(jazzy intro)
How does it feel to be
the same sex as Donald Trump?
How does it feel to be
the same sex as Sarah Palin?
How does it feel to be the
same sex as Michelle Bachman?
How does it feel to be the
same sex as anybody you disagree with?
Why does it even matter
whether or not you're the
same gender as somebody else?
I mean, I'm also the same
gender as Abraham Lincoln, Einstein,
and the guy who introduced
chocolate to the Western world.
So what are you even getting
at with this question?
Are you trying to say Donald Trump
is bad, and Donald Trump
Not Synced
is a man, therefore men are bad?
Not Synced
Why do you hate rom-coms?
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Or do you just feel like you
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need to hate them?
Not Synced
Everybody likes The Notebook,
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everybody likes Beyoncé.
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It's just a fact.
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Men hate romantic comedies
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for the same reason you
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hate video games with
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over-sexualized female characters.
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The men in these movies are
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always willing to sacrifice
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their careers, their dreams,
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even their lives to win
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the lead females' affection.
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Now I don't have any empirical
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data to back this up, but
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it seems to me that
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romantic comedies and
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romance movies in general
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cause women to have unrealistic
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expectations of men and what
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love should be like, and these
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become the expectations
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that men have to live up to,
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and it's unfair.
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Feminists like to bitch
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about poor representation of women
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in media intended for men
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because they promote body issues
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and shit like that
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And I agree, to at least, an extent
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But it's not any better for men
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When we're expected to be Prince Charming,
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ready and willing to sacrifice themselves
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physically, mentally, and emotionally
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And we're called selfish for daring to
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have our own desires
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or even misogynistic for daring to draw
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attention to our own problems.
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These movies appeal to the female fantasy
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of having a night in shining armor
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swear their entire existence to pleasing
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them, and thus reinforce these notions
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within their target audience of women
Not Synced
like you that you somehow deserve
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to have your boyfriends and husbands
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give up everything that makes them
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who they are and basically dehumanize
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themselves for your pleasure and
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devote 100% of their time and energy
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to you. The fact that some of you
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watching this are scoffing at what I
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just said only proves my point.
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You have fooled yourself into thinking
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that I'm somehow the one whose being
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selfish when I object to the notion
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that men should be expected to cave
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into all of your demands, for the sake of
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your perverted idealistic conception
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of love. And I have no doubts that
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some of you will accuse me of being
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bitter at some ex girlfriend for saying
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that, but I'm not and I will
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pre-emptively characterize such an
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argument as out cropping of the
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very mentality that I'm talking about.
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You expect all of your demands to be
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catered to, and any man who is unwilling
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or unable to cater to them must have
Not Synced
something wrong with them. Us men are
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human beings with our own interests and
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goals, and it's selfish for you to expect
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us to give all that up for you.
Not Synced
But these movies condition you to expect
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exactly that. And that is why we hate
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romantic comedies. We don't see anything
Not Synced
romantic about them. What we see is the
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reinforcement of unfair and unreasonable
Not Synced
expectations about what we should be doing
Not Synced
with our own lives. Also, fuck Beyonce.
Not Synced
"Why do you make women sit around and talk
Not Synced
about men in movies when y'all easily just
Not Synced
sit around and talk about boobs for hours?
Not Synced
One, I don't know, maybe you should be
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asking that to people who rent romantic
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comedies you like so much, because
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those are the movies which have women
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sitting around talking about men. Or,
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better yet, instead of complaining about
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how writers depict women in their movies,
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maybe you should try being the change you
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want to see and write your own damn movie.
Not Synced
Then you could make the female characters
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sit around and talk about whatever you
Not Synced
want. Like how men are oppressing them, or
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how men are objectifying them or how men
Not Synced
are such pigs, or how men spread their
Not Synced
legs too far apart on the subway, or how
Not Synced
men hate romantic comedies. There's
Not Synced
nothing stopping you.
Not Synced
Two, you're referring to the Bechdel Test,
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which is bullshit. All the Twilight movies
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pass the Bechdel Test, but I think you'd
Not Synced
hesitate to call any of those movies
Not Synced
Not Synced
Three, I don't know a single guy who ever
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talks about boobs for hours at a time.
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I think the only guys who do are medical
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students learning how to conduct
Not Synced
mammograms. You want to know what most of
Not Synced
the men I know talk about? Movies, video
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games, politics, religion, music, sports,
Not Synced
cars, boats, technology, work, guns,
Not Synced
hunting, places they've been to, people
Not Synced
they've met, and so on. The subject of
Not Synced
boobs actually rarely ever comes up.
Not Synced
Contrary to what you may have been told in
Not Synced
your Women's Studies class, men don't
Not Synced
think about sex constantly. If we did, we
Not Synced
would never have invented the camera
Not Synced
equipment you used to make this video.
Not Synced
Four. If anybody's talking about boobs for
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hours at a time, it's feminists. You're
Not Synced
the ones who are always whining about
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the designs of fictional characters,
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complaining that fat girls' tits are too
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big. And in all honesty, the only time I
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ever even think about a comic book
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character's tits is when I hear a feminist
Not Synced
bring it up. So I think maybe you're
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Not Synced
"Why do you automatically assume that you
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won't like the TV or movies that star a
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female lead?"
Not Synced
I don't. In fact, some of my favorite
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movies and TV shows have female leads.
Not Synced
I don't know a single man who has ever
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scoffed at the notion of watching a movie
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or TV show just because it has a female
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protagonist. However, I have seen
Not Synced
feminists scoff at anything with a male
Not Synced
Not Synced
"Why are you surprised when women are
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funny?" "I'm probably funnier than you!"
Not Synced
I'm not surprised when women are funny.
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There are plenty of funny women out there.
Not Synced
[names not recognized], et cetera.
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But I will say that, in general, women are
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not as funny as men, and I think most
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women won't agree with that statement.
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I also think there's a reason for this.
