1 00:00:16,762 --> 00:00:21,972 What's the one decision that you are going to make in your life 2 00:00:21,976 --> 00:00:27,726 that's going to determine your future mental health, happiness and well-being 3 00:00:27,726 --> 00:00:30,797 more than any other decision you're going to make? 4 00:00:31,657 --> 00:00:35,877 Well, that decision is who you choose to marry. 5 00:00:35,877 --> 00:00:38,264 Or put another way, who you choose 6 00:00:38,264 --> 00:00:43,296 to enter into a long-term, committed, monogamous relationship. 7 00:00:43,910 --> 00:00:47,800 If you get that decision wrong, and you end up with the wrong person, 8 00:00:47,800 --> 00:00:50,860 then that's going to cause you more unhappiness and distress 9 00:00:50,860 --> 00:00:53,372 than any other decision in your life. 10 00:00:53,372 --> 00:00:55,922 In fact, it's going to be so bad 11 00:00:55,922 --> 00:01:00,937 that you might as well get a season ticket to my psychiatric clinic. 12 00:01:00,937 --> 00:01:03,507 (Laughter) 13 00:01:03,507 --> 00:01:05,912 Now, the survey data suggests 14 00:01:05,912 --> 00:01:09,232 that around the world 99% of the population 15 00:01:09,232 --> 00:01:14,162 desire a single committed, monogamous, long-term relationship. 16 00:01:14,162 --> 00:01:16,238 It's something that everyone wants, 17 00:01:16,238 --> 00:01:20,328 so how to get that decision right is extremely important. 18 00:01:20,671 --> 00:01:24,051 There are many different aspects of that decision we could discuss, 19 00:01:24,051 --> 00:01:25,407 we could talk, for example, 20 00:01:25,407 --> 00:01:28,717 about how to know when you've met the right person. 21 00:01:28,717 --> 00:01:30,926 But because it's a big and complicated subject, 22 00:01:30,926 --> 00:01:33,741 I'm going to focus just on one aspect in the short time 23 00:01:33,741 --> 00:01:35,524 I've got to talk to you today. 24 00:01:35,524 --> 00:01:39,734 And that aspect is going to be: how to seduce. 25 00:01:39,744 --> 00:01:44,352 Or to put it in more common British parlance: how to pull. 26 00:01:44,352 --> 00:01:46,062 (Laughter) 27 00:01:46,062 --> 00:01:48,736 I became interested in the subject as a psychiatrist, 28 00:01:48,736 --> 00:01:51,786 when I had a moment of epiphany in a clinic. 29 00:01:51,786 --> 00:01:55,493 I was working in the outpatient department at my psychiatric hospital, 30 00:01:55,493 --> 00:01:58,366 I was consulting with a young lady who was pretty depressed, 31 00:01:58,366 --> 00:02:01,876 and all of a sudden, she announced in the middle of the consultation: 32 00:02:01,876 --> 00:02:07,494 'Dr Persaud, I don't need Prozac, I need a boyfriend.' 33 00:02:08,354 --> 00:02:13,204 It was at that moment that I realized that more success in relationships 34 00:02:13,204 --> 00:02:16,636 would go a long way to improving people's happiness. 35 00:02:16,636 --> 00:02:20,459 That if we could help people improve their relationships 36 00:02:20,459 --> 00:02:22,172 and how they conduct relationships, 37 00:02:22,172 --> 00:02:25,432 it would go a long way to improving their mental health. 38 00:02:25,432 --> 00:02:28,709 Hence, I got interested in the science of seduction. 39 00:02:28,709 --> 00:02:30,559 Now it's very important you understand 40 00:02:30,559 --> 00:02:32,872 that my interest in the science of seduction 41 00:02:32,872 --> 00:02:37,259 is purely academic, clinical, scientific. 42 00:02:37,259 --> 00:02:39,815 I have no personal interest in this subject. 43 00:02:39,815 --> 00:02:43,132 Indeed, before I came this evening to give you this talk, 44 00:02:43,132 --> 00:02:46,059 my wife said it's very important that you make sure 45 00:02:46,059 --> 00:02:49,522 that they don't think you're some kind of academic geek 46 00:02:49,522 --> 00:02:51,908 who started reading about the science of seduction 47 00:02:51,908 --> 00:02:55,707 because you found the whole relationship thing kind of puzzling. 