrakałaś.
68:14 - 68:18In fact, how you yourself did you? Who are you? What did you do with Ipek?
68:18 - 68:24Kerem, go here. Go. In the middle are the guests. They both go from here, please, go.
68:24 - 68:27And why do you come here? What do you do that?
68:27 - 68:30I came because I should have done, sweet girl.
68:31 - 68:38I want an explanation. What happened? Do you have guests? Is it came matchmakers?
68:38 - 68:41So you dressed up and wypachniłaś. Mashallah. What happened?
68:43 - 68:46Go away, Kerem. We will talk later. Go.
68:46 - 68:47Oh no.
68:48 - 68:52There is no later. I'm already late. Am I not your cousin?
68:52 - 68:54I have a right to know what is going on in my family.
68:54 - 68:55Yes, you are right.
68:56 - 68:58You should not bully boy.
69:01 - 69:05I will give you lift up. You'll see.
69:06 - 69:07So you're saying?
69:09 - 69:11Come on, Doruk. We enter.
69:12 - 69:13Wait, wait.
69:20 - 69:25Aunt Fadik. Aunt Emine, how you doing?
69:25 - 69:27Son Kerem, hello.
69:31 - 69:34Our boy is a cousin of our daughter, sir.
69:36 - 69:37I am pleased to.
69:37 - 69:39No sir. It is nice to me.
69:42 - 69:43And you?
69:44 - 69:45And to me it's nice.
69:45 - 69:46I'm not asking you to do this. What's your name?
69:47 - 69:48MN.
69:48 - 69:51Nevzat and I slapped you so that as many as would be turned upside down?
69:51 - 69:55But she laughed. It's a joke. I'm such a joker.
69:55 - 69:56Ciocan Emine.
69:57 - 69:58Yes, duszyczko.
69:58 - 69:59Where is your other daughter?
70:00 - 70:03Do not ask, son Kerem. She had not yet arrived.
70:03 - 70:06Beautiful. Something of this at least was true.
70:06 - 70:12Well, ma'am. As you know, a little late, but I'm also a member of this family.
70:13 - 70:15Auntie, so who came to ask?
70:16 - 70:21For everything is the way, son Kerem. This case belongs to the elderly.
70:21 - 70:24We ourselves decide about it. Let's have a cup of coffee first.
70:25 - 70:27Have a little patience.
70:29 - 70:30For me, simple.
70:30 - 70:31And for me.
70:31 - 70:33Already I'll give you simple.
70:35 - 70:38Ordinary. Of course, good.
70:40 - 70:43Asli, you heard. Go on, make a cup of coffee, let they drink.
70:44 - 70:47Why do I have to do it, duszyczko? It is not my duty.
70:49 - 70:50Only yours.
70:53 - 70:58I think that my not. Why would it be? Why is that?
70:59 - 71:04Well. Enough, for God's sake. Well, I do. Mr. Kamuran that cup of coffee you drink?
71:04 - 71:05With sugar.
71:05 - 71:05Black.
71:06 - 71:07Ordinary.
71:08 - 71:10Girls, please help me, at least.
71:10 - 71:12Come on, already.
73:35 - 73:37What does your son?
73:37 - 73:39I am a specialist for the image. And you?
73:40 - 73:42And? And?
73:42 - 73:43Yes.
73:44 - 73:49I direct your company to deal with testing of cars on the 4 wheels.
73:50 - 73:54Okay, brother. Why I do not know about that. You still have a gig in addition to being a driver?
73:55 - 73:58I already said that. Something is not clear? Does not matter.
73:59 - 74:01Mr. Nevzat. Nevzat, right?
74:02 - 74:02Yes.
74:02 - 74:03Excellently.
74:04 - 74:05I have for you a few questions.
74:06 - 74:06Please.
74:06 - 74:08What type of girls do you like? Lord growth?
74:08 - 74:13If we quarreled, in how many minutes would have you won? What are the three conditions that a woman happy?
74:13 - 74:18Why are you here? Do you have a weakness? If so, what? You want to get married at all costs?
74:18 - 74:19Why have not you went?
74:24 - 74:29Where did this maniac here? Only he will be problems. Psychopath. It's me, I'm guilty.
74:30 - 74:34That I said that Swaty come. For this when you asked me, I said I come to Asli.
74:35 - 74:37So I do not know what he is still a problem.
74:39 - 74:41You said come to Asli?
74:42 - 74:44What happened? Something happened. Tell me quickly.
74:46 - 74:51Kerem rushed to the hospital. He congratulated me. I said I do not come to me.
74:52 - 74:56At one moment the forgotten and said that her daughter come to my aunt Emine.
74:56 - 74:57If I had known, I would not say.
74:59 - 75:04Asli, what have you done? Now it is clear that what we're doing.
75:05 - 75:06He does not know what he's doing.
75:07 - 75:09Girl, he is so sweet jealous.
75:09 - 75:12Oh no? How sweet jealous. Are you crazy?
75:13 - 75:18Doruk yet brought. And what if you come Hayat? We'll be finished.
75:19 - 75:23Let's call her and say not to come. Let's send her a message as soon as possible, so as not daring to come. Let's not coming.
75:23 - 75:26Let's not coming or leaving. Only gossip corners. The coffee was ready.
75:28 - 75:30Girls, in which to put the salt?
75:30 - 75:30How much salt?
75:31 - 75:32I should bet.
