Love cannot be described by words < Translated by ioniravas > Last night I really thought about this situation. Me too.. I don't really care about what you think. There is no other way to get out of this situation than to resign... And to pack your bag. We are going back to Giresum. This is exactly why I lied mom... And now I'm showing you the way out from all of this... We'll leave before they find out about this. I'm not going anywhere! Wait!! What I'm not resigning! I am not packing my bag and I am not going back there! Girl, have you lost your mind? You can't decide over my life! Girl, the life you want to live here isn't even your life! Oh God! You're really making me call your dad! Go ahead, call him! Call the entire world but I am not going back! Even If I have to live in this caravan for my entire life, I'll do it. They'll find out that I'm not Sunsa Pektas, they'll send me to prison, and I still won't go back.. Honey, Girl... Look, for the love of god, dont say tht Sit down and think about it! I have thought about it for months! I've been thinking abt it from the day I lied! I couldn't sleep last night! I was think about it the entire night! Do you think I'm happy? Do you think it's easy for me to live in this lie? I know why I did this... You should think about it too... You made me lie about this, I wasn't that kind of person mom! How is it going there, at home Asli? It's good for now.. And mom? Frustrated, angry and furious! Those 3 words means the same thing.. Okay I know... I just wanted to make my point. How's it going at the company? Did Murat come? Did you guys have a fight again? No, he isn't here yet. I'm praying for a miracle to happen, that he doesn't come today. Why is that honey? Because I know what's going to happen... Last time we spoke everything was amazing but now he's waiting for an explanation. And the Murat I know won't stop until he gets his answers. Girls, Murat is here..I need to hang up! Good morning, Mr. Murat.. Good morning, where is Cagla? They called her downstairs, she will be back soon, Do you want your coffee now? No I don't want it now. Okay okay... You are right! What I did was wrong... Hayat.. Please don't force me Murat...I had a very bad night that I can't even explain. Hayat.. Don't get mad at me, I'm already mad at myself... Well I can't take your right away for getting mad at me but... I just wanted to know how you were... What? How? Is that all? Ofcourse that's not all... I missed you.. I missed your smell.. I missed your eyes... Ah..Yes come in.. We'll get back to that later Ms. Hayat.. Yes Cagla I am listening... Sorry..Sorry Sir!! I..was.. here for your daily program update! Okay let me guess..It's about Ipek right? My mind is blown!! I don't get her she is always mad about something or other! It's too much now! Bro you are playing the game wrong way! The golden rule is "The one who run's away gets chased. I can't run away from Ipek! Impossible! But she is running away from you, and you are chasing her! Now turn it the other way around! Ohh.. I get it now! Yes bro! You need to to treat Ipek the same way she has been treating you! Then let's see what happens.. Okay, I liked this plan.. now let me call her now I am the one who is mad! No bro you can't call her, be like Ipek! You are not calling her until she calls u! But I miss her! Not even "one" call? Okay I won't call her then, let her call me now huh! This one... This one... and that one.. Psst..Honey! Okay take them away, now go.. Tell me! How your first dinner date went? Did you guys kiss? How far did you go!? "I can't go this far" Or did you say?? No, I didn't say that! What babyy?!! I didn't say that as I wasn't even there! I left in the middle of the dinner! Why? Did you guys have a fight? No, coz of some personal reason I left and I couldn't explain that too... Okay.. so what did Murat do? I mean Did he get mad? He started torturing you? No It's the opposite! He is being so nice to me. Okay.. I don't get it too..What is happening here Ms. Tuval?! Honey... I have bad news for you! What is it? If a man acts like nothing has happened even tho something has happened, It means he is suspicious.. Watch out.. "code red".. Code red.. Okay..we are partying tonight? Party? Yes! It's the third Wednesday of the month which means it is..... "Holy Wednesday" Yup that's correct.. But things have changed..I am not single anymore. Was someone talking about me? Hi bambi..How is it going? Good..what about you guys? So what is this "Holy Wednesday" all about? Uhh.... That's a secret between us brother's! A secret? It's "Guy's Talk" you know, that we were having.. Okay, then I won't interrupt you guys anymore.. I will leave.. Ahh..By the way we need to get the place ready... Ahh..Same place as last time? right? As usual the party will be at my place.. and how late are we starting? Well you know, we can't start this kind of party until it gets dark enough! Ahh..Are you guy's planning something special for tonight? Yes.. Is there something wrong with it? Nothing dear..I was just curious.. Okay I give up bro! You are really mean! I did nothing! You started it I just finished it.. Oh God! After hearing you are planing something special for tonight, I think she will tell you where she was last night, just to know what your plans are for tonight!! Ahh It's Ipek!! "Talk to Ipek, the way she talk's to me.." What's up? It's me Ipek.. Is there something? What "Is there something" who do u think u r talking to? ur friend or smith? I was wondering what u're up to and wanted to hear your voice! why didn't you call me? Why will I unnecessary call you and bother you all the time? huh? Kerem what is wrong with you? Did you get hit by a helicopter or something? Look..I have stuff to do, so now can you please hang up? Wait..wait, don't hang up..Is there something wrong? Nothing..I just have some work to do, now hang up.. Okay daring..Is something bothering you honey? huh? What's with this "Darling" and "Honey"!! Ipek I don't like being called by these names when I am at work! Please just watch your words.. Okay!! I don't understand why you are acting this way but I'll watch my words next time.. Okay..I am hanging up now..bye! Wow, It worked! Look this one is in the list too.. Mr. Murat, I know we are at work right now but I want to thank your brother for something...Can I? For what? Ipek of course! Doruk, By God I dont know whether you are a love guru or what but from now on, I will listen to your advice.. Did it work bro? It did! For the first time in my life, Ipek called me without me calling her first. I talked to her the same way she talks to me and as If it wasn't enough I hung up on her! this topic is important..we will have lots of time to discuss about it tonight.. Ahh..Bro, can we discuss what we gonna do tonight, as Kerem is here too now.. On this "Holy Wednesday".. ahhh..yeah it's a very important night.. Ayyy...So what will we do? What do you want for tonight? Well I would like some "Chicks", like natural ones, crispy ones.. (closest translation for "chicken") What?! You shameless piece of.... "Chicks"..What the **** chicks!!? I am your girlfriend, you don't have to do anything with those "Chicks" "Natural Chicks"...What do I have implants or what?? I am natural too.. Don't laugh! Do you want everyone to hear us? Yaa Bro, there is nothing wrong about it.. while you like "Chicks" I like big "Hips" (Chicken's) He is right.. Well, I like breast's then (Chicken's).. like big one's! wait but what is this conversation all about? Don't worry, I'll get the biggest breast for you tonight!! This has gone too far!! Do you know what I just heard girls?!! What did you hear? What did you hear? So the boy's were talking about something.. Like they were laughing about it... So? Well they were saying today is "Holy Wednesday" and they will get together tonight..Ahh girls, I cant take this anymore! Murat said he likes "Chicks" I don't understand what he wants from other girls when I am right here for him! Ewww.. He is so shameless!! They all are the same!! The same! Asli... Doruk likes big "Hips"... Well he should be ashamed of himself!! Ipek.. Please forgive me for this Murat said he will get Kerem some... Some big "breasts".... Wow..He hit my weakest spot!! Dishonest piece of ***!! Girls alot is going on tonight.. So that was the reason, Kerem was behaving so weird! Basta**.. Unloyal Bastar** Nasty boys!! We'll do something about this right?! Yes! of course we will!! No I'm gonna call the "so-called breast loving" Kerem.. And I will talk to my "Buddy", Doruk about it! So..let's see what he has to say about all this! Okay..I am hanging up now.. good luck girls! Thanks.. Let's go from there... Hi!! Which floor you going to lady? Actually I am not going anywhere! Hayat what are you doing? Aren't you claustrophobic? I don't really care about being claustrophobic right now! and didn't you tell me, I am always safe with you?! I am still safe with you right? Like nothing has changed right? Now, once again, clearly tell me what are you trying to say... Like.. me and you... I mean has anything changed between us, Murat? Well nothing has changed..except for the fact that my love for you is growing stronger everyday.. Really? Really.. So are we doing anything tonight? If not.. then what's the reason? Do you have other plans? If so then..where, when, with whom?! I mean..Long story short are you doing something tonight?! Hmm?? Before asking me any question's, you need to answer my question's first, you know that right?