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The psychology of seduction | Raj Persaud | TEDxUniversityofBristol

  • 0:17 - 0:22
    What's the one decision
    that you are going to make in your life
  • 0:22 - 0:28
    that's going to determine your future
    mental health, happiness and well-being
  • 0:28 - 0:31
    more than any other decision
    you're going to make?
  • 0:32 - 0:36
    Well, that decision is
    who you choose to marry.
  • 0:36 - 0:38
    Or put another way, who you choose
  • 0:38 - 0:43
    to enter into a long-term,
    committed, monogamous relationship.
  • 0:44 - 0:48
    If you get that decision wrong,
    and you end up with the wrong person,
  • 0:48 - 0:51
    then that's going to cause you
    more unhappiness and distress
  • 0:51 - 0:53
    than any other decision in your life.
  • 0:53 - 0:56
    In fact, it's going to be so bad
  • 0:56 - 1:01
    that you might as well get a season ticket
    to my psychiatric clinic.
  • 1:01 - 1:04
  • 1:04 - 1:06
    Now, the survey data suggests
  • 1:06 - 1:09
    that around the world
    99% of the population
  • 1:09 - 1:14
    desire a single committed,
    monogamous, long-term relationship.
  • 1:14 - 1:16
    It's something that everyone wants,
  • 1:16 - 1:20
    so how to get that decision right
    is extremely important.
  • 1:21 - 1:24
    There are many different aspects
    of that decision we could discuss,
  • 1:24 - 1:25
    we could talk, for example,
  • 1:25 - 1:29
    about how to know
    when you've met the right person.
  • 1:29 - 1:31
    But because it's a big
    and complicated subject,
  • 1:31 - 1:34
    I'm going to focus just
    on one aspect in the short time
  • 1:34 - 1:36
    I've got to talk to you today.
  • 1:36 - 1:40
    And that aspect is going to be:
    how to seduce.
  • 1:40 - 1:44
    Or to put it in more common
    British parlance: how to pull.
  • 1:44 - 1:46
  • 1:46 - 1:49
    I became interested in the subject
    as a psychiatrist,
  • 1:49 - 1:52
    when I had a moment
    of epiphany in a clinic.
  • 1:52 - 1:55
    I was working in the outpatient department
    at my psychiatric hospital,
  • 1:55 - 1:58
    I was consulting with a young lady
    who was pretty depressed,
  • 1:58 - 2:02
    and all of a sudden, she announced
    in the middle of the consultation:
  • 2:02 - 2:07
    'Dr Persaud, I don't need Prozac,
    I need a boyfriend.'
  • 2:08 - 2:13
    It was at that moment that I realized
    that more success in relationships
  • 2:13 - 2:17
    would go a long way
    to improving people's happiness.
  • 2:17 - 2:20
    That if we could help people
    improve their relationships
  • 2:20 - 2:22
    and how they conduct relationships,
  • 2:22 - 2:25
    it would go a long way
    to improving their mental health.
  • 2:25 - 2:29
    Hence, I got interested
    in the science of seduction.
  • 2:29 - 2:31
    Now it's very important you understand
  • 2:31 - 2:33
    that my interest
    in the science of seduction
  • 2:33 - 2:37
    is purely academic, clinical, scientific.
  • 2:37 - 2:40
    I have no personal interest
    in this subject.
  • 2:40 - 2:43
    Indeed, before I came this evening
    to give you this talk,
  • 2:43 - 2:46
    my wife said it's very important
    that you make sure
  • 2:46 - 2:50
    that they don't think
    you're some kind of academic geek
  • 2:50 - 2:52
    who started reading
    about the science of seduction
  • 2:52 - 2:56
    because you found the whole
    relationship thing kind of puzzling.
  • 2:56 - 2:59
    When the publishers
    rang me up for the first time
  • 2:59 - 3:01
    to ask me to write
    my first book on seduction,
  • 3:01 - 3:03
    I rang my wife, I was very excited.
  • 3:03 - 3:06
    I said, 'Darling, the publishers
    have just rung me up,
  • 3:06 - 3:08
    and they have commissioned me
  • 3:08 - 3:12
    to write the very next book
    they want to publish on how to seduce.'
