Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver
0:12 - 0:17My biography on my Twitter page says
0:17 - 0:21I am a skeptic and an optimist.
0:23 - 0:27I believe in science,
and infinite possibilities -
0:27 - 0:31and that kind of sums up what I am going
to be talking about today. -
0:32 - 0:35What a world we could live in
0:35 - 0:40if we were a truly informed society.
0:40 - 0:46A society that, by and large,
understood every facet -
0:46 - 0:52of the social, political, environmental,
economic realities that we face everyday. -
0:54 - 0:58Well, a news culture often indicates
0:58 - 1:03its potential for being truly informed.
1:03 - 1:07Hi, my name is Coleen Christie.
1:07 - 1:11I am a news anchor,
a broadcast journalist, if you will, -
1:11 - 1:16and I am a little hesitant to say that
because I recently found out -
1:16 - 1:21that broadcast journalists rank number six
on the list of most despised professions. -
1:21 - 1:23(Laughter)
1:23 - 1:26We are just above tax auditors.
1:26 - 1:27That's right,
1:27 - 1:30most people like tax auditors
better than broadcast journalists. -
1:30 - 1:33(Laughter)
1:33 - 1:36It sort of feels like when Sally Field
made her Oscar acceptance speech, -
1:36 - 1:39but it is the opposite;
you hate me, you really hate me. -
1:39 - 1:40(Laughter)
1:40 - 1:43Not me personally,
give me a few minutes, you might. -
1:43 - 1:44(Laughter)
1:44 - 1:47But at least we are doing better
than lawyers, they are at number three. -
1:47 - 1:50That gives me hope.
1:50 - 1:51(Laughter)
1:51 - 1:56I anchor for CTV Vancouver, an affiliate
of the number one network in Canada. -
1:56 - 2:01I got my start in news
in a rather unusual way. -
2:01 - 2:06I started in marketing and promotion
so it gives me a unique perspective, -
2:06 - 2:10on the business of news;
you see, I have always understood -
2:10 - 2:14that news is a product
that needs to be sold. -
2:14 - 2:17But it is a really important product.
2:17 - 2:19I grew up in a home
where news was important. -
2:19 - 2:22My mother would pour
over the morning newspaper -
2:22 - 2:24on the days that she was not working.
2:24 - 2:28She knew all of the issues,
all of the players, -
2:28 - 2:31and she had a grade-8 education.
2:31 - 2:34As a family, we would watch
the nightly newscast together, -
2:34 - 2:36and we actually paid attention.
2:36 - 2:38I think that because my parents
came from poverty, -
2:38 - 2:44they were very aware of the importance
of informing us and educating us. -
2:44 - 2:49Conversations over the dinner table
were often political, often heated. -
2:49 - 2:53"Please pass the gravy, I cannot believe
you are such a socialist! -
2:53 - 2:55Would you like more potatoes?"
That sort of thing. -
2:55 - 2:57(Laughter)
2:57 - 3:00Yeah, back then, our choices
for news sources -
3:00 - 3:04were a little more limited
than they are now, that is for sure, -
3:04 - 3:06but wherever we got our news,
3:06 - 3:11we pretty much trusted that it would be
trustworthy and dependable. -
3:11 - 3:14Boy! Things have changed, haven't they?
3:15 - 3:20In this modern news-age,
information is power, -
3:20 - 3:25and never has our ability to leverage
that power been more at risk. -
3:26 - 3:30In the last ten years, there has been
a remarkable change -
3:30 - 3:33in our news consumption habits.
3:33 - 3:36Due, in large part,
to the explosion of digital media. -
3:36 - 3:40That explosion has created
more competition, -
3:40 - 3:44and it has changed our legacy platforms,
being newspapers and televisions, -
3:44 - 3:50and it has actually changed
what we consider "newsworthy" to be. -
3:52 - 3:54In a recent survey
3:54 - 3:56- you might find this interesting -
3:56 - 4:02nearly 90% of North Americans said
they were "hungry for their daily news", -
4:02 - 4:03but get this;
4:05 - 4:09nearly 50% of them said
they could not trust it. -
4:11 - 4:13Trust is an issue,
4:13 - 4:19and I think part of that trust issue is
wrapped up in our sense of bias in news. -
4:20 - 4:26Yes. of course, with polarized news
organizations like Fox News on the right, -
4:26 - 4:31and MSNBC on the left,
it is absolutely clear that bias exists, -
4:31 - 4:33but as a journalist on the inside,
4:33 - 4:38I think it is an oversimplification
to say that all media is biased. -
4:38 - 4:41In fact, I propose to you today
4:43 - 4:47that the problem
with media is not bias at all. -
4:48 - 4:52The problem with news today is you.
