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getting Breened

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    When I was taking a horror class for my
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    film studies minor, I read a lot of horror
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    theory that tried to explain why certain
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    films frightened audiences, and why being
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    frightened by a film was even a desirable
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    sensation in the first place.
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    Not only does the effectiveness of horror
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    vary between individual spectators,
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    but has the capacity to frighten someone
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    can vary tremendously.
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    But the enjoyment of horror in the first
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    place is not something that everyone shares.
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    Culturally, we understand that a lot of
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    people enjoy being scared in the theater
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    now and then. Some people get really into
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    horror as an interest,
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    or are the adrenaline junkie type,
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    who really love being scared and will seek
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    out progressively stranger and more
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    disturbing intense horror films for a high
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    And some particularly weird people love
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    horror so much that it's their favorite
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    genre. And they panel at horror
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    conventions. And make short comedy horror
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    films. And video essays about horror.
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    And write really personal reviews about
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    how seeing the scariest movie they had
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    ever seen was actually a healing
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    experience because of trauma and catharsis,
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    or lack of catharsis in representation and
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    articulation of inner pain that is
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    difficult to articulate and... Whatever.
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    Even if you don't like horror movies,
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    or rollercoasters, or haunted houses,
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    you can probably understand why someone
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    else would. Even if it's just the idea of
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    a safe, contained, adrenaline rush.
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    As someone who loves horror,
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    and has loved horror for as long as I've
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    understood what it was, of course I get
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    why people like it! And it's a big part of
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    my career to engage with it and try to
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    articulate what's so great about it.
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    Then I start-- Then I try to articulate
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    the experience of watching a Neil Breen
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    "I disappear. I become... invisible."
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    ... and why I would want to watch a Neil
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    Breen movie...
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    "If it can be destroyed by the truth,
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    it DESERVES to be destroyed by the truth."
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    [affluence explodes]
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    Or why anyone would want to watch a
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    Neil Breen movie...
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    "I can't believe you committed suicide!"
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    "I cannot believe you committed suicide!"
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    ... and that flow of excited articulation
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    I can usually hit, just halts.
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    It becomes sludge.
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    My Breen experiences can mostly be split
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    into three separate instances.
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    I'm going to start here with the second
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    instance. My friend Grahm and I watched
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    four Neil Breen movies in a row in one day
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    I think our only break was to grab pizza
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    to keep watching.
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    At one point midway through the viewing
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    while I was just yelling at his TV,
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    exasperated, I couldn't understand
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    anything I was watching. I was just
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    getting-- I was--
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    I wouldn't even call it "offensive",
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    it was just horrible and baffling and
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    so weird and so confusing!
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    Grahm looked at me and asked me if I was
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    even enjoying watching these movies.
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    I had no idea how to respond.
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    Not only is it difficult to articulate
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    the experience itself, what it was like
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    to mainline Breen for six and a half hours
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    and physically feel my brain melt,
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    But in that moment
getting Breened

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Video Language:
Daniel Lumpkin edited English subtitles for getting Breened

English subtitles

