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Aşk Laftan Anlamaz 15.Bölüm ᴴᴰ

  • 0:00 - 0:05
    Love cannot be described by words
  • 0:11 - 0:19
    < Translated by ioniravas >
  • 0:31 - 0:35
    Last night I really thought about this
  • 0:35 - 0:37
    Me too..
  • 0:38 - 0:42
    I don't really care about what you think.
  • 0:44 - 0:48
    There is no other way to get out
    of this situation
  • 0:48 - 0:53
    than to resign... And to pack your bag.
  • 0:54 - 0:57
    We are going back to Giresum.
  • 1:07 - 1:10
    This is exactly why I lied mom...
  • 1:10 - 1:13
    And now I'm showing you the way out from
    all of this...
  • 1:13 - 1:16
    We'll leave before they find out about
  • 1:16 - 1:17
    I'm not going anywhere!
  • 1:17 - 1:18
    Wait!! What
  • 1:18 - 1:25
    I'm not resigning! I am not packing my bag
    and I am not going back there!
  • 1:25 - 1:27
    Girl, have you lost your mind?
  • 1:27 - 1:29
    You can't decide over my life!
  • 1:29 - 1:34
    Girl, the life you want to live here
    isn't even your life!
  • 1:35 - 1:38
    Oh God! You're really making me
    call your dad!
  • 1:38 - 1:43
    Go ahead, call him!
    Call the entire world but I am not
    going back!
  • 1:43 - 1:46
    Even If I have to live in this caravan for
    my entire life, I'll do it.
  • 1:46 - 1:51
    They'll find out that I'm not Sunsa Pektas,
    they'll send me to prison, and I still
    won't go back..
  • 1:51 - 1:56
    Honey, Girl... Look, for the love of god,
    dont say tht Sit down and think about it!
  • 1:56 - 2:01
    I have thought about it for months! I've
    been thinking abt it from the day I lied!
  • 2:01 - 2:06
    I couldn't sleep last night!
    I was think about it the entire night!
  • 2:06 - 2:07
    Do you think I'm happy?
  • 2:08 - 2:11
    Do you think it's easy for me to
    live in this lie?
  • 2:11 - 2:12
    I know why I did this...
  • 2:13 - 2:21
    You should think about it too... You
    made me lie about this, I wasn't that
    kind of person mom!
  • 2:44 - 2:46
    How is it going there, at home Asli?
  • 2:46 - 2:47
    It's good for now..
  • 2:47 - 2:49
    And mom?
  • 2:49 - 2:51
    Frustrated, angry and furious!
  • 2:51 - 2:53
    Those 3 words means the same thing..
  • 2:53 - 2:56
    Okay I know... I just wanted to make
    my point.
  • 2:58 - 3:02
    How's it going at the company? Did Murat
    come? Did you guys have a fight again?
  • 3:02 - 3:07
    No, he isn't here yet. I'm praying for a
    miracle to happen, that he doesn't come
  • 3:07 - 3:08
    Why is that honey?
  • 3:09 - 3:11
    Because I know what's going to happen...
  • 3:11 - 3:15
    Last time we spoke everything was amazing
    but now he's waiting for an explanation.
  • 3:16 - 3:23
    And the Murat I know won't stop until
    he gets his answers.
  • 3:28 - 3:30
    Girls, Murat is here..I need to hang up!
  • 3:35 - 3:36
    Good morning, Mr. Murat..
  • 3:36 - 3:37
    Good morning, where is Cagla?
  • 3:37 - 3:41
    They called her downstairs, she will be
    back soon, Do you want your coffee now?
  • 3:41 - 3:43
    No I don't want it now.
  • 4:04 - 4:05
    Okay okay...
  • 4:06 - 4:08
    You are right!
    What I did was wrong...
  • 4:08 - 4:09
  • 4:09 - 4:13
    Please don't force me Murat...I had a very
    bad night that I can't even explain.
  • 4:15 - 4:16
  • 4:16 - 4:22
    Don't get mad at me, I'm already mad at
  • 4:22 - 4:25
    Well I can't take your right away for
    getting mad at me but...
  • 4:30 - 4:33
    I just wanted to know how you were...
  • 4:34 - 4:34
  • 4:37 - 4:38
  • 4:40 - 4:41
    Is that all?
  • 4:45 - 4:47
    Ofcourse that's not all...
  • 4:59 - 5:01
    I missed you..
  • 5:14 - 5:15
    I missed your smell..
  • 5:21 - 5:22
    I missed your eyes...
  • 5:27 - 5:29
    Ah..Yes come in..
  • 5:36 - 5:39
    We'll get back to that later Ms. Hayat..
  • 5:40 - 5:42
    Yes Cagla I am listening...
  • 5:43 - 5:54
    Sorry..Sorry Sir!! I..was.. here for your
    daily program update!
  • 6:24 - 6:26
    Okay let me guess..It's about Ipek right?
  • 6:27 - 6:33
    My mind is blown!! I don't get her she is
    always mad about something or other!
    It's too much now!
  • 6:33 - 6:39
    Bro you are playing the game wrong way!
    The golden rule is "The one who run's away
    gets chased.
  • 6:39 - 6:41
    I can't run away from Ipek! Impossible!
  • 6:41 - 6:44
    But she is running away from you, and
    you are chasing her!
  • 6:45 - 6:47
    Now turn it the other way around!
  • 6:48 - 6:50
    Ohh.. I get it now!
  • 6:50 - 6:54
    Yes bro! You need to to treat Ipek the
    same way she has been treating you! Then
  • 6:54 - 6:55
    let's see what happens..
  • 6:56 - 7:00
    Okay, I liked this plan.. now let me call
    her now I am the one who is mad!
  • 7:01 - 7:07
    No bro you can't call her, be like Ipek!
    You are not calling her until she calls u!
  • 7:07 - 7:09
    But I miss her!
  • 7:10 - 7:11
    Not even "one" call?
  • 7:12 - 7:17
    Okay I won't call her then, let her call
    me now huh!
  • 7:18 - 7:20
    This one...
  • 7:21 - 7:23
    This one...
  • 7:23 - 7:25
    and that one..
  • 7:25 - 7:27
  • 7:27 - 7:29
    Okay take them away, now go..
  • 7:36 - 7:44
    Tell me! How your first dinner date went?
    Did you guys kiss? How far did you go!?
  • 7:45 - 7:48
    "I can't go this far" Or did you say??
  • 7:51 - 7:52
    No, I didn't say that!
  • 7:52 - 7:54
    What babyy?!!
  • 7:56 - 7:59
    I didn't say that as I wasn't even there!
  • 7:59 - 8:01
    I left in the middle of the dinner!
  • 8:01 - 8:03
    Why? Did you guys have a fight?
  • 8:03 - 8:08
    No, coz of some personal reason I left and
    I couldn't explain that too...
  • 8:09 - 8:15
    Okay.. so what did Murat do? I mean
    Did he get mad? He started torturing you?
  • 8:17 - 8:21
    No It's the opposite! He is being so
    nice to me.
  • 8:21 - 8:22
  • 8:23 - 8:26
    I don't get it too..What is happening
    here Ms. Tuval?!
  • 8:27 - 8:30
    Honey... I have bad news for you!
  • 8:33 - 8:34
    What is it?
  • 8:35 - 8:41
    If a man acts like nothing has happened
    even tho something has happened, It means
  • 8:41 - 8:43
    he is suspicious..
  • 8:44 - 8:46
    Watch out.. "code red"..
  • 8:49 - 8:50
    Code red..
  • 9:00 - 9:02
    Okay..we are partying tonight?
  • 9:02 - 9:03
  • 9:04 - 9:07
    Yes! It's the third Wednesday of the month
    which means it is.....
  • 9:07 - 9:08
    "Holy Wednesday"
  • 9:08 - 9:10
    Yup that's correct..
  • 9:10 - 9:14
    But things have changed..I am not single
  • 9:16 - 9:20
    Was someone talking about me?
  • 9:20 - 9:22
    Hi bambi..How is it going?
  • 9:22 - 9:24
    Good..what about you guys?
  • 9:26 - 9:29
    So what is this "Holy Wednesday" all
  • 9:29 - 9:32
    Uhh.... That's a secret between us
  • 9:32 - 9:33
    A secret?
  • 9:34 - 9:38
    It's "Guy's Talk" you know, that we were
  • 9:39 - 9:43
    Okay, then I won't interrupt you guys
    anymore.. I will leave..
  • 9:43 - 9:47
    Ahh..By the way we need to get the
    place ready...
  • 9:48 - 9:50
    Ahh..Same place as last time? right?
  • 9:51 - 9:54
    As usual the party will be at my place..
  • 9:54 - 9:55
    and how late are we starting?
  • 9:55 - 10:00
    Well you know, we can't start this kind of
    party until it gets dark enough!
  • 10:04 - 10:08
    Ahh..Are you guy's planning something
    special for tonight?
  • 10:09 - 10:11
    Yes.. Is there something wrong with it?
  • 10:11 - 10:15
    Nothing dear..I was just curious..
  • 10:22 - 10:25
    Okay I give up bro! You are really mean!
  • 10:25 - 10:28
    I did nothing! You started it I just
    finished it..
  • 10:28 - 10:32
    Oh God! After hearing you are planing
    something special for tonight, I think
  • 10:32 - 10:36
    she will tell you where she was last
    night, just to know what your plans are
    for tonight!!
  • 10:47 - 10:48
    Ahh It's Ipek!!
  • 10:50 - 10:53
    "Talk to Ipek, the way she talk's to me.."
  • 10:59 - 11:00
    What's up?
  • 11:01 - 11:02
    It's me Ipek..
  • 11:02 - 11:03
    Is there something?
  • 11:03 - 11:07
    What "Is there something" who do u
    think u r talking to? ur friend or smith?
  • 11:07 - 11:10
    I was wondering what u're up to
    and wanted to hear your voice!
  • 11:10 - 11:11
    why didn't you call me?
  • 11:11 - 11:14
    Why will I unnecessary call you and bother
    you all the time? huh?
  • 11:14 - 11:18
    Kerem what is wrong with you? Did you get
    hit by a helicopter or something?
  • 11:18 - 11:20
    Look..I have stuff to do, so now can you
    please hang up?
  • 11:20 - 11:23
    Wait..wait, don't hang up..Is there
    something wrong?
  • 11:23 - 11:25
    Nothing..I just have some work to do,
    now hang up..
  • 11:26 - 11:30
    Okay daring..Is something bothering you
    honey? huh?
  • 11:30 - 11:34
    What's with this "Darling" and "Honey"!!
    Ipek I don't like being called by these
  • 11:34 - 11:37
    names when I am at work! Please just watch
    your words..
  • 11:37 - 11:42
    Okay!! I don't understand why you are
    acting this way but I'll watch my words
    next time..
  • 11:42 - 11:44
    Okay..I am hanging up now..bye!
  • 11:46 - 11:47
    Wow, It worked!
  • 11:54 - 11:58
    Look this one is in the list too..
  • 12:01 - 12:07
    Mr. Murat, I know we are at work right now
    but I want to thank your brother for
    something...Can I?
  • 12:08 - 12:09
    For what?
  • 12:09 - 12:10
    Ipek of course!
  • 12:11 - 12:17
    Doruk, By God I dont know whether you are
    a love guru or what but from now on,
  • 12:17 - 12:18
    I will listen to your advice..
  • 12:18 - 12:20
    Did it work bro?
  • 12:20 - 12:23
    It did! For the first time in my life,
    Ipek called me without me calling her
  • 12:23 - 12:28
    first. I talked to her the same way she
    talks to me and as If it wasn't enough I
  • 12:28 - 12:28
    hung up on her!
  • 12:28 - 12:33
    Wow...so this topic is important..we will
    have lots of time to discuss about it
  • 12:37 - 12:43
    Ahh..Bro, can we discuss what we gonna
    do tonight, as Kerem is here too now..
  • 12:43 - 12:45
    On this "Holy Wednesday"..
  • 12:46 - 12:50
    ahhh..yeah it's a very important night..
  • 12:51 - 12:54
    Ayyy...So what will we do? What do you
    want for tonight?
  • 12:55 - 13:05
    Well I would like some "Chicks", like
    natural ones, crispy ones..
  • 13:05 - 13:08
    (closest translation for "chicken")
  • 13:10 - 13:11
  • 13:13 - 13:15
    You shameless piece of....
  • 13:15 - 13:20
    "Chicks"..What the **** chicks!!? I am
    your girlfriend, you don't have to do
  • 13:20 - 13:22
    anything with those "Chicks"
  • 13:22 - 13:26
    "Natural Chicks"...What do I have implants
    or what?? I am natural too..
  • 13:28 - 13:30
    Don't laugh! Do you want everyone to
    hear us?
  • 13:30 - 13:34
    Yaa Bro, there is nothing wrong about it..
    while you like "Chicks" I like big "Hips"
  • 13:34 - 13:35
  • 13:35 - 13:36
    He is right..
  • 13:37 - 13:41
    Well, I like breast's then (Chicken's)..
    like big one's! wait but what is this
  • 13:41 - 13:43
    conversation all about?
  • 13:44 - 13:48
    Don't worry, I'll get the biggest breast
    for you tonight!!
  • 14:03 - 14:07
    This has gone too far!! Do you know what
    I just heard girls?!!
  • 14:07 - 14:09
    What did you hear?
    What did you hear?
  • 14:10 - 14:14
    So the boy's were talking about
  • 14:14 - 14:17
    Like they were laughing about it...
  • 14:18 - 14:19
  • 14:19 - 14:24
    Well they were saying today is "Holy
    Wednesday" and they will get together
  • 14:24 - 14:27
    tonight..Ahh girls, I cant take this
  • 14:27 - 14:30
    Murat said he likes "Chicks"
  • 14:30 - 14:34
    I don't understand what he wants from
    other girls when I am right here for him!
  • 14:34 - 14:35
  • 14:35 - 14:36
    He is so shameless!!
  • 14:36 - 14:38
    They all are the same!! The same!
  • 14:38 - 14:39
  • 14:41 - 14:45
    Doruk likes big "Hips"...
  • 14:50 - 14:54
    Well he should be ashamed of himself!!
  • 14:55 - 14:56
  • 14:56 - 14:58
    Please forgive me for this one..eh..
  • 14:59 - 15:01
    Murat said he will get Kerem some...
  • 15:01 - 15:03
    Some big "breasts"....
  • 15:09 - 15:11
    Wow..He hit my weakest spot!!
    Dishonest piece of ***!!
  • 15:11 - 15:13
    Girls alot is going on tonight..
  • 15:13 - 15:16
    So that was the reason, Kerem was
    behaving so weird!
  • 15:16 - 15:16
  • 15:17 - 15:18
    Unloyal Bastar**
  • 15:19 - 15:20
    Nasty boys!!
  • 15:21 - 15:23
    We'll do something about this right?!
  • 15:23 - 15:29
    Yes! of course we will!! No I'm gonna call
    the "so-called breast loving" Kerem..
  • 15:29 - 15:32
    And I will talk to my "Buddy", Doruk
    about it!
  • 15:33 - 15:38
    So..let's see what he has to say about
    all this!
  • 15:39 - 15:43
    Okay..I am hanging up now..
    good luck girls!
  • 15:43 - 15:45
  • 15:45 - 15:46
    Let's go from there...
  • 16:05 - 16:06
  • 16:09 - 16:10
    Which floor you going to lady?
  • 16:11 - 16:13
    Actually I am not going anywhere!
  • 16:13 - 16:15
    Hayat what are you doing? Aren't you
  • 16:15 - 16:18
    I don't really care about being
    claustrophobic right now!
  • 16:18 - 16:22
    and didn't you tell me, I am always safe
    with you?!
