What is psychopathy and what are we doing about it? | Dan Komar | TEDxJuniataCollege
0:12 - 0:13Hello.
0:13 - 0:17So, today, I'm going to be talking
about what psychopathy is, the term, -
0:17 - 0:20and what we're doing about it
here at Juniata College. -
0:22 - 0:26So, I'll begin by saying
in the fall of 2016, -
0:26 - 0:30our lab in the Psychology Department,
under Professor Rebecca Weldon, -
0:30 - 0:35was attempting to ascertain some
of these features underlying psychopathy -
0:35 - 0:37and how they relate
to student populations. -
0:37 - 0:42We found, consistent with the hypothesis
called the distress-specific hypothesis, -
0:42 - 0:44which I'll talk about in a little bit,
0:44 - 0:47that participants who were
higher in psychopathy, -
0:47 - 0:49which is this empathic deficit,
0:50 - 0:53were slower in recognizing
the fearful faces of other people, -
0:53 - 0:56and I'm going to discuss
the implications of this. -
0:56 - 0:59Now, in the fall of this school year,
0:59 - 1:02we wanted to try something else,
we wanted to question the impossible. -
1:03 - 1:05The fact is that there very few
treatments for psychopathy, -
1:05 - 1:09and we wanted to see
if we could alter this effect, -
1:09 - 1:12this delay in recognizing
the fearful faces of other people, -
1:12 - 1:16by priming empathy,
or something like empathy, -
1:16 - 1:19in those people who were
higher in psychopathy. -
1:23 - 1:25I think in order to understand
what I mean by "psychopathy," -
1:25 - 1:29we should discuss how the term
has been sensationalized in the media. -
1:30 - 1:32So, in pop culture in Hollywood,
1:32 - 1:35there is this thing that has been coined
the "elite psychopath." -
1:35 - 1:37So, I'll tell a bit about what that is,
1:37 - 1:39but first, I think I should give
some examples. -
1:39 - 1:44Such characters as Hannibal Lecter,
Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, -
1:44 - 1:47or the most recent television
adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, -
1:47 - 1:51all of these could qualify
as this elite psychopath caricature, -
1:51 - 1:54and it's problematic in a number of ways.
1:54 - 1:58These characters are
antiheroes at the core. -
1:58 - 2:03So you are invited to empathize
with these protagonistic characters -
2:03 - 2:07who never really do show
empathy to other people. -
2:07 - 2:10And so, of course, we want
to emulate these characters. -
2:10 - 2:11But as a matter of fact,
2:11 - 2:13they do show some
of the qualities of psychopathy. -
2:14 - 2:19They are cold, calculating, apathetic,
they're sophisticated, -
2:19 - 2:22but they're also some things
that we don't really see as often -
2:22 - 2:24in actual psychopathy.
2:24 - 2:26They're one step ahead
of the competition, always, -
2:26 - 2:29they are Machiavellian masterminds,
2:29 - 2:31and that's not something we really see.
2:32 - 2:36So I'm going to talk about how
psychopathy has been characterized -
2:36 - 2:38in the field of psychology,
2:38 - 2:43and those components will be differences
in action and differences in the brain. -
2:44 - 2:48Also, I think it's important
to note that in the DSM-5, -
2:48 - 2:52which is a terminology manual
for Psychology, -
2:52 - 2:57antisocial personality disorder has been
considered synonymous with psychopathy. -
2:57 - 2:59While it shares some common symptomology,
2:59 - 3:00we will be considering psychopathy
3:00 - 3:04in accordance with a different set
of features and facets -
3:04 - 3:08that set it apart ever so slightly
with antisocial personality disorder. -
3:08 - 3:11But I should start by saying
in antisocial personality disorder, -
3:11 - 3:13we see symptoms like aggression,
outward aggression, -
3:13 - 3:15that can be generalized,
3:15 - 3:17this impulsiveness,
sensation-seeking behavior, -
3:17 - 3:20recklessness and association
with criminal behavior. -
3:23 - 3:25So let's talk about some of these.
