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Mata Sahib Kaur Ji | Mothers of the Panth | By Bibi Gurprit Kaur

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    Sangat Ji, today I am going to tell you about my mother.
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    Who is also your mother.
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    I am going to speak about Mata Sahib Kaur Ji,
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    who is the mother, the spiritual mother of Khalsa Panth.
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    Mata Sahib Kaur Ji from a very, very young age,
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    she has been devoted to Sikhi and to Guru Gobind Singh Ji
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    and no one could understand why.
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    From a very young age,
    she could memorise Japji Sahib,
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    she started doing a lot of Simran and
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    starting memorising countless other teachings as well.
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    And she would always speak about
    Guru Gobind Singh Ji,
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    and she would always dream about
    Guru Gobind Singh Ji as well.
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    The time even came, such, where the villagers
    in her village started calling her Mata Ji,
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    because at a very young age
    she portrayed those virtues, those attributes
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    that a young woman, that a lady,
    a Mata Ji would have.
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    So with respect they started calling
    her Mata Ji as well.
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    Now Mata Sahib Deva Ji when
    she came of age to get married,
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    she told her parents
    I will only get married to Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
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    And even her parent say that
    for someone like Mata Sahib Deva Ji,
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    there is no one else but Guru Gobind Singh Ji
    who could get married to her,
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    or who is compatible to her as well.
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    Because as a woman, her wishes, her desires
    are not of the worldly ones,
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    but of the spiritual ones.
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    And there is no man here
    who could be compatible to her.
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    Only Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
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    So her parents went to Guru Gobind Singh Ji
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    and did Benti that please take
    my daughter's hand in marriage
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    and get married to her.
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    But at that point Guru Gobind Singh Ji
    say that I am already married
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    and now I have become Brahamchari,
    where I have renounced all the physical relationship
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    of a household and now I am only
    focused on the panthic matters.
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    So I can't get married to your daughter.
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    And Mata Sahib Deva Ji parents say that
    she only thinks about You,
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    she only looks up to You and
    she will not get married to anyone else but You.
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    At that point, Mata Sahib Deva Ji stood up and
    she does Benti, she says that Sache Paatshaah
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    as a wife I will not demand anything from You,
    all I want is to be able to do your Seva
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    and I can do that if I am in your palace,
    if I am near You I can do that Seva of You.
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    And Guru Gobind Singh Ji said
    that I have a few conditions
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    if you want to get married to me.
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    My first condition is that we are not
    going to be taking part in any physical relationship
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    as a husband and wife and with that
    we will not bear any children as well.
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    And Mata Sahib Deva Ji, Mata Sahib Kaur Ji,
    she said Sat Bachan.
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    Because in her mind, all she wanted was
    to do Seva of her husband
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    was to do Seva of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
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    Mata Sundri Ji was also there
    present in the palace of Guru Gobind Singh Ji
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    and Mata Gujri Ji as well.
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    Mata Sahib Deva Ji, she loved Mata Sundri Ji
    just like her own sister.
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    Both of them had that sisterly love
    between each other.
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    And both of them loved Mata Gujri Ji
    just like their own mother,
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    there was no difference between the 3 of them.
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    And Mata Sahib Deva Ji, she had so much love
    for the Chaar Sahibzaade,
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    it was her responsibility to get them ready
    every morning.
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    Mata Sahib Kaur Ji would put small small Kalgia
    on the Dastar of the Sahibzaade,
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    especially Baba Fateh Singh Ji.
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    And she would be so happy to
    see the Chaar Sahibzaade,
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    it was like as if these 4 are her own children,
    that's how she loved them and took care of them.
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    These peaceful times were only
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    And the whole Parvaar they got separated
    in Sirsa River.
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    Now, Mata Sahib Kaur Ji's routine
    was that she would not have her food
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    she would not have her breakfast
    her meal of the day
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    until she had the Dashan of
    Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
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    And this is one condition of Mata Sahib Deva Ji as well
    which she put forward to Guru Gobind Singh Ji,
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    she said that I know You are busy with
    Your daily routine,
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    of meeting the Khalsa Panth,
    of strategising for war against the enemies
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    and all that, but this is my humble Benti.
    That please come to me daily
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    to have your meal so that
    I can have your Darshan.
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    And only then I will have my meal.
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    Guru Gobind Singh Ji, knowing this Iccha
    of Mata Sahib Kaur Ji,
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    Guru Sahib knew how much love
    Mata Sahib Kaur Ji had for Them
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    and they agreed to this condition.
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    And daily Guru Gobind Singh Ji would come
    and have meal with Mata Sahib Kaur Ji,
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    eat the food that she made and
    gave her Darshan.
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    This was not possible when the
    separation of the family happened
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    and Mata Sahib Kaur Ji, Mata Sundri Ji and a few
    Gursikhs such as Bhai Mani Singh
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    went towards Delhi.
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    Now Sangat Ji, this is a point Sangat Ji.
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    We can see how the role of the woman
    changes from just practising Sikhi in a family
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    just like Bebe Nanaki Ji, Mata Khivi Ji then came
    forward and started serving her community.
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    And then we can see like Bibi Bhani Ji has
    now started doing Seva in other communities as well.
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    Started going out there to different villages
    and started doing Seva and doing Parchaar.
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    Now we'll see when the time came to Mata Sahib
    Kaur Ji, Mata Sundri Ji they have gone
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    completely to a different state and now
    they are taking up the role that a man would take.
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    Such as the economical aspect, the political aspect
    of Panthic matters.
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    Mata Sahib Kaur Ji, Mata Sundri Ji took care of all
    these matters for the Khalsa Panth in Delhi.
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    Because they knew that war was coming
    and normally with war there's always chaos
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    attached to it as well.
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    So it was in the hands of Mata Sahib Kaur Ji
    and Mata Sundri Ji, both together sisters,
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    to ensure that there was peace and Sikhi
    Parchaar was still continuing in Delhi as well.
Mata Sahib Kaur Ji | Mothers of the Panth | By Bibi Gurprit Kaur

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