  • 16:22 - 16:25
    I am still safe with you right? Like
    nothing has changed right?
  • 16:32 - 16:36
    Now, once again, clearly tell me what are
    you trying to say...
  • 16:37 - 16:39
    Like.. me and you...
  • 16:39 - 16:44
    I mean has anything changed between
    us, Murat?
  • 16:46 - 16:49
    Well nothing has changed..except for
    the fact that my love for you is growing
  • 16:49 - 16:50
    stronger everyday..
  • 16:51 - 16:52
  • 16:54 - 16:55
  • 16:59 - 17:02
    So are we doing anything tonight?
    If not.. then what's the reason?
  • 17:02 - 17:05
    Do you have other plans?
    If so then..where, when, with whom?!
  • 17:05 - 17:09
    I mean..Long story short are you doing
    something tonight?! Hmm??
  • 17:11 - 17:16
    Before asking me any question's, you
    need to answer my question's first, you
  • 17:16 - 17:18
    know that right?(last night's whereabouts)
  • 17:18 - 17:22
    Therefore let's just forget all the
    questions for now and let's just enjoy
  • 17:22 - 17:23
    this moment!
  • 17:32 - 17:36
    It..It got really hot for a second there!!
  • 17:42 - 17:43
  • 17:43 - 17:47
    Normally you need permission from your
    manager to leave this early from work...
  • 17:47 - 17:48
    what happened?
  • 17:48 - 17:50
    Well let's just say I missed you..
  • 17:52 - 17:52
    No way!
  • 17:53 - 17:54
  • 17:54 - 17:55
  • 17:55 - 17:58
    Wait what? what did you say? missed me?
    you? missed me?!
  • 17:58 - 18:00
    Stop being funny about it!
  • 18:01 - 18:05
    Wit a min! wait a min...You missed me?
    and called me here to drink coffee
  • 18:05 - 18:06
    with you!
  • 18:06 - 18:10
    Yes is there something wrong with it?
  • 18:12 - 18:13
    Yes.. I missed you!
  • 18:13 - 18:19
    Okay Janam you missed me but what's with
    these "Baby, Darling, Honey and stuff"..
  • 18:21 - 18:23
    Just tell me what are you here for Ipek?
  • 18:23 - 18:27
    When did I call you "baby" and what's
    this attitude all about Kerem? Now you
  • 18:27 - 18:29
    want it to be like this?!
  • 18:29 - 18:31
    What are you doing Ms. Ipek?
  • 18:34 - 18:39
    Ahh...There I hit the table too..now what?
    Mine made more noise tho...
  • 18:39 - 18:43
    What's this attitude in this 21st century
    huh? Hitting table.. Raising your voice
  • 18:43 - 18:45
    against your boyfriend!
  • 18:46 - 18:47
    Not very nice of you Ipek..
  • 18:50 - 18:55
    Okay Kerem..Fine honey..Ohh wait I forgot
    you didn't want me to call you "Honey"..
  • 18:55 - 18:58
    We aren't calling each other that again,
    are we?
  • 18:58 - 18:59
    Yes we are..
  • 18:59 - 19:08
    Okay..okay we are honey! I am sorry, I
    was wrong..I want to ask you something
  • 19:08 - 19:09
    Ask then..
  • 19:10 - 19:11
    Can we go out tonight...
  • 19:11 - 19:13
    Yes!! wait, no I can't!
  • 19:13 - 19:15
    Not tonight..I have plans for tonight..
  • 19:15 - 19:20
    With whom you are busy tonight!! Oh God..
    Are u hiding a secret? Are you two-faced?
  • 19:21 - 19:27
    Ipek are you crazy? what kind of secret? I
    am just gonna hang out with my friends...
  • 19:27 - 19:34
    "I am just gonna hang out with my
  • 19:36 - 19:38
    Ayy..Enough now!
  • 19:39 - 19:46
    I don't like being questioned! You have
    to trust me and give me some space..
  • 19:47 - 19:49
    Uff..I am leaving now..
  • 19:49 - 19:50
  • 19:54 - 19:56
    Here you go...take this..
  • 19:57 - 19:59
    Okay see you later..
  • 20:01 - 20:02
    You bastar***
  • 20:07 - 20:08
    Come in.
  • 20:16 - 20:17
    Yes Mr. Murat..
  • 20:18 - 20:23
    Haa..I want you to cancel all my
    appointments for tomorrow and move them
  • 20:23 - 20:24
    to the next day..
  • 20:26 - 20:32
    But Mr. Kaan and Mr. Deniz are coming
    tomorrow to discuss your organization..
  • 20:32 - 20:36
    Well there is nothing I can do about that.
    just move them in the evening or the next
  • 20:36 - 20:37
    day please..
  • 20:37 - 20:39
    But you said it was important..
  • 20:39 - 20:44
    I know, but tonight is more important to
    me..I don't know when it will end, may be
  • 20:44 - 20:48
    it will go till morning and I don't want
    to be late for the meeting..
  • 20:51 - 20:53
    So please, do as I asked for..
  • 20:57 - 20:59
    With you permission..
  • 21:21 - 21:23
    What's up sweet girl?
  • 21:23 - 21:27
    Nothing much buddy..what about you? I know
    you are at work so I won't take much of
  • 21:27 - 21:31
    your time..can we do something together
    tonight? May be play Tavla or pool...
  • 21:31 - 21:32
    whatever you want!!
  • 21:32 - 21:36
    Girl I will bring the stars and the
    moon for u, If you want me to...
  • 21:36 - 21:36
  • 21:36 - 21:40
    But..I have some other plans for
    tonight darling..
  • 21:40 - 21:42
    What kind of plans?
  • 21:42 - 21:43
    With who?
  • 21:43 - 21:44
  • 21:44 - 21:45
    What are you planning to wear?
  • 21:45 - 21:46
    When will it end?
  • 21:46 - 21:49
    Are you going to the red carpet? You are
    going to the red carpet?
  • 21:49 - 21:50
    What else it could be!?
  • 21:50 - 21:52
    What are you going to do there? drink tea?
  • 21:52 - 21:55
    You gonna drink tea right? what else you
    gonna drink?
  • 21:55 - 21:56
    How many people will be there?
  • 21:56 - 22:00
    2? 5? 10? Please be alone!! Can we talk
    please?! Please tell me something
  • 22:00 - 22:01
    more about it...
  • 22:01 - 22:04
    Unfortunately Asli, there are certain
    things I can share with you and some I
  • 22:04 - 22:06
    can't share with you buddy...
  • 22:11 - 22:16
    We are following my plan..after you see
    these pictures, you will understand
  • 22:16 - 22:18
    it better.. yeah don't worry..
  • 22:18 - 22:19
  • 22:24 - 22:25
    What's up? How is it going?
  • 22:27 - 22:31
    Remember what we talked about last time?
    Did you warn Hayat about it?
  • 22:31 - 22:33
    Didem I have stuff to do..bye!!
  • 22:37 - 22:39
    Who the *** he think, he is?!
  • 22:42 - 22:48
    But I am Didem..I will play this game so
    dirty that you won't be able to get
  • 22:48 - 22:49
    yourself out of it..
  • 22:58 - 22:58
    Come in..
  • 23:01 - 23:02
    Do you have time Murat?
  • 23:02 - 23:03
    What is it about?
  • 23:04 - 23:05
  • 23:08 - 23:09
    Have a seat..
  • 23:15 - 23:17
    Okay, I am listening..
  • 23:21 - 23:23
    I know who stole your last project...
  • 23:24 - 23:26
    Wait, what do you know?
  • 23:27 - 23:33
    I mean..your first project...I know who
    wanted to sabotage Sarte's position...
  • 23:36 - 23:37
    Who was it?
  • 23:46 - 23:50
    Your step mom..I mean Mrs. Derya..
  • 23:51 - 23:56
    Do you even realize what you are saying?
    - that's the truth..
  • 23:58 - 24:02
    Ahhh Didem..If it's one of your stupid
    games then you have crossed your line
  • 24:02 - 24:06
    this time..The person you are talking
    about is my brother's mom and my
    father's wife.
  • 24:06 - 24:09
    I am not lying this time..Believe me..
  • 24:10 - 24:12
    Why will Derya do something like this?
  • 24:13 - 24:17
    Look I get it, If I was in your place, I
    wouldn't believe too, that someone from
  • 24:17 - 24:19
    my family stabbed me like this.....
  • 24:19 - 24:20
    Shut up!!
  • 24:20 - 24:24
    You are accusing her..I don't want to
    listen to you anymore..
  • 24:27 - 24:29
    Okay..I can prove it..
  • 24:32 - 24:33
    Prove it then...
  • 24:35 - 24:40
    Just wait..sooner or later you will
    realize it by yourself that I was right.
  • 24:44 - 24:47
    With you permission..I will leave now,
    good luck with your work..
  • 25:17 - 25:21
    So what did I do now, for you to wait for
    me like this in front of the gate?
  • 25:21 - 25:23
    I thought about it one more time..
  • 25:23 - 25:23
  • 25:23 - 25:28
    I thought about every outcome that's
    possible this time..
  • 25:28 - 25:29
  • 25:29 - 25:30
    You are resigning from your job..
  • 25:30 - 25:33
    I told you this morning too, that I won't
    leave my job..
  • 25:33 - 25:35
    Well then we are leaving for Giresun
    either way..
  • 25:35 - 25:37
    I won't go back, I would rather die here!
  • 25:37 - 25:39
    Look don't force me to call your dad!!
  • 25:39 - 25:41
    Go ahead..tell him I said "Hi"!
  • 25:41 - 25:42
    I will tell everything to your dad!
  • 25:42 - 25:45
    Don't even bother, I will tell him If I
    want to..
  • 25:45 - 25:48
    What's your problem? Please tell me
    because I don't get it!
  • 25:50 - 25:52
    I fell in love, mom...
  • 26:08 - 26:10
    Where are the recordings Doruk?
  • 26:10 - 26:12
    Which recordings bro?
  • 26:13 - 26:15
    The security camera recordings of Sarte?
  • 26:16 - 26:21
    Ohh those recordings?? I don't know where
    they are..probably they are somewhere in
  • 26:21 - 26:23
    my house, I don't remember..
  • 26:23 - 26:24
    Why do you ask?
  • 26:24 - 26:28
    Well I am still thinking who betrayed us..
  • 26:28 - 26:33
    Even I didn't find anything but I wont
    stop searching until I find something..
  • 26:34 - 26:40
    Just leave it brother.. Leave it let's not
    get into it..and our second project was
  • 26:40 - 26:45
    more successful then the first one! We
    have got 1000s of orders!
  • 26:48 - 26:52
    Hoo.. Ho..get out of my way..
  • 26:53 - 26:56
    I bought everything that was on the list!
  • 26:59 - 27:02
    I will do anything you guys ask me to do
    today..just ask!
  • 27:02 - 27:04
    So what are we doing first?
  • 27:04 - 27:08
    Let's start with the most simple step
    first..Let's not get distracted while we
  • 27:08 - 27:12
    are planning the party cause we need to
    think about other things too...
  • 27:25 - 27:26
    Where did you meet him?
  • 27:28 - 27:28
    At work..
  • 27:29 - 27:30
    Do you love him?
  • 27:31 - 27:32
  • 27:33 - 27:34
    What about him?
  • 27:35 - 27:36
    He loves me alot too...
  • 27:40 - 27:43
    Did you get a chance to know him?
  • 27:44 - 27:47
    Yes..He is a good person, a very
    good person.
  • 27:48 - 27:52
    How fast you grew up and now you fell in
    love with someone..
  • 27:53 - 27:57
    You don't want to accept it but I am a
    grown woman now..
  • 28:00 - 28:04
    That's why I can't resign from my job.
    I can't tell him all this too..
  • 28:05 - 28:08
    Cuz If I did..I will lose the man I love
    the most..
  • 28:09 - 28:12
    and I can't risk losing him..
  • 28:22 - 28:27
    I wish you could have come up with
    anything to me but no this love, honey...
  • 28:28 - 28:32
    You hit my weak spot "Love" this time..
  • 28:32 - 28:35
    I don't know what I am supposed to say
    to you now..
  • 28:39 - 28:40
    Listen darling..
  • 28:43 - 28:47
    If he really loves you then he will
    understand you..
  • 28:48 - 28:53
    When the time comes, he will understand..
    If he finds out one day,
  • 28:53 - 28:55
    He won't stop loving you...
  • 28:55 - 28:57
    And that's what I call "True love"
  • 29:01 - 29:03
    I am very scared mom..
  • 29:03 - 29:04
  • 29:04 - 29:05
  • 29:07 - 29:07
  • 29:08 - 29:09
    Okay girl.
  • 29:12 - 29:17
    You are scared of losing a man you just
    met a week or so ago..
  • 29:20 - 29:26
    So how do I feel? You are my child..I
    would give my life for you..
  • 29:27 - 29:32
    Listen now...go speak to him and just tell
    him the truth..
  • 29:35 - 29:36
  • 30:02 - 30:03
    I think we are done..
  • 30:03 - 30:04
    I think so too..
  • 30:05 - 30:06
    wait a minute..wait a min..
  • 30:07 - 30:08
    The curtains!!
  • 30:09 - 30:11
    Good idea bro..
  • 30:20 - 30:25
    I can't just stay here and do nothing
    about it anymore!!
  • 30:25 - 30:32
    Girls!! we need to do something about it!!
  • 30:33 - 30:33
  • 30:33 - 30:38
    I am happy that Aunt Emine understands
    you now!
  • 30:39 - 30:45
    Asli don't change the topic! Now all 3
    of them told us they are busy tonight but
  • 30:45 - 30:48
    neither one of them told us what they
    will be doing!!
  • 30:49 - 30:54
    No..Well Doruk just talked very openly to
    me.. He said, he can't hang out as he has
  • 30:54 - 30:55
    other plans..
  • 30:55 - 31:00
    Asli call Doruk! as You guys are just
    "Buddies" and you can ask him anything,
  • 31:00 - 31:02
    you got nothing to lose!
  • 31:03 - 31:06
    I am gonna call him, but what am I
    supposed to say?
  • 31:09 - 31:09
  • 31:10 - 31:13
    Just one last step left...
  • 31:13 - 31:16
    Are we thinking about the same thing?
  • 31:16 - 31:18
    Why can't I think about the same thing?
  • 31:18 - 31:20
    We are taking them out on the count of 3
  • 31:20 - 31:21
  • 31:22 - 31:23
  • 31:24 - 31:25
  • 31:27 - 31:30
    Wow...Smart move!! I am turning it off
    too... lets count till 3 again!
  • 31:31 - 31:34
  • 31:36 - 31:37
    That's done too..
  • 31:39 - 31:42
    The person you are trying to call is
    currently unavailable
  • 31:42 - 31:46
    It directed me to answering machine, she
    is asking If I have a message to leave?
  • 31:46 - 31:47
    I heard it..
  • 31:47 - 31:48
    He switched off his mobile..
  • 31:49 - 31:52
    Doruk never switches off his mobile..
  • 31:54 - 32:01
    Okay, now after Asli let me try as Kerem
    never switches off his mobile..
  • 32:03 - 32:07
    The person you are trying to call is
    currently unavailable
  • 32:08 - 32:09
    No way!
  • 32:09 - 32:10
    Kerem too?!
  • 32:18 - 32:22
    No girls, no..I cant call Murat and ask
    him what he's doing..
  • 32:25 - 32:30
    Okay, I will try calling him and find an
    excuse if he answers..
  • 32:37 - 32:41
    The person you are trying to call is
    currently unavailable
  • 32:41 - 32:45
    Well no need to find an excuse now
    as his mobile is switched off too...