(last night's whereabouts) Therefore let's just forget all the questions for now and let's just enjoy this moment! It..It got really hot for a second there!! Ipek! Normally you need permission from your manager to leave this early from work... what happened? Well let's just say I missed you.. No way! What?! Woww.woww.. Wait what? what did you say? missed me? you? missed me?! Stop being funny about it! Wit a min! wait a min...You missed me? and called me here to drink coffee with you! Yes is there something wrong with it? Yes.. I missed you! Okay Janam you missed me but what's with these "Baby, Darling, Honey and stuff".. Just tell me what are you here for Ipek? When did I call you "baby" and what's this attitude all about Kerem? Now you want it to be like this?! What are you doing Ms. Ipek? Ahh...There I hit the table what? Mine made more noise tho... What's this attitude in this 21st century huh? Hitting table.. Raising your voice against your boyfriend! Not very nice of you Ipek.. Okay Kerem..Fine honey..Ohh wait I forgot you didn't want me to call you "Honey".. We aren't calling each other that again, are we? Yes we are.. Okay..okay we are honey! I am sorry, I was wrong..I want to ask you something kerem.. Ask then.. Can we go out tonight... Yes!! wait, no I can't! Not tonight..I have plans for tonight.. With whom you are busy tonight!! Oh God.. Are u hiding a secret? Are you two-faced? Ipek are you crazy? what kind of secret? I am just gonna hang out with my friends... "I am just gonna hang out with my friends..." Ayy..Enough now! I don't like being questioned! You have to trust me and give me some space.. Uff..I am leaving now.. Navaid..(waiter) Here you go...take this.. Okay see you later.. You bastar*** Come in. Yes Mr. Murat.. Haa..I want you to cancel all my appointments for tomorrow and move them to the next day.. But Mr. Kaan and Mr. Deniz are coming tomorrow to discuss your organization.. Well there is nothing I can do about that. just move them in the evening or the next day please.. But you said it was important.. I know, but tonight is more important to me..I don't know when it will end, may be it will go till morning and I don't want to be late for the meeting.. So please, do as I asked for.. With you permission.. What's up sweet girl? Nothing much buddy..what about you? I know you are at work so I won't take much of your time..can we do something together tonight? May be play Tavla or pool... whatever you want!! Girl I will bring the stars and the moon for u, If you want me to... Huhh? But..I have some other plans for tonight darling.. What kind of plans? With who? Where? What are you planning to wear? When will it end? Are you going to the red carpet? You are going to the red carpet? What else it could be!? What are you going to do there? drink tea? You gonna drink tea right? what else you gonna drink? How many people will be there? 2? 5? 10? Please be alone!! Can we talk please?! Please tell me something more about it... Unfortunately Asli, there are certain things I can share with you and some I can't share with you buddy... We are following my plan..after you see these pictures, you will understand it better.. yeah don't worry.. Ibrahim?! What's up? How is it going? Remember what we talked about last time? Did you warn Hayat about it? Didem I have stuff to do..bye!! Who the *** he think, he is?! But I am Didem..I will play this game so dirty that you won't be able to get yourself out of it.. Come in.. Do you have time Murat? What is it about? Work... Have a seat.. Okay, I am listening.. I know who stole your last project... Wait, what do you know? I mean..your first project...I know who wanted to sabotage Sarte's position... Who was it? Your step mom..I mean Mrs. Derya.. Do you even realize what you are saying? - that's the truth.. Ahhh Didem..If it's one of your stupid games then you have crossed your line this time..The person you are talking about is my brother's mom and my father's wife. I am not lying this time..Believe me.. Why will Derya do something like this? Look I get it, If I was in your place, I wouldn't believe too, that someone from my family stabbed me like this..... Shut up!! You are accusing her..I don't want to listen to you anymore.. Okay..I can prove it.. Prove it then... Just wait..sooner or later you will realize it by yourself that I was right. With you permission..I will leave now, good luck with your work.. So what did I do now, for you to wait for me like this in front of the gate? I thought about it one more time.. Yes? I thought about every outcome that's possible this time.. and? You are resigning from your job.. I told you this morning too, that I won't leave my job.. Well then we are leaving for Giresun either way.. I won't go back, I would rather die here! Look don't force me to call your dad!! Go ahead..tell him I said "Hi"! I will tell everything to your dad! Don't even bother, I will tell him If I want to.. What's your problem? Please tell me because I don't get it! I fell in love, mom... Where are the recordings Doruk? Which recordings bro? The security camera recordings of Sarte? Ohh those recordings?? I don't know where they are..probably they are somewhere in my house, I don't remember.. Why do you ask? Well I am still thinking who betrayed us.. Even I didn't find anything but I wont stop searching until I find something.. Just leave it brother.. Leave it let's not get into it..and our second project was more successful then the first one! We have got 1000s of orders! Hoo.. Ho..get out of my way.. I bought everything that was on the list! I will do anything you guys ask me to do today..just ask! So what are we doing first? Let's start with the most simple step first..Let's not get distracted while we are planning the party cause we need to think about other things too... Where did you meet him? At work.. Do you love him? Alot.. What about him? He loves me alot too... Did you get a chance to know him? Yes..He is a good person, a very good person. How fast you grew up and now you fell in love with someone.. You don't want to accept it but I am a grown woman now.. That's why I can't resign from my job. I can't tell him all this too.. Cuz If I did..I will lose the man I love the most.. and I can't risk losing him.. I wish you could have come up with anything to me but no this love, honey... You hit my weak spot "Love" this time.. I don't know what I am supposed to say to you now.. Listen darling.. If he really loves you then he will understand you.. When the time comes, he will understand.. If he finds out one day, He won't stop loving you... And that's what I call "True love" darling... I am very scared mom.. Shh.. Okay... okay.. Okay girl. You are scared of losing a man you just met a week or so ago.. So how do I feel? You are my child..I would give my life for you.. Listen now...go speak to him and just tell him the truth.. Okay? I think we are done.. I think so too.. wait a minute..wait a min.. The curtains!! Good idea bro.. I can't just stay here and do nothing about it anymore!! Girls!! we need to do something about it!! Yes.. I am happy that Aunt Emine understands you now! Asli don't change the topic! Now all 3 of them told us they are busy tonight but neither one of them told us what they will be doing!! No..Well Doruk just talked very openly to me.. He said, he can't hang out as he has other plans.. Asli call Doruk! as You guys are just "Buddies" and you can ask him anything, you got nothing to lose! I am gonna call him, but what am I supposed to say? Okay... Just one last step left... Are we thinking about the same thing? Why can't I think about the same thing? We are taking them out on the count of 3 Doruk!! 