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WHEN ALL HOPE IS LOST - Best Motivational Video

  • 0:00 - 0:05
    it's hard it's hard as hell there's no
  • 0:02 - 0:06
    easy answer to this there's no like okay
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    well every morning at six o'clock you
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    know wake up and meditate for ten
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    minutes and tell yourself you're
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    beautiful and then go like it's not it
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    doesn't work like that it's a constant
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    battle and you're gonna have moments of
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    complete and total defeat where it's
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    just like what am i doing like why do I
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    keep trying to do this look don't look
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    at my story you don't look at someone
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    else's story what's the story you want
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  • 0:28 - 0:33
    everyone's different you know cuz
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    everyone has a different story and I
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    think we get locked into like the
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    horrific stories it's like really easy
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    to say oh wow but that's such a
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    triumphant moment that he came out of
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    that you know and whatever but there are
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    a lot of kids who are struggling in
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    freakin La Jolla California or Beverly
  • 0:47 - 0:51
    Hills California or whatever zip code
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    that is doing really well on this planet
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    they're still struggling with self-worth
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    they're still struggling with identity
  • 0:55 - 1:00
    so just because it may not be that they
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    come from a really bad background they
  • 1:00 - 1:04
    still are having issues with reality and
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    what is what is something that they can
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    hold on to and what is something that
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    can anchor to and so the first step is
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    what do you want and and that question
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    becomes like a rabbit hole for figuring
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    out and pulling and dissecting and
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    coming through and then when we finally
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    get there then we see certain things in
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    their lives that have given them that
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    want or that desire or that curiosity
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    and then you just start working through
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    that and the more layers of success that
  • 1:27 - 1:32
    they can create the stronger their house
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    becomes right more bricks you are this
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    person you are this this individual and
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    people may not like that but this is who
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    you are and go out and be you it has
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    nothing to do with what you do
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    externally or what people say is how you
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    view yourself and what you do inside
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    you know put the put the victim to bed
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    and wake the hero up instead and the
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    next part of that is you have to be a
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    hero to yourself before you can save the
  • 1:54 - 1:59
    world and so you have to have that
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    moment of I am Who I am I'm comfortable
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    and who that is and I'm gonna go out and
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    use Who I am in the world in the best
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    way possible but I think that most
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    people they know what's holding them
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    back at some level and they just don't
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    want to be honest with it and then do a
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    lot to bury it and the older you get the
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    more it gets buried but I think if you
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    really look back on your life you can
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    say okay that's it and I just don't want
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    to take ownership of that and a lot of
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    times it's just like I said that shame
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    whether it happened to you or you did
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    you know it's that shame of just let go
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    shame like if anything we've proven in
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    this world like we're a world of
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    forgiveness like we will forgive people
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    who are honest and vulnerable and real
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    but you've got to be that first in order
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    for us to you know but you got to do
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    that for yourself first you got to
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    forgive yourself failure I think it's
  • 2:47 - 2:50
    more of our egos that we don't want to
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    say like failure exists it's like no
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    failure doesn't exist it's a learning
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    learning moment no you screwed up you
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    fail like let's just own that like
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    there's nothing wrong with that and yes
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    you should learn from those failures if
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    there's something you've been holding
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    and and heal through it and then share
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    it because guarantee there's somebody
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    else who's going through something
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    similar and you will be able to reach
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  • 3:12 - 3:17
    the simplicity of just knowing that
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    you're not alone is is really not simple
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    it's it's massive because in those dark
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    moments you are alone
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    for the most part you are physically
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    alone and so then it's not that hard to
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    take it from a physical to a mental
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    state understanding that you're in
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    control you control your destiny you can
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    create what you want to create you have
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    gifts that nobody else on the planet has
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    you have talent you have everything
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    everything you need to become whatever
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    you want is right here right and and I
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    don't care what the limitations are
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    physical mental spiritual I don't care
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    any everything is there for you you're
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    better than you think you are all you
  • 3:56 - 4:03
    need is belief the belief that you can
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    succeed the belief that you can learn
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    educate yourself you have the power the
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    power to push the part of you that
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    sheltered yourself from this progress
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    that didn't allow you to grow and get
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    stronger you can be better you can
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    change to be better to be stronger and
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    become the person you need to be
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    transformed into the person with respect
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    respect for themselves respect for the
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    decisions you make appreciation for the
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    progress you're making how are you going
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    to make this transition are you willing
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    to change do you want to change
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    in order for you to succeed you need to
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    switch your mindset you need to know
