How does asthma work? - Christopher E. Gaw
0:08 - 0:11It starts with a cough,
0:11 - 0:12or a wheeze.
0:12 - 0:14Soon, your chest feels tight.
0:14 - 0:17Your breathing speeds up
and gets shallower, -
0:17 - 0:20making you feel short of breath.
0:20 - 0:23These are common symptoms
of an asthma attack. -
0:23 - 0:28Around the world, more than 300 million
people suffer from asthma, -
0:28 - 0:32and around 250,000 people
die from it each year. -
0:32 - 0:38But why do people get asthma
and how can this disease be deadly? -
0:38 - 0:40Asthma affects the respiratory system,
0:40 - 0:42particularly the smaller airways,
0:42 - 0:45such as the bronchi and bronchioles.
0:45 - 0:49These airways have an inner lining
called the mucosa -
0:49 - 0:52that's surrounded
by a layer of smooth muscle. -
0:52 - 0:56In people with asthma, the airways
are chronically inflamed, -
0:56 - 1:00which can make them hyper-responsive
to certain triggers. -
1:00 - 1:03Some of the many asthma triggers
include tobacco smoke, -
1:03 - 1:04pollen,
1:04 - 1:05dust,
1:05 - 1:06fragrances,
1:06 - 1:07exercise,
1:07 - 1:08cold weather,
1:08 - 1:10stress,
1:10 - 1:11and even the common cold.
1:11 - 1:15When people with asthma are exposed
to these triggers, -
1:15 - 1:20an asthma attack, or exacerbation,
can occur. -
1:20 - 1:25But how exactly do such everyday factors
lead to an asthma attack? -
1:25 - 1:27If an asthmatic is exposed to a trigger,
1:27 - 1:31the smooth rings of muscle that circle
the small airways in their lungs -
1:31 - 1:34contract and become narrow.
1:34 - 1:37Simultaneously, the trigger
worsens inflammation, -
1:37 - 1:40causing the mucosal lining
to become more swollen -
1:40 - 1:43and secrete more mucus.
1:43 - 1:44Under normal conditions,
1:44 - 1:49the body uses this mucus to trap
and clear particles, like pollen or dust, -
1:49 - 1:51but during an asthma attack,
1:51 - 1:58it blocks the narrowed airways,
making it even harder to breathe. -
1:58 - 2:01These effects lead
to this symptoms of asthma. -
2:01 - 2:05Smooth muscle constriction results
in the feeling of chest tightness. -
2:05 - 2:09Excess mucus and increased inflammation
can cause coughing. -
2:09 - 2:10And the wheezing noise?
2:10 - 2:13That happens because
as the airways constrict, -
2:13 - 2:18air whistles as it passes through
the narrowed space. -
2:18 - 2:22These symptoms may make a person
feel like they're running out of air. -
2:22 - 2:25Yet counterintuitively,
during an asthma attack, -
2:25 - 2:29the inflammation can make it harder
to exhale than inhale. -
2:29 - 2:34Over time, this leads to an excess
of air in the lungs, -
2:34 - 2:36a phenomenon known as hyperinflation.
2:36 - 2:41The trapping of air inside the lungs
forces the body to work harder -
2:41 - 2:43to move air in and out of them.
2:43 - 2:49Over time, this can lead to reduced oxygen
delivery to the body's organs and tissues. -
2:49 - 2:53Sometimes, in untreated
severe asthma attacks, -
2:53 - 2:55the body can't keep up,
2:55 - 2:58which can lead to death from
lack of oxygen. -
2:58 - 3:02So how do we prevent these uncomfortable
and potentially fatal attacks -
3:02 - 3:04in people who have asthma?
3:04 - 3:07One way is to reduce the presence
of triggers. -
3:07 - 3:10Unfortunately, the world
is an unpredictable place -
3:10 - 3:14and exposure to triggers can't
always be controlled. -
3:14 - 3:19This is where inhalers, the primary
treatment for asthma, come in. -
3:19 - 3:24These medications help asthmatics both
control and prevent their asthma symptoms. -
3:24 - 3:27Inhalers transport medication along
the affected airways -
3:27 - 3:33using a liquid mist or fine powder
to treat the problem at its source. -
3:33 - 3:35They come in two forms.
3:35 - 3:37There are reliever medications,
3:37 - 3:41which treat symptoms immediately
and contain beta-agonists. -
3:41 - 3:44Beta-agonists relax constricted muslces,
3:44 - 3:50allowing the airways to widen so more air
can travel into and out of the lungs. -
3:50 - 3:54The other form of inhalers serve
as preventive medications, -
3:54 - 3:56which treat asthma symptoms
over the long term, -
3:56 - 3:59and contain corticosteroids.
3:59 - 4:03Corticosteroids reduce airway sensitivity
and inflammation, -
4:03 - 4:06so asthma can be kept under control.
4:06 - 4:09They're also crucial in preventing
long-term damage -
4:09 - 4:10from chronic inflammation,
4:10 - 4:12which can cause scarring of the airways.
4:12 - 4:15Inhalers are known to be very effective,
4:15 - 4:18and have helped many people
live better lives. -
4:18 - 4:21Although we've come a long way
in improving how we treat -
4:21 - 4:23and diagnose asthma,
4:23 - 4:25we still don't know its exact causes.
4:25 - 4:29We currently believe that a combination
of genetic and environmental factors -
4:29 - 4:31play a role,
4:31 - 4:34potentially acting during early childhood.
4:34 - 4:38Recent research has even linked
poverty to asthma incidents. -
4:38 - 4:39This may be due to reasons ranging
4:39 - 4:43from exposure to additional pollutants
and environmental irritants -
4:43 - 4:47to difficulties in obtaining medical care
or treatment. -
4:47 - 4:49As our understanding of asthma improves,
4:49 - 4:54we can continue to find better ways to
keep people's airways happy and healthy.
- Title:
- How does asthma work? - Christopher E. Gaw
- Description:
View full lesson:
More than 300 million people around the world suffer from asthma, and around 250,000 people die from it each year. But why do people get asthma, and how can this disease be deadly? Christopher E. Gaw describes the main symptoms and treatments of asthma.
Lesson by Christopher E. Gaw, animation by Zedem Media.
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
- closed TED
- Project:
- TED-Ed
- Duration:
- 05:10
Jessica Ruby approved English subtitles for How does asthma work? - Christopher E. Gaw | ||
Jessica Ruby accepted English subtitles for How does asthma work? - Christopher E. Gaw | ||
Jessica Ruby edited English subtitles for How does asthma work? - Christopher E. Gaw | ||
Jennifer Cody edited English subtitles for How does asthma work? - Christopher E. Gaw |