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  • 0:00 - 0:02
    Beard Edits! are a thing that I've seen
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    on the internet over the last few years
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    and whenever I see one of me, half of me
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    is like "Yeah~ work that beard dad"
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    and the other half of me is like
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    "NO! Throw it into a volcano!".
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    There is no in-between.
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    I just did an Instagram ~poll~
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    57% of you said I should get a beard!!!
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    and 43% said NO. I feel like the people
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    that said "yes" are not thinking about
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    my best interest and they are just curious
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    about what it would look like cuz it's not
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    your face! but-
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    incouraging nontheless.
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    so I thought, the only way I could find
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    out if I truly suit a beard would is to
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    actually try some out in real life.
  • 0:34 - 0:37
    so I bought a whole variety of Fake Beards
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    I'm gonna stick 'em on my face and find
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    out once and for all.
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    we're gonna do a Beard Rating out of 5
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    and decide what is the Best Beard for me.
  • 0:45 - 0:48
    so before I destroy my face let's have a
  • 0:48 - 0:50
    look at some of the Beard Edits you guys
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    have sent in.
  • 0:50 - 0:51
    oh my god that
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    looks like a completely
  • 0:52 - 0:56
    different person. that is so weird.
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    who are you? why are you cooler than me?
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    this one I don't like as much.
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    I'm slightly scared.
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    that one is terrifying. ok i need to make
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    a note 'Do Not Smile with a Beard!'
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    that one is an absolute NO
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    Oh My God
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    That is the most cursed thing I've ever
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    seen [im so sorry phil]
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    so I had a very intense day of
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    Fake Beard Shopping and I thought we could
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    kick things off with some fake mustaches.
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    simple. clean. maybe I just need a
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    mustache and I don't need the whole
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    hairy neck scenario. I like that they are
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    'emergency' like what is the emergency???
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    why do need them???
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    firstly the ultimate classic.
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    it looks like I've got more niche interest
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    and I'm like 10% gayer like I
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    only talk bout 1960s bicycles.
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    it's not bad we're giving it a 3.
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    ohhh that looks bad.
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    does this mean I'll have to dye my beard
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    black for it to look good?
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    I never considered this-
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    I'm gonna give it 2 stars. I want it off
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    my face. oww.
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    this one is also giving me a gay vibe
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    slash police. Gay Police!
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    I'm the gay police. I would definitely
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    have a cooler name with this mustache like
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    ~Richardo~ or ~Blake~
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    but yeah, generally I'm kinda digging it
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    especially with this denim jacket.
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    it's giving me a whole like
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    "I'm gonna stay at the club till 5am in
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    my tank top and you're not gonna do
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    anything about it!" OW!!!
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    3 stars! I kinda got used to it on my face
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    and now I look weird without it on my face
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    are you getting that? no? ok.
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    onto the beard!
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    the first beard I bought is- this
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    why would you use such a terrifying person
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    for the picture? are they real?
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    they look CGI! I'm scared.
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    do you wanna scratch my knees?
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    I don't- I don't even know how that's
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    gonna attach to my face but let's give it
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    a shot. the biggest mystery is what this
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    person looks like beardless.
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    equally unfriendly. mrahhh
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    sorry if this like your dad. this feels
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    strong as well. I'll find a look that's
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    gonna be my face with no skin. right I'm
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    just gonna- alright just gonna plunk it on
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    oh my god. that's not right. ~heyyy~
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    oh it's really hurting my face.
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    say this wasn't such a crappy packet it
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    don't look half bad does it? I'm kinda
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    liking it guys. ooh~ imagine having such a
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    fluffy face. it's like having 6 hamsters
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    strapped on there. I feel like if I had a
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    Beard- a beard! I would do a deeper voice
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    I'd be like "hey, my name's philip-"
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    maybe I would call myself Philip.
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    Philip here, would you like to try my
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    craft beard? Philip here and my new merch
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    is AXES!!! alright, squint your eyes
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    because at a distance this looks pretty
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    good. I'm gonna give this one 4. right-
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    I better peel it off now. oww it's stuck
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    to my hair. ahh! oh my god I look about
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    14 now. bring back the beard!!!
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    ok equally weird packaging. we've got an
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    attractive man's face and they just
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    plonged the beard on top. I'm feeling like
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    this is gonna be more greying,
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    sophisticated, "I've seen things" vibe.
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    free him. ohh hello, less scary maybe
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    these two could be friends? now kiss
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    i mustache you a question how does it look
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    wonky! oh no! I can't have a wonky
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    mustache. that looks like I've got some
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    kind of small animal on my face like a bat
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    has just gone "cro" and stuck under my
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    nose. ok here we go- umm, ok, that is a
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    look. I look like Rick with a beard from
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    The Walking Dead. "Carol-"
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    I feel like I would twiddle this a lot
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    while solving mysteries like a college
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    professor but a bit badass like I've got a
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    dark secret- what's in his basement?
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    ok that's a bit more creepy. at this age
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    in life I don't think I'm ready for the
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    grey beard yet but I'm not gonna say no to
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    it. I'm gonna give it a 3. on its own that
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    is a 1. alright get off. the next one is
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    described as a Ginger Hypster beard.
