Overcoming rejection: when people hurt you and life isn't fair | Darryll Stinson | TEDxWileyCollege
0:07 - 0:09Rejection.
0:09 - 0:13Do you remember the last time
you felt rejected? -
0:14 - 0:16Was it a guy that never
returned a phone call? -
0:17 - 0:19Or a father that never came around?
0:19 - 0:22Was it a boss who overlooked you
for a promotion? -
0:22 - 0:26Or maybe it was someone in your life
who never thought you were good enough, -
0:26 - 0:29no matter what you did
to try to impress them. -
0:29 - 0:32We all know rejection hurts.
0:32 - 0:33It stings.
0:33 - 0:35It makes us feel like
we're not good enough. -
0:36 - 0:39It causes us to question ourselves
and doubt our future. -
0:40 - 0:43I submit to you that rejection
isn't something we should be afraid of. -
0:43 - 0:45And it sure isn't something
0:45 - 0:47that should make us
get discouraged, depressed, -
0:47 - 0:50or work unhealthy amounts of hours
just to prove to the world -
0:50 - 0:54that we are somebody worth loving
and paying attention to. -
0:55 - 0:58Rather, rejection is our friend
0:58 - 0:59and not our enemy.
1:00 - 1:03I'm going to share two ways
that we can see rejection -
1:03 - 1:06in order to leverage
those moments of pain -
1:06 - 1:08to be the greatest catalyst
to our success, -
1:08 - 1:12and proof of our value and uniqueness.
1:13 - 1:17The first way that we can view rejection
is by seeing it as projection. -
1:18 - 1:20A psychological projection.
1:20 - 1:24A psychological projection is when someone
subconsciously employs -
1:24 - 1:28undesirable feelings or emotions
onto someone else -
1:28 - 1:32rather than admitting to or dealing
with their own unwanted feelings. -
1:33 - 1:35When we can see how the rejections we face
1:35 - 1:39may have more to do with another person's
inward turmoil and not our own value, -
1:39 - 1:41our lives will change.
1:41 - 1:44Rather than shrink back,
get discouraged, or play it safe, -
1:44 - 1:48we'll move forward in life
with confidence and high esteem. -
1:49 - 1:51One of my most painful moments
of rejection happened -
1:51 - 1:53when I was in the third grade.
1:53 - 1:58I wanted to be popular, to be liked,
to be loved, and to be respected. -
1:58 - 2:00And thankfully, I was.
2:00 - 2:02I was in an advanced learning class
2:02 - 2:06which meant that I was one of two
Black students in an all-white class. -
2:06 - 2:08And this wasn't a bad thing.
2:08 - 2:10I was known as the cool, big, Black kid.
2:10 - 2:12They called me Goon.
2:12 - 2:13(Laughter)
2:13 - 2:16I was one of the smartest kids in class,
2:16 - 2:17people cheated off my test,
2:17 - 2:18they laughed at my jokes,
2:18 - 2:20life was great.
2:21 - 2:22Until one day,
2:22 - 2:24as I was returning back to class
from a bathroom break, -
2:24 - 2:28I noticed a group of Black students
circled together laughing hysterically. -
2:28 - 2:32Me, being the confident, charismatic,
outgoing guy that I was, -
2:32 - 2:35I decided I was going to go over to them
and get in on the jokes. -
2:35 - 2:37So I walked over to these students,
2:37 - 2:39and I said, "Hey y'all, what's so funny?"
2:39 - 2:41No one answered.
2:41 - 2:42I spoke up.
2:43 - 2:45"Now, what y'all over there
laughing about?" -
2:45 - 2:47And just as I was finishing my sentence,
2:47 - 2:49one of the guys in the group turned
towards me and said, -
2:49 - 2:51"You're what's funny, white boy."
2:52 - 2:54The crowd erupted in laughter,
2:54 - 2:59and I, feeling embarrassed,
ashamed, and rejected, -
2:59 - 3:03returned to my class to soon learn
that I was known in our school -
3:03 - 3:06as the Black kid
that talks and acts white. -
3:07 - 3:10I allowed that moment of rejection
3:10 - 3:12to diminish my confidence
and my self-esteem. -
3:13 - 3:15Rather than celebrate my own uniqueness,
3:15 - 3:18I began a long journey
of changing who I was -
3:18 - 3:20to fit in with this Black community.
