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Are Elvish, Klingon, Dothraki and Na'vi real languages? - John McWhorter

  • 0:07 - 0:09
    To many, one of the coolest things
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    about "Game of Thrones"
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    is that the inhabitants of the Dothraki Sea
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    have their own real language.
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    And Dothraki came hot on the heels
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    of the real language that the Na'vi speak in "Avatar,"
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    which, surely, the Na'vi needed
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    when the Klingons in "Star Trek"
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    have had their own whole language
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    since 1979.
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    And let's not forget the Elvish languages
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    in J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy,
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    especially since that was the official grandfather
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    of the fantasy conlangs.
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    Conlang is short for constructed language.
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    They're more than codes like Pig Latin,
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    and they're not just collections
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    of fabricated slang like the Nadsat lingo
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    that the teen hoodlums
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    in "A Clockwork Orange" speak,
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    where droog from Russian
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    happens to mean friend.
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    What makes conlangs real languages
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    isn't the number of words they have.
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    It helps, of course, to have a lot of words.
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    Dothraki has thousands of words.
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    Na'vi started with 1500 words.
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    Fans on websites have steadily created more.
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    But we can see the difference
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    between vocabulary alone
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    and what makes a real language
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    from a look at how Tolkien
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    put together grand old Elvish,
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    a conlang with several thousands words.
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    After all, you could memorize 5,000 words of Russian
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    and still be barely able to construct a sentence.
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    A four-year-old would talk rings around you.
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    That's because you have to know
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    how to put the words together.
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    That is, a real language has grammar.
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    Elvish does.
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    In English, to make a verb past,
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    you add an "-ed".
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    Wash, washed.
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    In Elvish, wash is allu
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    and washed is allune.
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    Real languages also change over time.
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    There's no such thing
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    as a language that's the same today
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    as it was a thousand years ago.
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    As people speak, they drift into new habits,
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    shed old ones,
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    make mistakes,
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    and get creative.
  • 1:58 - 2:00
    Today, one says,
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    "Give us today our daily bread."
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    In Old English, they said,
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    "Urne gedaeghwamlican hlaf syle us todaeg."
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    Things change in conlangs, too.
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    Tolkien charted out ancient
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    and newer versions of Elvish.
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    When the first Elves awoke at Cuivienen,
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    in their new language,
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    the word for people was kwendi,
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    but in the language of one of the groups
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    that moved away, Teleri,
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    over time, kwendi became pendi,
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    with the k turning into a p.
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    And just like real languages,
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    conlangs like Elvish split off into many.
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    When the Romans transplanted Latin across Europe,
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    French, Spanish, and Italian were born.
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    When groups move to different places,
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    over time their ways of speaking grow apart,
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    just like everything else about them.
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    Thus, Latin's word for hand was manus,
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    but in French, it became main,
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    while in Spain it became mano.
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    Tolkien made sure Elvish did the same kind of thing.
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    While that original word kwendi became pendi
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    among the Teleri,
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    among the Avari, who spread throughout Middle Earth,
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    it became kindi
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    when the w dropped out.
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    The Elvish varieties Tolkien fleshed out the most
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    are Quenya and Sindarin,
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    and their words are different
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    in the same way French and Spanish are.
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    Quenya has suc for drink,
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    Sindarin has sog.
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    And as you know, real languages are messy.
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    That's because they change,
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    and change has a way of working against order,
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    just like in a living room
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    or on a bookshelf.
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    Real languages are never perfectly logical.
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    That's why Tolkien made sure
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    that Elvish had plenty of exceptions.
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    Lots of verbs are conjugated in ways
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    you just have to know.
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    Take even the word know.
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    In the past, it's knew,
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    which isn't explained by any of the rules in English.
  • 3:47 - 3:48
    Oh well.
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    In Elvish, know is ista,
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    but knew is sinte.
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    Oh well.
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    The truth is, though,
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    that Elvish is more a sketch for a real language
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    than a whole one.
  • 3:59 - 4:01
    For Tolkien, Elvish was a hobby
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    rather than an attempt to create something
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    people could actually speak.
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    Much of the Elvish the characters
  • 4:07 - 4:08
    in the "Lord of the Rings" movies speak
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    has been made up since Tolkien
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    by dedicated fans of Elvish
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    based on guesses as to what Tolkien
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    would have constructed.
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    That's the best we can do for Elvish
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    because there are no actual Elves around
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    to speak it for us.
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    But the modern conlangs go further.
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    Dothraki, Na'vi, and Klingon are developed enough
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    that you can actually speak them.
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    Here's a translation of "Hamlet" into Klingon,
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    although performing it would mean getting used
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    to pronouncing k with your uvula,
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    that weird, cartoony thing hanging
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    in the back of your throat.
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    Believe it or not,
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    you actually do that in plenty
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    of languages around the world,
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    like Eskimo ones.
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    Pronouncing Elvish is much easier, though.
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    So, let's take our leave for now
  • 4:49 - 4:52
    from this introduction to conlangs in Elvish
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    and the other three conglangs discussed
  • 4:54 - 4:58
    with a heartfelt quad-conlangual valedictory:
  • 4:58 - 4:59
    "A na marie!"
  • 4:59 - 5:00
  • 5:00 - 5:02
    Na'vi's "Kiyevame!"
  • 5:02 - 5:03
  • 5:03 - 5:05
    and "Goodbye!"
Are Elvish, Klingon, Dothraki and Na'vi real languages? - John McWhorter
John McWhorter

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/are-elvish-klingon-dothraki-and-na-vi-real-languages-john-mcwhorter

What do Game of Thrones' Dothraki, Avatar's Na'vi, Star Trek's Klingon and LOTR's Elvish have in common? They are all fantasy constructed languages, or conlangs. Conlangs have all the delicious complexities of real languages: a high volume of words, grammar rules, and room for messiness and evolution. John McWhorter explains why these invented languages captivate fans long past the rolling credits.

Lesson by John McWhorter, animation by Enjoyanimation.

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