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How I work to protect women from honor killings

  • Not Synced
    While preparing for my talk
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    I was reflecting on my life
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    and trying to figure out
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    where exactly was that moment
    when my journey began.
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    A long time passed by,
    and I simple couldn't figure out
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    the beginning or the middle
    or the end of my story.
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    I always used to think that my beginning
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    was one afternoon in my community
    when my mother had told me
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    that I had escaped three
    arranged marriages by the time I was two.
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    Or one evening when electricity had failed
    for eight hours in our community,
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    and my dad sat, surrounded by all of us,
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    telling us stories of when he was
    a little kid struggling to go to school
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    while his father, who was a farmer,
    wanted him to work in the fields with him.
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    Or the dark night when I was 16
    when three little kids have come to me
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    and they whispered in my ear
    that my friend was murdered
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    in something called "the honor killings."
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    But then I realized that,
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    as much as I know that these moments
    have contributed on my journey,
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    they have influenced my journey
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    but they have not been
    the beginning of it,
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    but the true beginning of my journey
    was in front of a mud house
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    in Upper Sindh of Pakistan,
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    where my father held the hand
    of my 14-year old mother
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    and they decided
    to walk out of the village
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    to go to a town where they could
    send their kids to school.
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    In a way, I feel like my life
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    is kind of a result of some wise choices
    and decisions they've made.
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    And just like that,
    another of their decisions
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    was to keep me and my siblings
    connected to our roots.
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    While we were living in a community
    I fondly remember called [?????],
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    which means community of the poor,
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    my dad made sure that we also
    had a house in our rural homeland.
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    I come from an indigenous tribe
    in the mountains of Baluchistan
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    called Bravi.
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    Bravi, or Brohi,
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    means mountain dweller,
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    and it is also my language.
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    Thanks to my father's very strict rules
    about connecting to our customs,
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    I had to live a beautiful life
    of songs, cultures, traditions,
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    stories, mountains,
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    and a lot of sheep.
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    But then, living in two extremes
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    between the traditions of my culture,
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    of my village, and then education,
    modern education in my school wasn't easy.
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    I was aware that I was the only girl
    who got to have such freedom,
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    and I was guilty of it.
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    While going to school in Karachi
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    and Hyderabad,
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    a lot of my cousins and childhood friends
    were getting married off,
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    some to older men, some in exchange,
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    some even as second wives.
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    I got to see the beautiful tradition
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    and its magic fade in front of me
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    when I saw that the birth of a girl child
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    was celebrated with sadness,
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    when women were told
    to have patience as their main virtue.
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    Up until I was 16,
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    I healed my sadness by crying,
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    mostly at nights
    when everyone would sleep,
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    and I would sob in my pillow,
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    but until that one night
    when I found out my friend was killed
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    in the name of honor.
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    Honor killings is a custom
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    where men and women
    are suspected of having relationships
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    before or outside of the marriage,
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    and they're killed by their family for it.
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    Usually the killer is the brother
    or father or the uncle in the family.
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    The U.N. reports there are about 1,000
    honor murders every year in Pakistan,
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    and these are only the reported cases.
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    A custom that kills
    did not make any sense to me,
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    and I knew I had to do
    something about it this time.
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    I was not going to cry myself to sleep.
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    I was going to do something,
    anything, to stop it.
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    I was 16. I started writing poetry
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    and going door to door
    telling everybody about honor killings
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    and why it happens,
    why it should be stopped,
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    and raising awareness about it until
    I actually found a much, much better way
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    to handle this issue.
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    In those days, we were
    living in a very small,
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    one roomed house in Karachi.
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    Every year, during the monsoon seasons,
    our house would flood out with water,
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    rainwater, and sewage,
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    and my mom and dad
    would be taking the water out.
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    In those days, my dad brought home
    a huge machine, a computer.
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    It was so big it looked as if
    it was going to take the half
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    of the only room we had,
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    and had so many pieces and wires
    that needed to be connected.
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    But it was still the most exciting thing
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    that has ever happened
    to me and my sisters.
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    My older brother Ali got to be in charge
    of taking care of the computer,
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    and all of us were given, like,
    10 to 15 minutes every day to use it.
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    Being the older of eight kids,
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    I got to use it the last,
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    and that was after
    I had washed the dishes,
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    cleaned the house,
    made dinner with my mom,
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    and put blankets on the floor
    for everyone to sleep,
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    and after that,
    I would run to the computer,
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    connect it to the Internet,
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    and have pure joy and wonder
    for 15 to 10 minutes.
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    In those days, I had discovered
    a website called Joogle.
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    [Google] (Laughter)
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    In my frantic wish
    to do something about this custom,
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    I made use of Google
    and discovered Facebook,
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    a website where people can connect
    to anyone around the world,
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    and so, from my very tiny,
    cement-roofed room in Karachi,
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    I connected with people in U.K.,
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    U.S., Australia, and Canada,
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    and created a campaign
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    called "WAKE UP Campaign
    against Honor Killings."
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    It became enormous in just a few months.
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    I got a lot of support
    from all around the world.
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    Media was connecting to us.
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    A lot of people were reaching out
    trying to raise awareness with us.
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    It became so big that it went from online
    to the streets of my hometown,
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    where we would do rallies and strikes
    trying to change the policies in Pakistan
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    for women's support.
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    And while I thought
    everything was perfect,
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    my team, who was basically
    my friends and neighbors at that time,
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    thought everything was going so well,
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    that we had no idea
    a big opposition was coming to us.
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    My community stood up against us,
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    saying we were spreading
    un-Islamic behavior.
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    We were challenging centuries-old
    customs in those communities.
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    I remember my father receiving
    anonymous letters
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    saying, "Your daughter is spreading
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    Western culture
    in the honorable societies."
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    Our car was stoned at one point.
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    One day I went to the office
    and found our metal signboard
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    wrinkled and broken as if a lot of people
    had been hitting it with something heavy.
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    Things got so bad that I had
    to hide myself in many ways.
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    I would put up the windows of the car,
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    veil my face, not speak
    while I was in public,
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    but eventually, situations got worse
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    when my life was threatened
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    and I had to leave back to Karachi
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    and our actions stopped.
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    Back in Karachi, as an 18-year old,
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    I thought this was the biggest
    failure of my entire life.
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    I was devastated.
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    As a teenager, I was blaming
    myself for everything that happened.
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    And it turns out,
    when we started reflecting,
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    we did realize that it was actually
    me and my team's fault.
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    There were two big reasons
    why our campaign had failed big time.
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    One of those, the first reason,
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    is we were standing
    against core values of people.
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    We were saying no to something
    that was very important to them,
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    challenging their code of honor,
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    and hurting them deeply in the process.
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    And number two, which was very
    important for me to learn,
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    and amazing, and surprising
    for me to learn,
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    was that we were not including
    the true heroes
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    who should be fighting for themselves.
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    The women in the villages had no idea
    we were fighting for them in the streets.
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    Every time I would go back,
    I would find my cousins and friends
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    with scarves on their faces,
    and I would ask, what happened?
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    And they'd be like, our husband beat us.
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    But then we are working
    in the streets for you.
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    We are changing the policies.
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    How is that not impacting their life?
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    So then we found out something
    which was very amazing for us.
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    The policies of a country
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    do not necessarily always affect
    the tribal and rural communities.
  • Not Synced
    It was devastain
How I work to protect women from honor killings
Khalida Brohi

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  • There is a mistake in the English subtitles, though it seems i can not edit it.

    7:55-7:58 : "I would find my cousins and friends with scarves on their faces,"
    Should be corrected as "I would find my cousins and friends with scars on their faces,"

English subtitles

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