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Nanomedicines: nanobiotech vs cancer | Mark E. Davis | TEDxCaltech

  • 0:06 - 0:07
    Good evening.
  • 0:07 - 0:08
  • 0:08 - 0:11
    Tonight I want to talk to you
    about a new area of nanotechnology;
  • 0:11 - 0:14
    that is nanomedicines.
  • 0:14 - 0:15
    And this is an area
  • 0:15 - 0:19
    where nanotechnology is enabling
    new and exciting biotechnology.
  • 0:20 - 0:22
    Now, over the past few decades,
  • 0:22 - 0:24
    deaths due to heart disease
    have plummeted,
  • 0:24 - 0:26
    as you can see
    from the data on this slide,
  • 0:26 - 0:28
    and that's a really good story.
  • 0:28 - 0:31
    But unfortunately with cancer,
    we can't say the same.
  • 0:31 - 0:32
    And so today,
  • 0:32 - 0:38
    cancer is now the number one disease
    that kills Americans under the age of 85.
  • 0:38 - 0:41
    And as you might expect,
    this is not just a US problem;
  • 0:41 - 0:43
    it's a worldwide problem.
  • 0:43 - 0:46
    And from these data, you can see
    that the death rate due to cancer
  • 0:46 - 0:51
    exceeds that from tuberculosis,
    malaria, and HIV all combined.
  • 0:51 - 0:55
    And unfortunately, it's predicted
    to continue to increase in the future.
  • 0:55 - 1:00
    So if you look, cancer has
    a massive cost to society right now
  • 1:00 - 1:04
    in the loss of productivity that we have
    from people expiring at an early age,
  • 1:04 - 1:06
    but also in the cost of the therapies,
  • 1:06 - 1:10
    as these therapies are increasing in price
    at rates that are just not sustainable
  • 1:10 - 1:13
    when we have to treat
    so many people worldwide.
  • 1:14 - 1:16
    And, of course,
    you've probably all witnessed
  • 1:16 - 1:19
    that many patients
    that are on current therapies
  • 1:19 - 1:22
    really suffer through poor quality of life
    while they're on treatment
  • 1:22 - 1:25
    and even after the treatment's over.
  • 1:25 - 1:30
    So there's a real strong reason
    to try to develop new cancer therapeutics
  • 1:30 - 1:33
    that are efficacious,
    that have reasonable costs,
  • 1:33 - 1:36
    and, of course, can give patients
    high quality of life.
  • 1:36 - 1:39
    And these issues motivate us
    every day of our life.
  • 1:39 - 1:42
    We get up, go to the lab,
    go to the hospital
  • 1:42 - 1:46
    to try to see if we can make
    an impact on these issues.
  • 1:46 - 1:49
    Now, if we really want to have
    an impact on the death rate,
  • 1:49 - 1:52
    we're going to have to treat
    what's called metastatic disease.
  • 1:52 - 1:56
    That's where you have multiple tumors
    throughout the body at the same time,
  • 1:56 - 2:00
    and this implies that your therapy has
    to treat the whole body at the same time
  • 2:00 - 2:02
    or it's called systemic treatments.
  • 2:03 - 2:04
    Now, what are nanomedicines?
  • 2:04 - 2:08
    Well, these are small particles
    that are therapeutics,
  • 2:08 - 2:09
    and they have the potential
  • 2:09 - 2:13
    to try to change the way
    that we treat cancer patients.
  • 2:13 - 2:16
    Now, the National Cancer Institute
    defines these particles
  • 2:16 - 2:19
    as particles between
    one and 100 nanometers,
  • 2:19 - 2:22
    and they're composites
    between therapeutic agents
  • 2:22 - 2:25
    and other carrier molecules,
    like polymers.
  • 2:25 - 2:28
    Now, why is the size important?
  • 2:28 - 2:30
    This is real nanotechnology.
  • 2:30 - 2:32
    These particles are small.
  • 2:32 - 2:35
    So if you take 100-nanometer particle
    and increase it to a soccer ball,
  • 2:35 - 2:39
    that's the same increase in size
    from the soccer ball to the planet Earth.
  • 2:39 - 2:43
    So these very, very small particles,
    we can put into the blood of a patient,
  • 2:43 - 2:45
    and they will circulate
    throughout your body.
