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StrucciMovies 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY: looking back and looking forward

  • 0:00 - 0:02
    - [Shannon] So, four years ago today,
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    I uploaded the first "So You Wanna Be A Film Nerd" video,
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    which was the first StrucciMovies video essay,
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    and the first video on this channel.
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    I was working a video production job at the time,
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    and vaguely knew that I was gonna be laid off,
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    and the first day I found out my layoff date,
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    I wrote the essay,
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    and the day after that
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    I cut it and I put it up.
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    For something like that--
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    I definitely made it in response to
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    "I'm being laid off from this job,
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    "what am I gonna do next?"
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    Four years is a long time.
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    I know I've been through a lot
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    and changed a lot in the past four years,
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    and, of course, the channel has changed plenty as well.
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    Fake Friends 2 is very different
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    from anything I had made before
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    in scope and in tone,
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    and while it's only about half a year old,
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    putting it out doubled my subscriber count
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    and almost tripled my Patreon pledges,
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    which I'm all still adjusting to.
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    That one video took me from
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    "Oh no, do I have to eventually give this up,
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    "and get, like, a real job
  • 0:53 - 0:54
    "at Starbucks or something?
  • 0:54 - 0:55
    "Am I wasting my time?
  • 0:55 - 0:56
    "Am I deluding myself?
  • 0:56 - 0:58
    "Is this just a glorified hobby?
  • 0:59 - 1:02
    "Will I ever get past this level
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    "of working so hard--"
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    A lot of the videos I made I was making--
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    the longer videos averaged out
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    to maybe two or three dollars an hour, if that,
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    for the work that I put into 'em.
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    To, all of a sudden,
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    "Oh, I guess this is a career
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    "and not a hobby"
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    which as been a huge boost for me psychologically,
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    and has already massively changed my life
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    and my outlook,
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    and it gives me so much excitement
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    and hope for the future
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    of what I'll be able to do with this channel
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    and with my work in general.
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    A lot of viewers interpreted the Fake Friends series
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    as me hating fans
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    or the idea of having fans,
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    or me being super resentful of my audience,
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    but that's pretty far from the truth
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    of how I feel about my audience
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    and how I feel about my platform.
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    I positioned Burnham and McLoughlin as antithetical,
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    but they aren't really 100% antithetical.
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    Burnham, as presented in his specials and music,
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    doesn't straight up hate his fans.
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    He hates the parasocial,
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    exploitative aspect of the relationship
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    and how much validation
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    he still continues to draw from it.
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    Particularly his Kanye song:
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    "Part of me loves you,
  • 2:00 - 2:01
    "part of me hates you,
  • 2:01 - 2:02
    "part of me needs you,
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    "part of me fears you"
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    through a layer of Auto-Tune
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    for ironic detachment,
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    seems to me to be a perfect distillation
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    of that internal conflict.
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    Someone antithetical to Jacksepticeye
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    would straight up hate fans
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    and feel no guilt when exploiting them,
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    as many people on this platform do,
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    whereas Burnham cycles through
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    those conflicted feelings.
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    I used those clips to really hammer home
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    the idea of that conflict
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    because it was how I felt,
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    and how I continue to feel as well.
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    I don't derive validation from my view counts
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    or how many comments I get or whatever,
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    and I'm lucky that I don't
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    because I'd have a very low opinion
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    of myself if I did,
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    but I have always taken
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    a lot of self-worth
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    from how much I feel I can help other people,
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    or what impact I'm having
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    on the world around me.
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    There's always an element, for me,
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    of "what am I doing here,
  • 2:41 - 2:43
    "how can I justify what I'm doing here,
  • 2:43 - 2:45
    "what am I failing at,
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    "what could I be doing better?"
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    And the response to the Film Nerd
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    and Fake Friends videos
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    and some of my other videos got,
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    people saying I made them totally rethink
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    their relationship with media
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    and the internet
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    and helped them realise they were in a bad situation,
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    people saying I helped them
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    rethink bigoted language,
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    people saying I made them more excited
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    and less elitist about art,
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    specifically film.