4:53 - 4:56The question I put to you
is not which news you can trust, -
4:56 - 5:00but can you trust yourself
to consume it wisely? -
5:01 - 5:04News, in essence, is factual storytelling.
5:04 - 5:09Everyday, journalists attempt
to share information through stories. -
5:09 - 5:12But let's make something
very clear from the get-go. -
5:12 - 5:18There are essentially
two kinds of sources for news. -
5:18 - 5:24There is mainstream credible news,
and then there is everything else, -
5:24 - 5:27and based on your lack of trust,
5:27 - 5:31the line between the two must seem
pretty blurry to you. -
5:31 - 5:34Now of course there are exceptions.
There are always exceptions. -
5:34 - 5:37The simplest definition of "credible news"
5:37 - 5:41is: information reported after
a rigorous series of checks and balances -
5:41 - 5:44to ensure accuracy and fairness.
5:44 - 5:46Most people consume their news everyday
5:46 - 5:50without knowing that,
or even thinking about it -
5:50 - 5:53and I think it is important
we understand the process. -
5:54 - 6:01So for example, in television, news ideas
come from anywhere and everywhere. -
6:02 - 6:07It is our assignment editors job
to assemble those ideas -
6:07 - 6:12and create a potential list
of the stories that we will cover. -
6:12 - 6:15The next step in the process
might surprise you. -
6:16 - 6:21We actually debate and discuss
each one of those stories' ideas. -
6:22 - 6:26A group of highly experienced, trained,
6:26 - 6:29knowledgeable, diverse individuals,
6:29 - 6:32practically anybody in our news room
who wants to participate, -
6:33 - 6:37weighs the news value merits
of each story. -
6:37 - 6:41Is it something our audience wants?
Is it something our audience needs? -
6:41 - 6:46Next, we assign stories to our reporters,
our "boots on the ground". -
6:46 - 6:49They go out and they find facts,
and they assemble those facts, -
6:49 - 6:52and they provide context for the story.
6:52 - 6:58Yes, some stories are more complex
than others, but generally speaking, -
6:58 - 7:00if, at the end of the day,
7:01 - 7:04a new story does not have
enough news value, -
7:06 - 7:10or if it does not pass the 'sniff test',
it does not make it to air. -
7:10 - 7:14That is how most news rooms
throughout the world work. -
7:14 - 7:16For the most part, that process works.
7:18 - 7:21The one thing we cannot escape
7:21 - 7:24is the perception of bias.
7:24 - 7:28We fight very hard to avoid it,
but we cannot, somehow, -
7:28 - 7:31avoid the perception of bias
in our reporting. -
7:31 - 7:34Let me give you an example.
7:34 - 7:38We are accused of two things
whenever we cover an election campaign. -
7:38 - 7:40We are accused
7:40 - 7:45of simultaneously supporting the incumbent
and supporting the challenger. -
7:45 - 7:46(Laughter)
7:46 - 7:49It never fails. It never fails,
and of course, we are not doing either. -
7:50 - 7:55You see, mainstream news
has no political agenda. -
7:55 - 7:57"What?" you say.
7:58 - 8:00It is absolutely true.
8:00 - 8:03Mainstream news has no political agenda.
8:03 - 8:06Yes, there is right-wing
conservative news, and yes, -
8:06 - 8:09there is its counter-balance on the left,
8:09 - 8:11but I am talking about mainstream media.
8:11 - 8:15For those of us who work in the middle,
8:15 - 8:20the very notion of partisan conspiracies
8:20 - 8:22is absolutely ridiculous.
8:24 - 8:27Except for that lunar landing,
that was a total fake, never happened. -
8:27 - 8:29(Laughter)
8:29 - 8:31Now, of course, that is not the case
8:31 - 8:34with organizations
which use narrative journalism -
8:34 - 8:39to promote a particular ideology,
a political perspective. -
8:39 - 8:41No, and they are harder to spot these days
8:41 - 8:45with the proliferation
of online news sources -
8:45 - 8:48that do not use
journalistic checks and balances -
8:48 - 8:52and so easily can be passed
off as legitimate. -
8:55 - 9:00And mistakes that can be perceived
as bias, can be made, -
9:00 - 9:04but I believe they are less intentional
than you might think. -
9:04 - 9:06And when those mistakes are made,
9:06 - 9:12most credible media outlets
adhere to their own self-discipline. -
9:12 - 9:16The news media has been correcting errors
along the way for more than 100 years -
9:16 - 9:18and whether to our general
satisfaction or not, -
9:18 - 9:21it has to be acknowledged
that it certainly does happen. -
9:21 - 9:25Discipline is big part of the job,
9:26 - 9:31but it is not exactly the toughest part
of the job for me personally. -
9:32 - 9:37In case you did not get this already,
when I go to work in the morning, -
9:37 - 9:41I do not have to worry
about being infected, -
9:41 - 9:46shot, kidnapped, tortured,
raped, or executed -
9:47 - 9:49like some of my colleagues do.