  • 2:46 - 2:49
    Now, it's interesting
    that it's nanotechnology,
  • 2:49 - 2:53
    but it's actually large relative
    to these chemotherapeutic drugs
  • 2:53 - 2:55
    that are less than a nanometer in size.
  • 2:55 - 2:58
    And so the analogy
    is that the drug is the soccer ball;
  • 2:58 - 3:01
    the nanoparticle is actually
    the Goodyear blimp.
  • 3:01 - 3:03
    So it's a very large entity,
  • 3:03 - 3:07
    and because of that, it's restricted
    from certain areas in your body.
  • 3:08 - 3:10
    It also can carry a large payload of drug.
  • 3:10 - 3:14
    Think about how many soccer balls you
    might be able to put in the Goodyear blimp
  • 3:14 - 3:18
    and how other multiple functions
    can be put onto these larger entities.
  • 3:19 - 3:21
    Now, my group and others
    throughout the world
  • 3:21 - 3:23
    have spent the last decade or so
  • 3:23 - 3:27
    trying to figure out how to design
    and engineer these multifunctional systems
  • 3:27 - 3:30
    to treat patients with solid tumors.
  • 3:30 - 3:34
    And the field as a whole is converging
    to this area of about 50 nanometers,
  • 3:34 - 3:36
    plus or minus 20.
  • 3:36 - 3:39
    And think of 50 nanometers
    as, like, half the Goodyear blimp,
  • 3:39 - 3:41
    rather than the full Goodyear blimp.
  • 3:41 - 3:46
    And I've given you two illustrations
    on this slide of those types of particles.
  • 3:46 - 3:50
    And so we're trying to design the size
    and what's on the surface
  • 3:50 - 3:53
    and what kind of functions
    that we can place into these particles.
  • 3:53 - 3:55
    And the reason is as follows -
  • 3:55 - 3:58
    now, the one panel's not showing up -
  • 3:58 - 4:01
    is that when you
    infuse these into a patient
  • 4:01 - 4:03
    they can circulate in the blood system,
  • 4:03 - 4:08
    but they can't access certain areas
    that chemotherapeutic drugs access,
  • 4:08 - 4:10
    like healthy tissues.
  • 4:10 - 4:13
    For example, those drugs
    can go into your bone marrow,
  • 4:13 - 4:16
    that makes all of your cells
    for your immune system, and kill them
  • 4:16 - 4:19
    and the molecules of your hair
    that make your hair fall out.
  • 4:19 - 4:21
    With a nanoparticle, they can't go there,
  • 4:21 - 4:26
    and so they're much safer therapies
    than the chemotherapeutic drugs.
  • 4:26 - 4:29
    But tumors grow new vessels, and so
    those vessels are not completed yet,
  • 4:29 - 4:34
    and they'll allow these nanoparticles
    to actually access that region.
  • 4:34 - 4:37
    And so we decorate
    the surface of these particles
  • 4:37 - 4:40
    with molecules that allow them
    to preferentially act
  • 4:40 - 4:44
    and interact with surface molecules
    on the cancer cells
  • 4:44 - 4:47
    that then take these particles
    inside the cell.
  • 4:47 - 4:50
    The ones we make at Caltech,
    we try to make somewhat intelligent;
  • 4:50 - 4:52
    we put chemical sensors on them that say,
  • 4:52 - 4:54
    "Okay. I'm inside the cell now.
  • 4:54 - 4:57
    Give off my therapeutic payload."
  • 4:57 - 5:01
    And we make, by design,
    the remnants of this particle small enough
  • 5:01 - 5:04
    that when it disassembles,
    those remnants go out into your urine,
  • 5:04 - 5:07
    so there's no trace of it left
    after the administration.
  • 5:08 - 5:14
    So normal cells grow, they divide,
    and they die in an orderly fashion.
  • 5:14 - 5:17
    And there are many
    regulatory systems that are used
  • 5:17 - 5:19
    that are turned on
    and turned off to control this.
  • 5:19 - 5:22
    In cancer, some of these are altered,
  • 5:22 - 5:23
    and so what can happen, for example,
  • 5:23 - 5:26
    is the pathways that allow
    these cells to grow and divide
  • 5:26 - 5:28
    get turned on permanently.
