Secrets of The Human Brain (Full Documentary)
0:03 - 0:06>> The human brain, one of the last great frontiers.
0:06 - 0:08>> The brain is the most complicated device we've
0:08 - 0:10found in the universe.
0:10 - 0:13>> We've learned more about it in the last five years
0:13 - 0:15than in the last five thousand years.
0:15 - 0:17
0:17 - 0:19>> In the last few years we've come out of the
0:19 - 0:20Stone Age.
0:20 - 0:22>> For the first time, we're actually seeing what
0:22 - 0:24goes on in the brain during sex.
0:24 - 0:27>> Everybody knows sex is between the ears
0:27 - 0:29so there must be something very strong happening
0:29 - 0:29in the brain.
0:29 - 0:31
0:31 - 0:33>> What makes some brains evil.
0:33 - 0:36>> I wrote a list of things to do: Clean room,
0:36 - 0:38stop seeing girls, stop killing.
0:38 - 0:39
0:39 - 0:42>> And is there really such a thing as ESP?
0:42 - 0:44
0:44 - 0:45Technology is finally unlocking
0:45 - 0:47the secrets of the brain.
0:47 - 0:51It's explaining why we behave the way we do.
0:51 - 0:53It's helping experts develop new methods
0:53 - 0:56and machines to boost our brain power.
0:56 - 1:00And it's revealing the untapped abilities we all have
1:00 - 1:02inside our heads.
1:02 - 1:15
1:15 - 1:18The brain controls every aspect of our lives.
1:18 - 1:21
1:21 - 1:25As humans have evolved, it's doubled in size.
1:25 - 1:27It weighs only three pounds but it consumes
1:27 - 1:3120 percent of all the fuel our bodies take in.
1:31 - 1:33Generating enough energy
1:33 - 1:35to keep a light bulb burning.
1:35 - 1:36
1:36 - 1:39>> You have to consider the brain having evolved
1:39 - 1:40like an old house.
1:40 - 1:42Where we've just added different rooms
1:42 - 1:44so there's all these stairways and connections.
1:46 - 1:48>> In the basement is the oldest part called
1:48 - 1:49the brain stem.
1:49 - 1:51It is something we share with reptiles
1:51 - 1:53and other mammals.
1:53 - 1:55It's what keeps us alive.
1:55 - 1:56Governing vital functions like
1:56 - 1:59heart rate, respiration, digestion
1:59 - 2:01and blood pressure.
2:01 - 2:02Things that happen without having to
2:02 - 2:04think about them.
2:04 - 2:08The next level up, the first floor,
2:08 - 2:10more evolved.
2:10 - 2:12Hundreds of thousands of years later
2:12 - 2:14it is called the Limbic System.
2:14 - 2:16
2:16 - 2:18This is very important in the processing
2:18 - 2:19of emotions.
2:19 - 2:21
2:21 - 2:24>> Within the Limbic System are the amygdala -
2:24 - 2:28two nuggets of tissue, one in each half of the brain.
2:28 - 2:30They are no bigger than a fingernail yet they are
2:30 - 2:33the brain's central command center for our
2:33 - 2:34emotional reactions.
2:34 - 2:36
2:36 - 2:39One of the simplest and strongest of these is fear,
2:39 - 2:42a primal emotion we all share.
2:42 - 2:45>> If you had to pick one brain region that was
2:45 - 2:47most important in fear, it would be the amygdala.
2:47 - 2:49
2:49 - 2:51>> There's no better place to explore how fear
2:51 - 2:53affects the brain than here at the
2:53 - 2:56Navy Seals Special Warfare Command
2:56 - 2:58in San Diego, California.
2:59 - 3:01Recruits are put through specialized training
3:01 - 3:04to change the way their brains react to fear.
3:04 - 3:12
3:12 - 3:15>> We introduce our students almost from day one
3:15 - 3:16to absolute chaos.
3:16 - 3:19
3:19 - 3:22And they will struggle.
3:22 - 3:27When you look at historic mistakes on the battlefield,
3:27 - 3:31they're almost always associated with fear
3:31 - 3:32or with panic.
3:32 - 3:36So, the capacity to control these impulses
3:36 - 3:37is extremely important.
3:37 - 3:38
3:38 - 3:41>> Out of 140 candidates who start each class,
3:41 - 3:46on average only 36 make the final cut.
3:46 - 3:48Successful recruits seem better able to adapt
3:48 - 3:50their brains to the demands of the job.
3:50 - 3:53
3:53 - 3:56>> It's not really necessarily the physical people
3:56 - 3:58who get through there.
3:58 - 3:59There have been Olympic athletes
3:59 - 4:01who have drop out of training
4:01 - 4:04and there's this 140 pound farm kid from Nebraska
4:04 - 4:05who had never seen the ocean before
4:05 - 4:07and he graduated.
4:07 - 4:08Why is that?
4:08 - 4:09
4:09 - 4:10>> To answer that question,
4:10 - 4:13the Navy turned to neuroscience.
4:13 - 4:15
4:15 - 4:17When confronted with fear,
4:17 - 4:19it's the amygdala that responds to information
4:19 - 4:22from our senses and instinctively presses the
4:22 - 4:24body's panic button.
4:24 - 4:27
4:27 - 4:28>> The amygdala is actually one of the most
4:28 - 4:31interconnected regions of the brain.
4:31 - 4:33So it actually will both send signals to
4:33 - 4:36parts of the brain stem that now illicit a range
4:36 - 4:39of bodily responses as you start to sweat,
4:39 - 4:43your heart races, you might freeze for a while,
4:43 - 4:44you might run away.
4:46 - 4:49>> This exercise known as the Hooded Box Drill
4:49 - 4:51is part of the Close Quarters Defense System
4:51 - 4:53and is one of the ways the U.S. Navy conditions
4:53 - 4:56its recruits to control these amygdala signals.
4:56 - 4:58
4:58 - 5:01>> Our students are deaf and blind.
5:01 - 5:06Our instructors will set up a scenario.
5:07 - 5:10And then the hood comes off and the student
5:10 - 5:12has to respond.
5:12 - 5:14>> Well, when you're under that hood you have just
5:14 - 5:16a moment to gather your thoughts and think of
5:16 - 5:18scenarios that could come your way.
5:19 - 5:22>> Sometimes the correct response is swift and lethal.
5:22 - 5:26
5:26 - 5:28Sometimes it's nonviolent.
5:28 - 5:36
5:36 - 5:39>> It's supposed to simulate those quick snapshot
5:39 - 5:43situations, those high risk situations that just
5:43 - 5:44happen in an instant.
5:44 - 5:55
5:55 - 5:57>> They're trying to introduce you to the fact
5:57 - 6:02that panic is going to be less and less an option
6:02 - 6:03throughout your career.
6:03 - 6:10
6:10 - 6:12>> So, the right way to do training is to
6:12 - 6:16expose people to scary situations where they can
6:16 - 6:18get used to them and know how to react
6:18 - 6:19when they're confronted with it.
6:19 - 6:20
6:20 - 6:23>> Through constant exposure to fearful situations,
6:23 - 6:26recruits learn to suppress fear
6:26 - 6:28that could otherwise make them react the wrong way
6:28 - 6:29and get them killed.
6:30 - 6:32But how do their brains do that?
6:32 - 6:34
6:34 - 6:37What scientists discovered is that as humans
6:37 - 6:40evolved, another part of the brain called
6:40 - 6:44the Cortex, also become involved in processing fear.
6:44 - 6:46>> The part that makes us most human
6:46 - 6:48about the brain is our frontal cortex.
6:48 - 6:51>> If the amygdala is the first floor,
6:51 - 6:54the cortex is the second floor of the brain.
6:55 - 6:58It's the brain's thin, wrinkly outer layer that's
6:58 - 7:00divided into four sets of lobes.
7:00 - 7:02>> If you unfolded the cortex of a monkey,
7:02 - 7:04it would be about the size of the piece of paper.
7:04 - 7:07If you unfolded our cortex, it is about four sheets
7:07 - 7:10of paper - large - and the reason it is wrinkly is
7:10 - 7:11because you have to squish that all inside
7:11 - 7:13of the skull.
7:13 - 7:15>> The Frontal Lobes comprise the area just above
7:15 - 7:18our eyes and these are the newest rooms
7:18 - 7:19of the brain.
7:19 - 7:20
7:20 - 7:22As humans evolved, the frontal lobes became the
7:22 - 7:24place where conscious rational thought
7:24 - 7:26is processed.
7:26 - 7:28It's where we do our problem solving.
7:28 - 7:30>> The frontal lobes are so interesting
7:30 - 7:35because they're really the conductor of the brain.
7:35 - 7:39They synchronize all activity.
7:39 - 7:41>> Scientists made a major breakthrough
7:41 - 7:43in fear research when they found that information
7:43 - 7:46from our senses reaches the amygdala almost
7:46 - 7:49twice as fast as it takes to get to our frontal lobes.
7:49 - 7:50
7:50 - 7:53The speed of the different brain signals means
7:53 - 7:56unless we instinctively know how to react
7:56 - 7:58to a potential threat, we may freeze in fear
7:58 - 8:01waiting for the frontal lobes to catch up
8:01 - 8:03to figure out the right response.
8:03 - 8:05>> Part of what happens with fear and panic is
8:05 - 8:08the unknown, is the not knowing what to do next
8:08 - 8:09and so your brain essentially freezes
8:09 - 8:11the way a deer freezes in a headlight.
8:11 - 8:13>> So, the amygdala may get very fast signals
8:13 - 8:16about fear but sometimes they're wrong
8:16 - 8:18and quickly the situation may say to you,
8:18 - 8:21no it's not a fear situation and you're not afraid.
8:21 - 8:23So, these very quick amygdala signals that you get
8:23 - 8:27can be controlled in sort of a top down way.
8:27 - 8:29>> This is where the Navy's training comes in.
8:29 - 8:32It teaches recruits to minimize that delay by
8:32 - 8:35generating fast, accurate reactions to situations.
8:35 - 8:48
8:48 - 8:50With demand for special forces increasing,
8:50 - 8:52the Navy continues to develop
8:52 - 8:55brain training techniques to see if they can
8:55 - 8:58improve the pass rate.
8:58 - 9:00But there are some fears that scientists
9:00 - 9:03believe are pre-programmed into our brains,
9:03 - 9:06primal fears or super fears that few
9:06 - 9:08people can overcome.
9:08 - 9:10The Navy makes its trainees tackle these
9:10 - 9:12head on.
9:12 - 9:14It's why their most dreaded exercise happens
9:14 - 9:15under water.
9:15 - 9:16
9:16 - 9:19As recruits face the fear of drowning.
9:19 - 9:21>> There's almost nothing more scary
9:21 - 9:23than not being able to breathe.
9:23 - 9:30
9:30 - 9:32>> We are learning more now about the brain
9:32 - 9:35than at any other time in history.
9:35 - 9:38How it's put together and how it operates.
9:39 - 9:41Breakthroughs in brain science are helping
9:41 - 9:44the Navy to rethink how they train Seal recruits.
9:44 - 9:49
9:49 - 9:51Specialized exercises can improve their brains'
9:51 - 9:54reactions in fearful combat situations.
9:54 - 9:55
9:55 - 9:57But the candidates need something more to cope
9:57 - 9:59with a super fear like drowning.
9:59 - 10:04
10:04 - 10:06Experts believe evolution has hard-wired
10:06 - 10:10our brains to dread being trapped under water.
10:10 - 10:13As a result, it's almost impossible to control
10:13 - 10:16the brain's overwhelming impulse to surface for air.
10:16 - 10:19
10:19 - 10:22And it is why recruits struggle so much to pass
10:22 - 10:24the Underwater Pool Competency Test.
10:24 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:33>> Pool Comp is a very important milestone
10:33 - 10:34in their career here.
10:34 - 10:37They're being tested how they can deal with
10:37 - 10:38fear under water.
10:38 - 10:40And there is controlled harassment,
10:40 - 10:42planned harassment projected at them
10:42 - 10:45under water and we see how they can cope with that.
10:45 - 10:48>> Students must spend up to 20 minutes under water
10:48 - 10:50enduring repeated attacks on their breathing
10:50 - 10:52equipment by an instructor.
10:52 - 10:55Half of the time they are without air.
10:55 - 10:57>> Their air is shut off,
10:57 - 11:00their breathing hoses are wrapped around in
11:00 - 11:03difficult positions and they need to respond
11:03 - 11:06to those problems with a series
11:06 - 11:08of emergency procedures.
11:09 - 11:12>> Step by step instructions for untangling their gear
11:12 - 11:15are drilled into the recruits' heads beforehand.
11:15 - 11:18They must follow these to the letter.
11:18 - 11:18
11:18 - 11:21But putting theory into practice isn't easy.
11:21 - 11:25
11:25 - 11:27>> You go down to the bottom and the instructors
11:27 - 11:28they come down and will start attacking you,
11:28 - 11:30taking your mask off,
11:30 - 11:31just creating all this stress
11:31 - 11:33and the more the stress builds up,
11:33 - 11:34they want to see how you'll handle it.
11:35 - 11:37>> As the trainee begins running out of air,
11:37 - 11:39his brain's amygdala pushes the panic button
11:39 - 11:42that urges him to surface.
11:42 - 11:45His frontal lobes must win this battle in the brain
11:45 - 11:47if he is to stay in control.
11:47 - 11:48>> Physically it is very challenging.
11:48 - 11:50You have to hold your breath for longer than
11:50 - 11:51you normally would.
11:51 - 11:53The instructors just take you kind of to that
11:53 - 11:55breaking point to see how you'll respond.
11:56 - 11:58>> No sooner has the candidate untied one set of
11:58 - 12:01knots then his instructor is back attacking
12:01 - 12:03him again and again.
12:03 - 12:05>> The more the stress builds up they want to see
12:05 - 12:06how you'll handle it.
12:06 - 12:07Will you want to go to the surface and get air,
12:07 - 12:08which you want to do,
12:08 - 12:10or will you take the little air you have
12:10 - 12:12and all the problems and solve them and do
12:12 - 12:14what's necessary to pass the test?
12:14 - 12:16>> More Seals fail Pool Comp
12:16 - 12:19at this stage in their training than anything else.
12:19 - 12:21The Navy wanted to know what was going on
12:21 - 12:24inside their recruits' heads to cause this.