  • 32:48 - 32:51
    No..I can't wait anymore girls.. I am
    gonna go raid their place now..
  • 32:51 - 32:56
    Wait girl! It's not even night yet..we
    need to wait..
  • 32:57 - 32:59
    What are we gonna do till then?
  • 33:01 - 33:03
    Should we watch a movie or something? huh?
  • 33:26 - 33:27
  • 33:28 - 33:31
    Hello Ibrahim..what are you doing now?
  • 33:31 - 33:33
    I am repairing my car..what about you?
  • 33:33 - 33:35
    I am feeling very bad Ibrahim...
  • 33:36 - 33:37
    Why? what happened?
  • 33:38 - 33:40
    Murat is cheating on Hayat...
  • 33:40 - 33:41
  • 33:42 - 33:42
    with whom?
  • 33:43 - 33:44
    With me..
  • 33:45 - 33:46
    What are you trying to say?
  • 33:46 - 33:50
    I went to his office today to discuss
    work and he invited me to his house
  • 33:50 - 33:52
    tonight.. He said it will be better to
    talk at his place..
  • 33:52 - 33:56
    Maybe it isn't that kind of invitation..
    Maybe you are seeing it all wrong..
  • 33:56 - 34:03
    At night.. only me and him "Talking at his
    place" Ibrahim? and he was flirting with
    me too..
  • 34:04 - 34:06
    I feel very sad about it..
  • 34:07 - 34:11
    I don't know what I should be more sad
    about that Murat sees me as his side hoe
  • 34:11 - 34:13
    or that he is thinking of cheating on
  • 34:13 - 34:14
    I don't know..
  • 34:15 - 34:16
    and what are you gonna do?
  • 34:17 - 34:21
    I have decided to go see Murat in his
    house so you can see everything with
  • 34:21 - 34:22
    your own eyes..
  • 34:31 - 34:36
    I am gonna use this time for a
    hair parlor. to shine!
  • 34:36 - 34:37
    What you wanna do?
  • 34:37 - 34:41
    I am gonna dye my hair brown! let's see
    how Murat reacts to it...
  • 34:42 - 34:45
    Girl what happened to you? you never
    wanted to dye your hair!
  • 34:45 - 34:47
    Well I want to do it now..
  • 34:47 - 34:51
    Long story short....nothing can stop
    me now!!
  • 34:52 - 34:55
    Let's go girls.. let the dying process
  • 35:28 - 35:31
    Girl! Now that looks super good!!
  • 35:58 - 36:00
    No.. no..not from here..
  • 36:00 - 36:01
    We'll enter from the back door...
  • 36:25 - 36:28
    Well here it is, Murat's house..
  • 36:30 - 36:33
    God know's what they are doing inside!!
  • 36:34 - 36:40
    They have definitely filled the house with
    women!! and I bet they are making out with
    them, right now..
  • 36:42 - 36:43
    Well there you go..
  • 36:44 - 36:49
    They even closed the curtains, so they
    don't give away wht they are doing inside!
  • 36:49 - 36:51
    Damn you!
  • 36:51 - 36:53
    What a shame!!
  • 36:53 - 36:57
    Only God know's what they are
    doing inside!!
  • 36:58 - 37:00
    I don't even want to think about it...
  • 37:11 - 37:12
    Dishonest piece of sh**!!!
  • 37:25 - 37:27
    You sick basta**!!
  • 37:44 - 37:48
    What is this?! Be quiet!! Come on
    let's go....
  • 37:49 - 37:50
    Follow me...
  • 38:02 - 38:03
  • 38:03 - 38:06
    Just find a weapon let's not go
    with bare hands...
  • 38:07 - 38:13
    We gonna strike them so good..They won't
    be able to look at us ever again..
  • 38:16 - 38:17
    No, that's too common..
  • 38:22 - 38:23
    No, not that either...
  • 38:28 - 38:30
    Not strong enough, It won't hurt!
  • 38:36 - 38:38
    We don't want to kill them!!
  • 38:53 - 38:54
    Is that a girl's voice??
  • 38:54 - 38:58
    It is a girl's voice!!... How could you do
    this to me Murat?!!
  • 38:58 - 39:00
    It's only been a week of us being together
  • 39:00 - 39:04
    I swear they have bought the girls home...
  • 39:04 - 39:05
  • 39:09 - 39:13
    I am about to lose my mind.. I haven't had
    such delicious legs in months!!
  • 39:14 - 39:16
    Yeah they are good.. good.
  • 39:19 - 39:24
    but wait till you try these breasts.
    they are so soft..
  • 39:24 - 39:25
    Are they really?
  • 39:25 - 39:28
    They aren't just mine..we can share them..
  • 39:32 - 39:38
    Hmm..now that's what you call breasts!!
  • 39:38 - 39:43
    Indeed they are very soft.. you got to
    bite them really nicely...
  • 39:43 - 39:46
    I loved the leg's too.. Bro they are so
  • 39:52 - 39:53
    This is a RAID!!
  • 39:55 - 39:56
    What's going on?!
  • 39:57 - 39:59
    Are you girl's crazy?!!
  • 40:03 - 40:04
    We will destroy you!
  • 40:07 - 40:11
    Now look..calm down and drop the pan..
  • 40:11 - 40:14
    I am not going to drop it! am
    gonna kill you!
  • 40:23 - 40:24
    Is there something?
  • 40:24 - 40:26
    What are you looking at?!
  • 40:28 - 40:30
    You look so beautiful today...
  • 40:31 - 40:33
    I am literally stunned...
  • 40:35 - 40:36
    Good for you..
  • 40:37 - 40:39
    and that's how you stun people...
  • 40:39 - 40:40
    Mr. Murat...
  • 40:41 - 40:43
    Okay girl, just calm down now..
  • 40:43 - 40:45
    Can someone explain to me what is
    happening here?!!
  • 40:47 - 40:48
    "Holy Wednesday"
  • 40:49 - 40:54
    What the hell is this "Holy Wednesday"
    all about?? What is this Holy Wednesday?
    Holy Wednesday?
  • 40:54 - 40:57
    With those breasts, legs and hips??
  • 40:57 - 40:59
    You dirty bastar**s!!
  • 40:59 - 41:00
    Even sharing them!!
  • 41:01 - 41:07
    Yes..well there they are.. Breast's,
    Leg's.. Oh and If you want, there are some
    "hot wing's" too...
  • 41:07 - 41:09
    Do you want some, girl's?
  • 41:14 - 41:15
    So this is "Holy Wednesday"?
  • 41:15 - 41:21
    Mhmm.. yup.. Each month's 3rd Wednesday,
    we 3 get together, watch movies,
  • 41:21 - 41:23
    eat some food..
    Today's movie is "Tarik Akan"...
  • 41:32 - 41:35
    That's it..we watch some classic movies
    and hang out together.
  • 41:42 - 41:46
    Then why are the curtain's closed? The
    curtains are closed, I know they are
  • 41:46 - 41:47
    hiding behind it!
  • 41:47 - 41:50
    What is wrong with you, girl? We won't be
    pointing the projector out towards
  • 41:50 - 41:51
    the curtain!
  • 41:53 - 41:56
    Then why are your mobiles turned off?
  • 41:58 - 42:04
    Hey.. heyy.. you girls are the one who
    raided us with the pans and all....
  • 42:04 - 42:07
    He's right..This is our house..
  • 42:07 - 42:10
    You girls are the one, who need to explain
    everything not us..
  • 42:27 - 42:33
    Now tell us Ibrahim.. Do you know the
    person, who Hayat loves?
  • 42:33 - 42:34
  • 42:34 - 42:36
    So it's someone from work? Isn't it?
  • 42:37 - 42:37
  • 42:37 - 42:41
    From which department is he? What does
    he do? He uses his brain or uses his
  • 42:41 - 42:43
    physical power?
  • 42:43 - 42:45
    You could say, he uses both..
  • 42:45 - 42:48
    "You could say, he uses both"
  • 42:48 - 42:54
    Is he good looking? well built?? I mean is
    he a decent guy? humorist? Ayii
  • 42:54 - 42:56
    God has willed!!
  • 42:57 - 43:01
    He has a permanent job? what is his
    financial status? Hmm.. Did you like him?
  • 43:03 - 43:06
    I mean would you go for a drink with him?
  • 43:06 - 43:07
    I guess, why not?!
  • 43:07 - 43:12
    Is he fat? Does he have oval or
    rectangular nails?
  • 43:14 - 43:15
    Why are you laughing??
  • 43:15 - 43:19
    Ibrahim, I give up on you.. It seems
    like you won't give us any information
  • 43:20 - 43:21
    about the guy!!
  • 43:30 - 43:34
    So you followed me around all this time?
  • 43:36 - 43:41
    Don't laugh...Don't...I still feel ashamed
    about it Murat...
  • 43:41 - 43:44
    I am the one who got followed and wasn't
    trusted...why are you feeling bad
  • 43:44 - 43:45
    about it?
  • 43:45 - 43:46
    I feel ashamed..ashamed!!
  • 43:47 - 43:50
    It is your fault.. you could have just
    called instead of raiding my house...
  • 43:50 - 43:51
    Your mobile was off..
  • 43:53 - 43:54
    So you did call me?
  • 43:55 - 43:56
    I did..
  • 43:56 - 43:59
    Yes..Yes.. I called...Yes I called you..
  • 43:59 - 44:01
    So you called to spy on me?
  • 44:01 - 44:05
    No, I just wanted to know how were you..
    It could be that, may be I was just
  • 44:05 - 44:06
    worried about you...
  • 44:08 - 44:09
    Hmm..I get it..
  • 44:10 - 44:14
    I mean.. Its similar to the situation I
    faced last night, when you left without
  • 44:14 - 44:15
    saying anything...
  • 44:22 - 44:27
    You liked what you did buddy? You raided
    us like the "Ottoman Army"...You should
  • 44:27 - 44:30
    atleast warned me before coming here..
    I could have been in other situation..
  • 44:31 - 44:32
    God forbid, Like what?
  • 44:32 - 44:37
    Well as both my bro and Kerem are taken..
    There could have been a girl with me here.
  • 44:37 - 44:41
    Then the girl could have questioned me,
    who is this redhead who is raiding the
  • 44:41 - 44:42
    house like that..
  • 44:42 - 44:48
    No janam.. My intention wasn't of
    raiding.. let's say it was of concern..
  • 44:49 - 44:53
    I was just supporting the girls.. They
    were pumped up with energy!! I just joined
  • 44:53 - 44:58
    them.. Like, It has nothing to do with
    you tho..
  • 45:07 - 45:12
    Ipek are you okay? What is this all about?
    raiding house? Following me?
  • 45:12 - 45:14
    I know you like me but...
  • 45:15 - 45:17
    You are overwhelming me..
  • 45:18 - 45:21
    Ha!! me? overwhelming you? Ha!!
  • 45:21 - 45:26
    Since the beginning of this relationship,
    there was never a day you didn't
  • 45:26 - 45:28
    call me Kerem!!
  • 45:28 - 45:32
    And what happens when I call you?
    You show me your "I don't care" attitude?
  • 45:32 - 45:36
    Well at this age I am not gonna inform you
    about each step I take!!!
  • 45:36 - 45:38
    You got not other choice, then to do so..
  • 45:39 - 45:42
    My boyfriend needs to inform me about
    everything he does!
  • 45:42 - 45:45
    I won't take that
    "yup it's a secret and I can't tell you"
  • 45:45 - 45:49
    or "It's private I can't tell you" Kerem!!
  • 45:51 - 45:54
    "Well the one who run's away, get's
  • 45:56 - 45:59
    Ohh so you want to play that game with
    me, Kerem?!
  • 46:01 - 46:02
    Okay let's play then...
  • 46:03 - 46:06
    You did all this so I would tell you
    where I was last night then..
  • 46:06 - 46:07
  • 46:08 - 46:10
    I will be very disappointed..
  • 46:13 - 46:14
    Look, I have an idea..
  • 46:15 - 46:16
    What is it?
  • 46:17 - 46:22
    You tell me where you were last night
    and things like this will never
  • 46:22 - 46:24
    happen again.
  • 46:25 - 46:26
    I can't..
  • 46:26 - 46:27
    Why can't you?
  • 46:28 - 46:30
    Please don't insist Murat...
    I can't tell you..
  • 46:32 - 46:36
    Hayat, try to look at the situation
    from my side
  • 46:36 - 46:41
    Of course I will wonder how you are?
    where you are?
  • 46:42 - 46:45
    Murat I don't want to lie to you..
  • 46:45 - 46:47
    But I can't tell you the truth either..
  • 46:47 - 46:48
    But honey, why?
  • 46:49 - 46:51
    It's because I don't want her to tell
    anyone about it..
  • 46:54 - 46:58
    I wasn't intentionally listening to your
    conversation..I just got out, to get some
  • 46:58 - 47:00
    fresh air and heard you guys..
  • 47:00 - 47:01
    That night..
  • 47:01 - 47:02
    I called Hayat...
  • 47:02 - 47:04
    I had a fight with my dad that night..
  • 47:04 - 47:06
    and I told Hayat to keep it a secret..
  • 47:07 - 47:11
    You can ask Kerem If you want, I am
    having some problems with my dad..
  • 47:11 - 47:12
    No.. No need..
  • 47:17 - 47:19
    You didn't have to do all this..
  • 47:20 - 47:23
    I don't want you lying for me anymore..
  • 50:04 - 50:07
    I was about to ask, If I could drop you
    guys home...
  • 50:07 - 50:10
    I know Hayat doesn't want me to drop her
    so I won't ask that..
  • 50:10 - 50:14
    Ayy..but Hayat can't do anything about
    this situation.. You know she is staying
  • 50:14 - 50:16
    at our place for a while now..
  • 50:16 - 50:20
    And Hayat doesn't want to be seen there
    with you as some neighbors likes to
  • 50:20 - 50:20
    gossip alot
  • 50:20 - 50:21
  • 50:21 - 50:26
    Even Kerem is entering the house as
    my cousin..
  • 50:27 - 50:31
    Don't worry Murat the girls are in
    safe hands...
  • 50:31 - 50:35
    I am leaving too..by the way, I had an
    amazing night, thank you all for being
  • 50:35 - 50:36
    being here tonight..
  • 50:36 - 50:38
    Okay come on bye see you.
  • 50:38 - 50:39
    Come on see you.
  • 50:39 - 50:40
    Okay.. Bye bro..
  • 50:40 - 50:41
    Take care Bambi..
  • 50:41 - 50:42
    You too..
  • 50:42 - 50:43
    -Good night
    -Take care..
  • 50:48 - 50:50
    So this means that..
  • 50:51 - 50:56
    I need to wait a bit more to pick and drop
    my girl from her house...
  • 50:59 - 51:02
    Actually, there is a solution for that,
    you know..
  • 51:04 - 51:04
    I know..
  • 51:06 - 51:08
    The only solution is that you never leave
    from here...
  • 51:09 - 51:10
  • 51:11 - 51:14
    If you don't come near my door, then
    I think it won't be an issue..
  • 51:14 - 51:16
    So I have to wait at the end of
    the street?
  • 51:16 - 51:17
  • 51:17 - 51:21
    The reason for you picking me is so that
    we can go to work together..
  • 51:21 - 51:22
    So there you go...
  • 51:23 - 51:24
    Well then
  • 51:25 - 51:28
    don't promise anyone for tomorrow
    as you are mine tomorrow..
  • 51:28 - 51:30
    I will be waiting for you at the end
    of the street..
  • 51:33 - 51:36
    Since you want this so badly, I accept..
  • 51:43 - 51:45
    I will send you the address..
  • 51:45 - 51:45
  • 51:56 - 51:57
    I will leave now..