48 00:02:56,367 --> 00:02:58,667 When the publishers rang me up for the first time 49 00:02:58,667 --> 00:03:01,429 to ask me to write my first book on seduction, 50 00:03:01,429 --> 00:03:03,459 I rang my wife, I was very excited. 51 00:03:03,459 --> 00:03:06,003 I said, 'Darling, the publishers have just rung me up, 52 00:03:06,006 --> 00:03:07,586 and they have commissioned me 53 00:03:07,586 --> 00:03:12,276 to write the very next book they want to publish on how to seduce.' 54 00:03:12,866 --> 00:03:17,094 There was a distinct silence down the line, and then my wife said, 55 00:03:17,509 --> 00:03:19,326 'Yes, but why you?' 56 00:03:19,326 --> 00:03:21,683 (Laughter) 57 00:03:21,683 --> 00:03:24,564 Which I thought was somewhat harsh. 58 00:03:24,564 --> 00:03:27,212 The other reason why I think seduction is very important 59 00:03:27,212 --> 00:03:30,942 is that it actually goes to the heart of a huge amount of human happiness. 60 00:03:30,942 --> 00:03:33,267 You see, people come to me at my clinic, 61 00:03:33,267 --> 00:03:36,772 and they tell me all about the things they want from life and the world 62 00:03:36,772 --> 00:03:38,255 that they are not getting. 63 00:03:38,255 --> 00:03:39,648 And they are very frustrated. 64 00:03:39,648 --> 00:03:42,676 They may want a date, they may want a Ferrari in their garage, 65 00:03:42,676 --> 00:03:45,326 or they may want a million pounds in their bank account. 66 00:03:45,326 --> 00:03:48,426 They always tell me what they want and what they're not getting. 67 00:03:48,426 --> 00:03:50,093 What they don't tell me 68 00:03:50,093 --> 00:03:54,343 is what they need to give in order to get what they want. 69 00:03:54,343 --> 00:03:57,394 You see, at the heart of life is a transaction. 70 00:03:57,394 --> 00:04:00,149 You can get what you want from the world and life, 71 00:04:00,149 --> 00:04:02,725 but you have to be able to give something 72 00:04:02,725 --> 00:04:05,723 that the world wants and you need to give it first. 73 00:04:05,723 --> 00:04:07,683 I'm going to let you into a little secret 74 00:04:07,683 --> 00:04:10,403 that all of the most highly effective people on the planet 75 00:04:10,403 --> 00:04:13,410 already intuitively know, and that is, 76 00:04:13,410 --> 00:04:15,161 life is a seduction. 77 00:04:15,641 --> 00:04:18,514 We need to seduce the world and the people in it 78 00:04:18,514 --> 00:04:22,453 and seduce life into giving us the things that we want. 79 00:04:22,453 --> 00:04:24,452 And in order to seduce successfully, 80 00:04:24,452 --> 00:04:28,037 we need to make the world the right offer. 81 00:04:28,037 --> 00:04:29,465 You see, in a general sense, 82 00:04:29,465 --> 00:04:32,985 we need to be constantly seducing our friends, our lovers as well, 83 00:04:32,985 --> 00:04:37,932 but our work colleagues, in a strictly perhaps not erotic sense of the word, 84 00:04:37,932 --> 00:04:42,073 but we need to be seducing them into giving us the things that we want. 85 00:04:42,073 --> 00:04:45,259 Now, I know already many of you are going to be a bit disappointed, 86 00:04:45,259 --> 00:04:48,409 you were sitting there hoping I was going to give you some hot tips 87 00:04:48,409 --> 00:04:49,616 on how to seduce 88 00:04:49,616 --> 00:04:54,076 in terms of more narrow erotic sense of the word 'seduction'. 89 00:04:54,076 --> 00:04:55,228 Well, the good news is, 90 00:04:55,228 --> 00:04:58,452 yes, some of the tips I'm about to give you will be helpful 91 00:04:58,452 --> 00:05:00,242 if you came here focused 92 00:05:00,242 --> 00:05:03,282 on the more narrow erotic sense of the word seduction. 