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The fight against microorganisms | Dianne Fair | TEDxFSCJ

  • 0:06 - 0:11
    What if you or a loved one
    were diagnosed with an infectious disease:
  • 0:11 - 0:14
    strep throat, an ear infection,
    bacterial pneumonia,
  • 0:14 - 0:18
    tuberculosis, or a sexually
    transmitted disease?
  • 0:18 - 0:23
    Now imagine that there are
    no drugs that will work
  • 0:23 - 0:26
    in effecting a cure for your infection.
  • 0:26 - 0:28
    This is pretty scary.
  • 0:28 - 0:30
    This is happening right now.
  • 0:30 - 0:34
    There are people dying,
    just like they used to before 1928,
  • 0:34 - 0:37
    when penicillin was discovered.
  • 0:37 - 0:40
    Are we about to fall
    into the edge of the volcano?
  • 0:40 - 0:43
    That would not be so good.
  • 0:43 - 0:45
    What I would like to propose today
  • 0:45 - 0:49
    is that we need to encourage
    young and old scientists
  • 0:49 - 0:53
    to explore new opportunities
    and new therapies.
  • 0:53 - 0:56
    Not just antibiotics.
  • 0:56 - 0:58
    What else do we have?
  • 0:58 - 1:00
    This is one of my heroes,
  • 1:00 - 1:04
    a Scottish microbiologist who became
    Sir Alexander Fleming.
  • 1:04 - 1:06
    He discovered penicillin in 1928,
  • 1:06 - 1:10
    and he was worried
    about antibiotic resistance, too.
  • 1:10 - 1:12
    Very, very concerned.
  • 1:12 - 1:14
    Antibiotics? Well, what are they?
  • 1:14 - 1:20
    Think of them as tiny chemical weapons
    that are produced by bacteria and fungi,
  • 1:20 - 1:25
    so that they can kill off competitors
    in a nutrient-limited environment.
  • 1:25 - 1:30
    These genes for antibiotics have been
    around for 4 million years,
  • 1:30 - 1:34
    long before we humans needed Z-Paks.
  • 1:34 - 1:36
    So this is not a new thing.
  • 1:37 - 1:41
    Antibiotic resistance can be
    easily detected,
  • 1:41 - 1:45
    and antibiotic resistance
    is another weapon.
  • 1:45 - 1:49
    Do you remember Spy vs Spy,
    if you're old enough?
  • 1:49 - 1:51
    So it's an escalation of weapons.
  • 1:51 - 1:53
    The antibiotic producers,
    that's one weapon.
  • 1:53 - 1:56
    The antibiotic resistance
    is another weapon.
  • 1:56 - 1:59
    Antibiotic resistance is one
    of those things that my students
  • 1:59 - 2:03
    - and there's two of them -
    I told you I was going to use the picture.
  • 2:03 - 2:09
    You can detect antibiotic resistance
    by growing plate cultures of bacteria.
  • 2:09 - 2:13
    On the left you have E. coli;
    on the right you have Staph aureus.
  • 2:13 - 2:18
    And those little paper discs are treated
    with antibiotics like penicillin,
  • 2:18 - 2:21
    tetracycline, Vancomycin,
    you guys did this, too.
  • 2:21 - 2:23
    This is not new stuff.
  • 2:23 - 2:25
    They did great, they did great by the way.
  • 2:25 - 2:27
    When you look at antibiotic resistance,
  • 2:27 - 2:31
    this means that we're
    now facing Super Bugs.
  • 2:31 - 2:35
    And I don't mean "super" in a good "Yay!",
  • 2:35 - 2:37
    "super" in a scary way.
  • 2:37 - 2:38
    What about bacteria?
  • 2:38 - 2:42
    You've heard of MRSA,
    Methicillin-resistant Staph Aureus.
  • 2:42 - 2:44
    This one scares me.
  • 2:44 - 2:46
    What about tuberculosis--
  • 2:46 - 2:48
    multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis
  • 2:48 - 2:51
    and extensively
    drug-resistant tuberculosis.
  • 2:51 - 2:53
    They're out there.
  • 2:53 - 2:54
    These infections are very scary
  • 2:54 - 2:57
    and they may take one of your loved ones.