9:49 - 9:53Shout-out to the colleagues in the field
who risk their lives every day. -
9:53 - 9:54(Applause)
10:01 - 10:03Yeah, it is a calling, it is a calling.
10:03 - 10:05No, I got it pretty good,
10:05 - 10:08considering tough day at the office
for me might be a bad hair day -
10:08 - 10:09(Laughter)
10:09 - 10:13but it is not tough for me, it is tough
for you because you have to look at it. -
10:13 - 10:14See how that works?
10:14 - 10:19The hardest part of my job
is keeping my mouth shut. -
10:22 - 10:24I am not talking about afternoon meetings
10:24 - 10:27where my colleagues would love it
if I kept my mouth shut. -
10:27 - 10:30No, I am talking about
when I am presenting facts, -
10:30 - 10:36I cannot telegraph my own
personal opinions on divisive matters. -
10:36 - 10:40I cannot let that through.
10:41 - 10:43I cannot risk it.
10:43 - 10:48As a communicator, it is my job
to help you understand the story, -
10:48 - 10:51it is not my job
to tell you what to think. -
10:51 - 10:55I cannot risk it, we cannot risk it.
10:55 - 10:57You see the truth is,
10:57 - 11:02mainstream media
cannot afford to take sides. -
11:02 - 11:05I use the word "afford" on purpose.
11:07 - 11:10Bias is bad for business.
11:11 - 11:13Let me show you
how the money works on that, -
11:13 - 11:15we will just follow the money.
11:15 - 11:17Our democratic society needs
11:17 - 11:21independet news
to keep us informed and free. -
11:21 - 11:27And news, the news industry,
needs consumers to survive. -
11:28 - 11:33So in television, consumers are viewers.
11:33 - 11:35The more viewers, the higher the ratings,
11:35 - 11:38the higher the ratings,
the more ad revenues. -
11:38 - 11:41Ad revenues maintain operating budgets,
11:41 - 11:48operating budgets pay for journalists
to gather information to keep us free. -
11:48 - 11:50That is how it works.
11:51 - 11:56Any blatant bias on our part
could potentially alienate -
11:56 - 11:59vast numbers of our viewers.
12:00 - 12:02That is a bad idea.
12:02 - 12:07Bias is just bad business
in the news business. -
12:08 - 12:11Some recent studies have revealed
some interesting statistics -
12:11 - 12:14on our consumption habits.
12:15 - 12:21I should note that most of us
still consume our news from television. -
12:21 - 12:24But we are branching out.
12:24 - 12:31A majority of North Americans now say
they consume news on multiple platforms. -
12:32 - 12:36Still, nearly 90% of us
are consuming that news -
12:36 - 12:40from one single news organization.
12:40 - 12:43So let me tell you what that looks like,
I will paint a picture for you. -
12:43 - 12:47You are at home,
you have got the TV on to CNN, -
12:48 - 12:52you have the tablet open to CNN's webpage,
12:52 - 12:56you are following CNN's breaking news
on your Twitter feed on your phone, -
12:56 - 12:58and you have no social life.
12:58 - 13:00(Laughter)
13:00 - 13:02Myopic?
13:03 - 13:04Yeah, perhaps.
13:04 - 13:06Unless you have got a thing
for Wolf Blitzer. Hey, no judgment. -
13:06 - 13:08(Laughter)
13:08 - 13:10Here is the ironic part though.
13:10 - 13:13In a survey done this year,
13:13 - 13:18North Americans said they feel
more informed than ever before. -
13:19 - 13:24Well of course we feel more informed,
it feels like we are getting more news, -
13:24 - 13:27but what we are getting
is more of the same news. -
13:27 - 13:30It is coming at us faster and faster
and we know statistically, -
13:30 - 13:34that our attention spans
are getting shorter and shorter. -
13:34 - 13:39That is changing the kind
of news we want to consume. -
13:40 - 13:44Trying to keep your attention
has never been harder. -
13:44 - 13:49In television the average news story
is less than two minutes long. -
13:49 - 13:54Sometimes as short as 20 seconds.
13:54 - 13:55Think about that.
13:57 - 13:58Wow.
13:59 - 14:02Boredom is your bias,
14:02 - 14:06and if we do not keep you engaged,
you are going to leave. -
14:07 - 14:09We do not want you to leave.
