Romance you're soaking
Yes I just ran in the rain
Okay well enjoy the party
Oh thank you
Any trouble getting here?
Trouble's my middle name
Okay well enjoy the party
We got company
No I invited them
My name is Thorgalot
Son of Franius of the House of Fassius
home of the Raccalot People
from the third age of the Dwellian Wars (it was actually the 4th age)
You don't have to do that every time
I know who you are Kevin
Hey I'm going to grab a Budweiser Original Lagger
you want a Budweiser Original Lagger?
No I'll have a non descript lagger in a non descript bottle
Oh I see how it is
So when you do it
It's art
but when I do it
it's smut?
Yes that's life
You're just...
Would you like to be in my next movie?
Why do we always get lumped together?
Do you know what? It's discrimination.
I'd like to see them do what we do
When we do what we do
Can you not sing??
Silent movie
Hey enjoy the party
You know I can read right?
Would you like a beer?
Is that all you've got?
Uh no I think we've got...
You just don't get it do you?
Uh no
I walked into the room
and thought to myself
Ah hello
What a bunch of pretenders
My name is Thorgalot
Never interrupt my voice-over again you hear
it's part of the movie
I really put that guy in his place
You can go on now I'm finished
ah, Son of Franulos
What the hell just happened?
I have no idea
I'm just finding money so difficult right now
Me too
God if only we could just scrape together
another I don't know
100, 200 million
Nothing is what it seems
Ah you have watched my movie
Hey everyone
Bollywood's here
Oh yeah
Listen guys I don't know about this
I'm so tired I had such a long day
I don't know if I'm going to
You're so wrong for me and yet
here we are
Hi we're Foil Arms and Hog
and I'm Paul from the Dublin comedy improv
upstairs in The International every Sunday night
and if you want to see Foil Arms and Hog live we are doing
Paddy's Week in the United States of America
New York (Carnegie Hall) we're also in Boston
Philly and Washington DC sort of
kind of outside Washington Tysons
you'll figured out if you're American
and they said they're going to bring me along
on an all expenses paid