WEBVTT 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 This is the story of a world whose borders 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and territories were drown by the slave trade, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 where violence, subjugation and profit imposed their own routes. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 This criminal system shaped our history and our world. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 On São Tomé, the Portuguese invented an economic model 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 with unprecedented profitability: the sugar plantation. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 This was the first black colony, the first slave society. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 We witnessed the *marriage of the black men was sugar cane. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 In the 16th century, other European powers were eager to follow their model. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Their greed would plunge an entire continent into caos and violence 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Nearly 13 million Africans were cast onto new slavery routes to the new world 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 where the English, the French and the Dutch hoped to become wealthy, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 immeasurably wealthy. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Because the Caribbean has similar climatic features to São Tomé, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 it eventually became the principal crossroad of the slave trader's route 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 For people on the western world, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 these islands are today associated with vacation. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Guadeloupe offers tourists a dream destination. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Sunshine and pristine nature