1 00:00:07,246 --> 00:00:08,948 Rejection. 2 00:00:09,321 --> 00:00:12,825 Do you remember the last time you felt rejected? 3 00:00:13,690 --> 00:00:16,160 Was it a guy that never returned a phone call? 4 00:00:16,544 --> 00:00:19,007 Or a father that never came around? 5 00:00:19,269 --> 00:00:21,742 Was it a boss who overlooked you for a promotion? 6 00:00:22,194 --> 00:00:25,854 Or maybe it was someone in your life who never thought you were good enough, 7 00:00:26,097 --> 00:00:28,642 no matter what you did to try to impress them. 8 00:00:29,422 --> 00:00:31,722 We all know rejection hurts. 9 00:00:31,946 --> 00:00:33,172 It stings. 10 00:00:33,301 --> 00:00:35,482 It makes us feel like we're not good enough. 11 00:00:35,693 --> 00:00:39,088 It causes us to question ourselves and doubt our future. 12 00:00:39,848 --> 00:00:43,246 I submit to you that rejection isn't something we should be afraid of. 13 00:00:43,306 --> 00:00:44,633 And it sure isn't something 14 00:00:44,633 --> 00:00:47,056 that should make us get discouraged, depressed, 15 00:00:47,056 --> 00:00:50,031 or work unhealthy amounts of hours just to prove to the world 16 00:00:50,031 --> 00:00:53,735 that we are somebody worth loving and paying attention to. 17 00:00:55,274 --> 00:00:57,620 Rather, rejection is our friend 18 00:00:57,981 --> 00:00:59,177 and not our enemy. 19 00:00:59,919 --> 00:01:03,007 I'm going to share two ways that we can see rejection 20 00:01:03,097 --> 00:01:05,620 in order to leverage those moments of pain 21 00:01:05,722 --> 00:01:08,272 to be the greatest catalyst to our success, 22 00:01:08,458 --> 00:01:11,765 and proof of our value and uniqueness. 23 00:01:12,898 --> 00:01:17,418 The first way that we can view rejection is by seeing it as projection. 24 00:01:17,889 --> 00:01:19,959 A psychological projection. 25 00:01:20,442 --> 00:01:24,442 A psychological projection is when someone subconsciously employs 26 00:01:24,449 --> 00:01:28,105 undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else 27 00:01:28,342 --> 00:01:32,165 rather than admitting to or dealing with their own unwanted feelings. 28 00:01:32,811 --> 00:01:34,970 When we can see how the rejections we face 29 00:01:34,970 --> 00:01:39,307 may have more to do with another person's inward turmoil and not our own value, 30 00:01:39,307 --> 00:01:41,020 our lives will change. 31 00:01:41,276 --> 00:01:44,036 Rather than shrink back, get discouraged, or play it safe, 32 00:01:44,229 --> 00:01:47,742 we'll move forward in life with confidence and high esteem. 33 00:01:48,937 --> 00:01:51,405 One of my most painful moments of rejection happened 34 00:01:51,405 --> 00:01:53,054 when I was in the third grade. 35 00:01:53,362 --> 00:01:58,059 I wanted to be popular, to be liked, to be loved, and to be respected. 36 00:01:58,373 --> 00:01:59,753 And thankfully, I was. 37 00:02:00,263 --> 00:02:02,031 I was in an advanced learning class 38 00:02:02,031 --> 00:02:05,708 which meant that I was one of two Black students in an all-white class. 39 00:02:06,197 --> 00:02:07,669 And this wasn't a bad thing. 40 00:02:07,683 --> 00:02:09,824 I was known as the cool, big, Black kid. 41 00:02:10,293 --> 00:02:11,636 They called me Goon. 42 00:02:11,865 --> 00:02:12,886 (Laughter) 43 00:02:13,447 --> 00:02:15,586 I was one of the smartest kids in class, 44 00:02:15,661 --> 00:02:17,254 people cheated off my test, 45 00:02:17,284 --> 00:02:18,487 they laughed at my jokes, 46 00:02:18,487 --> 00:02:19,869 life was great. 47 00:02:20,582 --> 00:02:21,579 Until one day, 48 00:02:21,579 --> 00:02:24,199 as I was returning back to class from a bathroom break, 49 00:02:24,232 --> 00:02:27,962 I noticed a group of Black students circled together laughing hysterically. 50 00:02:28,436 --> 00:02:31,863 Me, being the confident, charismatic, outgoing guy that I was, 51 00:02:32,037 --> 00:02:35,097 I decided I was going to go over to them and get in on the jokes. 