12:25 - 12:26>> And there's almost nothing more scary
12:26 - 12:28than not being able to breathe.
12:28 - 12:31That creates a tremendous stress response.
12:31 - 12:33You have this huge release of stress hormones
12:33 - 12:35that make controlling things with thought
12:35 - 12:37more difficult.
12:37 - 12:39
12:39 - 12:41>> Under normal conditions, the brain communicates
12:41 - 12:45with the body using minute electrical signals.
12:45 - 12:47The brain sends out electrical impulses
12:47 - 12:50from its nerve cells to others that travel at over
12:50 - 12:52270 miles per hour.
12:54 - 12:56This is one way your brain can tell your body
12:56 - 12:58to do something.
12:58 - 12:59
12:59 - 13:01But under extreme duress,
13:01 - 13:03the brain releases chemical hormones.
13:04 - 13:06The part of the brain that senses fear,
13:06 - 13:07the amygdala,
13:07 - 13:09triggers a chain reaction that sends
13:09 - 13:12adrenaline and cortisol hormones
13:12 - 13:14into the body's blood stream.
13:14 - 13:16These stress hormones act as a SWAT team,
13:16 - 13:19quickly preparing the body for action.
13:19 - 13:21They increase breathing, heart rate,
13:21 - 13:23and blood pressure.
13:23 - 13:25Senses become keener,
13:25 - 13:27memory sharper,
13:27 - 13:29and the body becomes less sensitive to pain.
13:29 - 13:30
13:30 - 13:32But even in this heightened state of alertness,
13:32 - 13:36Pool Comp is still too challenging for many trainees.
13:36 - 13:38
13:38 - 13:40>> Your mind is going everywhere and you're seeing
13:40 - 13:41your friends swim up from up the water -
13:41 - 13:43they've passed or they've failed.
13:43 - 13:44And you're kind of sizing yourself up
13:44 - 13:46saying, well he failed can I pass?
13:46 - 13:47And vice versa.
13:47 - 13:49So, your mind goes everywhere and it is key
13:49 - 13:51just to stay focused on what you have to do.
13:52 - 13:55>> Eventually, the student completes the series of tasks
13:55 - 13:58and can touch the bottom and then surface
13:58 - 13:59to learn from the instructor
13:59 - 14:01whether he's passed the test.
14:01 - 14:07
14:07 - 14:09>> I feel fine!
14:09 - 14:11>> Few Seal candidates succeed at Pool Comp
14:11 - 14:12the first time.
14:12 - 14:14They get four attempts and there's more
14:14 - 14:16at stake with each try.
14:17 - 14:21>> The most common reason for failing Pool Comp
14:21 - 14:26is panic, losing composure under water.
14:26 - 14:28Some of our students, that's it,
14:28 - 14:32we will performance drop them from training.
14:33 - 14:35>> The Navy wanted to help borderline
14:35 - 14:37candidates who had the potential to pass
14:37 - 14:39these crucial phases in training.
14:39 - 14:42
14:42 - 14:43After consulting with experts,
14:43 - 14:45they came up with a ground-breaking
14:45 - 14:47mental toughness program.
14:47 - 14:49A set of techniques to boost the trainees'
14:49 - 14:51ability to control fear.
14:51 - 14:52
14:52 - 14:55Even in the most extreme situations.
14:55 - 14:56
14:56 - 14:58>> You guys need to stay fired up while
14:58 - 14:59you're out there.
14:59 - 15:01The pain, the cold, and all that stuff
15:01 - 15:02it's going to eat away at you
15:02 - 15:04but you got to keep going.
15:04 - 15:05>> The techniques that we're most interested in
15:05 - 15:07are what I call the Big Four:
15:07 - 15:08Goal Setting,
15:08 - 15:09Mental Rehearsal,
15:09 - 15:10Self Talk,
15:10 - 15:11and Arousal Control.
15:11 - 15:14
15:14 - 15:16>> Scientists think goal setting works by
15:16 - 15:18assisting the frontal lobes.
15:18 - 15:21As the brain's supervisor, the frontal lobes
15:21 - 15:23are responsible for reasoning and planning.
15:23 - 15:24
15:24 - 15:26Concentrating on specific goals,
15:26 - 15:29let's the brain bring structure to chaos
15:29 - 15:31and keeps the amygdala, the emotional center
15:31 - 15:33of the brain, in check.
15:33 - 15:40
15:40 - 15:41>> I got up every morning and I said,
15:41 - 15:43I'm going to make it to breakfast.
15:43 - 15:44And then at breakfast I said,
15:44 - 15:46OK, I'm going to make it to lunch.
15:46 - 15:48And then I'm going to make it through
15:48 - 15:49the run this afternoon.
15:49 - 15:54And then you take it in these little sort of chunks.
15:55 - 15:57>> The second technique, Mental Rehearsal,
15:57 - 15:59or Visualization,
15:59 - 16:01is continually running through
16:01 - 16:02an activity in your mind.
16:02 - 16:05So when you try it for real, it comes more naturally.
16:05 - 16:08
16:11 - 16:14>> If you practice in your mind first
16:14 - 16:16and imagine and rehearse how you might do
16:16 - 16:17in these stressful situations,
16:17 - 16:19the next time in reality you're faced with
16:19 - 16:21these situations is actually in effect,
16:21 - 16:24the second time you've faced it so you'll have
16:24 - 16:26less of a stressful reaction.
16:26 - 16:27
16:27 - 16:29>> The third technique, Self Talk,
16:29 - 16:31helps focus the trainees' thoughts.
16:32 - 16:35The average person speaks to themselves at a
16:35 - 16:38rate of 300 to 1000 words a minute.
16:38 - 16:41
16:41 - 16:44If these words are positive instead of negative,
16:44 - 16:47'can do' instead of 'can't',
16:47 - 16:49they help override the fear signal
16:49 - 16:51coming from the amygdala.
16:52 - 16:55>> The frontal lobes are always on so it is very easy
16:55 - 16:58to think about something difficult, something bad,
16:58 - 17:01like I'm going to fail, what am I doing here?
17:01 - 17:03I didn't practice enough.
17:03 - 17:05What you're trying to do is you're trying to replace
17:05 - 17:07those bad thoughts with good thoughts.
17:07 - 17:09
17:12 - 17:15>> The final technique, Arousal Control,
17:15 - 17:17is centered on breathing.
17:17 - 17:20Deliberate slow breathing helps combat some of the
17:20 - 17:21effects of panic.
17:23 - 17:26Long exhales in particular, mimic the body's
17:26 - 17:28relaxation process and get more oxygen to the
17:28 - 17:30brain so it can perform better.
17:30 - 17:32
17:32 - 17:34>> Breathing is a great focusing strategy
17:34 - 17:37but you can only do it so much because
17:37 - 17:39in a response to fear,
17:39 - 17:41your brain will get jacked up.
17:41 - 17:44
17:44 - 17:47>> On it's own, arousal control wouldn't work.
17:47 - 17:49The amygdala sends out such a powerful signal
17:49 - 17:53it's tough to suppress if we're still feeling fearful
17:53 - 17:56but combing the four techniques
17:56 - 17:58made a big difference to the trainee Seals
17:58 - 18:00pass rate, increasing it from a quarter
18:00 - 18:01to a third.
18:01 - 18:04The idea of pushing boundaries may not be new
18:04 - 18:07but here is positive proof that you can train
18:07 - 18:10your brain and now science knows how.
18:10 - 18:15
18:15 - 18:17>> It goes back to a lot of much earlier sort of
18:17 - 18:20warrior traditions where you're sort of transcending
18:20 - 18:24whatever it is you thought your limitations were.
18:24 - 18:26
18:26 - 18:28>> I am a different person, actually.
18:28 - 18:30Your confidence goes through the roof.
18:30 - 18:33You see things and do things that you wouldn't
18:33 - 18:34have imagined before.
18:34 - 18:37>> But it's not just the battlefield where brain science
18:37 - 18:39is having a big impact.
18:39 - 18:42It's also unlocking some tantalizing secrets about
18:42 - 18:45what happens in the bedroom.
18:45 - 18:47>> Everybody knows sex is between the ears
18:47 - 18:50and we wanted to find out what is really going on.
18:50 - 18:56
18:56 - 18:58>> While the brain has evolved a fear response
18:58 - 19:00to keep us out of danger,
19:00 - 19:04it is also equipped with a strong sexual impulse
19:04 - 19:07to ensure the survival of the species.
19:07 - 19:10>> Having an orgasm is one of the most powerful
19:10 - 19:13human experiences so begin to creep into the mind
19:13 - 19:16and find out exactly how the brain is producing
19:16 - 19:20this overwhelming ecstasy is exciting.
19:20 - 19:22>> In the Netherlands neuroscientist,
19:22 - 19:24Dr. Gert Holstege,
19:24 - 19:28is blazing a trail in sex research by revealing
19:28 - 19:31for the first time what happens in the brains
19:31 - 19:33of men and women during orgasm.
19:33 - 19:34
19:34 - 19:35>> 15 years ago it was not possible
19:35 - 19:38but now with newer imaging techniques,
19:38 - 19:41it is very well possible to see what's happening.
19:41 - 19:44>> To find out, he needs volunteer couples.
19:44 - 19:46The man or woman agrees to be injected
19:46 - 19:49with a radioactive oxygen tracer and then stimulated
19:49 - 19:51to orgasm by their partner.
19:53 - 19:55While this happens, they lie with their head
19:55 - 19:58in a 3D imaging machine called a PET scanner.
19:58 - 20:02
20:02 - 20:05>> The PET scanner is measured in only blood flow.
20:05 - 20:08It is measuring the amount blood going to different
20:08 - 20:10parts of the brain.
20:11 - 20:14>> The brain has many miles of blood vessels.
20:14 - 20:16When nerve cells are busy firing,
20:16 - 20:18they need lots of energy-laden
20:18 - 20:20and oxygen-rich blood.
20:20 - 20:23When they're not, they need very little.
20:23 - 20:24
20:24 - 20:28>> So you see what brain regions take part
20:28 - 20:31in this whole thing of ejaculation or orgasm.
20:31 - 20:34
20:34 - 20:36>> Aside from the obvious challenge
20:36 - 20:39facing the volunteers to reach orgasm in a laboratory
20:39 - 20:42setting, there is a time constraint, too.
20:43 - 20:46The oxygen tracer has a half-life of just two minutes.
20:46 - 20:48
20:48 - 20:50>> I think would be tough to have an orgasm
20:50 - 20:51under these circumstances,
20:51 - 20:53under any of these circumstances.
20:53 - 20:55Everywhere in the world we have the vast majority
20:55 - 20:59of our sex in private unlike almost all other animals.
20:59 - 21:00
21:00 - 21:03>> Fortunately, 11 men and 13 women did manage
21:03 - 21:06to get the timing just right.
21:06 - 21:08And what this ground-breaking experiment
21:08 - 21:11revealed was a startling difference between
21:11 - 21:14male and female brain activity during sex.
21:14 - 21:16>> The outcome was very surprising.
21:16 - 21:20When you look at the male brain during ejaculation
21:20 - 21:24or orgasm then you see several parts activate.
21:25 - 21:28>> During male orgasm, blood gushes to the top
21:28 - 21:29of the brain stem.
21:30 - 21:32As well as being one of the oldest parts
21:32 - 21:34of the human brain, it's the area that controls
21:34 - 21:37the release of dopamine across the brain.
21:37 - 21:39Dopamine is a type of hormone
21:39 - 21:41called a neurotransmitter.
21:41 - 21:44Scientists know dopamine generates very strong
21:44 - 21:46feelings we associate with pleasure.
21:46 - 21:48
21:48 - 21:50>> What became clear is that the dopamine
21:50 - 21:53is released a little bit in advance of these things
21:53 - 21:56like food and sex and drugs.
21:56 - 21:58So it's not strictly speaking of a chemical
21:58 - 22:01of pleasure, it's a chemical of anticipation.
22:01 - 22:02
22:02 - 22:05>> So, you're getting a flood of dopamine.
22:05 - 22:07Dopamine is the same chemical that becomes
22:07 - 22:09active when you feel the rush of cocaine
22:09 - 22:11and the other stimulant drugs so it is an
22:11 - 22:15overwhelming experience of ecstasy and energy.
22:16 - 22:18>> The experiment showed that in men,
22:18 - 22:21blood was flowing away from areas of the brain
22:21 - 22:24that had to do with anxiety but other areas
22:24 - 22:25remained alert.
22:25 - 22:26
22:26 - 22:30>> In men, you will find deactivation of the amygdala
22:30 - 22:34and the region that has to do with anxiety
22:34 - 22:35or fear.
22:35 - 22:38>> It is not surprising that other parts of the brain
22:38 - 22:41become deactivated so that you don't feel
22:41 - 22:42anxious, you don't feel scared,
22:42 - 22:44you're not thinking about anything
22:44 - 22:45except the orgasm.
22:46 - 22:49>> Dr. Holstege found that women enjoy a similar
22:49 - 22:52dopamine experience to men but what surprises
22:52 - 22:55him the most is how much a woman's brain shuts
22:55 - 22:57down during orgasm.
22:57 - 22:59>> The deactivation was the most important finding.
22:59 - 23:03In women there was an enormous deactivation
23:03 - 23:06of all the centers of the brain that had to do with
23:06 - 23:09anxiety and fear, alertness.
23:09 - 23:12Apparently, women let it go.
23:12 - 23:15>> Women can even go unconscious during orgasm
23:15 - 23:17whereas men don't.
23:17 - 23:19Experts believe the difference between men and
23:19 - 23:22women may date back to prehistoric times
23:22 - 23:25when we were hunter-gatherers.
23:25 - 23:28>> This may have an evolutionary purpose.
23:28 - 23:30For millions of years we had our sex
23:30 - 23:32on the grasslands of Africa where there were
23:32 - 23:34dangerous animals roaming around.
23:34 - 23:37Somebody had to be alert enough to jump up
23:37 - 23:40and run or defend the group and it's logical that
23:40 - 23:41that would be men.
23:41 - 23:43So the female brain tends to shut down
23:43 - 23:45more than the male brain does.
23:45 - 23:48
23:48 - 23:49>> In a future set of tests,
23:49 - 23:52Dr. Holstege hopes to increase the time he can
23:52 - 23:55monitor what happens in our brains during sex.