75:34 - 75:40What is this? After all this violence? There really are such cartoons? Give me the remote.
75:40 - 75:43So you have a better idea, and we just chose the wrong? Take.
75:43 - 75:44Give.
75:49 - 75:53This is a very good choice. Son, do not look.
75:53 - 75:57Lions also need to eat, loved Hayat.
75:57 - 76:06Well done, my son. These are living creatures. Look. Stronger always eat the underdog. Truth?
76:07 - 76:08Give me that. Give.
76:11 - 76:13See just what are you talking about czteroletniemu child.
76:14 - 76:19Let's see what you say as one day someone will ask why bite friend, Mr. Murat.
76:20 - 76:26The only female among the talking without interruption. Let asks. Let asks why he bit a friend.
76:26 - 76:28Why bite?
76:29 - 76:34Since the enemy attacked. Otherwise, why attack people OUZ?
76:35 - 76:41So you can hit someone just because the enemy attacked. So we have to solve problems?
76:42 - 76:46And where a man, who is against violence? Where this all-modern father?
76:46 - 76:52To my son I approached the child and hit him. What do you want my son? He has to turn the other cheek?
76:53 - 76:55Let them complain teacher.
76:56 - 76:58Do you want to do with your baby babbles in school, Hayat?
76:59 - 77:02I think we should turn off the TV.
77:04 - 77:07Looking at you is a lot more fun.
77:21 - 77:22Thank you, duszyczko.
77:32 - 77:33Brother, I'm burning.
77:34 - 77:41It took you? In fact, she was for Mr. Nevzat. Please forgive me.
77:42 - 77:43What a pity that he did not drink and did not give up.
77:46 - 77:48That is, as tradition ordered.
77:49 - 77:51Is your goal is to kill the groom? What was that?
77:52 - 77:57What a bad luck. Beautifully said it.
77:58 - 78:00Kidding, kidding. Okay, okay.
78:01 - 78:07Mrs. Since przyniosłyście we have a cup of coffee ...
78:11 - 78:15If coffee is already ready, we can move on to things. Is not it?
78:17 - 78:21Of course. Truth? It's time.
78:21 - 78:32Yes, ma'am. No one can predict when we will hit the arrow of Cupid.
78:32 - 78:38I'll take to heart. Rozłupię to pieces and flood it like confetti.
78:39 - 78:44Brother, calm down a little. Chill out. I already have tasted salt.
78:45 - 78:48Please, lady who is judged, and who is for whom?
78:51 - 78:53Beautiful. Five minutes left to collective massacre.
78:53 - 78:57Our son fell in love with your daughter at first sight.
78:59 - 79:04But there is a private person, the type who does not show his feelings.
79:04 - 79:10So I will destroy this guy, spoil, and then I'll send for repair. I'll do a puzzle with the boy.
79:10 - 79:13But the heart is not a servant.
79:14 - 79:19Beautiful. One listen to the heart, and once order. Immediately I cure the rabbit.
79:20 - 79:24For God's permission, and the people gathered here ...
79:32 - 79:34Your daughter, Miss Fadik ...
79:40 - 79:44Please hand for our son, Mr. Nakamura.
79:54 - 79:54What?
79:55 - 79:56How so?
79:56 - 80:00No, ma'am. we do not want, and we take the case.
80:04 - 80:04God! God!
80:08 - 80:12What just happened? Brother, let you hug.
80:16 - 80:21Good good. We give. I swear to God. Ipek.
80:21 - 80:26Cousin, come here, let you hug. Come here, dear kuzyneczko. Come.
80:35 - 80:38Please do not keep your blame us. Zhańbiłyśmy and before you.
80:38 - 80:43Trzymałyśmy you at the door asking for what came. We basically are not such people.
80:43 - 80:48We are also those we are not. What we have done is literally violence.
80:50 - 80:54In that case, unruly guests are quits with unpleasant hosts.
80:56 - 81:00In that case, most will come another day and hang out together in the garden. Then you show.
81:00 - 81:05Well, show us, but hurry with this. Let the bad impression of us will not be for longer.
81:09 - 81:12Kerem, you have completely lost your mind. What is the persecution of my house?
81:13 - 81:18If our relationship will soon come to light, as I can explain it to the people?
81:20 - 81:23Cousin, come at me take just a moment two.
81:23 - 81:25Come on, come on.
81:25 - 81:28Be quiet for two minutki.
81:29 - 81:34I was so frightened that everything turned upside down. I thought you lie to me.
81:36 - 81:37I thought I lost you.
81:39 - 81:40I lost my mind completely.
81:42 - 81:47God, in which century we live? Do you have anything at all to ostało tradition matchmakers?
81:48 - 81:53Besides, I gave you my word. One month. Is not it have any meaning?
81:53 - 81:57Ma. The most valuable role in my life.
81:59 - 82:03If you scared, forgive me. But this type of look at you in an inappropriate way.
82:03 - 82:07I will pick him those eyes. How could he look at me like that?
82:08 - 82:12Besides, why did you suddenly so intimate? That's an exaggeration. What's happening?
82:14 - 82:16Here are all my Ipek.
82:26 - 82:28He fell asleep, right?
82:30 - 82:32Can you move it to the couch?
82:32 - 82:34I'll leave it like that. I have yet to wake up.
82:48 - 82:50How old were you?
82:50 - 82:51Listen?
82:53 - 82:55When I lost my mother ...
83:00 - 83:02I was at the age of Ouza. [Very sorry, in Ep. 3 I translated wrongly, that she died in childbirth, sorry].
83:08 - 83:08Peak...
83:11 - 83:15He told me that your mother died trying to rescue you.
83:15 - 83:17Sometimes Doruk says stupidity.
83:23 - 83:23Murat.
83:27 - 83:29Therefore you marry Didem, right?
83:30 - 83:31I did not understand.
83:34 - 83:36You know what it's like to grow up without a mother.
83:39 - 83:41You do not want the child was not his father.
83:44 - 83:46What does it matter now?
83:49 - 83:51From your point of view, probably none.
83:52 - 83:54This will not change, regardless of point of view.
83:58 - 84:03But I tell you that I do not want to just work out.
84:06 - 84:07Make sure of that.
84:18 - 84:19Wow, wow, wow.
84:19 - 84:21My Fadik.
84:22 - 84:28We had no idea that you so łamaczka hearts. When it myself rozkochałaś?
84:28 - 84:29I did not even realize.
84:30 - 84:31And what did I do?
84:32 - 84:35He was fascinated by my natural charm.
84:36 - 84:39I had no influence on it. Is ukrywałabym it before you?
84:41 - 84:51In an instant, my aunt Fadik was ready to jump on a man like a tiger, if Emine aunt had not interfered and said she had to think.
84:51 - 84:53Obviously, of course. At the end of me not just any woman.
84:54 - 84:55But of course.
84:55 - 84:57And this man also yet gave no clear signs, no?
85:00 - 85:02It was as to place me with a fait accompli.
85:02 - 85:08Yes. Putting a fait accompli is not cool. Zdenerwowałaś up. I noticed it.
85:09 - 85:19But Fadik, what is this, as if you liked? Her cheeks were covered you blush. You win the battle.
85:20 - 85:22That my charm simply.
85:24 - 85:33In the end, I will not easily be gotten. I also can not immediately go away. We'll see what time will tell.
85:39 - 85:40That's all.
85:41 - 85:42I've had enough.
85:43 - 85:47For me the same. I already finished writing the last article.
85:48 - 85:49I'm really tired.
85:51 - 85:55This is normal. Not only we worked, but also took care of the child.
85:57 - 85:58It was very sweet break from work.
86:00 - 86:05Sweet, sweet, but pestering us for two and a half hours. Literally run over us.
86:09 - 86:12Doruk rings. I hope nothing happened.
86:12 - 86:13Halo.
86:14 - 86:17Brother, come. Hurry up, brother.
86:19 - 86:19What happened?
86:20 - 86:22Where are you, brother? What's that sound?
86:22 - 86:28I drank a little earlier and I felt bad. I need you urgently arrived.
86:28 - 86:30Well, where are you?
86:30 - 86:34In our constant miejscówce. Brother, run. Please.
86:34 - 86:35Fine.
86:35 - 86:36What is going on with him?
86:37 - 86:40Doruk probably drunk. I do not understand.
86:40 - 86:41What are you talking about?
87:03 - 87:05And here they came and our.
87:16 - 87:22DJ is really cool. Same pieces in the style of the 70s. A lot of you missed.
87:24 - 87:25And this event?
87:25 - 87:28Brother, can be a major event of your coming here?
87:32 - 87:35But ... just you call me?
87:35 - 87:39What phone. As always idiotic jokes Doruk.
87:39 - 87:42But this time you will not regret.
87:43 - 87:47He told me how he and Kerem visited the house where they asked the girl to marry him.
87:49 - 87:50You go?
87:50 - 87:53So ... I go, but if you talk about Keremie?
87:54 - 87:59Yes, bambi. Matchmakers came to the girl Kerema. We made a raid.
87:59 - 88:01That is to say, in the house Ipek?
88:02 - 88:05Yes, but it turned out that the matchmakers did not come to Ipek.
88:08 - 88:11What?! Engagement aunt Fadik?
88:11 - 88:17Yes Yes. Exactly. What's happening.
88:18 - 88:21I'm not able to tell.
88:21 - 88:23Why did not you powiedziałyście?
88:23 - 88:26And what exactly you are calling, Hayat? We are załatwiłyśmy.
88:27 - 88:32Already we have become experts or of a crisis situation. You have fun, friend.
88:33 - 88:36But do not accidentally drink too much, you know that you are okay, lamb.
88:37 - 88:38Well, well, do not worry.
88:42 - 88:43Pokłóciłyście with Didem?
88:44 - 88:46Pokłóciłyśmy up? No, honey.
88:47 - 88:51She asked me, I sewed her wedding dress, and I answered her that I do not have time.
88:52 - 88:55I can not imagine how to talk to you. I apologize on her behalf, Tuval.
88:55 - 89:00Do not apologize, Murat. Everyone is responsible for themselves.
89:01 - 89:02But I give you my word.
89:03 - 89:09If one day marry for love, personally I create a sketch of your wedding dress for the bride.
89:09 - 89:13I will use even with your hands to sew it. My wedding present.
89:14 - 89:16You know perfectly well that such a thing will never happen.
89:17 - 89:22And why not, dear? And so we know that this wedding is a coincidence.
89:23 - 89:29On the strength of love you will not find. We know that you do not give advice zdzierżyć Didem lifelong.
89:30 - 89:34With her barely one I'm doing, the other me is unnecessary.
89:34 - 89:38Dear, it depends on the woman who is in front of you.
89:59 - 90:03Come on let's go. I'll show you a master class in dance.
90:12 - 90:17Don Juan, do not leave the girl alone. Ask them to dance. Because later they surround the wolves.
90:21 - 90:22I will not leave.
91:04 - 91:10My partner is a little difficult to dance. Maybe podmienimy of partners?
91:10 - 91:12Of course, sweetie.
91:15 - 91:16We continue?
91:17 - 91:18Well.
93:28 - 93:29You're trembling?
93:31 - 93:32It is because of fatigue.
93:33 - 93:34We can sit down if you want.
93:36 - 93:38No, that's fine.
93:44 - 93:45Beautiful, is not it?
93:47 - 93:48What?
93:49 - 93:50The words of the song.
93:53 - 93:54Truth.
93:55 - 94:00It is a pity that life is not like in the songs. That life is a song.
94:01 - 94:11If life was a song ... nicely said. If life was a song we could sing it.
94:12 - 94:13We could listen to it whenever zechcielibyśmy.
94:17 - 94:19Without the need to talk.
94:21 - 94:22What a bad luck.
94:26 - 94:27Detriment.
94:46 - 94:50Well, that was so bad? Everyone is a little rozerwaliśmy.
94:50 - 94:53Yes Yes. Well you call it. Literally us roznieśliście.
94:54 - 94:58I'm hungry. Usually I do not eat at this time, but something I feel that will drive its principles.
94:59 - 95:05Because usually at this time you sleep. Friends, for me it's all for today, I'm padnięta.
95:06 - 95:12And we where are we going? Offal, lamb kebab. I eat everything.
95:12 - 95:17No. The only place where you can now go to my house.
95:18 - 95:20For nothing in the world I would not shoot herself at this time.
95:20 - 95:25I will not be able to keep the house as I so drive taxis.
95:26 - 95:29How do you tell, mademoiselle. It will be as you want.
95:29 - 95:30And it's always like I want it.
95:30 - 95:32And I wish you bon appetit!
95:39 - 95:39Soup?
95:41 - 95:44If the soup I can treat you tea, it can be.
95:45 - 95:49When a man is at the table, then it falls to the lady had to pay.
95:49 - 95:52I pay, because the lady did not look.
95:54 - 95:55Fine.
96:04 - 96:09Stop it, stop it. Nothing is gonna work if you are panicking.
96:12 - 96:16Nearly you called the police and an ambulance when the child cried.
96:16 - 96:20If I had not prevented ago, this four year old child salad with avocado. Did I ever reproached you?
96:20 - 96:25If you want to teach me how to be a parent, you remember in whose arms he fell asleep.
96:25 - 96:30Maybe it's because przykleiłeś to the child as a tick? If you would have the opportunity, it should sleep in my arms.
96:31 - 96:38Listen. I admit that a good friend of you in the game, but as a mother, you're a little backward.
96:39 - 96:44But you're not a hopeless case. You will achieve success if you listen to what I tell you and you will work together.
96:57 - 96:58I will go find the tea.
96:59 - 97:00I will take care of this.
97:00 - 97:01No. Why?
97:02 - 97:11The agreement was this: soup from you, me tea. Besides, I was I there will not eat if you ask for tea, do not worry.
98:34 - 98:35I slept.
98:36 - 98:38And like a child.
98:41 - 98:41And you?
98:43 - 98:45Someone had to watch, right?
98:46 - 98:48But I should have done it.
98:50 - 98:51Why did not you wake me?
98:52 - 98:53I could not.
99:02 - 99:04By the way, I breathed the sea air. Is it wrong?
99:05 - 99:07Besides, chrapałeś the plane while you were asleep. It was worse.
99:09 - 99:10Do not be silly, I do not snore.
99:12 - 99:14So it was just before zaopiekowałeś a child.
99:15 - 99:16What is this child?
99:16 - 99:17So you were tired.
99:19 - 99:21I think the greenery fun of me.
99:21 - 99:23Well, ask the boy of tea.
99:23 - 99:26Immediately he came up to me and asked me if it's an earthquake. I swear.
99:26 - 99:28Or longer silent, not exaggerate it.
99:29 - 99:30People also can sometimes snore. Fine.
99:34 - 99:39And, these are the windows. Well, I like. They are beautiful.
99:39 - 99:42I would also like what has bulge. How is it called?
99:42 - 99:43Roofing.
99:43 - 99:43Roofing.
99:44 - 99:49Roofing. Well. That I want. Let's not be transparent. I do not want to przepuszczało sun.
99:49 - 99:54Now here he is still and the child. I do not want the sun shone in my head. Well. Let's look at this.
99:57 - 99:58Well, yes. Let's look.
99:59 - 99:59Didem.
100:00 - 100:01Ah, my life!
100:02 - 100:03What's going on here?
100:03 - 100:08After just me and the baby if you are so welcomed every morning.
100:08 - 100:10This is no time for jokes. Who are these people?
100:10 - 100:12Get to know each other. This is our architect, Mr. Akin.
100:12 - 100:16Decorator, Mrs. Mine. Next are their masters and assistants.
100:16 - 100:18I am pleased I am pleased.
100:18 - 100:20We can talk a moment alone?
100:20 - 100:21Of course, my life.
100:26 - 100:27What are you doing?
100:27 - 100:29I've been waiting for you, so they can begin work.