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    I'm not trying to self-aggrandize,
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    at all, trust me,
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    and I know I could do better
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    and have the potential to do better
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    and everything,
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    but every single one of those comments
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    has been tremendously meaningful to me,
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    honestly some of them made me cry,
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    and I take my platform
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    and its impact
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    and the responsibilities I have
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    very seriously,
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    and the idea of teaching someone
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    something helpful
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    or improving someone's life in some way,
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    or making someone more aware
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    or more empathetic,
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    is the highest accomplishment I can imagine
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    for my work to have.
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    And I just wanted to say, sincerely,
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    thank you
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    to anyone who has ever let their guard down
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    and engaged with my work in that way,
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    or who has supported or encouraged my work
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    or left a thoughtful comment,
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    whether in agreement
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    or with constructive criticism,
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    everyone who said I mumbled
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    and talked too fast
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    in my old videos was right
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    and I should've listened to them sooner (laughs),
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    because I am grateful.
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    I'm not entitled to this job
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    or to this platform
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    and I am so incredibly lucky to have it,
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    and I am often blown away
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    by the support I've gotten.
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    And this includes other creators, too,
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    people who have been so kind to me
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    and so accommodating to me,
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    and who have shouted out my work
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    or have been a part of my work
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    or have had me work with them,
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    and just the fact that I can sit here
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    and write a review
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    for an obscure Korean fantasy webcomic
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    about a skeleton,
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    and people will,
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    instead of laughing me off of the platform,
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    enjoy it and be on board
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    and respond to it,
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    is absolutely wild,
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    and I don't ever want to lose touch
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    with how lucky I am
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    and how weird and fortunate
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    my life and situation are.
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    I'm still not your friend,
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    and I still don't want comments on my appearance
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    or on who I'm dating
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    or who I'm friends with,
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    that's weird.
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    Especially for someone who is just naturally shy
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    and wary of attention,
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    having an audience is weird
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    and scary
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    and uncomfortable.
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    I get a lot more death and rape threats
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    or, like, pseudo death and rape threats,
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    and just generally weird, disturbing messages
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    than I let on that I get,
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    and I basically have since I started,
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    that's what being a woman on YouTube is,
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    but I still really love what I do
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    and I'm happy to do it,
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    and it's made possible by my audience.
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    I've been putting my writing and drawings online
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    since I was in elementary school,
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    and putting my videos online
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    since I was probably in middle school,
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    and I was often shouting into a void
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    and getting mostly mean, dismissive feedback,
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    if there was feedback at all,
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    but I kept doing it
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    because I love making art for the sake of making art,
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    and I would make it either way,
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    regardless of if anyone paid attention.
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    The fact that I got my start
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    making AMVs that nobody watched
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    and did that for years
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    before ever editing a video essay
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    is proof of that.
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    But because of the support I've gotten,
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    I'm able to make art for a living,
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    and the potential for what I'm able to do
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    is so much wider,
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    and that's-- I can't--
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    I don't even know how to internalize that,
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    or my gratitude in relation to that,
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    or the feedback that I get,
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    or the kindness and patience
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    that people show me,
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    it's just, it's really incredible,
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    it's really crazy!
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    I've been asked what my end goal
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    or my dream job
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    or whatever is a few times,
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    when I've been interviewed
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    or when I've been on podcasts
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    or whatever,
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    and while I would love
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    to also do work in TV or feature film,
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    the answer has pretty much always been:
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    This. YouTube.
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    But maybe with more money
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    so that I can do more. (laughs)
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    Which is becoming--
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    that's actually becoming a reality now,
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    which is really wild,
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    and I'm so happy that I get to do what I want
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    and talk about what I care about,
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    and that people are open to responding to it,
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    no matter how heavy
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    or weird it gets.
