0:00:05.752,0:00:13.125 Snazzy Music 0:01:08.153,0:01:10.096 This was Chapter 3 0:01:11.362,0:01:13.910 Hasan and Christian go to Judo club 0:01:15.709,0:01:17.538 Tanja trains here 0:01:18.139,0:01:20.733 Hasan thinks Judo is easy 0:01:22.301,0:01:25.125 But Tanja throws him on the mat. 0:01:28.579,0:01:32.252 Christian doesn't want to train with Tanja. 0:01:32.853,0:01:36.139 Later, all three go to Cafe Julia. 0:01:38.924,0:01:40.492 Christian draws Tanja 0:01:42.220,0:01:45.044 But Tanja doesn't like it. 0:01:47.680,0:01:53.637 Petra calls Tanja. It is late. Tanja should come home. 0:01:56.174,0:02:02.875 Tanja goes home and says she has to help Petra with her homework. 0:02:06.181,0:02:09.049 And now begins Chapter 4 0:02:20.933,0:02:23.193 $3,000 0:02:23.493,0:02:25.875 How much, Mr. Kaiser? 0:02:25.875,0:02:30.003 $3,000, Frau Bauer. $3,000. 0:02:30.696,0:02:37.964 I am not a millionaire! $3,000! That can't be right. 0:02:38.528,0:02:49.880 Ms. Bauer, you've been here for 3 months, June, July, and August and then in September, the rent is $3,000 per month. 0:02:50.575,0:03:00.093 Mr. Kaiser. I've only been paying $1,200, and I will have to pay $3,000? This will be the end of Cafe Julia! 0:03:00.726,0:03:02.205 That is not my problem! 0:03:02.518,0:03:05.143 But, Mr. Kaiser, it IS my problem! 0:03:07.770,0:03:18.213 Yeah. I know. Goethe Straße is a good location. Very good. It may be a good spot for a night club! 0:03:18.662,0:03:20.920 A night club?!? 0:03:21.300,0:03:22.536 Why not? 0:03:23.552,0:03:27.414 Night clubs are very popular in Berlin. 0:03:27.793,0:03:36.497 No, no, Ms. Bauer. $3,000 is not expensive in Berlin. It is normal. Very normal. 0:03:36.842,0:03:38.621 Normal? Huh! I did not know that... 0:03:40.098,0:03:42.547 Why don't you sell the Cafe? 0:03:43.435,0:03:53.438 Sell it? The Cafe Julia is an institution! It is well known, it has tradition! Good kids come and spend time here. 0:03:53.968,0:03:58.138 No. I will never sell Cafe Julia. Do you hear me? 0:03:59.358,0:04:01.696 I hear you loud and clear, Ms. Bauer 0:04:04.604,0:04:20.747 Ok. So let's agree that in September, you will pay $3,000 per month. Goodbye. You will hear from me. 0:04:23.412,0:04:25.608 Idiot... 0:04:42.960,0:04:45.059 Florian speaking. 0:04:45.374,0:04:46.470 Hello Florian. 0:04:47.682,0:04:49.953 Hello Julia, how are things? 0:04:50.432,0:04:52.293 Bad, bad, bad. 0:04:52.699,0:04:55.268 Bad? What happened? 0:04:55.892,0:04:59.761 Florian, you are my friend, right? 0:05:00.238,0:05:06.882 Julian! Of course I am your friend! I love you! 0:05:07.458,0:05:11.199 That is good. I need you. 0:05:11.494,0:05:15.809 Julia, I am always here for you. What is the problem? 0:05:16.134,0:05:25.826 Mr. Kaiser was here. He said in September I must pay $3,000. $3,000 in rent! 0:05:26.114,0:05:29.432 $3,000? Really? So much? 0:05:29.777,0:05:37.641 Yeah. The Cafe doesn't earn that much. Florian, I need money. 0:05:39.458,0:05:47.851 Julia, I don't have much. I only have $2,000 in the bank. And of course, you can have it! 0:05:48.355,0:06:00.347 No, Florian, I couldn't do that. What do I do now? I have a problem. A big problem. 0:06:01.350,0:06:03.437 -Bye[br]-Bye 0:06:16.484,0:06:17.803 Hello Nilgun! 0:06:18.317,0:06:24.674 Oh! My brother is here! You don't come by very often. What do you need, Hasan? 0:06:24.931,0:06:26.338 I have a problem? 