Good afternoon. Can you hear me?
Good afternoon. Sorry for the delay.
Welcome to Lightning Talks!
We have... 5 people doing 6 things,
and first up is Sean.
Uh, I'm Sean.
Um, so,
Dgit is a multifaceted project
trying to solve a lot of problems at once
and the source package certainly is
(one of those)
I wanted to briefly talk about
one of the things that dgit makes better, that
is the reason why you should consider
incorporating dgit push
into your existing workflows.
So, one of the things that
we offer our users
in our stable releases
is that(?) we say:
Look, we are going to make sure
that you can do
apt-get source,
apt-get build-dep <package name>
and then, it will (be) built
Right? That's one of the things we ensure
and it's a nasty bug if that doesn't work.
But, apt-get source is a
pretty old-fashioned way
to get a source for something
running on your computer.
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in particular, like you can't
commit things
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and then revert them
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you can't make branches
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you can't manipulate the source
in all the ways you can with git.
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So, often what I think people will
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probably do
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is apt-get source and then just
commit everything to git.
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Now, dgit clone is kind of a
shortcut there
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dgit clone will "apt-get source" and
commit it to git, roughly.
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(there's more stuff going on)
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But that's one way to understand it.
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And that's the git history you get,
if you type dgit clone
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when the maintainer just uploaded
the package with dput.
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So, it's kind of useful, it's in git now,
so you can type git clean
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and it's pretty convenient.
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But I think we could do a lot better for
our users.
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We could give them the whole packaging
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and eventually even the upstream history.
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Which is a lot powerful for debugging
problems on their system.
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So, that's what you get when you do dgit
clone, when it wasn't dgit-pushed.
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What happens when it was ?
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Well, that's what you get.
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If someone like I did, typed "dgit push",
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then, when the user types "dgit clone",
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they get this rich history, which is
useful information, for debugging,
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making reverts, and upstream changes
for example, and then trying build it.
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Or, you know, that kind of stuff.
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And as you see, the dgit push command
has gbp in it.
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Like this wasn't a fancy git (??)ry-based
workflow or anything like that.
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All I did was drop dgit --gbp push
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in my existing team gbp workflow.
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So if you're in a team that has
gbp-based worflow,
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consider incorporating dgit push
and give this extremely useful thing
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to our users.
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Thanks !