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    I still have my boundaries,
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    I'm gonna do what I want
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    whether or not people respond to it,
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    people definitely prefer
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    some videos more than others,
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    but I dunno,
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    I debated on what I wanted--
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    I knew I wanted to do a video
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    for my four year anniversary,
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    I thought about what I wanted to do
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    and I just wanted to--
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    not necessarily directly at people
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    who criticize Fake Friends
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    and say I hate my audience
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    cos I think that's a bad faith interpretation,
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    but I did just want to reassess
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    that I am grateful
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    and that I do appreciate it,
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    and that I don't think I'm entitled
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    to a thousand dollars a video
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    which is, uh, a lot of money,
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    or that I'm entitled
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    to all of the very supportive,
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    very vulnerable comments that I get,
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    of people who--
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    it's hard to leave a comment
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    saying that something changed your life
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    cos you might just get some responses
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    calling you a loser or whatever,
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    it's hard to be vulnerable in that way,
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    the internet discourages people
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    from being vulnerable in that way,
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    and the fact that people reach out anyway
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    because they want want to express
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    that the work that I made helped them
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    or changed them,
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    it's really wild,
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    so thank you!
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    I'm gonna keep doing this
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    as long as I can,
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    maybe Patreon will collapse,
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    maybe YouTube will get shut down
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    cos there's so much horrible stuff on the platform
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    and advertisers seem to be pulling out,
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    but for now,
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    I'm gonna keep doing it,
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    and, um, now I'm just rambling.
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    I am, of course,
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    working on more reviews
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    and more video essays,
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    I always say that,
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    and I'm working on more short films,
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    Critical Bits has been going really well,
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    Critical Bits has been going super well,
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    I know that it's very different
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    from what my YouTube audience is accustomed to,
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    but it's been such a great creative outlet
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    and I've really enjoyed having the opportunity
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    to kind of start over with a fanbase,
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    with more boundaries
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    and with a character that people can focus on,
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    versus people being weird
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    and focusing on me.
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    We're actually-- we're about to have Jack Packard on
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    from Red Letter Media,
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    that'll be late March
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    when that episode comes out, I think.
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    Jack's been very-- a bunch of people
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    have been very supportive of the show.
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    - Thanks for listening to our dumb (bleep) show.
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    It was crazy
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    whenever you tweeted about us,
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    cos I was like "why is he doing this?"
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    - [Shannon] Obviously there's a horrible dark side
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    to the internet
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    and to being a content creator
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    and to putting yourself out there,
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    and so many dangers about
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    seeking that kind of validation,
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    and empty validation and everything,
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    but this year so far,
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    it's been so fun,
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    and just awesome,
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    and I have so much cool stuff
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    that I'm excited to put on the channel,
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    and so much cool stuff
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    that I hope to make in the future.
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    I think I've said this outside of Youtube,
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    but for Fake Friends 3
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    I want to make a real documentary
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    with interviews of people,
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    hopefully academics,
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    maybe some content creators,
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    maybe some bigger name people,
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    I want to actually go out and film
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    and record interviews,
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    that is not within my scope yet,
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    I think just as soon as I realized
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    I was making more money
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    my plans for it got way bigger
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    and now I'm not going to settle
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    so it might take a while to make it.
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    I'm so excited that that's even a possibility
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    and it just--
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    thinking of the person
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    that I was in 2015
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    when I started this channel,
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    I'm a much happier person now
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    and I believe in myself
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    and the work that I'm doing a lot more,
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    and I'm a much more confident person.
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    And I complain a lot,
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    and there's a lot to complain about
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    with harassment and everything,
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    but I for real am really happy
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    and really grateful
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    and really excited
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    over the next couple of years.
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    I really sincerely would be happy
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    to just keep doing this forever.
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    I don't need to transition into television
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    or whatever,
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    or transition into feature filmmaking
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    with wide distribution
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    to feel validated
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    because, like I said,
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    I get validation when I feel like
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    my work has meant something to someone
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    and so many people have been so kind
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    in their responses,
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    so I'm really happy, for now.
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    I'm really happy with the work that I do
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    and with its potential,
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    and I had a script and I've just gone off of it
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    and I'm just rambling, um,
  • 9:19 - 9:20
  • 9:22 - 9:23
    So, thanks!
StrucciMovies 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY: looking back and looking forward

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Video Language:

English subtitles