  • 3:13 - 3:17
    There was a distinct silence
    down the line, and then my wife said,
  • 3:18 - 3:19
    'Yes, but why you?'
  • 3:19 - 3:22
  • 3:22 - 3:25
    Which I thought was somewhat harsh.
  • 3:25 - 3:27
    The other reason why I think
    seduction is very important
  • 3:27 - 3:31
    is that it actually goes to the heart
    of a huge amount of human happiness.
  • 3:31 - 3:33
    You see, people come to me at my clinic,
  • 3:33 - 3:37
    and they tell me all about the things
    they want from life and the world
  • 3:37 - 3:38
    that they are not getting.
  • 3:38 - 3:40
    And they are very frustrated.
  • 3:40 - 3:43
    They may want a date,
    they may want a Ferrari in their garage,
  • 3:43 - 3:45
    or they may want a million pounds
    in their bank account.
  • 3:45 - 3:48
    They always tell me what they want
    and what they're not getting.
  • 3:48 - 3:50
    What they don't tell me
  • 3:50 - 3:54
    is what they need to give
    in order to get what they want.
  • 3:54 - 3:57
    You see, at the heart of life
    is a transaction.
  • 3:57 - 4:00
    You can get what you want
    from the world and life,
  • 4:00 - 4:03
    but you have to be able to give something
  • 4:03 - 4:06
    that the world wants
    and you need to give it first.
  • 4:06 - 4:08
    I'm going to let you into a little secret
  • 4:08 - 4:10
    that all of the most highly effective
    people on the planet
  • 4:10 - 4:13
    already intuitively know, and that is,
  • 4:13 - 4:15
    life is a seduction.
  • 4:16 - 4:19
    We need to seduce the world
    and the people in it
  • 4:19 - 4:22
    and seduce life into giving us
    the things that we want.
  • 4:22 - 4:24
    And in order to seduce successfully,
  • 4:24 - 4:28
    we need to make the world the right offer.
  • 4:28 - 4:29
    You see, in a general sense,
  • 4:29 - 4:33
    we need to be constantly seducing
    our friends, our lovers as well,
  • 4:33 - 4:38
    but our work colleagues, in a strictly
    perhaps not erotic sense of the word,
  • 4:38 - 4:42
    but we need to be seducing them
    into giving us the things that we want.
  • 4:42 - 4:45
    Now, I know already many of you
    are going to be a bit disappointed,
  • 4:45 - 4:48
    you were sitting there hoping
    I was going to give you some hot tips
  • 4:48 - 4:50
    on how to seduce
  • 4:50 - 4:54
    in terms of more narrow erotic
    sense of the word 'seduction'.
  • 4:54 - 4:55
    Well, the good news is,
  • 4:55 - 4:58
    yes, some of the tips
    I'm about to give you will be helpful
  • 4:58 - 5:00
    if you came here focused
  • 5:00 - 5:03
    on the more narrow erotic sense
    of the word seduction.
  • 5:04 - 5:06
    The bad news is,
    if you have been sitting here
  • 5:06 - 5:09
    really locked in and focused in
    on getting some hot tips
  • 5:09 - 5:13
    on how to seduce in the more
    narrow erotic sense of the word,
  • 5:13 - 5:16
    well, that says so much about you.
  • 5:16 - 5:18
  • 5:18 - 5:22
    So the other thing I want to say
    before I finally reveal these tips
  • 5:22 - 5:25
    is what I like about them
    is how democratic they are.
  • 5:25 - 5:28
    What they kind of say is that anyone
    can become more seductive.
  • 5:28 - 5:32
    It doesn't really matter how hot you look
    or how cool you are.
  • 5:32 - 5:35
    I find that most people
    seem to have rather low self-esteem
  • 5:35 - 5:36
    when it comes to seduction.
  • 5:36 - 5:39
    They kind of think,
    I can't be really seductive.
  • 5:39 - 5:42
    What's really amazing about the social
    psychology of seduction is
  • 5:42 - 5:45
    what it says is,
    anyone can become more seductive,
  • 5:45 - 5:47
    and indeed, some of these tips
    are so powerful
  • 5:47 - 5:51
    you can leap ahead of even
    the hottest person that you know
  • 5:51 - 5:53
    or the coolest member
    of your social group
  • 5:53 - 5:56
    and become more seductive than them.
