That's a free software issue!
Not SyncedSo, thank you everyone to coming to
this talk. -
Not SyncedAre you ready to start? Yeah, fabulous.
Not SyncedWe've called it "That's a Free Software
Issue!" -
Not SyncedCause it is!
Not SyncedA little bit about us.
Not SyncedMy name is Karen Sandler, I'm the executive
director of an organization named -
Not SyncedSoftware Freedom Conservancy.
Not SyncedRaise your hand if you've heard of
Conservancy -
Not Syncedso, like 3/4 of the room.
Not SyncedWe're a nonprofit charity, we're the home
of lots of free software projects -
Not Syncedlike garbled,
the list goes on and on. -
Not SyncedWe're also the home of the Debian Copyright
Aggregation project, and -
Not Syncedwe're the home of Outreachy, which is a
diversity initiative that -
Not SyncedDebian participates in and
Not Syncedthe very shortest note about me is that
I have a heart condition and -
Not SyncedI'm fine, but my heart is 3 times the size
of a normal person's heart -
Not Syncedand I'm at a very high risk of suddenly
dying, -
Not Syncedso I have a pacemaker defibrillator,
which is awesome, except -
Not SyncedI can't see the source code in my own
body, which is causing me to be -
Not Syncedreally really passionate about software
freedom. -
Not SyncedKaren might be a cyborg, but I'm a cat
owner, -
Not Syncedthis is a picture of my cat, his name is
Bash. -
Not SyncedMy name is Molly de Blanc, I'm a free
software activist, -
Not SyncedI'm the campaign manager for the Free
Software Foundation. -
Not SyncedHow many people here know about the FSF?
Not SyncedWow!
Not SyncedHow many of you are members?
Not SyncedStill good!
Not SyncedCan we ask them how many are
Conservancy supporters? -
Not SyncedHow many of you are Conservancy
supporters? -
Not SyncedNice
Not SyncedHow many of you are both?
Not SyncedThanks!
Not SyncedIf anyone, since I'm a volunteer with the
Free Software Foundation, -
Not SyncedI'm also a lawyer and I only do pro bono
legal work now. -
Not SyncedBut since I'm a volunteer sometimes with
the Free Software Foundation, -
Not SyncedI can say that if anyone signs up to become
a Free Software Foundation associate member -
Not Syncedduring this talk, come up afterwards and
highfive me. -
Not SyncedAnd I can say, since I volunteer for the
Conservancy, -
Not Syncedthat if you would like to become a
Conservancy supporter by the end -
Not Syncedof this presentation, I will highfive you.
Not SyncedSo, in addition to those things, I'm also
on the board of the Open Source Initiative -
Not SyncedI like to think this makes me doubly
qualified to talk about licensing -
Not Syncedeven though I'm less qualified than Karen
to talk about licensing. -
Not SyncedYou are also affiliated with all of
the orgs. -
Not SyncedYeah.
Not SyncedOfficially, so…
Not SyncedWhich brings us to
"What is user freedom?" -
Not SyncedRaise you hand if this is, maybe, your
first conference -
Not Syncedin Free and Open Source Software.
Not SyncedLet's give all these people a round of
applause there, -
Not Syncedlike 5 people here who are new.
Not Synced[Applause]
Not SyncedBrief introduction, do you want to
start that? -
Not SyncedSure
Not SyncedUser freedom is predicated, it's based
on the idea -
Not Syncedwe first need to understand and appreciate
that we have digital rights. -
Not SyncedWe're extending our rights that exist in
physical spaces to digital spaces. -
Not SyncedAnd once we understand that, we can then
think about and talk about -
Not Synced"Well, there is this software and these
technologies that we're using -
Not Syncedand we also have rights specifically
relevant to those" -
Not SyncedSo user freedom is the freedom that we
have relating to technology and software. -
Not SyncedUser freedom is a really important part
of our digital right, it's… -
Not Syncedthe slide is not… oh there it is
Not SyncedOops, now I have gone too far.
Not SyncedSoftware freedom is an important piece of
user freedom. -
Not SyncedUser freedom, I think, it's very difficult
for user freedom to exist -
Not Syncedwithout software freedom.
Not SyncedSo, software freedom, should I just…
Yeah. -
Not SyncedSoftware freedom is a software that
you can… -
Not SyncedI love this picture, ???
for the FSF -
Not SyncedYou can buy this on a t-shirt
from them. -
Not SyncedBut it's software with 4 freedoms.
Not SyncedThe ability to run a software, to make
modifications to the software, -
Not Syncedto contribute back those changes and to
share the software generally. -
Not SyncedThere's different licenses that help
accomplish this. -
Not SyncedFree and Open Source Software is
predicated on a legal construct -
Not Syncedand there's this really special idea called
Copyleft where -
Not Syncedwe use copyright, which creates effectively
a monopoly, but in order to -
Not Syncedkeep software free and to share it.
Not SyncedThis was kind of a crash course on
what Free Software is and -
Not Syncedwhat Free Software Freedom is and how
it fits in the context of user freedom. -
Not SyncedDid you want to add anything to that?
