[Previously unaired footage]
Don’t you think that guys with
tattoos are cool? Like..
What kind?
I don’t know what kind specifically, but…
It depends, right?
Like, I look at colored ones and
think, “that looks painful!”
-I like subtle ones!
Recently I went to a work event
and there was this PR person.
He was this very mature-looking
but funny older man,
and he went “Man, it’s so hot today”
and there was a tattoo right here.
I was like, “that’s so cool!”
You know what I mean?
Like, he has this other side to him.
I care a lot about teeth alignment.
Know what I mean?
Because you’re from a
dentist's family?
Well, I’ve always cared about it.
If a guy has misaligned teeth,
when they’re eating, like...
-You look?
-I look! like...
Are mine acceptable?
Yours are fine!
More, like… when you can hear
their teeth clicking together!
I keep thinking,
“Why did he never wear braces?”
It bothers me when they eat.
Like, “Doesn't the food get stuck?"
It really bothers me.
Like, "Are you okay even though
your teeth are overlapping?"
Especially when eating
chicken or something,
I’m just waiting for food to get
stuck between their teeth.
For me, it's...
I think I look at guys’ hands.
Like, if they’re neatly
cutting cardboard.
Like how they use an X-acto knife?
-Good morning.
Aren’t you pale?
You look sick. Are you okay?
I got back really early this morning.
It looks even paler in contrast
with the purple shirt.
So pale.
I think guys who work
in construction are really cool.
Or like, guys who repair things.
Oh, I see.
What are you talking about?
-What we think is cool in guys.
-Fetish talk.
Fetish talk, okay.
Kaori said she likes guys who
lovingly cut a piece of cardboard.
-Or foam core.
-Like, smoothly. -/What?
Or construction models.
If the board is 5 millimeters thick,
they say they can only cut
1 millimeter deep each time,
so they cut the same place five times.
You know?
No, I have no idea.
Because if they try to do it all
at once the edge will get tattered.
I don’t get it. Or like,
if they can use a compass well?
I don’t really care about
using a compass, actually.
So it’s no good if they try
to cut something in one try.
Right. It crushes the edges, right?
Well, I guess it's okay if you don't care.
I just like people who
notice these things.
I wonder if it’s part
of being a professional.
It’s like, if I can tell they want to
do their job thoroughly, I kind of...
I think Kaori’s love life
has been a bit of a mystery.
Yeah, it’s a mystery.
I wonder what would make
you fall for someone.
You don’t fall for people, right?
Yes, I do!
I definitely do.
How many people have you had crushes on?
I’ve had crushes on lots of people.
That's what you mean?
Why did I like them again…
What kind of work did they do?
Work? An architect.
I see.
And someone in advertising.
-An architect, huh?
For the architect guy,
sometimes I could smell
when he stayed up all night...
and it made me laugh a little.
Did he smell like architecture?
-Just his smell?
-Just his smell.
Wait, this might be kind of gross,
but hear me out.
Don’t you think that
your boyfriend’s head smells nice?
My boyfriend’s head smell…
You never thought it smelled nice?
With a girl I like, her head...
The smell is really comforting, right?
Like... you know what I mean?
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Especially if they go a day without
showering, the smell gets really strong
It’s soothing somehow.
I get that. It smells like rubber.
Like rubber?!
I understand. Like their body odor.
It’s strongest on a person’s head.
It’s even better after a day.
It’s way stronger after a day.
I don’t know.
I like girls who are hungry.
You can say it!
Yeah, anything’s fine.
It’s like, well...
As long as it's a woman, anything goes.
“Hungry girls” is so random!
Like, if I’m hanging out with a girl,
I always get super hungry.
When I ask her if she's hungry,
I want her to tell me “I’m starving.”
Like, “I’m starving.”
Wouldn’t most girls say
they’re hungry?
They do, I'm telling you!
Oh, really? Has Japan always been
that sort of country?
That sort of country?
I don’t know, but
I love it when a girl is always hungry.
I want to say,
“I’m hungry, let’s go get ramen,”
and she’ll respond
“I’m starving, let’s go!”
Oh man. So it’s different
from a girl who eats a lot?
I like girls who eat a lot.
That’s the best.
[Translated by kupobox]
[Timed by hearthrose]
[Reviewed by mrschap]