  • 5:57 - 6:02
    So, the first tip comes from a really
    interesting social psychology experiment.
  • 6:02 - 6:05
    In the social psychology experiment,
    the social psychologist,
  • 6:05 - 6:08
    an academic working
    in the university department,
  • 6:08 - 6:11
    recruits some students
    to be confederates of the experimenter.
  • 6:11 - 6:14
    He sends the students out on a date,
  • 6:14 - 6:16
    they invite people to come
    on a date with a student.
  • 6:16 - 6:20
    The person invited to come on the date
    thinks it's just a date,
  • 6:20 - 6:23
    but actually, there's a social
    psychology experiment going on.
  • 6:23 - 6:26
    The social psychologist
    instructs the student,
  • 6:26 - 6:28
    who is the confederate
    of the experimenter,
  • 6:28 - 6:29
    to, throughout the date,
  • 6:29 - 6:33
    agree with everything
    the other person is saying.
  • 6:33 - 6:34
    Then at the end of date,
  • 6:34 - 6:37
    it's revealed that there was
    a social psychology experiment going on,
  • 6:37 - 6:40
    and a rating is secured
  • 6:40 - 6:43
    for how attractive
    the student confederate was found,
  • 6:43 - 6:45
    given how they behaved during the date.
  • 6:46 - 6:49
    In the first condition of the experiment,
    the student confederate goes out
  • 6:49 - 6:53
    and just agrees with everything
    the other person says on the date,
  • 6:53 - 6:56
    and an attraction rating
    is secured in the end,
  • 6:56 - 6:59
    and people are found
    moderately attractive in that condition.
  • 6:59 - 7:01
    In the second condition of the experiment,
  • 7:01 - 7:03
    the student confederate
    is sent out on the date
  • 7:03 - 7:08
    and is instructed to disagree
    with everything the other person says.
  • 7:08 - 7:11
    So it goes a bit like this:
    'I really like this restaurant.
  • 7:11 - 7:14
    So lovely, what do you think?'
    'No, I don't like it.'
  • 7:14 - 7:15
  • 7:15 - 7:17
    'This fish was rather nice,
    don't you think?'
  • 7:17 - 7:18
    'No, I don't like it.'
  • 7:19 - 7:22
    It comes as no surprise
    if you spend the whole date doing that,
  • 7:22 - 7:25
    disagreeing with everything
    the other person says,
  • 7:25 - 7:28
    you're not really found
    very attractive at all.
  • 7:28 - 7:30
    So far, so obvious.
  • 7:30 - 7:34
    Now, the third condition of the experiment
    is where things get really interesting.
  • 7:35 - 7:38
    In the third experiment,
    the student confederate is sent out
  • 7:38 - 7:42
    with the instruction to spend
    the first half of the date
  • 7:42 - 7:45
    disagreeing with everything
    the other person says,
  • 7:45 - 7:49
    and then to switch and start agreeing
    for the second half of the date.
  • 7:49 - 7:51
    And amazingly enough,
  • 7:51 - 7:55
    you're found most attractive of all
    in this condition.
  • 7:55 - 7:57
    Now why is that?
  • 7:57 - 8:00
    There's rather some complex
    psychological theories going on
  • 8:00 - 8:02
    as to what's going on,
    so I'm going to cut to the chase
  • 8:02 - 8:06
    and give you what I think is
    the most profound and important theory.
  • 8:06 - 8:07
    You see the other person on the date
  • 8:07 - 8:11
    didn't realize there was a Machiavellian
    manipulative plot of thought,
  • 8:11 - 8:14
    whereby you were watching
    for the clock to hit a certain time,
  • 8:14 - 8:16
    and then you're going to switch.
  • 8:16 - 8:17
    What their experience of you was
  • 8:17 - 8:20
    that you were rather difficult
    in the first half of the date,
  • 8:20 - 8:22
    and then you warmed up to them.
  • 8:22 - 8:25
    And they think they had an impact on you.
  • 8:25 - 8:27
    They think they warmed you up.
  • 8:27 - 8:30
    And there is something
    about having an impact
  • 8:30 - 8:32
    which is very seductive.
