WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.181 (the indonesian congress) 00:00:01.181 --> 00:00:03.113 it's too late for me to go now 00:00:03.113 --> 00:00:05.293 no, you just have to pay lots more 00:00:05.293 --> 00:00:07.763 so fuck that 00:00:07.763 --> 00:00:11.763 You should, you should've told me. I saw it today. 00:00:11.763 --> 00:00:15.093 Oh, that's expensive, and I thought, shit, I didn't even know NOTE Paragraph 00:00:15.093 --> 00:00:17.653 You always do that 00:00:17.653 --> 00:00:18.713 You tell me 00:00:18.713 --> 00:00:22.713 "Why didn't you tell me about that esperanto meetup before?" 00:00:22.713 --> 00:00:24.333 and I always say 00:00:24.333 --> 00:00:28.223 "Check the website, shithead" 00:00:28.223 --> 00:00:30.833 And you say "Well..." 00:00:30.833 --> 00:00:31.883 Because it's— 00:00:31.883 --> 00:00:33.233 Every time! 00:00:33.233 --> 00:00:37.233 Because it uses a stupid system... It doesn't notify me 00:00:38.729 --> 00:00:41.809 Me neither! 00:00:41.809 --> 00:00:45.809 I always have to check and see if... 00:00:45.809 --> 00:00:48.299 Once a month is enough! 00:00:48.299 --> 00:00:50.339 Oh, well fuck that 00:00:50.339 --> 00:00:53.579 Haha. Hello everyone, Evildea here, your god 00:00:53.579 --> 00:00:54.669 And here's Kaja... 00:00:54.669 --> 00:00:56.419 Yes, hello.... 00:00:56.419 --> 00:01:00.419 Yes, hello. So it's almost midnight. Can you see me? 00:01:00.419 --> 00:01:05.329 And I want to go home but he's holding me here with a gun 00:01:05.329 --> 00:01:07.759 and saying that I have to be filmed. And... 00:01:07.759 --> 00:01:11.759 Yes, because I don't want to film at 1 in the morning again 00:01:11.759 --> 00:01:13.299 Fuck that 00:01:13.299 --> 00:01:20.959 So, we decided to make a film but we still haven't picked a topic 00:01:20.959 --> 00:01:24.407 So Kaja, what will we discuss? 00:01:27.850 --> 00:01:30.460 My mind is blank 00:01:30.460 --> 00:01:32.500 Haha. Your mind is always blank 00:01:32.500 --> 00:01:36.360 Sorry, but I smoked a lot before I came here.... 00:01:37.260 --> 00:01:39.370 ... But I have news 00:01:39.370 --> 00:01:42.000 Kaja actually bought a camera 00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:45.560 It's still in the mail, I believe 00:01:45.560 --> 00:01:49.080 Yeah, so, it'll soon get to my house 00:01:49.080 --> 00:01:52.560 and I will film me milking myself 00:01:52.560 --> 00:01:54.960 And what kind of films will you make? 00:01:54.960 --> 00:01:58.960 I'll make films about birds, and juggling, 00:01:58.960 --> 00:02:02.960 and about how to conquer the world 00:02:02.960 --> 00:02:09.250 and finally, how I can become a superior god to Evildea 00:02:10.200 --> 00:02:12.660 Hahaha. That's impossible. 00:02:12.660 --> 00:02:14.650 That will happen. 00:02:14.650 --> 00:02:15.980 Shit. 00:02:16.063 --> 00:02:17.963 Yes, shit. 00:02:17.963 --> 00:02:20.593 Actually now I don't want to support your channel 00:02:20.837 --> 00:02:24.837 because you will be my competition 00:02:24.837 --> 00:02:25.817 Well, yes. 00:02:25.817 --> 00:02:26.567 So yeah... 00:02:26.567 --> 00:02:30.197 ... Not really competition, because I'll win. 00:02:30.197 --> 00:02:34.197 And you'll lose so... 00:02:34.197 --> 00:02:36.067 You don't even have a channel! 00:02:36.067 --> 00:02:40.067 Are you the esperanto version of Trump? 