  • 51:58 - 52:00
    The girls must be waiting for me..
  • 52:04 - 52:05
    I am gone..
  • 52:23 - 52:24
    Now go..
  • 53:10 - 53:10
  • 53:10 - 53:13
    Murat where are you? Are you available
    right now?
  • 53:13 - 53:14
    Yes I am available tell me..
  • 53:14 - 53:17
    I got the proof you were asking for...
    want to meet up for that?
  • 53:18 - 53:21
    I will show you that Derya was the one
    who stole the project..
  • 53:21 - 53:22
    Okay..where do you want to meet?
  • 53:22 - 53:26
    At your place? It isn't something we can
    discuss on the streets..
  • 53:28 - 53:29
    Okay.. come.. I'll wait..
  • 53:30 - 53:30
    Okay.. bye-bye..
  • 53:40 - 53:45
    I mean...You girls overreacted in this
    situation.. you both overstressed
  • 53:45 - 53:46
    for nothing..
  • 53:51 - 53:52
  • 53:52 - 53:56
    When Doruk didn't answer your call, we
    saw your face too..
  • 53:57 - 53:59
    But it was nice, right girls?
  • 54:09 - 54:12
    Do you girls have any idea, how late
    it is? huh?
  • 54:13 - 54:16
    Why do you ask mom? It isn't that late..
  • 54:17 - 54:20
    So now you will decide what is late and
    what's not?
  • 54:21 - 54:25
    Girls, why didn't you tell me, that you
    all were going out?
  • 54:27 - 54:32
    It was unplanned... We just out of the
    blue made a plan and went out..
  • 54:33 - 54:38
    You didn't tell me who the boy is!! huh?
    now you are talking back to your mother?!
  • 54:38 - 54:42
    What you are doing isn't right Hayat!!
    I am just letting you know!!
  • 54:44 - 54:47
    I will tell you when the time comes...
    For now just leave it mom..
  • 54:48 - 54:52
    Girl... did you go to him? huh?
  • 54:53 - 54:57
    Yes, the girls were there too... and some
    other friends were there too, there is
  • 54:57 - 54:58
    nothing wrong with it..
  • 54:58 - 54:59
    There is..
  • 54:59 - 55:03
    You still haven't told me the boy's name!
  • 55:03 - 55:05
    Mom, please...
  • 55:05 - 55:08
    Just tell me the boy's name..
  • 55:09 - 55:10
  • 55:11 - 55:12
    Look Hayat!!
  • 55:13 - 55:15
    Look.. you are going too far now..
  • 55:20 - 55:27
    Listen girl.. You will either tell me who
    he is or else.... I won't let you enter
  • 55:27 - 55:29
    through that door again...
  • 55:52 - 55:55
    Thanks for coming here Ibrahim...
  • 55:55 - 55:58
    I couldn't leave it as It's related
    to Hayat...
  • 56:00 - 56:02
    We are both here for that innocent girl..
  • 56:04 - 56:08
    I don't understand why Murat is doing
    this.. why he invited me here to
  • 56:08 - 56:09
    hang out...
  • 56:11 - 56:14
    You don't have to go inside, If you
    don't want to..
  • 56:15 - 56:19
    I know... but I want to do this for
    Hayat. and the most important thing is
  • 56:19 - 56:21
    that I want you to see Murat's real face..
  • 56:32 - 56:35
    "I was gone for 2 mins and when I came
    back you were gone?!"
  • 56:35 - 56:38
    "You took the recordings with you too,
    did you find anything?"
  • 56:38 - 56:42
    "Don't worry bro, I have got this..I got
    bored when you left, so I left and took
  • 56:42 - 56:45
    the recordings with me, I will have a look
    at them at home..."
  • 56:50 - 56:53
    "I don't think we need this anymore"
  • 56:54 - 57:01
    "Let's cancel this contract..let's just
    pretend this deal never happened, okay??"
  • 57:24 - 57:25
  • 57:42 - 57:46
    Okay. I haven't got much time, so show me
    what you have.
  • 57:47 - 57:49
    Now you will know what I meant, Murat...
  • 57:53 - 57:57
    There is something, that I don't get tho.
    How could you be so sure that it was Derya
  • 57:57 - 57:58
    who did all that?
  • 58:04 - 58:06
    Because she used me... she asked me
    to do that..
  • 58:09 - 58:12
    I am very ashamed Murat...
  • 58:12 - 58:15
    So now the story is complete.
  • 58:16 - 58:21
    Look it's not how it seems.. Derya called
    me and wanted to see the project as you
  • 58:21 - 58:24
    guys didn't show her, she just wanted
    to see it.
  • 58:27 - 58:30
    I didn't know she was thinking of doing
    something that evil!!
  • 58:30 - 58:33
    At the end of the day, It's her company
    too, why would she do something to
  • 58:33 - 58:34
    destroy it?
  • 58:37 - 58:39
    You said you have proof?
  • 58:40 - 58:44
    I went to Derya and asked her why
    she did all this..
  • 58:47 - 58:51
    She said some shocking stuff and I
    recorded it, just for later..
  • 58:59 - 59:04
    Didem: What are you talking about? It's
    Doruk's project he will get affected
    the most in it!
  • 59:04 - 59:08
    Darya: No only Murat will get affected by
    this as I made a deal with him that if any
  • 59:08 - 59:12
    thing happens during this concept then
    only Murat will be responsible for
  • 59:19 - 59:23
    Sorry, I harmed you, without knowing it.
    Forgive me Murat...
  • 60:08 - 60:09
    What's up?
  • 60:17 - 60:21
    Can I sleep in your van for a few more
  • 60:21 - 60:22
    It's yours...
  • 60:22 - 60:23
  • 60:24 - 60:28
    You will get cold like this..
  • 60:28 - 60:30
    Thanks Ibrahim..
  • 60:43 - 60:47
    Okay, I fought with my mom... what
    happened to you tho? Is it about
  • 60:47 - 60:48
    your sick friend?
  • 60:48 - 60:51
    He is good, he is stable now..
  • 60:52 - 60:54
    My sadness is for another friend of mine..
  • 60:54 - 60:57
    I thought I was the only one who
    was suffering.
  • 60:58 - 61:00
    But I solved my problem with Murat..
  • 61:05 - 61:09
    I had so much fun, until I came home and
    fought with mom.
  • 61:12 - 61:16
    We solved everything between us, we had
    such a great time together.
  • 61:20 - 61:21
  • 61:22 - 61:26
    I have never been so happy in my life
    since Murat..
  • 61:57 - 61:59
    Interesting way of saying Good Morning!
  • 62:02 - 62:04
    Why did you do this to me?
  • 62:05 - 62:06
    What darling?
  • 62:07 - 62:11
    I know, you are the one who leaked my
    first project to another company..
  • 62:14 - 62:16
    Where is this coming from?
  • 62:16 - 62:17
    Don't deny it.
  • 62:17 - 62:18
    I know it.
  • 62:21 - 62:24
    Look Murat dear, I don't know where you
    heard this but..
  • 62:24 - 62:28
    I heard from someone in the company,
    I know you did it..
  • 62:34 - 62:35
  • 62:35 - 62:36
    What do you want from me?
  • 62:37 - 62:38
  • 62:39 - 62:39
    My seat?
  • 62:40 - 62:41
    My success?
  • 62:41 - 62:42
    My money? You can have it all..
  • 62:44 - 62:46
    But leave my family alone..
  • 62:48 - 62:50
    Murat, I did this for Doruk.
  • 62:50 - 62:53
    This has nothing to do with Doruk
    or his safety..
  • 62:53 - 62:57
    You probably think that I don't
    understand, what protecting a son means
  • 62:57 - 62:59
    to a mother as I grew up without one.
  • 62:59 - 63:03
    But you are wrong, I know what it means..
    Well I mean I would have understood you,
  • 63:03 - 63:05
    If it was really the case but It isn't..
  • 63:06 - 63:09
    As I said, It has nothing to do with
    protecting Doruk..
  • 63:09 - 63:11
    You wanted to harm me..
  • 63:13 - 63:15
    Why would I want to harm you?
  • 63:15 - 63:18
    Because you are jealous that I get along
    so well with my stepbrother...
  • 63:19 - 63:23
    Didn't you think for a second, what will
    happen if your son got a wind of all this?
  • 63:23 - 63:26
    If something happened to me, who will
    be more sad?
  • 63:28 - 63:30
    You can say whatever you want.
  • 63:31 - 63:33
    Doruk and I are brothers. Brothers.
  • 63:34 - 63:35
    I am sorry..
  • 63:36 - 63:37
    Well I am not..
  • 63:41 - 63:43
    Cuz from now on, you are just a
    stranger to me..
  • 64:48 - 64:50
    I didn't let you wait for too long? Did I?
  • 64:51 - 64:53
    I came early on purpose..
  • 64:54 - 64:56
    I love waiting for you..
  • 65:05 - 65:06
    Sit, darling..
  • 65:08 - 65:10
    What are you trying to do Sir?
  • 65:17 - 65:18
    What am I doing?
  • 65:21 - 65:23
    Don't look at me like that here..
  • 65:24 - 65:28
    We haven't crossed the borders yet.
    We are still in the danger zone.
  • 66:38 - 66:40
    Is there something wrong?
  • 66:41 - 66:42
    No why..
  • 66:43 - 66:47
    Well you are talking and looking at me so
    nicely.. but I can see it in your eyes,
  • 66:47 - 66:49
    there is something bothering you..
  • 66:58 - 67:01
    I had an unpleasant conversation with
    Derya this morning..
  • 67:01 - 67:03
    But it's over now..
  • 67:03 - 67:04
    Are you sure?
  • 67:05 - 67:09
    The only thing I am gonna focus on, right
    now is you.. Please let it be this way..
  • 67:10 - 67:11
  • 67:13 - 67:16
    Today you agreed with me rather quickly
  • 67:16 - 67:19
    My Godness...like I never agree with you?!
  • 67:19 - 67:20
    True..you don't!
  • 67:21 - 67:23
    I never agreed with you?
  • 67:23 - 67:28
    Look who is talking! You are the one who
    is so good at disagreeing..
  • 67:28 - 67:31
    I guess we are both good at it,
    Ms. Hayat.
  • 67:31 - 67:33
    Yup, You said the right thing now.
  • 67:36 - 67:39
    What are you doing!? Please look in
    front of you Murat!
  • 67:40 - 67:42
    I am just kissing your hand..
  • 67:45 - 67:48
    Hushh.. let me drive now, we don't
    want to die, do we?
  • 68:07 - 68:09
    Ipek! Where did you come from so suddenly?
  • 68:09 - 68:10
  • 68:10 - 68:11
    I missed you!
  • 68:24 - 68:25
    These are daisy's
  • 68:25 - 68:26
  • 68:26 - 68:29
    Don't you have roses? I want roses,
    big red ones.
  • 68:30 - 68:33
    I'd bring all the flowers in the world
    to your feet.
  • 68:33 - 68:34
  • 68:34 - 68:35
  • 68:36 - 68:37
    Hush... quiet down.
  • 68:38 - 68:39
    Calm down.
  • 68:39 - 68:44
    You've just raided my house and now
    you're following me!
  • 68:45 - 68:46
    Yeah, so?
  • 68:46 - 68:47
    What's wrong if I follow you?
  • 68:48 - 68:50
    I'm in love with you!
  • 68:51 - 68:52
    You're mine Kerem
  • 68:53 - 68:54
    I'll never let go of you
  • 68:54 - 68:56
    I'll never give up on you
  • 68:57 - 68:58
    My love!
  • 68:59 - 68:59
  • 69:00 - 69:01
    Keep your hands off...
  • 69:01 - 69:02
    Stop it
  • 69:03 - 69:04
  • 69:04 - 69:05
    But you wanted it, too
  • 69:05 - 69:07
    No, I don't want it
  • 69:08 - 69:09
    I want the old Ipek
  • 69:10 - 69:12
    I want the one that is mad at me
  • 69:14 - 69:18
    You loved the old Kerem, and
    I love the old Ipek
  • 69:19 - 69:21
    Are you sure this will be alright Kerem?
  • 69:21 - 69:23
    I'm sure. 100% sure.
  • 69:24 - 69:26
    I'm getting anxious by your sweet talk.
  • 69:28 - 69:30
    What happened? Why are you laughing?
  • 69:30 - 69:32
    Meaning you were acting?
  • 69:32 - 69:32
  • 69:33 - 69:35
    Listen from today I am kerem.
  • 69:35 - 69:38
    No need to be Kerem.You should stay like
    Ipek that's it.
  • 69:38 - 69:39
    Okay. I won't.
  • 69:39 - 69:42
    But you have to make a promise to stay
    like the old Kerem. Promise?
  • 69:42 - 69:43
    Yes I promise.
  • 69:44 - 69:45
    Come here. Come here.
  • 70:04 - 70:06
    Do you need to talk about work?
  • 70:06 - 70:07
    No. Personal.
  • 70:08 - 70:10
    I'm busy right now so we'll talk
  • 70:10 - 70:12
    I'll just take two minutes Murat.
  • 70:15 - 70:18
    Okay quickly say whatever you need to say.
    I don't have time.
  • 70:19 - 70:23
    Don't think Hayat is a girl whom you can
    play around with like u do w/ other girls.
  • 70:24 - 70:26
    Don't interfere in my personal life
  • 70:26 - 70:27
    That's not my problem.
  • 70:28 - 70:29
    My only problem is Hayat.
  • 70:30 - 70:32
    Hayat does not need a caretaker.
  • 70:32 - 70:37
    Listen, if anything happens to Hayat, if
    she gets upset, I will come after you.
  • 70:38 - 70:40
    Are you threatening me Ibrahim?
  • 70:40 - 70:41
  • 70:42 - 70:43
    I'm warning you.
  • 70:45 - 70:49
    If Hayat sheds even one tear I will make
    your life full of tears Murat.
  • 70:51 - 70:52
    With what relation?
  • 70:53 - 70:55
    The relation of someone who cares about
  • 70:58 - 71:02
    As long as I am with Hayat she doesn't
    need anyone else but me to care about her.
  • 71:04 - 71:06
    Don't be scared, do what you're capable of
  • 72:12 - 72:13
    Your Coffee!
  • 72:18 - 72:19
  • 72:22 - 72:23
  • 72:28 - 72:29
    What happened?
  • 72:30 - 72:32
    What was between you and Ibrahim?
  • 72:34 - 72:36
    Where did this come from?
  • 72:36 - 72:37
    Please. I want an answer.
  • 72:38 - 72:41
    What was between you and Ibrahim? And
    how far did you go?
  • 72:41 - 72:43
    I told you already Murat.
  • 72:43 - 72:46
    We were just acting. There was nothing
    between us.
  • 72:47 - 72:48
    This is only what you think.
  • 72:51 - 72:52
    Where did this come from?
  • 72:53 - 72:54
    He sees you in another way.
  • 72:54 - 72:56
    He wants to take you away from me.
  • 72:56 - 72:58
    What does he think of himself huh?
  • 73:00 - 73:02
    Has Ibrahim said something to you?
  • 73:02 - 73:03
    Ibrahim said to me..
  • 73:04 - 73:06
    What can Ibrahim say to me?
  • 73:06 - 73:07
  • 73:07 - 73:09
    Okay. Then why are you so mad?
  • 73:10 - 73:13
    If it was fake or got real at some point,
  • 73:13 - 73:14
    I don't know.
  • 73:14 - 73:18
    But there's one thing I am sure about.
    and that is that he has feelings for you.
  • 73:18 - 73:20
    And I don't like knowing this.
  • 73:40 - 73:42
    Ooof who is going to wake her up now?
  • 73:42 - 73:45
    Even if there was a bomb explosion she
    wouldn't get up.