0:06:26.776,0:06:32.641 Oh, I have enough problems. What is it? 0:06:33.143,0:06:34.664 -Shoes.[br]-Shoes? 0:06:35.041,0:06:38.601 My Basketball shoes! 0:06:39.417,0:06:44.634 Yeah, and? I don't have any basketball shoes. I don't play basketball! 0:06:45.140,0:06:49.705 Yes, but look! They are broken! I can't play basketball in these shoes! 0:06:50.209,0:06:51.181 No? 0:06:51.416,0:06:55.375 No! It won't work! These shoes are broken. Completely broken! 0:06:55.724,0:06:57.591 Yeah, broken! 0:06:59.125,0:07:07.374 -NIlgun. You have this beautiful boutique! You have a full cash register and a lot of money...[br]-And? 0:07:07.920,0:07:13.979 Sister, I need new basketball shoes. New basketball shoes cost $50! 0:07:14.305,0:07:18.904 $50! That is a lot! 0:07:19.228,0:07:25.405 Yeah, and I don't have $50. The shoes are broken and tomorrow I have training. And you.... 0:07:25.822,0:07:28.471 You think I will... 0:07:28.786,0:07:31.498 Yeah, Nilgun! $50, you are an angel! 0:07:31.818,0:07:42.892 Hold on, Hasan. Now here is my problem. Here is my boutique, and here is my cash register. And when open it, what is there? 0:07:43.461,0:07:52.392 10 + 20 + 50 = 80. I count $80. 0:07:52.881,0:08:01.291 $80. That is all. My Boutique is going poorly. Very poorly. I need every dollar. 0:08:02.618,0:08:05.607 Yeah, yeah, sister. I understand. Hard times. 0:08:06.922,0:08:10.660 It's already 11:30. I have biology. 0:08:10.911,0:08:17.881 What? You still have school? Is there anything in your head other than basketball? 0:08:18.447,0:08:21.392 Go to school, hear me? Right now! 0:08:22.804,0:08:26.163 I'm going! I'm going!!! 0:08:37.186,0:08:39.856 Hello Tanja, hello Petra. How was school? 0:08:40.152,0:08:41.634 Boring, like always. 0:08:41.947,0:08:44.453 My sister thinks everything is boring. 0:08:44.807,0:08:48.354 Tanja, I have a problem, and you are good at math. 0:08:48.635,0:08:50.869 Math is my least favorite subject. 0:08:51.243,0:08:59.085 Yeah, mine too. We have such hard homework. My grade is, let's say, not good. 0:08:59.565,0:09:01.153 I have to go. Bye Christian. 0:09:02.336,0:09:10.495 One second, my sister. We have a problem. Christian is not good at math and has hard homework. right? 0:09:12.594,0:09:13.470 Very hard homework, yes. 0:09:19.089,0:09:21.664 And here is my sister, an absolute star in math. She is the best in her class. Right, Petra? 0:09:21.664,0:09:24.556 And she can help you, Christian. She would love to. 0:09:25.483,0:09:28.632 I have to go. Wolfgang and Boris are waiting. Bye! 0:09:31.941,0:09:34.937 You are good at math? 0:09:35.502,0:09:40.273 Yeah. I like math. And the teacher is cool. 0:09:41.053,0:09:51.672 One second, where is my Notebook? Here is my book, English Notebook, - Oh! My math notebook. Here is the homework. 0:09:53.436,0:09:54.910 -Here is the homework[br]-Let me see 0:09:55.198,0:09:59.230 Hard? This isn't too hard. I can help you whenever you'd like. 0:09:59.553,0:10:01.617 -Today?[br]-Yeah. 0:10:01.902,0:10:03.950 And where? 0:10:04.263,0:10:06.094 You can come to my house. It isn't far from here 0:10:06.676,0:10:07.803 Yeah, Land Straße? 0:10:08.193,0:10:12.566 No, Kant Straße. K-A-N-T. Kant Straße 16. 0:10:12.851,0:10:14.293 Yeah, and when? At 3? 0:10:15.084,0:10:16.821 3 works! 0:10:17.224,0:10:19.512 Ok! I'll see you then, Bye! 0:10:24.632,0:10:27.474 Christian! Your notebook? Christian!