23:55 - 23:56
23:56 - 23:58He's intrigued to see how rapidly the
23:58 - 24:01dopamine-induced feeling of euphoria drops away
24:01 - 24:03after orgasm.
24:03 - 24:05>> I still think that there will be big differences
24:05 - 24:08between men and women just before, during,
24:08 - 24:11and after orgasm.
24:11 - 24:13What exactly then is the difference in the brain?
24:13 - 24:15And that is what I want to know.
24:15 - 24:17
24:17 - 24:19>> Aside from sex, dopamine plays a major role
24:19 - 24:22in motivating our brains to do all kinds of things.
24:22 - 24:25Even something that seems the opposite of sex,
24:25 - 24:27not furthering life,
24:27 - 24:31
24:31 - 24:32but risking it.
24:32 - 24:38
24:38 - 24:41What is it about the pursuit of pleasure that would
24:41 - 24:43make these base jumpers in Moab, Utah
24:43 - 24:46want to throw themselves off of a cliff?
24:46 - 24:49>> Pretty much all the cliffs out here have a pretty
24:49 - 24:51high danger scale.
24:51 - 24:53On a one to ten, they're all about an eight.
24:53 - 24:56>> Mistakes can be fatal.
24:56 - 24:58
24:58 - 24:59>> When you run off a 500 foot rock,
24:59 - 25:01you've got about six seconds to live
25:01 - 25:02and is that extreme?
25:02 - 25:05Yeah, you're darned right that's extreme.
25:06 - 25:07>> And if this is the ultimate thrill for some
25:07 - 25:11people's brains, why not for everyone's?
25:11 - 25:14>> This thrill is just basically essential
25:14 - 25:16for us to be happy.
25:16 - 25:19To have that feeling alive inside of you
25:19 - 25:22so then life is worth it.
25:22 - 25:27
25:27 - 25:30>> Science tells us that as a base jumper is thinking
25:30 - 25:32about the jump their brain begins releasing
25:32 - 25:34dopamine.
25:34 - 25:36As with sex, dopamine plays the role of building
25:36 - 25:38anticipation.
25:38 - 25:39But unlike sex,
25:39 - 25:41the amygdala doesn't shut down.
25:41 - 25:44Instead, it is sending out fear signals.
25:44 - 25:46
25:46 - 25:48>> Before a jump I'll get the jitters and I will get
25:48 - 25:50nervous and palms might get sweaty,
25:50 - 25:52and a million thoughts race into my mind.
25:52 - 25:54
25:54 - 25:56>> Most of your mental preparation is,
25:56 - 25:59OK, what if my parachute opens backwards?
25:59 - 26:01What if I have a problem with one of my toggles?
26:01 - 26:04
26:04 - 26:06>> Even though the jumpers are focused on the jump
26:06 - 26:10itself, you know, what they might not realize
26:10 - 26:12is that the dopamine kick is happening all along
26:12 - 26:14during this process.
26:14 - 26:18
26:18 - 26:21>> Kresta Christensen is a newcomer to base jumping.
26:21 - 26:24>> I'm feeling excited.
26:24 - 26:26My heart is going a little bit faster
26:26 - 26:28because I know that the gear check means
26:28 - 26:30that it's getting a little bit closer.
26:30 - 26:32
26:32 - 26:33Three.
26:33 - 26:34Two.
26:34 - 26:34One.
26:34 - 26:35See ya.
26:35 - 26:37Ohh, I get so nervous!
26:37 - 26:38(laughing)
26:39 - 26:43It is unlike anything else that I've ever done.
26:43 - 26:45Especially for someone that's scared of heights.
26:46 - 26:49>> Kresta is nervous because her amygdala,
26:49 - 26:51where she harbors her fear of heights,
26:51 - 26:53is pressing the panic button at the site of a
26:53 - 26:55400 foot drop.
26:56 - 26:58>> Ahh! OK!
26:58 - 27:01
27:01 - 27:04>> It's about as physiologically aroused as a person
27:04 - 27:05can be.
27:05 - 27:08You've got the stress system going so you've got
27:08 - 27:12adrenaline being released, that gets the heart going.
27:12 - 27:14You've got hormones being released.
27:14 - 27:17You've got stress hormones like cortisol going.
27:17 - 27:19You've got neurotransmitters like dopamine
27:19 - 27:22being released in anticipation of the euphoria.
27:22 - 27:23
27:23 - 27:26But at the same time, Kresta's frontal lobes
27:26 - 27:27weigh in.
27:28 - 27:31Making her question if she is doing the right thing.
27:31 - 27:33
27:33 - 27:36The fear, the pleasure, the potential risks -
27:36 - 27:38all these competing signals get processed
27:38 - 27:42into action, experts believe, in the striatum,
27:42 - 27:43in the middle of the brain.
27:44 - 27:47>> And the striatum is kind of like a switching center.
27:47 - 27:49It is also the part of the brain that has the densest
27:49 - 27:52concentration of dopamine receptors.
27:52 - 27:54>> As Kresta's dopamine rush bombards her
27:54 - 27:57striatum, her motivation for pleasure
27:57 - 28:00battles the other impulses but will it be enough
28:00 - 28:02to make her jump?
28:07 - 28:10Inside the brain of a novice base jumper,
28:10 - 28:12there's a battle waging as she makes
28:12 - 28:14a life-threatening decision.
28:14 - 28:17Will Kresta risk everything for pleasure?
28:17 - 28:20>> And just launch? OK.
28:20 - 28:21(laughing)
28:21 - 28:23
28:23 - 28:24OK.
28:24 - 28:32
28:32 - 28:32OK.
28:42 - 28:45>> Clearly the decision to jump means that the
28:45 - 28:48anticipated reward has won the battle between
28:48 - 28:51the good outcome and the potentially bad outcome.
28:51 - 28:53If it was the other way around,
28:53 - 28:54they would back away from the cliff
28:54 - 28:55and call it a day.
28:59 - 29:00>> Ah, it was awesome!
29:00 - 29:01It was great!
29:01 - 29:03I'm ready to go up and do it again!
29:03 - 29:04Gotta back first, thought!
29:04 - 29:05(Laughing)
29:05 - 29:16
29:16 - 29:18>> No sooner have these jumpers survived
29:18 - 29:21one death wish then their getting ready for the next.
29:23 - 29:25They seem addicted to finding new locations
29:25 - 29:28with fresh dangers and more challenging conditions.
29:29 - 29:32Scientists say there's a reason for this.
29:32 - 29:33
29:33 - 29:35>> When we look at what happens in the brain,
29:35 - 29:38we see that on repeated exposures to pleasures
29:38 - 29:41whether it's food or drink, whatever, or sex even,
29:41 - 29:44that we see the dopamine response gets a little bit
29:44 - 29:45less each time.
29:45 - 29:48You get a little less bang for the buck.
29:49 - 29:50>> Which for thrill seekers means
29:50 - 29:53either doing an entirely new activity
29:53 - 29:55or taking bigger and bigger risks
29:55 - 29:57with the familiar one.
29:57 - 30:01>> Novelty is really big jolt for the dopamine system
30:01 - 30:04and so when we look at base jumping,
30:04 - 30:06it kind of mixes both of these things
30:06 - 30:08and really maximizes the pleasure response
30:08 - 30:11and that's what keeps it addictive.
30:11 - 30:13>> The base jumpers would appear to agree.
30:13 - 30:17>> By keeping things new and different,
30:17 - 30:19it keeps the excitement there.
30:20 - 30:22>> There's people who do it one time and decide
30:22 - 30:24that it's too risky to do it so they stop.
30:24 - 30:26Most people continue to do it and they'll
30:26 - 30:30do it at least once a week if not more than that.
30:31 - 30:34There's very few people who dabble in base jumping.
30:34 - 30:35Three, two, one!
30:35 - 30:36See ya!
30:40 - 30:42>> Scientists think we find danger seeking
30:42 - 30:44pleasurable because it's been necessary
30:44 - 30:45to our evolution.
30:46 - 30:48If humans didn't take risks, they say,
30:48 - 30:50we'd still be living in caves.
30:50 - 30:53But they're fascinated to know why some people
30:53 - 30:55will risk more than others.
30:55 - 30:56
30:56 - 30:59Even in an every day situation like a restaurant,
30:59 - 31:01there are some people who will always order
31:01 - 31:02the same thing.
31:03 - 31:05And others who will try a new dish each time
31:05 - 31:07and gamble on it tasting good.
31:07 - 31:11
31:11 - 31:14Experts at Emory University in Georgia
31:14 - 31:16wonder if some people's brains are preprogrammed
31:16 - 31:18to gamble or take bigger risks than others.
31:18 - 31:22
31:22 - 31:26They asked volunteers to play a gambling game.
31:26 - 31:29The object is to avoid receiving a shock to the foot.
31:29 - 31:30
31:30 - 31:32>> Oh, that one hurt.
31:32 - 31:35>> Each time they play, the volunteer must choose
31:35 - 31:36between two options.
31:37 - 31:41>> So, I'm gonna try the first option because
31:41 - 31:42I really don't want to get a shock.
31:42 - 31:44
31:44 - 31:45Ah!
31:46 - 31:48Got shocked that time.
31:48 - 31:49
31:49 - 31:52>> When this test is carried out in a scanner,
31:52 - 31:54Dr. Greg Burns can monitor brain activity
31:54 - 31:57to see how much dopamine is released before
31:57 - 31:58each decision.
31:58 - 31:59
31:59 - 32:02>> What we're seeing are traits that are probably
32:02 - 32:06genetically coded and people just have a biological
32:06 - 32:08tendency to release more or less dopamine
32:08 - 32:10in response to risk.
32:10 - 32:13>> And his experiment suggests people's brains
32:13 - 32:15are consistent in their decision making.
32:16 - 32:18He's even perfected a computer program
32:18 - 32:20to the point that it can predict which option
32:20 - 32:23people will choose before they make it.
32:23 - 32:26>> We can take a template of their brain response
32:26 - 32:28to these different gambles,
32:28 - 32:29we call it neural fingerprint,
32:29 - 32:31and put it into a computer algorithm
32:31 - 32:34and then predict with a high degree of accuracy
32:34 - 32:35what they'll choose.
32:36 - 32:37Although people are different,
32:37 - 32:39it seems like people do have a fingerprint
32:39 - 32:41for decision making.
32:41 - 32:43>> But Dr. Burns says we're a long way from
32:43 - 32:46predicting anything complicated.
32:46 - 32:49>> The great thing about neuroscience is that
32:49 - 32:51the deeper that we dig in terms of decision making,
32:51 - 32:53the more questions that come up.
32:54 - 32:56>> One of the being questions that scientists are
32:56 - 32:59studying is how particular personality types
32:59 - 33:01make moral decisions.
33:01 - 33:03New discoveries are offering clues
33:03 - 33:06to understanding why psychopathic brains
33:06 - 33:08let them do evil things.
33:08 - 33:08
33:08 - 33:11>> We all do something wrong once in a while.
33:11 - 33:13Most of the times when we do something wrong
33:13 - 33:16we not just know it but we feel it.
33:16 - 33:19We feel bad, we feel guilty,
33:19 - 33:22we feel remorse and it is the feeling of what's wrong
33:22 - 33:27that stops most of us from misbehaving in the future.
33:27 - 33:28
33:28 - 33:30>> But what happens when someone doesn't feel
33:30 - 33:32any guilt or remorse?
33:32 - 33:33
33:33 - 33:36And there's no battle happening in their brains
33:36 - 33:38to prevent them from committing, repeating,
33:38 - 33:40and even enjoying what are unspeakable
33:40 - 33:43acts of horror for the rest of us.
33:43 - 33:44
33:44 - 33:47Men like Ted Bundy who murdered at least
33:47 - 33:4835 women.
33:49 - 33:52Jeffrey Dahmer who tortured 17 men and boys
33:52 - 33:53to death.
33:54 - 33:58And Joel Rifkin who beat and strangled 17 women.
33:58 - 34:00
34:00 - 34:03Scientists are fascinated by these real life
34:03 - 34:04archetypes of evil.
34:05 - 34:08>> Ted Bundy was, if you will, the motivation that
34:08 - 34:10got me interested in this career.
34:10 - 34:12Ted Bundy actually grew up down the street.
34:12 - 34:14So when I was growing up I was hearing
34:14 - 34:16these stories of how he ended up like this,
34:16 - 34:17it just mystified everybody.
34:17 - 34:19>> Surprised? I don't know, I didn't know what to expect.
34:19 - 34:20I've never been in a jail before.
34:20 - 34:22I've never been arrested before.
34:22 - 34:25
34:25 - 34:27>> I just combined the two things I wanted to
34:27 - 34:28understand the most
34:28 - 34:29and one was how the brain works
34:29 - 34:31and how does it work in the people
34:31 - 34:33who do these bad things, in psychopaths?
34:33 - 34:35
34:35 - 34:37>> Research suggests as many as
34:37 - 34:40one person in 100 is a psychopath.
34:40 - 34:42Most are not the violent kind.
34:42 - 34:46Rarer still are those who turn into serial killers.
34:46 - 34:48But they all share common traits.
34:49 - 34:50>> Ted Bundy actually exemplified almost all of the
34:50 - 34:53characteristics of the psychopath.
34:53 - 34:54He was very glib and superficial.
34:54 - 34:56He was very charming.
34:56 - 34:56He convinced many people.
34:56 - 34:59He even got married in prison when he was older.
34:59 - 35:02>> No one imagined he was capable of being
35:02 - 35:03a cold-blooded killer.
35:04 - 35:06According to Dr. Kent Kiehl,
35:06 - 35:09the overriding characteristic of a psychopath
35:09 - 35:10is that they lack conscience.
35:12 - 35:13>> They often say, I just don't understand
35:13 - 35:15why there's such a big fuss about all of this.
35:15 - 35:18
35:18 - 35:21>> Bundy and Dahmer are dead but Joel Rifkin
35:21 - 35:24is still alive and behind bars in upstate New York.
35:25 - 35:28>> Did you feel guilty after any of these homicides?
35:28 - 35:32
35:32 - 35:33>> No, not really.
35:33 - 35:35Um.