  • 8:32 - 8:34
    There are many objections
    to this experiment.
  • 8:34 - 8:35
    People always say,
  • 8:35 - 8:38
    'I can see that's seductive,
    but you're playing a game.
  • 8:38 - 8:41
    Why can't we just be ourselves?'
  • 8:41 - 8:44
    Well, you can just
    be yourself if you want,
  • 8:44 - 8:46
    but be aware of something,
  • 8:46 - 8:48
    which is that there are
    many people out there
  • 8:48 - 8:50
    that are playing the game of life,
  • 8:50 - 8:52
    and they are playing it rather hard.
  • 8:52 - 8:55
    And as a result,
    they are terrifically successful.
  • 8:55 - 8:57
    They are really good in job interviews,
  • 8:57 - 9:00
    and they're very good
    as politicians at getting elected.
  • 9:00 - 9:03
    So if you are not going to play
    the game of life, that's fine,
  • 9:03 - 9:06
    but be aware that you
    might run into trouble
  • 9:06 - 9:09
    if everyone else
    is playing the game of life.
  • 9:10 - 9:11
    The other important idea here is
  • 9:11 - 9:14
    that we can divide relationships
    into three key phases:
  • 9:14 - 9:17
    attention, interest, and maintenance.
  • 9:17 - 9:21
    You walk into a bar,
    you see a very attractive person, 'Wow!'
  • 9:21 - 9:23
    They've got your attention.
  • 9:23 - 9:25
    Hopefully, you've got their attention.
  • 9:25 - 9:28
    Then you go over and talk to them,
    get to know them,
  • 9:28 - 9:30
    and you're entering the interest phase.
  • 9:30 - 9:32
    Then, maybe after a few days or weeks,
  • 9:32 - 9:35
    you might transition
    into the maintenance phase,
  • 9:35 - 9:37
    which is a long-term commitment.
  • 9:37 - 9:40
    Now, the key point about this idea
  • 9:40 - 9:44
    is that different skills are required
    depending on which phase you're in.
  • 9:44 - 9:48
    It's a profoundly important social
    psychological model
  • 9:48 - 9:50
    in terms of getting a handle on
    and understanding
  • 9:50 - 9:55
    business relationships, friendships,
    and of course, romantic seductions.
  • 9:55 - 9:59
    Even if you want to reject the attention,
    interest, and maintenance phase,
  • 9:59 - 10:00
    it is a very powerful model.
  • 10:00 - 10:02
    We all know people who we think:
  • 10:02 - 10:05
    'This is a wonderful person,
    how come they are single?'
  • 10:05 - 10:07
    Well, maybe they
    are very good at maintenance,
  • 10:07 - 10:10
    and they are not so good at
    attention or interest.
  • 10:10 - 10:13
    So the model is really helpful
    in diagnosing problems
  • 10:13 - 10:15
    in terms of seduction.
  • 10:15 - 10:17
    Another point I want to make is,
    even if you end up
  • 10:17 - 10:20
    in a long-term committed relationship
    doing maintenance,
  • 10:20 - 10:24
    if your relationship is going
    to be successful and last 40 or 50 years,
  • 10:24 - 10:29
    I believe you've got to cycle back through
    attention, interest, and maintenance.
  • 10:29 - 10:31
    You're going to be
    constantly cycling through
  • 10:31 - 10:32
    in a long-term relationship,
  • 10:32 - 10:36
    getting your partner's attention again,
  • 10:36 - 10:38
    getting them interested again in you.
  • 10:38 - 10:43
    And that constant cycling means that life
    and even long-term committed relationships
  • 10:43 - 10:46
    are a long-term seduction.
  • 10:46 - 10:47
    Life is a seduction,
  • 10:47 - 10:50
    even long-term marriages
    are a constant seduction.
  • 10:50 - 10:52
    And the attention, interest,
    and maintenance model
  • 10:52 - 10:55
    is really helpful in understanding that.
  • 10:55 - 11:00
    Perhaps the most expert exponent
    of attention, interest, and maintenance
  • 11:00 - 11:02
    was Casanova.
  • 11:02 - 11:06
    Not least because Casanova
    was brilliant at attention and interest,
  • 11:06 - 11:08
    but really bad at maintenance.