  • 2:57 - 2:59
    Or, God forbid, they'll take you.
  • 3:00 - 3:03
    C. diff, Clostridium difficile--
  • 3:03 - 3:06
    this one attacks
    the weakest of the patients,
  • 3:06 - 3:09
    the elderly and the very, very young.
  • 3:09 - 3:14
    Well, before we all get bummed out,
    there have to be some good guys.
  • 3:14 - 3:17
    There have to be.
  • 3:17 - 3:21
    My training is soil microbiology
    so I love dirt.
  • 3:21 - 3:24
    Especially the dirt in my garden.
  • 3:24 - 3:27
    This used to be my son's swing set,
    but when he got too big,
  • 3:27 - 3:30
    and the swing set started getting
    tippy, I said, "You know what?
  • 3:31 - 3:33
    It's going to be a garden box."
  • 3:33 - 3:38
    Soil bacteria, soil fungi, they are
    natural antibiotic producers.
  • 3:38 - 3:40
    This is one avenue to explore.
  • 3:40 - 3:44
    How about we start looking
    at more soil samples
  • 3:44 - 3:49
    on Mars, or other extraterrestrial places?
  • 3:49 - 3:51
    Places even on Earth,
  • 3:51 - 3:55
    slopes of volcanoes
    where bacteria recolonize.
  • 3:55 - 3:58
    I'm up for that, I'm totally
    going to volunteer.
  • 3:58 - 4:02
    This is cool, this is sci-fi,
    this is Star Trek.
  • 4:02 - 4:06
    How about we use viruses
    that attack bacteria
  • 4:06 - 4:09
    to do the dirty work for us?
  • 4:09 - 4:13
    The T-even bacteriophages,
    one of my favorites is T4.
  • 4:13 - 4:16
    The "even" stands for the even number.
  • 4:16 - 4:19
    What they do is they attack bacteria
  • 4:19 - 4:23
    and kill them, without antibiotics.
  • 4:23 - 4:29
    This technology has been around,
    believe it or not, since the 1930s.
  • 4:29 - 4:32
    It was discovered in France
    by a microbiologist.
  • 4:32 - 4:37
    The technology was advanced
    to clinical applications in the 1950s.
  • 4:37 - 4:38
    But there's a catch.
  • 4:38 - 4:41
    This was behind the former Iron Curtain.
  • 4:41 - 4:45
    This was in Russia, and Poland,
    and the original Georgia.
  • 4:45 - 4:48
    Not our Georgia.
  • 4:48 - 4:50
    This technology is very effective.
  • 4:50 - 4:53
    What if pharmaceutical companies
  • 4:53 - 4:59
    could maybe advance the technology
    to treat a patient with a virus,
  • 4:59 - 5:02
    instead of an antibiotic
    or another type of drug?
  • 5:02 - 5:04
    There's a lot of philosophy.
  • 5:04 - 5:08
    Viruses, most people think,
    are bad or terrible or the bad guys.
  • 5:08 - 5:13
    But the enemy of my enemy
    is my friend, right?
  • 5:13 - 5:15
    Well, not so fast.
  • 5:15 - 5:17
    Sometimes, the technology does go awry,
  • 5:17 - 5:21
    and the viruses will carry genes
    that we don't understand.
  • 5:21 - 5:23
    So, I told you I like Star Trek.
  • 5:23 - 5:25
    ["The enemy of my enemy is
    the one I shall kill last."]
  • 5:25 - 5:27
    It could happen.
  • 5:27 - 5:31
    Think of all the wonderful,
    spicy cuisines that we love:
  • 5:32 - 5:36
    Thai food, Indian food,
  • 5:36 - 5:39
    Vietnamese, Cambodian, Eastern European,
  • 5:39 - 5:44
    West African, Caribbean, Tex Mex.
  • 5:44 - 5:46
    Yay, Taco Tuesday!
  • 5:46 - 5:48
    When you look at all
    of the herbs and spices
  • 5:48 - 5:52
    that have been studied,
    but only by anecdotal evidence:
  • 5:52 - 5:57
    turmeric, and peppers, and onions,
    and garlic, and lemon grass,
  • 5:57 - 6:02
    and allspice, and cinnamon,
    and coffee, and tea,
  • 6:02 - 6:04
    and beer.