1... 2.. 3... Wow...Smart move!! I am turning it off too... lets count till 3 again! 1..2..3.. That's done too.. The person you are trying to call is currently unavailable It directed me to answering machine, she is asking If I have a message to leave? I heard it.. He switched off his mobile.. Doruk never switches off his mobile.. Okay, now after Asli let me try as Kerem never switches off his mobile.. The person you are trying to call is currently unavailable No way! Kerem too?! No girls, no..I cant call Murat and ask him what he's doing.. Okay, I will try calling him and find an excuse if he answers.. The person you are trying to call is currently unavailable Well no need to find an excuse now as his mobile is switched off too... No..I can't wait anymore girls.. I am gonna go raid their place now.. Wait girl! It's not even night yet..we need to wait.. What are we gonna do till then? Should we watch a movie or something? huh? Hello.. Hello Ibrahim..what are you doing now? I am repairing my car..what about you? I am feeling very bad Ibrahim... Why? what happened? Murat is cheating on Hayat... What? with whom? With me.. What are you trying to say? I went to his office today to discuss work and he invited me to his house tonight.. He said it will be better to talk at his place.. Maybe it isn't that kind of invitation.. Maybe you are seeing it all wrong.. At night.. only me and him "Talking at his place" Ibrahim? and he was flirting with me too.. I feel very sad about it.. I don't know what I should be more sad about that Murat sees me as his side hoe or that he is thinking of cheating on Hayat.. I don't know.. and what are you gonna do? I have decided to go see Murat in his house so you can see everything with your own eyes.. I am gonna use this time for a hair parlor. to shine! What you wanna do? I am gonna dye my hair brown! let's see how Murat reacts to it... Girl what happened to you? you never wanted to dye your hair! Well I want to do it now.. Long story short....nothing can stop me now!! Let's go girls.. let the dying process begin!! Girl! Now that looks super good!! No.. no..not from here.. We'll enter from the back door... Well here it is, Murat's house.. God know's what they are doing inside!! They have definitely filled the house with women!! and I bet they are making out with them, right now.. Well there you go.. They even closed the curtains, so they don't give away wht they are doing inside! Damn you! What a shame!! Only God know's what they are doing inside!! I don't even want to think about it... Dishonest piece of sh**!!! You sick basta**!! What is this?! Be quiet!! Come on let's go.... Follow me... Girls... Just find a weapon let's not go with bare hands... We gonna strike them so good..They won't be able to look at us ever again.. No, that's too common.. No, not that either... Not strong enough, It won't hurt! We don't want to kill them!! Is that a girl's voice?? It is a girl's voice!!... How could you do this to me Murat?!! It's only been a week of us being together I swear they have bought the girls home... Basta**s I am about to lose my mind.. I haven't had such delicious legs in months!! Yeah they are good.. good. but wait till you try these breasts. they are so soft.. Are they really? They aren't just mine..we can share them.. that's what you call breasts!! Indeed they are very soft.. you got to bite them really nicely... I loved the leg's too.. Bro they are so juicy.. This is a RAID!! What's going on?! Are you girl's crazy?!! We will destroy you! Now look..calm down and drop the pan.. I am not going to drop it! am gonna kill you! Is there something? What are you looking at?! You look so beautiful today... I am literally stunned... Good for you.. and that's how you stun people... Mr. Murat... Okay girl, just calm down now.. Can someone explain to me what is happening here?!! "Holy Wednesday" What the hell is this "Holy Wednesday" all about?? What is this Holy Wednesday? Holy Wednesday? With those breasts, legs and hips?? You dirty bastar**s!! Even sharing them!! Yes..well there they are.. Breast's, Leg's.. Oh and If you want, there are some "hot wing's" too... Do you want some, girl's? So this is "Holy Wednesday"? Mhmm.. yup.. Each month's 3rd Wednesday, we 3 get together, watch movies, eat some food.. Today's movie is "Tarik Akan"... That's it..we watch some classic movies and hang out together. Then why are the curtain's closed? The curtains are closed, I know they are hiding behind it! What is wrong with you, girl? We won't be pointing the projector out towards the curtain! Then why are your mobiles turned off? Hey.. heyy.. you girls are the one who raided us with the pans and all.... He's right..This is our house.. You girls are the one, who need to explain everything not us.. Now tell us Ibrahim.. Do you know the person, who Hayat loves? Maybe.. So it's someone from work? Isn't it? Yes... From which department is he? What does he do? He uses his brain or uses his physical power? You could say, he uses both.. "You could say, he uses both" Is he good looking? well built?? I mean is he a decent guy? humorist? Ayii God has willed!! He has a permanent job? what is his financial status? Hmm.. Did you like him? I mean would you go for a drink with him? I guess, why not?! Is he fat? Does he have oval or rectangular nails? Why are you laughing?? Ibrahim, I give up on you.. It seems like you won't give us any information about the guy!! So you followed me around all this time? Don't laugh...Don't...I still feel ashamed about it Murat... I am the one who got followed and wasn't trusted...why are you feeling bad about it? I feel ashamed..ashamed!! It is your fault.. you could have just called instead of raiding my house... Your mobile was off.. So you did call me? I did.. Yes..Yes.. I called...Yes I called you.. So you called to spy on me? No, I just wanted to know how were you.. It could be that, may be I was just worried about you... Hmm..I get it.. I mean.. Its similar to the situation I faced last night, when you left without saying anything... You liked what you did buddy? You raided us like the "Ottoman Army"...You should atleast warned me before coming here.. I could have been in other situation.. God forbid, Like what? Well as both my bro and Kerem are taken.. There could have been a girl with me here. Then the girl could have questioned me, who is this redhead who is raiding the house like that.. No janam.. My intention wasn't of raiding.. let's say it was of concern.. I was just supporting the girls.. They were pumped up with energy!! I just joined them.. Like, It has nothing to do with you tho.. Ipek are you okay? What is this all about? raiding house? Following me? I know you like me but... You are overwhelming me.. Ha!! me? overwhelming you? Ha!! Since the beginning of this relationship, there was never a day you didn't call me Kerem!! And what happens when I call you? You show me your "I don't care" attitude? Well at this age I am not gonna inform you about each step I take!!! You got not other choice, then to do so.. My boyfriend needs to inform me about everything he does! I won't take that "yup it's a secret and I can't tell you" or "It's private I can't tell you" Kerem!! "Well the one who run's away, get's chased" Ohh so you want to play that game with me, Kerem?! Okay let's play then... You did all this so I would tell you where I was last night then.. Yes... I will be very disappointed.. Look, I have an idea.. What is it? You tell me where you were last night and things like this will never happen again. I can't.. Why can't you? Please don't insist Murat... I can't tell you.. Hayat, try to look at the situation from my side Of course I will wonder how you are? where you are? Murat I don't want to lie to you.. But I can't tell you the truth either.. But honey, why? It's because I don't want her to tell anyone about it.. I wasn't intentionally listening to your conversation..I just got out, to get some fresh air and heard you guys.. That night.. I called Hayat... I had a fight with my dad that night.. and I told Hayat to keep it a secret.. You can ask Kerem If you want, I am having some problems with my dad.. No.. No need.. You