  • 11:08 - 11:11
    Casanova was a real figure,
    he lived in the 18th century Venice,
  • 11:11 - 11:15
    he was an adventurer and a nobleman,
    and is said to be, perhaps,
  • 11:15 - 11:18
    the most successful seducer
    of women in history.
  • 11:18 - 11:20
    And he's got the final tip
    I want to give you
  • 11:20 - 11:23
    at the heart of the secret of seduction.
  • 11:23 - 11:25
    You see, many people think
  • 11:25 - 11:28
    that Casanova would walk into a bar
    in the 18th century Venice,
  • 11:28 - 11:31
    see an attractive member
    of the opposite sex, and pull like that.
  • 11:32 - 11:34
    But actually, that's not true.
  • 11:34 - 11:37
    He would walk into a bar
    and see an attractive woman,
  • 11:37 - 11:39
    but then spend many months courting her,
  • 11:39 - 11:44
    as was the courtly custom of the day,
    before being finally successful.
  • 11:44 - 11:46
    And there is, by the way,
    an important lesson for us all.
  • 11:46 - 11:49
    If you go into a bar tonight,
    and pull like that,
  • 11:49 - 11:52
    I'm afraid to tell you
    that's not really a seduction.
  • 11:53 - 11:55
    A seduction is when you meet someone
  • 11:55 - 11:57
    who is disinterested in you,
    or only moderately interested,
  • 11:57 - 12:01
    and you convert
    that interest into rabid desire.
  • 12:02 - 12:03
    That's a seduction.
  • 12:03 - 12:07
    And the problem with the modern world,
    and websites, Tinder and Apps
  • 12:07 - 12:11
    is that it's kind of doing away
    with the whole seduction idea,
  • 12:11 - 12:15
    and we are losing the skill of seduction
    with very ominous social implications,
  • 12:15 - 12:16
    in my opinion.
  • 12:17 - 12:20
    The story is that Casanova
    walks into a bar one night,
  • 12:20 - 12:24
    sees a gorgeous woman, she's an actress,
    physically very desirable,
  • 12:24 - 12:27
    falls immediately
    in love with her, desires her.
  • 12:27 - 12:30
    The actress, besides being
    physically stunning,
  • 12:30 - 12:32
    has an interesting characteristic.
  • 12:32 - 12:34
    You see, she has
    a speech impediment, a lisp.
  • 12:34 - 12:39
    She can't say words properly
    that have the letter R in them.
  • 12:39 - 12:42
    Many of you will know
    a famous TV presenter here in Britain
  • 12:42 - 12:44
    called Jonathan Ross,
    whose nickname is Wossy,
  • 12:44 - 12:46
    who has a very similar speech impediment.
  • 12:46 - 12:49
    He can't say words properly
    that have the letter R.
  • 12:49 - 12:52
    She has this speech impediment.
  • 12:52 - 12:54
    Without really interacting
    with the actress,
  • 12:54 - 12:55
    Casanova turns on his heels,
  • 12:55 - 12:58
    goes home and does a mysterious thing.
  • 12:58 - 13:02
    He spends the next
    three days and nights writing a play.
  • 13:02 - 13:05
    And this play has a very special feature.
  • 13:05 - 13:08
    It has no words in it with the letter R.
  • 13:09 - 13:11
    Three days and nights later,
    he returns to the bar,
  • 13:11 - 13:13
    presents the play to the actress,
  • 13:13 - 13:16
    and the seduction is successful.
  • 13:16 - 13:19
    But here is my pop quiz
    psychology question for you,
  • 13:19 - 13:22
    you see, what Casanova could've done,
  • 13:22 - 13:23
    he could have said
  • 13:23 - 13:26
    'I can't help noticing you've got
    a bit of a speech impediment there.
  • 13:26 - 13:28
    Tell you what,
  • 13:28 - 13:32
    I'll pay for elocution lessons,
    I'll buy you speech therapy.'
  • 13:32 - 13:34
    No one can deny that speech therapy
  • 13:34 - 13:37
    is more pragmatically helpful
    to the poor actress
  • 13:37 - 13:40
    than a play that has no words in it
    with the letter R.