00:02:40.067 --> 00:02:41.307 I will win! 00:02:41.307 --> 00:02:45.307 I will make the Youtube Esperantists great again! 00:02:47.094 --> 00:02:51.094 I will build a wall between Esperantists and Volapukists! 00:02:52.165 --> 00:02:56.165 Yes, well, between me and the lowly Evildeanists. 00:02:56.655 --> 00:03:00.655 The lowly evilde— did you hear that? 00:03:00.655 --> 00:03:03.535 If you're a real supporter of Evildea, 00:03:03.535 --> 00:03:05.285 you're not allowed to subscribe to his channel 00:03:05.292 --> 00:03:06.772 You can fuck off 00:03:06.772 --> 00:03:10.772 You fuck off. Don't say that to my nice viewers 00:03:10.772 --> 00:03:14.772 Sorry. I want to be a nice god, so 00:03:14.772 --> 00:03:17.272 sorry about that. 00:03:17.272 --> 00:03:21.272 Maybe, oh actually, maybe I can be an evil god 00:03:21.272 --> 00:03:24.292 and you can be a nice god 00:03:24.292 --> 00:03:27.982 who talks about love between people, who... 00:03:27.982 --> 00:03:31.722 Eh, that's a shit topic. 00:03:31.722 --> 00:03:35.722 I will talk about conquering the esperantists, and 00:03:35.722 --> 00:03:39.792 So really the world of esperanto will have two evil gods 00:03:39.792 --> 00:03:42.582 and there's no nice god at all 00:03:42.582 --> 00:03:45.992 Well, he's not god 00:03:45.992 --> 00:03:49.992 I sure am God. I already declared it many times 00:03:49.992 --> 00:03:52.002 and haven't you heard the proverb: 00:03:52.002 --> 00:03:54.002 "if you say it often enough, 00:03:54.002 --> 00:03:56.182 people will start to believe it" 00:03:56.182 --> 00:04:00.182 Yes, but, have you also heard the proverb: 00:04:00.182 --> 00:04:03.142 "Gods have great hairstyles?" 00:04:03.142 --> 00:04:05.872 (offended) I do have a great hairstyle! 00:04:05.872 --> 00:04:09.652 I am like the dictator of North Korea 00:04:09.652 --> 00:04:12.092 when he had a shit hairstyle 00:04:12.092 --> 00:04:16.092 and he declared that everyone has to have the same style 00:04:16.092 --> 00:04:19.122 So here's Evildea, your god. In the future, 00:04:19.122 --> 00:04:22.332 if he is your god, it seems everyone 00:04:22.332 --> 00:04:25.112 in Esperanto-world will have that hairstyle 00:04:25.112 --> 00:04:27.802 Now I declare that you all must go 00:04:27.802 --> 00:04:29.702 to your hairdresser and have 00:04:29.702 --> 00:04:32.342 the Evildea style™ 00:04:33.072 --> 00:04:36.002 And I declare that you all must 00:04:36.002 --> 00:04:40.002 go out on the streets, find a non-esperantist 00:04:40.002 --> 00:04:41.922 every day, and kill them 00:04:41.922 --> 00:04:45.922 And I declare that, because you just declared that, 00:04:45.922 --> 00:04:48.822 that you have to go on the streets and kill 00:04:48.822 --> 00:04:52.822 the person who's killing the non-Esperantists 00:04:52.822 --> 00:04:56.822 so expect the other person, because... 00:04:56.822 --> 00:05:00.222 so, I will simply take the time now 00:05:00.222 --> 00:05:02.792 to kill Evildea, and solve this 00:05:02.792 --> 00:05:06.572 problem 00:05:06.572 --> 00:05:08.952 Aaaaaaaaaaargh! (death cry) 00:05:10.082 --> 00:05:12.562 And, like always, I want to thank 00:05:12.562 --> 00:05:14.802 my donators at Patreon 00:05:14.802 --> 00:05:17.182 because really, without them, I can't continue 00:05:17.182 --> 00:05:19.592 this channel. They are the life and blood 00:05:19.592 --> 00:05:21.152 of this channel. 00:05:21.152 --> 00:05:25.152 And my current donators are...