  • 73:45 - 73:48
    Please put some jelly on this for me.
  • 73:48 - 73:53
    Oh.. If you say I'll put some pistachios
    and almonds on it too with jelly?
  • 73:54 - 73:55
    No. Just jelly.
  • 74:14 - 74:14
  • 74:17 - 74:18
    My sweet girl..
  • 74:20 - 74:22
    Tell me something.
  • 74:22 - 74:25
    Who does Hayat love?
  • 74:28 - 74:32
    She loves me... Ipek. and Aunt Fadik
  • 74:32 - 74:34
    Okay okay
  • 74:35 - 74:39
    Now think about it and tell me my sweet
  • 74:39 - 74:43
    Who does Hayat love? Who is it? Tell me.
  • 74:44 - 74:45
  • 74:46 - 74:49
    She loves Murat alot.
  • 74:50 - 74:51
    Who is Murat?
  • 74:52 - 74:57
    Random talk
  • 74:59 - 75:02
    What does Murat do for a living?
  • 75:02 - 75:04
    Where does he work?
  • 75:06 - 75:12
    Look, if you tell me I'll get you a
    bird-feathered pillow. A new one.
  • 75:13 - 75:14
  • 75:14 - 75:15
    Murat Sarsilimaz..
  • 75:17 - 75:20
    She's in love with him.
  • 75:21 - 75:25
    Wasn't that the guy who had a relationship
    with that model??
  • 75:25 - 75:27
    When did they break up?
  • 75:28 - 75:29
    Those were all lies.
  • 75:30 - 75:34
    That the magazines made up.
  • 77:48 - 77:50
    You're really attractive Ibrahim.
  • 78:04 - 78:06
    What are your priorities?
  • 78:06 - 78:07
    Love and life
  • 78:11 - 78:12
    I'm warning you
  • 78:12 - 78:14
    If Hayat sheds even one tear
  • 78:14 - 78:17
    I will make your life full of tears Murat
  • 78:19 - 78:20
    With what relation?
  • 78:21 - 78:23
    As someone who cares about
  • 78:40 - 78:42
    Tell the truth Emine you found out?
  • 78:43 - 78:44
    So who is Hayat in love with?
  • 78:44 - 78:45
  • 78:46 - 78:49
    I'm going to tell you. That's what I have
    to tell you today.
  • 78:52 - 78:56
    Listen. Ibrahim didn't say anything about
    this right? He probably did tell you.
  • 78:56 - 78:58
    No! No! He didn't tell me anything.
  • 78:58 - 78:59
    Okay. Leave it. Continue.
  • 78:59 - 79:02
    Hurry up and tell me. I'm getting anxious
  • 79:02 - 79:03
    Who is this person?
  • 79:07 - 79:08
    Prepare yourself.
  • 79:09 - 79:10
    Hold on tight.
  • 79:12 - 79:13
    I'm about to tell you now.
  • 79:14 - 79:15
    Look, I'm telling you.
  • 79:16 - 79:18
    Hayat's Boss...
  • 79:18 - 79:21
    Murat Sarsilimaz.
  • 79:42 - 79:43
    Good morning!
  • 79:45 - 79:46
  • 79:48 - 79:49
    Is everything okay?
  • 79:57 - 79:59
    Where were you last night?
  • 80:01 - 80:02
    I was with some friends.
  • 80:02 - 80:04
    And where did you sleep?
  • 80:05 - 80:07
    In the house.
  • 80:11 - 80:15
    Then why were you getting out of Ibrahim's
    van in a sleeping suit?
  • 80:20 - 80:22
    So you are spying on me.
  • 80:22 - 80:24
    Don't change the subject.
  • 80:25 - 80:29
    How is his van in your garden and why were
    you in there?
  • 80:35 - 80:39
    Ibrahim is my landlord's nephew.
  • 80:39 - 80:43
    There was no tea in the house so I went
    to his van to get some.
  • 80:44 - 80:44
    I mean
  • 80:46 - 80:48
    Nowadays Ibrahim is living with his aunt.
  • 80:49 - 80:51
    We often sit in Ibrahim's van Murat.
  • 80:51 - 80:55
    So why didn't you tell me before that
    Ibrahim also lives in the same house?
  • 80:55 - 80:56
    When did you ever ask me?
  • 80:56 - 80:57
    It's not a secret.
  • 80:57 - 80:58
    Kerem knows this too.
  • 80:58 - 81:00
    Those two have a good friendship.
  • 81:01 - 81:03
    I didn't think this would be that
  • 81:04 - 81:06
    Okay Hayat okay it's ok
  • 81:06 - 81:07
    Just get in.
  • 81:07 - 81:08
    Can you calm down for a minute?
  • 81:08 - 81:09
    I would be if you let me.
  • 81:09 - 81:11
    What do you want from me?
  • 81:11 - 81:13
    Put yourself in my shoes and think about
  • 81:13 - 81:17
    If that was Didem's van and I was getting
    out of it huh? And in my pajamas.
  • 81:17 - 81:19
    Is it necessary to bring Didem up in the
  • 81:19 - 81:23
    It was necessary to bring Ibrahim up in
    the morning right?
  • 81:30 - 81:31
    What is this?
  • 81:33 - 81:33
    It's for you.
  • 81:38 - 81:40
    They're beautiful flowers.
  • 81:40 - 81:41
    You bought them for me?
  • 81:41 - 81:42
    They're lavenders right?
  • 81:43 - 81:44
    Yes. There's a card too.
  • 81:45 - 81:46
    You wrote it?
  • 81:51 - 81:56
    I don't want to make you mad but remember
    that one day you will see his true face.
  • 81:56 - 81:58
    Ibrahim is not that kind of person.
  • 82:03 - 82:07
    The smell of these flowers reminds me of
    you. Whenever u look at these remember me.
  • 82:07 - 82:09
    This is really romantic.
  • 82:09 - 82:11
    The point wasn't to be romantic.
  • 82:11 - 82:13
    Please don't defend him next time.
  • 82:13 - 82:15
    Okay. Please calm down now.
  • 82:15 - 82:18
    If you don't say his name then I will be
    I promise.
  • 82:31 - 82:33
    We need to find out if Murat Sarsilimaz is
  • 82:33 - 82:34
  • 82:35 - 82:36
    Or dignified..
  • 82:37 - 82:38
    Or Proud (Egoistic)
  • 82:38 - 82:39
    Or carefree
  • 82:40 - 82:43
    Is he fair or is he an unjust person?
  • 82:44 - 82:46
    We also need to see if he is handsome or
  • 82:48 - 82:51
    Do his eyelashes touch his eyebrows?
  • 82:51 - 82:53
    What kind of rubbish are you talking abt?
  • 82:53 - 82:55
    Why? What happened?
  • 82:55 - 82:56
    You're distracting me
  • 82:56 - 83:00
    I need to see the good qualities about my
    future son in law then I will say yes.
  • 83:00 - 83:02
    But how will we see?
  • 83:02 - 83:03
    Is Hayat going to introduce us to him?
  • 83:03 - 83:05
    Is she going to bring him?
  • 83:05 - 83:08
    Hayat doesn't know that I have found out.
  • 83:08 - 83:11
    She is still hiding it from me.
  • 83:11 - 83:13
    But no. Not like this.
  • 83:14 - 83:21
    I will go myself to my future son in law
    and see whether he is capable or not.
  • 83:21 - 83:25
    We'll see. Maybe he actually is a good
  • 83:26 - 83:27
  • 83:28 - 83:30
    Are you going to the office to meet him?!
  • 83:31 - 83:33
    Watch out Sarte..
  • 83:33 - 83:36
    Emine is coming. Emine.
  • 83:47 - 83:49
    There's something called an indicator!
  • 83:59 - 84:02
    If Kerem already knew this then why
    didn't I know until today?
  • 84:03 - 84:04
    I already told you.
  • 84:04 - 84:05
    I didn't hide it on purpose.
  • 84:09 - 84:12
    You have an answer ready for every
    question Ms.Hayat.
  • 84:13 - 84:14
  • 84:24 - 84:25
    Is there a market near here?
  • 84:26 - 84:28
    Yes there is. Why do you ask?
  • 84:28 - 84:30
    Because you went inside the van to get
  • 84:40 - 84:42
    I still don't understand what you said.
  • 84:48 - 84:50
    Why are you making me go crazy in the
  • 84:50 - 84:52
    Allah Allah! Acting as if I won't let him
  • 84:52 - 84:54
    Stupid person!
  • 85:00 - 85:01
    Murat dear.. Darling...
  • 85:02 - 85:04
    Can you please stop being angry at other
  • 85:05 - 85:08
    Go. Go. Go. Go.
  • 85:08 - 85:10
    I'm letting you go get through!
  • 85:10 - 85:12
    Murat what are you doing?
    What's the problem?
  • 85:12 - 85:15
    If someone is stressed that's how they
  • 85:27 - 85:31
    I can't believe that I am about to go meet
    my future son in law.
  • 85:31 - 85:33
    Can you give me some advice?
  • 85:33 - 85:34
  • 85:34 - 85:35
    What should I wear?
  • 85:36 - 85:38
    You should look really good Emine .
  • 85:39 - 85:40
    Yes you are right Faride.
  • 85:40 - 85:42
    I should look beautiful.
  • 85:42 - 85:44
    After all, I am the girl's mom.
  • 85:44 - 85:45
    Don't get ready too much.
  • 85:45 - 85:47
    Maybe he'll start liking you.
  • 85:47 - 85:49
    You are really bad Faride.
  • 85:50 - 85:56
    Okay. I have a suit but I don't have a
    purse and I should do my hair.
  • 85:56 - 85:59
    Then you will see Faride.
  • 86:00 - 86:02
    Don't worry about the hair style.
  • 86:02 - 86:05
    My Kamran will do it in a flash.
  • 86:06 - 86:08
    Okay. Now we should find a purse.
  • 86:08 - 86:09
    Let's see.
  • 86:10 - 86:11
    How is this?
  • 86:12 - 86:15
    That isn't from today's fashion.
  • 86:16 - 86:19
    Okay. Hopefully Hayat doesn't get offended
    by you coming.
  • 86:19 - 86:22
    What will Hayat say to you there?
  • 86:22 - 86:26
    Hm. Mom why have you come here?
  • 86:27 - 86:29
    You are right though Faride.
  • 86:29 - 86:32
    I mean.. What am I going to say to her?
  • 86:32 - 86:33
    Why have I come here?
  • 86:34 - 86:38
    First let's find a purse and then we'll
    find a solution to this problem too.
  • 86:38 - 86:39
    Okay? You got it?
  • 86:40 - 86:42
    Okay let's find another purse.
  • 86:45 - 86:46
    Look at this one.
  • 86:47 - 86:49
    This one is nice.
  • 86:50 - 86:52
    It's good regarding the outfit too.
  • 87:08 - 87:11
    Wow Faride Wow!
  • 87:13 - 87:18
    Hayat forgot her ID card today so now we
    have found the reason to go there!
  • 87:33 - 87:36
    If you don't need to go to the 2nd floor
    I'm pushing 4.
  • 87:37 - 87:38
    That's enough Murat.
  • 87:39 - 87:41
    Are you going to act this way with me the
    whole day?
  • 87:42 - 87:45
    I've told you everything now tell me what
    else should I do?
  • 87:49 - 87:51
    Maybe you didn't have breakfast today.
  • 87:51 - 87:53
    That's why your mood is off.
  • 87:54 - 87:55
    Should I make a sandwich for you?
  • 87:56 - 87:57
    I had breakfast.
  • 87:58 - 88:01
    Hmm. Then with sincerity.
  • 88:01 - 88:03
    And with lots of love..
  • 88:03 - 88:04
    With a lot of love..
  • 88:04 - 88:07
    Should I make you a double espresso?
  • 88:08 - 88:11
    I don't want it now. If I want it I'll
    tell you.
  • 88:15 - 88:16
    What about a kiss?
  • 88:21 - 88:24
    It's hard for me to decline this request.
  • 89:00 - 89:01
    Good morning Murat Sir.
  • 89:01 - 89:02
    Good morning.
  • 89:02 - 89:06
    Sir today there is a meeting with Emine
    al Qadi a big hotel owner from Qatar.
  • 89:06 - 89:12
    They want to redesign their entire lobby
    and their rooms.
  • 89:12 - 89:13
    I know. I know.
  • 89:13 - 89:14
    What time is she coming?
  • 89:14 - 89:15
    11 AM.
  • 89:15 - 89:19
    Because they are Arab Ms. Hayat should be
    present in that meeting to translate.
  • 89:19 - 89:20
    Who? Me?
  • 89:22 - 89:25
    Do you have other plans at 11 Ms. Hayat?
  • 89:25 - 89:27
    It's possible.
  • 89:28 - 89:31
    No dear. What kind of problem?
  • 89:31 - 89:33
    What plans would I have? I'll definitely
  • 89:33 - 89:36
    And you already know, Arabic is like my
    second language.
  • 89:36 - 89:39
    And there isn't any other translator in
    this company.
  • 89:39 - 89:40
  • 89:40 - 89:44
    Sir I don't think this will be necessary
    since she speaks Turkish really well.
  • 89:44 - 89:45
    I spoke with her.
  • 89:55 - 89:56
  • 89:56 - 89:59
    As soon as I found out I was needed here I
    left all of my work.
  • 89:59 - 90:01
    I left everything and ran to this place.
  • 90:02 - 90:05
    Okay let's start now.
  • 90:05 - 90:08
    Mrs.Emine how would you like it?
  • 90:08 - 90:13
    Now today I want the most classy and good
    looking hair style from you.
  • 90:13 - 90:16
    But only if you let me pay for it.
  • 90:16 - 90:19
    I will let you do it.
  • 90:24 - 90:26
    What a shame.
  • 90:26 - 90:29
    Offering an artist money.
  • 90:31 - 90:32
    Art isn't for sale!
  • 90:32 - 90:33
  • 90:33 - 90:37
    I'd rather burn the wigs I created to get
  • 90:37 - 90:39
    Eat the hair I cut.
  • 90:40 - 90:42
    But I still won't talk any money!
  • 90:43 - 90:45
    Well if I needed it I would take it.
  • 90:45 - 90:47
    I'm paying bills too.
  • 90:47 - 90:49
    But I'd never take money from you!
  • 90:50 - 90:52
    Please don't make this very hard for me.
  • 90:53 - 90:55
    You're going to make my hair.
  • 90:55 - 90:57
    And I want to pay for it.
  • 90:57 - 91:00
    No Ma'am! I will pay the fee!
  • 91:02 - 91:03
    There you go!
  • 91:03 - 91:07
    Far from it.. Why are YOU giving me money?
  • 91:08 - 91:09
    No Ma'am
  • 91:09 - 91:10
    Take this.
  • 91:12 - 91:16
    And don't tell anyone I did your hair for
    such a discount.
  • 91:19 - 91:20
    I mean..
  • 91:20 - 91:22
    Don't worry!
  • 91:22 - 91:26
    For me doing your hair is an honor!
  • 91:26 - 91:28
    Look at this beautiful hair!
  • 91:28 - 91:29
    I am so excited!
  • 91:29 - 91:32
    Let's go to the other room I can't wait
  • 91:32 - 91:33
    But eh.. The money..
  • 91:34 - 91:37
    I said don't worry!
  • 91:37 - 91:39
    Your hair is going to be beautiful!
  • 91:49 - 91:51
    Sarte, Hayat Pektas, how can I help you?
  • 91:51 - 91:52
  • 91:53 - 91:55
    You are the assistant of Emine El Qadi.
  • 91:56 - 91:58
    And she won't make it today.
  • 91:58 - 91:59
    Got it.