35:37 - 35:39There were one or two maybe I felt bad about
35:39 - 35:42but, no not really guilty, guilty about it.
35:42 - 35:44
35:44 - 35:45I would have had to care.
35:45 - 35:46(Laughing)
35:46 - 35:48I didn't care then, that's the sad thing.
35:49 - 35:50>> What we really want to understand is why
35:50 - 35:52they don't ever appreciate why
35:52 - 35:54they're doing these bad things
35:54 - 35:56and how these things impact other people.
35:56 - 36:01
36:01 - 36:04>> Scientists hope that by looking inside the brains
36:04 - 36:07of psychopaths they might finally identify the
36:07 - 36:09reason for their twisted thoughts.
36:09 - 36:12>> Once upon a time Joel Rifkin was this innocent
36:12 - 36:17little baby with this beautiful smile on his face.
36:17 - 36:20He didn't have one sense of evil in him.
36:21 - 36:22Or did he?
36:22 - 36:30
36:30 - 36:33>> What makes some brains evil?
36:33 - 36:35The answer may lie in ground breaking
36:35 - 36:37experiments being carried out at
36:37 - 36:38New Mexico prisons.
36:38 - 36:41Scientists estimate one in 20 inmates
36:41 - 36:43has a personality disorder that could be
36:43 - 36:44psychopathic.
36:44 - 36:45
36:45 - 36:48So, there's no shortage of potential test subjects
36:48 - 36:51where Dr. Kiehl carries out his research.
36:51 - 36:54His aim is to develop new treatments
36:54 - 36:56but to do that he needs to find out what's
36:56 - 36:58different about their brains.
36:58 - 37:02>> The ideal goal is to be able to help us reduce
37:02 - 37:04the impact the disorder has not only on the individual
37:04 - 37:06but also on society.
37:06 - 37:09>> First he interviews the prisoners to identify
37:09 - 37:11those that exhibit psychopathic tendencies.
37:11 - 37:12
37:12 - 37:13>> So this is going to be an interview that we kind of
37:13 - 37:15cover different aspects of your life.
37:15 - 37:16So, we're going to start out with like school history,
37:16 - 37:18we'll talk about employment history,
37:18 - 37:20we talk about your family,
37:20 - 37:21we'll talk about criminal activity,
37:21 - 37:23things that you've done, things like that.
37:23 - 37:25>> Psychopaths have remarkably similar patterns
37:25 - 37:27of behavior.
37:27 - 37:27
37:27 - 37:29>> Did you ever get in trouble when you were a kid?
37:29 - 37:31>> All the time.
37:31 - 37:33>> They have an impulsive nomadic lifestyle.
37:33 - 37:35They move from place to place.
37:35 - 37:36Relationship to relationship.
37:36 - 37:38They're very sexually promiscuous.
37:38 - 37:39They tend to get themselves in trouble.
37:39 - 37:48
37:48 - 37:51>> Dr. Kiehl sends the prisoners he's diagnosed
37:51 - 37:53as psychopathic for brain scans.
37:54 - 37:57In the first test he wants to see how they react
37:57 - 37:58to making mistakes.
37:58 - 37:59
37:59 - 38:02>> I've scanned over 300 inmates so we've actually
38:02 - 38:04collected one of the largest brain imaging data
38:04 - 38:06sets in the world and by far and away the largest
38:06 - 38:08brain imaging data set that's ever been
38:08 - 38:10collected in psychopaths.
38:10 - 38:11
38:11 - 38:13>> All right, this is obviously the magnet.
38:13 - 38:15It doesn't sound like much now but it will get
38:15 - 38:16very, very loud.
38:16 - 38:20
38:20 - 38:22>> The scanner uses magnetic fields and radio
38:22 - 38:25energy to monitor blood flow in the brain while
38:25 - 38:27the inmate is thinking and reacting.
38:29 - 38:31>> During this test you are going to see a series of
38:31 - 38:32X's and K's on the screen.
38:32 - 38:34What I want you to do is press the first button
38:34 - 38:37with your first index finger whenever an X appears
38:37 - 38:38on the screen but do not press
38:38 - 38:40when a K appears on the screen.
38:40 - 38:41>> All right.
38:41 - 38:47
38:47 - 38:49>> The two letters flash by so quickly
38:49 - 38:52that the challenge is near impossible for anyone
38:52 - 38:53to get right.
38:53 - 38:53
38:53 - 38:55>> It is very difficult, people tend to make a lot
38:55 - 38:56of mistakes.
38:56 - 38:57They tend to press buttons when they're not
38:57 - 38:59supposed to and what we want to know is how does
38:59 - 39:01their brain learn to appreciate a mistake
39:01 - 39:04and does it recover from that mistake?
39:04 - 39:06>> By observing brain activity during this test,
39:06 - 39:09Dr. Kiehl can see that psychopaths don't care
39:09 - 39:11as much as normal individuals when they
39:11 - 39:12make a mistake.
39:12 - 39:15
39:15 - 39:17But that doesn't mean they're unintelligent.
39:19 - 39:22Serial killer, Joel Rifkin for example,
39:22 - 39:25has an IQ of 128 which places him in the
39:25 - 39:27top three percent of the population.
39:28 - 39:30>> What's really kind of dumbfounding is that
39:30 - 39:33they're above average intelligence compared
39:33 - 39:35to the rest of the inmate population.
39:35 - 39:36They're very hot headed and impulsive
39:36 - 39:38but they are very manipulative and conning.
39:38 - 39:40
39:40 - 39:43>> There were times I got pulled over with bodies
39:43 - 39:45in the vehicle and I would lie
39:45 - 39:47my way out of the situation.
39:47 - 39:50I was basically looking for a place to dump
39:50 - 39:52my little package and he's -
39:52 - 39:54why are you wandering around suburbia?
39:54 - 39:56And I'm like, well I'm lost how do I get on this road?
39:56 - 39:59I had no idea what road I was pointing to but
39:59 - 40:01I had the map and I was very convincing.
40:01 - 40:08
40:08 - 40:10>> In a second test, the New Mexico inmates
40:10 - 40:12are asked to rate photos on whether they are
40:12 - 40:14morally objectionable.
40:15 - 40:17>> A moral volition is an action or an attitude
40:17 - 40:19that is considered to be wrong.
40:19 - 40:21You should make your decision based on your own
40:21 - 40:23system of moral values not what you think
40:23 - 40:25others or society would consider to be wrong.
40:25 - 40:26Does that make sense so far?
40:26 - 40:27>> Yeah.
40:27 - 40:28>> OK.
40:28 - 40:31
40:31 - 40:33>> We're trying to understand how inmates
40:33 - 40:35process information that has a moral value.
40:35 - 40:37And there are different brain systems that we
40:37 - 40:39believe are deciding whether or not something
40:39 - 40:41is a moral violation or not and whether or not
40:41 - 40:43those systems have not developed normally
40:43 - 40:44in a psychopathic inmate.
40:45 - 40:47>> This pioneering research is proving what
40:47 - 40:49scientists have wondered for years.
40:49 - 40:49
40:49 - 40:52Whether psychopaths have an impaired ability
40:52 - 40:54to reason.
40:54 - 40:56What they found is that their frontal lobes,
40:56 - 40:58the brain's most recent addition,
40:58 - 41:00and the amygdala,
41:00 - 41:01one of the more primal parts of the brain,
41:01 - 41:03are not communicating properly.
41:03 - 41:04
41:04 - 41:06What's more, in a recent study,
41:06 - 41:08Dr. Adrain Raine found that the brains
41:08 - 41:11of psychopaths are physically different.
41:11 - 41:14He was able to show for the first time that they have
41:14 - 41:15a shrunken amygdala.
41:15 - 41:19On average, 17 percent smaller than most people's.
41:20 - 41:23And this is another crucial piece of the puzzle
41:23 - 41:25in understanding why psychopaths are not
41:25 - 41:27afraid to commit evil acts.
41:27 - 41:28
41:28 - 41:31>> Psychopaths know it's wrong to kill someone
41:32 - 41:33but why do they do it?
41:33 - 41:36They don't have the feeling of what's moral.
41:36 - 41:38I'm not going to stick a knife in you
41:38 - 41:40because I'll feel the pain myself.
41:40 - 41:42I'll experience the pain.
41:42 - 41:43I've got empathy.
41:43 - 41:45I can put myself into your shoes.
41:45 - 41:49
41:49 - 41:51Murderers like Joel Rifkin can't do that.
41:51 - 41:54He killed those prostitutes because he didn't
41:54 - 41:59care about what it might feel like to be strangled.
42:00 - 42:03>> How did you feel while you were strangling them?
42:03 - 42:06
42:06 - 42:09>> Uh, just intensely focused on that.
42:09 - 42:12
42:12 - 42:17And, uh, not thinking about much or much else.
42:18 - 42:20>> Rifkin committed so many murders he was bound
42:20 - 42:22to get caught eventually.
42:22 - 42:25But what about all those other psychopaths,
42:25 - 42:26that one in one hundred,
42:26 - 42:28why don't they end up in jail?
42:28 - 42:32
42:32 - 42:34Dr. Raine's research has pinpointed the difference
42:34 - 42:37in the brains of white collar psychopaths.
42:37 - 42:39The kind who think nothing of swindling people
42:39 - 42:41out of their life's savings.
42:41 - 42:42
42:42 - 42:44Yes, they have the smaller amygdala but it
42:44 - 42:46appears to communicate with their frontal lobes
42:46 - 42:47normally.
42:47 - 42:50
42:50 - 42:52They have less capacity for empathy but
42:52 - 42:56have the brainpower to be a good liar and a cheat.
42:56 - 42:58Successful psychopaths showed very good
42:58 - 43:00executive functions.
43:00 - 43:02Very good planning ability.
43:02 - 43:05Very good ability to regulate and control.
43:05 - 43:08They have good awareness of themselves.
43:08 - 43:10They have very good stress reactivity.
43:10 - 43:13And frankly, you need these executive functions
43:13 - 43:17to successfully con and manipulate individuals.
43:17 - 43:18
43:18 - 43:20With scientists now sure that psychopaths
43:20 - 43:24have impaired brains, it begs the question of
43:24 - 43:25when they go wrong?
43:25 - 43:29
43:29 - 43:31>> We believe that in large part the feeling
43:31 - 43:34of what's right and wrong is wired into the brain.
43:34 - 43:38The brain is set to be somewhat less moral
43:38 - 43:42or more moral depending on your genetic
43:42 - 43:45and your biological background.
43:45 - 43:47>> In other words, it's in our genes.
43:47 - 43:50And it's how our brain grows in the womb.
43:50 - 43:51But according to Dr. Raine,
43:51 - 43:53that's still only half the story.
43:54 - 43:56>> Of course you can't rule out the environment,
43:56 - 43:59that's 50 percent of the equation.
43:59 - 44:00It's like two sides of a coin,
44:00 - 44:03it's both genetic and environmental.
44:04 - 44:06>> If finding the location of good and evil
44:06 - 44:09in the brain has been a challenge for scientists,
44:09 - 44:11there is an even bigger mystery waiting
44:11 - 44:14to be unlocked - memory.
44:14 - 44:15Thanks to memory,
44:15 - 44:18the brain is constantly traveling through
44:18 - 44:20time, pulling fragments of the past
44:20 - 44:21into the present.
44:21 - 44:24This ability is key to a human's existence.
44:24 - 44:27>> The reason we have memory is so that you can
44:27 - 44:30make better decisions the next time around.
44:30 - 44:33So, all of your thinking and your future planning
44:33 - 44:35is dictated by your memory.
44:36 - 44:38>> While the workings of an organ like the heart
44:38 - 44:41are well understood, scientists are still figuring out
44:41 - 44:43memory in the brain.
44:43 - 44:46The big breakthrough came 80 years ago.
44:46 - 44:48
44:48 - 44:49>> So in the 1920's,
44:49 - 44:51a neuroscientist named Karl Lashley,
44:51 - 44:53taught rats to run a maze.
44:53 - 44:56And then he damaged parts of their brains
44:56 - 44:58selectively to see where the memory of how to
44:58 - 45:00run the maze was stored.
45:00 - 45:03Now what he found is that it is not stored
45:03 - 45:05in any particular place.
45:05 - 45:07And you have an extremely complicated,
45:07 - 45:08very networked system.
45:08 - 45:09
45:09 - 45:11>> The system is so complex in fact,
45:11 - 45:13the most advanced super computers don't
45:13 - 45:16even come close to the storage capacity of the brain.
45:16 - 45:17
45:17 - 45:2010 trillion bytes of memory.
45:20 - 45:22>> The brain is the most complicated device
45:22 - 45:24we've found in the universe.
45:24 - 45:28It has 10 billion cells just in the cortex
45:28 - 45:32which is the outer part and in a single tiny
45:32 - 45:34piece of cortex, a cubic millimeter,
45:34 - 45:36you have more connections than you have stars
45:36 - 45:39in the Milky Way Galaxy.
45:39 - 45:41>> All those connections make the brain capable
45:41 - 45:43of storing and retrieving massive amounts
45:43 - 45:45of data in some amazing ways.
45:45 - 45:46
45:46 - 45:48Perhaps none more incredible and extreme
45:48 - 45:51than what's called photographic memory or
45:51 - 45:52mnemonism.
45:52 - 45:54
45:54 - 45:56>> As we try to understand vision and memory
45:56 - 45:59in neuroscience, we're really fascinated by people
45:59 - 46:00who are mnemonists.
46:00 - 46:02They have a untaxable memory that can remember
46:02 - 46:04everything going in.
46:04 - 46:05
46:05 - 46:06>> British artist Stephen Wiltshire,
46:06 - 46:09has this extraordinary ability.
46:09 - 46:12He can remember complicated cityscapes
46:12 - 46:15and reproduce them in staggering detail.
46:15 - 46:18For his latest sketch, he's climbing to the top
46:18 - 46:21of Tower Bridge for a bird's eye view of London.
46:21 - 46:23
46:23 - 46:26He need only stay a few minutes since he claims
46:26 - 46:28his visual memory of the scene will never fade.
46:28 - 46:32
46:32 - 46:36>> I'm just looking at the buildings and skyscrapers.
46:36 - 46:39Usually I like to take about 20 minutes
46:39 - 46:41and then do it from memory.
46:42 - 46:44>> To appreciate how incredible Stephen's skill is,
46:44 - 46:47it helps to understand how vision works.
