塔拉·瑪達尼: 速寫簿 | Art21 "慢速專輯"
0:02 - 0:03[Art21 "慢速專輯"]
0:05 - 0:09["塔拉·瑪達尼: 速寫簿"]
0:16 - 0:17上班時,
0:17 - 0:20我早上到畫室作畫。
0:22 - 0:23奧巴馬!
[笑] -
0:26 - 0:30在伊朗有個很棒的歌劇--
0:31 - 0:32好像是60年代寫的。
0:34 - 0:36每個伊朗人都對它很熟悉。
0:37 - 0:39它叫《Shahr-e Ghesseh》,
0:39 - 0:42意思是“故事城”。
0:42 - 0:43每個角色都是動物。
0:44 - 0:47而最好看的角色是一隻蟑螂。
0:47 - 0:49其中有一段故事敘說
0:49 - 0:52一隻新進城的大象--
0:52 - 0:53當地人沒人認識她,
0:53 - 0:58又對她的外貌
感到非常困惑。 -
0:58 - 1:00於是他們開始
改變她的樣子。 -
1:00 - 1:03把長鼻子
一段一段地割下來, -
1:03 - 1:06直到大象連自己
也認不出自己了-- -
1:06 - 1:08這算是迷失了自我吧。
1:14 - 1:17這部戲裡有很多內容
1:17 - 1:20我都以素寫方式
去詳細地表現出來。 -
1:23 - 1:26這能最即時地刻畫出
思考過程,對吧? -
1:29 - 1:30這幅不行。
1:30 - 1:31太暴力了。
1:33 - 1:36一年下來我會
畫出這樣一幅, -
1:36 - 1:38盡管它並不屬於
展覽的一部分。 -
1:38 - 1:43速寫簿裡有些內容
是日后新作的起點。 -
1:45 - 1:51我覺得這個方法能
很好地記錄構想, -
1:51 - 1:55因為你往往沒時間
去深入探討每個靈感 -
1:55 - 1:57直到你完全滿意為止。
1:57 - 1:59最好能及時抓住構想,
1:59 - 2:02尤其是在創意流暢的空間裡。
2:03 - 2:06這幅速寫是為"骯臟的抗議"畫的。
2:08 - 2:11所以說我其實早就
了解這副作品了-- -
2:11 - 2:13至少大致的形象--
早在我腦海裡出現了。 -
2:13 - 2:17所以說這樣的速寫
是為我自己注釋, -
2:17 - 2:19隻不過我已經清楚
該怎樣去處理它了。 -
2:21 - 2:23畫出來的作品
與速寫不同的是 -
2:23 - 2:25它有實質性。
2:26 - 2:30並不是說一切
都以顏料為主。 -
2:30 - 2:33主要是如何運用材料
2:33 - 2:35去更清楚地表達你的構想。
2:38 - 2:40如果顏料往下流,
2:40 - 2:44我會引用它們去幫助觀眾
2:44 - 2:46更進一步地
理解我的觀點。 -
2:46 - 2:48一切又回到了那個構想上。
2:48 - 2:52不要太計較
2:52 - 2:54透視或深度感。
2:54 - 2:56要明白這是畫中的
顏料在與你溝通。 -
2:58 - 3:01結果畫面令你的感觀產生錯覺。
3:05 - 3:09我很贊同"畫有生命"
這個概念。 -
3:11 - 3:15我想這可以算是
一種能量轉變。 -
3:17 - 3:22十七世紀曾有一種說法:
每幅畫都賦予了靈魂- -
3:22 - 3:27有的來自惡魔,
有的來自天使-- -
3:27 - 3:30而惡魔不一定是
差的合作者。 -
3:31 - 3:34若有興趣想觀察
一個畫家作畫, -
3:34 - 3:37你隻須關注筆劃的走向。
3:37 - 3:41你看見的是手的動作,
但那也是思維的行動- -
3:41 - 3:42在最理想的情況下,
3:42 - 3:43筆劃能表現出思路。
3:50 - 3:57[制片,訪問,編輯,攝影,錄音,畫源,音樂]
- Title:
- 塔拉·瑪達尼: 速寫簿 | Art21 "慢速專輯"
- Description:
Episode #253: In her Los Angeles studio, Tala Madani shares the crucial role that sketchbooks play in her painting practice. A way for the artist to both experiment with potential compositions and quickly record an idea during a moment of inspiration, Madani’s sketchbooks serve as a visual archive of her paintings—those already realized as well as possible future works.
Fascinated with the seventeenth-century idea that paintings have souls, Madani describes how her finished works differ from her sketches in their materiality. "It’s more about how do you use the material to help you communicate the idea clearer," says the artist. "If there's drips happening, I really engage those drips into bringing the audience quite close to where I am."
Tala Madani skewers stereotypes in her sharply satirical paintings that evoke clashes of culture: men and women, the rational and the absurd, Western and non-Western. Madani’s figurative paintings often feature a riotous cast of middle-aged men, balding and stocky, whose libidinal mayhem wreaks havoc on any situation the artist thrusts them into. Acerbic caricatures of both machismo and a childlike desire for mischief, the physical comedy at work in Madani’s paintings is anchored by intense pleasures, pathos, and a pervasive sense of violence. Madani’s pictures are also transformed into stop-motion animations where the artist photographs a freshly created scene over time—wet paint still glistening—resulting in stories of small calamities that are once hilarious, tender, and ghoulish.
Learn more about the artist at:
https://art21.org/artist/tala-madani/CREDITS | Producer: Véronique Bernard & Ian Forster. Interview: Deborah Dickson. Editor: Morgan Riles. Camera: Scott Anger. Sound: Theresa Radka. Artwork Courtesy: Tala Madani, 303 Gallery, David Kordansky Gallery, & Pilar Corrias. Music: Soft and Furious.
"Extended Play" is supported, in part, by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council; Art21 Contemporary Council; and by individual contributors.
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
- Project:
- "Extended Play" series
- Duration:
- 04:02
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Yi Weng edited Chinese, Traditional subtitles for Tala Madani: Sketchbooks | Art21 "Extended Play" | |
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Yi Weng edited Chinese, Traditional subtitles for Tala Madani: Sketchbooks | Art21 "Extended Play" | |
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Yi Weng edited Chinese, Traditional subtitles for Tala Madani: Sketchbooks | Art21 "Extended Play" | |
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Yi Weng edited Chinese, Traditional subtitles for Tala Madani: Sketchbooks | Art21 "Extended Play" |