  • 91:59 - 92:02
    Okay I am writing it down don't worry.
  • 92:02 - 92:03
    Have a nice day.
  • 92:18 - 92:19
    Mrs. Cagla..
  • 92:19 - 92:21
    Leave that we will talk about that later.
  • 92:21 - 92:22
    But it's important.
  • 92:22 - 92:24
    Leave it! They are calling you on the
    third floor.
  • 92:24 - 92:25
  • 92:53 - 92:55
    How can I help you Ma'am?
  • 92:55 - 92:57
    I have a question.
  • 92:58 - 93:02
    Is Murat Sarsilimaz paying your salary on
  • 93:02 - 93:03
    Tell me.
  • 93:03 - 93:06
    No ma'am he is paying it on time.
  • 93:06 - 93:08
    That's how it's supposed to be!
  • 93:09 - 93:12
    Are you happy with your job?
  • 93:13 - 93:14
    Is he bothering you?
  • 93:14 - 93:15
    Please don't worry.
  • 93:15 - 93:18
    You can say everything to me, I won't
    tell anyone.
  • 93:18 - 93:19
    No ma'am he is a good person.
  • 93:19 - 93:22
    Did you come for Mr.Murat? I can inform
    him you are here.
  • 93:22 - 93:23
    No no.
  • 93:24 - 93:27
    No need to inform him. I will surprise
  • 93:27 - 93:28
    Can you tell me
  • 93:30 - 93:33
    Where Ms. Trol is? (she means Tuval but
    says her name wrong)
  • 93:33 - 93:34
  • 93:35 - 93:37
    Wasn't it Trol?
  • 93:39 - 93:40
  • 93:40 - 93:40
  • 93:41 - 93:41
  • 93:42 - 93:42
  • 93:42 - 93:43
  • 93:43 - 93:45
    You mean Ms.Tuval?
  • 93:47 - 93:48
    Yea, it could be.
  • 93:48 - 93:50
    Are you sure it's her?
  • 93:50 - 93:52
    I remember it as Ms.Tubal.
  • 93:52 - 93:55
    It's Tuval and she is located on the 2nd
  • 93:55 - 93:56
    And your name?
  • 93:56 - 93:56
  • 93:56 - 93:59
    I can walk with you if you would like
    Ms. Emine.
  • 93:59 - 94:00
    No. No.
  • 94:00 - 94:01
    Don't worry.
  • 94:01 - 94:03
    You can go on with your work.
  • 94:03 - 94:06
    I'll wonder around a bit and find
  • 94:06 - 94:07
    Mrs. Tavur myself.
  • 94:33 - 94:34
    Now ma'am.
  • 94:35 - 94:37
    I'm a mom and you know it.
  • 94:38 - 94:39
  • 94:40 - 94:43
    You're one of the few people who knows
  • 94:46 - 94:50
    They think my daughter is the daughter of
    a rich man (Mr. Kemal).
  • 94:51 - 94:53
    Yeah.. Yeah..
  • 94:53 - 94:54
    Of course.
  • 94:55 - 94:57
    Where am I stuck now man..
  • 94:58 - 95:02
    Of course, only I know.
  • 95:02 - 95:03
    My dear..
  • 95:06 - 95:07
    My dear..
  • 95:07 - 95:08
    Mrs. Tavir
  • 95:11 - 95:12
    "TUVAL" baby.
  • 95:13 - 95:13
  • 95:14 - 95:15
  • 95:16 - 95:16
  • 95:17 - 95:21
    I want to ask you a few questions, only if
    you won't tell anyone. Is that alright?
  • 95:21 - 95:22
    Of course! Spill!
  • 95:23 - 95:25
    Okay! I'm asking you as a mother
  • 95:25 - 95:26
  • 95:31 - 95:34
    What kind of person is Mr. Murat?
  • 95:34 - 95:36
    Will he hurt my daughter?
  • 95:37 - 95:41
    Ah.. I got you!
  • 95:42 - 95:47
    You came here to investigate your son
    in law! So nice of you.
  • 95:48 - 95:50
    Yup. That's right. I want to know
  • 95:50 - 95:54
    Tell me. What are his good sides.
  • 95:55 - 95:56
    Okay. He is.
  • 95:56 - 95:57
    Full of anger.
  • 95:57 - 95:57
  • 95:57 - 95:58
  • 95:58 - 95:59
    Full of hate.
  • 95:59 - 96:00
  • 96:00 - 96:02
    When he...
  • 96:02 - 96:05
    is annoyed by someone.
  • 96:07 - 96:11
    If these are his good behaviors what are
    his bad behaviors?
  • 96:11 - 96:17
    Now you can tell me his bad side. God
    knows what are they.
  • 96:17 - 96:19
    These are his bad behaviors.
  • 96:19 - 96:20
    He has a good heart.
  • 96:20 - 96:21
  • 96:21 - 96:23
    Very handsome.
  • 96:23 - 96:24
  • 96:24 - 96:25
    A just person.
  • 96:25 - 96:26
  • 96:27 - 96:28
  • 96:28 - 96:29
  • 96:29 - 96:32
    If he loves someone, he will do anything
    for her.
  • 96:34 - 96:37
    I swear I became a fan of his bad side.
  • 96:39 - 96:43
    Remember, in this world it will be
    impossible to find someone like him
    these days.
  • 96:44 - 96:48
    Do you understand? Whoever he is
    happy with he wants to stay with them.
  • 96:50 - 96:52
    He feeds them, he spends money on them.
  • 96:52 - 96:52
    Got it?
  • 96:54 - 96:55
  • 96:56 - 96:58
    Okay. The most important question.
  • 96:58 - 97:02
    I mean, if the guy is like Murat would you
    marry your daughter to him?
  • 97:03 - 97:04
    You can understand like this.
  • 97:05 - 97:10
    If I was a few years younger Hayat would
    have no chance in front of me.
  • 97:11 - 97:12
    Got it?
  • 97:13 - 97:14
    Got it?
  • 97:14 - 97:15
    I got it.
  • 97:17 - 97:18
    Sorry baby.
  • 97:19 - 97:20
  • 97:21 - 97:22
    Ah, did you come?
  • 97:22 - 97:23
  • 97:23 - 97:25
    I'll be there in 5 minutes.
  • 97:25 - 97:25
  • 97:27 - 97:28
    I need to go.
  • 97:30 - 97:32
    It was really an honor to talk with you.
  • 97:32 - 97:33
  • 97:33 - 97:34
    Okay. Okay.
  • 97:34 - 97:36
    It was nice to meet you.
  • 97:36 - 97:37
    See you.
  • 98:16 - 98:20
    When I saw the way you did Emine's hair,
    I fell in love with you again.
  • 98:23 - 98:25
    You're very talented.
  • 98:27 - 98:29
    No ma'am. I am an idiot.
  • 98:29 - 98:31
    For finding you this late.
  • 98:32 - 98:34
    I wish we could have met earlier.
  • 98:35 - 98:36
    Oh no.. Code Red!
  • 98:36 - 98:37
    What happened?
  • 98:37 - 98:38
    Emine lost Hayat's ID!
  • 98:39 - 98:42
    We're done!
  • 98:45 - 98:49
    Just give it tonight. It's in safe hands
  • 98:49 - 98:53
    No. We can't. We can't wait till tonight
    because Emine..
  • 98:55 - 99:00
    Hayat.. needed her ID and Emine went there
    to give it to her.
  • 99:01 - 99:03
    Don't worry! I will bring it!
  • 99:05 - 99:06
    Don't worry!
  • 99:06 - 99:08
    I'll be there in 10 minutes on my
  • 99:08 - 99:10
    The road will be surprised too.
  • 99:12 - 99:14
    Mr. Kamran...
  • 99:14 - 99:16
    Mr. Kamran...
  • 99:16 - 99:19
    Would you really do this for me?
  • 99:20 - 99:24
    You can't even imagine the things I would
    do for you!
  • 99:40 - 99:42
    I'll be there in 10 minutes!
  • 100:04 - 100:06
    Excuse me. Can I ask you something?
  • 100:06 - 100:07
    Of course you can.
  • 100:07 - 100:08
    Do you work here?
  • 100:08 - 100:09
  • 100:10 - 100:13
    So you know Mr.Murat right? The boss?
  • 100:13 - 100:16
    I do ma'am. I am his assistant.
  • 100:18 - 100:20
    And who are you? Why do you ask?
  • 100:20 - 100:21
    I am Emine.
  • 100:22 - 100:25
    Oh! Mrs.Emine we are waiting for you!
  • 100:25 - 100:26
    It's Emine darling.
  • 100:26 - 100:27
  • 100:27 - 100:30
    Welcome Mrs.Emine. let's go.
  • 100:35 - 100:36
    He is professional.
  • 100:36 - 100:37
    He has his rules.
  • 100:37 - 100:38
    He is a fair boss.
  • 100:39 - 100:42
    Very nice! But does Mr.Murat have bad
  • 100:43 - 100:45
    Uhmm. A little bit.
  • 100:45 - 100:46
  • 100:47 - 100:48
    He is hyper.
  • 100:49 - 100:51
    That's why he gets angry quickly.
  • 100:51 - 100:52
    That's bad.
  • 100:52 - 100:54
    Yes. And we assistants are suffering
    because of it.
  • 100:54 - 100:56
    That's why we don't make him angry.
  • 100:56 - 100:58
    He remembers everything.
  • 100:58 - 101:00
    He doesn't forget even the smallest thing!
  • 101:00 - 101:02
    He remembers everyones promises.
  • 101:02 - 101:04
    And he hurts people with his words.
  • 101:04 - 101:06
    That's how he is. But overall he is nice.
  • 101:06 - 101:08
    He is a good person.
  • 101:08 - 101:09
    You will see for yourself.
  • 101:11 - 101:11
    Come in.
  • 101:13 - 101:14
    Come in.
  • 101:18 - 101:21
    Boss The person whom we were waiting for
    has arrived.
  • 101:21 - 101:24
    Owner of lots of hotels in Qatar,
    Emine el Qadi.
  • 101:24 - 101:25
  • 101:25 - 101:25
    Murat Sarsilimaz
  • 101:26 - 101:27
  • 101:27 - 101:28
    But I...
  • 101:28 - 101:31
    I was looking forward to meeting you!
  • 101:32 - 101:33
    Me too!
  • 101:35 - 101:36
    Take a seat!
  • 101:38 - 101:45
    Destiny has brought me here so I'd
    have to sit wouldn't I?
  • 101:45 - 101:47
    Would you like something to drink Madam?
  • 101:47 - 101:49
    I'd like a coffee with less sugar please.
  • 101:49 - 101:51
    Ok. You? Mr.Murat?
  • 101:51 - 101:52
    Same as Mrs.Emine.
  • 101:52 - 101:53
    Yes sir.
  • 102:00 - 102:03
    Let me turn this off so we don't get
  • 102:05 - 102:09
    You're right. I should turn my phone off
    as well.
  • 102:11 - 102:12
  • 102:12 - 102:13
  • 102:13 - 102:14
    Where is it?
  • 102:16 - 102:18
    I'm not experienced with technology.
  • 102:19 - 102:21
    Let me help you.
  • 102:28 - 102:29
    Here you go.
  • 102:30 - 102:31
    You're very kind.
  • 102:32 - 102:33
  • 102:33 - 102:34
  • 102:35 - 102:37
    And very generous. Praise be to Allah.
  • 102:38 - 102:38
    Thank you.
  • 102:52 - 102:53
    Thank you so much.
  • 102:54 - 102:56
    No! What kind of thank you?
  • 102:56 - 102:58
    It is mandatory on people to help the
  • 102:59 - 103:01
    You are right. But people don't do things
    like that today.
  • 103:01 - 103:06
    No Ms! If there are people like you then
    why wouldn't there be helpers like me?
  • 103:06 - 103:10
    If you need help again just order me like
    this! I am here for you.
  • 103:11 - 103:14
    The elderly are valuable to us. You are
    worthy of care.
  • 103:14 - 103:15
    Shall we?
  • 103:16 - 103:17
    Thank you.
  • 103:31 - 103:32
    No ma'am. I don't have time.
  • 103:32 - 103:37
    I have arrived. Obviously if I have
    something to give to Emine I will give it.
  • 103:38 - 103:40
    Kamran is a responsible person.
  • 103:40 - 103:42
    He will get the job done. Go Kamran.
  • 103:53 - 103:55
    I have made a decision right now madam.
  • 103:55 - 103:57
    I will never to yes to anything
  • 103:57 - 103:58
    What kind of decision is this?
  • 103:58 - 104:00
    Who do you need to meet? Can I help you?
  • 104:00 - 104:02
    Why would I trouble you?
  • 104:03 - 104:05
    In fact, I will trouble nobody.
  • 104:05 - 104:08
    By looking, you can even find God.
  • 104:09 - 104:12
    She isn't picking up the phone but that
    is not a big deal.
  • 104:12 - 104:14
    Okay but what floor do you need to go to?
  • 104:15 - 104:15
  • 104:17 - 104:20
    Oh so you are also going to the fourth
  • 104:20 - 104:24
    No. I remembered. I don't need to go to
    to the 4th floor. I am going to the 2nd
  • 104:24 - 104:29
    Why? Because I will go calmly. very calmly
    up the stairs to the 4th floor.
  • 104:29 - 104:31
    After all, whats the rush?
  • 104:31 - 104:32
    It's a good decision.
  • 104:41 - 104:42
    Where are you going?
  • 104:42 - 104:44
    I was going to tell Mr.Murat something.
  • 104:44 - 104:46
    You can't. He has a guest.
  • 104:46 - 104:47
    Emine el Qadi came.
  • 104:48 - 104:50
    But they told me they couldn't come.
  • 104:51 - 104:53
    I needed to send them coffee!
  • 104:53 - 104:55
    Hurry up and bring 2 medium Turkish
  • 104:55 - 104:56
    Run! Run!
  • 105:02 - 105:04
    Welcome Ms.Azize.
  • 105:05 - 105:06
    What a nice surprise!
  • 105:06 - 105:08
    Stay happy my dear.
  • 105:09 - 105:11
    How are you doing dear?
  • 105:11 - 105:12
    How is everything?
  • 105:13 - 105:15
    I'm good. Everything is good.
  • 105:15 - 105:17
    I get so happy when I see you.
  • 105:19 - 105:21
    The necklace looks really nice on you.
  • 105:23 - 105:25
    Murat gave it to me on my birthday.
  • 105:25 - 105:28
    I know. It was his mothers.
  • 105:29 - 105:31
    It has reached its rightful place now.
  • 105:32 - 105:35
    You need to take care of Ms.Leyla things
  • 105:39 - 105:41
    I will love her things more than myself.
  • 105:44 - 105:47
    There is a guest in Mr.Murat's room
    Can I take you to Mr.Nejat's room?
  • 105:48 - 105:48
  • 105:50 - 105:51
    How would you like it?
  • 105:51 - 105:55
    I've talked about this with the
    architecture but I'd like to hear your
  • 105:56 - 105:58
    Sorry, about what subject?
  • 105:58 - 106:02
    You wanted to decorate your hotel
    lobby with Sarte's products right?
  • 106:04 - 106:06
    Yes. Yes. Of course we do.
  • 106:09 - 106:13
    But I would like to hear your opinion
  • 106:13 - 106:14
    What are you thinking of?
  • 106:15 - 106:19
    Meaning. What kind of places do you
    like to visit?
  • 106:19 - 106:21
    Their furniture, curtains, carpets, etc.
  • 106:22 - 106:24
    Do you own a house? if yes,
  • 106:25 - 106:26
    what kind of house is it?
  • 106:28 - 106:30
    Yes. I do own a house.
  • 106:33 - 106:34
    I like simplicity.