3:25 - 3:27There's a lack of guilt or remorse.
3:27 - 3:29There's a lack of emotional expression.
3:29 - 3:33These symptoms are affective
or emotional processing differences. -
3:33 - 3:35Our study focused mainly on these.
3:35 - 3:38So people who are high in psychopathy
will tend to be callous, -
3:38 - 3:40a bit like the pop culture representation.
3:40 - 3:43They will lack emotional expression,
3:43 - 3:46so they won't be expressing
emotions to other people. -
3:46 - 3:48There's also a lack
of prosocial emotional response, -
3:48 - 3:53which means in day to day interaction,
when someone is showing distress, -
3:53 - 3:56you are expected
to behave in a certain way; -
3:56 - 3:57they don't do this.
3:58 - 4:02There are also differences
that are interpersonal in nature. -
4:02 - 4:05They manipulate other people,
they use them as a means to an end. -
4:05 - 4:07And there is grandiosity as well,
4:07 - 4:09or an exaggerated sense
of self-importance. -
4:09 - 4:13This is also seen in psychopathy,
in people who are high in psychopathy. -
4:15 - 4:20There's a last piece, and that piece is
sensation seeking and impulsivity. -
4:20 - 4:23This is not so much seen
in the elite psychopath caricature. -
4:23 - 4:28People who are high in psychopathy
will act impulsively, -
4:29 - 4:33they will seek sensation and they will not
duly consider risk versus reward. -
4:33 - 4:36And so, often, they will
commit criminal acts -
4:36 - 4:38and subsequently be incarcerated.
4:41 - 4:42When they seek sensation,
4:43 - 4:45they have to calculate
this risk versus reward, -
4:45 - 4:49they have to actively weigh the risk
versus reward in order to make the action, -
4:49 - 4:53but we don't really see this
in people who are high in psychopathy. -
4:53 - 4:55And of course there is
that aggression piece, -
4:55 - 4:57this generalized aggression.
4:57 - 5:00So, people who are high in psychopathy
have difficulty determining -
5:00 - 5:03victims versus victimless crimes.
5:03 - 5:04And so, when they commit these crimes,
5:04 - 5:09they do not duly consider the potential
impact this might have on another person. -
5:11 - 5:14So let's talk about some of the brain
differences we see in psychopathy. -
5:14 - 5:16Mainly, we'll talk about the amygdala,
5:16 - 5:19which is an area of the brain
near the center of the brain, -
5:19 - 5:24and there's less activation in people
higher in psychopathy, in this region, -
5:24 - 5:27when they are looking
at the emotions of other people, -
5:27 - 5:30specifically distress emotions.
5:30 - 5:31And that's important
5:31 - 5:35because when you're not processing
the distress of other people, -
5:35 - 5:39perhaps you're not also feeling
the guilt and remorse -
5:39 - 5:41that a normal person
would typically experience -
5:41 - 5:45when they can tell those people
are experiencing those emotions. -
5:47 - 5:51So, when there's less activation in people
who are high in psychopathy, -
5:51 - 5:55this area of the brain, the amygdala,
involved in emotional processing, -
5:55 - 5:57again shows less activation.
5:57 - 6:00So, what's the importance
of studying psychopathy? -
6:00 - 6:03Well, there is this linkage
between psychopathy and crime. -
6:03 - 6:05If you look at the literature
on psychopathy, -
6:05 - 6:08you will find that most
participants are inmates. -
6:08 - 6:10This is not a coincidence.