didn't have to do all this.. I don't want you lying for me anymore.. I was about to ask, If I could drop you guys home... I know Hayat doesn't want me to drop her so I won't ask that.. Ayy..but Hayat can't do anything about this situation.. You know she is staying at our place for a while now.. And Hayat doesn't want to be seen there with you as some neighbors likes to gossip alot Yes..yes.. Even Kerem is entering the house as my cousin.. Don't worry Murat the girls are in safe hands... I am leaving the way, I had an amazing night, thank you all for being being here tonight.. Okay come on bye see you. Come on see you. Okay.. Bye bro.. Take care Bambi.. You too.. -Good night -Bye -Take care.. So this means that.. I need to wait a bit more to pick and drop my girl from her house... Actually, there is a solution for that, you know.. I know.. The only solution is that you never leave from here... No!! If you don't come near my door, then I think it won't be an issue.. So I have to wait at the end of the street? Yes. The reason for you picking me is so that we can go to work together.. So there you go... Well then don't promise anyone for tomorrow as you are mine tomorrow.. I will be waiting for you at the end of the street.. Since you want this so badly, I accept.. I will send you the address.. Okay.. I will leave now.. The girls must be waiting for me.. I am gone.. Now go.. Yes? Murat where are you? Are you available right now? Yes I am available tell me.. I got the proof you were asking for... want to meet up for that? I will show you that Derya was the one who stole the project.. Okay..where do you want to meet? At your place? It isn't something we can discuss on the streets.. Okay.. come.. I'll wait.. Okay.. bye-bye.. I mean...You girls overreacted in this situation.. you both overstressed for nothing.. Pardon? When Doruk didn't answer your call, we saw your face too.. But it was nice, right girls? Do you girls have any idea, how late it is? huh? Why do you ask mom? It isn't that late.. So now you will decide what is late and what's not? Girls, why didn't you tell me, that you all were going out? It was unplanned... We just out of the blue made a plan and went out.. You didn't tell me who the boy is!! huh? now you are talking back to your mother?! What you are doing isn't right Hayat!! I am just letting you know!! I will tell you when the time comes... For now just leave it mom.. Girl... did you go to him? huh? Yes, the girls were there too... and some other friends were there too, there is nothing wrong with it.. There is.. You still haven't told me the boy's name! Mom, please... Just tell me the boy's name.. Mom!! Look Hayat!! Look.. you are going too far now.. Listen girl.. You will either tell me who he is or else.... I won't let you enter through that door again... Thanks for coming here Ibrahim... I couldn't leave it as It's related to Hayat... We are both here for that innocent girl.. I don't understand why Murat is doing this.. why he invited me here to hang out... You don't have to go inside, If you don't want to.. I know... but I want to do this for Hayat. and the most important thing is that I want you to see Murat's real face.. "I was gone for 2 mins and when I came back you were gone?!" "You took the recordings with you too, did you find anything?" "Don't worry bro, I have got this..I got bored when you left, so I left and took the recordings with me, I will have a look at them at home..." "I don't think we need this anymore" "Let's cancel this contract..let's just pretend this deal never happened, okay??" Hey.. Okay. I haven't got much time, so show me what you have. Now you will know what I meant, Murat... There is something, that I don't get tho. How could you be so sure that it was Derya who did all that? Because she used me... she asked me to do that.. I am very ashamed Murat... So now the story is complete. Look it's not how it seems.. Derya called me and wanted to see the project as you guys didn't show her, she just wanted to see it. I didn't know she was thinking of doing something that evil!! At the end of the day, It's her company too, why would she do something to destroy it? You said you have proof? I went to Derya and asked her why she did all this.. She said some shocking stuff and I recorded it, just for later.. Didem: What are you talking about? It's Doruk's project he will get affected the most in it! Darya: No only Murat will get affected by this as I made a deal with him that if any thing happens during this concept then only Murat will be responsible for everything! Sorry, I harmed you, without knowing it. Forgive me Murat... What's up? Can I sleep in your van for a few more days? It's yours... But... You will get cold like this.. Thanks Ibrahim.. Okay, I fought with my mom... what happened to you tho? Is it about your sick friend? He is good, he is stable now.. My sadness is for another friend of mine.. I thought I was the only one who was suffering. But I solved my problem with Murat.. I had so much fun, until I came home and fought with mom. We solved everything between us, we had such a great time together. Ibrahim.. I have never been so happy in my life since Murat.. Interesting way of saying Good Morning! Why did you do this to me? What darling? I know, you are the one who leaked my first project to another company.. Where is this coming from? Don't deny it. I know it. Look Murat dear, I don't know where you heard this but.. I heard from someone in the company, I know you did it.. Murat.. What do you want from me? What? My seat? My success? My money? You can have it all.. But leave my family alone.. Murat, I did this for Doruk. This has nothing to do with Doruk or his safety.. You probably think that I don't understand, what protecting a son means to a mother as I grew up without one. But you are wrong, I know what it means.. Well I mean I would have understood you, If it was really the case but It isn't.. As I said, It has nothing to do with protecting Doruk.. You wanted to harm me.. Why would I want to harm you? Because you are jealous that I get along so well with my stepbrother... Didn't you think for a second, what will happen if your son got a wind of all this? If something happened to me, who will be more sad? You can say whatever you want. Doruk and I are brothers. Brothers. I am sorry.. Well I am not.. Cuz from now on, you are just a stranger to me.. I didn't let you wait for too long? Did I? I came early on purpose.. I love waiting for you.. Sit, darling.. What are you trying to do Sir? What am I doing? Don't look at me like that here.. We haven't crossed the borders yet. We are still in the danger zone. Is there something wrong? No why.. Well you are talking and looking at me so nicely.. but I can see it in your eyes, there is something bothering you.. I had an unpleasant conversation with Derya this morning.. But it's over now.. Are you sure? The only thing I am gonna focus on, right now is you.. Please let it be this way.. Okay.. Today you agreed with me rather quickly My I never agree with you?! don't! I never agreed with you? Look who is talking! You are the one who is so good at disagreeing.. I guess we are both good at it, Ms. Hayat. Yup, You said the right thing now. What are you doing!? Please look in front of you Murat! I am just kissing your hand.. Hushh.. let me drive now, we don't want to die, do we? Ipek! Where did you come from so suddenly? Because.... I missed you! These are daisy's Yeah Don't you have roses? I want roses, big red ones. I'd bring all the flowers in the world to your feet. Darling Honey Hush... quiet down. Calm down. You've just raided my house and now you're following me! Yeah, so? What's wrong if I follow you? I'm in love with you! You're mine Kerem I'll never let go of you I'll never give up on you My love! Shh! Keep your hands off... Stop it Enough. But you wanted it, too No, I don't want it I want the old Ipek I want the one that is mad at me You loved the old Kerem, and I love the old Ipek Are you sure this will be alright Kerem? I'm sure. 100% sure. I'm getting anxious by your sweet talk. What happened? Why are you laughing? Meaning you were acting? Huh? Listen from today I am kerem. No need to be Kerem.You should stay like Ipek that's it. Okay. I won't. But you have to make a promise to stay like the old Kerem. Promise? Yes I promise. Come here. Come here. Do you need to talk about work? No. Personal. I'm busy right now so we'll talk tomorrow. I'll