93 00:05:03,742 --> 00:05:06,309 The bad news is, if you have been sitting here 94 00:05:06,309 --> 00:05:09,474 really locked in and focused in on getting some hot tips 95 00:05:09,474 --> 00:05:13,464 on how to seduce in the more narrow erotic sense of the word, 96 00:05:13,464 --> 00:05:16,360 well, that says so much about you. 97 00:05:16,360 --> 00:05:18,391 (Laughter) 98 00:05:18,391 --> 00:05:21,559 So the other thing I want to say before I finally reveal these tips 99 00:05:21,559 --> 00:05:24,549 is what I like about them is how democratic they are. 100 00:05:24,558 --> 00:05:28,288 What they kind of say is that anyone can become more seductive. 101 00:05:28,305 --> 00:05:31,766 It doesn't really matter how hot you look or how cool you are. 102 00:05:31,766 --> 00:05:34,794 I find that most people seem to have rather low self-esteem 103 00:05:34,794 --> 00:05:36,147 when it comes to seduction. 104 00:05:36,147 --> 00:05:38,717 They kind of think, I can't be really seductive. 105 00:05:38,717 --> 00:05:41,947 What's really amazing about the social psychology of seduction is 106 00:05:41,947 --> 00:05:45,143 what it says is, anyone can become more seductive, 107 00:05:45,143 --> 00:05:47,493 and indeed, some of these tips are so powerful 108 00:05:47,493 --> 00:05:51,389 you can leap ahead of even the hottest person that you know 109 00:05:51,389 --> 00:05:53,405 or the coolest member of your social group 110 00:05:53,405 --> 00:05:56,075 and become more seductive than them. 111 00:05:56,957 --> 00:06:02,437 So, the first tip comes from a really interesting social psychology experiment. 112 00:06:02,440 --> 00:06:05,358 In the social psychology experiment, the social psychologist, 113 00:06:05,358 --> 00:06:07,672 an academic working in the university department, 114 00:06:07,672 --> 00:06:11,290 recruits some students to be confederates of the experimenter. 115 00:06:11,290 --> 00:06:13,938 He sends the students out on a date, 116 00:06:13,938 --> 00:06:16,441 they invite people to come on a date with a student. 117 00:06:16,441 --> 00:06:19,921 The person invited to come on the date thinks it's just a date, 118 00:06:19,921 --> 00:06:23,312 but actually, there's a social psychology experiment going on. 119 00:06:23,312 --> 00:06:25,630 The social psychologist instructs the student, 120 00:06:25,630 --> 00:06:27,675 who is the confederate of the experimenter, 121 00:06:27,675 --> 00:06:29,415 to, throughout the date, 122 00:06:29,415 --> 00:06:32,885 agree with everything the other person is saying. 123 00:06:32,885 --> 00:06:34,072 Then at the end of date, 124 00:06:34,072 --> 00:06:37,314 it's revealed that there was a social psychology experiment going on, 125 00:06:37,314 --> 00:06:39,878 and a rating is secured 126 00:06:39,878 --> 00:06:42,968 for how attractive the student confederate was found, 127 00:06:42,968 --> 00:06:45,458 given how they behaved during the date. 128 00:06:45,885 --> 00:06:49,353 In the first condition of the experiment, the student confederate goes out 129 00:06:49,353 --> 00:06:53,283 and just agrees with everything the other person says on the date, 130 00:06:53,283 --> 00:06:55,503 and an attraction rating is secured in the end, 131 00:06:55,503 --> 00:06:58,763 and people are found moderately attractive in that condition. 132 00:06:58,763 --> 00:07:00,898 In the second condition of the experiment, 133 00:07:00,898 --> 00:07:03,278 the student confederate is sent out on the date 134 00:07:03,287 --> 00:07:08,047 and is instructed to disagree with everything the other person says. 135 00:07:08,047 --> 00:07:10,838 So it goes a bit like this: 'I really like this restaurant. 136 00:07:10,838 --> 00:07:13,543 So lovely, what do you think?' 'No, I don't like it.' 137 00:07:13,543 --> 00:07:14,545 (Laughter) 138 00:07:14,545 --> 00:07:16,973 'This fish was rather nice, don't you think?' 