JourneyQuest S02E10: Through Every Trial (JourneyQuest Season Two)
0:00 - 0:03This is no ordinary sleep, majesty.
0:04 - 0:11The poison on the assassin's blade, meant for you, has ___ from which she cannot awake.
0:12 - 0:14Will this take long? Because that woman charges by the...
0:16 - 0:18Oh, my...
0:20 - 0:22So silent
0:23 - 0:25So still
0:27 - 0:31So unlike her... I take it.
0:36 - 0:38[yasps]
0:38 - 0:41Powerful hands wrought this spell, your majesty.
0:41 - 0:45Hands that would've soon been wrapped around your throat.
0:45 - 0:46The kings.
0:46 - 0:47Indeed.
0:47 - 0:51This curse is beyond my strength to break...
0:51 - 1:00... however, not beyond yours. Magic dies with the magician. Slay the kings, your wife awakes.
1:00 - 1:05So long as they live, however, she will remain thus.
1:07 - 1:12Very well, seer. To save my queen, I'll fetch this sword.
1:12 - 1:15Sooner to be done with it. And when it's over
1:16 - 1:19and the kings are dead ___ of my vengance.
1:19 - 1:26Yes, yes. Once they're dead you'll have your chance to kill Vieris!
1:28 - 1:31[Evil laugh]
1:31 - 1:34[Yasp]
1:34 - 1:36Wicked Kings: Oh, my didn't mean doin' that.
1:36 - 1:38[Laughs]
1:38 - 1:41Because we did, you see?
2:12 - 2:14I can't understand you.
2:24 - 2:27Why are you even here?
2:32 - 2:36This is so not how I saw today playing out.
2:47 - 2:50I wanted to roll you into the nearest hay stack since I first saw you.
2:50 - 2:52You have no idea.
2:58 - 3:02I can't believe I just said that.
3:04 - 3:09Well, it's not like you can understand me, anyway.
3:12 - 3:15Don't... No more today.
3:18 - 3:21Get away from me.
3:21 - 3:25You cost me my epic. Can't you understand that?
3:28 - 3:32It had just become something real, something important,
3:32 - 3:35something entirely MINE.
3:35 - 3:38Now it's gone.
3:43 - 3:48It was my chance to be remembered as someone outside of my family.
3:48 - 3:52And you cost me that.
3:52 - 3:55You holking, meddlesome...
4:17 - 4:19Do you really have to go?
4:19 - 4:22I could learn so much from you.
4:22 - 4:27No doubt, but the sword has been drawn. Great events are in motion
4:27 - 4:33I must seek out my colleagues, they have answers I need.
4:33 - 4:35What am I supposed to do?
4:35 - 4:38I mean with... it. And myself.
4:39 - 4:42You're caught up in prophecy now, Chosen One.
4:43 - 4:48Riding on the tides of history. Whatever happens is meant to.
4:48 - 4:51You will find your answers.
4:55 - 4:58If you're ever in need of sanctuary
4:59 - 5:03come to the Turtle River Sect at the Laughing Bear Clan
5:04 - 5:08and tell them you were sent by Strong Like Bull.
5:08 - 5:09That's your name?
5:09 - 5:11The one I was given.
5:12 - 5:15About as fitting as the one you use.
5:19 - 5:25Fare well, wizard who is far from superfluous.
6:44 - 6:48[Sound of water running]
6:48 - 6:51Hey, the ork's gone.
6:51 - 6:52Not that you care...
6:55 - 6:59Hey, have you seen Naraaaaa...
6:59 - 7:06Oh, my! Oh gods above and below we thank you for this generous bounty!
7:06 - 7:10Ah! You, ___! Turn around!
7:12 - 7:14Tell me everything.
7:14 - 7:18The... colour, firmness, curvature, symmetry, buoyancy
7:18 - 7:19What?
7:19 - 7:21Everything, why don't see?
7:22 - 7:24The most glorious things I never cared about.
7:26 - 7:30Hey, I'm sorry. To be fair, I didn't know it was you.
7:30 - 7:31Get away from me!
7:31 - 7:32You have really nice skin.
7:32 - 7:34Away, humey.
7:35 - 7:37That doesn't stir your ardor?