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See if you understand what humor is
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and how it works, which I'm guessing
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you don't because you're feminists,
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then you know that the things that make
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laugh often have their roots in very dark
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subject matter.
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To quote the amazing atheist,
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"These people who are fucking offended
Not Synced
by rape jokes don't even understand
Not Synced
humor. They don't understand- They
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think of humor as like a happy thing,
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because humor makes us laugh and laughter
Not Synced
makes us happy, but a lot of the time
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they don't seem to notice that what we're
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actually laughing at is quite dark and
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morbid. Like if you actually look at it
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and examine the jokes, and look at the
Not Synced
exaggeration and try to figure out the
Not Synced
mechanics of how the joke works,
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why does it work; you're gonna find that
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a lot of jokes have their genesis in pain
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and suffering. Because laughter is this
Not Synced
great transcendent tool we have, where
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we can take something that- that's bitter
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and difficult to comprehend or deal with,
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and make it something funny.
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Like if I take a joke like "How many
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police officers does it take change a
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light bulb?"
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"None, they just beat the room for being
Not Synced
black." you know that joke has it's
Not Synced
genesis in some very serious, very dark
Not Synced
shit. And that joke is not making light
Not Synced
of the fact that people have suffered,
Not Synced
or it's not making light of the fact that
Not Synced
people, you know, marched in the Civil
Not Synced
Rights Movement, or- or that people are
Not Synced
racial discriminated against, or police
Not Synced
brutality. It's not making light of any
Not Synced
of that. What it's doing is it's taking
Not Synced
that pain and it's taking that dark
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subject matter, and it's helping us
Not Synced
transcend it for a moment. And view
Not Synced
the absurdity of our circumstance.
Not Synced
Because that is what humor is supposed to
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do. Humor at it's best takes the elements
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of the world that are dark and horrible,
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and shows you there absurdity. It shows
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you the absurdity of the human condition.
Not Synced
and that is important."
Not Synced
See men are socially conditioned to not
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talk openly and honestly about their
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feelings, which I'll talk more about
Not Synced
later, and that's why we cultivate a sense
Not Synced
of humor. The only way we can really talk
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about the things that upset us is if
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we do it through the filter of comedy.
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But women have the clears throat
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"privilege" to not be subject to social
Not Synced
conditioning, and so they don't feel the
Not Synced
need to cultivate a sense of humor.
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And that's why women, in general, aren't
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as funny and men. That isn't to say that
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all men are funny, or that all women are
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unfunny. It's just that in general men are
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funnier than women. I'm sorry but that's
Not Synced
how it is. Also no- I'd rather strongly
Not Synced
doubt that you're funnier than me.
Not Synced
And it's not because you're a women.
Not Synced
Just judging by how you look and talk,
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I'm willing to bet that your sense of
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humor boils down to saying something rude,
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and then following it with "Just kidding".
Not Synced
I mean I'm not the funniest person in
Not Synced
the world but if you think of yourself
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as the funny one, you probably lack the
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objectivity to realizing that everybody
Not Synced
else in your circle of friends probably
Not Synced
thinks of you as the "annoying one".
Not Synced
Just kidding, actually I'm not.
Not Synced
"Why do you think we're obsessed with you
Not Synced
when we hook up?" "Nine times out of
Not Synced
ten, I just want you to leave too, I'm
Not Synced
busy, I got shit to do."
Not Synced
Probably because you do shit like text
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us 50 times in the space of one hour, and
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slash our tires when we dump you after you
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accuse us of cheating because you saw our
Not Synced
sister's name in our call history. Also
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what shit could you possibly have to do?
Not Synced
Pluck your eyebrows to the point
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where they're so unnaturally clean around
Not Synced
the edges that they look like they're
Not Synced
drawn on? Spend your husband's money
Not Synced
on more frumpy sweaters? Buy a tub of
Not Synced
Ben & Jerry's and watch Glee? Or write
Not Synced
more questions for men to answer
Not Synced
because you're so lacking in self
Not Synced
awareness that you can't figure out the
Not Synced
answers for yourself?
Not Synced
"Why can't I sleep as many people as I
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want to without being judged? When men do
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it, they're congratulated"
Not Synced
Go ahead and sleep with as many
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people as you want. I don't give a shit,
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but once again I don't know anybody who
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would. The only time I would care is if I
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was dating you, because if you told me
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you've been with 20 other guys before
Not Synced
I met you, I would naturally assume that
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there was something wrong with you
Not Synced
if you've been in so many relationships
Not Synced
and have them all fail. Not to mention the
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fact that your substantially more
Not Synced
likely to be carrying an STD. And I think
Not Synced
it's perfectly reasonable for a woman to
Not Synced
view men who have slept with a lot of
Not Synced
other women the same way. Also who's
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congratulating men for sleeping around?
Not Synced
I don't see any guys walking around with
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trophies for fucking everyone they've
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met. It's not like having sex with easy
Not Synced
women is some kind of achievement.
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Furthermore, I would say that most media
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portrays men who do that as assholes
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who should be looked at with content.
Not Synced
I mean -name not recognized- isn't
Not Synced
exactly portrayed as a model citizen.
Not Synced
By the way studies have found that the
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majority of people who slut shame women,
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are other women. Maybe you should be
Not Synced
directing this question at them and not
Not Synced
Not Synced
"Why do you consider a woman a tease,
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if she does sleep with you after three
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dates, but a slut if she sleeps with you
Not Synced
on the first date?"
Not Synced
Why do you consider a man a douchebag if
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he doesn't call you back three days after
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he meets you, but desperate if he calls
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you the next day?
Not Synced
"In what world does no mean yes?"
Not Synced
"No means no."
Not Synced
I don't know anybody who thinks no
Not Synced
means yes. Also this question seems to be
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in the spirit of the feminist notion that
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all men are potential rapists. Which
Not Synced
simply isn't true. I already talked about
Not Synced
this at length in my other video, "'Teach
Not Synced
men not to rape' is a stupid rhetoric".