  • 106:35 - 106:37
    I feel comfortable in simplicity.
  • 106:38 - 106:39
    I care about the lighting too.
  • 106:39 - 106:43
    But the real importance is what the people
    living in the house are like.
  • 106:44 - 106:47
    So you understand the importance of the
    people living in the house.
  • 106:49 - 106:50
    Really good.
  • 106:50 - 106:51
    Really good.
  • 106:51 - 106:55
    Yes, my family and the people I love are
    always my first priority.
  • 106:57 - 107:00
    The people I love meaning? How many people
    do you love?
  • 107:01 - 107:04
    Oh.. You don't have two wives do you?!
    Gracious goodness.
  • 107:18 - 107:19
    Yeah Didem?
  • 107:19 - 107:23
    How are you Ibrahim? Did you talk with
    Hayat? I was really worried.
  • 107:24 - 107:25
    I did something even better.
  • 107:25 - 107:27
    Okay. Tell me what did you do?
  • 107:27 - 107:28
    I talked to Murat.
  • 107:28 - 107:31
    I told him that if something happens to
    Hayat I'll come after him.
  • 107:31 - 107:32
    So what did he say?
  • 107:32 - 107:34
    Obviously he will get worried about this.
  • 107:36 - 107:40
    Oh ok. I won't disturb you too much. Bye.
  • 107:40 - 107:41
  • 107:45 - 107:47
    What kinds of things are you doing Didem?
  • 107:47 - 107:49
    You have to deal with these types of
  • 107:49 - 107:51
    Ok so what are your plans about kids?
  • 107:52 - 107:53
    Excuse me?
  • 107:53 - 107:55
    I mean youngsters today are a bit
  • 107:56 - 107:59
    A girl and boy live together without
  • 107:59 - 108:03
    And after marriage they don't want kids.
  • 108:03 - 108:04
    Come in.
  • 108:11 - 108:12
    Your coffee is here.
  • 108:31 - 108:33
    No way Hayat!
  • 108:36 - 108:37
  • 108:37 - 108:42
    Life meaning.. Keeping life safe from
  • 108:42 - 108:47
    Making problems easier. I am thankful to
    you. This is what I always pray for.
  • 108:47 - 108:48
    I get it I get it
  • 108:48 - 108:51
    I thought you knew Hayat but that is not
    the case.
  • 108:55 - 108:57
    Hayat is my assistant Mrs.Emine.
  • 108:58 - 108:59
    Mrs. Emine.
  • 109:03 - 109:07
    Yes she is the owner of a lot of Hotels in
  • 109:09 - 109:09
    Oh really?
  • 109:15 - 109:18
    Nice to meet you. Mrs. Emine from Qatar.
  • 109:18 - 109:19
    How are you here?
  • 109:20 - 109:22
    How did you come today?
  • 109:22 - 109:24
    You informed me that you won't
    come today.
  • 109:24 - 109:27
    Well, it just happened suddenly.
  • 109:29 - 109:32
    This happened and I couldn't say no.
  • 109:33 - 109:37
    By the way Mrs.Emine, Hayats CV is
  • 109:37 - 109:39
    She can speak 6 languages.
  • 109:39 - 109:40
    And one of those is Arabic.
  • 109:42 - 109:43
    Very nice.
  • 109:43 - 109:44
    Very nice.
  • 109:46 - 109:48
    Would you like to say anything to her in
  • 109:48 - 109:49
    What should I say?
  • 109:49 - 109:51
    Anything in Arabic.
  • 109:51 - 109:54
    Yes, of course. I'll talk to her in
  • 109:58 - 110:25
    Random talk in Arabic
    There is no translation as they both
    don't know Arabic and r making up words
  • 110:27 - 110:28
    What is she saying?
  • 110:28 - 110:34
    Nothing. It's just something between us
    women. It would be better not to translate
  • 110:35 - 110:39
    Sir, if you don't need anything else
    with your permission I will return to my
  • 110:40 - 110:41
    Yes. Absolutely.
  • 110:52 - 110:56
    Mom!! What are you doing here in Murat's
  • 110:59 - 111:01
    We need to lower this budget too.
  • 111:04 - 111:07
    First make these changes and we'll talk
    about the rest later.
  • 111:11 - 111:12
  • 111:12 - 111:15
    Ibrahim hurry up and come upstairs.
  • 111:16 - 111:17
    What happened?
  • 111:17 - 111:20
    Mom came to Sarte and is in Murat's
  • 111:20 - 111:21
    What is she doing here?
  • 111:22 - 111:23
    I don't know either.
  • 111:23 - 111:26
    And Murat thinks she is the guest from
  • 111:26 - 111:27
    We have to do something.
  • 111:28 - 111:33
    I'll get Murat out of the room but someone
    has to take my mom out be4 she messes up.
  • 111:33 - 111:34
  • 111:34 - 111:37
    Okay Okay Okay calm down. I'm on my way
  • 112:25 - 112:27
    Before the work starts I will come visit
    you guys.
  • 112:27 - 112:31
    But we need to discuss the concept.
  • 112:31 - 112:33
    I mean we should get some kind of idea
    of your work.
  • 112:33 - 112:38
    Yes Of course. That's good. We should
    get an idea of how the people are what
  • 112:38 - 112:42
    the family is like, how much money they
    have. That's good.
  • 112:42 - 112:45
    We should also find out the lineage.
  • 112:45 - 112:49
    Because the relationship isn't only
    between the girl and boy it's of two
  • 112:49 - 112:54
    families. We will also have to see the
    house furniture, and the curtains.
  • 112:54 - 112:59
    And the dishware in the kitchen that they
    use. What condition are they in?
  • 112:59 - 113:01
    This is also important
  • 113:05 - 113:05
    Come in.
  • 113:09 - 113:13
    Mr.Murat I know you are in an important
    meeting right now and I should't disturb
  • 113:13 - 113:16
    you but Mrs.Azime has been here for a
    while, maybe it's something important
  • 113:17 - 113:19
    What? How did she come? Did something
    bad happen?
  • 113:19 - 113:23
    No I don't think so but she is in
    Mr.Nejat's office. You can check.
  • 113:24 - 113:26
    I'm so sorry. Please excuse me.
  • 113:26 - 113:29
    No problem. Go and see I will wait here.
  • 113:31 - 113:33
    Ok until I come back Ms.Hayat is with you.
  • 113:33 - 113:35
    You go. Family is more important.
  • 113:46 - 113:49
    What are you doing here mom?! Tell me!
  • 113:50 - 113:54
    You forgot your ID card. I just came here
    to give it to you. I thought you would
  • 113:54 - 113:55
    need it.
  • 113:55 - 113:57
    So I just came here.
  • 113:57 - 114:02
    And I was immediately sent to your Murat's
  • 114:02 - 114:04
    Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
  • 114:04 - 114:05
    "Yours" meaning?
  • 114:06 - 114:07
    Yes. Murat.
  • 114:08 - 114:11
    How did you know that I love Murat?
  • 114:11 - 114:16
    Honey, I've walked on the same path that
    you are on.
  • 114:21 - 114:25
    And this. You dressed up just to
    give me my ID card?
  • 114:25 - 114:29
    I wanted to dress nice for my future
    son in law, who is the owner of such a big
  • 114:29 - 114:34
    company, Of course I wasn't going
    to wear old clothes. I had to do atleast
  • 114:34 - 114:35
  • 114:36 - 114:38
    Mom. Admit it.
  • 114:39 - 114:40
    Dropping off my ID was just an excuse.
  • 114:40 - 114:43
    Your real reason was to meet Murat.
  • 114:43 - 114:44
    Why would I go to him?
  • 114:44 - 114:46
    He should be coming to me.
  • 114:46 - 114:47
    In fact he should come to me.
  • 114:48 - 114:52
    And you will see. He will come with a
    wedding proposal as well.
  • 114:53 - 114:57
    Listen. Tell me the whole truth. What
    were you talking about with him for so
  • 114:57 - 114:57
  • 114:58 - 114:59
    What would we talk about?
  • 115:00 - 115:05
    Effects of tourism on improving
    the Turkish economy.
  • 115:05 - 115:12
    The new ideas and projects of Sarte.
  • 115:13 - 115:15
    Just like this. Normal things.
  • 115:28 - 115:32
    Come mom. Leave the coffee. And get out
    of here quickly. Let's go.
  • 115:32 - 115:38
    Ok.This woman from Qatar will leave now.
  • 115:41 - 115:42
    Look. I came myself.
  • 115:43 - 115:44
  • 115:45 - 115:46
    I'm sorry.
  • 115:46 - 115:50
    The door was open so I came inside without
    permission. I'm sorry.
  • 115:50 - 115:53
    Mr.Murat just left to go to you. You
    didn't see him?
  • 115:53 - 115:54
    No dear.
  • 115:54 - 115:57
    I haven't been introduced to you. Who is
  • 115:57 - 116:02
    Yes, yes. I forgot. I am Murat's
    grandmother. Azime Sarsilimaz.
  • 116:03 - 116:04
    And you are?
  • 116:04 - 116:05
    Yes, I am Hayat's
  • 116:05 - 116:08
    This is our companies reputable client,
    Emine Ma'am.
  • 116:11 - 116:12
    Very nice to meet you.
  • 116:12 - 116:13
    Me too.
  • 116:14 - 116:17
    Let's go. Aren't you getting late?
  • 116:17 - 116:22
    What kind of rush Hayat? I mean, wait two
    minutes, such a busy woman Ms.Azime has
  • 116:22 - 116:24
    come let me talk with her for a few
  • 116:25 - 116:28
    What kind of busy? Let's sit for a
    while. Come.
  • 116:28 - 116:29
    Yes, why not?
  • 116:49 - 116:50
    Very Sorry. Sorry.
  • 116:50 - 116:53
    Hmm.. Nice hair cut.
  • 116:53 - 116:55
    Do you cut your hair abroad?
  • 116:55 - 116:57
    No. Who are you?
  • 116:57 - 116:59
    You will introduce yourself first.
  • 117:00 - 117:01
    Wait. Let me guess.
  • 117:01 - 117:03
    You are the owner of this company.
  • 117:04 - 117:06
    This bright face,
  • 117:06 - 117:08
    This confidence,
  • 117:09 - 117:11
    This presence,
  • 117:12 - 117:14
    This all suits a company owner.
  • 117:14 - 117:15
  • 117:16 - 117:17
    Yes. But who are you?
  • 117:17 - 117:21
    How can I introduce myself now? Just
    understand that I am the master of my art.
  • 117:21 - 117:26
    Okay. Okay. I am busy right now but
    come another day and we will interview you
  • 117:27 - 117:30
    Wait! I will interview right now standing
  • 117:30 - 117:32
    While your haircut is super.
  • 117:32 - 117:39
    But it's not that great. If you give me an
    hour I will give you a hero hairstyle.
  • 117:40 - 117:42
    I will give you a good rate too.
  • 117:43 - 117:48
    I have a feeling you liked my offer
  • 117:50 - 117:53
    Let me clear one thing. I don't need
    need a haircut.
  • 117:53 - 117:56
    No sir. I cannot accept this. You need it!
  • 117:56 - 117:58
    Why wouldn't you need it? I am right.
  • 117:58 - 118:00
    The rest is your decision.
  • 118:01 - 118:05
    Wait a minute. You need a facial too.
  • 118:06 - 118:07
    There is a lot of work.
  • 118:10 - 118:11
    Allah! Allah!
  • 118:11 - 118:14
    Wait sir! Listen to me!
  • 118:15 - 118:21
    Then I shifted to Istanbul with my
    husband from Ordu.
  • 118:26 - 118:29
    You guys are originally from Ordu?
  • 118:30 - 118:33
    Yes! My favorite place is still Ordu.
  • 118:35 - 118:39
    Everything is becoming more and more
    clear now.
  • 118:40 - 118:42
    What do you mean? I didn't understand.
  • 118:43 - 118:47
    You have heard of Giresun right? We
    are from there.
  • 118:48 - 118:49
    Mrs. Emine.
  • 118:49 - 118:51
    You are from Qatar did you forget?
  • 118:51 - 118:59
    Yes I am from there but after I came here
    I lived in Giresun because Giresun isn't
  • 118:59 - 119:01
    trash like Ordu.
  • 119:02 - 119:07
    Actually, Giresun has developed more and
    the government didn't invest in Ordu.
  • 119:08 - 119:10
    These are just excuses.
  • 119:10 - 119:16
    I think the people of Ordu don't put in
    effort and then they blame the gov't.
  • 119:16 - 119:17
    What are you saying miss?
  • 119:17 - 119:18
    Let's leave it.
  • 119:19 - 119:22
    Her schedule is very busy. She has a lot
    of meetings.
  • 119:22 - 119:25
    Let's go. They are waiting for you there.
  • 119:26 - 119:28
    I'm here now.
  • 119:30 - 119:32
    I mean. Let's go.
  • 119:32 - 119:34
    You are late now Mrs.Emine.
  • 119:34 - 119:35
    Thank God.
  • 119:38 - 119:44
    Okay. I will go now. But this discussion
    isn't over yet. We will meet again and
  • 119:44 - 119:45
    talk about this.
  • 119:47 - 119:49
    You will be bothered for no reason Ms.
  • 119:49 - 119:53
    I don't waste the precious time of life on
    these types of debates.
  • 119:53 - 119:56
    If there is something important to talk
    about then I am here.
  • 120:13 - 120:15
    Oh my God! Where did he come from?!
  • 120:16 - 120:18
    Mr.Kamran! Where did Mr.Kamran come from?
  • 120:18 - 120:20
    Oh my God! I hope he didn't say anything
    dumb to Murat.
  • 120:20 - 120:22
    You can just pray now.
  • 120:24 - 120:26
    Look Mr.Murat. You are a very busy person.
  • 120:26 - 120:30
    Let me bring my equipment here.
    I will give you a first class haircut!
  • 120:30 - 120:34
    Listen Mr.Kamran. I have listened to your
    offer and I have alot of respect for your
  • 120:34 - 120:36
    art. You came here Thank you
    Thank you so much.
  • 120:36 - 120:38
    Have a nice day. Bye bye.
  • 120:38 - 120:39
    Come on.
  • 120:39 - 120:41
    Have a nice day!
  • 120:41 - 120:44
    If I knew I would waste so much time here
    I never would have came here!
  • 120:44 - 120:47
    You will regret missing this offer.
    I will go now.
  • 120:48 - 120:49
  • 120:52 - 120:56
    Mr.Kamran. What are you doing here?
    How did you come?
  • 120:56 - 120:57
    What were you saying to Murat?
  • 120:57 - 120:59
    It was just business talk.
  • 120:59 - 121:01
    It's your cellphone's fault that wasn't
    going through!
  • 121:01 - 121:04
    You should be thankful to me! How
    ungrateful are you!
  • 121:05 - 121:08
    What do you mean? What thank you?
    What kind of favor? Wht are u talking abt?
  • 121:08 - 121:11
    Take this! You forgot this!
  • 121:11 - 121:15
    Okay you got it. We have to go now!
    Come on let's go from here!
  • 121:15 - 121:18
    Ibrahim just tell me where Hayat sits
    and I'll put this there.
  • 121:19 - 121:20
    Okay. I'll tell you come with me.
  • 121:25 - 121:26
    Hayat sits here.
  • 121:26 - 121:29
    Ok. You two go and I'll come in two
  • 121:29 - 121:30
  • 121:38 - 121:40
    Is everything ok? Why did Mrs.Emine leave
    so quickly?
  • 121:40 - 121:42
    Maybe she remembered something.
  • 121:43 - 121:44
    Allah Allah. Interesting.
  • 121:44 - 121:46
    I think it was good son.