just take two minutes Murat. Okay quickly say whatever you need to say. I don't have time. Don't think Hayat is a girl whom you can play around with like u do w/ other girls. Don't interfere in my personal life brahim. That's not my problem. My only problem is Hayat. Hayat does not need a caretaker. Listen, if anything happens to Hayat, if she gets upset, I will come after you. Are you threatening me Ibrahim? No. I'm warning you. If Hayat sheds even one tear I will make your life full of tears Murat. With what relation? The relation of someone who cares about her. As long as I am with Hayat she doesn't need anyone else but me to care about her. Don't be scared, do what you're capable of Your Coffee! Murat? Yes. What happened? What was between you and Ibrahim? Where did this come from? Please. I want an answer. What was between you and Ibrahim? And how far did you go? I told you already Murat. We were just acting. There was nothing between us. This is only what you think. Where did this come from? He sees you in another way. He wants to take you away from me. What does he think of himself huh? Has Ibrahim said something to you? Ibrahim said to me.. What can Ibrahim say to me? Hmm? Okay. Then why are you so mad? If it was fake or got real at some point, I don't know. But there's one thing I am sure about. and that is that he has feelings for you. And I don't like knowing this. Ooof who is going to wake her up now? Even if there was a bomb explosion she wouldn't get up. Please put some jelly on this for me. Oh.. If you say I'll put some pistachios and almonds on it too with jelly? No. Just jelly. Asli... My sweet girl.. Tell me something. Who does Hayat love? She loves me... Ipek. and Aunt Fadik Okay okay Now think about it and tell me my sweet girl. Who does Hayat love? Who is it? Tell me. Murat. She loves Murat alot. Who is Murat? Random talk What does Murat do for a living? Where does he work? Look, if you tell me I'll get you a bird-feathered pillow. A new one. Sarsilimaz.. Murat Sarsilimaz.. She's in love with him. Wasn't that the guy who had a relationship with that model?? When did they break up? Those were all lies. That the magazines made up. You're really attractive Ibrahim. What are your priorities? Love and life I'm warning you If Hayat sheds even one tear I will make your life full of tears Murat With what relation? As someone who cares about her. Tell the truth Emine you found out? So who is Hayat in love with? Huh? I'm going to tell you. That's what I have to tell you today. Listen. Ibrahim didn't say anything about this right? He probably did tell you. No! No! He didn't tell me anything. Okay. Leave it. Continue. Hurry up and tell me. I'm getting anxious Who is this person? Prepare yourself. Hold on tight. I'm about to tell you now. Look, I'm telling you. Hayat's Boss... Murat Sarsilimaz. Good morning! Thanks. Is everything okay? Where were you last night? I was with some friends. And where did you sleep? In the house. Then why were you getting out of Ibrahim's van in a sleeping suit? So you are spying on me. Don't change the subject. How is his van in your garden and why were you in there? Ibrahim is my landlord's nephew. There was no tea in the house so I went to his van to get some. I mean Nowadays Ibrahim is living with his aunt. We often sit in Ibrahim's van Murat. So why didn't you tell me before that Ibrahim also lives in the same house? When did you ever ask me? It's not a secret. Kerem knows this too. Those two have a good friendship. I didn't think this would be that important. Okay Hayat okay it's ok Just get in. Can you calm down for a minute? I would be if you let me. What do you want from me? Put yourself in my shoes and think about it. If that was Didem's van and I was getting out of it huh? And in my pajamas. Is it necessary to bring Didem up in the morning? It was necessary to bring Ibrahim up in the morning right? What is this? It's for you. They're beautiful flowers. You bought them for me? They're lavenders right? Yes. There's a card too. You wrote it? I don't want to make you mad but remember that one day you will see his true face. Ibrahim is not that kind of person. The smell of these flowers reminds me of you. Whenever u look at these remember me. This is really romantic. The point wasn't to be romantic. Please don't defend him next time. Okay. Please calm down now. If you don't say his name then I will be I promise. We need to find out if Murat Sarsilimaz is Flirtatious.. Or dignified.. Or Proud (Egoistic) Or carefree Is he fair or is he an unjust person? We also need to see if he is handsome or not. Do his eyelashes touch his eyebrows? What kind of rubbish are you talking abt? Why? What happened? You're distracting me I need to see the good qualities about my future son in law then I will say yes. But how will we see? Is Hayat going to introduce us to him? Is she going to bring him? Hayat doesn't know that I have found out. She is still hiding it from me. But no. Not like this. I will go myself to my future son in law and see whether he is capable or not. We'll see. Maybe he actually is a good man. Meaning.. Are you going to the office to meet him?! Watch out Sarte.. Emine is coming. Emine. There's something called an indicator! If Kerem already knew this then why didn't I know until today? I already told you. I didn't hide it on purpose. You have an answer ready for every question Ms.Hayat. Yes. Is there a market near here? Yes there is. Why do you ask? Because you went inside the van to get tea. I still don't understand what you said. Why are you making me go crazy in the morning?! Allah Allah! Acting as if I won't let him through. Stupid person! Murat dear.. Darling... Can you please stop being angry at other people? Go. Go. Go. Go. I'm letting you go get through! Murat what are you doing? What's the problem? If someone is stressed that's how they drive. I can't believe that I am about to go meet my future son in law. Can you give me some advice? Yes. What should I wear? You should look really good Emine . Yes you are right Faride. I should look beautiful. After all, I am the girl's mom. Don't get ready too much. Maybe he'll start liking you. You are really bad Faride. Okay. I have a suit but I don't have a purse and I should do my hair. Then you will see Faride. Don't worry about the hair style. My Kamran will do it in a flash. Okay. Now we should find a purse. Let's see. How is this? That isn't from today's fashion. Okay. Hopefully Hayat doesn't get offended by you coming. What will Hayat say to you there? Hm. Mom why have you come here? You are right though Faride. I mean.. What am I going to say to her? Why have I come here? First let's find a purse and then we'll find a solution to this problem too. Okay? You got it? Okay let's find another purse. Look at this one. This one is nice. It's good regarding the outfit too. Wow Faride Wow! Hayat forgot her ID card today so now we have found the reason to go there! If you don't need to go to the 2nd floor I'm pushing 4. That's enough Murat. Are you going to act this way with me the whole day? I've told you everything now tell me what else should I do? Maybe you didn't have breakfast today. That's why your mood is off. Should I make a sandwich for you? I had breakfast. Hmm. Then with sincerity. And with lots of love.. With a lot of love.. Should I make you a double espresso? I don't want it now. If I want it I'll tell you. What about a kiss? It's hard for me to decline this request. Good morning Murat Sir. Good morning. Sir today there is a meeting with Emine al Qadi a big hotel owner from Qatar. They want to redesign their entire lobby and their rooms. I know. I know. What time is she coming? 