14:09 - 14:14In television, we spend all day gathering
quality information that you can trust, -
14:14 - 14:16even though 50% of you do not trust it.
14:16 - 14:18(Laughter)
14:18 - 14:22Your information dinner is served,
and we throw in dessert too. -
14:22 - 14:25Oh yeah, trending videos.
14:25 - 14:27You know, the bizarre,
the wacky, the funny. -
14:27 - 14:30They make it into
most major newscasts now, -
14:30 - 14:34and they are among the top rated
segments of those newscasts. -
14:35 - 14:38It is true. It is true. Yeah.
14:40 - 14:44A caution; we are very aware
of trivializing news, -
14:44 - 14:48and we are very cautious not to.
14:48 - 14:51But we are competing with Jon Stewart
for goodness' sake. -
14:51 - 14:53(Laughter)
14:53 - 14:57We are dancing as fast as we can
to keep you entertained and informed -
14:57 - 14:59so that you will stick around.
15:00 - 15:04But you say, "Hey, digital news gives me
what I want when I want it," -
15:04 - 15:07and that is absolutely true, scarily so.
15:07 - 15:11Your online habits are watched,
followed, and fed. -
15:11 - 15:13With each click of the mouse,
15:13 - 15:18you leave a digital breadcrumb trail
so that you can be fed more of the same. -
15:21 - 15:25And social media is contributing
to your bias, it really is. -
15:25 - 15:27Since 2009,
15:27 - 15:32traffic to social media news sites
has gone up by 60%. -
15:34 - 15:38A full 70% of people surveyed
recently in North America -
15:38 - 15:42said they used social media
as a news source. -
15:42 - 15:47I got nothing bad to say
about social media, I like it. -
15:47 - 15:50Hey, Twitter is a fantastic tool
15:50 - 15:54for communicating
and for delivering breaking news. -
15:54 - 15:58But if you are using social media
as your primary news source, -
15:58 - 16:01you have got to be cautious
- because think about it - -
16:01 - 16:05It is your neighbor or the person
who works next to you, -
16:05 - 16:08who likes cat videos,
they are your news director. -
16:08 - 16:10(Laughter)
16:10 - 16:11And you know what?
16:11 - 16:13Your editorial team on Facebook
16:13 - 16:15is only as good
as your friends on Facebook. -
16:16 - 16:18So true.
16:18 - 16:24And on Twitter, there is no news director.
No, there really is not. -
16:24 - 16:28# Competitive. #Sensational.
#KimKardashian. -
16:28 - 16:29(Laughter)
16:29 - 16:31I am only throwing in Kim Kardashian
16:31 - 16:34because I am hoping
that when somebody googles her name, -
16:34 - 16:36this TED talk comes up.
16:36 - 16:37(Laughter)
16:37 - 16:39# Shameless.
16:39 - 16:43You are the subjective news curator
of your world, and we know statistically -
16:43 - 16:48that you like to get news
from people who think like you do. -
16:48 - 16:50It is a fact.
16:50 - 16:54And on top of that,
being well-informed online -
16:57 - 17:00requires more effort
and more discipline on your part. -
17:01 - 17:06You are only going to click on the things
that look appealing to you, right? -
17:06 - 17:09Think about it, it is
kind of like going to a buffet. -
17:09 - 17:11You are not going to get two salads.
17:11 - 17:13(Laughter)
17:13 - 17:18But you know, you see those desserts
sitting there, they look pretty good. -
17:18 - 17:19Nobody is watching.
17:19 - 17:21Take two. What the heck?
17:21 - 17:23We are human.
17:23 - 17:26We like pie.
17:26 - 17:30Our personal preferences feed our biases,
17:30 - 17:34and our personal content curation
supports them. -
17:36 - 17:41By definition and design, digital media
gives us more of what we already like. -
17:41 - 17:47You create your own
information playlist, if you will. -
17:47 - 17:51It is kind of like, I do not know,
like the Songza of news. -
17:51 - 17:56The system feeds you
more of what you want. -
17:56 - 18:01It feels good, but how are you ever going
to be exposed to something new? -
18:01 - 18:04How are you going to see
a different perspective? -
18:04 - 18:06If you keep listening to 8 on the 80s,
18:06 - 18:09how are you going to hear
new music for goodness sake? -
18:09 - 18:11Come on. (Laughter)
18:11 - 18:13Whether we realize it or not,
18:13 - 18:19our subconscious bias is driving
our news consumption habits, -
18:19 - 18:22and it is keeping us less informed
than ever before. -
18:24 - 18:28You know what? We know what happens.