52 00:02:35,097 --> 00:02:36,779 So I walked over to these students, 53 00:02:36,779 --> 00:02:38,962 and I said, "Hey y'all, what's so funny?" 54 00:02:39,338 --> 00:02:40,645 No one answered. 55 00:02:41,064 --> 00:02:42,187 I spoke up. 56 00:02:42,669 --> 00:02:44,717 "Now, what y'all over there laughing about?" 57 00:02:44,717 --> 00:02:46,666 And just as I was finishing my sentence, 58 00:02:46,666 --> 00:02:49,286 one of the guys in the group turned towards me and said, 59 00:02:49,286 --> 00:02:51,128 "You're what's funny, white boy." 60 00:02:51,941 --> 00:02:53,938 The crowd erupted in laughter, 61 00:02:53,998 --> 00:02:58,828 and I, feeling embarrassed, ashamed, and rejected, 62 00:02:59,396 --> 00:03:02,806 returned to my class to soon learn that I was known in our school 63 00:03:02,879 --> 00:03:06,275 as the Black kid that talks and acts white. 64 00:03:07,276 --> 00:03:09,512 I allowed that moment of rejection 65 00:03:09,552 --> 00:03:12,086 to diminish my confidence and my self-esteem. 66 00:03:12,837 --> 00:03:15,157 Rather than celebrate my own uniqueness, 67 00:03:15,157 --> 00:03:18,305 I began a long journey of changing who I was 68 00:03:18,305 --> 00:03:20,295 to fit in with this Black community. 69 00:03:20,542 --> 00:03:22,562 I mean, I changed the way that I dressed, 70 00:03:22,572 --> 00:03:23,640 the way that I talked, 71 00:03:23,640 --> 00:03:24,877 the music I listened to. 72 00:03:25,128 --> 00:03:27,037 I even changed the way that I laughed. 73 00:03:28,125 --> 00:03:31,433 I started skipping school, selling drugs, and making poor decisions - 74 00:03:31,483 --> 00:03:34,882 all because I wanted to gain their approval and their acceptance. 75 00:03:35,040 --> 00:03:36,088 And you know what? 76 00:03:36,158 --> 00:03:37,231 It worked. 77 00:03:37,301 --> 00:03:39,392 They accepted me. They embraced me. 78 00:03:39,533 --> 00:03:41,282 I got street cred. 79 00:03:41,800 --> 00:03:45,069 But deep down inside, I knew it wasn't me who they accepted. 80 00:03:45,746 --> 00:03:48,200 It was who I was pretending to be. 81 00:03:48,438 --> 00:03:51,835 And the more they adored this false version of me, 82 00:03:52,134 --> 00:03:55,703 the more rejected the real me felt the entire time. 83 00:03:56,983 --> 00:04:00,919 You see, I didn't understand that sometimes rejection is projection. 84 00:04:01,289 --> 00:04:04,128 A projection of someone's own fears and insecurities 85 00:04:04,168 --> 00:04:05,770 onto another person. 86 00:04:05,860 --> 00:04:08,897 Those students who made fun of me were deeply insecure. 87 00:04:09,043 --> 00:04:10,768 They were unsure of themselves. 88 00:04:10,768 --> 00:04:12,283 They were afraid to do anything 89 00:04:12,283 --> 00:04:15,115 outside of what their peers thought was acceptable. 90 00:04:15,115 --> 00:04:17,885 And because they didn't know how to be their unique selves, 91 00:04:17,885 --> 00:04:20,645 they projected their fears and insecurities onto me 92 00:04:20,745 --> 00:04:23,245 in the form of mockery and jokes. 93 00:04:23,953 --> 00:04:27,340 Because sometimes, talking bad about others 94 00:04:27,580 --> 00:04:30,643 makes people feel better about themselves. 95 00:04:32,341 --> 00:04:36,863 If I would've been able to see their rejection as projection, 96 00:04:36,893 --> 00:04:39,196 I would've never taken their jokes personally. 97 00:04:39,288 --> 00:04:41,145 I wouldn't have wasted years of my life 98 00:04:41,145 --> 00:04:43,527 trying to earn their approval and their acceptance. 99 00:04:43,527 --> 00:04:45,239 I would've stayed true to who I was, 100 00:04:45,239 --> 00:04:48,879 and I probably would've felt more sorry for them than I was for myself. 101 00:04:50,407 --> 00:04:53,444 And I believe that properly handling rejection 102 00:04:53,444 --> 00:04:57,595 is a crucial component to ending the rising anxiety, depression, 103 00:04:57,595 --> 00:05:00,569 and suicide rates in our nation and world. 104 00:05:01,010 --> 00:05:04,119 In fact, one study from the "Oxford Handbook of Social Exclusions" 105 00:05:04,119 --> 00:05:09,345 stated that rejection is both a cause and a consequence of depression. 