Not Synced
Moving on.
Not Synced
"Why do you say that women are too
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emotional to be leaders"
Not Synced
whispering: maybe if feminist argued
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with logics instead of feelings, people
Not Synced
wouldn't think that.
Not Synced
"Then justify cat calling by saying
Not Synced
'men just can't control themselves'"
Not Synced
I've never heard a man say either, I have
Not Synced
hear women say both though.
Not Synced
"Why do you think that just because
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you're nice to me, I owe you my body?"
Not Synced
Why do you think that just because I'm
Not Synced
nice to you that I want your body.
Not Synced
"Sometimes I've been walking down the
Not Synced
street, hysterically crying because my cat
Not Synced
was missing, and a man came up and
Not Synced
was like 'Hey what's up, why are you
Not Synced
crying? Can I talk to you?'
Not Synced
"But I want to continue this, so when
Not Synced
the guy up to you and asked you
Not Synced
how you were doing, did you judge his
Not Synced
intentions, or do you feel like-"
Not Synced
"I was like what the hell is wrong with
Not Synced
you I'm hysterically crying, holding
Not Synced
flyers that say missing cat."
Not Synced
"Wait what if he was checking how you were
Not Synced
doing because you were crying?"
Not Synced
"No he was- It was a catcall, it was like
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a 'Hey pretty lady, like what's going on-"
Not Synced
"What if he was trying to be sweet to get
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into you, like 'hey pretty lady, why are
Not Synced
you crying?'"
Not Synced
"He's not entitled to my time, honestly"
Not Synced
"If he had not said anything to you, then
Not Synced
he's a dick because he's a guy in society
Not Synced
who saw a girl crying and didn't do
Not Synced
Not Synced
"But it's a different- If he's saying that
Not Synced
to get my number, that's different that
Not Synced
him coming up and saying 'Whats
Not Synced
wrong, if I see your cat around, I'll let
Not Synced
you know. Like that's a different thing"
Not Synced
"But how is he going to know about your
Not Synced
cat, he saw a girl crying on the street"
Not Synced
"Well, it was just- I was hanging up the
Not Synced
Not Synced
"Now I'll now if I ever see a girl crying
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on the street, and she's hysterical and
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she might've just lost her parents and
Not Synced
has nobody, I shouldn't go up to her
Not Synced
because she might think I'm objectify her"
Not Synced
"She doesn't know you. She doesn't know
Not Synced
Not Synced
"But we're humans, we should care about
Not Synced
each other."
Not Synced
"Of course, of course, but I think you
Not Synced
have to understand what you come off
Not Synced
as to women. They don't know you. It's
Not Synced
like if a brown bear came up and said
Not Synced
hello to you. Like you just have to like-"
Not Synced
"Why would you ever send an unsolicited
Not Synced
dick pic?"
Not Synced
I wouldn't. If you didn't give out your
Not Synced
phone number to the types of guys you meet
Not Synced
in night clubs, you know the type of guys
Not Synced
who go to such clubs for the specific
Not Synced
purpose of meeting women, and who read
Not Synced
books about how to be a pick up artist;
Not Synced
maybe you wouldn't be getting dick pics
Not Synced
from them.
Not Synced
"Why do you feel like it's okay to harrass
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women, or make offensive comments about
Not Synced
women, but when somebody does it to your
Not Synced
sister, it's not okay?"
Not Synced
Why do you feel like it's okay to make
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these misandrist videos which paint all
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men as sexual harassers or rapists, but
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when somebody treats your son that way,
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it's not okay?
Not Synced
"How does it feel to interrupt me when
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I'm in the middle of making a point
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during a meetings?"
Not Synced
You make it sound like the only people
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who have ever interrupted you are men.
Not Synced
I smell confirmation bias. Hey have you
Not Synced
ever stopped to think that maybe people
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interrupt you because they realize you're
Not Synced
talking shit and wasting time after only
Not Synced
two sentences.
Not Synced
"Why do you have to sit with your legs
Not Synced
so wide open?"
Not Synced
"I get that you have balls, but I don't
Not Synced
stand around with my arms wide open
Not Synced
to make room for my boobs."
Not Synced
Maybe that's because your boobs don't get
Not Synced
squished between your arms when you stand
Not Synced
normally with your arms down by your
Not Synced
sides. A man's balls are literally between
Not Synced
his legs, and they do get squished if he
Not Synced
puts his legs together. It's not exactly
Not Synced
an apt comparison. Furthermore, why
Not Synced
do you even care? I don't see you
Not Synced
complaining about women taking up
Not Synced
two seats with their bags.
Not Synced
"Why are women perceived as the weaker
Not Synced
sex? Even though we literally birth you,
Not Synced
like watermelons through like 'this'"
Not Synced
Because physical strength has nothing to
Not Synced
do with your ability to give birth. Women
Not Synced
are, generally speaking, not as physically
Not Synced
strong as men. The average man has about
Not Synced
50% greater upper body strength than the
Not Synced
average woman. I'm sorry but that's just
Not Synced
simple biology. There's also the fact
Not Synced
that men are by in large the one's who go
Not Synced
to war and fight and die to protect you.
Not Synced
Men are the ones who work the dangerous
Not Synced
jobs to make your comfortable lifestyle in
Not Synced
the industrialized world possible.
Not Synced
And historically men are also the ones
Not Synced
who have gone out into the unforgiving
Not Synced
wilderness to kill dangerous animals so
Not Synced
ungrateful entitled women like you could
Not Synced
eat. You as a woman are substantially less
Not Synced
likely to die during your daily activities
Not Synced
and you don't have to worry about being
Not Synced
called a deadbeat for not risking life in
Not Synced
a factory or field for the benefit of
Not Synced
others. Nor do you have to worry about
Not Synced
being told you don't have a real job
Not Synced
because you work with computers or push
Not Synced
pencils in a safe, clean environment.
