I forgot my password!
Start on any Yahoo sign-in page
Select the "I have a problem with my password"
Enter your Yahoo ID
If you see this page, enter the security code
By default we'll send password reset information
to your phone
This option sends password information to your
alternate email address
No phone or alternate email? Answer your
secret questions instead
Enter the first answer
Your answers must exactly match what's in your
account information, except for differences in
Enter the second answer
Enter your new password
Your new password must be between 8 and 32 characters long and cannot be a single character repeated
It cannot contain any part of your name and cannot be similar to a password you've used before
Don't reuse part or all of a previous password or
a password you use on other web sites!
Enter your new password again to confirm it
Click here any time to see what you're typing
If you still need help, go to help.yahoo.com