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So robots.
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Robots can be programmed
to do the same task millions of times
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with minimal error, something
very difficult for us, right?
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And it can be very impressive
to watch them at work.
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Look at them.
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I could watch them for hours.
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But what is less impressive
that if you take this robot
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out of the factories
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where the environments are not
perfectly known and measured like here,
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to do even a simple task
which doesn't require much precision,
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and this is what can happen.
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I mean, opening a door,
you don't require much precision.
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Or, a small error in the measurements,
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you miss the ?? and that's it
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with no way of recovering
most of the time.
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So why is that?
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Well, for many years,
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robots have been designed
to emphasize speed and precision,
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and this translates
in a very specific architecture.
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If we take a robot term,
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it's a very well-defined
set of rigid links
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and mortars who are called actuators,
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they move the links above the joins.
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In this ?? structure,
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you have to perfectly
measure your environment,
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so what is around,
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and you have to perfectly
program every movement
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of the robot joints,
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because a small error
can generate a very large fault,
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so you can damage something
or you can get your robot damaged
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if something is harder.
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So let's talk about them a moment,
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and don't think about
the brains of these robots
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or how carefully we program them,
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but rather look at their bodies.
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There is obviously
something wrong with it,
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because what makes a robot
precise and strong
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also makes them ridiculously dangerous
and ineffective in the real world,
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because their body cannot deform
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or better adjust to the interaction
with the real world.
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So think about the opposite approach,
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being softer than
anything else around you.
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Well, maybe you think that you're not
really able to do anything if you're soft,
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Well, nature teaches us the opposite.
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For example, at the bottom of the ocean
under thousands of pounds
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of ?? pressure,
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a completely soft animal
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can move and interact with a much
stiffer object than him.
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He works by carrying around
this coconut shell
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thanks to the flexibility
of his tentacles,
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which serve as both his feet and hands.
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And apparently, an octopus
can also open a jar.
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It's pretty impressive, right?
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But clearly, this is not enabled
just by the brain of this animal,
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but also by his body,
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and it's a clear example,
maybe the clearest example,
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of embodied intelligence,
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which is a kind of intelligence
that all living organisms have.
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We all have that.
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Our body, its shape,
material and structure,
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plays a fundamental role
during a physical task,
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because we can conform
to our environment
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so we can succeed in a large
variety of situations
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without much planning
or calculations ahead.
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So why don't we put
some of this embodied intelligence
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into our robotic machines
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to release them from relying
on excessive work
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on computation and sensing?
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Well, to do that we can follow
the strategy of nature,
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because with evolution,
she's done a pretty good job
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in designing machines
for environment interaction,
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and it's easy to notice that nature
uses soft material frequently
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and stiff material sparingly.
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And this is what is done
in this new field or robotics
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which is called soft robotics,
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in which the main objective
is not to make super-precise machines
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because we've already got them,
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but to make robots able to face
unexpected situations in the real world,
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so able to go out there.
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And what makes a robot soft
is first of all his compliant body,
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which is made of materials or structures
that can undergo very large deformations,
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so no more rigid links,
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and secondly to move them
we use what we call distributed actuation,
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so we have to control continuously
the shape of this very deformable body,
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which is the fact of having
a lot of links and joints,
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but we don't have
any stiff structure at all.
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So you can imagine that building
a soft robot is a very different process
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than stiff robotics, where
you have links, gears, screws
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that you must combine
in a very defined way.
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In soft robots, you just build
your actuator from scratch
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most of the time,
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but you shape your flexible material
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to the form that responds
to a certain input.
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For example here, you can just
deform a structure
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doing a fairly complex shape
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if you think about doing the same
with rigid links and joints,
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and here what you use is just one input,
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such as air pressure.
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Okay, but let's see
some cool examples of soft robots.
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Here is a little cute guy
developed by Harvard University,
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and he works thanks to waves
of pressure applied along its body,
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and thanks to the flexibility he can
also sneak under a low bridge,
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keep walking,
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and then keep walking
a little bit different afterwards.
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And it's a very preliminary prototype,
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but they also built a more robust version
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with power on board that can actually
be sent out in the world
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and face real-world interactions
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like a car passing it over it,
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and keep working.
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It's cute.
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Or a robotic fish which swims
like a real fish does
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in water simply because it has a soft tail
with distributed actuation
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using still air pressure.
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That was from MIT,
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and of course we have a robotic octopus.
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This was actually one of
the first projects developed
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in this new field of soft robots.
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Here you see the artificial tentacle,
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but they actually built and entire machine
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with several tentacles they could
just throw in the water,
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and you see that it can kind of go around
and do submarine exploration
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in a different way
than rigid robots would do.
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But this is very important for delicate
environments such as coral reefs.
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Let's go back to the ground.
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Here you see the view
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from a growing robot developed
by my colleagues in Stanford.
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You see the camera fixed on top.
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And this robot is particular
because using air pressure
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it grows from the tip
while the rest of the body
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stays in firm contact
with the environment.
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And this is inspired
by plants, not animals,
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which grows via the material
in a similar manner
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so it can face a pretty large
variety of situations.
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But I'm a biomedical engineer,
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and perhaps the application
I like the most
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it's in the medical field,
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and it's very difficult to imagine
a closer interaction with the human body
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than actually going inside the body.
Maricene Crus
Hi there!
Is there a typo at 3:38 - 3:42?
And this is what is done in this new field or robotics => And this is what is done in this new field OF robotics,
Thank you!
Analia Padin
Hi Team,
I may be wrong, but I think there may be a typo between 4:35 and 4:40, where it says:
"but you shape your flexible material
to the form that responds to a certain input."
What I actually hear hear is:
"WHERE you shape your flexible material
TO DEFORM IN RESPONSE to a certain input."
It makes more sense with the context as well.