11 AM. Because they are Arab Ms. Hayat should be present in that meeting to translate. Who? Me? Do you have other plans at 11 Ms. Hayat? It's possible. No dear. What kind of problem? What plans would I have? I'll definitely translate. And you already know, Arabic is like my second language. And there isn't any other translator in this company. Perfect. Sir I don't think this will be necessary since she speaks Turkish really well. I spoke with her. Hello. As soon as I found out I was needed here I left all of my work. I left everything and ran to this place. Okay let's start now. Mrs.Emine how would you like it? Now today I want the most classy and good looking hair style from you. But only if you let me pay for it. I will let you do it. What a shame. Offering an artist money. Art isn't for sale! Never! I'd rather burn the wigs I created to get warm. Eat the hair I cut. But I still won't talk any money! Well if I needed it I would take it. I'm paying bills too. But I'd never take money from you! Please don't make this very hard for me. You're going to make my hair. And I want to pay for it. No Ma'am! I will pay the fee! There you go! Far from it.. Why are YOU giving me money? No Ma'am Take this. And don't tell anyone I did your hair for such a discount. I mean.. Don't worry! For me doing your hair is an honor! Look at this beautiful hair! I am so excited! Let's go to the other room I can't wait anymore. But eh.. The money.. I said don't worry! Your hair is going to be beautiful! Sarte, Hayat Pektas, how can I help you? Who? You are the assistant of Emine El Qadi. And she won't make it today. Got it. Okay I am writing it down don't worry. Have a nice day. Mrs. Cagla.. Leave that we will talk about that later. But it's important. Leave it! They are calling you on the third floor. Run! How can I help you Ma'am? I have a question. Is Murat Sarsilimaz paying your salary on time? Tell me. No ma'am he is paying it on time. That's how it's supposed to be! Are you happy with your job? Is he bothering you? Please don't worry. You can say everything to me, I won't tell anyone. No ma'am he is a good person. Did you come for Mr.Murat? I can inform him you are here. No no. No need to inform him. I will surprise him. Can you tell me Where Ms. Trol is? (she means Tuval but says her name wrong) Trol? Wasn't it Trol? Tavir? Tofil? Tovul? Tubul? Tuvar? You mean Ms.Tuval? Yea, it could be. Are you sure it's her? I remember it as Ms.Tubal. It's Tuval and she is located on the 2nd floor. And your name? Emine. I can walk with you if you would like Ms. Emine. No. No. Don't worry. You can go on with your work. I'll wonder around a bit and find Mrs. Tavur myself. Now ma'am. I'm a mom and you know it. And. You're one of the few people who knows this. They think my daughter is the daughter of a rich man (Mr. Kemal). Yeah.. Yeah.. Of course. Where am I stuck now man.. Of course, only I know. My dear.. My dear.. Mrs. Tavir "TUVAL" baby. TUVAL! Okay. Eh... I want to ask you a few questions, only if you won't tell anyone. Is that alright? Of course! Spill! Okay! I'm asking you as a mother Okay.. What kind of person is Mr. Murat? Will he hurt my daughter? Ah.. I got you! You came here to investigate your son in law! So nice of you. Yup. That's right. I want to know everything! Tell me. What are his good sides. Okay. He is. Full of anger. Hurtful. Unjust. Full of hate. Dangerous When he... is annoyed by someone. If these are his good behaviors what are his bad behaviors? Now you can tell me his bad side. God knows what are they. These are his bad behaviors. He has a good heart. Brave. Very handsome. Hardworking. A just person. Thoughtful. Conscientious. Gentleman. If he loves someone, he will do anything for her. I swear I became a fan of his bad side. Remember, in this world it will be impossible to find someone like him these days. Do you understand? Whoever he is happy with he wants to stay with them. He feeds them, he spends money on them. Got it? Hmm. Okay. The most important question. I mean, if the guy is like Murat would you marry your daughter to him? You can understand like this. If I was a few years younger Hayat would have no chance in front of me. Got it? Got it? I got it. Sorry baby. Hello. Ah, did you come? Okay. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Bye. I need to go. It was really an honor to talk with you. Bye. Okay. Okay. It was nice to meet you. See you. When I saw the way you did Emine's hair, I fell in love with you again. You're very talented. No ma'am. I am an idiot. For finding you this late. I wish we could have met earlier. Oh no.. Code Red! What happened? Emine lost Hayat's ID! We're done! Just give it tonight. It's in safe hands here. No. We can't. We can't wait till tonight because Emine.. Hayat.. needed her ID and Emine went there to give it to her. Don't worry! I will bring it! Don't worry! I'll be there in 10 minutes on my motorcycle! The road will be surprised too. Mr. Kamran... Mr. Kamran... Would you really do this for me? You can't even imagine the things I would do for you! I'll be there in 10 minutes! Excuse me. Can I ask you something? Of course you can. Do you work here? Yes So you know Mr.Murat right? The boss? I do ma'am. I am his assistant. And who are you? Why do you ask? I am Emine. Oh! Mrs.Emine we are waiting for you! It's Emine darling. Emine. Welcome Mrs.Emine. let's go. He is professional. He has his rules. He is a fair boss. Very nice! But does Mr.Murat have bad habits? Uhmm. A little bit. What? He is hyper. That's why he gets angry quickly. That's bad. Yes. And we assistants are suffering because of it. That's why we don't make him angry. He remembers everything. He doesn't forget even the smallest thing! He remembers everyones promises. And he hurts people with his words. That's how he is. But overall he is nice. He is a good person. You will see for yourself. Come in. Come in. Boss The person whom we were waiting for has arrived. Owner of lots of hotels in Qatar, Emine el Qadi. But.. Murat Sarsilimaz But... But I... I was looking forward to meeting you! Me too! Take a seat! Destiny has brought me here so I'd have to sit wouldn't I? Would you like something to drink Madam? I'd like a coffee with less sugar please. Ok. You? Mr.Murat? Same as Mrs.Emine. Yes sir. Let me turn this off so we don't get distracted. You're right. I should turn my phone off as well. Close.. But Where is it? I'm not experienced with technology. Let me help you. Here you go. You're very kind. Polite.. Gentleman. And very generous. Praise be to Allah. Thank you. Thank you so much. No! What kind of thank you? It is mandatory on people to help the elderly. You are right. But people don't do things like that today. No Ms! If there are people like you then why wouldn't there be helpers like me? If you need help again just order me like this! I am here for you. The elderly are valuable to us. You are worthy of care. Shall we? Thank you. No ma'am. I don't have time. I have arrived. Obviously if I have something to give to Emine I will give it. Kamran is a responsible person. He will get the job done. Go Kamran. I have made a decision right now madam. I will never to yes to anything What kind of decision is this? Who do you need to meet? Can I help you? Why would I trouble you? In fact, I will trouble nobody. By looking, you can even find God. She isn't picking up the phone but that is not a big deal. Okay but what floor do you need to go to? Four Oh so you are also going to the fourth floor. No. I remembered. I don't need to go to to the 4th floor. I am going to the 2nd floor. Why? Because I will go calmly. very calmly up the stairs to the 4th floor. After all, whats the rush? It's a good decision. Where are you going? I was going to tell Mr.Murat something. You can't. He has a guest. Emine el Qadi came. But they told me they couldn't come. I needed to send them coffee! Hurry up and bring 2 medium Turkish coffees! Run! Run! Welcome Ms.Azize. What a nice surprise! Stay happy my dear. How are you doing dear? How is everything? I'm good. Everything is good. I get so happy when I see you. The necklace looks really nice on you. Murat gave it to me on my birthday. I know. It was his mothers. It has reached its rightful place now. You need to take care of Ms.Leyla things dear. I will love her things more than myself. There is a guest in Mr.Murat's room Can I take you to Mr.Nejat's room? Sure. How would you like it? I've talked about this with the architecture but I'd like to hear your opinion. Sorry, about what subject? You wanted to decorate your hotel lobby with Sarte's products right? Yes. Yes. Of course we do. But I would like to hear your opinion first. What are you thinking of? Meaning. What kind of places do you like to visit? Their furniture, curtains, carpets, etc. Do you own a house? if yes, what kind of house is it? Yes. I do own a house. I like simplicity. I feel comfortable in simplicity. I care about the lighting too. But the real importance is what the people living in the house are like. So you understand the importance of the people living in the house. Really good. Really good. Yes, my family and the people I love are always my first priority. The people I love meaning? How many