Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore
0:18 - 0:22Usually, I would be standing
on this stage over here, -
0:22 - 0:25conducting the college orchestra,
0:25 - 0:28because I'm a music professor.
0:28 - 0:30But tonight I'm going to talk
0:30 - 0:35about my moonlight activities
in the field of science. -
0:35 - 0:37(Laughter)
0:37 - 0:42And how they led to a cancer research lab
and an important breakthrough. -
0:45 - 0:49Over the past eight years,
I've had the great pleasure -
0:49 - 0:53of working with some brilliant
and dedicated scientists. -
0:55 - 0:59They were very open-minded,
and we had a common dream: -
1:00 - 1:05that in the future, children
would not have to suffer from cancer -
1:06 - 1:12or from the terrible side effects
of toxic drugs or radiation, -
1:13 - 1:18because we believed
there just had to be a better way. -
1:18 - 1:24There had to be a better way,
and we think we may have found it. -
1:27 - 1:29A scientist said,
1:29 - 1:34"You're killing more cancer cells
than as if you had used radiation." -
1:35 - 1:38That same scientist went on,
1:38 - 1:41"If you had spent millions of dollars
1:41 - 1:45developing a new drug
that killed this many cancer cells, -
1:45 - 1:47it would be a home run."
1:48 - 1:53This was an astonishing thing to hear,
especially for a music professor -
1:53 - 1:58who had just completed
his first experiments in a cancer lab. -
1:59 - 2:02But we didn't use any radiation.
2:02 - 2:05We didn't use any drugs.
2:05 - 2:07So what did we do?
2:09 - 2:14I have here two identical tuning forks,
both tuned to the note A, -
2:14 - 2:16the note an orchestra tunes to.
2:17 - 2:22These forks are both made to vibrate
440 times per second. -
2:23 - 2:26We say their frequency is 440 hertz.
2:27 - 2:32If I tap this fork,
putting little pulses of energy into it, -
2:32 - 2:37the second fork
will also vibrate in sympathy, -
2:38 - 2:40and if I silence this fork,
2:40 - 2:44we just may hear the other
singing its tone. -
2:44 - 2:47(Sound of an A note)
2:50 - 2:52We say that I'm inducing
2:52 - 2:56a sympathetic resonant vibration
in the second fork. -
2:56 - 3:02It only works because both forks
are tuned to the exact same frequency. -
3:04 - 3:08Many of us have seen this very charming
young man on the Internet -
3:08 - 3:12who shatters crystal glasses
with his powerful voice. -
3:13 - 3:15But if you watch him carefully,
3:15 - 3:19you'll see that first he taps the glass
with his finger and listens. -
3:19 - 3:23The glass sings
its natural resonant pitch. -
3:24 - 3:29Then he takes a deep breath
and sings a loud, long note. -
3:29 - 3:33He induces a resonant vibration
in the crystal glass. -
3:33 - 3:36The vibration grows larger
and larger and larger -
3:36 - 3:38until the glass is shattered.
3:40 - 3:41On the other end of this scale,
3:41 - 3:46we have a giant bridge
made out of concrete and steel, -
3:46 - 3:50a suspension bridge,
the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. -
3:50 - 3:54Cars, and trucks, and busses
are going over it every day. -
3:56 - 3:58Unfortunately,
where they built this bridge, -
3:58 - 4:02there was a steady wind blowing across it,
4:02 - 4:06and one day, this wind induces
a small vibration in the bridge, -
4:06 - 4:08hardly noticeable,
4:08 - 4:11but the frequency of the vibration
4:11 - 4:14matches the resonant frequency
of some part of the bridge, -
4:15 - 4:18and the vibrations gets larger
and larger and larger -
4:18 - 4:22until the bridge collapses
into the river below. -
4:24 - 4:27A destructive resonant frequency.