3:21 - 3:23I mean, I changed the way that I dressed,
3:23 - 3:24the way that I talked,
3:24 - 3:25the music I listened to.
3:25 - 3:27I even changed the way that I laughed.
3:28 - 3:31I started skipping school, selling drugs,
and making poor decisions - -
3:31 - 3:35all because I wanted to gain
their approval and their acceptance. -
3:35 - 3:36And you know what?
3:36 - 3:37It worked.
3:37 - 3:39They accepted me. They embraced me.
3:40 - 3:41I got street cred.
3:42 - 3:45But deep down inside,
I knew it wasn't me who they accepted. -
3:46 - 3:48It was who I was pretending to be.
3:48 - 3:52And the more they adored
this false version of me, -
3:52 - 3:56the more rejected the real me
felt the entire time. -
3:57 - 4:01You see, I didn't understand
that sometimes rejection is projection. -
4:01 - 4:04A projection of someone's own
fears and insecurities -
4:04 - 4:06onto another person.
4:06 - 4:09Those students who made fun of me
were deeply insecure. -
4:09 - 4:11They were unsure of themselves.
4:11 - 4:12They were afraid to do anything
4:12 - 4:15outside of what their peers
thought was acceptable. -
4:15 - 4:18And because they didn't know
how to be their unique selves, -
4:18 - 4:21they projected their fears
and insecurities onto me -
4:21 - 4:23in the form of mockery and jokes.
4:24 - 4:27Because sometimes,
talking bad about others -
4:28 - 4:31makes people feel better
about themselves. -
4:32 - 4:37If I would've been able to see
their rejection as projection, -
4:37 - 4:39I would've never taken
their jokes personally. -
4:39 - 4:41I wouldn't have wasted years of my life
4:41 - 4:44trying to earn their approval
and their acceptance. -
4:44 - 4:45I would've stayed true to who I was,
4:45 - 4:49and I probably would've felt more sorry
for them than I was for myself. -
4:50 - 4:53And I believe that properly
handling rejection -
4:53 - 4:58is a crucial component to ending
the rising anxiety, depression, -
4:58 - 5:01and suicide rates in our nation and world.
5:01 - 5:04In fact, one study from the "Oxford
Handbook of Social Exclusions" -
5:04 - 5:09stated that rejection is both a cause
and a consequence of depression. -
5:10 - 5:12I mean think about it.
5:12 - 5:14Have you ever felt down
after you got rejected? -
5:15 - 5:17Maybe it was a group of co-workers
5:17 - 5:19who invited everyone out
for drinks after work except for you. -
5:21 - 5:24Or what about people who won't invest
their money into your vision and dream? -
5:25 - 5:28Those are situations that cause people
to dislike themselves, -
5:28 - 5:31give up, gain a ton of weight from
emotional eating, -
5:31 - 5:33and binge-watch Netflix.
5:33 - 5:36But I've learned that we
don't have to allow rejection -
5:36 - 5:37to make us do that crazy stuff.
5:38 - 5:41We can leverage our moments of rejections
to produce confidence and success. -
5:41 - 5:42I did.
5:42 - 5:45Once I discovered that the rejection
I faced in the third grade -
5:45 - 5:48was actually a projection
of those students' own issues, -
5:48 - 5:51I was able to see the beauty
in my own difference. -
5:52 - 5:55Honestly, they had
something right about me. -
5:55 - 5:58I was the Black kid that talked
and acted white. -
5:58 - 6:00And I still am.
6:00 - 6:03Being the Black kid that talks
and acts white has enabled me -
6:03 - 6:05to be versatile as a speaker
6:05 - 6:07and work with people
from all different walks of life. -
6:07 - 6:09I can speak to gang members in the street,
6:10 - 6:12and I can speak to executives
in the board room. -
6:12 - 6:14I can help addicts live free
from addiction, -
6:14 - 6:19and I can coach elite athletes
to discover their purpose beyond sports. -
6:19 - 6:21The very thing that made them reject me
6:21 - 6:24has become a crucial
component to my success. -
6:24 - 6:26It has made me effective
at helping others, -
6:26 - 6:31and it's all because I learned
to see rejection as projection, -
6:31 - 6:33and figured out how to use it for my good.