100:29 - 100:32Do not pretend you do not understand, Didem. What these people are doing in my house?
100:33 - 100:37I decided to convert the house a little before our wedding. You also need to prepare the room for the baby.
100:37 - 100:39I wanted to do it alone, you do not bother yourself the headache.
100:39 - 100:40Are you kidding?
100:41 - 100:41No.
100:42 - 100:46I guess you forgot that it was only a formal wedding. We will not live in the same house.
100:47 - 100:50But when the child will come to you, he will need a room, do not you think?
100:50 - 100:54Already I'll take care of everything concerning the child. Sure? The room also prepare him.
100:55 - 100:56Do not interfere in anything.
101:06 - 101:07No, Fadik!
101:07 - 101:13For nothing in the world will not let you on the street. Look at these clothes. I'll break your heart.
101:13 - 101:15God, God, what's going on with you again, girl?
101:17 - 101:21Just look at her mouth! Oh my God!
101:22 - 101:27What is? I do not understand what's going on. That is my true nature.
101:28 - 101:32A good, ate strawberries. This can from it.
101:32 - 101:39Hmm ... And what about the leopard? A tiger can you scratched as a mijaliście. I expect explanations.
101:40 - 101:42What is wrong? I think it suits her.
101:42 - 101:49You stand there and not say anything. And so I'm mad at you. I told my father everything.
101:49 - 101:50If you only knew. Stand where you stand.
101:50 - 101:56For once, something you could not tell his father. I staying forever.
101:56 - 102:00What more do you want? Aunt Fadik, pay no attention to my mom flips.
102:03 - 102:04And for whom so you dressed up?
102:05 - 102:13The one who came to ask me to marry him, Mr. Kamuran, invited me to a cafe.
102:13 - 102:15You have to somehow react to the invitation.
102:15 - 102:23What was I supposed to do, go in your pajamas? In tracksuit? There is such a thing as self-esteem.
102:23 - 102:30Already I'll give you a sense of self-worth. Volcano those in the middle activated. Do not say later that you did not warn you.
102:32 - 102:33The meeting, right?
102:34 - 102:38In fact, it is not so. Now, Kamuran ...
102:39 - 102:43The man asked me, I'm going to shame it was not.
102:44 - 102:49In addition, there was a little misunderstanding, so we need to explain
102:49 - 102:50There is no other reason.
102:50 - 102:55Look, Fadik. In such clothes you do not even step! His feet'll break! Fields.
102:55 - 103:03Again, something is happening to you. What's wrong? Son, that's fine, but the man did not even know it.
103:03 - 103:05Who, what and how. What's happening?
103:05 - 103:10Oh, Emine, umęczyłaś me! Almost ate me! Nothing you left!
103:11 - 103:14I do not want to bother you, but disguise themselves and go straight to work.
103:14 - 103:15Well done, girl. Go.
103:15 - 103:20Fight for your freedom! You have a mother tyrant! Tyrant!
103:21 - 103:21What? I?
103:22 - 103:23Yes, you! Stalker!
103:34 - 103:36How's the preparation?
103:37 - 103:40First we finished sweet snacks, because they need to cool for about six, seven hours before serving.
103:40 - 103:42Now we begin to prepare cold snacks.
103:42 - 103:43Great.
103:46 - 103:48What are you doing?
103:48 - 103:50Marinated lamb chops.
103:50 - 103:55Why? For dinner we decided to give the roast duck with lavender.
103:55 - 103:57Sultana Azime changed duck chops.
104:04 - 104:06Child, you want to put it near the pool?
104:06 - 104:08You would like to have dinner in the garden, sułtanko Azime?
104:08 - 104:12No, we eat inside. Then we go to the garden when you get the cake.
104:19 - 104:20Ms. Azime?
104:22 - 104:23Please, Mrs. Deryo.
104:24 - 104:27Oh, I think I came between the hammer and the anvil.
104:27 - 104:29Is that you made changes to the menu for dinner?
104:30 - 104:31Yes, I did.
104:32 - 104:33Why?
104:33 - 104:35Is there is China, we were tucking into a duck?
104:36 - 104:38I ordered the lamb wonderful with my butcher.
104:39 - 104:43Ooo, dinner will be lamb chops? Great Grandma!
104:43 - 104:45Where are you moving the table ?!
104:45 - 104:47I told them to have moved. Do you have any objections?
104:48 - 104:53No, if you informed me of the change of plans, employees are not stuck in the middle of preparations.
104:53 - 104:57If you do not wtrącałabyś in not, and workers in anything that is not stuck.
104:58 - 105:03Between you is such a tension that it's better to stay away. I found myself in the destruction.
105:04 - 105:12And so you're not the mother of Murat. So let me as his grandmother prepare engagement royally.
105:19 - 105:24Does anyone really be able to use virtually any occasion, sułtanko Azime? Let your ball also sometimes fly out of bounds.
105:25 - 105:31So it will continue until your mother will be burned position in the team. My every shot falls into the goal.
105:32 - 105:37Oooooo, even you know what it is burned. I love women who know their football.
105:38 - 105:42Better to walk down the road to this woman, who understands football, while still alive.
105:43 - 105:47Come on, get to work. Otherwise I dictate criminal opposing team. Definitely.
105:50 - 105:54The child, if this is not enough, and we will bring another table. Well?
106:13 - 106:14Silk.
106:14 - 106:14My God!
106:16 - 106:20Kerem ... Okay. I will not be nervous.