No, it's okay. -
Not SyncedNow we want to tell you about why we care
about Free Software. -
Not SyncedWe mostly care because we care about
the future of our technology and -
Not Syncedwe care about how technology is interwoven
into the societies that we live in. -
Not SyncedFor me, the reason why I care about
sofware freedom is deeply personal, -
Not SyncedI have this defibrillator, I can't see the
source code inside my body -
Not Syncedbut also, I can't modify it and I can't
change it. -
Not SyncedWhen I was pregnant, I got shocked by
my defibrillator -
Not Syncedbecause my heart was palpitating, which is
something that normal people who are pregnant -
Not Syncedhave palpitations, but the vast majority,
85% of people who have defibrillators -
Not Syncedare over the age of 65.
Not SyncedAnd of the people who get defibrillators,
fewer than half of them are women, -
Not Syncedso the set of people who are in my situation
Not Syncedbeing pregnant with a defibrillator was
just teeny tiny -
Not Syncedand no one had anticipated my condition
before. -
Not SyncedBut I couldn't do anything about
that situation, -
Not Syncedthe only way I could deal with it was
to take drugs to slow my heartrate down -
Not Syncedand that was a real challenge.
Not SyncedAs I live with my defibrillator, the issues
around software freedom become -
Not Syncedreally evident
Not Syncedand as I go through different stages
in my life, -
Not Syncedit becomes more and more obvious
how those map into societal issues. -
Not SyncedSo, for me, this just comes up over
and over again as a metaphor -
Not Syncedfor all of the technology we rely on.
Not SyncedI care about Free Software from a high
level. -
Not SyncedThis is a reinterpretation from a quote
given to me by Elana Hashman -
Not Synced"User freedom enables consent"
Not SyncedIn order to consent, we have to have
autonomy, -
Not Syncedand in order to have autonomy, we need
to be able to understand -
Not Syncedwhat we're looking at and what we're
talking about. -
Not SyncedSo without user freedom, without software
freedom, -
Not Syncedwe wouldn't be able to look at these
technologies that are running -
Not Syncedevery single aspect of our lives.
Not SyncedSo the question is, why should you care
about software freedom? -
Not SyncedWe were thinking about it and we were
able to divide -
Not Syncedwhat we think are the core issues into
a few major categories. -
Not SyncedThe first one is autonomy.
Not SyncedLinking back to my heart condition, not
being able to even see the source code -
Not Syncedon my own body, let alone have the ability
to work with medical professionals -
Not Syncedto modify it really underscores this point.
Not SyncedWe should have control over the
technology we rely on -
Not Syncedand whether on not we are the ones who
want to modify the technology -
Not Syncedor whether we want to work with
professionals or a team or regulators -
Not Syncedor whoever it is to modify our technology
Not SyncedWe don't have autonomy over our own
destinies, unless we have control -
Not Syncedover our software, unless we can see how
it's written, see how it operates -
Not Syncedand also have the ability to modify and
implement those modifications. -
Not SyncedAutonomy also fits into that narrative
that I mentioned before about consent. -
Not SyncedAn enthusiastic consent to the way that
we're interacting with technology, -
Not Syncedthe way that the results are being used.
Not SyncedThis is very vital for our autonomy freedom.
Not SyncedAnother major category of areas where
we think that software freedom is essential -
Not Syncedis within security.
Not SyncedWe must have control over our security
tools. We must be able to review the -
Not Syncedsecurity software that we're using. We
need to not only be able to review the -
Not Syncedsource code and see how--
we may not always be able to see that -
Not Syncedthere are backdoors that having the
opportunity to review that source code -
Not Syncedis a critical component, and the ability
to modify when there is a vulnerability -
Not Syncedis really important too.
Not SyncedThere's this study called the
"Honeymoon Effect" -
Not Syncedraise your hand if you have heard of
the Honeymoon Effect, just curious -
Not Syncedabout that, just a few people.
They studied the number of -
Not Syncedvulnerabilities in software over time
as opposed to bugs in software over time -
Not SyncedThe number of bugs in software is
generally a decreasing number as a -
Not Syncedproject matures. But then if you look
instead at known vulnerabilities, there's -
Not Syncedthis period of time where the known
vulnerabilities are flat and they call -
Not Syncedthe honeymoon period, because it
was the time where there were no -
Not Syncedknown vulnerabilities in that source
code and the software project -
Not Syncedand once there was one vulnerability
Not Syncedfound it increased at an almost
Not Syncedexponential rate. And it was interesting
and they studied how -
Not Synced
Not Synced
- Title:
- That's a free software issue!
- Description:
Talk given by Molly de Blanc & Karen Sandler at Debconf18 - Video Language:
- English
- Team:
- Project:
- 2018_debconf18
- Duration:
- 42:29
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Avonlea Allred edited English subtitles for That's a free software issue! | |
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Avonlea Allred edited English subtitles for That's a free software issue! | |
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tvincent edited English subtitles for That's a free software issue! | |
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tvincent edited English subtitles for That's a free software issue! |