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This is the story of a world whose borders
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and territories were drown
by the slave trade,
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where violence, subjugation
and profit imposed their own routes.
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This criminal system shaped our history
and our world.
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On São Tomé, the Portuguese
invented an economic model
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with unprecedented profitability:
the sugar plantation.
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This was the first black colony,
the first slave society.
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We witnessed the *marriage of the black men
was sugar cane.
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In the 16th century, other European powers
were eager to follow their model.
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Their greed would plunge
an entire continent into caos and violence
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Nearly 13 million Africans were cast onto
new slavery routes to the new world
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where the English, the French
and the Dutch hoped to become wealthy,
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immeasurably wealthy.
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Because the Caribbean
has similar climatic features to São Tomé,
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it eventually became
the principal crossroad of the slave trader's route
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For people on the western world,
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these islands are today
associated with vacation.
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Guadeloupe offers tourists
a dream destination.
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Sunshine and pristine nature