  • 5:28 - 5:32
    So if you really want to make an effective
    therapy that has minimal side effects,
  • 5:32 - 5:36
    you'd like to attack
    just at those altered positions.
  • 5:36 - 5:40
    And there's some new biotechnology
    that may help us do this job,
  • 5:40 - 5:44
    and this is called RNA interference,
    and it's a method to silence genes,
  • 5:44 - 5:50
    where the drug, now, is a small piece
    of what's called a duplex of RNA -
  • 5:50 - 5:52
    two strands of RNA together.
  • 5:52 - 5:54
    And Craig Mello and Andy Fire
  • 5:54 - 5:58
    got the Nobel Prize in Physiology
    or Medicine in 2006
  • 5:58 - 6:01
    for figuring out how this works in worms.
  • 6:01 - 6:04
    But when Andy gave his Nobel address,
  • 6:04 - 6:08
    he said, "Well, what could happen
    if we have a patient that has a tumor
  • 6:08 - 6:11
    and there's a gene
    that's causing that tumor to grow?
  • 6:11 - 6:14
    Could we, in fact,
    make one of these small RNAs
  • 6:14 - 6:17
    and, in fact, give it to the patient
    and stop the growth of the tumor?
  • 6:18 - 6:20
    If you could get that RNA to the target,
  • 6:20 - 6:22
    you could have some
    really cool therapeutics."
  • 6:22 - 6:24
    I like that term, "cool therapeutics."
  • 6:24 - 6:26
    And delivery is the major issue:
  • 6:26 - 6:29
    How do you get these to the right place
    and to do the right job?
  • 6:29 - 6:32
    So, about a year or so ago,
  • 6:32 - 6:34
    my colleagues and I were the first to show
  • 6:34 - 6:37
    that you could translate this
    from a worm to a human,
  • 6:37 - 6:40
    and as you might expect,
    that's a big translation.
  • 6:40 - 6:41
    But just last year,
  • 6:41 - 6:44
    we were able to show that you can,
    in fact, do this in patients,
  • 6:44 - 6:47
    and so I'll try to illustrate
    a few points for you now.
  • 6:47 - 6:50
    So what is so interesting
    about this technology
  • 6:50 - 6:54
    is, unlike most drugs
    that attack at the protein level -
  • 6:54 - 6:56
    and proteins do many different functions,
  • 6:56 - 6:59
    so you have to have drugs
    that do many different things,
  • 6:59 - 7:02
    and there are lots of protein functions
    that you just can't attack,
  • 7:02 - 7:04
    and those are called undruggable targets.
  • 7:05 - 7:09
    But RNA interference attacks
    at what's called the messenger RNA,
  • 7:09 - 7:12
    and all we have to do there
    is just change the sequence of the letters
  • 7:12 - 7:16
    that we can attack and eliminate
    any of those messenger RNAs,
  • 7:16 - 7:19
    and so any gene, now,
    is druggable by this technology,
  • 7:19 - 7:22
    just by changing
    the letters on our duplex RNA.
  • 7:23 - 7:24
    So what my colleagues and I did
  • 7:24 - 7:28
    is we developed a nanoparticle
    that carried these small RNAs,
  • 7:28 - 7:31
    and we infused these into cancer patients.
  • 7:31 - 7:35
    And these particles would circulate
    through the body of the cancer patients.
  • 7:35 - 7:36
    And we were able to show
  • 7:36 - 7:41
    that they would, in fact, go to tumors
    in metastatic melanoma patients,
  • 7:41 - 7:44
    and, in fact, they would do it
    in a dose-dependent fashion,
  • 7:44 - 7:45
    and what that means
  • 7:45 - 7:48
    is the more nanoparticles
    that we actually put into the body,
  • 7:48 - 7:51
    the more we saw ending up in the tumors.
  • 7:51 - 7:55
    And we could do this where patients
    would have very high quality of life.
  • 7:55 - 7:59
    In the few patients
    that we were able to get biopsies,
  • 7:59 - 8:01
    we were able to look more closely,
  • 8:01 - 8:03
    and I've shown two pictures
    here on this slide:
  • 8:03 - 8:06
    the first is, the light areas
    that are in the tumor area,
  • 8:06 - 8:08
    those are actually the nanoparticles.