  • 13:40 - 13:44
    However, it's the play
    that's the seductive move.
  • 13:44 - 13:47
    It's the play that's sexy. Why is that?
  • 13:47 - 13:49
    Well, let's look at between the lines.
  • 13:49 - 13:53
    What you are really saying
    when you offer someone speech therapy is,
  • 13:53 - 13:54
    what you are saying is,
  • 13:54 - 13:57
    'There is something wrong
    with you, it needs fixing.
  • 13:57 - 14:01
    After it's fixed, then I'll have
    a relationship with you.'
  • 14:01 - 14:03
    That's not a very sexy message.
  • 14:04 - 14:05
    But, guess what?
  • 14:05 - 14:08
    It's kind of what we're saying
    to a lot of people, a lot of the time.
  • 14:08 - 14:11
    What does the play with no words
    with the letter R say?
  • 14:11 - 14:16
    What it says is, 'Don't change a thing!
    You're perfect as you are.
  • 14:16 - 14:22
    And my job is to help the world recognise
    the perfection that I see.'
  • 14:22 - 14:24
    That's a sexy message!
  • 14:25 - 14:27
    The other thing the play does is this.
  • 14:27 - 14:28
    It's terrifically specific,
  • 14:28 - 14:32
    the actress knows that Casanova
    is interested specifically in her.
  • 14:32 - 14:35
    A lot of young men going on a date,
    nip into the petrol station
  • 14:35 - 14:37
    because they've left at the last minute,
  • 14:37 - 14:39
    buy some petrol station flowers,
  • 14:39 - 14:42
    present the petrol station flowers
    to their date with a grand gesture,
  • 14:42 - 14:45
    and are somewhat perplexed
    that the date is less than overwhelmed
  • 14:45 - 14:48
    with the presentation
    of petrol station flowers.
  • 14:48 - 14:52
    You see, you can't go to a petrol station
    and buy a play off the self
  • 14:52 - 14:55
    that has no words in it with the letter R.
  • 14:55 - 14:59
    The actress knows that Casanova
    was interested in her and no one else.
  • 14:59 - 15:01
    It's specific.
  • 15:01 - 15:05
    But here is the final point
    and the most profound message
  • 15:05 - 15:07
    in terms of the psychology of seduction.
  • 15:07 - 15:10
    What Casanova has done brilliantly
  • 15:10 - 15:12
    is, and here is the key catchphrase
    you need to remember:
  • 15:12 - 15:15
    he's filled the unmet need.
  • 15:15 - 15:20
    The actress has an unmet need for parts
    that have no words with the letter R,
  • 15:20 - 15:23
    and Casanova diagnoses the unmet need,
  • 15:23 - 15:27
    and meets it more completely
    than it's ever been met before.
  • 15:27 - 15:30
    If you find someone's unmet need
  • 15:30 - 15:33
    and fill it in a way
    it's never been filled before,
  • 15:33 - 15:36
    you will be successful in seducing them.
  • 15:36 - 15:39
    So your mission is a two-pronged attack.
  • 15:39 - 15:41
    You've got to find out the unmet need,
  • 15:41 - 15:45
    and then you have to fill it
    in a way that's never been filled before.
  • 15:45 - 15:47
    I can sense immediately
    that you have a lot of questions.
  • 15:47 - 15:50
    'How do we find out the unmet need?
    How do we fill it?'
  • 15:50 - 15:52
    And I apologize I've I run out of time,
  • 15:52 - 15:55
    so I won't be able
    to answer those questions.
  • 15:55 - 15:58
    But ... is it possible
    that leaving you wanting more
  • 15:58 - 16:00
    is a kind of seduction?
  • 16:00 - 16:01
    Thank you very much.
  • 16:01 - 16:05
    (Applauses) (Cheers)
The psychology of seduction | Raj Persaud | TEDxUniversityofBristol

Psychiatrist Dr Raj Persaud argues much human distress arises out of relationships. But we can all become more skilled in our relationships, be they in the domains of friendship, romance, work or career. Deploying the psychological principles behind seduction, the author of a new book on dysfunctional love - 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head' - explains how improving how seductive you are, will also lead to benefits across many other aspects of your life, beyond just romance.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

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closed TED

English subtitles
