Snazzy Music
This was Chapter 3
Hasan and Christian go to Judo club
Tanja trains here
Hasan thinks Judo is easy
But Tanja throws him on the mat.
Christian doesn't want to train with Tanja.
Later, all three go to Cafe Julia.
Christian draws Tanja
But Tanja doesn't like it.
Petra calls Tanja. It is late. Tanja should come home.
Tanja goes home and says she has to help Petra with her homework.
And now begins Chapter 4
How much, Mr. Kaiser?
$3,000, Frau Bauer. $3,000.
I am not a millionaire! $3,000! That can't be right.
Ms. Bauer, you've been here for 3 months, June, July, and August and then in September, the rent is $3,000 per month.
Mr. Kaiser. I've only been paying $1,200, and I will have to pay $3,000? This will be the end of Cafe Julia!
That is not my problem!
But, Mr. Kaiser, it IS my problem!
Yeah. I know. Goethe Straße is a good location. Very good. It may be a good spot for a night club!
A night club?!?
Why not?
Night clubs are very popular in Berlin.
No, no, Ms. Bauer. $3,000 is not expensive in Berlin. It is normal. Very normal.
Normal? Huh! I did not know that...
Why don't you sell the Cafe?
Sell it? The Cafe Julia is an institution! It is well known, it has tradition! Good kids come and spend time here.
No. I will never sell Cafe Julia. Do you hear me?
I hear you loud and clear, Ms. Bauer
Ok. So let's agree that in September, you will pay $3,000 per month. Goodbye. You will hear from me.
Florian speaking.
Hello Florian.
Hello Julia, how are things?
Bad, bad, bad.
Bad? What happened?
Florian, you are my friend, right?
Julian! Of course I am your friend! I love you!
That is good. I need you.
Julia, I am always here for you. What is the problem?
Mr. Kaiser was here. He said in September I must pay $3,000. $3,000 in rent!
$3,000? Really? So much?
Yeah. The Cafe doesn't earn that much. Florian, I need money.
Julia, I don't have much. I only have $2,000 in the bank. And of course, you can have it!
No, Florian, I couldn't do that. What do I do now? I have a problem. A big problem.
Hello Nilgun!
Oh! My brother is here! You don't come by very often. What do you need, Hasan?
I have a problem?
Oh, I have enough problems. What is it?
My Basketball shoes!
Yeah, and? I don't have any basketball shoes. I don't play basketball!
Yes, but look! They are broken! I can't play basketball in these shoes!
No! It won't work! These shoes are broken. Completely broken!
Yeah, broken!
-NIlgun. You have this beautiful boutique! You have a full cash register and a lot of money...
Sister, I need new basketball shoes. New basketball shoes cost $50!
$50! That is a lot!
Yeah, and I don't have $50. The shoes are broken and tomorrow I have training. And you....
You think I will...
Yeah, Nilgun! $50, you are an angel!
Hold on, Hasan. Now here is my problem. Here is my boutique, and here is my cash register. And when open it, what is there?
10 + 20 + 50 = 80. I count $80.
$80. That is all. My Boutique is going poorly. Very poorly. I need every dollar.
Yeah, yeah, sister. I understand. Hard times.
It's already 11:30. I have biology.
What? You still have school? Is there anything in your head other than basketball?
Go to school, hear me? Right now!
I'm going! I'm going!!!
Hello Tanja, hello Petra. How was school?
Boring, like always.
My sister thinks everything is boring.
Tanja, I have a problem, and you are good at math.
Math is my least favorite subject.
Yeah, mine too. We have such hard homework. My grade is, let's say, not good.
I have to go. Bye Christian.
One second, my sister. We have a problem. Christian is not good at math and has hard homework. right?
Very hard homework, yes.
And here is my sister, an absolute star in math. She is the best in her class. Right, Petra?
And she can help you, Christian. She would love to.
I have to go. Wolfgang and Boris are waiting. Bye!
You are good at math?
Yeah. I like math. And the teacher is cool.
One second, where is my Notebook? Here is my book, English Notebook, - Oh! My math notebook. Here is the homework.
-Here is the homework
-Let me see
Hard? This isn't too hard. I can help you whenever you'd like.
And where?
You can come to my house. It isn't far from here
Yeah, Land Straße?
No, Kant Straße. K-A-N-T. Kant Straße 16.
Yeah, and when? At 3?
3 works!
Ok! I'll see you then, Bye!
Christian! Your notebook? Christian!