The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous
0:00 - 0:04There's a lot of misinformation out there
about what it means to be transgender, -
0:04 - 0:07but recently, scientists
have begun to look more closely -
0:07 - 0:11into the neurology,
physiology and psychology behind it. -
0:11 - 0:14So today, we're going to break down
what science does know -
0:14 - 0:16in a respectful and educational way.
0:16 - 0:19Hey, guys, I'm Gigi Gorgeous
and today I'm here with AsapSCIENCE -
0:19 - 0:22to break down
the science of being transgender. -
0:22 - 0:24Before we get too deep into it,
0:24 - 0:28we have to look at your genetic sex
or the chromosomes you have. -
0:28 - 0:30These were determined
right at fertilization, -
0:30 - 0:35when the sperm cell from your father,
which carries an X or a Y chromosome, -
0:35 - 0:38fused with the egg from your mother,
which carries an X chromosome. -
0:38 - 0:41But until six or seven weeks
after fertilization, -
0:41 - 0:46both XY and XX embyos
have identical gonads. -
0:46 - 0:49Around seven weeks,
the male sex organs start to develop -
0:49 - 0:52because of a gene
on the Y chromosome called SRY. -
0:52 - 0:55It causes cells to become more specialized
0:55 - 0:57and these cells create testosterone,
0:57 - 1:01which in turn triggers the development
of structures like the penis and scrotum, -
1:01 - 1:05while other cells block female development
by degenerating the female ducts. -
1:05 - 1:07However, in female development,
1:07 - 1:10because there is no Y chromosome
with the SRY gene, -
1:10 - 1:13these ducts stay intact
and become the uterus, cervix, -
1:13 - 1:15upper vagina and the oviduct,
1:15 - 1:19with the help of estrogen and chemicals
secreted by the early kidney. -
1:19 - 1:21But it's not always that simple.**
1:21 - 1:25There are sometimes
even rare combinations like XXY, -
1:25 - 1:28XXX, XXYY, etcetera,
1:28 - 1:30and even people with XX chromosomes
1:30 - 1:33that develop
male genitals and characteristics, -
1:33 - 1:35due to a piece of the Y chromosome
breaking off -
1:35 - 1:38and switching places to an X chromosome.
1:38 - 1:41But sexual differentiation in the brain
1:41 - 1:44actually happens much later
than gonadal differentiation. -
1:44 - 1:48And yes, although controversial,
male and female brains -
1:48 - 1:51have structural and functional differences
between each other. -
1:51 - 1:55Studies have found that males
generally have a larger cerebrum, -
1:55 - 1:57cerebellum, and hippocampus,
1:57 - 2:00while females
have higher-density left frontal lobes -
2:00 - 2:03and larger volumes
in the right frontal lobes. -
2:03 - 2:04So what exactly do we see
2:04 - 2:07when we look at the brain
of a transgender person? -
2:07 - 2:09Several studies
have shown that transgender brains -
2:09 - 2:12are both structurally
and functionally more similar -
2:12 - 2:16to their experienced gender identity
than their biological sex. -
2:16 - 2:20One study found that trans women who,
despite being assigned male at birth, -
2:20 - 2:24had a smaller, female-sized structure
in the hypothalamus. -
2:24 - 2:27MRI scans also show
the brain structures of trans people -
2:27 - 2:28to be more similar in thickness
2:28 - 2:31to their experienced gender
and not their sex. -
2:31 - 2:33Finally, the pheromone androstadienone
2:33 - 2:37causes different hypothalamic responses
in male and female brains. -
2:37 - 2:40And when individuals with gender dysphoria
were exposed to it, -
2:40 - 2:41the hypothalamic response
2:41 - 2:44matched their perceived gender
rather than their sex. -
2:44 - 2:46These studies help to highlight
2:46 - 2:49how masculinization
or feminization of the gonads -
2:49 - 2:51is not always the same as the brain
2:51 - 2:54and that there's a difference
between your sex or your anatomy -
2:54 - 2:57and your gender
or how we perceive our own bodies. -
2:57 - 3:00There also seems to be a genetic component
to transgender identity. -
3:00 - 3:02Looking at family histories,
3:02 - 3:05gender identity incongruence
seems to run in the family, -
3:05 - 3:07meaning they may be inherited.
3:07 - 3:11The CYP17 gene, which controls
the body's level of sex hormones, -
3:11 - 3:15has a changed allele
that is expressed frequently in trans men. -
3:15 - 3:18Although more research could be done,
scientists are currently looking -
3:18 - 3:21at over three million DNA markers
for transgender identity -
3:21 - 3:24to investigate
any genetic link for being trans. -
3:24 - 3:28Even though scientific studies validate
the experience of transgender people, -
3:28 - 3:32they're still suffering
from more depression and anxiety -
3:32 - 3:33than the general public.
3:33 - 3:37The risk of suicide
is more prominent in transgender people -
3:37 - 3:39who have been rejected by their family,
3:39 - 3:41discriminated in the workplace
or in health care. -
3:41 - 3:45Suicide risks seem to decrease
after gender transitioning, -
3:45 - 3:47suggesting that gender dysphoria
3:47 - 3:50can cause an extreme amount
of emotional pain, -
3:50 - 3:51even to the point of suicide.
3:51 - 3:55If you, a family member or a friend
is suffering from gender dysphoria, -
3:55 - 3:58there are a few links in the description
for more information. -
3:58 - 4:00Thank you, Gigi,
for being part of this video. -
4:00 - 4:03It means so much. We're happy
that you're here to do this. -
4:03 - 4:06Thank you guys,
for using your channel, your platform, -
4:06 - 4:09validating transgender experiences
with science, -
4:09 - 4:12- which just brings us closer to equality.
- Absolutely. -
4:12 - 4:15If you want to check out Gigi's channel,
we'll put up links. -
4:15 - 4:18Otherwise, you can subscribe
for more science here, -
4:18 - 4:20- every week, and we'll see you next time.
- Peace!
- Title:
- The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous
- Description:
What can science teach us about gender identity and dysphoria?
Thanks so much to Gigi Gorgeous!
Check out our new PODCAST: http://sidenotepodcast.comSubscribe for more!
The Trevor Project's 24/7/365 Lifeline at 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386) or
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255)
Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860Created by: Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown
Written by: Jodre Datu, Greg Brown and Mitch Moffit
Illustrated by: Max Simmons
Edited by: Sel Ghebrehiwot
Narrated by: Mitch MoffitFOLLOW US!
Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit
Clickable: and
Tumblr: http://asapscience.tumblr.comCreated by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).
Send us stuff!
P.O. Box 93, Toronto P
Toronto, ON, M5S2S6Further Reading/References - Video Language:
- English
- Team:
Amplifying Voices
- Project:
- Gender Diversity
- Duration:
- 04:21
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Sandro Rospigliosi edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous |