The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous
Not SyncedThere's a lot of misinformation out there
about what it means to be transgender, -
Not Syncedbut recently, scientists
have begun to look more closely -
Not Syncedinto the neurology,
physiology and psychology behind it. -
Not SyncedSo today, we're going to break down
what science does know -
Not Syncedin a respectful and educational way.
Not SyncedHey, guys, I'm Gigi Gorgeous
Not Syncedand today I'm here with AsapSCIENCE
Not Syncedto break down
the science of being transgender. -
Not SyncedBefore we get too deep into it,
Not Syncedwe have to look at your genetic sex
or the chromosomes you have. -
Not SyncedThese were determined
right at fertilization, -
Not Syncedwhen the sperm cell from your father,
which carries an X or a Y chromosome, -
Not Syncedfused with the egg from your mother,
which carries an X chromosome. -
Not SyncedBut until six or seven weeks
after fertilization, -
Not Syncedboth XY and XX embyos
have identical gonads. -
Not SyncedAround seven weeks,
the male sex organs start to develop -
Not Syncedbecause of a gene
on the Y chromosome called SRY. -
Not SyncedIt causes cells to become more specialized
Not Syncedand these cells create testosterone,
Not Syncedwhich in turn triggers the development
of structures like the penis and scrotum, -
Not Syncedwhile other cells block female development
by degenerating the female ducts. -
Not SyncedHowever, in female development,
Not Syncedbecause there is no Y chromosome
with the SRY gene, -
Not Syncedthese ducts stay intact
and become the uterus, cervix, -
Not Syncedupper vagina and the oviduct,
Not Syncedwith the help of estrogen and chemicals
secreted by the early kidney. -
Not SyncedBut it's not always that simple.
Not SyncedThere are sometimes
even rare combinations like XXY, -
Not SyncedXXX, XXYY, etcetera,
Not Syncedand even people with XX chromosomes
Not Syncedthat develop
male genitals and characteristics, -
Not Synceddue to a piece of the Y chromosome
breaking off -
Not Syncedand switching places to an X chromosome.
Not SyncedBut sexual differentiation in the brain
Not Syncedactually happens much later
than gonadal differentiation. -
Not SyncedAnd yes, although controversial,
male and female brains -
Not Syncedhave structural and functional differences
between each other. -
Not SyncedStudies have found that males
generally have a larger cerebrum, -
Not Syncedcerebellum, and hippocampus,
Not Syncedwhile females
have higher-density left frontal lobes -
Not Syncedand larger volumes
in the right frontal lobes. -
Not SyncedSo what exactly do we see
Not Syncedwhen we look at the brain
of a transgender person? -
Not SyncedSeveral studies
have shown that transgender brains -
Not Syncedare both structurally
and functionally more similar -
Not Syncedto their experienced gender identity
than their biological sex. -
Not SyncedOne study found that trans women who,
despite being assigned male at birth, -
Not Syncedhad a smaller female-sized structure
in the hypothalamus. -
Not SyncedMRI scans also show
the brain structures of trans people -
Not Syncedto be more similar in thickness
Not Syncedto their experienced gender
and not their sex. -
Not SyncedFinally, the pheromone androstadienone
Not Syncedcauses different hypothalamic responses
in male and female brains. -
Not SyncedAnd when individuals with gender dysphoria
were exposed to it, -
Not Syncedthe hypothalamic response
Not Syncedmatched their perceived gender
rather than their sex. -
Not SyncedThese studies help to highlight
Not Syncedhow masculinization
or feminization of the gonads -
Not Syncedis not always the same as the brain
Not Syncedand that there's a difference
between your sex or your anatomy -
Not Syncedand your gender
or how we perceive our own bodies. -
Not SyncedThere also seems to be a genetic component
to transgender identity. -
Not SyncedLooking at family histories,
Not Syncedgender identity incongruence
seems to run in the family, -
Not Syncedmeaning they may be inherited.
Not SyncedThe CYP17 gene, which controls
the body's level of sex hormones, -
Not Syncedhas a changed
Not Syncedthat is expressed frequently in trans men.
Not SyncedAlthough more research could be done,
Not Syncedscientists are currently looking
Not Syncedat over three million DNA markers
for transgender identity -
Not Syncedto investigate any genetic link for being trans.
Not SyncedEven though scientific studies validate
the experience of transgender people, -
Not Syncedthey're still suffering
from more depression and anxiety -
Not Syncedthan the general public.
Not SyncedThe risk of suicide
is more prominent in transgender people -
Not Syncedwho have been rejected by their family,
Not Synceddiscriminated in the workplace
or in health care. -
Not SyncedSuicide risks seem to decrease
after gender transitioning, -
Not Syncedsuggesting that gender dysphoria
Not Syncedcan cause an extreme amount
of emotional pain, -
Not Syncedeven to the point of suicide.
Not SyncedIf you, a family member or a friend
is suffering from gender dysphoria, -
Not Syncedthere are a few links in the description
for more information. -
Not SyncedThank you so much, Gigi,
for being part of this video. -
Not SyncedIt means so much, and we're happy
that you were here to do this with us. -
Not SyncedThank you guys
for using your channel, your platform, -
Not Syncedvalidating transgender experiences
with science, -
Not Syncedwhich just brings us closer to equality.
Not SyncedAbsolutely. If you guys
want to check out Gigi's channel, -
Not Syncedwe'll put links in the description
or on the screen somewhere. -
Not SyncedOtherwise, you can subscribe
for more science here, -
Not Syncedevery week, and we'll see you next time.
Not SyncedPeace!
- Title:
- The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous
- Description:
What can science teach us about gender identity and dysphoria?
Thanks so much to Gigi Gorgeous!
Check out our new PODCAST: http://sidenotepodcast.comSubscribe for more!
The Trevor Project's 24/7/365 Lifeline at 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386) or
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255)
Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860Created by: Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown
Written by: Jodre Datu, Greg Brown and Mitch Moffit
Illustrated by: Max Simmons
Edited by: Sel Ghebrehiwot
Narrated by: Mitch MoffitFOLLOW US!
Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit
Clickable: and
Tumblr: http://asapscience.tumblr.comCreated by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).
Send us stuff!
P.O. Box 93, Toronto P
Toronto, ON, M5S2S6Further Reading/References - Video Language:
- English
- Team:
Amplifying Voices
- Project:
- Gender Diversity
- Duration:
- 04:21
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Marta Quirós Alarcón edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous | |
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Sandro Rospigliosi edited English subtitles for The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous |