(the indonesian congress)
it's too late for me to go now
no, you just have to pay lots more
so fuck that
You should, you should've told me. I saw it today.
Oh, that's expensive, and I thought, shit, I didn't even know
You always do that
You tell me
"Why didn't you tell me about that esperanto meetup before?"
and I always say
"Check the website, shithead"
And you say "Well..."
Because it's—
Every time!
Because it uses a stupid system... It doesn't notify me
Me neither!
I always have to check and see if...
Once a month is enough!
Oh, well fuck that
Haha. Hello everyone, Evildea here, your god
And here's Kaja...
Yes, hello....
Yes, hello. So it's almost midnight. Can you see me?
And I want to go home but he's holding me here with a gun
and saying that I have to be filmed. And...
Yes, because I don't want to film at 1 in the morning again
Fuck that
So, we decided to make a film but we still haven't picked a topic
So Kaja, what will we discuss?
My mind is blank
Haha. Your mind is always blank
Sorry, but I smoked a lot before I came here....
... But I have news
Kaja actually bought a camera
It's still in the mail, I believe
Yeah, so, it'll soon get to my house
and I will film me milking myself
And what kind of films will you make?
I'll make films about birds, and juggling,
and about how to conquer the world
and finally, how I can become a superior god to Evildea
Hahaha. That's impossible.
That will happen.
Yes, shit.
Actually now I don't want to support your channel
because you will be my competition
Well, yes.
So yeah...
... Not really competition, because I'll win.
And you'll lose so...
You don't even have a channel!
Are you the esperanto version of Trump?
I will win!
I will make the Youtube Esperantists great again!
I will build a wall between Esperantists and Volapukists!
Yes, well, between me and the lowly Evildeanists.
The lowly evilde— did you hear that?
If you're a real supporter of Evildea,
you're not allowed to subscribe to his channel
You can fuck off
You fuck off. Don't say that to my nice viewers
Sorry. I want to be a nice god, so
sorry about that.
Maybe, oh actually, maybe I can be an evil god
and you can be a nice god
who talks about love between people, who...
Eh, that's a shit topic.
I will talk about conquering the esperantists, and
So really the world of esperanto will have two evil gods
and there's no nice god at all
Well, he's not god
I sure am God. I already declared it many times
and haven't you heard the proverb:
"if you say it often enough,
people will start to believe it"
Yes, but, have you also heard the proverb:
"Gods have great hairstyles?"
(offended) I do have a great hairstyle!
I am like the dictator of North Korea
when he had a shit hairstyle
and he declared that everyone has to have the same style
So here's Evildea, your god. In the future,
if he is your god, it seems everyone
in Esperanto-world will have that hairstyle
Now I declare that you all must go
to your hairdresser and have
the Evildea style™
And I declare that you all must
go out on the streets, find a non-esperantist
every day, and kill them
And I declare that, because you just declared that,
that you have to go on the streets and kill
the person who's killing the non-Esperantists
so expect the other person, because...
so, I will simply take the time now
to kill Evildea, and solve this
Aaaaaaaaaaargh! (death cry)
And, like always, I want to thank
my donators at Patreon
because really, without them, I can't continue
this channel. They are the life and blood
of this channel.
And my current donators are...