[rhythmic drum music]
[Top-left male] It's really important to understand
what giving sexual consent actually means;
emotionally and physically -
[Top-right female] and knowing what laws are here
to help protect you and keep you safe.
[Woman] Imagine asking your partner to have sex
is like asking to use their mobile phone.
[bottom-right male] Can I use your phone?
[Top-left male] What might they say?
[Top-right female] You'd think there was
only two answers, right? Yes or no.
[left male] Well, it's a bit more complicated
than that. But first, let's deal with
the simple part. [right male] So can I use
your phone? [left-female] No. [right-female]
That's pretty easy to understand,
they don't want you to use their phone.
You might feel a little bit upset
that they don't want you to use
their phone now or any time soon,
[male] but worse things have happened,
you'll just have to wait until they're
ready to let you use their phone. [left male]
And you shouldn't pressurize someone
into letting you use it. [right male]
Give me your phone. [left female] No!.
[right female] But if they say -
[left female] Yeah! This is where things
get a bit more complicated.
[Right female] They might say -
[left female] Sure you can use my phone
to make a call... [female] This might come
with conditions like - [left female]
You can only use it if it's to make
a short call. [right male] What if I send
a text message? [right female] Or look
at your photos, [right male] Or show
your photos to my mate?
[female] Doesn't mean that you can use their
phone whenever you want without asking.
[male] Giving you permission to use
their phone for a quick call does not mean
that you can use their phone
however you want or whenever you want.
[male] And sexual consent is exactly
the same. [Right female] So if somebody
says yes to something like a kiss,
this doesn't mean
they're saying yes to anything else.
[Left Female] And having sex once does not
mean you can demand sex again whenever
you want without asking. [female] And if
your partner can't give you an answer
for any reason, this never means yes,
[Left female] And not saying no does not
mean yes. You wouldn't just take someones
phone if they hadn't said yes, would you?
Hey! [Right male] So when you
think of it like that, there are
similarities between asking to have sex
and asking to use someones phone.
[Male] And the best way to understand
what your partner is happy with is
to talk about it. [Right female] It might
feel a little bit awkward at first; you
might get excited or nervous or worried
[female] but it does get easier. And
remember, not as many people are doing it
as you might think. [male] it is so much
better when you both know what you think.
[male] Remember,
when someone answers you, it's up to you.
[rhythmic drum outtro music]