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    a lot of people think if I grew a beard it
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    would actually be ginger but I think it
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    would be dark brown. this is probably the
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    longest my facial hair has ever gotten
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    which looked alright. there might've been
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    a few ginger strands but it wasn't fully
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    orange. anyway I'm intrigued how this
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    will look because maybe I'll dye it if I
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    do get one. ohhh! this is the longest one
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    yet. this is exciting me. how do I do this
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    do I just put it on the back of my head?
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    oh it's getting in my mouth- people with
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    beards how do you stop it going directly
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    into your mouth? oh oh I think I've done
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    it. this one does not look good. I thought
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    this would be one of the good ones.
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    it's got the fold from when it was in the
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    packet. i do like how wild it is tho. I'm
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    like an untamed lion ready to sow my oats
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    I think this one would suit me with
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    glasses more. wait- yes! now I can see it.
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    can you see it? do you love it? i- I'm on
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    the fence. if these two hair colors
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    matched I think it would look a lot better
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    so overall I'm gonna give this one a 2.
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    and- ow get it out of my mouth now! blehh
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    this one I think is gonna be the best.
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    it's described as a viking beard which is
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    my dream. why are there two pieces?
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    oh my god- how do I even attach this ti my
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    face??? oh here we go-
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    imagine having this much hair on your face
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    I like that its got plats in as well and
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    this is a wig to go with it. yesss. i dont
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    know what's happening I can't see but I'm
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    really enjoying myself. this feels good
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    it's like having a permanent duve on your
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  • Not Synced
    the name is Lestgar do you wanna ride on
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    my ship? no. this is great. I'm gonna give
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    this a 5. I might consider growing this
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    when I'm fifty. I love it!
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    the next one just says God which I'm
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    thinking is gonna be really similar to the
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    one I just tried on. ohhh this one is more
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    sleek. it's like I've used Pantene Pro V
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    for wizards. hello my children. I'm either
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    god or the wisest wizard that ever
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    wizarded. imagine if god had a youtube
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    chanel- "hey guys, smash that like button
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    today we're gonna talk about what the f*ck
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    a giraffe is". I love it but I'm not gonna
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    personally keep this look so I'm gonna
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    give it a 3. oh i forgot about this- I got
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    beard lights. I've run out of long beards
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    right I'll put this one back on
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    so you literally clip them into your beard
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    this has given me the biggest jealousy
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    so far I would totally get this for
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    christmas if I had a beard. who needs a
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    christmas tree when you can have fairy
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    lights on your face. so finally I wanted
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    to try and get the most authentic beard
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    possible and I did some googlin' and I
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    found a way to do that was to use hair
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    fibers which kinda grossed me out because
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    I thought it might be real hair but its
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    not. it's fake hair that you glue to your
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    face to look like a beard so I'm gonna
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    glue my face and then sprinkle some hair
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    on myself. alright let's get a good
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    mustache line. oh this is hard cuz its
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    invisible. how much am I gonna regret
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    this? uhhh- this is automatically gross.
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    ok it's happening.
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    oh my god that looks kind of real. ok so-
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    it's a bit messy. I shouldn't have gone up
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    so much over there. alright I'll try and
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    be more careful. oh that's a bit wayward.
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    oh no.
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    oh this feels so gross. I don't like it.
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    transformation complete
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    can't stop looking at myself in the
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    monitor umm- wow. you know what? I think I
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    look pretty great. at a slight distance
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    this looks pretty realistic like if I went
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    to the shop- oh I just breathe some in-
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    don't breathe this. if I went to the shop
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    people would think I was a guy with a
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    beard. I dunno if mine would be this dark.
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    that's the thing I think it could be
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    lighter brown which may affect this whole
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    look. so overall I do think I'm happy with
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    my natural no beard face but I could do
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    this one day just as a little change.
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    maybe for a few months. I'd never go full
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    beard forever. I've also got hair all over
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    my hands I guess the rumors are true
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    don't do too much beard application or
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    you'll get hairy hands. I'm gonna give
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    this a 5.
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    thank you for joining me on this little
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    adventure and if you want some self-care
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    this winter season I've released a new
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    merch range- The Winter Collection which
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    has this jigsaw puzzle which I'm so
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    excited to do. I always do a jigsaw over
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    the festive season so this will be the one
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    you can join me. it's got a little phil in
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    the park with Steve and Scraggy and while
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    you're doing your jigsaw you can burn your
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    Winter Glow candle which smells incredible
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    I've also got a peppermint hot-chocolate
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    blend and a mug and this fizzy bath dust
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    which you might've seen me testing on
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    Instagram. it'll turn your bath bright
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    green and it smells of delicious ginger
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    bread. so if you wanna grab any of this
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    you can click the link below.
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    the dan and phil shops have combined for
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    the festive season so we share a basket
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    and you can get yourself some treats.
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    you can check out my last video. subscribe
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    check out my merch. ding the bell.
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    do all that stuff. hope you're having a
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    good day and I'll see you very soon.
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    Good Beard

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Video Language:

English subtitles