139 00:07:16,973 --> 00:07:18,313 'No, I don't like it.' 140 00:07:19,287 --> 00:07:22,408 It comes as no surprise if you spend the whole date doing that, 141 00:07:22,408 --> 00:07:24,833 disagreeing with everything the other person says, 142 00:07:24,833 --> 00:07:28,064 you're not really found very attractive at all. 143 00:07:28,064 --> 00:07:29,750 So far, so obvious. 144 00:07:30,150 --> 00:07:34,498 Now, the third condition of the experiment is where things get really interesting. 145 00:07:34,868 --> 00:07:38,173 In the third experiment, the student confederate is sent out 146 00:07:38,173 --> 00:07:42,061 with the instruction to spend the first half of the date 147 00:07:42,061 --> 00:07:44,708 disagreeing with everything the other person says, 148 00:07:44,708 --> 00:07:48,618 and then to switch and start agreeing for the second half of the date. 149 00:07:49,417 --> 00:07:51,216 And amazingly enough, 150 00:07:51,216 --> 00:07:55,279 you're found most attractive of all in this condition. 151 00:07:55,279 --> 00:07:56,849 Now why is that? 152 00:07:56,849 --> 00:07:59,717 There's rather some complex psychological theories going on 153 00:07:59,717 --> 00:08:02,306 as to what's going on, so I'm going to cut to the chase 154 00:08:02,306 --> 00:08:05,627 and give you what I think is the most profound and important theory. 155 00:08:05,627 --> 00:08:07,371 You see the other person on the date 156 00:08:07,371 --> 00:08:11,443 didn't realize there was a Machiavellian manipulative plot of thought, 157 00:08:11,443 --> 00:08:14,364 whereby you were watching for the clock to hit a certain time, 158 00:08:14,364 --> 00:08:15,927 and then you're going to switch. 159 00:08:15,927 --> 00:08:17,477 What their experience of you was 160 00:08:17,477 --> 00:08:20,357 that you were rather difficult in the first half of the date, 161 00:08:20,357 --> 00:08:22,201 and then you warmed up to them. 162 00:08:22,201 --> 00:08:25,085 And they think they had an impact on you. 163 00:08:25,085 --> 00:08:27,351 They think they warmed you up. 164 00:08:27,351 --> 00:08:30,126 And there is something about having an impact 165 00:08:30,126 --> 00:08:31,946 which is very seductive. 166 00:08:31,946 --> 00:08:34,057 There are many objections to this experiment. 167 00:08:34,057 --> 00:08:35,057 People always say, 168 00:08:35,057 --> 00:08:37,848 'I can see that's seductive, but you're playing a game. 169 00:08:37,848 --> 00:08:40,618 Why can't we just be ourselves?' 170 00:08:40,761 --> 00:08:44,311 Well, you can just be yourself if you want, 171 00:08:44,311 --> 00:08:45,945 but be aware of something, 172 00:08:45,945 --> 00:08:48,105 which is that there are many people out there 173 00:08:48,105 --> 00:08:50,123 that are playing the game of life, 174 00:08:50,123 --> 00:08:52,344 and they are playing it rather hard. 175 00:08:52,344 --> 00:08:55,338 And as a result, they are terrifically successful. 176 00:08:55,338 --> 00:08:57,199 They are really good in job interviews, 177 00:08:57,199 --> 00:08:59,959 and they're very good as politicians at getting elected. 178 00:09:00,279 --> 00:09:03,224 So if you are not going to play the game of life, that's fine, 179 00:09:03,224 --> 00:09:05,919 but be aware that you might run into trouble 180 00:09:05,919 --> 00:09:08,559 if everyone else is playing the game of life. 181 00:09:09,539 --> 00:09:11,130 The other important idea here is 182 00:09:11,130 --> 00:09:14,350 that we can divide relationships into three key phases: 183 00:09:14,350 --> 00:09:17,175 attention, interest, and maintenance. 184 00:09:17,175 --> 00:09:20,571 You walk into a bar, you see a very attractive person, 'Wow!' 185 00:09:21,461 --> 00:09:23,201 They've got your attention. 