0:00 - 0:05so the discussion boards are a very
0:02 - 0:08important part of the course it's a way
0:05 - 0:10for you to interact with each other to
0:08 - 0:13help teach yourself and others the
0:10 - 0:16material and to interact with me and
0:13 - 0:19learn things from me get clarifications
0:16 - 0:21from me and and also helped me learn as
0:19 - 0:24well so the discussion boards are
0:21 - 0:25something that I really enjoy and what
0:24 - 0:27I've decided to do this semester is to
0:25 - 0:29make them much more student-led than
0:27 - 0:31they've been in the past in the past
0:29 - 0:33I've largely led the discussion boards
0:31 - 0:38but I've found that I'm not really able
0:33 - 0:40to respond or interact with as many of
0:38 - 0:43the comments on the discussion board as
0:40 - 0:45I would like to optimally so this
0:43 - 0:48semester what I'm doing is having
0:45 - 0:50students essentially act as the leads or
0:48 - 0:52the curators for the discussion I'll
0:50 - 0:55still participate but I want you all to
0:52 - 0:57get the opportunity and the experience
0:55 - 1:00of leading a discussion helping to
0:57 - 1:02answer questions and curating different
1:00 - 1:04directions in a discussion board I think
1:02 - 1:07it's good practice for you and I think
1:04 - 1:08it'll enable me to better interact with
1:07 - 1:11what's going on on the discussion board
1:08 - 1:15by freeing up my time to be able to
1:11 - 1:19really focus on posting responses I have
1:15 - 1:22a full-time job outside of this teaching
1:19 - 1:24engagement and there's also a lot of
1:22 - 1:25work behind the scenes during the
1:24 - 1:27semester to keep the course running and
1:25 - 1:29that all really limits the amount of
1:27 - 1:30time that I can spend actually on the
1:29 - 1:32discussion board so I want to make sure
1:30 - 1:34that you feel you're getting really good
1:32 - 1:36feedback and having a really engage time
1:34 - 1:38in the discussion board and and as such
1:36 - 1:41I don't want that to have to rely on on
1:38 - 1:44me being available to make sure that
1:41 - 1:46that's going on so I'm empowering you
1:44 - 1:47all to really ensure that we have an
1:46 - 1:50active and vigorous discussion this
1:47 - 1:51semester so what the way this is going
1:50 - 1:53to work because of the number of
1:51 - 1:55students we have about 20 students in
1:53 - 1:58the class is that I'm going to divide
1:55 - 1:59everyone up each week into two separate
1:58 - 2:02groups
1:59 - 2:04you'll be randomly assigned to a group
2:02 - 2:05so it'll rotate around and that'll give
2:04 - 2:06you the chance to engage with different
2:05 - 2:09people
2:06 - 2:12it'll make sure that your discussion pod
2:09 - 2:14does not stagnate at any point in the
2:12 - 2:15past I've taught two sections
2:14 - 2:17this class simultaneously and it's been
2:15 - 2:20really interesting to see how each
2:17 - 2:22section operates as a really independent
2:20 - 2:25organism the discussion boards end up
2:22 - 2:26looking very different and by moving you
2:25 - 2:29all around from week to week I think
2:26 - 2:33it'll encourage a variety of different
2:29 - 2:35styles and and and different directions
2:33 - 2:37in the discussion to emerge and you'll
2:35 - 2:38still get to know each other because
2:37 - 2:40you'll probably be together for you know
2:38 - 2:43an average about half of the discussions
2:40 - 2:45since it's random so I'll divide you up
2:43 - 2:48into two groups of ten into two
2:45 - 2:49different discussion boards and in these
2:48 - 2:52two discussion boards that's where
2:49 - 2:54you'll spend most of the week chatting
2:52 - 2:57with your classmates and interacting
2:54 - 2:59with me and each week there will be a
2:57 - 3:02lead for each of the discussion boards
2:59 - 3:04everyone in the class participates in
3:02 - 3:06one of the two discussion boards and
3:04 - 3:08what I'll do is post the name of the
3:06 - 3:11participants in each of these sub boards
3:08 - 3:13on the front page of that board like I
3:11 - 3:15mentioned each board has a lead and that
3:13 - 3:17name will will go out in advance so you
3:15 - 3:20know on a schedule when you're leading
3:17 - 3:22the discussion each week in these boards
3:20 - 3:23should really be related to the material
3:22 - 3:24in the class so the things that are in
3:23 - 3:28the lecture video are the things that
3:24 - 3:29are in the book you can ask questions
3:28 - 3:31about the material if there's something
3:29 - 3:33you don't quite understand if there was
3:31 - 3:35something you found interesting I
3:33 - 3:37encourage you to bring information from
3:35 - 3:41outside of the class into the discussion
3:37 - 3:43can be personal information or perhaps
3:41 - 3:45new scientific findings or things that
3:43 - 3:48are going on outside of the class that
3:45 - 3:50are relevant to that week's topic please