6:35 - 6:40The second way that we can see rejection
is by viewing it as protection. -
6:41 - 6:43Protection from something or someone
6:43 - 6:46that isn't meant
to be in our lives anymore. -
6:46 - 6:51I learned this lesson after life rejected
my dreams of playing in the NFL. -
6:52 - 6:55I went to Central Michigan University
on a full-ride scholarship -
6:55 - 6:56to play Division I football.
6:57 - 7:00Sports was the way that I was going
to become rich and famous, -
7:00 - 7:04so that I could buy my parents a house
and get all of my family out of poverty. -
7:05 - 7:07I had so many coaches
and players who told me -
7:07 - 7:11that because of my height,
my speed, and my athleticism, -
7:11 - 7:14that there was no doubt
that I would one day play in the NFL. -
7:15 - 7:19Unfortunately, I ruptured a disc
in my back my freshman year, -
7:19 - 7:22and this injury ended my college career.
7:23 - 7:26Life had rejected
all that hard work I put in. -
7:27 - 7:31Rather than view my sports injury
as protection from a career path -
7:31 - 7:33that wasn't the best for me,
7:33 - 7:34I took it personal.
7:34 - 7:37I felt like life hated me
and spit in my face. -
7:37 - 7:39I felt like the universe despised me
7:39 - 7:43and that my value was pretty much nothing
without the sport that I loved -
7:43 - 7:45or the recognition that I got
from being an athlete. -
7:46 - 7:48Rather than let sports go,
7:48 - 7:52I did something terrible in an attempt
to keep my athlete dreams alive. -
7:53 - 7:55I signed a liability waiver
7:55 - 7:59and rehabilitated my body to once
again play Division I football. -
8:00 - 8:03I put my body through two years
of drug addiction, -
8:04 - 8:06pain, and sleepless nights,
8:07 - 8:09because I couldn't face life
on life's terms. -
8:10 - 8:13No matter how many painkillers I took,
8:13 - 8:15or how many epidural shots
I got in my back, -
8:15 - 8:19I couldn't avoid the reality
that my career was finished. -
8:19 - 8:22Nothing I did to avoid
that rejection was working. -
8:23 - 8:25I was so afraid to face rejection
8:25 - 8:29because I felt like it meant
that I had no value and no future. -
8:29 - 8:32I figured that since life
completely rejected me -
8:32 - 8:35and all the hard work that I put in
to become a professional athlete, -
8:35 - 8:39that I didn't just fail, but rather,
that I was a failure. -
8:41 - 8:42This belief that I was a failure
8:43 - 8:46drove me into one of the darkest
depressions of my life. -
8:47 - 8:48I became suicidal
8:48 - 8:51because I thought
it would be better to end my life -
8:51 - 8:55than to deal with another
painful moment of rejection. -
8:56 - 8:59And so I would swallow
whole bottles of pills -
8:59 - 9:01in hopes that I wouldn't
wake up the next day. -
9:02 - 9:04I would get drunk
and take a bunch of drugs -
9:04 - 9:08and get in the car and drive hoping
that a car accident would end it all. -
9:08 - 9:11It got so bad that I tried
to starve myself, -
9:11 - 9:16and I went from 275 pounds
to 219 pounds in four weeks. -
9:17 - 9:20That's all because I didn't understand
how to handle rejection. -
9:21 - 9:24All these attempts at suicide
landed me in the psychiatric unit -
9:24 - 9:26in Detroit, Michigan.
9:26 - 9:30And it was there that I had
a life-changing experience -
9:30 - 9:32that gave me hope, and purpose,
9:33 - 9:36and helped me to believe that maybe
the rejection I was experiencing -
9:36 - 9:40was protection from a future
that wasn't the best for me. -
9:41 - 9:45And that maybe there was a career
and a life out there for me -
9:45 - 9:48that was far better
than what I had envisioned. -
9:48 - 9:51So I spent the next few years
researching everything -
9:51 - 9:53I could find on purpose and meaning.
9:53 - 9:54I read books.
