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Afrofuturism in popular culture | Wanuri Kahiu | TEDxNairobi

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    (frenetic music)
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    My talk,
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    about Afrofuturism and the African.
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    Afrofuturism is considered
    what speculative fiction,
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    myths, legends, science fiction,
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    and the stories of that genre
    are to African Americans,
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    Africa, Africa of the Diaspora,
    and black people in general.
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    What (inaudible) refers it to is
    what blackness looks like in the future,
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    real or imagined.
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    Now, the history of Afrofuturism
    comes from America
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    and was first coined
    by a man called Mark Dery
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    and when he started talking
    about Afrofuturism
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    he talks about the idea of literature,
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    so the books
    that Octavia Butler would write
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    and things like that,
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    but then it also moved
    into a new region of music
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    so we would have people
    like Sun Ra and George Clinton
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    but for me, especially Sun Ra because
    he has a special place in my heart,
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    He believed that he came
    from the planet Saturn
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    and came to earth to spread
    the message of love and peace.
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    Like in his movie, "Space is the Place"
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    he introduces the idea of "alien"
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    to black people in America.
Afrofuturism in popular culture | Wanuri Kahiu | TEDxNairobi

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