Not Synced
Women work soft cushy jobs compared to
Not Synced
men and that's why women make only 7% of
Not Synced
workplace fatalities despite making up 47%
Not Synced
of the work force. That is why you're
Not Synced
perceived as the weaker sex. If you
Not Synced
don't want people to see you that way,
Not Synced
then get out of your comfortable air
Not Synced
conditioned studio and go work on a
Not Synced
craving boat on a coal mine. You're
Not Synced
always complaining about employment
Not Synced
discrimination, so go ahead, take the
Not Synced
dirty dangerous jobs and show us all just
Not Synced
how strong and tough you are. And look
Not Synced
I don't begrudge women for working jobs
Not Synced
that don't put them in danger and I will
Not Synced
freely admit that my job isn't
Not Synced
particularly dangerous; but if you're
Not Synced
going to sit there and act like women
Not Synced
are stronger than men just because you can
Not Synced
give birth, something which you have a
Not Synced
0.0002 percent chance of dying from if you
Not Synced
live in the United States, and that's up
Not Synced
from 15 years ago, then you can fuck right
Not Synced
off. By the way passing a kidney stone
Not Synced
hurts more than giving birth. Any woman
Not Synced
who has experienced both will tell you
Not Synced
that, and men get them more often so
Not Synced
blow me.
Not Synced
"Why is it so bad to show your emotions?"
Not Synced
"It means you're human."
Not Synced
Maybe it's because feminists like you
Not Synced
tell us we're misogynists for even
Not Synced
daring to complain about our problems.
Not Synced
Since you're not a man and you don't have
Not Synced
even the slightest inclining of what it's
Not Synced
like to be a man, let me spell it out for
Not Synced
you. Boys are socially conditioned from
Not Synced
the day we learn to talk to not express
Not Synced
our feelings. We are [unknown] constantly
Not Synced
be told to man up and that boys don't cry.
Not Synced
We don't have the privilege of showing
Not Synced
our emotions because if we do, it's a sign
Not Synced
of weakness. To put it simply, us men are
Not Synced
programmed to believe that our own
Not Synced
feelings are invalid, and so we hide them
Not Synced
and we lie about them. We are raised to
Not Synced
expect that if we tell you our feelings,
Not Synced
you will shoot them down. You will tell
Not Synced
us we're wrong for feeling the way we do,
Not Synced
and even if you don't, we still don't want
Not Synced
to tell you our feelings because
Not Synced
we know you'll use them against us.
Not Synced
You're probably thinking that you don't do
Not Synced
that but you do, you do it all the time
Not Synced
and don't even realize it. Ask yourself if
Not Synced
you have ever had an argument
Not Synced
with one of them men in your life and
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you told them "If you were a real man..."
Not Synced
If you ever have then you have done
Not Synced
exactly what I'm talking about. See no
Not Synced
woman has ever been told "If you're
Not Synced
a real woman you wouldn't feel this way"
Not Synced
Women have their feelings cultivated and
Not Synced
coddled. You're not only allowed to cry.
Not Synced
you are expected to, and when you do,
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people around you give you sympathy and
Not Synced
you are comforted. You are so used to
Not Synced
getting sympathy that you feel entitled
Not Synced
to it. Men don't have that luxury. A man
Not Synced
fully expects to be looked down upon,
Not Synced
and told that his feelings don't matter if
Not Synced
he shows any sign of emotional weakness.
Not Synced
Even by the people he trusts most, because
Not Synced
that is what he has experienced for
Not Synced
his entire life, and you wonder why the
Not Synced
suicide rate for men is four times higher
Not Synced
than it is for women. I know what you're
Not Synced
going to say, you're going to say that
Not Synced
the social conditioning of men to not
Not Synced
show their emotions is part of the
Not Synced
patriarchy, and feminism is fighting to
Not Synced
change that. Good, what heroes you are,
Not Synced
let me give you a little golf clap while
Not Synced
you take a sip from your fucking
Not Synced
'Male Tears' mug while sitting in the
Not Synced
comfort of your safe space, where
Not Synced
men aren't allowed.
Not Synced
"Why are you always trying to prove your
Not Synced
Not Synced
See my answer to the previous question.
Not Synced
Also wow, how egocentric are you.
Not Synced
You are so certain that the world
Not Synced
revolves around you that you believe that
Not Synced
when a man is acting like a man, that he
Not Synced
must be trying to prove something to you.
Not Synced
Like he couldn't possibly be acting like a
Not Synced
man just because he's, you know, a
Not Synced
fucking man. Why are you constantly trying
Not Synced
to prove your femininity to me? How
Not Synced
bout that?
Not Synced
"Why the fuck isn't it lady like to cuss?
Not Synced
When did words get gendered?"
Not Synced
It's also not considered gentlemen like
Not Synced
to curse. Swearing is generally
Not Synced
considered rude regardless of the gender
Not Synced
of the person who is doing it. Personally
Not Synced
I don't give a shit if you use
Not Synced
profanity. Go right the fuck ahead.
Not Synced
And when did words get genered?
Not Synced
I guess right around the time the
Not Synced
word feminist was invented, which is
Not Synced
at self a gendered word. I'm mean the
Not Synced
invention of feminism is when everything
Not Synced
suddenly became gendered. Like when assert
Not Synced
that interrupting people is somehow a
Not Synced
uniquely male behavior, or that only
Not Synced
women get told not to swear.
Not Synced
"Why is it your first instinct to doubt
Not Synced
women who have been sexually violated or
Not Synced
Not Synced
Maybe a false rape accusation weren't
Not Synced
systemically encouraged by feminism,
Not Synced
we wouldn't have a problem. Notice how
Not Synced
this question is phrased, to doubt women
Not Synced
who have been sexually violated or raped.