106:20 - 106:26I've never trusted such a wonderful person and such delicate the bird as you.
106:26 - 106:32All Turkish films from the seventies to the nineties flew through my head. Forgive me.
106:35 - 106:38You can and you forgave me, but I am not able to forgive yourself.
106:38 - 106:42So I decided to punish, to repent.
106:44 - 106:46My head is not in place, Ipek.
106:47 - 106:48What are you doing, shithead?
106:55 - 106:56It is very cold.
106:57 - 107:01Why did you use cold water? What's the point if it is hot?
107:01 - 107:05Completely crazy. Bravo. Pour, come on, get to the each other. No longer.
107:10 - 107:13In case you had hit me.
107:13 - 107:18Just like you're an idiot, just as you're honest, romantic and goofy, from what I see.
107:19 - 107:24As if all the characteristics of what I look for in a guy, gathered in one place.
107:26 - 107:30Wait a minute, I said, that's like. Do not get too excited too.
107:30 - 107:32Well, do not talk. Really?
107:33 - 107:37That's the best compliment I heard in my life, Ipek.
107:37 - 107:42It still is not enough after what you've done. Flowers are underhand grip.
107:42 - 107:48It was worth it to pour water in the hope that you get to each other. I like the way that you followed.
107:48 - 107:51Can you give me a kiss on the cheek? On resolving the dispute. Come on.
107:53 - 107:56Because of the flowers, letting one kiss.
107:57 - 108:00Just do not slobber and do not smear my make-up, please.
108:04 - 108:05I told you not obśliń me.
108:08 - 108:13Does not matter. And so you're all wet, no nothing. All you poured? I'm thirsty, it is heat.
108:16 - 108:17And anyway it's still not forgiven you.
108:23 - 108:25Are these chrysanthemums?
108:35 - 108:38Yesterday we worked late, today I gave you free.
108:38 - 108:44That's true, but I decided to come to work. I take the example of the boss.
109:08 - 109:10Yesterday we managed to achieve something great.
109:11 - 109:13Yes of course. Even a child is occupied.
109:15 - 109:17And thanks Dorukowi even and amused.
109:19 - 109:20As your stomach?
109:21 - 109:22Much better, better.
109:30 - 109:31Life...
109:33 - 109:34Excuse me, Mr. Murat?
109:37 - 109:41I do not know why you do it, but once again thank you.
109:43 - 109:43For what?
109:46 - 109:47You are nice to me.
109:48 - 109:50You're worried about me and my health.
109:53 - 109:55Because I love my job, Mr. Murat.
110:31 - 110:36Sir, welcome. Nice to see you. Hello.
110:47 - 110:50Girl, and what you grinning? What are you going right away with this hand?
110:51 - 110:54Do not mess up, Emine. Enough is enough! Pożarłaś me.
110:55 - 110:56Go! For God's sake.
111:20 - 111:24Today you are particularly active. Mashallah, Mr. Kamuran.
111:25 - 111:29Kissing the hand and stuff. You can not sit still.
111:30 - 111:35It would be good if napiłby Mr. camomile tea to quell the Lord's energy.
111:36 - 111:39No, ma'am. Absolutely not. It can not be alone with camomile tea.
111:39 - 111:42In addition, we eat a rice pudding. Son, come here.
111:44 - 111:44Hello.
111:44 - 111:50Hello. Sir, one tea and rice pudding. And what you yourself wish, Miss Fadik?
111:51 - 111:52For me, one bomb energy.
111:55 - 111:56Bomba Energy?
111:58 - 112:02Very good choice. Son, two power bombs, please. Prepare us something bombing.
112:02 - 112:03Immediately, sir.
112:10 - 112:14Does not matter. Yesterday us very zaskoczyliście.
112:14 - 112:18In general, you did not tell us his intentions, Mr. Kamuran.
112:18 - 112:20Well done.
112:20 - 112:29No, ma'am. No. You just want me to go fight, because a woman like Mrs. Fadik is not met yet never.
112:29 - 112:31I want to beat me senseless.
112:32 - 112:35What a spontaneity, Kamuran ... Lord.
112:36 - 112:38No, ma'am. I'm not exuberant.
112:39 - 112:43Enthusiasm is too small a word to these storms and earthquakes that in me crazy.
112:43 - 112:47Go in your side like a waterfall, Miss Fadik.
112:53 - 112:55My God,
112:56 - 112:58save me a living from these maniacs.
112:59 - 113:04God willing. Amen!
113:11 - 113:15Okay, all drawings meet our criteria, but it's not.
113:16 - 113:20I share these concerns. These new designers did not show anything new.
113:21 - 113:22Well, from which groups are these drawings?
113:23 - 113:25The team principal designer, who previously worked in Marpi.
113:25 - 113:27Any news from Nekstura?
113:27 - 113:31Their work has been sent directly to Mr. and Mrs. Doruk Tuval.
113:31 - 113:34No, none of us did not understand.
113:37 - 113:39Well, maybe just for today?
113:39 - 113:40Okay.
113:40 - 113:43Wooow, the groom is nervous?
113:44 - 113:52What is the groom? Boss? Sorry, boss. Forget about the boss, I just wanted to say sorry.
113:52 - 113:57Aaaa is you anything you do not know Cagla? Today we come to ask my brother.
113:59 - 114:03There is no chance Doruk. They will ask Murata?
114:04 - 114:05If they come to us, yes, Tuval.