4:27 - 4:29So on one end of the scale,
4:29 - 4:33we have a giant concrete and steel bridge
destroyed by resonance -
4:34 - 4:39and on the other,
we have a small crystal glass, shattered. -
4:40 - 4:45So maybe we could shatter
something even smaller, -
4:45 - 4:50something really small, something
you would need a microscope to see. -
4:50 - 4:54Maybe we could shatter
a living microorganism. -
4:55 - 5:00But to do that you'd need some sort
of theory to serve as a basis. -
5:01 - 5:04And we find that basis in a wonderful book
5:04 - 5:10called "The Rainbow and the Worm:
The Physics of Organisms", -
5:10 - 5:13by a scientist, Mae Wan Ho.
5:13 - 5:16That book makes a very strong case
5:16 - 5:21that living organisms and cells
are liquid crystals, -
5:22 - 5:26or in the least, they have
many properties of liquid crystals. -
5:27 - 5:30Now, we are all familiar
with liquid crystals -
5:30 - 5:33because they are in our laptop,
computer screens: -
5:33 - 5:36LCD display, Liquid Crystal Display.
5:38 - 5:42We can change the qualities
of the liquid crystals -
5:42 - 5:47in our computer screen by sending
special electronic signals to it. -
5:48 - 5:52We can change the color and the shape
on the screen with these signals. -
5:53 - 5:56So maybe we could change
5:57 - 6:03a biological living liquid crystal
with a special electronic signal. -
6:04 - 6:09But in order to do that,
we would need some kind of device. -
6:11 - 6:14So we searched the US Patent database,
6:14 - 6:16and we found this invention by a physician
6:16 - 6:20Dr. James Bare of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
6:21 - 6:24It's called
Resonant Frequency Therapy Device, -
6:24 - 6:27and its purpose is to induce
a resonant vibration -
6:28 - 6:30in a living organism or a cell.
6:32 - 6:35And there are two really important things
about this device. -
6:35 - 6:39The first is that it uses
a very special kind of antenna: -
6:39 - 6:42they take a hollow glass sphere,
6:43 - 6:47they evacuate the air,
they put in some helium gas, -
6:47 - 6:49and when we send in
our electronic signals, -
6:49 - 6:53the helium gas lights up
like a fluorescent light. -
6:54 - 7:00An electrified gas is called a plasma,
so this is called a plasma antenna. -
7:01 - 7:05It has many special properties
uniquely suited for this kind of work. -
7:07 - 7:11The second important aspect
about Dr. Bare's invention -
7:11 - 7:16is that the output always pulses:
it's on, it's off, it's on and it's off. -
7:17 - 7:21This is very important,
because when you're doing research -
7:21 - 7:26on the effects of electromagnetic waves
on living organisms and cells, -
7:26 - 7:28if the signal is constantly on,
7:29 - 7:33you're in danger of inducing
heat in those cells, -
7:33 - 7:36and heat causes
indiscriminate destruction. -
7:36 - 7:39We don't want that.
We want targeted destruction. -
7:41 - 7:44So, we don't have to worry about heat.
7:46 - 7:49And now, we go to the biology laboratory.
7:50 - 7:53We take dr. Bare's device
7:55 - 7:58and the hunt begins through a microscope
7:58 - 8:03for a frequency which will shatter
a living microorganism. -
8:04 - 8:08We have a method
of controlling Dr. Bear's device -
8:08 - 8:10by an input control frequency.
8:10 - 8:14So if I put in, say, 100 hertz,
8:14 - 8:17out will come 100 pulses per second.
8:18 - 8:21If I put in 200 hertz,
I will get 200 pulses. -
8:22 - 8:26So now we're searching
for the magic frequency, -
8:26 - 8:27and we start with 100 Hz,
8:27 - 8:31and we look through the microscope
to see if anything is happening. -
8:31 - 8:33We watch for five minutes.
8:34 - 8:36Nothing happens.
8:36 - 8:38So we try 101 Hz.
8:38 - 8:41We look through the scope
for five minutes, -
8:41 - 8:42and nothing happens.
8:43 - 8:46So we try 102, 103 and so on.
8:47 - 8:49Over the course of 15 months,
8:49 - 8:53we try hundreds and hundreds
of frequencies, if not thousands, -
8:53 - 8:56until we find the magic combination.