186 00:09:23,201 --> 00:09:25,467 Hopefully, you've got their attention. 187 00:09:25,467 --> 00:09:27,927 Then you go over and talk to them, get to know them, 188 00:09:27,927 --> 00:09:29,825 and you're entering the interest phase. 189 00:09:29,825 --> 00:09:32,290 Then, maybe after a few days or weeks, 190 00:09:32,290 --> 00:09:34,570 you might transition into the maintenance phase, 191 00:09:34,570 --> 00:09:36,928 which is a long-term commitment. 192 00:09:36,928 --> 00:09:39,859 Now, the key point about this idea 193 00:09:39,859 --> 00:09:44,465 is that different skills are required depending on which phase you're in. 194 00:09:44,465 --> 00:09:47,665 It's a profoundly important social psychological model 195 00:09:47,665 --> 00:09:50,242 in terms of getting a handle on and understanding 196 00:09:50,242 --> 00:09:54,908 business relationships, friendships, and of course, romantic seductions. 197 00:09:54,908 --> 00:09:58,575 Even if you want to reject the attention, interest, and maintenance phase, 198 00:09:58,575 --> 00:10:00,054 it is a very powerful model. 199 00:10:00,054 --> 00:10:01,693 We all know people who we think: 200 00:10:01,693 --> 00:10:04,593 'This is a wonderful person, how come they are single?' 201 00:10:04,593 --> 00:10:07,206 Well, maybe they are very good at maintenance, 202 00:10:07,206 --> 00:10:10,424 and they are not so good at attention or interest. 203 00:10:10,424 --> 00:10:13,178 So the model is really helpful in diagnosing problems 204 00:10:13,178 --> 00:10:14,768 in terms of seduction. 205 00:10:14,768 --> 00:10:17,371 Another point I want to make is, even if you end up 206 00:10:17,371 --> 00:10:20,184 in a long-term committed relationship doing maintenance, 207 00:10:20,184 --> 00:10:24,144 if your relationship is going to be successful and last 40 or 50 years, 208 00:10:24,144 --> 00:10:28,626 I believe you've got to cycle back through attention, interest, and maintenance. 209 00:10:28,626 --> 00:10:30,728 You're going to be constantly cycling through 210 00:10:30,728 --> 00:10:32,262 in a long-term relationship, 211 00:10:32,262 --> 00:10:36,252 getting your partner's attention again, 212 00:10:36,252 --> 00:10:38,062 getting them interested again in you. 213 00:10:38,062 --> 00:10:42,990 And that constant cycling means that life and even long-term committed relationships 214 00:10:42,990 --> 00:10:45,510 are a long-term seduction. 215 00:10:45,510 --> 00:10:46,969 Life is a seduction, 216 00:10:46,969 --> 00:10:49,959 even long-term marriages are a constant seduction. 217 00:10:49,959 --> 00:10:52,312 And the attention, interest, and maintenance model 218 00:10:52,312 --> 00:10:55,190 is really helpful in understanding that. 219 00:10:55,190 --> 00:11:00,380 Perhaps the most expert exponent of attention, interest, and maintenance 220 00:11:00,380 --> 00:11:01,853 was Casanova. 221 00:11:02,493 --> 00:11:05,661 Not least because Casanova was brilliant at attention and interest, 222 00:11:05,661 --> 00:11:07,927 but really bad at maintenance. 223 00:11:08,435 --> 00:11:11,439 Casanova was a real figure, he lived in the 18th century Venice, 224 00:11:11,439 --> 00:11:14,769 he was an adventurer and a nobleman, and is said to be, perhaps, 225 00:11:14,769 --> 00:11:17,627 the most successful seducer of women in history. 226 00:11:17,627 --> 00:11:20,267 And he's got the final tip I want to give you 227 00:11:20,267 --> 00:11:22,731 at the heart of the secret of seduction. 228 00:11:23,368 --> 00:11:24,639 You see, many people think 229 00:11:24,639 --> 00:11:27,909 that Casanova would walk into a bar in the 18th century Venice, 230 00:11:27,909 --> 00:11:31,487 see an attractive member of the opposite sex, and pull like that. 231 00:11:32,110 --> 00:11:33,970 But actually, that's not true. 232 00:11:33,970 --> 00:11:36,784 He would walk into a bar and see an attractive woman, 233 00:11:36,784 --> 00:11:39,406 but then spend many months courting her, 234 00:11:39,406 --> 00:11:43,528 as was the courtly custom of the day, before being finally successful. 