  • 6:04 - 6:05
  • 6:05 - 6:07
  • 6:07 - 6:11
    What would happen if more people
    grew their own food?
  • 6:12 - 6:15
    I garden a lot at home,
    with my son and my partner.
  • 6:15 - 6:20
    And all of these produce
    came from our garden.
  • 6:20 - 6:22
    No, you can't have any, I ate it already.
  • 6:22 - 6:23
    But I'll trade you.
  • 6:23 - 6:25
    What have you got to trade?
  • 6:25 - 6:29
    We make beer, we make cheese,
    we have chickens.
  • 6:29 - 6:30
    They're awesome.
  • 6:30 - 6:33
    Our little miniature dinosaurs.
  • 6:33 - 6:37
    What about encouraging young scientists
    to work on science fair projects
  • 6:37 - 6:42
    that might advance one tiny field
    of this type of research?
  • 6:42 - 6:45
    So, when your child comes home,
  • 6:45 - 6:49
    and they have their first
    science project assignment ...
  • 6:49 - 6:51
    Oh, God.
  • 6:52 - 6:54
    Put a smile on your face.
  • 6:54 - 6:57
    Stock up on those art supplies,
    stock up on that alcohol,
  • 6:57 - 7:01
    and say, "Yes, honey, we can do this!"
  • 7:01 - 7:05
    My son's first project is due in January.
  • 7:05 - 7:07
    Oh, please help me.
  • 7:08 - 7:12
    When we went to Hawaii in February,
    we really did go to a science fair.
  • 7:12 - 7:16
    So look, even school children
    in Hawaii do science fair projects.
  • 7:16 - 7:19
    How bad would that be?
  • 7:19 - 7:21
    Some of them were really, really good.
  • 7:21 - 7:23
    You'll like this one.
  • 7:23 - 7:25
    There's an anthropologist,
  • 7:25 - 7:27
    an American anthropologist
    called Jeff Leach.
  • 7:27 - 7:31
    And after his daughter was
    diagnosed with Type I Diabetes,
  • 7:31 - 7:35
    he moved to Tanzania, and he went native,
  • 7:35 - 7:38
    living with a hunter-gatherer tribe.
  • 7:38 - 7:41
    He ate what they ate--lots and lots
    of fresh fruit and vegetables;
  • 7:41 - 7:45
    lots and lots of roots
    that they had gathered.
  • 7:45 - 7:46
    Not a whole lot of protein,
  • 7:46 - 7:50
    unless that had hunted
    and killed on that particular day.
  • 7:50 - 7:52
    You also eat a lot of dirt
  • 7:52 - 7:55
    when you consume
    fruit and vegetable material.
  • 7:55 - 7:57
    But what he found in the year
  • 7:57 - 8:01
    when he was taking
    stool samples and blood samples,
  • 8:01 - 8:05
    was that in humans, with a higher rate
    of intestinal worm infections,
  • 8:05 - 8:10
    they have a lower rate of inflammatory
    and autoimmune diseases,
  • 8:10 - 8:13
    like diabetes, like Crohn's Disease,
  • 8:13 - 8:17
    like celiac, like irritable bowel,
    like rheumatoid arthritis.
  • 8:17 - 8:20
    Now, I'm not saying go out
    and eat dirt and eat worms,
  • 8:20 - 8:22
    unless that's what you're into.
  • 8:22 - 8:27
    But what if some aspect
    of the parasitic worms,
  • 8:27 - 8:31
    like tapeworms and hook worms,
    was actually beneficial to our health?
  • 8:31 - 8:34
    Because the immune system is so busy
  • 8:34 - 8:36
    modulating and controlling
    the worm infection,
  • 8:36 - 8:38
    that is doesn't have time to pay attention
  • 8:38 - 8:41
    to the inflammation
    elsewhere in our bodies.
  • 8:41 - 8:43
    His project is called
    The Human Food Project.
  • 8:43 - 8:46
    He's got another one
    that you might be interested in,
  • 8:46 - 8:48
    so Google it on break.
  • 8:48 - 8:51
    It's called The American Gut Project.