114:07 - 114:08You're kidding.
114:09 - 114:12Didem family comes to you give a girl?
114:12 - 114:16Yes, they want a clinch of my brother at any cost.
114:17 - 114:18Crazy people.
114:45 - 114:50But of us lucky. We are here because of the beautiful event.
114:50 - 114:52As well, it came.
114:52 - 114:56Yes, of course, that as well.
114:57 - 115:03Which one of you is the mother of Didem?
115:04 - 115:04Me! Me!
115:05 - 115:07Susan, can you calm down?
115:08 - 115:10Even my husband took away. Now you want me to take and daughter?
115:12 - 115:14I'm taking. Such a woman with me.
115:15 - 115:16Bravo.
115:16 - 115:18A real treasure it.
115:20 - 115:25Azos, my duszyczko with soft hands.
115:25 - 115:28I am the mother Didem.
115:29 - 115:31Suzan is her stepmother.
115:32 - 115:34I'm the best of all stepmother stepmother.
115:36 - 115:42Mr. Sevket, Mrs. Suzan is your second wife?
115:42 - 115:44Exactly, exactly.
115:44 - 115:48Lord's wife's great to get along with each other. Beautiful.
115:48 - 115:54Is not it? Very sweet. Now we are like a family in the picture, is not it?
115:55 - 115:56Of course.
115:56 - 116:00Something like that I have not yet seen ... I swear to God.
116:01 - 116:06But I tell you something, I would not change Suzan anyone else.
116:06 - 116:09It's thanks to me met with Sevket.
116:10 - 116:14Asuman, all thanks to you. That you tell me you brought Suzan.
116:15 - 116:20We're old friends. Suzan often come to us. So she met my husband.
116:21 - 116:24Yes, I called her aunt. Now I call her stepmother.
116:25 - 116:27Is not it beautiful, Murat?
116:27 - 116:28Very.
116:29 - 116:34Great. Mr. Sevket, I would like to talk with you later and use every bit of your experience.
116:35 - 116:37Of course, child. Of course. We'll talk.
116:37 - 116:43Mr. Nedzat, Mrs. Derya is your second wife, Didem told me.
116:43 - 116:45Sees are you still with his first wife?
116:49 - 116:50Patience ...
116:58 - 117:04Girl, you have not seen this in the past 20 years. I did not know what to do.
117:04 - 117:09I do not know if I have my eye on a girl or you.
117:10 - 117:15And what did I do? I just sat there, and he began to confess my love.
117:17 - 117:19Well, I'm not a wall.
117:20 - 117:22I smiled.
117:23 - 117:26Girl Fadik that smile?
117:26 - 117:28Szczerzyłaś from ear to ear.
117:29 - 117:32Since the beginning of one was here,
117:32 - 117:34who knows where that smile was ending.
117:37 - 117:38Well, do not talk.
117:38 - 117:45I also told you that this is not possible, but that's what happened.
117:47 - 117:50My Fadik, I did not expect this from you. Well done, girl.
117:51 - 117:56Aunt Fadik, from this side you have not yet we knew. You are completely transformed.
117:57 - 117:58That's what I am.
117:58 - 117:59Is it not, Hayat?
118:00 - 118:03Psst, girl. Hayat.
118:06 - 118:08I was pondering.
118:09 - 118:12I'm very tired. I worked a lot of late.
118:14 - 118:15I'll go to bed.
118:15 - 118:17Go, then, lamb.
118:17 - 118:18Kisses for you.
118:18 - 118:24Quiet night, my beautiful daughter. My black-eyed lamb. Good night, baby.
118:24 - 118:24Good night.
118:24 - 118:25Good night.
118:36 - 118:41Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered this evening because of the wonderful event.
118:45 - 118:50Our daughter and son Didem Murat made a decision.
118:52 - 118:54And we accepted it.
118:58 - 119:04These rings are a symbol of a long path that awaits them together.
119:07 - 119:07Daughter.
119:17 - 119:22I've never heard of such a grim speech. As if it was a funeral.
119:23 - 119:29Everyone is master of his own fate. He should take care of themselves, and instead gave him a life lesson.
119:59 - 120:00I hope you'll be very happy.
120:05 - 120:06Fortunately.
120:30 - 120:33Now I'm so happy. As in a dream. Murat.
120:34 - 120:35You do not kiss me?
120:38 - 120:41Mr. Young, kiss, something you so shy?
120:42 - 120:47Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
120:56 - 120:58Bravo! 1 02: 01: 33.684 -> 02: 01: 35.573 certainly already established itself wedding rings.
121:38 - 121:41Leave it. Do not think about it...
121:43 - 121:48So surely already they are celebrating. -Give God, that it was their last celebration.
121:49 - 121:50What is the word, Ipek?
121:50 - 121:54-Where Fire come down, there will be a bonfire. Just look at what is to become.
122:03 - 122:06I can not stay here when so much is happening.
122:07 - 122:08What's that supposed to mean?
122:09 - 122:11I must see the Murat! -For what?
122:11 - 122:14-I Have to necessarily tell him a few things!
122:15 - 122:18What will you tell him? O do not ask me anything.
122:19 - 122:23Hayat, do not go mad! -Oszalałam! Fine?! Crazy! Yes, crazy!
122:24 - 122:27The only, but do not shout, please. As soon as you hear mom. -And Let him hear!
122:28 - 122:30If you need to confess everything to go anyway.
