Andi Bell explains the `link method` memory technique [2/2]
0:00 - 0:01equipment as everybody
0:01 - 0:04else so its something anyone
0:04 - 0:05can do.
0:06 - 0:08It sounds intriguing so Im
0:08 - 0:10going to give it a try.
0:17 - 0:19So Andi, what mental torture
0:19 - 0:20have you got for me this
0:20 - 0:20morning?
0:21 - 0:21Well Im going to give you
0:21 - 0:23this list of words and I
0:23 - 0:24want you to try to remember
0:24 - 0:26them. These are the words,
0:26 - 0:28wash, apple jet, mad, actress,
0:28 - 0:30marmalade, jack, van, clock,
0:30 - 0:33tile, polecat, tail, film, pier,
0:33 - 0:35bucket, chain, bottle, sand,
0:35 - 0:37egg, window, salamander,
0:37 - 0:38paper, microphone, cork,
0:38 - 0:40piano, dog, captain, tennis,
0:40 - 0:44kennel, tomato. And youre
0:44 - 0:44going to be able to
0:44 - 0:45remember them.
0:45 - 0:46No Im not.
0:46 - 0:47Well I think you might
0:47 - 0:48because Im going to give
0:48 - 0:49you a technique that will
0:49 - 0:51help. Im going to ask you
0:51 - 0:52to picture 2 words at a
0:52 - 0:55time in a sequence of
0:55 - 0:56locations around your
0:56 - 0:57home. So Ill give these to
0:57 - 0:58you.
0:58 - 0:58But then Ill have three
0:58 - 0:59things to remember, the 2
0:59 - 1:01words plus the location.
1:01 - 1:01You will already know the
1:01 - 1:02locations around your
1:02 - 1:03home so the sense of
1:03 - 1:04location is going to help
1:04 - 1:05you, trust me. Its not
1:05 - 1:06going to add to your
1:06 - 1:07problems.
1:07 - 1:08Ill never do it.
1:08 - 1:09Yes you will Im going
1:09 - 1:11to give you at least until
1:11 - 1:13that egg gets cold to have
1:13 - 1:15a look at that list.
1:16 - 1:19So I start off in the garden,
1:19 - 1:22wash the apple. Then to
1:22 - 1:25the hall where there is
1:25 - 1:28a jet madly flying around.
1:30 - 1:34Into the dining room where
1:34 - 1:35this is an actress.
1:35 - 1:36Whos your favorite
1:36 - 1:37actress?
1:37 - 1:40Judy Dench. But she
1:40 - 1:41wouldnt be smeared in
1:41 - 1:41marmalade.
1:41 - 1:42She would be.
1:42 - 1:43Why?
1:43 - 1:44So you can remember her.
1:48 - 1:50For the next 5 minutes I
1:50 - 1:51frantically try to imagine
1:51 - 1:53all these crazy images and
1:53 - 1:55think where to put them.
1:59 - 2:00The normally quite
2:00 - 2:01unexceptional Winston
2:01 - 2:03household will never feel
2:03 - 2:04quite the same again.
2:09 - 2:10Frankly Im convinced it
2:10 - 2:11wont work.
2:12 - 2:13Okay I think that better
2:13 - 2:13be, time up.
2:13 - 2:16No. Its not long enough.
2:16 - 2:19I know the first two. Ill
2:19 - 2:20never remember that.
2:21 - 2:22No youll do okay
2:22 - 2:23I better get to work.
2:24 - 2:25See you later.
2:27 - 2:28Now all Ive got to do
2:28 - 2:29is go through my normal
2:30 - 2:33working day. The challenge
2:33 - 2:35will be see how many
2:35 - 2:36of the 30 words I can
2:36 - 2:37remember at the end
2:37 - 2:38of it.
2:55 - 2:56So do you think you can
2:56 - 2:57remember any of the
2:57 - 2:58words I gave you earlier
2:58 - 2:58today?
2:58 - 3:00Well Ill give it a go.
3:01 - 3:02We will start outside in
3:02 - 3:07the garden, wash, apple,
3:10 - 3:19jet, mad, actress,
3:19 - 3:23marmalade, jack, van,
3:28 - 3:31polecat, tail, film, pier,
3:33 - 3:38bucket, chain, clock, tile,
3:39 - 3:40bottle, sand.
3:50 - 3:52Okay try to remember
3:52 - 3:53the room you were in
3:53 - 3:54when you thought of those
3:54 - 3:55words.
3:59 - 4:02Salamander, paper,
4:04 - 4:06microphone, cork, piano,
4:06 - 4:10dog, captain, tennis, kennel,
4:10 - 4:10tomato.
4:10 - 4:12How many out of 30 do
4:12 - 4:12you think youve gotten.
4:13 - 4:14I think Ive probably gotten
4:14 - 4:14them all right.
4:14 - 4:16All of them, well done.
4:17 - 4:17So it works?
4:18 - 4:19Of course it does.
4:20 - 4:22When we use simple story
4:22 - 4:24to memorize facts, were
4:24 - 4:26creating several pathways to
4:26 - 4:27where those memories are
4:27 - 4:29formed in the brain. Its as
4:29 - 4:31if instead of setting up one
4:31 - 4:33set of dominos we are
4:33 - 4:42setting up several. The
4:42 - 4:43reason we often have
4:43 - 4:45difficulty retrieving a memory
4:45 - 4:47is because one neuron
4:47 - 4:48pathway can often get
4:48 - 4:54broken. But by having several
4:54 - 4:56different pathways to a memory
4:56 - 4:58it means that if one doesnt
4:58 - 5:00manage to reach it another
5:00 - 5:06one will. Thats the advantage
5:06 - 5:07of the story technique it
5:07 - 5:09creates lots of neural
5:09 - 5:11pathways in our brains,
5:13 - 5:15and all our brains can work
5:15 - 5:22in this way. Which is why
5:22 - 5:24everyone can use this method,
5:25 - 5:26by using a story to memorize
5:26 - 5:29facts we all have the potential
5:29 - 5:31to perform astonishing feats
5:31 - 5:31of memory.
- Title:
- Andi Bell explains the `link method` memory technique [2/2]
- Description:
This is a cut segment from a larger documentary on the brain titled "BBC - Get Smart"; It reveals some of the techniques used by world champion Andi Bell.
Andi holds the current world record for speed cards of 31.16 seconds. You can see more of his results at .
Andi Bell isn't an autistic savant, meerly someone who has trained their brain to be able to memorize and codify information in the brain using advanced mnemonic techniques.
If you're interested in this kind of thing, let me know. I'll be happy to give you more information. You can email me at , and I will happily respond. I love emails :). I will 100% respond.
Hopefully you will enjoy this video as much as I did.
This is the second half of two videos that I've uploaded. The first is located here: , making this 2/2 .]
- Video Language:
- English, British
- Duration:
- 05:34
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Retired user edited English, British subtitles for Andi Bell explains the `link method` memory technique [2/2] |