  • 8:51 - 8:53
    And for a small fee,
  • 8:54 - 8:58
    from anywhere from $99 to $10,000,
  • 8:58 - 9:03
    you can send in
    a fecal sample for testing.
  • 9:03 - 9:07
    And he'll even do
    fecal samples from your dog,
  • 9:07 - 9:11
    to study the American human gut,
    and dog gut as well.
  • 9:11 - 9:13
  • 9:13 - 9:15
    I saved the best for last.
  • 9:17 - 9:21
    FMT: Fecal Mass Transplantation.
  • 9:21 - 9:25
    This is used in 2013, the United States
  • 9:25 - 9:29
    approved this for treatment of C. diff.
  • 9:29 - 9:31
    It actually works.
  • 9:31 - 9:35
    When you take
    healthy donor fecal material,
  • 9:35 - 9:38
    and you transplant it into a recipient,
  • 9:38 - 9:42
    they have a better than 90% chance
  • 9:42 - 9:45
    of recovery from their C. diff infection.
  • 9:45 - 9:48
    It sound really gross.
  • 9:48 - 9:51
    Because here's what you do.
  • 9:51 - 9:52
  • 9:55 - 9:58
    You can make a frozen poo pill,
  • 9:59 - 10:03
    as long as the material has been
    screened and freed of parasites;
  • 10:03 - 10:06
    you can receive it by an endoscope;
  • 10:06 - 10:09
    you can receive it by an enema.
  • 10:09 - 10:12
    [How about a big bowl of "Poop Soup"?]
  • 10:12 - 10:13
  • 10:15 - 10:20
    This technology has been around
    since the 4th or 5th century in China.
  • 10:20 - 10:23
    There are recipes online for yellow soup.
  • 10:23 - 10:25
    Last night, I went online
    and did some research.
  • 10:25 - 10:27
    There are Pinterest pins,
  • 10:27 - 10:29
  • 10:30 - 10:32
    for do-it-yourself at home.
  • 10:32 - 10:34
  • 10:38 - 10:40
    There are recipes.
  • 10:42 - 10:43
    I haven't tried it yet.
  • 10:43 - 10:48
    It's on my list for 2017.
  • 10:49 - 10:50
  • 10:50 - 10:52
    No, I haven't tried it.
  • 10:52 - 10:55
    But what if, what if,
  • 10:55 - 10:58
    your loved one
    has exhausted all the options?
  • 10:58 - 11:01
    Antibiotics are not working,
    they've had multiple surgeries.
  • 11:01 - 11:04
    They're depressed, they're
    in the hospital, they're losing hope.
  • 11:04 - 11:08
    What if something this simple
  • 11:08 - 11:11
    could actually help them?
  • 11:11 - 11:13
    I'd do it. I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  • 11:13 - 11:19
    I hope that with this very short talk
    I have stimulated your imagination
  • 11:19 - 11:23
    to at least learn more,
    read more, find out more.
  • 11:23 - 11:26
    Antibiotic therapy
    won't always be with us.
  • 11:26 - 11:29
    But there are other avenues to explore.
  • 11:29 - 11:31
    Yeah, I've read all those books.
  • 11:31 - 11:33
    That's not my nightstand, I promise.
  • 11:33 - 11:35
    But people look at you funny
  • 11:35 - 11:36
    when you're waiting at an airport
  • 11:36 - 11:38
    to get on a plane for a flight somewhere,
  • 11:38 - 11:41
    and you have one
    of these books in your hand.
  • 11:41 - 11:45
    But then you mention that you heard
    about it on NPR Science Friday,
  • 11:45 - 11:46
    and then it's all good.
  • 11:46 - 11:48
    It's all good, they're happy with you.
  • 11:48 - 11:51
    Anyway, thank you for your kind attention.
  • 11:51 - 11:53
The fight against microorganisms | Dianne Fair | TEDxFSCJ

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Dr. Dianne Fair discusses antibiotics, antibiotic resistance and optional therapies for treatment of infectious disease. With global economy, increasing populations and travel, healthcare is fighting an uphill battle against microorganisms such as Staphylococcus bacteria or E. coli that were once easily defeated. We need options as stronger and stronger antibiotic resistant microbes are playing a bigger role in our health and that of our loved ones.

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Video Language:
closed TED

English subtitles