235 00:11:43,528 --> 00:11:46,194 And there is, by the way, an important lesson for us all. 236 00:11:46,194 --> 00:11:49,194 If you go into a bar tonight, and pull like that, 237 00:11:49,194 --> 00:11:52,234 I'm afraid to tell you that's not really a seduction. 238 00:11:52,864 --> 00:11:54,644 A seduction is when you meet someone 239 00:11:54,644 --> 00:11:57,424 who is disinterested in you, or only moderately interested, 240 00:11:57,424 --> 00:12:01,047 and you convert that interest into rabid desire. 241 00:12:01,595 --> 00:12:03,195 That's a seduction. 242 00:12:03,195 --> 00:12:06,863 And the problem with the modern world, and websites, Tinder and Apps 243 00:12:06,863 --> 00:12:10,503 is that it's kind of doing away with the whole seduction idea, 244 00:12:10,503 --> 00:12:15,379 and we are losing the skill of seduction with very ominous social implications, 245 00:12:15,379 --> 00:12:16,490 in my opinion. 246 00:12:17,154 --> 00:12:19,949 The story is that Casanova walks into a bar one night, 247 00:12:19,949 --> 00:12:23,749 sees a gorgeous woman, she's an actress, physically very desirable, 248 00:12:23,749 --> 00:12:26,906 falls immediately in love with her, desires her. 249 00:12:27,312 --> 00:12:30,013 The actress, besides being physically stunning, 250 00:12:30,013 --> 00:12:31,666 has an interesting characteristic. 251 00:12:31,666 --> 00:12:34,089 You see, she has a speech impediment, a lisp. 252 00:12:34,089 --> 00:12:38,609 She can't say words properly that have the letter R in them. 253 00:12:38,609 --> 00:12:41,540 Many of you will know a famous TV presenter here in Britain 254 00:12:41,540 --> 00:12:44,376 called Jonathan Ross, whose nickname is Wossy, 255 00:12:44,376 --> 00:12:46,406 who has a very similar speech impediment. 256 00:12:46,406 --> 00:12:49,321 He can't say words properly that have the letter R. 257 00:12:49,321 --> 00:12:51,561 She has this speech impediment. 258 00:12:51,561 --> 00:12:53,777 Without really interacting with the actress, 259 00:12:53,777 --> 00:12:55,471 Casanova turns on his heels, 260 00:12:55,471 --> 00:12:57,991 goes home and does a mysterious thing. 261 00:12:57,991 --> 00:13:01,888 He spends the next three days and nights writing a play. 262 00:13:01,888 --> 00:13:05,383 And this play has a very special feature. 263 00:13:05,383 --> 00:13:08,243 It has no words in it with the letter R. 264 00:13:08,669 --> 00:13:11,379 Three days and nights later, he returns to the bar, 265 00:13:11,379 --> 00:13:13,388 presents the play to the actress, 266 00:13:13,388 --> 00:13:15,793 and the seduction is successful. 267 00:13:15,793 --> 00:13:18,831 But here is my pop quiz psychology question for you, 268 00:13:18,831 --> 00:13:21,633 you see, what Casanova could've done, 269 00:13:21,633 --> 00:13:23,117 he could have said 270 00:13:23,117 --> 00:13:26,377 'I can't help noticing you've got a bit of a speech impediment there. 271 00:13:26,377 --> 00:13:27,637 Tell you what, 272 00:13:27,637 --> 00:13:31,518 I'll pay for elocution lessons, I'll buy you speech therapy.' 273 00:13:32,028 --> 00:13:33,858 No one can deny that speech therapy 274 00:13:33,858 --> 00:13:36,608 is more pragmatically helpful to the poor actress 275 00:13:36,608 --> 00:13:40,358 than a play that has no words in it with the letter R. 276 00:13:40,358 --> 00:13:43,962 However, it's the play that's the seductive move. 277 00:13:43,962 --> 00:13:47,493 It's the play that's sexy. Why is that? 278 00:13:47,493 --> 00:13:49,339 Well, let's look at between the lines. 