46:47 - 46:50
46:50 - 46:52Sight is processed at the back of the brain
46:52 - 46:55in the occipital lobes or visual cortex.
46:55 - 46:56
46:56 - 47:00Two eyes give a field of vision of about 200 degrees.
47:00 - 47:03They can detect 2.3 million different shades
47:03 - 47:05of color.
47:05 - 47:08And experts estimate they send 72 gigabytes
47:08 - 47:10of information to the brain every second.
47:10 - 47:12
47:12 - 47:15That's like 18,000 songs on an IPod.
47:15 - 47:17
47:17 - 47:19Back at his gallery, Stephen begins to draw
47:19 - 47:21what he saw.
47:21 - 47:23He's using several areas of his brain.
47:23 - 47:27His parietal lobes in particular are working to
47:27 - 47:28control his spacial manipulation
47:28 - 47:30and hand-eye coordination.
47:30 - 47:32
47:32 - 47:34Cross-checking his sketch with the view
47:34 - 47:37reveals just how uncannily accurate it is.
47:37 - 47:39
47:39 - 47:41In little more than an hour he's recreated
47:41 - 47:43the panorama.
47:43 - 47:46
47:46 - 47:49This picture will sell for $4,000.
47:49 - 47:51
47:51 - 47:55Stephen's talent is almost super human.
47:55 - 47:57But his skill comes at a cost.
47:57 - 47:59He is an autistic savant
47:59 - 48:01which means his brain has developed differently.
48:01 - 48:05>> Most of us don't have the capacities he does
48:05 - 48:08because our brains are doing 57 other things.
48:08 - 48:10We're thinking about our careers, our mortgages,
48:10 - 48:12our futures, and what we're doing at the
48:12 - 48:13grocery store later on, and so on,
48:13 - 48:16and as a result, the neural real estate
48:16 - 48:18is divided up among lots of different tasks.
48:18 - 48:21In a savant's brain, essentially all of that
48:21 - 48:23real estate is devoted towards one thing like
48:23 - 48:26solving that Rubik's Cube or playing the piano
48:26 - 48:28and as a result they have they deficits in
48:28 - 48:29other aspects of their life.
48:29 - 48:32For example, in their capacity to socialize.
48:32 - 48:33
48:33 - 48:35>> Geniuses like Leonardo Da Vinci,
48:35 - 48:39Mozart, and Monet all had incredible memories
48:39 - 48:41and there is speculation they may have been
48:41 - 48:42autistic, too.
48:42 - 48:47
48:47 - 48:50While some brains can remember nearly everything
48:50 - 48:52they see, other brains can barely remember
48:52 - 48:54anything at all.
48:54 - 48:56
48:56 - 48:58Welcome to the life of Clive Wearing,
48:58 - 49:01a man with the worst case of amnesia
49:01 - 49:02in the world.
49:02 - 49:04>> What were we doing before we sat on the bench?
49:04 - 49:05>> No idea.
49:05 - 49:13
49:13 - 49:16>> Well! Yay!
49:16 - 49:17
49:17 - 49:19Even though Clive Wearing has seen his wife,
49:19 - 49:20Deborah, numerous times today,
49:20 - 49:24every time he meets her, it's like he's seeing her
49:24 - 49:25for the first time.
49:25 - 49:26
49:26 - 49:30Clive has the worst case of amnesia in the world.
49:30 - 49:34His memory span is at most 30 seconds long.
49:34 - 49:36
49:36 - 49:37>> What were we doing before we sat on the bench?
49:37 - 49:39>> No idea.
49:40 - 49:42>> Do you know what this building is?
49:42 - 49:43>> No.
49:43 - 49:44>> Have you seen it before?
49:44 - 49:45>> No.
49:45 - 49:48>> He said to me it's like between before waking up
49:48 - 49:49and waking up.
49:49 - 49:51It's like the in-between stage,
49:51 - 49:53you haven't yet grasped where you are.
49:54 - 49:55What do you know?
49:55 - 49:56>> Nothing at all.
49:56 - 49:58>> Nothing?
49:58 - 49:59
49:59 - 50:01>> Never had a thought or a dream.
50:02 - 50:04Day and night the same.
50:04 - 50:05>> Day and night the same?
50:05 - 50:06>> Yeah, blank all the time.
50:06 - 50:10
50:10 - 50:12>> Clive was an acclaimed British conductor
50:12 - 50:14and musicologist until a viral infection
50:14 - 50:17developed into encephalitis in his brain.
50:18 - 50:20When the acute inflammation subsided,
50:20 - 50:23his brain had been severely damaged.
50:23 - 50:25
50:25 - 50:27It's left him with only a very limited
50:27 - 50:28short-term memory.
50:28 - 50:30
50:30 - 50:34>> Clive has absolutely no memory of anything
50:34 - 50:36that's happened in his life since the ambulance
50:36 - 50:39took him away in March 1985.
50:39 - 50:42And his autobiographical memory is so vague
50:42 - 50:44it's to be almost not there.
50:44 - 50:45
50:45 - 50:47Who's that?
50:47 - 50:48>> I can't remember.
50:49 - 50:51>> That's him.
50:51 - 50:52>> My son.
50:52 - 50:53>> Your son, that's right.
50:53 - 50:57That's Antony and that's his children.
50:57 - 50:58>> His children?
50:58 - 50:58>> Yeah.
50:58 - 50:59>> I see.
50:59 - 51:01>> Only they're much bigger now.
51:01 - 51:03
51:03 - 51:05Although memories are spread across the entire
51:05 - 51:08brain, there is one part that acts like a key
51:08 - 51:11to the storage and retrieval process,
51:11 - 51:14the hippocampus within the limbic system.
51:14 - 51:15
51:15 - 51:18We know this because without the hippocampus,
51:18 - 51:20new memories do not form.
51:20 - 51:21There are at least two types of memory
51:21 - 51:23in the brain and most generally we divide that
51:23 - 51:24into short and long-term memory.
51:24 - 51:27So, short-term memory is if I tell you my
51:27 - 51:29phone number and you have to remember that
51:29 - 51:31for a few seconds while you go over to dial it.
51:31 - 51:33Long-term memory involves things like
51:33 - 51:36where you grew up and where you went to school
51:36 - 51:37and what you did today.
51:37 - 51:39That's all stored in long-term memory.
51:39 - 51:41What's happening with Clive is that he has a very
51:41 - 51:42short-term window of memory.
51:42 - 51:44He is not able to translate the short-term
51:44 - 51:45into long-term.
51:45 - 51:48He's not able to cement down the activity in
51:48 - 51:50the short-term into something in the physical
51:50 - 51:51structure in his brain.
51:51 - 51:52
51:52 - 51:54>> Neurologists who have examined Clive
51:54 - 51:57have found severe damage in his hippocampus
51:57 - 52:00and they think that's what preventing his brain
52:00 - 52:02from storing memories.
52:02 - 52:04>> Clive Wearing suffers from both
52:04 - 52:06anterograde and retrograde amnesia.
52:06 - 52:09That is he can't learn new things but he also
52:09 - 52:11has a hard time recollecting old things.
52:11 - 52:15And it primarily seems to be affecting his ability
52:15 - 52:17to recollect information at will.
52:17 - 52:20>> Watch what happens when Clive's wife asks
52:20 - 52:22him what his son does for a living.
52:23 - 52:26>> Do you know what Antony's profession is?
52:26 - 52:27
52:27 - 52:29>> He's an electrical engineer.
52:29 - 52:29>> Oh, is he?
52:29 - 52:32>> Yes. And do you know what he designs?
52:32 - 52:33>> No.
52:34 - 52:35>> Have a guess.
52:35 - 52:35
52:35 - 52:37>> No idea. Not the faintest idea.
52:38 - 52:39>> Car motors.
52:39 - 52:40>> Oh, car motors!
52:40 - 52:42>> Yes, electrical car motors.
52:42 - 52:43>> What a good idea that is.
52:43 - 52:45>> Yeah, yeah.
52:45 - 52:46>> Stop the poisonous gas coming out
52:46 - 52:47the petrol engine.
52:47 - 52:49>> That's right. It does, doesn't it?
52:49 - 52:50>> Yeah, that was a very disastrous idea -
52:50 - 52:51>> That's right.
52:51 - 52:53
52:53 - 52:55Do you know anyone who designs
52:55 - 52:56electrical car motors?
52:56 - 52:57>> No, I don't.
52:57 - 52:58>> Do you know anyone who does that?
52:58 - 52:59>> No.
53:00 - 53:01>> Your son does.
53:01 - 53:02>> Oh, I see!
53:02 - 53:03>> Antony does.
53:04 - 53:06He's actually got his own business.
53:06 - 53:07>> Oh, well done!
53:07 - 53:08>> Yeah.
53:08 - 53:10>> Oh.
53:11 - 53:14>> Do you remember what Antony's doing
53:14 - 53:14these days?
53:14 - 53:17>> No idea. Still at school last time I was conscious.
53:17 - 53:20
53:20 - 53:22>> What makes Clive such a unique case is that while
53:22 - 53:25he can't remember details about his family,
53:25 - 53:27he can recall other things.
53:27 - 53:30>> The fact that his language is preserved so well
53:30 - 53:33and he is articulate illustrates the procedural
53:33 - 53:35memory for how to speak and how to construct
53:35 - 53:38words is stored separately than the issues
53:38 - 53:41about episodic memory, what you did, the facts
53:41 - 53:42about your life.
53:42 - 53:43
53:43 - 53:45>> Different types of memories are stored very
53:45 - 53:47differently in the brain.
53:47 - 53:50Experts believe language memory could live
53:50 - 53:52in one of the temporal lobes,
53:52 - 53:53the one responsible for sound and speech
53:53 - 53:56on the left side of the brain.
53:56 - 53:59What's even more amazing is that Clive can still
53:59 - 54:00play the piano.
54:00 - 54:02
54:02 - 54:04His procedural memory for playing the piano,
54:04 - 54:06on the right side of his brain,
54:06 - 54:07is undamaged.
54:07 - 54:15
54:15 - 54:18>> When he is performing music,
54:18 - 54:22that is where Clive finds a continuum.
54:22 - 54:26He has a momentum that kind of carries him
54:26 - 54:27through time.
54:27 - 54:29
54:29 - 54:31>> It's a great illustration of the way that these
54:31 - 54:33different types of memory can be separated out.
54:33 - 54:35>> Do you know what month this is?
54:35 - 54:36>> No.
54:37 - 54:38>> It's April.
54:38 - 54:39>> April?
54:39 - 54:40>> Mm-hmm.
54:40 - 54:41It's your birthday next month.
54:41 - 54:42>> Yes.
54:42 - 54:45>> Clive today appears upbeat but that was not
54:45 - 54:46always the case.
54:46 - 54:51
54:51 - 54:54This was Clive in 1988, three years into his
54:54 - 54:56amnesia when he was frustrated and angry.
54:56 - 54:58
54:58 - 55:01>> For the first ten years, Clive lived in a world
55:01 - 55:04where he said the same few things over and
55:04 - 55:09over again because of the anxiety,
55:09 - 55:10the fear,
55:10 - 55:11the terror,
55:11 - 55:14the horror of his situation.
55:14 - 55:16>> Each new moment he felt he was awake
55:16 - 55:17he wanted to write it down.
55:17 - 55:19>> Well, it was such a compulsion that he would
55:19 - 55:21have written it on the table,
55:21 - 55:22on the wall,
55:22 - 55:24on any available surface.
55:24 - 55:25
55:25 - 55:26>> So how do you think you got there?
55:26 - 55:28>> I don't know.
55:28 - 55:29I presume the doctors don't know.
55:29 - 55:29>> But you must have -
55:29 - 55:30>> No! I haven't!
55:30 - 55:32You listen to me please for Heaven's sake!
55:32 - 55:33>> Sorry.
55:33 - 55:34When I say no, I mean exactly that!
55:34 - 55:36
55:36 - 55:38>> The pages of his diary are filled with
55:38 - 55:41exclamations and words crossed out.
55:41 - 55:44Eventually though, his anger subsided.
55:45 - 55:47>> He started to change
55:47 - 55:50after about the first 14 to 15 years.
55:50 - 55:52He began to remember things for longer.
55:52 - 55:54His mood changed.
55:54 - 55:55
55:55 - 55:57>> Deborah attributes this change to her faith
55:57 - 55:58and her prayers.
55:58 - 56:01Scientists have their own explanation.
56:01 - 56:03>> We do know that your brain physically changes
56:03 - 56:05and that's what we mean by plasticity.
56:05 - 56:08It's always rewriting it's own circuitry.
56:08 - 56:10With children the brains are extremely plastic.
56:10 - 56:13That's why children can learn language
56:13 - 56:14so much more easily or learn how to play
56:14 - 56:16a new instrument.
56:16 - 56:17What we are now discovering is that the
56:17 - 56:20adult human brain is much more plastic than
56:20 - 56:22we previously thought so when people get
56:22 - 56:24brain damage, other parts of their brain can
56:24 - 56:28shift around and take over the missing functions.
56:28 - 56:30>> This year, Deborah wondered whether Clive
56:30 - 56:32still needed his diary.
56:32 - 56:34>> When he looks through the previous
56:34 - 56:37days and weeks and months and saw that he'd
56:37 - 56:40just written the same thing over and over again,
56:40 - 56:43it tended to upset him and we thought,
56:43 - 56:45well, let's just take it away and see whether
56:45 - 56:46he misses it.
56:46 - 56:49>> To everyone's surprise, after writing in his
56:49 - 56:51diary every single day for 23 years,
56:51 - 56:54Clive didn't ask for it back.
56:54 - 56:56That compulsive need to record each moment
56:56 - 56:58of awakening must have passed.
56:58 - 57:01
57:01 - 57:04Scientists have learned a lot about memory by
57:04 - 57:05studying Clive.
57:05 - 57:06
57:06 - 57:08But they've also gained valuable insight on
57:08 - 57:09other brain functions that contribute
57:09 - 57:11to a person's identity.
57:11 - 57:12
57:12 - 57:15>> A lot of people say memory makes us who we are
57:15 - 57:19and boy did I find out how wrong that was.
57:19 - 57:21Clive's personality, thank God,
57:21 - 57:23is intact.