18:29 - 18:33When our trust in media
is at an all-time low, -
18:33 - 18:35it means that our appetite
18:35 - 18:41to seek out new and more varied
variety of news sources diminishes, -
18:41 - 18:44and our biases are strengthened.
18:45 - 18:47We see that every day.
18:47 - 18:51You get camps over here,
you have got another camp over here. -
18:52 - 18:54These guys are not listening
to these guys. -
18:54 - 18:57They do not want to; there is no trust.
18:57 - 19:00It is all ego-driven, fear-based,
19:00 - 19:04heels dug-in, no progress.
19:06 - 19:10We are behaving like children except
if we were children we would be punished, -
19:10 - 19:15but in this sense, the people
who are behaving this way, -
19:15 - 19:16they get their own TV shows
19:16 - 19:19or their own constituents,
as the case may be. -
19:22 - 19:25As artist and activist Ruben Blades
so eloquently put it, -
19:25 - 19:27"We risk becoming
19:27 - 19:32the best informed society
that ever died of ignorance." -
19:32 - 19:33(Applause)
19:34 - 19:38So how do we achieve the promise
of being a truly informed society -
19:38 - 19:44when our own personal biases
keep us locked in a feedback loop, -
19:44 - 19:47giving us more and more of the same?
19:47 - 19:51What would happen if, for example,
19:52 - 19:57we chose a second or third news source
19:57 - 20:01outside of our normal consumption habits?
20:03 - 20:07Well more news diversity
would make us better informed, -
20:07 - 20:09would certainly make us sound smarter,
20:09 - 20:13that comes in handy at weddings,
Bar Mitzvahs, TED conferences, -
20:13 - 20:14(Laughter)
20:14 - 20:18but sounding smart is not the goal.
20:18 - 20:20That is not what this is all about.
20:21 - 20:23This is about freedom.
20:25 - 20:30And the news media
is the guardian of our freedom. -
20:31 - 20:35We hold authority to account,
you hold us to account. -
20:36 - 20:39You are free to choose
whatever news source you like, -
20:39 - 20:42but if you are choosing more
of the same, is that freedom? -
20:42 - 20:48Getting news that reinforces
your own beliefs feels good, -
20:48 - 20:49but it is a false sense of security
20:49 - 20:54and one that does not promote
greater growth or deeper understanding. -
20:54 - 20:58It certainly does not challenge
us to challenge our own views. -
20:58 - 21:01So how do we know if we are getting
enough variety in our news diet? -
21:01 - 21:06Well, if everything you are consuming
makes you feel great, -
21:06 - 21:08chances are you need
to mix it up a little bit. -
21:08 - 21:12And you know what?
The news media needs to do its bit too. -
21:12 - 21:17We need to make news more relevant,
particularly my branch of the news. -
21:17 - 21:19We need to help people understand
21:19 - 21:22why a story is important,
and how it affects them. -
21:22 - 21:24Anybody can collect facts.
21:25 - 21:28We need to provide context.
21:28 - 21:33The old notion of, "Eat it, it's good
for you!" just does not work anymore -
21:33 - 21:37when one click away
there is something more tantalizing. -
21:38 - 21:43If we lose you, we lose,
21:43 - 21:46and then we all lose.
21:50 - 21:56As iconic broadcast journalist
Charlie Rose so beautifully put it, -
21:57 - 22:01"We learn from each other,
even when we disagree, -
22:01 - 22:04especially when we disagree."
22:05 - 22:07The more we strengthen
22:07 - 22:11the virtues of tolerance,
diversity, and understanding, -
22:11 - 22:15we will have a bulwark
against the hatred and extremism -
22:15 - 22:19that has wreaked
so much havoc in this world. -
22:19 - 22:23So I implore you, battle your biases.
22:23 - 22:27Empower yourself with more diverse news.
22:27 - 22:34And maybe, just maybe,
we will have an informed society, -
22:34 - 22:40a truly informed society,
and enter a new age of enlightenment. -
22:41 - 22:42Thank you.
22:42 - 22:43(Applause)
- Title:
- Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver
- Description:
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences.
Coleen Christie is using the power of television to try to make the world a better place. For over a decade, she has anchored a nightly television news broadcast, empowering viewers with information and connecting them to issues that matter and to each other. Coleen brings a life of journalistic experience from behind the camera to the stage to shed light on the consumption of media in the Information Age.
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
closed TED
- Project:
- TEDxTalks
- Duration:
- 22:59
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver | |
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Denise RQ approved English subtitles for Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver | |
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Denise RQ accepted English subtitles for Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for Fixing the news | Coleen Christie | TEDxVancouver |