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    that you want it be honest with yourself
  • 4:52 - 5:01
    be honest with your mistakes you have
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    one tool it's called time taste the
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    opportunity and feel the success feel
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    the power rise above you you have this
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    believe that you can know that you can
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    be the person you want to become in
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    reality you are your only limit are you
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    looking for success are you on that
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    journey to success already do you know
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    what path you're even on there's only
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    one way to know if someone's holding you
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    back if there are limits know that that
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    means you're making progress because you
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    know that you are working for it you're
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    gonna know when you're where you need to
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    be because you've been working for
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    limits shouldn't set you back
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    you need to struggle in order to succeed
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    you have the power to push past the
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    struggle push past the limits and to
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    learn from them and to learn from
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    yourself in the process you're on the
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    right path you're taking the journey so
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    you're immediately on the right path all
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    you need to do now is keep taking the
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    next step
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    embrace the mistakes and embrace these
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    challenges make this your time to make
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    your life somewhere that you find is
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    worth living build your empire build
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    your empire into something constructed
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    of your mistakes and then watch yourself
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    rise above them because limits shouldn't
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    make you any less of a person than you
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    want to be you're more than your
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    mistakes and you're even more than your
  • 6:33 - 6:38
  • 6:35 - 6:41
    you need to be you limits struggles
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    failures and successes at all in order
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    to take that path to make your life a
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    better place you don't realize the
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    privilege you have if you still have
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    time left to make a mark and if you
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    still have time left to live your dreams
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    then you will have no regrets and if
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    you're still able to work on your goals
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    and ideas there are a billion people
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    wasting that they were you stop with the
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    regret start feeling gifted and start
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    feeling blessed you have a chance to go
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    out there and make a mark you still have
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    the opportunity that so many don't
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    understand that you have the privilege
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    to succeed in life everyone wants to be
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    successful until they see what it takes
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    do you want to have it the spark of
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    inspiration the beauty of determination
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    the Landmarks towards success we all
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    want it you have to be brave enough to
  • 7:39 - 7:45
    take it can you be brave can you stand
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    up to the risks to the hurdles that
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    takes courage courage to face it rather
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    than running towards it with your eyes
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    closed that takes nothing anyone can do
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    that walk towards it with your eyes wide
  • 7:58 - 8:03
  • 7:58 - 8:07
    be brave use your courage this is why
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    not everyone is successful only the ones
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    who have what it takes but you have what
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    it takes you have the potential the
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    potential to drive straight through the
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    hurdles become someone someone you
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    actually aspire to be someone your kids
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    can look up to or work and strength your
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    parents will take pride in you
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    can become that person you have what it
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    takes you need to want it have the
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    craving to succeed aspiration to want to
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    move away from your past self and move
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    forward towards the future you the
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    future you can become someone make it
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    happen make the time to move move
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    forward now
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  • 8:58 - 9:06
    don't wait waiting just waste time what
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    are you waiting for waiting for the
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    circumstances to change change them
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    yourself only you can make that happen
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    someone successful someone who has
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    purpose someone who has grown the time
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    is now to face the discipline fight
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    through the pain to reach power within
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    and to ultimately become an improved
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    person cross the bridge fight each day
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    for the success you've been waiting for
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    fight for the opportunity to thrive
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    outside your comfort zone these choices
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    don't come easily and definitely don't
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    come twice hard work pays off but in
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    order for that to happen you have to
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    fight through the pain the rejection and
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    the heartbreak
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    wake up each day with attitude to change
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    today you will walk with confidence
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    knowing that today will be the day you
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    face your fears of failure with that
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    attitude tomorrow or the next day
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    progress will be accomplished you will
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    know you faced the discipline and fought
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    your way out of your comfort zone
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    we need to feel pain to feel happiness
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    the pain drives us to strive for chains
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    just know that when life becomes hard
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    someday it's guaranteed that it will get
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    better maybe not right now but as long
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    as you try the chance of change and
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    success increases don't wait for the
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    opportunity to be handed to you on a
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    plate only you and just you can make
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    that happen
  • 10:53 - 10:58
    bend time willing and completing your
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    goals because nothing is impossible
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    progress can finally be made the barrier
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    can finally be broken happiness can
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    finally be seen in the horizon and your
  • 11:08 - 11:14
    mindset can finally be changed
WHEN ALL HOPE IS LOST - Best Motivational Video

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English subtitles
