(frenetic music) (applause) My talk, about Afrofuturism and the African. Afrofuturism is considered what speculative fiction, myths, legends, science fiction, and the stories of that genre are to African Americans, Africa, Africa of the Diaspora, and black people in general. What (inaudible) refers it to is what blackness looks like in the future, real or imagined. Now, the history of Afrofuturism comes from America and was first coined by a man called Mark Dery and when he started talking about Afrofuturism he talks about the idea of literature, so the books that Octavia Butler would write and things like that, but then it also moved into a new region of music so we would have people like Sun Ra and George Clinton but for me, especially Sun Ra because he has a special place in my heart, He believed that he came from the planet Saturn and came to earth to spread the message of love and peace. Like in his movie, "Space is the Place" he introduces the idea of "alien" to black people in America.