8:56 - 9:00The answer is you have to have
two input frequencies -
9:00 - 9:02- one low, one high -
9:02 - 9:07and the higher frequency
must be eleven times the lower. -
9:07 - 9:11It's what we, musicians,
would call the eleventh harmonic. -
9:11 - 9:13When we add the eleventh harmonic,
9:13 - 9:17we begin to shatter microorganisms
like a crystal glass. -
9:21 - 9:24These are the first videos taken.
9:26 - 9:30We showed these videos to our friends
in the Biology department. -
9:30 - 9:33They said they hadn't seen
anything quite like it. -
9:34 - 9:37Seems to be a new phenomenon.
9:39 - 9:43These organisms are being shattered
by our electronic signals. -
9:44 - 9:49This is a harmless organism,
almost friendly, a little blepharisma. -
9:50 - 9:53Normally, they're very fast swimmers,
9:53 - 9:57but when you approach a frequency
to which they are vulnerable, -
9:57 - 10:00they begin to slow down, then they stop,
10:00 - 10:04and then they begin to disintegrate
within about three minutes. -
10:06 - 10:10So now we know we can destroy
a microorganism, -
10:10 - 10:12and the question comes up,
10:12 - 10:17"But can you target a specific organism
with a specific frequency?" -
10:17 - 10:19So in this next video,
10:19 - 10:25you'll see a large organism in the center,
a paramecium undergoing disintegration, -
10:25 - 10:26and swimming all around it,
10:26 - 10:30a tiny different organism
which is unharmed. -
10:30 - 10:31If we're lucky,
10:31 - 10:37we'll also hear the audio as I narrate
the experiment live in a noisy lab. -
10:38 - 10:42(Video) Perhaps you can see
this sort of fireworks effect happening, -
10:44 - 10:48in the growing blister
to the right of the organism. -
10:48 - 10:53And here comes a little neighbor,
wondering what's going on. -
10:56 - 10:57He's testing.
11:01 - 11:03And you can see blisters forming now
11:03 - 11:07on the lower left quadrant
and upper left quadrant. -
11:12 - 11:14The shape is now changing.
11:15 - 11:18And a major explosion at the top."
11:19 - 11:22So now we have some evidence
11:22 - 11:26that we can target specific microorganisms
with specific frequencies. -
11:27 - 11:29And we made several more videos,
11:29 - 11:33and we filmed the destruction
of hundreds of microorganisms. -
11:34 - 11:36About this time,
11:36 - 11:40we meet a cancer researcher,
and we [show] him these videos. -
11:40 - 11:44This results in an invitation
to spend four months -
11:44 - 11:49in a cancer research lab
trying to shatter cancer cells. -
11:49 - 11:51This is our setup in the lab.
11:51 - 11:54You can see the microscope
with cancer cells on it. -
11:54 - 11:56Here's the plasma tube,
11:57 - 12:01and here is my little
frequency control box. -
12:01 - 12:04First, we attack pancreatic cancer.
12:04 - 12:06Take a good look at this slide
12:06 - 12:09because the next one
will look quite different. -
12:11 - 12:16After we treat these cells,
they change their shape and size, -
12:16 - 12:21and they begin to grow long,
rope-like structures out the sides. -
12:21 - 12:24They look something like antennas.
12:24 - 12:27I call them bio-antennas,
for biological antennas. -
12:27 - 12:31It's as if the cancer cells
are trying to tune in to our signal. -
12:33 - 12:34It also turns out
12:34 - 12:38this is the beginning of a process
of destruction for cancer cells. -
12:39 - 12:42We now know that cancer is vulnerable
12:42 - 12:47between the frequencies
of 100 000 hertz and 300 000 hertz. -
12:48 - 12:51So now we attack leukemia cells.
12:54 - 12:58Leukemia cell no. 1
tries to grow a copy of itself, -
12:59 - 13:03but the new cell is shattered
into dozens of fragments -
13:03 - 13:05and scattered across the slide.