279 00:13:49,339 --> 00:13:52,708 What you are really saying when you offer someone speech therapy is, 280 00:13:52,708 --> 00:13:54,088 what you are saying is, 281 00:13:54,088 --> 00:13:57,453 'There is something wrong with you, it needs fixing. 282 00:13:57,453 --> 00:14:00,993 After it's fixed, then I'll have a relationship with you.' 283 00:14:00,993 --> 00:14:02,957 That's not a very sexy message. 284 00:14:03,829 --> 00:14:05,019 But, guess what? 285 00:14:05,019 --> 00:14:08,299 It's kind of what we're saying to a lot of people, a lot of the time. 286 00:14:08,299 --> 00:14:11,381 What does the play with no words with the letter R say? 287 00:14:11,381 --> 00:14:16,240 What it says is, 'Don't change a thing! You're perfect as you are. 288 00:14:16,240 --> 00:14:22,371 And my job is to help the world recognise the perfection that I see.' 289 00:14:22,371 --> 00:14:24,301 That's a sexy message! 290 00:14:24,751 --> 00:14:26,648 The other thing the play does is this. 291 00:14:26,648 --> 00:14:28,147 It's terrifically specific, 292 00:14:28,147 --> 00:14:31,831 the actress knows that Casanova is interested specifically in her. 293 00:14:31,831 --> 00:14:35,143 A lot of young men going on a date, nip into the petrol station 294 00:14:35,143 --> 00:14:37,153 because they've left at the last minute, 295 00:14:37,153 --> 00:14:38,700 buy some petrol station flowers, 296 00:14:38,700 --> 00:14:41,999 present the petrol station flowers to their date with a grand gesture, 297 00:14:41,999 --> 00:14:45,359 and are somewhat perplexed that the date is less than overwhelmed 298 00:14:45,359 --> 00:14:47,880 with the presentation of petrol station flowers. 299 00:14:48,341 --> 00:14:52,350 You see, you can't go to a petrol station and buy a play off the self 300 00:14:52,350 --> 00:14:55,420 that has no words in it with the letter R. 301 00:14:55,420 --> 00:14:59,432 The actress knows that Casanova was interested in her and no one else. 302 00:14:59,432 --> 00:15:00,652 It's specific. 303 00:15:01,133 --> 00:15:04,723 But here is the final point and the most profound message 304 00:15:04,723 --> 00:15:07,315 in terms of the psychology of seduction. 305 00:15:07,315 --> 00:15:09,667 What Casanova has done brilliantly 306 00:15:09,667 --> 00:15:12,374 is, and here is the key catchphrase you need to remember: 307 00:15:12,374 --> 00:15:14,788 he's filled the unmet need. 308 00:15:14,788 --> 00:15:19,773 The actress has an unmet need for parts that have no words with the letter R, 309 00:15:19,773 --> 00:15:22,993 and Casanova diagnoses the unmet need, 310 00:15:22,993 --> 00:15:26,791 and meets it more completely than it's ever been met before. 311 00:15:26,791 --> 00:15:29,959 If you find someone's unmet need 312 00:15:29,959 --> 00:15:32,832 and fill it in a way it's never been filled before, 313 00:15:32,832 --> 00:15:35,965 you will be successful in seducing them. 314 00:15:35,965 --> 00:15:39,155 So your mission is a two-pronged attack. 315 00:15:39,155 --> 00:15:41,268 You've got to find out the unmet need, 316 00:15:41,268 --> 00:15:44,577 and then you have to fill it in a way that's never been filled before. 317 00:15:44,577 --> 00:15:47,287 I can sense immediately that you have a lot of questions. 318 00:15:47,287 --> 00:15:49,879 'How do we find out the unmet need? How do we fill it?' 319 00:15:49,879 --> 00:15:51,754 And I apologize I've I run out of time, 320 00:15:51,754 --> 00:15:54,524 so I won't be able to answer those questions. 321 00:15:54,540 --> 00:15:58,282 But ... is it possible that leaving you wanting more 322 00:15:58,282 --> 00:16:00,138 is a kind of seduction? 323 00:16:00,138 --> 00:16:01,467 Thank you very much. 324 00:16:01,467 --> 00:16:04,507 (Applauses) (Cheers)