Not Synced
The more salient question would be,
Not Synced
'Why do you doubt women who claim to have
Not Synced
been sexually violated or raped. And the
Not Synced
answer is because we have this thing
Not Synced
called the presumption of innocence.
Not Synced
That means a person who is accused of a
Not Synced
crime is innocent until proven guilty.
Not Synced
So it's not my first instinct to doubt,
Not Synced
it's my moral imperative to doubt until
Not Synced
evidence is forthcoming. You wouldn't put
Not Synced
somebody in jail just because somebody
Not Synced
accused them of murder nor would you put
Not Synced
them in jail just because somebody accused
Not Synced
them of theft, nor would you put them in
Not Synced
jail because somebody accused them of any
Not Synced
other crime. Why should accusations of
Not Synced
rape be held to a different standard? This
Not Synced
really isn't a difficult concept to
Not Synced
understand, and it both baffles me and
Not Synced
disturbs me how often I see feminists
Not Synced
failing to grasp this. For people who
Not Synced
claim to fight for social justice, you
Not Synced
really don't understand how justice works,
Not Synced
do you? See a man who its accused of rape,
Not Synced
will have his life ruined. That's not even
Not Synced
only if he is convicted, the mere
Not Synced
accusation is enough to cost him his job,
Not Synced
his relationships, his education and
Not Synced
career prospects, his home, his
Not Synced
reputation, and so on. If a woman wants
Not Synced
to ruin a man's life all she has to do is
Not Synced
accuse him of raping her and he will be
Not Synced
put through the ringer by law enforcement
Not Synced
and the media; and even if he is found not
Not Synced
guilty, the damage will have already been
Not Synced
done and the woman who made the false
Not Synced
accusation will get away scot free.
Not Synced
Really it astonishes me that even after
Not Synced
what happened at Duke and the University
Not Synced
of Virginia, that you're still asking
Not Synced
this question. Furthermore, feminists
Not Synced
have abused the word rape to point where
Not Synced
its lost all meaning. Everything is rape.
Not Synced
Its gotten to the point where if a woman
Not Synced
claims she was raped I have to wonder
Not Synced
if she means a guy actually forcibly put
Not Synced
his penis in her, or if she had
Not Synced
consensual sex and just decided to call it
Not Synced
rape when she decided she regretted it the
Not Synced
next morning, or if she's merely
Not Synced
complaining that a guy looked at her in
Not Synced
a way that made her feel uncomfortable.
Not Synced
I mean what even is rape at this point?
Not Synced
According to some feminists, it's rape if
Not Synced
a man changed positions during sex without
Not Synced
forewarning. It's rape if your boyfriend
Not Synced
breaks up with you because you cheated on
Not Synced
him. It's rape if you overhear somebody
Not Synced
calling somebody else a slut.
Not Synced
"I got raped, when my mother called
Not Synced
someone else's daughter a slut."
Not Synced
Really it's your own damn fault that
Not Synced
people are becoming increasingly reluctant
Not Synced
to believe rape accusations, because you
Not Synced
have expanded the definition so broadly,
Not Synced
that nobody even knows when you're really
Not Synced
talking about rape anymore. You did this,
Not Synced
you asked for it, and now you have buyers
Not Synced
remorse. Now let me pose a question to
Not Synced
you, why is it your first instinct to
Not Synced
doubt when a man says he was sexually
Not Synced
violated or raped by a woman.
Not Synced
"Why do you assume a woman is angry
Not Synced
because she's on her period?"
Not Synced
Because women get angry when they're on
Not Synced
their period. It's a scientific fact that
Not Synced
the hormonal changes a woman experiences
Not Synced
during her period cause her to become
Not Synced
irritable. This is called premenstrual
Not Synced
syndrome, or PMS. However, I don't
Not Synced
always assume a woman is angry because
Not Synced
she is on her period. If your boyfriend
Not Synced
thinks that, then maybe it's because
Not Synced
you're not being straight forward with him
Not Synced
and expecting him to be a mind reader.
Not Synced
Maybe you should try telling him why
Not Synced
you're angry. Ever thought about that?
Not Synced
Ever thought about simply telling him that
Not Synced
you're mad that he ate the last
Not Synced
Klondike bar or whatever trivial bullshit
Not Synced
you're getting your panties in twist over.
Not Synced
[mocking voice] "Awe he should just be
Not Synced
able to figure it out"
Not Synced
Yeah like you should be able to figure out
Not Synced
the answers to these stupid questions
Not Synced
you're asking.
Not Synced
"Why do you think women that wear makeup
Not Synced
are false advertising, we can say the same
Not Synced
thing about your dick size."
Not Synced
You actually answered the question
Not Synced
yourself. We consider it false
Not Synced
advertising for the same reason that you
Not Synced
think a man who stuffs the crotch of his
Not Synced
pants is false advertising. If you cover
Not Synced
up all your pimples and scars with makeup
Not Synced
you can't really be surprised when he's
Not Synced
taken aback upon discover that you
Not Synced
don't really look the way you did when you
Not Synced
first met. I mean wouldn't you feel like
Not Synced
you were lied to if you met a guy who
Not Synced
looked well dressed and drove a nice car,
Not Synced
but then you found out that he got his
Not Synced
clothes at goodwill, and he rented that
Not Synced
car with his burger king salary.
Not Synced
"Why isn't it weird that there's a bunch
Not Synced
of old white men sitting in a room,
Not Synced
making legislation about what I can and
Not Synced
can't do with my body?"
Not Synced
Wasn't it a room full of old white men
Not Synced
that decided the Roe v. Wade ruling.
Not Synced
You know, women have had the right to
Not Synced
vote for almost a hundred years now, and
Not Synced
polling data has found that women are more
Not Synced
likely to vote than men; and yet these
Not Synced
old white men keep getting elected.
Not Synced
And I see a lot of you people supporting
Not Synced
Bernie Sanders even though he looks pretty
Not Synced
fuckin old and white to me. Go figure.