106 00:05:10,063 --> 00:05:11,548 I mean think about it. 107 00:05:11,925 --> 00:05:14,456 Have you ever felt down after you got rejected? 108 00:05:14,880 --> 00:05:16,505 Maybe it was a group of co-workers 109 00:05:16,505 --> 00:05:19,441 who invited everyone out for drinks after work except for you. 110 00:05:20,505 --> 00:05:24,283 Or what about people who won't invest their money into your vision and dream? 111 00:05:25,029 --> 00:05:28,018 Those are situations that cause people to dislike themselves, 112 00:05:28,110 --> 00:05:31,111 give up, gain a ton of weight from emotional eating, 113 00:05:31,151 --> 00:05:33,110 and binge-watch Netflix. 114 00:05:33,310 --> 00:05:35,830 But I've learned that we don't have to allow rejection 115 00:05:35,830 --> 00:05:37,438 to make us do that crazy stuff. 116 00:05:37,580 --> 00:05:41,466 We can leverage our moments of rejections to produce confidence and success. 117 00:05:41,466 --> 00:05:42,481 I did. 118 00:05:42,481 --> 00:05:45,452 Once I discovered that the rejection I faced in the third grade 119 00:05:45,482 --> 00:05:48,379 was actually a projection of those students' own issues, 120 00:05:48,399 --> 00:05:50,840 I was able to see the beauty in my own difference. 121 00:05:52,357 --> 00:05:55,288 Honestly, they had something right about me. 122 00:05:55,358 --> 00:05:58,012 I was the Black kid that talked and acted white. 123 00:05:58,414 --> 00:05:59,906 And I still am. 124 00:06:00,167 --> 00:06:02,978 Being the Black kid that talks and acts white has enabled me 125 00:06:02,978 --> 00:06:04,580 to be versatile as a speaker 126 00:06:04,600 --> 00:06:07,447 and work with people from all different walks of life. 127 00:06:07,477 --> 00:06:09,484 I can speak to gang members in the street, 128 00:06:09,514 --> 00:06:11,804 and I can speak to executives in the board room. 129 00:06:11,804 --> 00:06:14,301 I can help addicts live free from addiction, 130 00:06:14,371 --> 00:06:18,750 and I can coach elite athletes to discover their purpose beyond sports. 131 00:06:18,750 --> 00:06:21,154 The very thing that made them reject me 132 00:06:21,154 --> 00:06:23,661 has become a crucial component to my success. 133 00:06:23,661 --> 00:06:26,099 It has made me effective at helping others, 134 00:06:26,099 --> 00:06:30,649 and it's all because I learned to see rejection as projection, 135 00:06:30,928 --> 00:06:33,257 and figured out how to use it for my good. 136 00:06:34,794 --> 00:06:39,831 The second way that we can see rejection is by viewing it as protection. 137 00:06:40,514 --> 00:06:43,268 Protection from something or someone 138 00:06:43,348 --> 00:06:45,716 that isn't meant to be in our lives anymore. 139 00:06:46,465 --> 00:06:50,517 I learned this lesson after life rejected my dreams of playing in the NFL. 140 00:06:51,569 --> 00:06:54,582 I went to Central Michigan University on a full-ride scholarship 141 00:06:54,582 --> 00:06:56,135 to play Division I football. 142 00:06:56,509 --> 00:06:59,500 Sports was the way that I was going to become rich and famous, 143 00:06:59,500 --> 00:07:03,904 so that I could buy my parents a house and get all of my family out of poverty. 144 00:07:04,575 --> 00:07:07,119 I had so many coaches and players who told me 145 00:07:07,119 --> 00:07:10,677 that because of my height, my speed, and my athleticism, 146 00:07:10,677 --> 00:07:14,336 that there was no doubt that I would one day play in the NFL. 147 00:07:15,203 --> 00:07:19,203 Unfortunately, I ruptured a disc in my back my freshman year, 148 00:07:19,203 --> 00:07:22,106 and this injury ended my college career. 149 00:07:22,731 --> 00:07:26,215 Life had rejected all that hard work I put in. 150 00:07:27,097 --> 00:07:31,406 Rather than view my sports injury as protection from a career path 151 00:07:31,406 --> 00:07:32,808 that wasn't the best for me, 152 00:07:32,808 --> 00:07:34,050 I took it personal. 