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Global Translator Community Hangout with Daphne Koller

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    (Sébastien) Intro start to -> 2:18
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    (Daphne Koller) 2:19 -> 33:34
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    (Eli Bindner) Great, thanks so much, Daphne, and then again, just to remind everyone here,
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    so now I will spend some time talking more specifically about the GTC and .......
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    But thanks again for having been with us.
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    (Koller) Thank you.
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    (Bindner) Just a reminder: if you see questions that are being asked on the ...... (check 33:50)
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    and you're really in ........ (check) boost them up so the come to our attention.
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    And - let's take a quick look at any questions have been asked already.
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    So, I see that there is a great question here about translation quality.
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    Sébastien, do you want to talk a little about what we're thinking about ensuring translation quality in the GTC
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    and what kind of procedure ...... (check) on place?
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    (Sébastien) Sure. So, the way we tried to continually up quality of translations from GTC
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    is to have sort of a tutoring system for, you know, as individual act volunteers (check)
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    we rely on you just sort of submit the translations and let us know what you think would be the best translation
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    but obviously, there is a lot of range of opinions and a lot of different ways you can translate something.
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    And so, I think it's always important to have at least one person per language
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    to sort of be that voice and have the final say in deciding,
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    this is how we want to present translations of our content in this language.
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    And so, in this capacity, we have a specific role, it's the language coordinator.
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    Not all languages have this at the moment.
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    As we scale up the program and learn from the particular needs of each community,
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    we intend to fill those spots where we can, strategically
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    and give that person the responsibility of deciding the directions for the language
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    and also having the daily task of reviewing translations on Transifex,
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    to make sure that everything is always correct,
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    but also in line with what they sort of want to project (check),
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    like when we have that translated content shown to our international users. (35:56)
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    (Bindner) Thanks, Sébastien.
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    I wanted to talk a little bit
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    -- there's a question here from .... (check) about when language coordinators will be chosen.
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    So, as Sébastien mentioned, ....... (check) is being totally thrilled and overwhelmed, frankly, with response to the GTC
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    and are really grateful to everyone.
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    Part of the challenge for us, now, is that we're a tiny team here ...... (check 36:23)
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    and we're trying to kind of enable this program and channel the great work that everyone here is doing.
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    So, as part of that, we're working a little bit more slowly than I think we would have liked.
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    But as a first step, we really wanted to bring everyone onto this internal translation portal, these GTC Headquarters,
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    and also give everyone the possibility to just kind of jump into things.
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    And as Sébastien mentioned, we sort of have this tutorate system
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    where we work with partners in certain languages
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    and then, for other languages where we don't have partners yet,
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    although ....... (check) might very well in the future, it's a little bit more ....... (check) now.
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    But part of the structure that we will be building into these currently unpartnered languages
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    is by bringing in language partners.
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    So we've been thrilled to see a lot of interest from all around in serving as language coordinators.
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    And over the next week or two, we'll be looking through these applications
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    and working out procedures to ...... (check) language coordinators.
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    An idea is that right now, things are very unstructured.
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    If you -- you know, you just have a list of courses (37:25)
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Global Translator Community Hangout with Daphne Koller

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