  • 121:47 - 121:51
    I noticed that this girl takes care of ur
    work really well.
  • 121:54 - 121:56
    How did you come? Do you need something?
  • 121:57 - 121:59
    Oh son what kind of work would we old
    people have?
  • 122:00 - 122:02
    I just wanted to see you two.
  • 122:02 - 122:07
    May God keep this couple happy and
  • 122:09 - 122:11
  • 122:41 - 122:42
    Why don't you live in your house?
  • 122:45 - 122:50
    The house is really big Murat. And dad
    isn't home so I get bored.
  • 122:50 - 122:51
    And I also get scared.
  • 122:52 - 122:53
    I was thinking.
  • 122:53 - 122:57
    It's hard to stay away from your friends.
    I will have to think of something for
  • 122:57 - 122:58
    those girls.
  • 122:58 - 122:59
    What do you mean?
  • 123:00 - 123:03
    I don't know. I'm talking about getting a
    house in the city.
  • 123:03 - 123:05
    So this way those two can live there too.
  • 123:06 - 123:08
    They can't afford to pay the bills of a
    house in the city.
  • 123:09 - 123:13
    And they will never agree to you paying.
  • 123:15 - 123:20
    I would tell you to move into my house but
    because we aren't public this won't be the
  • 123:20 - 123:21
  • 123:23 - 123:25
    You three should move into my house.
  • 123:25 - 123:26
    I'll live in Doruk's house.
  • 123:31 - 123:34
    Why are you so worried about my home
  • 123:43 - 123:47
    Because I don't want you to talk to
    Ibrahim outside of work Hayat.
  • 124:23 - 124:27
    I found this card out of the trash I took
    from your building.
  • 124:27 - 124:28
    Show me.
  • 124:30 - 124:31
    I know her.
  • 124:31 - 124:35
    She is Mr.Murat's assistant. I will give
    it to her if I see her or to him.
  • 124:35 - 124:38
    If i don't see them I'll give it to the
  • 124:40 - 124:43
    Everything is clear I don't want you
    living in the same house as Ibrahim.
  • 124:43 - 124:44
    That's all.
  • 124:44 - 124:48
    That's not all. You can't force me to do
    what you want Mr.Murat.
  • 124:48 - 124:51
    You should have thought about that before
    making me mad Ms. Hayat.
  • 124:51 - 124:53
    What have I done?
  • 124:53 - 124:59
    You're not the problem. The problem is the
    employee and his feelings for you.
  • 125:00 - 125:02
    Your thinking is wrong.
  • 125:03 - 125:07
    Ibrahim has never forced me to do what he
  • 125:12 - 125:14
    How innocent are you?
  • 125:15 - 125:19
    You have no idea how beautiful you are
    And how much I love you Hayat.
  • 125:19 - 125:22
    Do you understand me? Maybe that's why I
    care alot about you.
  • 125:24 - 125:27
    I know how to take care of myself. Don't
  • 125:28 - 125:31
    I know. You know how to protect yourself
    from people
  • 125:31 - 125:34
    but you can't protect yourself from
  • 125:34 - 125:36
    And the world isn't as good intentioned as
    you think.
  • 125:36 - 125:38
    If you bring Ibrahim up again..
  • 125:38 - 125:39
    I will.
  • 125:39 - 125:41
    And today is the last time we will talk
    about him.
  • 125:42 - 125:44
    Please listen to me carefully.
  • 125:46 - 125:51
    Whatever happens, don't ever let Ibrahim
    get in between us.
  • 125:54 - 125:56
    I don't want to get mad at you again.
  • 125:58 - 125:59
    Trust me.
  • 126:00 - 126:02
    This will never happen.
  • 126:06 - 126:07
  • 126:33 - 126:35
    Good morning Mr.Murat.
  • 126:37 - 126:39
    Don't you work in accounting?
  • 126:39 - 126:40
    Yes sir.
  • 126:40 - 126:42
    So what are you doing here?
  • 126:44 - 126:45
    Where is the security guard?
  • 126:46 - 126:47
    He went to the bank.
  • 126:47 - 126:48
    During working hours?
  • 126:49 - 126:52
    He said it will just take 5 minutes. He
    said it was important.
  • 126:52 - 126:53
  • 126:53 - 126:56
    Listen. He is the security guard here.
  • 126:57 - 127:02
    If there is a problem how will u solve it?
    With the help of your calculator?
  • 127:02 - 127:04
    sir I was here for a while.
  • 127:04 - 127:08
    Everyone should do their own work please.
    When he comes send him to me.
  • 127:08 - 127:08
    Okay sir.
  • 127:19 - 127:20
    Let them go.
  • 127:32 - 127:34
    Why did you come inside?
  • 127:34 - 127:36
    What am I going to do when Murat finds
  • 127:37 - 127:41
    What was I supposed to do? As I said no
    that girl put me in front of Murat.
  • 127:41 - 127:43
    She thought I was the hotel owner from
  • 127:43 - 127:47
    No! I know you went there to meet him to
    see how he is.
  • 127:48 - 127:52
    But I don't understand what you are mad
    about. She went to see him or..
  • 127:52 - 127:54
    Aunt Fadik what are you talking about?
  • 127:54 - 127:56
    It's wrong to meet like this right?
  • 127:58 - 128:03
    But I am thinking when Murat meets Emine
    then.. How are we going to handle that
  • 128:03 - 128:05
  • 128:05 - 128:07
    We will make something up.
  • 128:08 - 128:10
    Obviously we will have to do that.
  • 128:10 - 128:18
    But tell me. Why were you so worried about
    what mom talked about with Murat?
  • 128:24 - 128:25
    I wasn't worried because of you.
  • 128:26 - 128:28
    You never know about Murat's mood.
  • 128:29 - 128:31
    Yes.. Yes..
  • 128:31 - 128:41
    Listen to me Hayat. Put love aside but you
    have to do something for the man so that
  • 128:41 - 128:43
    he comes for you!
  • 128:43 - 128:46
    Sometimes you have to test love.
  • 128:47 - 128:51
    Yes. You should test it. Does Murat love
    you or not..
  • 128:51 - 128:52
  • 128:53 - 128:55
    The poor guy will have to go through a
  • 128:56 - 128:59
    If he is honest then he will pass it.
    Otherwise he will get lost.
  • 128:59 - 129:01
    What are you saying huh?
  • 129:02 - 129:05
    What girl doesn't want her life to go by
  • 129:06 - 129:09
    What does she want... To be respectfully
  • 129:09 - 129:11
    A house full of ease,
  • 129:11 - 129:13
    And spend her life with love. That's it.
  • 129:15 - 129:19
    Okay. What did you think of him?
  • 129:24 - 129:25
    I did like him.
  • 129:25 - 129:29
    Just like in the tv shows I want you to
    have a happy ending.
  • 129:35 - 129:38
    But.. He does have some bad habits.
  • 129:42 - 129:43
    That's it.
  • 130:35 - 130:37
    He gives importance to values.
  • 130:37 - 130:39
    And to his family.
  • 130:39 - 130:40
  • 130:41 - 130:42
    But he is anxious.
  • 130:43 - 130:45
    That's not right.
  • 130:45 - 130:48
    To an extent he takes care of his guests.
  • 130:48 - 130:49
    He's respectful.
  • 130:49 - 130:50
    This is really good.
  • 130:51 - 130:54
    But it looked like he is a bit subborn.
  • 130:56 - 131:00
    Meaning.. It is a couple of two stubborn
  • 131:01 - 131:03
    And he is good looking.
  • 131:03 - 131:04
    For the love of god.
  • 131:05 - 131:07
    Look. He is always doing work.
  • 131:07 - 131:08
    And is very handsome
  • 131:08 - 131:11
    He is a person who has a strong character.
  • 131:11 - 131:12
    He is innocent.
  • 131:13 - 131:15
    He won't look at other girls.
  • 131:15 - 131:16
    He looked alright to me.
  • 131:16 - 131:17
    He is alright.
  • 131:17 - 131:18
    What is this?
  • 131:21 - 131:23
    I told you I would tell you everything
    when the time came.
  • 131:23 - 131:26
    But you reached the office to inquire
    about him?
  • 131:26 - 131:28
    Why? I still haven't gotten my answer.
  • 131:28 - 131:29
    What should I say now?
  • 131:29 - 131:35
    I went so far to put your ID on your table
    and you didn't even say thank you.
  • 131:36 - 131:38
    What did you do? What did you do?
  • 131:38 - 131:42
    You forgot your ID so I brought your ID.
  • 131:43 - 131:45
    Where is that ID now?
  • 131:45 - 131:47
    I left it on your table.
  • 131:47 - 131:49
    I didn't join the company with that ID!
  • 131:50 - 131:54
    Oh God! Fadiq! We didn't even think about
  • 131:55 - 131:57
    It didn't come to mind.
  • 132:05 - 132:06
    How is it going?
  • 132:07 - 132:08
    Good. Thanks for asking Kerem.
  • 132:09 - 132:11
    I thought the two of us could drink
  • 132:11 - 132:12
    Thank you so much.
  • 132:13 - 132:15
    Is everything ok? You are here at this
  • 132:15 - 132:19
    Mr.Murat drives himself in the morning so
    I came to get his car.
  • 132:21 - 132:22
    What's this?
  • 132:22 - 132:24
    Someone forgot their card again?
  • 132:24 - 132:27
    The janitor found it when he was throwing
    out the garbage.
  • 132:27 - 132:28
    We still haven't found the owner.
  • 132:29 - 132:29
    But this is.
  • 132:30 - 132:33
    Yes I know. It is one of Mr.Murat's
  • 132:33 - 132:36
    But I haven't seen her yet. What is her
  • 132:36 - 132:37
  • 132:38 - 132:39
    Yes Hayat Pektas.
  • 132:40 - 132:42
    But it says Hayat Uzun on this.
  • 133:22 - 133:26
    What are you doing walking around here?
    There is still a lot of time left until
  • 133:26 - 133:27
    midnight. So you don't need it.
  • 134:21 - 134:24
    You don't deserve Hayat, Murat Sarsilimaz.
  • 134:24 - 134:25
    You don't deserve her at all.
  • 134:39 - 134:40
    How are you?
  • 134:40 - 134:41
    I'm good ma'am.
  • 134:41 - 134:45
    I'm Hayat, Mr.Murat's assistant. Has
    someone found my ID by any chance?
  • 134:45 - 134:47
    I left it here. That's what I came to get.
  • 134:47 - 134:51
    Yes. I know one card was found. The
    other guard left it here.
  • 135:01 - 135:02
    Allah Allah.
  • 135:02 - 135:04
    He put it right here.
  • 135:04 - 135:06
    Can you call him? The card is very
  • 135:06 - 135:10
    You won't be able to reach him right now.
    It's very late now. He's probably sleeping
  • 135:10 - 135:11
    He comes at 7 in the morning.
  • 135:11 - 135:13
    What should I do now?
  • 135:13 - 135:15
    You have no other choice but to wait until
  • 135:15 - 135:16
    He comes at 7 AM?
  • 135:16 - 135:17
    He does.
  • 135:42 - 135:46
    Yes my handsome driver is here!
    Good morning honey.
  • 135:53 - 135:54
    Good morning..
  • 135:54 - 135:55
    Good morning.
  • 135:58 - 135:59
  • 135:59 - 136:01
    I will open the door myself.
  • 136:06 - 136:10
    What happened Kerem? This behavior doesn't
    suit you.
  • 136:20 - 136:21
    Answer me.
  • 136:23 - 136:26
    There are no lies between us. We haven't
    hidden anything from each other.
  • 136:26 - 136:27
  • 136:28 - 136:31
    Why is Hayat's last name Uzun?
  • 136:31 - 136:33
    Why is her mom's name Emine?
  • 136:33 - 136:35
    Why is her dad's name Sefer?
  • 136:35 - 136:37
    Why is her birth place Giresun?
  • 136:39 - 136:41
    What is your real identity?
  • 136:52 - 136:55
    Ipek. What have you girls been doing?
  • 136:56 - 137:00
    Give me that card. What could we possibly
    do, like what?
  • 137:01 - 137:05
    Have you gone crazy? I am Ipek! Your Ipek!
  • 137:05 - 137:09
    And Hayat is Hayat. Give it here maybe
    there is a misunderstanding. What else
  • 137:09 - 137:09
    could it be?
  • 137:09 - 137:10
    I won't give it.
  • 137:11 - 137:12
    Tell me.
  • 137:14 - 137:18
    If this is Hayat's ID then who is she
    really? huh?
  • 137:33 - 137:36
    Good morning. Is everything ok you called
    so early?
  • 137:36 - 137:37
    I'm waiting for you.
  • 137:38 - 137:39
    Where are you?
  • 137:40 - 137:41
    On the beach.
  • 137:41 - 137:43
    What are you doing there? Did something
  • 137:44 - 137:46
    Actually, two things have happened.
  • 137:46 - 137:49
    Murat is about to pick me up can we
    talk in the office?
  • 137:49 - 137:53
    But if it's important I'll call him and
    tell him I'll be late.
  • 137:53 - 137:55
    Actually, it's related to Murat.
  • 137:55 - 138:00
    I mean, it's related to you and me.
  • 138:01 - 138:04
    Allah Allah. Now I am more curious.
  • 138:04 - 138:06
    Why don't you come here to talk?
  • 138:07 - 138:08
    No, we can't talk there.
  • 138:19 - 138:22
    So should I come to the beach?
    There isn't a lot of time left.
  • 138:22 - 138:25
    In this little time I need to win in life.
  • 138:26 - 138:28
    Okay. I'm coming.
  • 139:20 - 139:24
    I'm here! Now tell me what was so
    important tht u called me here so quickly?
  • 139:25 - 139:28
    I need to tell you two important things.
  • 139:28 - 139:30
    The two things are very different
  • 139:30 - 139:33
    And there is nothing similar between them
  • 139:33 - 139:35
    Okay. I'm listening.
  • 139:38 - 139:42
    You might not be ready to hear these two
  • 139:42 - 139:45
    You might not even want to hear one of
    these things.
  • 139:46 - 139:51
    And you might wish you had never heard one
    of these things.
  • 139:53 - 139:55
    But you have to hear them Hayat.
  • 139:55 - 139:58
    Okay. Tell me whatever it is.
  • 140:14 - 140:15
  • 140:21 - 140:23
    I fell in love with you.
  • 140:36 - 140:37
    You're joking right?
  • 140:38 - 140:40
    I am serious.
  • 140:41 - 140:42
    I love Murat.
  • 140:44 - 140:46
    Murat doesn't deserve you Hayat.
  • 140:49 - 140:50
  • 140:53 - 140:54
    What are you doing Murat?
  • 140:55 - 140:56
    I warned you didn't I?
  • 140:56 - 140:59
    That he might try to come between us.
  • 140:59 - 141:01
    What love? What relationship? What are
    you talking about?
  • 141:01 - 141:05
    Ibrahim think before you speak. You are
    talking to my boyfriend.
  • 141:05 - 141:07
    Wake up Hayat. Open your eyes.
  • 141:07 - 141:10
    The man you're in love with hasn't left
    his ex-girlfriend!
  • 141:10 - 141:13
    Look at me. If you accuse me of nonsense
    the result won't be good!
  • 141:13 - 141:14
    Oh so this is nonsense?
  • 141:14 - 141:16
    Don't you meet with Didem?
  • 141:16 - 141:19
    Don't you invite her late at night?
  • 141:20 - 141:22
    What rubbish are you saying?
  • 141:23 - 141:27
    I saw with my own eyes the two of you
    close to each other.
  • 141:36 - 141:38
    Is Ibrahim right Murat?
Aşk Laftan Anlamaz 15.Bölüm ᴴᴰ

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