153 00:07:34,215 --> 00:07:36,668 I felt like life hated me and spit in my face. 154 00:07:36,713 --> 00:07:39,009 I felt like the universe despised me 155 00:07:39,009 --> 00:07:42,664 and that my value was pretty much nothing without the sport that I loved 156 00:07:42,664 --> 00:07:45,456 or the recognition that I got from being an athlete. 157 00:07:46,404 --> 00:07:47,876 Rather than let sports go, 158 00:07:48,209 --> 00:07:52,167 I did something terrible in an attempt to keep my athlete dreams alive. 159 00:07:52,998 --> 00:07:54,746 I signed a liability waiver 160 00:07:55,005 --> 00:07:59,270 and rehabilitated my body to once again play Division I football. 161 00:08:00,285 --> 00:08:03,296 I put my body through two years of drug addiction, 162 00:08:03,586 --> 00:08:05,989 pain, and sleepless nights, 163 00:08:06,955 --> 00:08:09,375 because I couldn't face life on life's terms. 164 00:08:10,125 --> 00:08:12,526 No matter how many painkillers I took, 165 00:08:12,566 --> 00:08:14,961 or how many epidural shots I got in my back, 166 00:08:15,031 --> 00:08:18,622 I couldn't avoid the reality that my career was finished. 167 00:08:19,230 --> 00:08:22,176 Nothing I did to avoid that rejection was working. 168 00:08:23,020 --> 00:08:25,112 I was so afraid to face rejection 169 00:08:25,212 --> 00:08:28,590 because I felt like it meant that I had no value and no future. 170 00:08:29,349 --> 00:08:31,670 I figured that since life completely rejected me 171 00:08:31,670 --> 00:08:34,936 and all the hard work that I put in to become a professional athlete, 172 00:08:34,936 --> 00:08:39,365 that I didn't just fail, but rather, that I was a failure. 173 00:08:40,594 --> 00:08:42,158 This belief that I was a failure 174 00:08:42,636 --> 00:08:45,720 drove me into one of the darkest depressions of my life. 175 00:08:46,640 --> 00:08:48,162 I became suicidal 176 00:08:48,392 --> 00:08:51,081 because I thought it would be better to end my life 177 00:08:51,301 --> 00:08:54,911 than to deal with another painful moment of rejection. 178 00:08:56,447 --> 00:08:58,624 And so I would swallow whole bottles of pills 179 00:08:58,624 --> 00:09:01,227 in hopes that I wouldn't wake up the next day. 180 00:09:01,825 --> 00:09:04,285 I would get drunk and take a bunch of drugs 181 00:09:04,285 --> 00:09:07,809 and get in the car and drive hoping that a car accident would end it all. 182 00:09:08,498 --> 00:09:11,183 It got so bad that I tried to starve myself, 183 00:09:11,183 --> 00:09:15,553 and I went from 275 pounds to 219 pounds in four weeks. 184 00:09:16,715 --> 00:09:19,758 That's all because I didn't understand how to handle rejection. 185 00:09:21,287 --> 00:09:24,468 All these attempts at suicide landed me in the psychiatric unit 186 00:09:24,468 --> 00:09:25,787 in Detroit, Michigan. 187 00:09:26,471 --> 00:09:30,095 And it was there that I had a life-changing experience 188 00:09:30,095 --> 00:09:32,479 that gave me hope, and purpose, 189 00:09:32,619 --> 00:09:36,215 and helped me to believe that maybe the rejection I was experiencing 190 00:09:36,305 --> 00:09:40,429 was protection from a future that wasn't the best for me. 191 00:09:40,894 --> 00:09:44,503 And that maybe there was a career and a life out there for me 192 00:09:44,583 --> 00:09:47,905 that was far better than what I had envisioned. 193 00:09:48,492 --> 00:09:51,005 So I spent the next few years researching everything 194 00:09:51,005 --> 00:09:52,918 I could find on purpose and meaning. 195 00:09:52,918 --> 00:09:53,938 I read books. 196 00:09:53,938 --> 00:09:55,469 I took online courses. 197 00:09:55,469 --> 00:09:56,521 I interviewed people. 198 00:09:56,521 --> 00:09:57,990 I prayed. I meditated. 199 00:09:57,990 --> 00:10:00,109 I even watched a bunch of TEDx talks. 200 00:10:00,109 --> 00:10:01,565 (Laughter) 201 00:10:01,885 --> 00:10:05,064 I started to develop new skills and explore new interests. 