7:37 - 7:40You're further advanced than I thought.
7:42 - 7:47You were magnificiant in your battle against the angel.
7:47 - 7:51How you freed yourself, very clever.
7:52 - 7:55I see, you kept the trophy.
7:55 - 7:57What a champion you would make!
7:59 - 8:02I do appreciate that you haven't tried to incinerate me again.
8:02 - 8:04I lost my holy symbol.
8:04 - 8:07You should find another.
8:07 - 8:09My faith needs no iconography.
8:09 - 8:13Such piety, that's devotion.
8:13 - 8:20This is a test, Vieris is mercy, his forgiveness are everlasting.
8:21 - 8:23Evidenced by his angel.
8:25 - 8:28Oh, Carrow, I enjoy you so.
8:28 - 8:33I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to speak with someone free-minded, not bound to me at birth.
8:39 - 8:41How rude!
9:03 - 9:06Closest... port town...
9:07 - 9:09Give me your cloth!
9:09 - 9:12Oh, wonderfuly, it's you and you're naked.
9:12 - 9:14Your cloth, give them to me.
9:14 - 9:17Bardic immmu...
9:17 - 9:19He took my badge...
9:19 - 9:21That sodding sodder took my badge and you're taking my cloth...
9:21 - 9:23Leggings, blouse, everything.
9:23 - 9:24Not the blouse, is this a ___ you're...
9:24 - 9:25[shrieks]
9:25 - 9:27Fine, fine. Take it!
9:28 - 9:31And get all...
9:31 - 9:32fat AND warty!
9:36 - 9:38I didn't know what you were up to.
9:38 - 9:40It's fine, don't mention it.
9:40 - 9:41Okay, I really wasn't trying...
9:41 - 9:46Wow! Don't mention it, means don't mention it. Stop mentioning it!
9:46 - 9:57[breathes heavily]
9:58 - 10:03___ bark, in the water. It'll help with the headache from the toxin.
10:09 - 10:11[coughs]
10:11 - 10:15Tastes pretty aweful... Should have said something about that...
10:15 - 10:18Also I made it rather strong.
10:19 - 10:22It does help... a little.
10:24 - 10:26So did the soak.
10:26 - 10:28Thank you.
10:29 - 10:33Well, you know, I try to help out where I can.
10:33 - 10:36It's not much...
10:43 - 10:45And, eh, thank you for...
10:45 - 10:46[clears throat]
10:47 - 10:49...thank you for coming back.
10:50 - 10:53Uh, no thanks necessary.
10:54 - 10:58She dragged me back, I was unconcious at the time.
10:58 - 11:01No, I meant, I meant at...
11:01 - 11:04I meant at the runis. You came...
11:05 - 11:10___, with lemons... I think... worm...
11:11 - 11:16Uhm, anyway. But that much is clear
11:16 - 11:18you came back.
11:19 - 11:22You know, you can't say
11:22 - 11:25"perfect" without first saying "Perf".
11:31 - 11:34I like to structure my apology on several levels, uhm,...
11:34 - 11:37[laughs]
11:37 - 11:38First...
11:39 - 11:40I...
11:40 - 11:42That bad?
11:42 - 11:46That was terrible! Perfect? Really, that's what you're gonna go with?
11:47 - 11:49I almost went with "perforated".
11:49 - 11:52No, "perfect" is better.
11:52 - 11:54Straight down your throat.
11:54 - 11:56Oh, god, it burns!
11:57 - 12:00[coughs]
12:00 - 12:01Hey, uhm,...
12:01 - 12:02[laughs]
12:04 - 12:07I got something else for ya.
12:07 - 12:09Pale mountain.
12:09 - 12:11What about it?
12:11 - 12:14Hey, could you give me a...
12:14 - 12:15The oracle?
12:15 - 12:17She'll answer three question to any who can find her.
12:18 - 12:20I can ask her how I can be healed.
12:20 - 12:22And I could ask her how to get rid of the sword!
12:22 - 12:24I mean I'm like a walking target with this thing on my hip.
12:24 - 12:26I could ask her...
12:26 - 12:28Pale mountain it is.
12:28 - 12:30Not far if we take the path.