57:23 - 57:24>> Fancy a cup of coffee?
57:24 - 57:27>> Oh, I'd love it! That would be marvelous!
57:27 - 57:28>> I thought you'd be pleased.
57:28 - 57:30He's funny.
57:30 - 57:32He's also very compassionate.
57:32 - 57:34>> Lead the way to Heaven on earth.
57:34 - 57:36He has no knowledge about himself.
57:36 - 57:38But he is who he is.
57:38 - 57:39Unchanged.
57:39 - 57:41Pure Clive.
57:41 - 57:42
57:42 - 57:45>> Memory plays a pivotal role in everything we do
57:45 - 57:47including sports.
57:47 - 57:50It's finally dawning on athletes that it's not only
57:50 - 57:54brawn but also brain that makes a champion.
57:54 - 57:54
57:54 - 57:57>> Well, in the 80's we developed a lot of muscle
57:57 - 57:59training methods to increase sports performance.
57:59 - 58:01And now, in the 21st Century,
58:01 - 58:04we're taking the brain to the weight room.
58:04 - 58:09
58:09 - 58:13(Commercials)
58:13 - 61:26
61:26 - 61:28>> The more we learn about the brain,
61:28 - 61:31the more it informs every aspect of our lives
61:31 - 61:34including professional sports.
61:34 - 61:40
61:40 - 61:42>> Sports performance is all about the brain
61:42 - 61:44but it wasn't like that all that time.
61:44 - 61:47For a long part of history of sports,
61:47 - 61:48people didn't care about the brain.
61:48 - 61:50They would consider an athlete a good player
61:50 - 61:53if they had good muscle definition and they were
61:53 - 61:56very coordinated.
61:56 - 61:57Just within the last ten years,
61:57 - 62:01we think that about 50% of all sports performance,
62:01 - 62:03and sometimes the most important part,
62:03 - 62:05that elite performance,
62:05 - 62:07is related to brain functioning.
62:07 - 62:10>> Now, athletes have caught on to how important
62:10 - 62:12the brain is to their performance on the field.
62:13 - 62:16>> 90% is mental, it's a tough game, ya know?
62:16 - 62:18You really have to have control of your mind
62:18 - 62:19to play this game.
62:19 - 62:20
62:20 - 62:23>> So, how does the brain improve the game?
62:23 - 62:26>> Almost all of sports is dynamic and requires
62:26 - 62:28millisecond to millisecond decision making
62:28 - 62:32and if you miss it by a small percentage,
62:32 - 62:34you miss the put.
62:34 - 62:37You're a tenth of a second too slow.
62:37 - 62:40Your shot falls off the rim.
62:40 - 62:42That's that little differentiation between
62:42 - 62:45super world class and good.
62:45 - 62:48>> At a basic level, it's about hand-eye coordination
62:48 - 62:51and practice, practice, practice.
62:51 - 62:52
62:52 - 62:54And there's no better place to see this than at the
62:54 - 62:56Cirque du Soleil where performers
62:56 - 62:58must practice constantly.
62:58 - 63:04
63:04 - 63:06We use our frontal lobes to learn how to carry
63:06 - 63:09out an activity but the area of the brain that
63:09 - 63:12benefits most from practice is the cerebellum,
63:12 - 63:13at the back of the brain.
63:13 - 63:17
63:17 - 63:19It helps to think of the brain as an old house
63:19 - 63:23with new rooms slowly added over time.
63:23 - 63:25The brain stem is the basement because
63:25 - 63:27it evolved first.
63:27 - 63:29The cerebellum came next.
63:29 - 63:30>> It's an old part of the brain,
63:30 - 63:32it's sort of set off, off the first floor
63:32 - 63:33in the basement.
63:33 - 63:36It's almost entirely responsible for movement,
63:36 - 63:38complicated sequencing of movements.
63:38 - 63:40>> The cerebellum sends out signals to the
63:40 - 63:43100 billion nerve cells in our bodies
63:43 - 63:45which in turn tell the muscles what we want
63:45 - 63:46them to do.
63:46 - 63:49
63:49 - 63:51>> The frontal lobe is monitoring the activity
63:51 - 63:54but most of the time gets out of the way
63:54 - 63:57and allows the cerebellum and the rest of brain
63:57 - 64:00to engage in this behavior that's been practiced
64:00 - 64:02over and over and over again.
64:02 - 64:04>> Scientists think that the frontal lobe
64:04 - 64:05simply cannot keep up with the speed
64:05 - 64:08of information processing necessary to perform a
64:08 - 64:10high level skill.
64:10 - 64:12
64:12 - 64:14Which is why the cerebellum takes over.
64:14 - 64:16Its procedural memory, the same kind
64:16 - 64:20Clive Wearing uses to play the piano.
64:20 - 64:23>> It's the idea that you can go into a filing cabinet
64:23 - 64:25and pick out a motor memory that you've
64:25 - 64:26already practiced.
64:26 - 64:30>> And experts now know why practice makes perfect.
64:30 - 64:32The more you practice, the better the cerebellum
64:32 - 64:34becomes at knowing exactly which nerves
64:34 - 64:37and muscles to trigger each time.
64:37 - 64:38
64:38 - 64:41>> In sports psychology there's suggestions that it
64:41 - 64:44takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice
64:44 - 64:47in order to achieve the level of expertise.
64:47 - 64:48
64:48 - 64:50>> Such extreme levels of ability may actually
64:50 - 64:53lead to memory within the muscle itself
64:53 - 64:56guiding a sequence of contractions and relaxations
64:56 - 64:59but the brain is still essential.
64:59 - 65:03>> You damage your brain, there is very little activity.
65:03 - 65:05Of course you need an intact body.
65:05 - 65:07You need physiology that works.
65:09 - 65:11In basketball it helps to be tall.
65:11 - 65:13In racing horses it helps to be small.
65:13 - 65:16But every of those athletes has a brain
65:16 - 65:17that has to be synchronized
65:17 - 65:19with their athletic activity.
65:19 - 65:20
65:20 - 65:22>> But beyond practice and having the right body
65:22 - 65:25type, the brain plays another vital role in sports.
65:25 - 65:30
65:30 - 65:33Just imagine a weight lifter who's trying to lift
65:33 - 65:36an amazing amount of weights.
65:36 - 65:38They have to be extremely pumped up.
65:39 - 65:41>> The navy seals use a breathing technique
65:41 - 65:44to calm down whereas athletes need to vary
65:44 - 65:46their level of excitement.
65:46 - 65:48Sports scientists call this process
65:48 - 65:50arousal modulation.
65:51 - 65:54>> We think of arousal modulation as the volume button
65:54 - 65:56of the brain.
65:56 - 65:59>> Once again, it's the amygdala in the limbic system
65:59 - 66:02that controls our emotional response.
66:02 - 66:05In this instance, it gets us psyched up to compete.
66:05 - 66:07
66:07 - 66:09Back when the brain was evolving,
66:09 - 66:11it's how early man would get ready for the hunt.
66:11 - 66:15
66:15 - 66:18But the amygdala needs to be triggered.
66:18 - 66:21One simple way is by using sensory stimulation
66:21 - 66:23such as cheering and clapping.
66:23 - 66:26
66:26 - 66:29>> You can control it externally through loud noises,
66:29 - 66:31by slapping a person.
66:31 - 66:32Why?
66:32 - 66:35Because those sensory mechanisms go into the
66:35 - 66:38first floor of the brain.
66:38 - 66:39
66:39 - 66:42So, you'll see in sports a lot of times people using
66:42 - 66:45this intuitively, a lot of noise -
66:45 - 66:47C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! Go! Go! Go!
66:47 - 66:50
66:50 - 66:52Athletes need to get themselves into a position
66:52 - 66:54where when the game starts,
66:54 - 66:57they're at the right level of arousal because
66:57 - 66:59basketball is a contact sport.
67:00 - 67:02You gotta push out.
67:02 - 67:05You have to fight for the rebounds.
67:05 - 67:07
67:07 - 67:10And it's almost this simulated war.
67:10 - 67:19
67:19 - 67:20Once you're in a higher arousal level and you
67:20 - 67:24gotta come down, it's just as difficult as it is
67:24 - 67:25to go up.
67:25 - 67:27It might even be more difficult.
67:27 - 67:28
67:28 - 67:30All of a sudden the game stops and they have to
67:30 - 67:31shoot a free throw.
67:31 - 67:33
67:33 - 67:34>> The player needs to turn from pumped
67:34 - 67:37to quietly focused in seconds.
67:37 - 67:40Inside the player's brain the frontal lobes
67:40 - 67:43must quickly muffle the amygdala response
67:43 - 67:47to calm emotions, relax the body, breathe slower,
67:47 - 67:50and lower heart rate so that he stands a better
67:50 - 67:52chance at making the shot.
67:52 - 67:54This is tough because the player's body
67:54 - 67:56might be too pumped.
67:56 - 67:58
67:58 - 68:00Or the frontal lobes might be distracted by
68:00 - 68:03other nervous thoughts like the fear of failure.
68:03 - 68:04
68:04 - 68:06If these thoughts are strong enough,
68:06 - 68:08they could feed back to the limbic system
68:08 - 68:11and trigger the fear response.
68:11 - 68:13This would then make it extremely difficult to
68:13 - 68:17focus on performing a complicated action well.
68:17 - 68:21It's a situation experts call performance anxiety.
68:21 - 68:28
68:28 - 68:30>> Performance anxiety is the largest culprit
68:30 - 68:33of poor athletic performance and the successful
68:33 - 68:36athlete has complete control over that.
68:36 - 68:39
68:39 - 68:41>> It is tough to get your heart rate down
68:41 - 68:43and get focused
68:43 - 68:45and get concentrated on what you have to do
68:45 - 68:46because everything is so chaotic
68:46 - 68:48that all you want to do is go as fast as you can
68:48 - 68:51and you just need to relax and just try to stay cool.
68:51 - 68:54
68:54 - 68:56>> Stay away from that white line, Graham.
68:56 - 68:58Stay way from that white line.
68:58 - 68:59
68:59 - 69:02>> Get it wrong and the consequences can be fatal.
69:02 - 69:04
69:04 - 69:06>> If you're concentration slips
69:06 - 69:08for any moment of time
69:08 - 69:11most often it would result in a crash.
69:11 - 69:13Top speeds can be up around 230 miles an hour
69:13 - 69:15and at those speeds anything can happen
69:15 - 69:18and when you hit the wall, you hit it hard.
69:18 - 69:22
69:22 - 69:25>> Few sports demonstrate performance anxiety
69:25 - 69:27better than golf.
69:27 - 69:29>> People love golf because you'll see a
69:29 - 69:33world class athlete miss a two foot put to win a
69:33 - 69:36major tournament and lose hundreds of thousands
69:36 - 69:37of dollars.
69:37 - 69:41Putting requires a very low volume of activity.
69:41 - 69:43It's a small motor movement and the frontal lobes
69:43 - 69:45should probably be turned off.
69:45 - 69:48We know that Tiger Woods can do this because
69:48 - 69:51he's done it many times but what is it about his
69:51 - 69:54brain that he's able to put the ball into the hole?
69:54 - 70:07
70:07 - 70:09What we found is that the brain can either
70:09 - 70:12help you succeed in this athletic activity
70:12 - 70:14or it can help you fail.
70:14 - 70:16
70:16 - 70:18And we think Tiger Woods has found a way to
70:18 - 70:21succeed most of the time because of his ability
70:21 - 70:24to modulate his own brain functioning.
70:24 - 70:26>> Scientists can't scan Tiger Woods' brain
70:26 - 70:27in action.
70:27 - 70:30He would need to lie motionless which would
70:30 - 70:32make playing golf impossible.
70:33 - 70:36So instead, they must make an educated guess.
70:37 - 70:40>> Because he's blinking so little during a putt,
70:40 - 70:43we think that his anxiety is very low
70:43 - 70:47because eye blinking is usually related to anxiety.
70:47 - 70:49So he's very relaxed.
70:49 - 70:52Like a drowsy state, a drowsy sleepy level
70:52 - 70:54but yet enough concentration that you can
70:54 - 70:56focus on the task.
70:56 - 71:02
71:02 - 71:04>> Athletes call this special feeling
71:04 - 71:06being in the zone
71:06 - 71:08when their movements seem to flow without
71:08 - 71:09conscious effort.
71:09 - 71:10
71:10 - 71:12It is the supreme combination of practice
71:12 - 71:14involving the cerebellum,
71:14 - 71:16concentration in the frontal lobes,
71:16 - 71:19and low anxiety of the amygdala
71:19 - 71:21within the limbic system.
71:21 - 71:23>> Zone, it's very hard to get into.
71:23 - 71:25I really feel like if I can control my breath
71:25 - 71:27and I can get it as slow as possible,
71:27 - 71:29that will slow down my heart.
71:29 - 71:32As soon as that happens, I feel like I get total
71:32 - 71:33consciousness of everything.
71:33 - 71:35All five senses are working the best they can
71:35 - 71:36possibly work.
71:36 - 71:37
71:37 - 71:39>> Experts think the brain gets so focused
71:39 - 71:42it's somehow able to block or ignore
71:42 - 71:43any irrelevant input.
71:44 - 71:47Brain and body begin working in perfect sync.
71:47 - 71:50>> Athletes and everybody else for that matter
71:50 - 71:52all want to be in that zone and there's something
71:52 - 71:53special about it.
71:53 - 71:56Everything gets aimed at the one task at hand
71:56 - 71:59and when you do that, incredible things can happen.
71:59 - 72:03You have real clarity of thought and decision making.
72:03 - 72:05>> When I'm in that moment, everything around
72:05 - 72:07me is slow and I can control what I'm thinking,
72:07 - 72:09I can control what I look at,
72:09 - 72:11I can control what thoughts enter my mind,
72:11 - 72:14and in turn that gives me the greatest chance
72:14 - 72:15for success.
72:15 - 72:18
72:18 - 72:20>> Being in the zone could be the brain's
72:20 - 72:22ultimate control over the body.
72:22 - 72:25But there are some people who claim its
72:25 - 72:27ability extends even beyond that.
72:27 - 72:29
72:29 - 72:30>> I am being pulled here.
72:30 - 72:33>> The notion that the brain has a sixth sense.