people do you love? Oh.. You don't have two wives do you?! Gracious goodness. Yeah Didem? How are you Ibrahim? Did you talk with Hayat? I was really worried. I did something even better. Okay. Tell me what did you do? I talked to Murat. I told him that if something happens to Hayat I'll come after him. So what did he say? Obviously he will get worried about this. Oh ok. I won't disturb you too much. Bye. Bye. What kinds of things are you doing Didem? You have to deal with these types of people. Ok so what are your plans about kids? Excuse me? I mean youngsters today are a bit weird. A girl and boy live together without marriage And after marriage they don't want kids. Come in. Your coffee is here. No way Hayat! Meaning.. Life meaning.. Keeping life safe from difficulties. Making problems easier. I am thankful to you. This is what I always pray for. I get it I get it I thought you knew Hayat but that is not the case. Hayat is my assistant Mrs.Emine. Mrs. Emine. Yes she is the owner of a lot of Hotels in Qatar. Oh really? Nice to meet you. Mrs. Emine from Qatar. How are you here? How did you come today? You informed me that you won't come today. Well, it just happened suddenly. This happened and I couldn't say no. By the way Mrs.Emine, Hayats CV is excellent. She can speak 6 languages. And one of those is Arabic. Very nice. Very nice. Would you like to say anything to her in Arabic? What should I say? Anything in Arabic. Yes, of course. I'll talk to her in Arabic. Random talk in Arabic There is no translation as they both don't know Arabic and r making up words What is she saying? Nothing. It's just something between us women. It would be better not to translate Sir, if you don't need anything else with your permission I will return to my work. Yes. Absolutely. Mom!! What are you doing here in Murat's room??!! We need to lower this budget too. First make these changes and we'll talk about the rest later. Yes? Ibrahim hurry up and come upstairs. What happened? Mom came to Sarte and is in Murat's office! What is she doing here? I don't know either. And Murat thinks she is the guest from Qatar. We have to do something. I'll get Murat out of the room but someone has to take my mom out be4 she messes up. Run. Okay Okay Okay calm down. I'm on my way Before the work starts I will come visit you guys. But we need to discuss the concept. I mean we should get some kind of idea of your work. Yes Of course. That's good. We should get an idea of how the people are what the family is like, how much money they have. That's good. We should also find out the lineage. Because the relationship isn't only between the girl and boy it's of two families. We will also have to see the house furniture, and the curtains. And the dishware in the kitchen that they use. What condition are they in? This is also important Come in. Mr.Murat I know you are in an important meeting right now and I should't disturb you but Mrs.Azime has been here for a while, maybe it's something important What? How did she come? Did something bad happen? No I don't think so but she is in Mr.Nejat's office. You can check. I'm so sorry. Please excuse me. No problem. Go and see I will wait here. Ok until I come back Ms.Hayat is with you. You go. Family is more important. What are you doing here mom?! Tell me! You forgot your ID card. I just came here to give it to you. I thought you would need it. So I just came here. And I was immediately sent to your Murat's office. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. "Yours" meaning? Yes. Murat. How did you know that I love Murat? Honey, I've walked on the same path that you are on. And this. You dressed up just to give me my ID card? I wanted to dress nice for my future son in law, who is the owner of such a big company, Of course I wasn't going to wear old clothes. I had to do atleast this. Mom. Admit it. Dropping off my ID was just an excuse. Your real reason was to meet Murat. Why would I go to him? He should be coming to me. In fact he should come to me. And you will see. He will come with a wedding proposal as well. Listen. Tell me the whole truth. What were you talking about with him for so long? What would we talk about? Effects of tourism on improving the Turkish economy. The new ideas and projects of Sarte. Just like this. Normal things. Come mom. Leave the coffee. And get out of here quickly. Let's go. Ok.This woman from Qatar will leave now. Look. I came myself. Mrs.Azime? I'm sorry. The door was open so I came inside without permission. I'm sorry. Mr.Murat just left to go to you. You didn't see him? No dear. I haven't been introduced to you. Who is this? Yes, yes. I forgot. I am Murat's grandmother. Azime Sarsilimaz. And you are? Yes, I am Hayat's This is our companies reputable client, Emine Ma'am. Very nice to meet you. Me too. Let's go. Aren't you getting late? What kind of rush Hayat? I mean, wait two minutes, such a busy woman Ms.Azime has come let me talk with her for a few minutes. What kind of busy? Let's sit for a while. Come. Yes, why not? Very Sorry. Sorry. Hmm.. Nice hair cut. Do you cut your hair abroad? No. Who are you? You will introduce yourself first. Wait. Let me guess. You are the owner of this company. This bright face, This confidence, This presence, This all suits a company owner. Right? Yes. But who are you? How can I introduce myself now? Just understand that I am the master of my art. Okay. Okay. I am busy right now but come another day and we will interview you Wait! I will interview right now standing here. While your haircut is super. But it's not that great. If you give me an hour I will give you a hero hairstyle. I will give you a good rate too. I have a feeling you liked my offer right? Let me clear one thing. I don't need need a haircut. No sir. I cannot accept this. You need it! Why wouldn't you need it? I am right. The rest is your decision. Wait a minute. You need a facial too. There is a lot of work. Allah! Allah! Wait sir! Listen to me! Then I shifted to Istanbul with my husband from Ordu. You guys are originally from Ordu? Yes! My favorite place is still Ordu. Everything is becoming more and more clear now. What do you mean? I didn't understand. You have heard of Giresun right? We are from there. Mrs. Emine. You are from Qatar did you forget? Yes I am from there but after I came here I lived in Giresun because Giresun isn't trash like Ordu. Actually, Giresun has developed more and the government didn't invest in Ordu. These are just excuses. I think the people of Ordu don't put in effort and then they blame the gov't. What are you saying miss? Let's leave it. Her schedule is very busy. She has a lot of meetings. Let's go. They are waiting for you there. I'm here now. I mean. Let's go. You are late now Mrs.Emine. Thank God. Okay. I will go now. But this discussion isn't over yet. We will meet again and talk about this. You will be bothered for no reason Ms. I don't waste the precious time of life on these types of debates. If there is something important to talk about then I am here. Oh my God! Where did he come from?! Mr.Kamran! Where did Mr.Kamran come from? Oh my God! I hope he didn't say anything dumb to Murat. You can just pray now. Look Mr.Murat. You are a very busy person. Let me bring my equipment here. I will give you a first class haircut! Listen Mr.Kamran. I have listened to your offer and I have alot of respect for your art. You came here Thank you Thank you so much. Have a nice day. Bye bye. Come on. Have a nice day! If I knew I would waste so much time here I never would have came here! You will regret missing this offer. I will go now. Super. Mr.Kamran. What are you doing here? How did you come? What were you saying to Murat? It was just business talk. It's your cellphone's fault that wasn't going through! You should be thankful to me! How ungrateful are you! What do you mean? What thank you? What kind of favor? Wht are u talking abt? Take this! You forgot this! Okay you got it. We have to go now! Come on let's go from here! Ibrahim just tell me where Hayat sits and I'll put this there. Okay. I'll tell you come with me. Hayat sits here. Ok. You two go and I'll come in two minutes. Okay. Is everything ok? Why did Mrs.Emine leave so quickly? Maybe she remembered something. Allah Allah. Interesting. I think it was good son. I noticed that this girl takes care of ur work really well. How did you come? Do you need something? Oh son what kind of work would we old people have? I