202 00:10:05,064 --> 00:10:06,085 You know what? 203 00:10:06,085 --> 00:10:08,823 Over time, I built a life that I loved 204 00:10:08,877 --> 00:10:11,994 and even enjoyed more than my life as an athlete. 205 00:10:12,608 --> 00:10:14,666 And I would've never been able to do that 206 00:10:14,756 --> 00:10:17,888 if it wasn't for life completely rejecting, 207 00:10:17,888 --> 00:10:22,164 or should I say, protecting me, from becoming a professional athlete. 208 00:10:23,166 --> 00:10:26,759 And I believe that the world needs to have the same perspective shift 209 00:10:26,759 --> 00:10:29,755 that I had when I was in the psychiatric unit. 210 00:10:29,755 --> 00:10:33,387 Rather than internalize rejection to mean that we're less valuable 211 00:10:33,387 --> 00:10:34,967 or that our future is unsure, 212 00:10:34,967 --> 00:10:37,750 we should view it as protection from something 213 00:10:37,750 --> 00:10:41,058 or someone that isn't meant to be in our lives anymore. 214 00:10:45,755 --> 00:10:48,380 Imagine what would happen 215 00:10:48,380 --> 00:10:53,819 if we stopped viewing rejection as a negative, humiliating force, 216 00:10:55,097 --> 00:10:59,756 and we started viewing rejection as a necessary development tool 217 00:10:59,984 --> 00:11:02,923 and a catalyst for massive success. 218 00:11:04,294 --> 00:11:07,906 When I look at people who I admire that have been highly successful in life, 219 00:11:07,906 --> 00:11:11,248 I can't help but to notice how they've overcome rejections they face. 220 00:11:12,006 --> 00:11:15,054 It causes me to wonder if they would've ever become who they were 221 00:11:15,054 --> 00:11:18,054 if it wasn't for how they leveraged their moments of rejection. 222 00:11:18,593 --> 00:11:19,596 I mean, 223 00:11:19,596 --> 00:11:23,096 I wonder if Martin Luther King Jr. would've ever become a great leader 224 00:11:23,096 --> 00:11:25,236 if it wasn't for the rejection he experienced 225 00:11:25,236 --> 00:11:27,288 from his message and his mission. 226 00:11:28,881 --> 00:11:31,703 I wonder if Michael Jordan would've ever developed the drive 227 00:11:31,703 --> 00:11:34,599 to become one of the greatest basketball players of all time, 228 00:11:34,599 --> 00:11:38,382 if it wasn't for being rejected by his coach in high school. 229 00:11:39,296 --> 00:11:42,110 I wonder if Apple would be one of the largest tech companies 230 00:11:42,110 --> 00:11:46,562 in the world if it wasn't for Steve Jobs being rejected by his own company. 231 00:11:48,346 --> 00:11:49,842 More importantly though, 232 00:11:50,664 --> 00:11:52,776 I wonder what your life would look like 233 00:11:52,962 --> 00:11:55,289 if you went back to your moments of rejection, 234 00:11:56,022 --> 00:11:57,517 and rather than cry, 235 00:11:57,627 --> 00:11:59,447 get angry, or bitter, 236 00:11:59,987 --> 00:12:01,732 you analyze those moments, 237 00:12:02,395 --> 00:12:07,085 and reframe them as protection or projection. 238 00:12:08,170 --> 00:12:12,719 I wonder if buried beneath your pain and unfortunate circumstances 239 00:12:12,963 --> 00:12:15,862 is treasure that you could cash in. 240 00:12:16,917 --> 00:12:21,250 I wonder if you'd find keys that would unlock new paths in life 241 00:12:21,423 --> 00:12:25,039 that are far beyond what you can think or imagine. 242 00:12:27,651 --> 00:12:30,560 I wonder if the next level of your success 243 00:12:31,138 --> 00:12:35,521 is locked beneath your most painful moment of rejection. 244 00:12:38,848 --> 00:12:43,471 I started by asking you when was the last time you felt rejected? 245 00:12:43,861 --> 00:12:45,397 Was it a boss? 246 00:12:45,747 --> 00:12:47,648 An ex-spouse? A parent? 247 00:12:47,648 --> 00:12:50,488 A friend? Or just bad luck? 248 00:12:51,886 --> 00:12:53,400 And I'll end by asking you, 249 00:12:54,126 --> 00:12:57,652 "What are you going to do with it?" 250 00:12:58,634 --> 00:12:59,629 Thank you. 251 00:12:59,629 --> 00:13:00,674 You've been awesome. 252 00:13:00,674 --> 00:13:03,652 (Applause) 253 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:05,990 (Cheers)