Not Synced
Furthermore, why does it even matter that
Not Synced
they're white? Why does their melanin
Not Synced
level matter more than the merit of their
Not Synced
ideas? Wasn't it Martin Luther King Jr.
Not Synced
who once said "I have a dream that my
Not Synced
four little children will one day live in
Not Synced
a nation where they will not be judge by
Not Synced
the color of their skin, but by the
Not Synced
content of their character." For as much
Not Synced
as you people like to accuse other of
Not Synced
being racist, you sure do judge people
Not Synced
based on their race a lot. Oh but it's
Not Synced
not racism when you do it because of
Not Synced
power structures or some other mental
Not Synced
gymnastic bullshit, right? As if whether
Not Synced
or not the prejudice somebody is being
Not Synced
subjected to is institutionalized makes
Not Synced
any difference to them when it happens.
Not Synced
Fuck off. Racism is racism, regardless of
Not Synced
who is doing it to whom. Calling it
Not Synced
something other than racism doesn't
Not Synced
change the fact that it's fucking racism;
Not Synced
And the only people who think otherwise
Not Synced
are racist like you. This mentality that
Not Synced
only certain people can be racist hinges
Not Synced
on the categorization of people based on
Not Synced
their ethnicity, and the ascribing of
Not Synced
attributes to them such as privilege,
Not Synced
based on those racial categories. You
Not Synced
have to make judgements based on race to
Not Synced
make this argument work, you have to make
Not Synced
assumptions and generalization about their
Not Synced
race and origin to make those judgments.
Not Synced
So you have to be racist to use this
Not Synced
argument, how do you not see the problem
Not Synced
with this, how do you not see the problem
Not Synced
with putting people's race before the
Not Synced
merits of their argument and categorizing
Not Synced
people into a hierarchy of consideration
Not Synced
based on their race. How the fuck do you
Not Synced
expect to fight racism with racism, and
Not Synced
then expect people to take you seriously.
Not Synced
Maybe this is the reason why you think
Not Synced
that if somebody thinks that you're
Not Synced
stupid it must be because you're a woman.
Not Synced
You're projecting, you judge other people
Not Synced
based on their race and gender so you
Not Synced
assume other people are doing it to you.
Not Synced
Well I've got news for you, I don't think
Not Synced
you're stupid because you're a woman, I
Not Synced
think you're stupid because you're stupid.
Not Synced
Anyway I'm getting off topic, it's not
Not Synced
like they don't also tell me what I can't
Not Synced
do with my body. For example, I can't take
Not Synced
the palm of my hand and slap some sense
Not Synced
into you, without being considered
Not Synced
Not Synced
"Do you have a coochie?"
Not Synced
Not Synced
"Why are straight guys so obsessed with
Not Synced
Not Synced
Why are straight women so obsessed with
Not Synced
gay guys? Or better yet, why are women
Not Synced
so obsessed with lesbians? According to
Not Synced
Porn hub search data for 2014, the number
Not Synced
one thing women search for was lesbian
Not Synced
porn. Proportionately women look up
Not Synced
lesbian porn more than men do.
Not Synced
"How does it feel to get kicked in the
Not Synced
Not Synced
How do you think it feels, you dumb
Not Synced
Not Synced
"Do you ever get tired of being manly all
Not Synced
the time?"
Not Synced
Do you? You're the one that's dressed like
Not Synced
a lumberjack. To answer the question, no,
Not Synced
not really. It comes naturally to me
Not Synced
since I'm, you know, a man. The fact
Not Synced
that you're asking this question implies
Not Synced
that you sometimes get tired of being
Not Synced
feminine, so do you ever get tired of
Not Synced
being feminine all the time? Is that why
Not Synced
you're dressed like a lumberjack?
Not Synced
Would you like to be a man?
Not Synced
Well you have to pass a test first. Have
Not Synced
you mastered the art of manspreading?
Not Synced
Have you completed your forty hours of
Not Synced
rape training?
Not Synced
"Why are you so afraid of gender
Not Synced
Not Synced
I'm not. You are. What I'm afraid of is
Not Synced
gender inequality. Which is what feminist
Not Synced
are actually pushing for. You want
Not Synced
examples? In 2005, Swedish Politian and
Not Synced
co-founder of feminist initiative,
Not Synced
Godrum Schyman, proposed what the media
Not Synced
called a man tax, which would have raised
Not Synced
taxes for men in Sweden. Basing it on the
Not Synced
idea that all men should be held
Not Synced
accountable for all man on women violence.
Not Synced
It should be noted that Schyman was
Not Synced
convicted of tax evasion in 2004, a
Not Synced
year before making this proposal.
Not Synced
In 2010, women's group leaders in Isreal
Not Synced
have unanimously opposed changes to rape
Not Synced
laws that would make it possible for
Not Synced
women to be convicted of rape. They
Not Synced
succeeded and now women in Israel commit
Not Synced
sex act on non-consenting adults or
Not Synced
children who are not old enough to
Not Synced
legally give informed consent, are not
Not Synced
actually being charged with rape, and are
Not Synced
instead charged with lesser crimes. In
Not Synced
2013 Indian feminists successfully
Not Synced
pressured the government to rewrite rape
Not Synced
laws in such a way that only men could be
Not Synced
charged with rape. In 2014, Jessica
Not Synced
Valenti published an article in the
Not Synced
Guardian advocating paying men less than
Not Synced
women. In 2015, York University planned to
Not Synced
hold an international men's day meant to
Not Synced
highlight issues affecting men and boys,
Not Synced
such as the high suicide rate, shorter
Not Synced
life expectancies, and struggles faced in
Not Synced
getting and education. It was canceled
Not Synced
after feminists student, staff, and alumni
Not Synced
protested and held a petition to ban it,
Not Synced
which received almost 200 signatures.