9:54 - 9:55I took online courses.
9:55 - 9:57I interviewed people.
9:57 - 9:58I prayed. I meditated.
9:58 - 10:00I even watched a bunch of TEDx talks.
10:00 - 10:02(Laughter)
10:02 - 10:05I started to develop new skills
and explore new interests. -
10:05 - 10:06You know what?
10:06 - 10:09Over time, I built a life that I loved
10:09 - 10:12and even enjoyed more
than my life as an athlete. -
10:13 - 10:15And I would've never been able to do that
10:15 - 10:18if it wasn't for life
completely rejecting, -
10:18 - 10:22or should I say, protecting me,
from becoming a professional athlete. -
10:23 - 10:27And I believe that the world
needs to have the same perspective shift -
10:27 - 10:30that I had when
I was in the psychiatric unit. -
10:30 - 10:33Rather than internalize rejection
to mean that we're less valuable -
10:33 - 10:35or that our future is unsure,
10:35 - 10:38we should view it as protection
from something -
10:38 - 10:41or someone that isn't meant
to be in our lives anymore. -
10:46 - 10:48Imagine what would happen
10:48 - 10:54if we stopped viewing rejection
as a negative, humiliating force, -
10:55 - 11:00and we started viewing rejection
as a necessary development tool -
11:00 - 11:03and a catalyst for massive success.
11:04 - 11:08When I look at people who I admire
that have been highly successful in life, -
11:08 - 11:11I can't help but to notice how
they've overcome rejections they face. -
11:12 - 11:15It causes me to wonder if they
would've ever become who they were -
11:15 - 11:18if it wasn't for how they leveraged
their moments of rejection. -
11:19 - 11:20I mean,
11:20 - 11:23I wonder if Martin Luther King Jr.
would've ever become a great leader -
11:23 - 11:25if it wasn't for the rejection
he experienced -
11:25 - 11:27from his message and his mission.
11:29 - 11:32I wonder if Michael Jordan
would've ever developed the drive -
11:32 - 11:35to become one of the greatest
basketball players of all time, -
11:35 - 11:38if it wasn't for being rejected
by his coach in high school. -
11:39 - 11:42I wonder if Apple would be one
of the largest tech companies -
11:42 - 11:47in the world if it wasn't for Steve Jobs
being rejected by his own company. -
11:48 - 11:50More importantly though,
11:51 - 11:53I wonder what your life would look like
11:53 - 11:55if you went back
to your moments of rejection, -
11:56 - 11:58and rather than cry,
11:58 - 11:59get angry, or bitter,
12:00 - 12:02you analyze those moments,
12:02 - 12:07and reframe them
as protection or projection. -
12:08 - 12:13I wonder if buried beneath your pain
and unfortunate circumstances -
12:13 - 12:16is treasure that you could cash in.
12:17 - 12:21I wonder if you'd find keys
that would unlock new paths in life -
12:21 - 12:25that are far beyond
what you can think or imagine. -
12:28 - 12:31I wonder if the next level of your success
12:31 - 12:36is locked beneath your most painful
moment of rejection. -
12:39 - 12:43I started by asking you when
was the last time you felt rejected? -
12:44 - 12:45Was it a boss?
12:46 - 12:48An ex-spouse? A parent?
12:48 - 12:50A friend? Or just bad luck?
12:52 - 12:53And I'll end by asking you,
12:54 - 12:58"What are you going to do with it?"
12:59 - 13:00Thank you.
13:00 - 13:01You've been awesome.
13:01 - 13:04(Applause)
13:03 - 13:06(Cheers)
- Title:
- Overcoming rejection: when people hurt you and life isn't fair | Darryll Stinson | TEDxWileyCollege
- Description:
A vision-driven change agent with a career-long record of community outreach, leadership development, marketing, and communications success for leading organizations, Mr. Darryll Stinson seeks to use rejection as a powerful tool with which we can discover our true and complete identity, based on a variety of healthy and holistic influences. Darryll’s theory is that by understanding who we are and what we are uniquely gifted and created to do, we can more healthily process the sting of rejection and turn the initial pain into strength to become a better version of ourselves.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
closed TED
- Project:
- TEDxTalks
- Duration:
- 13:07