13:06 - 13:10Leukemia cell no. 2
then hyperinflates and also dies. -
13:11 - 13:16Leukemia cell no. 3 then tries,
to make another cancer cell, -
13:16 - 13:21the new cell is shattered
and the original cell dies. -
13:25 - 13:30But killing a handful of leukemia cells
is not enough for a patient. -
13:31 - 13:33What kind of numbers can we do?
13:34 - 13:38In repeated
controlled laboratory experiments, -
13:38 - 13:41independently essayed
by the two top experts, -
13:42 - 13:48we killed an average of 25% to 42%
of the leukemia cells, -
13:50 - 13:52as high as 60%.
13:53 - 13:54We also determined
13:54 - 13:59that we slow the growth rate
of the cancer by as much as 65%. -
14:00 - 14:01So, a double effect.
14:02 - 14:05Now we attack ovarian cancer cells.
14:06 - 14:09This is a more distant shot.
14:09 - 14:13Here you see brackets
coming up around the cells, -
14:13 - 14:18showing groups of ovarian cancer cells
which are being destroyed. -
14:35 - 14:37You can see by the end of the video
14:37 - 14:42that great many ovarian cancer cells
were destroyed. -
14:42 - 14:45Now we attack pancreatic cancer once more.
14:45 - 14:49In the center of the screen
is a clump of pancreatic cancer cells -
14:49 - 14:52like a microtumor under the microscope.
14:52 - 14:57We turn on our electronic signals,
and the tumor shrinks and is broken up. -
14:59 - 15:02The cells are disconnecting,
disaggregating; -
15:02 - 15:05the opposite of forming a tumor.
15:06 - 15:09And some of the cells are destroyed.
15:27 - 15:31In our most recent work,
we attack the deadly organism MRSA. -
15:32 - 15:34MRSA is particularly dangerous
15:34 - 15:38because it's resistant
to many common antibiotics. -
15:38 - 15:41Thousands of people
die every year from MRSA. -
15:41 - 15:46They have drugs for it,
but they have very toxic side effects. -
15:46 - 15:49We found that our electronic signals
15:49 - 15:54could actually eliminate
antibiotic resistance in MRSA. -
15:54 - 16:00Then, by adding a very small amount
of a common antibiotic, -
16:00 - 16:04we were able to kill MRSA
and slow its growth rate. -
16:06 - 16:10Since I was a 17-year-old
highschool student -
16:10 - 16:14with twin interest
in both music and science, -
16:15 - 16:16I never imagined
16:16 - 16:20the two would come together
in a cancer research lab. -
16:20 - 16:26I now believe that the future
cancer treatment rooms for children -
16:26 - 16:29will be a very different place.
16:29 - 16:31It would be a pleasant place
16:31 - 16:35where children gather
and make new friends. -
16:35 - 16:38They probably
won't even know they're sick. -
16:38 - 16:40They'll draw pictures,
16:40 - 16:42color in their books,
play with their toys, -
16:42 - 16:48all the while unaware that above them
are beautiful blue pinkish plasma lights -
16:49 - 16:52emanating healing,
pulsing electric fields, -
16:54 - 16:58shattering their cancer,
painlessly and non-toxically, -
16:59 - 17:01one cell at a time.
17:02 - 17:03Thank you.
17:03 - 17:06(Aplause)
- Title:
- Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore
- Description:
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences.
In this talk, Anthony Holland, Associate Professor and Director of Music Technology at Skidmore College and an expert in custom digital electronic signal design, synthesis and analysis for biological effects, shares his story of how he discovered the ability of oscillating pulsed electric fields (OPEF) to destroy cancer cells and MRSA in laboratory experiments.
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
closed TED
- Project:
- TEDxTalks
- Duration:
- 17:09
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Ivana Korom approved English subtitles for Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore | |
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Ivana Korom edited English subtitles for Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore | |
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Ivana Korom edited English subtitles for Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore | |
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Ivana Korom edited English subtitles for Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore | |
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Ivana Korom edited English subtitles for Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore | |
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Ivana Korom edited English subtitles for Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore | |
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Ivana Korom edited English subtitles for Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore | |
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Ivana Korom edited English subtitles for Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies | Anthony Holland | TEDxSkidmore |