3:48 - 3:54do bring it in it really makes it very
3:50 - 3:56stimulating and and you all will be
3:54 - 3:58grading each other's so the participants
3:56 - 4:00each week will grade the lead of that
3:58 - 4:02week and the lead will grade the
4:00 - 4:05participants each week and over time
4:02 - 4:08your discussion and participation score
4:05 - 4:11will be cumulatively based on these
4:08 - 4:16grades that you receive for these two
4:11 - 4:19roles in the class so each week towards
4:16 - 4:22the end of the week the curators are
4:19 - 4:24leads of each of these weekly discussion
4:22 - 4:25boards so the two people assigned to
4:24 - 4:27lead these discussion boards in a
4:25 - 4:29particular week
4:27 - 4:30at the end of the week they'll sum up
4:29 - 4:32the discussion and their board and then
4:30 - 4:35post it on a third board that'll be
4:32 - 4:37higher level and which everyone in the
4:35 - 4:40entire class can look at so not just the
4:37 - 4:42two subgroups but actually all twenty
4:40 - 4:44students and it's expected that you'll
4:42 - 4:45look at this and it should be
4:44 - 4:47interesting to see the the different
4:45 - 4:51summaries of what the two groups talked
4:47 - 4:54about at that point you can have some
4:51 - 4:55discussion about the summaries or other
4:54 - 4:59topics that you want to bring up in the
4:55 - 5:00the whole class forum and in general you
4:59 - 5:03know most of the discussion should take
5:00 - 5:06place the week in which it's most
5:03 - 5:08relevant but it's fine you know for
5:06 - 5:11things to continue into the the
5:08 - 5:14following week especially you know on
5:11 - 5:16this whole class board where the
5:14 - 5:18summaries make you up some questions for
5:16 - 5:23me or questions from you or other points
5:18 - 5:25you want to add the summary should be
5:23 - 5:28fewer than 500 words and it should be
5:25 - 5:30posted on Tuesday this as the syllabus
5:28 - 5:31says the class resets every Wednesday
5:30 - 5:34and goes goes on to the next week's
5:31 - 5:36material everyone in the class should be
5:34 - 5:39familiar with what's on the whole class
5:36 - 5:41discussion board and like I mentioned
5:39 - 5:45all the students can participate in
5:41 - 5:47comment in addition there may be some
5:45 - 5:50weeks where there will be a topical
5:47 - 5:51discussion a particular topic that I
5:50 - 5:53thought the whole class would find
5:51 - 5:55interesting and the intention is for
5:53 - 5:57everyone to be engaged with that special
5:55 - 6:00topic and to post on it and have
5:57 - 6:04discussions on it not every week will
6:00 - 6:05have this but some weeks will and if
6:04 - 6:08you're interested in the grading process
6:05 - 6:09there's a lot of detail in the syllabus
6:08 - 6:11about this I'm not going to go into it
6:09 - 6:14here except to say that the course
6:11 - 6:15engagement score is is the the total
6:14 - 6:17grade for course engagement is worth
6:15 - 6:20quite a bit of your total grade in the
6:17 - 6:23class and a lot of that grade is
6:20 - 6:26determined through the peer grading
6:23 - 6:27process so the discussion board is
6:26 - 6:30really important
6:27 - 6:33you really should participate as much as
6:30 - 6:35possible and it should not be quantity
6:33 - 6:37of participation it's really the quality
6:35 - 6:40that matters and there are some
6:37 - 6:41parameters in the syllabus to help the
6:40 - 6:43participants grade the
6:41 - 6:44and the leads grade the participants so
6:43 - 6:46I encourage you to look through them I
6:44 - 6:47don't want to go through them in this
6:46 - 6:48video because they're already written
6:47 - 6:51out and I think they're fairly
6:48 - 6:52straightforward but this is how the
6:51 - 6:55discussion boards are gonna work I think
6:52 - 6:57it'll really help you get much more
6:55 - 7:00timely feedback and much more voluminous
6:57 - 7:03feedback it'll help me really focus on
7:00 - 7:04what to respond to and be able to spend
7:03 - 7:07my time interacting with your ideas
7:04 - 7:09instead of sort of keeping track of your
7:07 - 7:12performance on the boards and I think
7:09 - 7:13overall it's a win-win for everyone so
7:12 - 7:17I'm really excited to see how this works
7:13 - 7:20and and and and thank you for doing the
7:17 - 7:22experiment with me if you have any
7:20 - 7:25questions about this please post them in
7:22 - 7:28the discussion board for general
7:25 - 7:32syllabus or general class questions that
7:28 - 7:32you might have thanks
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- Duration:
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox | |
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Claude Almansi edited English subtitles for Sandbox |
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course
Claude Almansi
Revision 1 = provided subtitles for Lecture 1.2 of Prof. Scott Plous' Social Psychology course