Not Synced
To add insult to injury, Holly Baxter
Not Synced
wrote a condescending article on
Not Synced
Independent.co.uk enlightening readers
Not Synced
why we don't need an international men's
Not Synced
day. You can claim the definition of
Not Synced
feminism is advocating gender equality
Not Synced
all you want, but actions speak louder than
Not Synced
words. And it's really hard to believe the
Not Synced
feminist movement is really a movement
Not Synced
for equality, when you dismiss anyone who
Not Synced
brings up men's issues as misogynists.
Not Synced
You say all men are rapists, you try to
Not Synced
ban men from certain place son college
Not Synced
campuses, you actively fight against
Not Synced
father's rights, undermine the
Not Synced
presumption of innocence when it comes
Not Synced
to rape accusations, and you deny
Not Synced
statistics about male victims of domestic
Not Synced
abuse. As well as protest and disrupt
Not Synced
conferences about male suicide.
Not Synced
"This is what mens' rights looks like"
Not Synced
"This is what mens' rights looks like"
Not Synced
"This is what mens' rights looks like"
Not Synced
All that said, why are you so afraid of
Not Synced
gender equality?
Not Synced
"Why do I deserve to be paid less than
Not Synced
Not Synced
"In what world does 77 cents equal a
Not Synced
Not Synced
"In what world does 68 cents equal a
Not Synced
Not Synced
"How is that fair?"
Not Synced
After I finished writing my answers to
Not Synced
all these questions, I actually counted
Not Synced
them and realized there are only 33
Not Synced
questions, instead of 36. I just
Not Synced
naturally assumed these four questions
Not Synced
are actually one and answer them as such,
Not Synced
but no. Buzzfeed actually considered this
Not Synced
compound question as a bunch of seperate
Not Synced
questions, in order to bolster their count
Not Synced
for their deceptive, click baiting title.
Not Synced
Like it wasn't bad enough that they're
Not Synced
already not even questions. Anyway, this
Not Synced
has been pointed out countless times by
Not Synced
countless other people, but the wage gap
Not Synced
is bullshit, and when I say it's bullshit
Not Synced
I don't mean that it doesn't exist.
Not Synced
I mean it's bullshit because of the way
Not Synced
it's presented. The observed wage gap it
Not Synced
based on comparing the average income of
Not Synced
men to the average income of women without
Not Synced
considering any variables. Sometimes when
Not Synced
the wage gap is brought up they add women
Not Synced
get paid less for the same jobs, but
Not Synced
that's horseshit. Asking women why they
Not Synced
get paid less than men is like asking why
Not Synced
men are more likely to die in the
Not Synced
workplace than women. It's because men
Not Synced
and women tend to work different jobs;
Not Synced
and just like some jobs are more dangerous
Not Synced
than others, some jobs pay more than
Not Synced
others. And since men tend to work
Not Synced
higher paying jobs, such as those in STEM
Not Synced
fields, men tend to make more money.
Not Synced
And even when you are comparing men and
Not Synced
women working the same jobs, there are
Not Synced
things which factor into why men get paid
Not Synced
more. Such as the fact that men are more
Not Synced
likely to work overtime, or more likely
Not Synced
to ask for raises or promotions, or less
Not Synced
likely to take time off, or more
Not Synced
competitive, or more likely to take risks,
Not Synced
prioritize earnings more than women,
Not Synced
retire at a later age, and all these other
Not Synced
things which studies have found. With all
Not Synced
this taken into consideration, it's no
Not Synced
wonder that men get paid more, men work
Not Synced
more. And really I hate to point out this
Not Synced
obvious bit of common sense, but if
Not Synced
companies could actually get away with
Not Synced
paying women less, don't you think they
Not Synced
would just hire nothing but women to save
Not Synced
money. Do you honestly think that
Not Synced
corporations are such boys clubs that
Not Synced
giving advantages to men is more important
Not Synced
to them than their profits and shareholder
Not Synced
interests. Don't be stupid. And no the
Not Synced
fact that there are so few women in STEM
Not Synced
fields has nothing to do with
Not Synced
discrimination. In fact, surveys have
Not Synced
found that there is a 2 to 1 preference
Not Synced
for female applicants in STEM fields
Not Synced
over equally qualified men. So the reason
Not Synced
that there are so few women in STEM
Not Synced
fields is because few women are interested
Not Synced
in pursuing careers in STEM fields. If you
Not Synced
want more women in STEM fields, then maybe
Not Synced
you shouldn't have wasted your parents
Not Synced
money on a degree in gender studies.
Not Synced
And if you wish to continue pushing this
Not Synced
baseless contention that the patriarchy
Not Synced
is keeping women out of STEM fields, then
Not Synced
explain why the patriarchy isn't stopping
Not Synced
women from dominating certain fields
Not Synced
such as veterinary, medicine, psychology,
Not Synced
pharmacology, and biology. Furthermore,
Not Synced
which is it, 77 cents to a dollar or 68
Not Synced
cents. I've also heard other feminists
Not Synced
claim 72 cents. The fact that you can't
Not Synced
keep your story straight kind of says
Not Synced
something about it. And I'm really
Not Synced
struggling to understand why you thought
Not Synced
including this discrepancy in your video
Not Synced
was a good idea. Maybe you should have
Not Synced
let a man proofread it. (whispering) that
Not Synced
was a joke. I know I have to explain it
Not Synced
because feminists don't understand jokes,
Not Synced
but it was a joke, alright.
Not Synced
"Why are you intimidated by a woman who
Not Synced
makes more money than you? That's
Not Synced
awesome! More money"
Not Synced
I'm not, but since we're making
Not Synced
assumptions, why are you intimidated
Not Synced
by my deep, booming, commanding, yet
Not Synced
sultry baritone voice.
Not Synced
"Why are opiniated women seen as bitches?"
Not Synced
"When opiniated men are seen as bosses."
Not Synced
Opiniated men aren't seen as bosses unless
Not Synced
they actually are somebody's boss.