72:34 - 72:35>> He's also telling me to talk about -
72:36 - 72:39either Staten Island or -
72:39 - 72:40>> That's where we live.
72:40 - 72:41>> Okay, let me tell you exactly what he's showing
72:41 - 72:42me then so you know where.
72:42 - 72:44If you were to go over the bridge and through the
72:44 - 72:46toll and then take that first long road down the left -
72:46 - 72:47>> That's where I live.
72:47 - 72:47>> OK.
72:47 - 72:50
72:50 - 72:54
72:54 - 72:57>> Our five senses are the gateways between our
72:57 - 73:00brains and the outside world.
73:00 - 73:04We receive signals from our skin, eyes, nose,
73:04 - 73:06tongue, and ears.
73:06 - 73:08
73:08 - 73:10The different areas of the brain interpret
73:10 - 73:13this sensory information as touch, sight, smell,
73:13 - 73:15taste and hearing.
73:15 - 73:18
73:18 - 73:22But what if there were a sixth sense that enabled
73:22 - 73:25our brains to see into other people's minds,
73:25 - 73:26anticipate events
73:26 - 73:29or pass on messages from the dead?
73:29 - 73:30
73:30 - 73:32Although one in four Americans say they believe
73:32 - 73:34in extrasensory perception,
73:34 - 73:38only a handful of scientists entertain this possibility.
73:39 - 73:42Dr. Dean Radin, researches psychic phenomena
73:42 - 73:45at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
73:45 - 73:46in northern California.
73:47 - 73:50His working theory is our brains might all have
73:50 - 73:53some extrasensory ability though we may call
73:53 - 73:55it something different.
73:55 - 73:57>> One thing that people commonly talk about is
73:57 - 73:59a gut feeling and a way it expresses itself
73:59 - 74:01often is while driving.
74:01 - 74:04They get a sense there's something wrong about
74:04 - 74:06this corner and more often than not,
74:06 - 74:08a car is coming from the other direction.
74:08 - 74:11So, I've learned to pay attention to my gut feelings.
74:11 - 74:14It's like pushing your attention a few seconds
74:14 - 74:16into the future.
74:16 - 74:19Other things are the feeling of being stared at
74:19 - 74:22which is very commonly reported effect
74:22 - 74:25typically by women feeling that a man somewhere
74:25 - 74:27is staring at them.
74:27 - 74:29There's also telephone telepathy without looking at
74:29 - 74:32your caller ID, sometimes people will hear the
74:32 - 74:35phone ring and immediately know who it is.
74:35 - 74:38And these are not cases where only one person
74:38 - 74:41ever calls but somebody unusual is calling.
74:41 - 74:43So, these are ways that these kinds of events
74:43 - 74:46appear in the every day world.
74:47 - 74:49>> Move your hand a little bit.
74:49 - 74:52Yes. Ooh, that's a very good signal.
74:52 - 74:54OK, I think we're ready to go!
74:54 - 74:55
74:55 - 74:58>> Dr. Radin has tested more than 300 volunteers
74:58 - 75:01in electromagnetically shielded rooms.
75:01 - 75:03
75:03 - 75:05He shows them a series of images and
75:05 - 75:07measures their reactions.
75:07 - 75:10We were sent in a random sequence,
75:10 - 75:12pictures which are calm or emotional.
75:12 - 75:14And also pictures in between.
75:15 - 75:16The more emotional pictures
75:16 - 75:19evoke a stronger response.
75:19 - 75:21
75:21 - 75:23What Dr. Radin found is that
75:23 - 75:26while his pool of subjects is randomly chosen,
75:26 - 75:28he always finds people who respond
75:28 - 75:30accurately before they see the image.
75:31 - 75:34They seem to know ahead of time the kind of picture
75:34 - 75:35they'll see.
75:35 - 75:36
75:36 - 75:38Though their degree of psychic ability appears
75:38 - 75:39to vary.
75:39 - 75:40
75:40 - 75:42>> Not everybody is going to be able to play golf
75:42 - 75:44as good as Tiger Woods
75:44 - 75:47but everybody can play golf a little bit.
75:47 - 75:48So, what we tend to see in the laboratory
75:48 - 75:51is everybody playing golf a little bit.
75:51 - 75:53And occasionally we are lucky and we get
75:53 - 75:54the equivalent of Tiger Woods.
75:54 - 75:56>> Somebody is claiming they were buried with gum.
75:56 - 75:59
75:59 - 76:01Somebody was buried with gum.
76:01 - 76:03You buried somebody with chewing gum?
76:03 - 76:04Take the mic, please.
76:05 - 76:08>> John Edwards' success as a TV medium
76:08 - 76:11would suggest he's in the Tiger Woods category.
76:11 - 76:15>> In the history of science, we've often been wrong.
76:15 - 76:16We used to think the earth was flat.
76:16 - 76:17We were wrong.
76:17 - 76:19We used to think the sun revolved around the earth.
76:19 - 76:20We were wrong.
76:21 - 76:24We used to think physical objects were solid
76:24 - 76:26and static.
76:26 - 76:27We now know that was wrong.
76:29 - 76:32So, I start from a point of view when anybody
76:32 - 76:35makes a claim whether it's a medium or a healer
76:35 - 76:37I approach it as I don't know.
76:37 - 76:38Could be yes.
76:38 - 76:40Could be no.
76:40 - 76:41Show me the data.
76:41 - 76:42I'm open.
76:42 - 76:43>> You only put a couple of sticks in?
76:43 - 76:48>> His old secretary, they used to chew
76:48 - 76:50the same gum and we put it in the casket with him.
76:50 - 76:51>> A couple of sticks?
76:51 - 76:55>> It was, I think they're like individual packet,
76:55 - 76:58like um, like the Bazooka,
76:58 - 76:59the one with the comics.
76:59 - 77:00>> OK, so that's why I'm feeling.
77:00 - 77:01>> They're individual.
77:01 - 77:02>> Right. Would this be like a father figure to you?
77:02 - 77:03>> It's my dad.
77:03 - 77:04>> OK.
77:04 - 77:06And do you still see his assistant?
77:06 - 77:07>> Yes.
77:08 - 77:10>> He wants you to tease her, like what she
77:10 - 77:12couldn't spare a few more slices or what?
77:12 - 77:14Like I couldn't have the whole pack?
77:14 - 77:16[Audience laughing]
77:16 - 77:19>> The way the process of mediumship typically
77:19 - 77:24operates is that the mediums get little pieces
77:24 - 77:25of information.
77:25 - 77:26>> Because he's making me feel like,
77:26 - 77:27wasn't he already kind of gone?
77:27 - 77:28>> Yes, he was.
77:28 - 77:31>> Not because the other side is fragmented
77:31 - 77:34but because they're just able to pick up little
77:34 - 77:35snippets.
77:35 - 77:37It's like you've got a semi-good connection
77:37 - 77:39on your cellphone and get a piece of information
77:39 - 77:41here and a piece of information there.
77:41 - 77:42>> People say well, where are they and how do you
77:42 - 77:43do this?
77:43 - 77:45It's like, well where's the Internet?
77:45 - 77:47It's a place that exists but you can't go there
77:47 - 77:48with a physical body.
77:48 - 77:50You have to have a conduit of some sort,
77:50 - 77:52some sort of connection to get to it.
77:52 - 77:54You've got to be plugged in somehow.
77:54 - 77:56>> Anybody have a plastic frog with them?
77:56 - 77:58I'm being pulled here.
77:58 - 78:00So like from here over, you guys are safe.
78:00 - 78:02Over here - no.
78:02 - 78:05When I've doing an event I will get a pull
78:05 - 78:07to the section of the room or specific area
78:07 - 78:08of the people.
78:08 - 78:11>> My nephew asked for Christmas a toy frog
78:11 - 78:14and it was his dad who passed away.
78:14 - 78:16>> And his dad passed before Christmas?
78:16 - 78:17>> Yes.
78:17 - 78:20>> When I'm hearing something I don't hear it in my ear.
78:20 - 78:22I fell like I'm hearing it outside of me but
78:22 - 78:24it's a thought that I'm hearing.
78:24 - 78:27>> John is one of several psychic mediums who
78:27 - 78:29agreed to undergo scientific testing
78:29 - 78:31at the University of Arizona.
78:32 - 78:33>> We're going to put a cap on you
78:33 - 78:36that has 19 electrodes.
78:36 - 78:39>> I did three experiments with John Edwards.
78:39 - 78:43Each one more controlled than the next.
78:43 - 78:45The most controlled of them involved fitting
78:45 - 78:48the mediums and the volunteers with EEGs
78:48 - 78:51on their heads and EKGs on their chests.
78:51 - 78:53One of the ways to address the question,
78:53 - 78:56is the medium reading the mind of the sitter
78:56 - 78:59versus reading the mind of the deceased
78:59 - 79:04is to record the brainwave activity and the
79:04 - 79:06cardiac activity, the heart and brain,
79:06 - 79:09of the medium and simultaneously record
79:09 - 79:11the brain and the heart of the sitter.
79:11 - 79:14
79:14 - 79:16>> The medium never meets the subject
79:16 - 79:18and they sit separated by a screen.
79:18 - 79:21John and the other mediums have to get
79:21 - 79:22whatever information they can
79:22 - 79:25about the subject's deceased loved ones.
79:25 - 79:26
79:26 - 79:27>> I'm going to tell you what I'm seeing, hearing,
79:27 - 79:29and feeling and basically ask you to confirm
79:29 - 79:31and verify simply by yes's and no's.
79:31 - 79:32>> OK.
79:32 - 79:33>> OK, the first thing that's coming through is
79:33 - 79:34they're telling me to talk to you about a male
79:34 - 79:35figure to your side.
79:35 - 79:37A male figure to your side would be
79:37 - 79:38a husband or a brother who has crossed over.
79:38 - 79:39Do you understand that?
79:39 - 79:40>> Yes.
79:40 - 79:41>> OK, actually there's two.
79:41 - 79:42There's three.
79:42 - 79:44There were a couple occasions that I sat
79:44 - 79:45with people and got nothing.
79:45 - 79:48You know, and like I got absolutely nothing.
79:48 - 79:49So, and they'd be like why is that happening?
79:49 - 79:51I'm like, I don't know.
79:51 - 79:53I'm like maybe it's me.
79:53 - 79:54I don't know.
79:54 - 79:55So I got zeroes for that.
79:55 - 79:59>> But sometimes John will get accurate information,
79:59 - 80:02the sitter will either think he's wrong and later
80:02 - 80:05discover he's correct, or the sitter won't know the
80:05 - 80:08answer and they'll have to then contact some
80:08 - 80:10of the family members and friends
80:10 - 80:12and low and behold discover that it was correct.
80:12 - 80:14And we found that in that experiment as well.
80:14 - 80:16
80:16 - 80:18>> John's accuracy rate typically averaged
80:18 - 80:2080-90%.
80:22 - 80:24And the monitoring machinery showed his
80:24 - 80:26brainwaves and heart rate were not mimicking
80:26 - 80:27the subject's.
80:27 - 80:29
80:29 - 80:32>> We discovered that John's heart actually went out
80:32 - 80:37of sync with the sitter which implied, of course
80:37 - 80:39that his attention was somewhere else.
80:39 - 80:40>> They're also telling me to talk about the dog
80:40 - 80:42that's named after a drink.
80:42 - 80:43So, I don't know if there's like a -
80:43 - 80:44>> My dog Jager.
80:44 - 80:45>> Jager?
80:45 - 80:46>> Yes!
80:46 - 80:48
80:48 - 80:50>> By the way, apparently he needs a bath.
80:50 - 80:52>> Yes, he smells right now, he does.
80:52 - 80:56>> Based on the laboratory experiments
80:56 - 80:59that I've done with John,
80:59 - 81:03I am clearly led to the conclusion
81:03 - 81:07that John is a real medium.
81:07 - 81:08
81:08 - 81:10>> The so-called Afterlife Experiments
81:10 - 81:12remain highly controversial within
81:12 - 81:14the scientific community
81:14 - 81:16in part, because they raise more questions
81:16 - 81:18than they answer.
81:18 - 81:21>> At the present time, scientifically, we don't
81:21 - 81:25know how real mediums like John Edwards
81:25 - 81:27do what they do.
81:27 - 81:30The working hypothesis that we entertain
81:30 - 81:32in our laboratory is that we all have energy.
81:32 - 81:36This energy continues like the light from
81:36 - 81:37distant stars.
81:37 - 81:39And what John does and others do
81:39 - 81:41is that their brains and consciousness
81:41 - 81:43serve as an antenna and receiver
81:43 - 81:46and what they do is they learn how to tune
81:46 - 81:48into the signals that are present and keep
81:48 - 81:53their noise low and then receive these subtle signals.
81:53 - 81:57>> The concept of a connected fabric of reality
81:57 - 81:59of which we are part of that,
81:59 - 82:00by virtue of being here,
82:00 - 82:04is similar to something like The Force from Star Wars.
82:05 - 82:09Obi-Wan at some point suddenly feels a disturbance
82:09 - 82:11in The Force when a planet is blown up.
82:11 - 82:14
82:14 - 82:17And in a sense he's feeling ripples through this
82:17 - 82:20space time medium that he's able to sense directly.
82:22 - 82:25The phenomena that we call ESP,
82:25 - 82:28probably operate on something like that.
82:28 - 82:30>> Physics has a name for this
82:30 - 82:31distant connectedness,
82:31 - 82:34it's called the quantum entanglement.
82:34 - 82:36At the moment it's just a theory being applied
82:36 - 82:39to electrons and molecules.
82:39 - 82:42Scientists don't know yet if it could apply to the brain.
82:42 - 82:43
82:43 - 82:45But the breakthrough that confirms
82:45 - 82:48extra sensory perception could come sooner
82:48 - 82:49than we think.
82:49 - 82:51
82:51 - 82:53>> It's always very difficult predict.
82:53 - 82:54when such things happen.
82:54 - 82:56
82:56 - 82:59I would guess maybe 20 years.
82:59 - 83:04Sometime between tomorrow and 20 years.
83:04 - 83:07>> The next two decades promise to unlock many
83:07 - 83:09mysteries about the brain.
83:09 - 83:12Neuroscientists are already working on smart
83:12 - 83:14technologies that could change our lives
83:14 - 83:16in ways we'd never imagine.
83:16 - 83:18
83:18 - 83:20>> We will get to a point, I believe,
83:20 - 83:23when there will be instantaneous communication
83:23 - 83:26from the web to our brains.
83:26 - 83:27That I'm sure.
83:27 - 83:31
83:31 - 83:34>> What if we could supercharge our brains using
83:34 - 83:37machines and take the next leap of evolution
83:37 - 83:39within a single lifetime
83:39 - 83:41instead of over many lifetimes?
83:41 - 83:43
83:43 - 83:45Radical innovation is the goal of programs
83:45 - 83:48being funded by the semi-secret DARPA,
83:48 - 83:51The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
83:51 - 83:53
83:53 - 83:57Their mission is to be kind of the blue sky thinkers
83:57 - 84:01of science for the National Security Establishment.
84:01 - 84:04And they've produced some amazing technologies
84:04 - 84:05that we take for granted.
84:05 - 84:07Besides the Internet, the computer mouse,
84:07 - 84:09and of course the Stealth Bomber.
84:09 - 84:11
84:11 - 84:12They take some of the smartest scientists
84:12 - 84:16in the country and they ask them to push
84:16 - 84:19current science 30, 40 years into the future.
84:19 - 84:20To take big leaps.
84:22 - 84:24>> DARPA is funding one such leap
84:24 - 84:26at Columbia University in New York.
84:26 - 84:27
84:27 - 84:30Scientists there are developing a computer program
84:30 - 84:33that helps the brain process visual information
84:33 - 84:35at lightning speed.
84:35 - 84:37>> In our modern society
84:37 - 84:39we are bombarded with information.
84:39 - 84:41Whether it's images from television,
84:41 - 84:43images on the web,
84:43 - 84:46from one's job and it's starting to be overwhelming.
84:46 - 84:48And we need to figure which images we really
84:48 - 84:50need to spend time looking at
84:50 - 84:52and which we can ignore.
84:52 - 84:55The idea behind Cortically-Coupled Computer Vision
84:55 - 84:57is to create the best of both worlds.
84:57 - 84:59The versatility of the human brain
84:59 - 85:02enhanced by the speed of computer.
85:02 - 85:03
85:03 - 85:05>> It's very hard to tell a computer vision system,
85:05 - 85:08find something that's funny or out of the ordinary
85:08 - 85:09or suspicious.
85:09 - 85:12It's much easier to have a person do that.
85:12 - 85:14Of course, computer vision systems are very fast
85:14 - 85:16so the question is, how can we actually make the
85:16 - 85:19human visual processor faster?
85:19 - 85:22>> In this example, the images are aerial shots
85:22 - 85:24of Seoul in South Korea.
85:25 - 85:27The analyst is looking for helipads.
85:27 - 85:30
85:30 - 85:32The old slow method would require a methodical
85:32 - 85:35search of thousands of individual photos
85:35 - 85:37before marking each helipad.
85:37 - 85:38
85:38 - 85:40The new method involves the analyst wearing
85:40 - 85:42an EEG cap.
85:43 - 85:46Dozens of electrodes can now detect electrical
85:46 - 85:50brain activity just below the surface of the skull.
85:50 - 85:52In normal brain processing, the visual cortex
85:52 - 85:55extracts detail from a scene.
85:55 - 85:58Information is sent forward to the frontal lobes
85:58 - 86:00for decision making.
86:00 - 86:02Then the motor cortex generates a response;
86:02 - 86:05the click of a mouse or the movement of the eyes.
86:06 - 86:09The prototype program intercepts the signals,
86:09 - 86:12filters out irrelevant brain activity,
86:12 - 86:15and focuses on the subliminal "aha" moment
86:15 - 86:17when the eyes spot a helipad.
86:17 - 86:21In just a few seconds, the analyst can sift through
86:21 - 86:23the thousands of images.
86:23 - 86:26Although he may not be consciously aware of it,
86:26 - 86:28his brain is remarkably accurate at identifying
86:28 - 86:31the few shots that have helipads in them
86:31 - 86:33so they can be marked up later.
86:33 - 86:34
86:34 - 86:36So essentially we're going to tap into the signals
86:36 - 86:40that are involved in deciding whether there is
86:40 - 86:42something interesting and without having the subject
86:42 - 86:46having to make a response, use that to now reorder
86:46 - 86:49or resort image databases to improve search.
86:49 - 86:54
86:54 - 86:56>> This boosted vision technology helps the
86:56 - 86:59image analyst work up to four times faster.
86:59 - 87:01
87:01 - 87:03It could be adapted to help fighter pilots
87:03 - 87:06make better split second decisions
87:06 - 87:08or to improve the sifting of surveillance footage
87:08 - 87:11by police or security personnel.
87:11 - 87:14
87:14 - 87:16And then there are possibilities beyond
87:16 - 87:18defense and intelligence.
87:18 - 87:18
87:18 - 87:20>> One potential application that is of interest
87:20 - 87:22in which there's high-throughput of information
87:22 - 87:25might been in the stock market or in trading.
87:25 - 87:28Many times traders are assimilating this information
87:28 - 87:30across different screens,
87:30 - 87:32something might catch their eye but they can't
87:32 - 87:34actually act on that at that moment.
87:34 - 87:37So that information can be tagged that it grabbed
87:37 - 87:39the interest of the trader and processed by
87:39 - 87:42some other person down the line.
87:42 - 87:43
87:43 - 87:45>> Medical research might be interested in these
87:45 - 87:46devices, too.
87:46 - 87:48And marketing teams could use them to record
87:48 - 87:50people's first reaction to a product
87:50 - 87:52or advertising campaign.
87:52 - 87:55A video game company in California
87:55 - 87:57is already ditching the joy stick in favor of
87:57 - 87:59brain power.
87:59 - 88:02A headset similar to an EEG picks up
88:02 - 88:04electrical activity from the brain as well as
88:04 - 88:07twitches from facial muscles.
88:07 - 88:09The signals get translated into onscreen
88:09 - 88:10commands.
88:10 - 88:12
88:12 - 88:14Players raise rocks and vanquish villains
88:14 - 88:17not with a click but with a thought.
88:17 - 88:20
88:20 - 88:22The future potential for implanted
88:22 - 88:25Personal Data Assistance or PDAs
88:25 - 88:27is almost mind-boggling.
88:28 - 88:30>> As we get older, we all worry about our
88:30 - 88:32inability to remember names and faces.
88:32 - 88:34We're going to find ways to compensate for that
88:34 - 88:37loss of natural evolved memory revolving in the
88:37 - 88:39direction where we will have devices
88:39 - 88:41that will do that for us.
88:41 - 88:42And I think ultimately we will have a Facebook
88:42 - 88:43in our heads.
88:43 - 88:46At that point, it's going to be pretty hard
88:46 - 88:50to see where we end and the technology begins.
88:50 - 88:52
88:52 - 88:54At Duke University in North Carolina,
88:54 - 88:58neuroscientists are taking that next step already.
88:58 - 89:00They've implanted electrodes into a monkey's brain
89:00 - 89:03and isolated the brain signals for walking.
89:03 - 89:05
89:05 - 89:07During one recent experiment,
89:07 - 89:09a monkey paced on a treadmill while her brain
89:09 - 89:12activity was sent via the Internet to Japan
89:12 - 89:14to instantly control the walking of a five foot
89:14 - 89:16humanoid robot.
89:16 - 89:18
89:18 - 89:20The monkey got raisin treats for making
89:20 - 89:22the robot walk.
89:22 - 89:24Then her treadmill was switched off.
89:24 - 89:25
89:25 - 89:27In her desire for more treats,
89:27 - 89:29the monkey kept the robot walking
89:29 - 89:33using only her thoughts.
89:33 - 89:34And there's been a similar breakthrough
89:34 - 89:37at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania.
89:38 - 89:41Monkeys fitted with tiny sensors in their brains
89:41 - 89:43have learned to control a mechanical arm
89:43 - 89:45and use it to reach for snacks.
89:45 - 89:46
89:46 - 89:48It will have tremendous applications for medicine,
89:48 - 89:50for people who are amputees,
89:50 - 89:52for people who are quadriplegic;
89:52 - 89:54giving them the ability to move a robot
89:54 - 89:57prosthetic arms and legs in ways that will allow
89:57 - 89:59them to interact with their environments
89:59 - 90:02which they have not been able to do before.
90:02 - 90:04>> Could there be hope in the future for someone
90:04 - 90:07like Clive Waring whose brain damage means
90:07 - 90:09he can't process new memories?
90:09 - 90:11>> I don't remember sitting down on this seat.
90:11 - 90:12That was unknown to me.
90:12 - 90:13
90:13 - 90:15>> There's work being done currently with rats
90:15 - 90:17that might one day create a synthetic
90:17 - 90:19hippocampus for humans.
90:19 - 90:21>> If you could do that in theory,
90:21 - 90:24you could actually introduce instantaneously
90:24 - 90:27new memories as we do in computer chips
90:27 - 90:28every day these days.
90:28 - 90:31But what if instead of taking months and months
90:31 - 90:32to learn a language we could download
90:32 - 90:34a basic dictionary of a language?
90:34 - 90:36Or what if having never been somewhere
90:36 - 90:39instead of having to carry that tour guide
90:39 - 90:41or book around, that clumsy book,
90:41 - 90:42and stopping in the middle of the sidewalk
90:42 - 90:44every few minutes to see where we were going,
90:44 - 90:47we actually had a rudimentary map that had been
90:47 - 90:49downloaded into our brains of that new city
90:49 - 90:51that we're visiting or those monuments
90:51 - 90:52that we're looking at?
90:52 - 90:55
90:55 - 90:57>> Drugs are being developed for combat troops
90:57 - 90:59that would allow them to stay awake
90:59 - 91:02for two or three days with no ill effects.
91:02 - 91:03
91:03 - 91:05A new class of chemicals called ampakines,
91:05 - 91:07are thought to help the neurotransmitter glutamate
91:07 - 91:10work better in a tired brain
91:10 - 91:13and so improve memory, learning, and cognition.
91:13 - 91:15
91:15 - 91:17These could eventually find their way into
91:17 - 91:19everyday use.
91:19 - 91:20>> Lack of sleep historically has meant that you are
91:20 - 91:22inclined to make mistakes.
91:22 - 91:24I think we're going to be able to resolve
91:24 - 91:24that problem.
91:24 - 91:26Shift workers, people that have to work all night
91:26 - 91:28might be able to do without sleep and function
91:28 - 91:29very well.
91:29 - 91:32Students who are studying for exams,
91:32 - 91:35people who have to travel across time zones
91:35 - 91:36as part of their work.
91:36 - 91:37
91:37 - 91:40>> In the near future, scientists expect to perfect
91:40 - 91:42portable brain scanners.
91:42 - 91:45Light-emitting diodes fitted in a headband
91:45 - 91:48would bounce light into the frontal lobes
91:48 - 91:50to detect brain activity.
91:50 - 91:50
91:50 - 91:52That information would be fed into a unit
91:52 - 91:55no bigger than a pack of playing cards.
91:55 - 91:59Instead of lying motionless in a giant MRI machine,
91:59 - 92:01wearers could discover what's going on in their
92:01 - 92:04brains while, for example, playing sports.
92:04 - 92:08
92:08 - 92:10>> We will be able to look into a super athlete's
92:10 - 92:14brain like Federeror or Agasi or Tiger Woods
92:14 - 92:17and see not that they're different anatomically
92:17 - 92:20necessarily, but functionally they are different
92:20 - 92:22in terms of how they process information.
92:22 - 92:25The second application is that you can use this
92:25 - 92:28new technology to help athletes perform better
92:28 - 92:30or perform up to their capacity.
92:30 - 92:33>> Imaging technology is still in its infancy.
92:33 - 92:36In widespread use for less than 20 years,
92:36 - 92:39compared with over 100 years for X-rays,
92:39 - 92:41it's limited only by our imagination.
92:41 - 92:43>> The pictures that we get of the brain right now
92:43 - 92:45though there are several amazing technologies
92:45 - 92:47are pretty gross, they're at a large level.
92:47 - 92:49Now people are saying, wow it would be really
92:49 - 92:51good if we could get a more granular,
92:51 - 92:55more fine grained deeper images of the brain,
92:55 - 92:57at the molecular level and I think that's the
92:57 - 92:59next frontier for brain imaging.
92:59 - 93:02>> For all that we have learned about the brain,
93:02 - 93:05we still have so much to discover.
93:05 - 93:07>> There are many unsolved questions that remain
93:07 - 93:09about the brain and they're surprisingly
93:09 - 93:12simple; how is memory actually stored and
93:12 - 93:14how does it get reconstructed?
93:14 - 93:16Why do brains sleep and dream?
93:16 - 93:17What is intelligence?
93:17 - 93:19Why do people have a variety of skills
93:19 - 93:21and talents?
93:21 - 93:22How do we perceive the world?
93:22 - 93:23How does the brain represent time?
93:23 - 93:25What is consciousness?
93:25 - 93:28>> If we do manage to answer these questions,
93:28 - 93:30over the course of perhaps one more lifetime,
93:30 - 93:32what will this mean for the brain?
93:32 - 93:35An organ that is so complicated and so often
93:35 - 93:38driven by primitive instincts.
93:38 - 93:41>> We evolved in a world very different than the
93:41 - 93:45world we live in today so we have to adapt - now.
93:45 - 93:47And this to me is the greatest mystery
93:47 -of neuroscience right now-
- Title:
- Secrets of The Human Brain (Full Documentary)
- Description:
Secrets of The Human Brain (Full Documentary) .
This documentary as well as the rest of these documentaries shown here relate to important times and figures in history, historic places and people, archaeology, science, conspiracy theories, and education.
The Topics of these video documentaries are varied and cover ancient history, Rome, Greece, Egypt, science, technology, nature, planet earth, the solar system, the universe, World wars, battles, education, biographies, television, archaeology, Illuminati, Area 51, serial killers, paranormal, supernatural, cults, government cover-ups, the law and legal matters, news and current events, corruption, martial arts, space, aliens, ufos, conspiracy theories, Annunaki, Nibiru, Nephilim, satanic rituals, religion, strange phenomenon, origins of Mankind, monsters - Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 01:33:50
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anem edited English subtitles for Secrets of The Human Brain (Full Documentary) |