6:10 - 6:13It is far more prevalent
in prison populations. -
6:13 - 6:17It's been estimated anywhere
from 50% to 80% of inmates could qualify -
6:17 - 6:21for some symptomology in psychopathy
that is above the norm. -
6:21 - 6:23Outside of prison populations,
6:23 - 6:26a much less percentage could be
considered high in psychopathy. -
6:26 - 6:31It has been estimated anywhere from 1.3%
to 6.85% of men in the general population, -
6:31 - 6:32mainly in the United States,
6:32 - 6:36could qualify as having some symptomology
associated with psychopathy, -
6:36 - 6:39whereas in women, it is 0.8%.
6:39 - 6:40So considerably less
6:40 - 6:43could be considered to qualify
for the symptoms of psychopathy. -
6:44 - 6:48It is also important to study psychopathy
because at this time, -
6:48 - 6:51treatments for psychopathy
have been largely unsuccessful. -
6:51 - 6:55This is because treatments
like cognitive and behavioral strategies -
6:55 - 6:58require some kind of agency
or willingness to change, -
6:58 - 7:01in participants, or patients.
7:01 - 7:04People who are high
in psychopathy, unsurprisingly, -
7:04 - 7:06seem to lack this agency
and willingness to change, -
7:06 - 7:09and so the treatments
are largely unsuccessful. -
7:09 - 7:11So what is being done?
7:11 - 7:14Well, currently, our lab,
here at Juniata College, -
7:15 - 7:17is working on this
distress-specific hypothesis, -
7:17 - 7:19which is that the affective symptoms,
7:19 - 7:24the emotional processing
symptoms of psychopathy, -
7:25 - 7:28could be responsible for this deficit
7:28 - 7:32in processing the distress
emotions in other people. -
7:32 - 7:37So we thought, "What if we could
prime them for a congruent emotion, -
7:37 - 7:40and maybe that could,
maybe, alter this effect, -
7:40 - 7:43this delay in processing
the emotions of other people?" -
7:43 - 7:47So we used something called the
autobiographical emotional memory task, -
7:47 - 7:51which challenges a participant
to recall a time in their life -
7:51 - 7:53where they felt a specific emotion.
7:53 - 7:54We used fear.
7:54 - 7:58So our participants recalled a time
in their life where they experienced fear, -
7:58 - 8:00and because of this,
8:00 - 8:03it may be that fear becomes
more salient, it's more accessible, -
8:03 - 8:05it's more easy to recognize
in other people. -
8:05 - 8:09So if we could take participants,
people who are high in psychopathy, -
8:09 - 8:10and prime them for this fear,
8:10 - 8:15they may subsequently be better able
to recognize that fear in other people. -
8:15 - 8:17And if our findings support this,
8:17 - 8:20it may be that priming
for a congruent emotion -
8:20 - 8:24could be a way, through exposure,
to condition an empathic response -
8:24 - 8:28in people who would otherwise
lack such a response. -
8:28 - 8:31In other words, we could foster
empathy in psychopaths. -
8:31 - 8:32And this would be groundbreaking
8:32 - 8:36because incarceration in our country
is at an all-time high, -
8:36 - 8:40and if we could somehow minimize this
8:40 - 8:45through developing strategies to address
people who have psychopathic symptoms, -
8:45 - 8:48before criminal behaviors
can begin to manifest, -
8:48 - 8:51we might be able to deal
8:51 - 8:54with the current dilemma
that is psychopathy in our country. -
8:55 - 8:56Thank you.
8:56 - 8:57(Applause)
- Title:
- What is psychopathy and what are we doing about it? | Dan Komar | TEDxJuniataCollege
- Description:
Psychopathy is traditionally conceived of as a psychological disorder marked by affective, interpersonal and behavioral facets. Villains in pop culture demonstrate those characteristics, and so do inmates. Daniel Komar, a senior at Juniata College studying Psychology, unveils the mystery of this phenomenon and challenges us to think about this issue differently through learned empathy.
Dan Komar is a senior at Juniata College. He is currently working on his senior thesis about psychopathy. His research is under supervision of Dr. Weldon who is also a speaker at this event.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
- closed TED
- Project:
- TEDxTalks
- Duration:
- 09:04