just wanted to see you two. May God keep this couple happy and successful. MashAllah. Why don't you live in your house? The house is really big Murat. And dad isn't home so I get bored. And I also get scared. I was thinking. It's hard to stay away from your friends. I will have to think of something for those girls. What do you mean? I don't know. I'm talking about getting a house in the city. So this way those two can live there too. They can't afford to pay the bills of a house in the city. And they will never agree to you paying. I would tell you to move into my house but because we aren't public this won't be the appropriate. You three should move into my house. I'll live in Doruk's house. Why are you so worried about my home situation? Because I don't want you to talk to Ibrahim outside of work Hayat. I found this card out of the trash I took from your building. Show me. I know her. She is Mr.Murat's assistant. I will give it to her if I see her or to him. If i don't see them I'll give it to the receptionist. Everything is clear I don't want you living in the same house as Ibrahim. That's all. That's not all. You can't force me to do what you want Mr.Murat. You should have thought about that before making me mad Ms. Hayat. What have I done? You're not the problem. The problem is the employee and his feelings for you. Your thinking is wrong. Ibrahim has never forced me to do what he wants. How innocent are you? You have no idea how beautiful you are And how much I love you Hayat. Do you understand me? Maybe that's why I care alot about you. I know how to take care of myself. Don't worry. I know. You know how to protect yourself from people but you can't protect yourself from yourself. And the world isn't as good intentioned as you think. If you bring Ibrahim up again.. I will. And today is the last time we will talk about him. Please listen to me carefully. Whatever happens, don't ever let Ibrahim get in between us. I don't want to get mad at you again. Trust me. This will never happen. Okay. Good morning Mr.Murat. Don't you work in accounting? Yes sir. So what are you doing here? Where is the security guard? He went to the bank. During working hours? He said it will just take 5 minutes. He said it was important. Important? Listen. He is the security guard here. If there is a problem how will u solve it? With the help of your calculator? sir I was here for a while. Everyone should do their own work please. When he comes send him to me. Okay sir. Let them go. Why did you come inside? What am I going to do when Murat finds out? What was I supposed to do? As I said no that girl put me in front of Murat. She thought I was the hotel owner from Qatar! No! I know you went there to meet him to see how he is. But I don't understand what you are mad about. She went to see him or.. Aunt Fadik what are you talking about? It's wrong to meet like this right? But I am thinking when Murat meets Emine then.. How are we going to handle that situation? We will make something up. Obviously we will have to do that. But tell me. Why were you so worried about what mom talked about with Murat? I wasn't worried because of you. You never know about Murat's mood. Yes.. Yes.. Listen to me Hayat. Put love aside but you have to do something for the man so that he comes for you! Sometimes you have to test love. Yes. You should test it. Does Murat love you or not.. Ipek! The poor guy will have to go through a test. If he is honest then he will pass it. Otherwise he will get lost. What are you saying huh? What girl doesn't want her life to go by calmly? What does she want... To be respectfully wedded, A house full of ease, And spend her life with love. That's it. Okay. What did you think of him? I did like him. Just like in the tv shows I want you to have a happy ending. But.. He does have some bad habits. That's it. He gives importance to values. And to his family. Good. But he is anxious. That's not right. To an extent he takes care of his guests. He's respectful. This is really good. But it looked like he is a bit subborn. Meaning.. It is a couple of two stubborn people. And he is good looking. For the love of god. Look. He is always doing work. And is very handsome He is a person who has a strong character. He is innocent. He won't look at other girls. He looked alright to me. He is alright. What is this? I told you I would tell you everything when the time came. But you reached the office to inquire about him? Why? I still haven't gotten my answer. What should I say now? I went so far to put your ID on your table and you didn't even say thank you. What did you do? What did you do? You forgot your ID so I brought your ID. Where is that ID now? I left it on your table. I didn't join the company with that ID! Oh God! Fadiq! We didn't even think about that! It didn't come to mind. How is it going? Good. Thanks for asking Kerem. I thought the two of us could drink coffee. Thank you so much. Is everything ok? You are here at this time? Mr.Murat drives himself in the morning so I came to get his car. What's this? Someone forgot their card again? The janitor found it when he was throwing out the garbage. We still haven't found the owner. But this is. Yes I know. It is one of Mr.Murat's assistants. But I haven't seen her yet. What is her name? Hayat. Yes Hayat Pektas. But it says Hayat Uzun on this. What are you doing walking around here? There is still a lot of time left until midnight. So you don't need it. You don't deserve Hayat, Murat Sarsilimaz. You don't deserve her at all. How are you? I'm good ma'am. I'm Hayat, Mr.Murat's assistant. Has someone found my ID by any chance? I left it here. That's what I came to get. Yes. I know one card was found. The other guard left it here. Allah Allah. He put it right here. Can you call him? The card is very important. You won't be able to reach him right now. It's very late now. He's probably sleeping He comes at 7 in the morning. What should I do now? You have no other choice but to wait until morning. He comes at 7 AM? He does. Yes my handsome driver is here! Good morning honey. Good morning.. Good morning. Stop. I will open the door myself. What happened Kerem? This behavior doesn't suit you. Answer me. There are no lies between us. We haven't hidden anything from each other. Right? Why is Hayat's last name Uzun? Why is her mom's name Emine? Why is her dad's name Sefer? Why is her birth place Giresun? What is your real identity? Ipek. What have you girls been doing? Give me that card. What could we possibly do, like what? Have you gone crazy? I am Ipek! Your Ipek! And Hayat is Hayat. Give it here maybe there is a misunderstanding. What else could it be? I won't give it. Tell me. If this is Hayat's ID then who is she really? huh? Good morning. Is everything ok you called so early? I'm waiting for you. Where are you? On the beach. What are you doing there? Did something happen? Actually, two things have happened. Murat is about to pick me up can we talk in the office? But if it's important I'll call him and tell him I'll be late. Actually, it's related to Murat. I mean, it's related to you and me. Allah Allah. Now I am more curious. Why don't you come here to talk? No, we can't talk there. So should I come to the beach? There isn't a lot of time left. In this little time I need to win in life. Okay. I'm coming. I'm here! Now tell me what was so important tht u called me here so quickly? I need to tell you two important things. The two things are very different And there is nothing similar between them alright? Okay. I'm listening. You might not be ready to hear these two things. You might not even want to hear one of these things. And you might wish you had never heard one of these things. But you have to hear them Hayat. Okay. Tell me whatever it is. I... I fell in love with you. You're joking right? I am serious. I love Murat. Murat doesn't deserve you Hayat. Ibrahim! What are you doing Murat? I warned you didn't I? That he might try to come between us. What love? What relationship? What are you talking about? Ibrahim think before you speak. You are talking to my boyfriend. Wake up Hayat. Open your eyes. The man you're in love with hasn't left his ex-girlfriend! Look at me. If you accuse me of nonsense the result won't be good! Oh so this is nonsense? Don't you meet with Didem? Don't you invite her late at night? What rubbish are you saying? I saw with my own eyes the two of you close to each other. Is Ibrahim right Murat?