12:30 - 12:32If we leave now, we can reach the footholds by nightfall .
12:33 - 12:36You know, I got something else, it's for...
12:36 - 12:38In a bit, Perf.
12:40 - 12:42... for you.
12:42 - 12:45You know, because you...
12:45 - 12:48you lost yours.
12:48 - 12:50I made this.
12:50 - 12:52Mended it, actually,
12:53 - 12:54out of honeysuckle.
12:57 - 12:58But what it's for?
13:01 - 13:02For you
13:02 - 13:03to wear on your head.
13:06 - 13:07But what's it FOR? What's its intent?
13:07 - 13:08What's its intent?
13:12 - 13:14To give you flowers?
13:15 - 13:16Yes.
13:17 - 13:18But WHY?
13:21 - 13:24So, I tell you.
13:25 - 13:29And you... slap this back in my hand and walk away.
13:29 - 13:36Sword: You know Perf, it's not actually possible to make me vomit, but I swear you're getting close.
13:36 - 13:42Seriously, you twinkle so loud, it's a wonder you don't sneeze rainbows!
13:43 - 13:45[Sword screams]
13:47 - 13:49Sword: I will stab you in the...
13:49 - 13:50Ah, stop it!
13:50 - 13:52[Sword coughs]
13:52 - 13:56[Sword screams]
13:56 - 13:58Sword: I'll eat you alive!
14:00 - 14:02Yes, finally!
14:03 - 14:08Through every trial and hardship, through countless enemy, I have endured.
14:08 - 14:10Now, to claim my...
14:14 - 14:16How?
14:25 - 14:26Tastes like failure.
14:27 - 14:28Perf!
14:32 - 14:36PERF!!!
15:26 - 15:30Kekart helaz ek haedart duwudz. (Slaughter the elves and skin the dwarves.)
15:31 - 15:34Trogdart huadz ek iuluz malifuluz. (Burn the humans and their cities.)
15:34 - 15:43Possagas nubudz shagga, net praolop arwabdjagas nubudz. (You all may slay us, but shall never break our will.)
15:43 - 15:48Orkulz aggax! Nodar heszax lordhul aka! (We are Orcs! Our blood is fire!)
15:49 - 15:53Orkulz aggax! Huarit ur drado bawaes! (We are Orcs! Hide behind your walls!)
15:54 - 15:57Batmam nodar bennathesad aka. (Justice is our spear-sister.)
15:57 - 16:05Katakaen gadz wuaraggek. (We will not be enslaved again.)
16:05 - 16:07I saw that coming...
16:08 - 16:10[Gargoyle grunts]
- Title:
- JourneyQuest S02E10: Through Every Trial (JourneyQuest Season Two)
- Description:
Season Finale! This show has been made possible by the contributions of viewers like you. Show your support for a third season at
No Studio, No Network, No Cancellation: JourneyQuest is creator distributed and fan supported!
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7: TWO
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: (help with subtitles at
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10: WITH JOURNEYQUEST: is available under a Creative Commons License (BY-SA-NC)
Download, Share, RemixWritten and Created by Matt Vancil
Directed by Ben Dobyns
Produced by Elizabeth Heile, Kat Ogden, and Tony BecerraStarring:
Christian Doyle
Anne Kennedy
Fran Kranz
Bob Sapp
Brian Lewis
Kevin Pitman
Emilie Rommel Shimkus
Samara Lerman
Jesse Lee Keeter
Jen Page
Scott C. Brown
Paige Barnett
Jeremy Spray - Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 16:20
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Yuri Khan edited English, British subtitles for JourneyQuest S02E10: Through Every Trial (JourneyQuest Season Two) | |
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Moritz edited English, British subtitles for JourneyQuest S02E10: Through Every Trial (JourneyQuest Season Two) | |
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Moritz edited English, British subtitles for JourneyQuest S02E10: Through Every Trial (JourneyQuest Season Two) | |
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Moritz edited English, British subtitles for JourneyQuest S02E10: Through Every Trial (JourneyQuest Season Two) | |
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Alex Batta edited English, British subtitles for JourneyQuest S02E10: Through Every Trial (JourneyQuest Season Two) | |
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Alex Batta added a translation |