  • 8:08 - 8:12
    And so we were actually able to show
    that these nanoparticles go into the tumor
  • 8:12 - 8:13
    and into the tumor cells,
  • 8:13 - 8:16
    but they didn't localize at all
    into the healthy tissue
  • 8:16 - 8:20
    that was around the tumor,
    as we're trying to do.
  • 8:20 - 8:24
    Now, we were able to eliminate
    this individual messenger RNA.
  • 8:24 - 8:27
    We were able to show that it was
    by this RNA interference mechanism.
  • 8:27 - 8:30
    And so, it would stop
    the production of a protein,
  • 8:30 - 8:32
    which I'm showing on this slide as well -
  • 8:32 - 8:34
    that we eliminated this protein,
  • 8:34 - 8:38
    and this caused the tumors
    not to grow in these patients.
  • 8:39 - 8:43
    So, what I've shown you
    is at least one example
  • 8:43 - 8:46
    where, in fact, the nanoparticle
    can enable this new biotechnology
  • 8:46 - 8:51
    to try to create new cancer therapeutics
    with the right type of properties.
  • 8:51 - 8:55
    And so we hope that
    the potential for these is high
  • 8:55 - 8:57
    and mainly to be able
    to give cancer patients
  • 8:57 - 9:00
    treatment options
    with high quality of life.
  • 9:00 - 9:03
    Now, what about the future?
  • 9:03 - 9:05
    So what we've been able to do so far
  • 9:05 - 9:08
    is to take these nanoparticles,
    infuse them in the patient,
  • 9:08 - 9:13
    and actually inhibit an individual gene
    in the tumor of these patients
  • 9:13 - 9:16
    while they're having high quality of life.
  • 9:16 - 9:17
    Now, there's no reason
  • 9:17 - 9:20
    that we couldn't put multiple types
    of RNAs into these particles
  • 9:20 - 9:23
    so we could attack
    multiple genes simultaneously.
  • 9:23 - 9:27
    So, our vision is that
    we start to treat patients
  • 9:27 - 9:31
    and that we use, then,
    a fingerprick of blood
  • 9:31 - 9:34
    and analyze a variety
    of biomolecules in blood
  • 9:34 - 9:38
    through a variety of other techniques
    that people have talked about -
  • 9:38 - 9:39
    various arrays and so forth.
  • 9:39 - 9:41
    We take that information -
  • 9:41 - 9:44
    probably what will happen in the future
    is you'll do this at home;
  • 9:44 - 9:45
    you'll plug it into your iPhone,
  • 9:45 - 9:47
    and your iPhone
    will call up your physician
  • 9:47 - 9:49
    and say, "Here are the results"
  • 9:49 - 9:51
    so that the next time
    you go to the doctor's office,
  • 9:51 - 9:53
    they're going to say,
  • 9:53 - 9:55
    "Here's the new therapy
    that we're going to give to you."
  • 9:55 - 10:00
    So not only in a personalized sense
    can you change for these therapies,
  • 10:00 - 10:05
    but we're hoping that you can
    actually change in a dynamic sense
  • 10:05 - 10:09
    for an individual person to actually
    follow the course of the disease
  • 10:09 - 10:12
    and eradicate it
    in the best manner you can.
  • 10:12 - 10:16
    So that's the vision for cancer,
    and it probably would happen that way -
  • 10:16 - 10:18
    and then hopefully
    with other diseases as well.
  • 10:18 - 10:19
    Thank you.
  • 10:19 - 10:21
Nanomedicines: nanobiotech vs cancer | Mark E. Davis | TEDxCaltech

Mark E. Davis is the Warren and Katharine Schlinger Professor of Chemical Engineering at Caltech and a member of the Experimental Therapeutics Program of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the City of Hope.  He has over 350 scientific publications, two textbooks, and over 50 patents.  He is the recipient of numerous awards and was the first engineer to win the NSF Alan T. Waterman Award. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1997 and the National Academy of Sciences in 2006. Mark's research efforts involve materials synthesis in two general areas: namely, solids that can be used for molecular recognition and catalysis, and polymers for the delivery of a broad range of therapeutics. He is the founder of two biotech companies. Professor Davis has achieved All-American status for masters track and field in both the 400-meter and 200-meter dashes.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

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closed TED

English subtitles