Not Synced
Otherwise they are just called assholes.
Not Synced
Unless of course their opinions disagree
Not Synced
with you. In which case they are kicked
Not Synced
off of campus, banned from speaking at
Not Synced
events, and told to stop mansplaining.
Not Synced
Maybe that's why opiniated women like you
Not Synced
are seen as bitches.
Not Synced
"Why aren't you speaking up when you hear
Not Synced
your male friends behind closed doors,
Not Synced
make jokes that are offensive to
Not Synced
Not Synced
Because they're jokes, and they aren't
Not Synced
meant to be taken seriously.
Not Synced
"These people who are fucking offended by
Not Synced
rape jokes don't even understand humor."
Not Synced
If that's not a good enough answer, then
Not Synced
let me ask you this, do you speak up when
Not Synced
your female friends make jokes that are
Not Synced
offensive to men, no? Why not? Oh because
Not Synced
it's empowering right? Fuck off. Also I
Not Synced
thought you said you were probably funnier
Not Synced
than me? You think of yourself as a funny
Not Synced
woman but you don't want people making
Not Synced
jokes that don't cater to your own
Not Synced
personal taste. Stop trying to please
Not Synced
other people's speech, you empty
Not Synced
headed bimbo. (Horn blaring)
Not Synced
"Why are you so afraid of recognizing
Not Synced
your own privilege? Doesn't mean you're a
Not Synced
bad person, just recognizing it and do
Not Synced
something about it."
Not Synced
I just love how you boldly assert that I
Not Synced
have privilege without backing up that
Not Synced
assertion at all. And then pursue to talk
Not Synced
down to me in this condescending tone,
Not Synced
like it's just so obvious it's such an
Not Synced
unassailable argument. (mocking voice)
Not Synced
It doesn't mean you're a bad person.
Not Synced
But I guess being the same gender as
Not Synced
Donald Trump does. To answer your
Not Synced
question, it's because I don't have
Not Synced
privilege, I really don't, but you do.
Not Synced
I defy you name one, just one, legal
Not Synced
privilege that I have, which you don't
Not Synced
also have. Because I can think of several
Not Synced
you have which I don't have. Let me list
Not Synced
ten. Women are almost always granted
Not Synced
custody of children in a divorce by
Not Synced
default unless the man can prove she is
Not Synced
unfit to care for them. See
Not Synced
misrepresentation of gender bias
Not Synced
committee of Massachusetts Supreme Court
Not Synced
by Mark B Rosenthal, this is despite
Not Synced
the fact that children are twice as
Not Synced
likely to be abused by their mother than
Not Synced
they are by their father. According to
Not Synced
page 49 of Child Maltreatment 2013
Not Synced
published by the US Department of Health
Not Synced
and Human Services. Women have more
Not Synced
social safety nets designed for them,
Not Synced
which is why they only make up 24% of
Not Synced
the homeless population. This is in spite
Not Synced
of the fact that 42% of homeless men are
Not Synced
employed, versus only 27% of homeless
Not Synced
women. This is according to page 2 of
Not Synced
"Who's Homeless" published by the National
Not Synced
Coalition for the Homeless, July 2009 and
Not Synced
page 1 of "Single Males: The Homeless
Not Synced
Majority" published by Healing Hands
Not Synced
in June 2001. Women get more lenient
Not Synced
sentences for equivalent crimes. See
Not Synced
"Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal
Not Synced
Criminal Cases" by Sonja B Starr in 2012.
Not Synced
A woman could get a male coworker fired
Not Synced
from his job simply by accusing him of
Not Synced
sexual harassment even without proving it.
Not Synced
It's so easy for a woman to get a man
Not Synced
fired at a malice, and it happens so
Not Synced
often that men are now starting to avoid
Not Synced
women all together in the workplace.
Not Synced
Refusing to mentor or help them.
Not Synced
Kim Elsesser talks about this in her book,
Not Synced
"Sex in the office" 2015. In California, a
Not Synced
woman can declare a man to be the father
Not Synced
of her child and sue him for child
Not Synced
support and it's up to the man to prove
Not Synced
he isn't the father by taking a DNA test.
Not Synced
And he only gets 30 days to do so, if he
Not Synced
doesn't do it in that time, then a court
Not Synced
can declare him responsible for the child
Not Synced
even if he proves he isn't the father
Not Synced
later. A woman can sue a sperm donner for
Not Synced
child support. A woman who gets
Not Synced
pregnant with stolen sperm, can sue the
Not Synced
man she stole it from for child support.
Not Synced
And before you argue that a man should
Not Synced
keep it in his pants so he doesn't want to
Not Synced
be a father, imagine if you heard a
Not Synced
conservative Christian arguing against
Not Synced
abortion by saying 'women should keep
Not Synced
their legs together if they don't want to
Not Synced
be mothers' I think you would lose your
Not Synced
shit. A woman who get pregnant by raping
Not Synced
a man or an underage boy can sue him for
Not Synced
child support. See Hermesmann V Seyer.
Not Synced
A woman could get an abortion in
Not Synced
complete disregard for the wishes of the
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father, she doesn't even have to tell
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she's seeking an abortion. A woman can
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also sue the father for child support if
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he wants nothing to do with the child.
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So basically a woman can opt out of
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parenthood but a man cannot.
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Domestic violence against women is
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actually taken seriously. Men are always
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presumed to be the aggressors in
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domestic violence cases. Despite the fact
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that CDC statistics have found that more
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than 70% of non reciprocated domestic
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violence is perpetuated by women.
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Even when a man is recognized as a being
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a victim of domestic abuse, he is almost
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always presumed to be at fault.
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People ask 'What did he do to piss her
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So let me pose a question to you, Why are
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you so afraid of recognizing your
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privilege? It doesn't mean you're a bad
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person. Just recognize it and do something
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about it. Or don't, I already know you
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