122:30 - 122:33I do not care! I need to see tonight with Murat!
122:33 - 122:34Well.
122:37 - 122:41Have a nice evening. Have a nice evening, Mrs. Deryo.
122:42 - 122:46Good evening. Soul, good night.
122:48 - 122:51My daughter first got involved. It is very stressed.
122:51 - 122:55Next time it will be much easier, is not it, darling?
122:57 - 123:02Mom, no. Murat is my first and only love. -Does not matter.
123:03 - 123:06Asuman, wish them luck.
123:13 - 123:14Good evening, Didem.
123:17 - 123:20Dear my new family, kisses. See you later.
123:21 - 123:25Bye bye sweetie. See you, bye-bye.
123:25 - 123:28See you later, sweetie. Bye Bye. ♥ ♥♥ ♥
123:33 - 123:39Ai, ai, in my life, I have never seen anything like it.
123:40 - 123:43Now will kiss my hands, dear Mommy.
123:44 - 123:49Minds probably bought at the sales. Brother, I wish you a speedy return to normality.
123:52 - 123:55Nothing will change. Now it only starts a nightmare.
124:31 - 124:33Do you believe that? -Uwierzyła, He believed.
124:34 - 124:40If aunt Emine did not take pillows for Hayat, a long time ago we would be finished, Asli.
124:43 - 124:47Hayat ever seen in such a state? As if her mind.
124:47 - 124:50It's hard to survive what happened to her. This is normal.
124:50 - 124:54-I Did not tell us anything. I feel guilty.
124:54 - 124:57What will be discussed? Now I pondered it all night.
124:58 - 125:00If God willing, I want to him to spit in the face.
125:01 - 125:06I think that the opening confess his love. That's why she left.
125:06 - 125:09I think you should close this subject once and for all!
125:10 - 125:15He may also say that she remembered his words from that night.
125:16 - 125:21Never mind, soul. Let them throw it out. Let her do lightly.
125:21 - 125:27Let them say what it is at heart, and cease to suffer. I do not want anything more.
125:28 - 125:32And if something happens to her in the night, God forbid?
125:32 - 125:35Nothing it will not happen. Remind yourself who is his bodyguard.
125:35 - 125:38I remembered it myself and again upset.
125:39 - 125:42All these events are on hand Keremowi.
125:43 - 125:46Let Kerem thank Hayat, otherwise I would not forgive him.
125:57 - 126:00Mashallah, you're so talkative that you can not stop talking, szwagierko.
126:00 - 126:03My head can not bear such talk at this time.
126:04 - 126:07Forgive me, Kerem. I have absolutely no strength to talk.
126:08 - 126:11Murata also asked, but there is nothing I said. At least, you tell me.
126:12 - 126:13I also do not know anything.
126:15 - 126:17How will I know everything I say.
130:30 - 130:31What are you doing here at this hour, Hayat?
130:38 - 130:40- I came to see you.
130:42 - 130:45You could not this wait until tomorrow? -No.
130:59 - 131:02It was a long night for me. I'm very tired.
131:03 - 131:04Too bad that did not you call before you come.
131:06 - 131:09If I had called, could not agree to a meeting.
131:11 - 131:12Very likely.
131:14 - 131:18I had to see you. -Why?
131:21 - 131:25I remembered what happened that night.
131:30 - 131:32I remembered your answer to my question.
131:46 - 131:46Life...
131:47 - 131:49-I Wanted to just, you know, that I remembered.
131:51 - 131:52That's all.
132:04 - 132:05It was a lie.
132:11 - 132:12What was a lie?
132:24 - 132:25- All.
132:26 - 132:28That's what I told you.
132:29 - 132:31This is what we experienced together.
132:33 - 132:34It was a merciless game.
132:40 - 132:41All this, so that you win.
132:47 - 132:48And...
132:53 - 132:54I love Didem, Hayat.
132:56 - 133:04Now collective 'Aaaaa, Murat, and of which thou hast you done the best ?!' Serduszkujemy only Duruka;)
133:09 - 133:17To the next: D ZTS EN Translation: aneta3721, Maciej R.
133:17 - 133:27Subtitles: Katarzyna DZ. Help in translating / Text: Catherine Poloczek, Sylvia B.
- Title:
- Aşk Laftan Anlamaz 8.Bölüm
- Description:
Yapım: Bi Yapım
Yapımcı: Burak Sağyaşar
Yönetmen: Bahadır İnce
Senaryo: Nuray UsluOyuncular: Burak Deniz (Murat), Hande Erçel (Hayat) ,Merve Çağıran (İpek), Özcan Tekdemir (Aslı), Oğuzhan Karbi (Doruk), Demet Gül (Tuval), Tuğçe Karabacak (Didem), Süleyman Felek (Kerem), Betül Çobanoğlu (Derya), Cem Emüler (Nejat), Evren Duyal (Fadik), Sultan Köroğlu Kılıç (Emine), Elif Doğan (Suna), Metehan Kuru (Gökçe), Oğuz Okul (Kemal), Gözde Kocaoğlu (Çağla), Nazan Diper (Azime)
Web Sitesi: http://www.showtv.com.tr/dizi/tanitim/ask-laftan-anlamaz/1622
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asklaftananlamaz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AskLaftanAnlamz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asklaftananlamaz - Video Language:
- English, British
- Team:
Captions Requested
- Duration:
- 02:15:10
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